Allie's War Season Three

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Allie's War Season Three Page 108

by JC Andrijeski

  Jon rolled his eyes. "I seem to remember him having some pretty good reasons for that."

  "Are you saying I can't beat him? Or that you'd rather have him train you?"

  Jon laughed aloud. "I don't know...should I really want you as my teacher again, Wreg? If you plan to employ the same methods you used to teach me blocking, then no thanks, brother. That's probably the real reason I lost weight. You had me hanging over a toilet more days than not, as I recall..."

  Wreg only nodded, his hands still massaging the front of Jon's body. After another few minutes of that, Jon let out an involuntary sound, even as his hands went to the front of the seer. He finished undoing Wreg's pants, feeling another hard coil of pain in his gut that might have come at least partly from the other man.

  "Are you going to fuck me in here?" Wreg said, his voice quiet again.

  "Is that all right with you?"

  The seer's hands clenched around the back of Jon's neck. "They'll feel it," he said after a pause. "They can feel this. I don't think I can shield right now, Jon..."

  Jon nodded. "So you want to go upstairs?"

  When the seer looked up, there was enough pain in his expression that Jon found himself leaning forward. He pulled on Wreg's shirt at the same moment, kissing him on the mouth. The kiss grew more insistent when the seer opened his light, his body growing almost soft under Jon’s hands. Jon felt that vulnerability on him again and deepened the kiss, pushing him backwards on the cushions as he slid his hands under the other man's shirt, pulling at him with his light as Wreg let out a low groan. Pain coiled out of Wreg in another hot wave, and Jon opened his own light again, if only to feel Wreg react under him, his body tensing as he closed his eyes. He had Wreg's pants off then, jerking them down his legs, and Wreg gripped his shoulder, his light once more slipping out of his control.

  "Goddamn it, Jon...half of them want you already..."

  "Do you want to go upstairs?" Jon asked again.

  Wreg’s expressed grew conflicted. He gripped Jon’s hair, pulling his face down to his. He kissed him, hard, using his tongue, even as his hand slid down between Jon's legs while the latter struggled to unhook the front of the organic military pants.

  "Can I do this or not?" Jon said, hearing the near-anger in his voice again as he looked down at the other seer. He had his fingers in the other man's mouth, using his saliva and his hand before he gave a low groan. "Christ. I didn't bring anything. Is it okay...? Can I do this?"

  Wreg shoved his hands out of the way, pulling Jon's hips closer until Jon was mostly standing, Wreg’s hands holding up his weight as Jon leaned on the padded wall behind the cushions. Wreg finished unhooking Jon’s pants with deft fingers, and Jon just stood there until Wreg had his mouth on him. Closing his eyes, he forgot everything else as the seer used his lips and tongue along with his light. He gripped Wreg's head and hair in his fingers as the pain worsened, expanding rapidly out of his abdomen in a flush of liquid heat. He let out a weak sound when it worsened, low enough that it mixed somehow with the pain, and Jon felt the other seer lose control over his light.

  A few minutes later, he forced the taller seer to his back.

  Then he was trying to get inside him, barely waiting until Wreg let him before he pushed his way inside, feeling it all the way through his body, as if every vein of his light pulled at Wreg's.

  He lost it, briefly, and then he didn't care anymore, about the complete irrationality of what he was doing, the fact that the others might feel this, or what he'd said to Wreg before all of this started...or even what he was turning into, apart from Wreg. Feeling overcame him instead. That denser heat mixed with aggression, a possessiveness he'd never felt with anyone, that felt alien enough that it was closer to a drug than an emotion when he stopped trying to block it.

  He remembered Wreg and Dorje squaring off in the atrium that day, only a few days before the Tibetan seer died, and his pain worsened. He found he understood now, what Revik had been trying to tell him, as well as the pain in his friend's light whenever anyone mentioned Allie's time with the Lao Hu.

  He even understood what he'd meant about self-control, but he didn't care about any of that right then, either. He let that pain take over his light instead, his hand on Wreg's cock as he arched into him harder, putting more of his aleimi into Wreg's skin under his fingers.

  Wreg caught hold of his arms then, gripping them tight enough to hurt.

  "Do you want me to stop?" Jon asked him.

  ", brother," Wreg managed.

