Burner's Absolution (Devil's Riot MC Book 8)

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Burner's Absolution (Devil's Riot MC Book 8) Page 12

by E. C. Land

  “I’ll be right back, Firefly. Don’t leave this room. Just gonna go let my brothers in,” I say as I pull my phone out.

  Glancing down at the screen, I swipe the unlock to find a message from an unknown number. I open the message to find a picture of Badger covered in blood with a message following it. Want another head to go with the other one? If not, give me my Chosen. You have until noon tomorrow.

  Fury consumes me as I re-read each word and realize what’s happening. This sick fuck is thinking we’ll trade my woman for our brother.

  Casimir better guess again. I will find my brother and keep my woman.

  This fucker just called for a war he won’t win.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  The moment I stepped foot into Devil’s Ink, all my fears of Casimir came rushing in. Even though I knew I was a target and hadn’t forgotten about the threat toward me, I began letting my guard down. I should have known better.

  Casimir wasn’t gonna let me go. He made that perfectly clear from the decapitated head sitting on a desk that I normally sit at when I didn’t have clients coming in.

  After Burner sat me in a chair in his office, he left the room, probably to deal with the head. He must have thought I was scared out of my mind with how silent I’d become. No, not scared. Well, not in a sense most would think, but rather scared of the fact I have no choice in this matter. I have to go back to Casimir.

  Standing from the chair, I start pacing the room while gripping the back of my head. How do I get out of here? I can’t let anyone else get hurt.

  “This shit needs to stop,” I hear one of the guys yell before a thump resounds in the room from what I assume was someone punching the wall.

  Quietly, I walk over to the office door and open it slightly to hear what they’re saying.

  “You’re right, it does need to stop. What the fuck do we do now? I refuse to give Ally to him, but we need to get our brother back,” Twister growls.

  “I wouldn’t allow you to even if it were an option,” Burner seethes.

  Holy shit, Casimir has one of them. No, I can’t allow this. It’s me he wants, not them. Peeking around the door, I find none of them are facing this way as they all continue to argue over what to do. I can’t let this happen. They don’t need to be fighting over what to do when the obvious thing is to hand me over to Casimir.

  As quickly as I can, I back away from the door and walk over to Burner’s desk to write him a note explaining what I’m about to do. I also tell him how much I love him, but I won’t let one of his brothers suffer at the hands of Casimir. Once I finish writing, I move back to the door and find them all still facing the front. On silent feet, I take my chance and dart for the back door, slipping out of the building.

  I know what I’m doing is completely irrational and reckless, but I’ll do what I must when it comes to protecting my family, same as I did when I helped Hades escape Charles and all of them. I’ll never regret doing what I need to for my family.

  Running down the road, I pray to make it to my house before anyone realizes what I’ve done. I take a deep breath as I make it inside my little house without any problems. Walking into the kitchen to grab my keys, I find a note sitting next to them.


  I knew you wouldn’t waste time and would do what you should. You have two hours from the time you read this to get to me or I’ll do what I did to that prospect. Drive toward Drewryville and turn down Turner Road. You’ll know which house when you get there. Now, time’s ticking. I suggest you get moving. The longer it takes you, the harsher your punishment.

  With all my love,


  P.S. Don’t try to call any of those misbegotten mongrels you’ve been associating with.

  I’ve always hated these mind games he loves to play. Putting the note back where I found it, I grab my keys and start to leave the house, only I stop as I reach the door as a thought pops into my head. Could Casimir have cameras in here? Turning around, I walk back to the counter and grab the note before heading out the front door, not worrying about locking it. At this point, I’m not worried about this house. I’ll be selling it if I make it out of this. I won’t have anything that he’s tainted.

  Before I get in my car, I put the note on the front door using the nail that was left in the wood by the previous owner. I’d intended to replace the door eventually, but I’m glad I hadn’t, at least not yet. By doing this, I can at least hold out hope Burner will find the note on the door and come find me.

  Once I get in my car, I pull up the directions to Turner Road and start the ignition. “Damn it, I hate driving this thing,” I mutter to myself as I put the car in reverse to back out of the driveway.

  Following the directions, it doesn’t take me as long as I’d thought it might to get to the road Casimir mentioned. I glance from either side, looking for the house I need to meet him at. Of course, he would pick an old plantation house. This area is riddled with them.

  In fact, at the house Casimir normally lives in, he’d had the small cabins restored enough for his minions to live in like slaves. But I’d given anything to have lived in one of those cabins than in the actual house with him. A shudder runs down my spine as I turn into the driveway.

  I’m surprised he’s here alone. Casimir never goes anywhere without at least Frederick and Seth being with him. Those two are usually always on his heels, ready to do his bidding as if he were God.

  Parking my car near the front door, I turn it off, leaving the keys in the ignition. I open the door and climb out. Taking a deep breath, I hold my head up high and walk to the front door just as it opens.

  Standing in the entranceway is none other than the monster himself, his silver hair slicked back, his hands in his pockets as he gives me his sadistic grin.

  “It’s about time you got here, Ally,” Casimir says.

  “I’m here. Now, let whoever you have go,” I demand, not letting my fear show through.

  Chuckling, Casimir steps forward. “Don’t think because you have been away from me that you can demand anything,” he says before lifting a hand to backhand me. “I think it’s time for you to be taught to obey your master again.”

  “Go to hell, asshole,” I say, spitting in his face.

  Before I know it, Casimir is gripping my hair tightly in his hand and throwing me into the side of the house. “You don’t talk to me that way, Chosen,” he growls before kicking me in the side of my head. Through blurred vision, I find the monster leaning down next to me. “This is just the beginning, love.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Holy shit, is that our missing prospect’s head?” Horse growls as he and the rest of my brothers enter Devil’s Ink.

  “Yeah, and worse, Badger’s missing,” I inform them all, grimacing.

  Several of my brothers mutter curses as I explain everything from Ally, and I walking into the shop to the writing on the wall in Badger’s area and finishing with the text message I’d received.

  “Where’s Ally?” Hades asks.

  “In the office,” I say, nodding my head in that direction. “Ally didn’t take the sight of the head on her desk too well. She’s somewhat withdrawn into herself.

  “This shit needs to stop,” Gadget yells as he punches a hole in the wall.

  “You’re right, it does need to stop. What the fuck do we do now? I refuse to give Ally to him, but we need to get our brother back,” Twister growls.

  “I wouldn’t allow you to even if it were an option,” I mutter.

  “Trust me, we’re not using your woman as bait to get our brother back. We’ll find him,” Horse grumbles. Placing his hand on my shoulder, he squeezes it reassuringly.

  “What are we going to do?” Dragon demands.

  “First, let’s get back to the clubhouse. We need Gadget to try to find out where the message came in from,” Twister states.

  “Alright, let me go grab Ally really quick and I’ll
follow y’all,” I say before turning to head to the office.

  Entering the room, I’m surprised to find it empty as fear begins to seep in. Where the fuck is Ally? Walking around the room, I move behind my desk, thinking maybe she was underneath it, only she’s not there. I do find a note scribbled in her handwriting. As I scan through it, I become angrier with each word that I have to re-read the damn thing.


  I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I won’t let anyone else in your club be left to suffer at the hands of Casimir because of me. I love you with all my heart, but if being with you means you lose everyone else, I will not allow it. Not when I can stop it. Casimir doesn’t want anyone but me. For I am the Chosen, and it’s my duty to do as he says. I know it sounds like bullshit, but I’ll do this to save your brother. Who