  His light grew almost submissive again, even as he said it, and so different to how Jon normally felt it that he closed his eyes against another hard rush of pain. When it hit Wreg, the seer's back arched, even as he let out a nearly helpless-sounding groan.

  "Gods, please...Jon, tell me. Tell me again. Did you mean it?"

  "Did I mean what?" Jon said.

  He knew what the seer wanted, but that wanting on his face only intensified the other thing coursing through the veins in his light. He found himself looking down at Wreg's features, taking in the hard planes of his jaw, the high cheekbones.

  “You're beautiful, you know," he told him. "What do you want from me, Wreg? What do you want me to tell you?"

  Pain eclipsed his vision again, that time definitely from Wreg.

  His hands were on Jon's shoulders then, digging into muscle as he angled his body under Jon's. When Jon let out a pained cry, Wreg's hand went to his face, then the back of his head, gripping his hair once more.

  "Tell me," he said. "Please, brother..."

  "That I love you? You already knew that..."

  "No." The seer shook his head, gripping Jon tighter when he started massaging Wreg's cock again. "...No. I didn't know. Gods damn it..." he cried out. He tried to come, but Jon stopped him, using his hand along with his light. The seer's light grew submissive again when he couldn't get past the block, and Jon felt another rush of that aggression, intense enough that he started to lose control.

  "If you cheat on me,'s over," Jon said. He arched into the seer's body and stopped, meeting his gaze with a gasp. "...I'm not my sister. If you pull any of the shit Revik pulled on her, we're done. I mean it. And the way I feel now, I'll probably be in someone else's bed by the end of the day..." Feeling a sharper pulse of pain off the other man, one that didn't feel so much like separation pain, Jon frowned, lowering his head as he tried to pull back his own light.

  Once he'd managed it, at least marginally, he met Wreg's dark eyes again, his voice hard.

  "...I was tempted to hit on Revik today. And you didn't even do anything. I can't promise I'll be rational about this, Wreg. I can't. Not now, anyway..."

  "I understand, brother," Wreg said, his voice quicker that time, even as he dug his fingers into the back of Jon's neck. "I understand...I'll be more considerate. I promise..." His eyes tightened, closing briefly as Jon slid deeper into him again. "Gods, I'm sorry. I was trying to make you jealous..."

  Jon grunted a half-laugh, smiling tautly as he gripped the seer’s hair.

  "It worked," he said.

  "A little better than I expected, yes..." Wreg said.

  He pulled Jon's head down then, kissing him, pulling on his light, even as he did the same with his body. Jon broke out in a sweat when the seer didn't stop, then he was doing the same back, opening his own light as much as he could, helping Wreg when the seer fought to coax it open still more, until the older man lost control. He was gripping Jon's back then, pulling him even further inside when he let out a thick cry, loud enough that they probably heard it on the other side of the bar, even with the door closed...even with the seer percussion music playing in the background. Jon pulled on him harder, his hand back to massaging the other seer, coaxing him with his fingers and his light until Wreg let out a longer, deeper cry, jerking under Jon's hands.

  Jon found himself watching the seer's face as he came, the pain that came to his eyes as he let go, barely covering that debilitating openness below.
  He came himself, somewhere in those few beats, feeling his body turn into liquid as he rocked against him, lost in his light, half out of his body. He didn't remember making a sound, but Wreg's hands were on his shoulders again as he finished, and it seemed to take a long time, longer than it had even for Wreg as he let everything go, all of it...all of the things he'd told himself when he left that penthouse apartment, all of the things he confessed to Revik when he'd been sitting there, fighting not to want revenge...not just on Wreg, but on Allie, too.

  Tears came to his eyes as the thought reached him, but he fought to push it back, aware somewhere of Wreg's hands on him, of his fingers stroking his face.

  "I love you," the seer said, his voice close to a murmur. "Gods...leave me again, Jon, and I might lose my mind. I thought you brought me in here to kill me..."

  "They wouldn't have let me, if I was," Jon said, half-gasping a laugh.

  "No." Wreg shook his head. "They thought so, too. Nenz was trying to decide how long to give things before he came after us...I told him to wait..."

  Jon laughed again, still trembling as his body spasmed. "Then why did you come?" he said, his voice still catching on his breath. "You're not even armed," he observed. "What is that, a first for you? Even Revik had his gun with him when he showed up at my door..."

  "Do you want him?" Wreg said, his voice tense. "Nenz."

  Jon shook his head. Sighing, he let more of his weight sink into the other seer's body, then shook his head again, more adamantly that time when he saw Wreg's skeptical look.

  "No," he said. "He's like my brother, man...not in the seer sense, in the brother-and-sister sense. Like Allie. I don't want to sleep with Revik. He's a good-looking guy and all, but he's not my type. Seriously."

  Wreg's face seemed to relax, at least the tension around his forehead and eyes.

  "It's how I see your sister, you know," he said, his voice apologetic. "Her and Nenz...they were in so much pain they affected all of us for awhile. But that's all it was..." Giving Jon another cautious look, he added, "They still do, sometimes. But we affect them the same. I have seen it on both of their faces. It makes your sister very uncomfortable, honestly..."

  Still watching Jon's expression, he chuckled a little, as if involuntarily.

  "...It is not the me part of the equation that she reacts to, brother,” Wreg added. “She focuses on me because it is easier for her to wrap her head around. But it is the you part that throws her. She is not used to you bringing up these kinds of reactions, in her own light or anyone else’s. And her and Nenz, they haven't been around a lot of other relationships like this, not since they got together. Nenz is okay with it, I think...but she is having a harder time."

  Jon nodded, thinking about the seer's words. Separating their bodies carefully, he felt another flush of pain when he watched Wreg's face as he did it.

  Jon’s voice turned gruff when he next spoke. "You won't miss it?" he said.

  "Miss what, little brother?" Wreg gave an incredulous snort. "Fucking baby seers when I'm frustrated? No. I won't miss it."

  Jon rolled his eyes, leaning his weight against the back cushion. "I'm probably younger than any of them."

  "You don't feel young to me," Wreg said seriously. "Honestly...Nenz feels younger to me. Maybe because I knew him before his balls dropped."

  But Jon was already shaking his head. "...and anyway, that's not what I meant," he said. "I meant women. Females. You're kind of built to enjoy sex with them, right? More so than humans, I mean. Human know what I mean," he finished, flustered. "Won't you miss that? Want it sometimes?"

  Wreg stared up at him. After another pause, he gave a short laugh.

  "You're serious?" he said.

  "Yeah, I'm serious," Jon said, frowning a little. "Revik explained the whole thing with the light and whatever, but I also heard what he said to Allie in that tank. About 'biology being a bitch' and how he worked around that with his human wife by sodomizing her, but that it wasn't as good. Physically, I mean..."

  Wreg stared up at him still, his eyes now incredulous. "I'm not Nenzi," he said. "And gods above, he said that to his own wife?" When Jon continued to stare down at him, his eyebrow raised, Wreg's expression grew more taut. "Jon, trust me when I tell you...that's not an issue. Your light drives me out of my fucking mind. Nenz's first wife may have been a lovely human...but she was human.”

  Jon gave an irritated snort, his jaw clenching. “So am I, Wreg.”

  “No, Jon…you’re not. And don’t take my words as offensive, please. I am merely stating fact. What he wanted from her had nothing to do with his prick. He wanted to get further into her light than she was capable of letting him. He wanted to get further inside of her. The physicality, it aids with this, but it is totally besides the point..."

  Hesitating, he met Jon's gaze again, propping his upper body up on his elbows.

  "I don't know if you want to hear this," he said, his voice and light cautious once more. "...But my light reacts more to yours than it did to my wife’s. More than it does to anyone’s I've been inside, male or female. Trust me when I tell cock is not 'missing' anything, Jon. It is all connected, and we have only been together for a short time. You still don't open to me as much as I would like you to..."

  Jon looked at him, frowning a little, but not because he didn't believe him.

  He found the pain in his chest worsening instead, getting bad enough that he couldn't turn any of what he felt into words, not at first. Pulling himself to his feet, he tugged up his pants, fighting another flush of pain when he felt the seer staring at him. He avoided Wreg’s eyes as he did up his belt, pulling his shirt down over the same as he watched the seer surreptitiously, out of his peripheral vision. He saw and felt Wreg wince as he sat up, from putting too much weight on his hurt arm. He felt Wreg's eyes on him a second time, even as that pain in Jon's light worsened again, pulling on him.

  "What is it?" Wreg said. "What did I say?" Concern bled into his voice, even as more pain left his light as well. "Jon, damn it...don't misunderstand my reaction, please. You're giving me a damned hard-on, but I can feel something is wrong...what is it? Don't get pissed off because I react whenever you open your light...please..."

  Jon shook his head. "It's not that," he said, sighing.

  "Then what? What did I do?"

  "You didn't do anything, Wreg." Forcing out another breath, Jon looked at the seer, his eyes drawn to the man's broad chest, even as he shook his head. "I just..."

  Taking another breath, Jon shook his head again, not sure if he should go on.

  "Just say it," Wreg said. He tugged up his own pants without getting up, fastening the front before laying his hands on the cushions, his belt still undone.

  Feeling the coil of grief off the other man, along with a deeper, somehow more painful tug of pain in his light, Jon found himself looking at Wreg again, even before the other spoke.

  "Are you still not sure about me, brother?" Wreg said.

  Clicking a little under his breath, Jon walked back to the seer, sitting beside him on the cushion without meeting his gaze. Moving closer, he distracted himself by tugging on a wet spot on Wreg’s long, collared shirt.

  "You probably shouldn't wear that outside," Jon said, once more swallowing, avoiding the other's gaze. "Do you want me to get someone to bring you a new one?"

  Wreg looked at him blankly, then down at his own shirt. Looking back up at Jon, his eyes grew harder again, even as Jon saw them grow suddenly bright.

  "Hey, wait, man..." Jon held up a hand, moving closer. He slid up against him on the cushions, using a peace gesture. "Brother, hey. I’m stalling, not avoiding." He slid a hand into the seer's black hair, caressing it back from his face. Feeling another ripple off Wreg's light, Jon shook his head again, his throat suddenly tight. "Please," he said, and heard the pain in his own voice. "Don't mistake what I'm feeling right now...please, Wreg."

  Wreg averted his eyes, nodding as he stared at the far wall

  "What are you feeling, Jon?" he said. "You still haven't told me."

  "Terror," Jon said promptly. "Abject, no-holds-barred terror." Pausing, he ran his fingers over the seer's face again. "Revik. He made it sound like that thing you said you wanted...back before Argentina, I mean...he made it sound like it was already happening. To us, I mean." Shrugging with one hand when Wreg looked at him, Jon lowered the same hand down to Wreg’s thigh, averting his gaze. "...Is that possible?" he said.

  Wreg cleared his throat, shrugging his broad shoulders.

  "It is possible, yes," he admitted, his eyes holding an apology again. "Nenz noticed something on the plane. Something that might have happened in Argentina..."

  Jon nodded, swallowing without looking up. "How far along is it?"

  "I don't know. Honestly, I'd barely noticed it myself..." Hesitating, he added with a seer's shrug, "Even in the car, Nenz wanted to know if I'd asked you formally. I told him I'd mentioned it, but that we hadn't talked about it. He gave me shit about that, of course..." Still watching Jon's face, a thread of nerves in his dark eyes, he held up his hands in a near-supplication. Jon couldn't help staring at the colored tattoos on both of Wreg’s muscular arms.

  "...I didn't do it intentionally, brother. Please believe me,” Wreg said. “I had no intention of deceiving you...of doing anything until we'd had a chance to talk. Until you'd had a chance to know me more..."

  Jon nodded, sighing a bit. He'd figured as much. “I didn't think you did anything on purpose, Wreg. I just wondered if you knew."

  Realizing he really did trust the other seer, Jon exhaled again, still tugging on Wreg's shirt. Pulling him closer, he kissed his mouth, letting himself fall briefly back into Wreg's light.

  Within seconds, his own light slid out of his grasp; he found himself fighting to pull it back even as he kissed Wreg harder. Wreg had his hand on Jon's cock a moment later, and the pain worsened...enough that he let out a low sound, pressing his body against Wreg's hand. Then he was rocking against his fingers and palm as he kissed him again, his hands under the seer's shirt as he gripped his back, massaging Wreg's own erection with hard strokes of his hand. He lost it when Wreg abruptly came, pressing his whole body against Jon, his skin hot enough to shock Jon into remembering what they were doing. Jon found himself climaxing before Wreg finished, still kissing his mouth as he dug his hand into the seer's back.


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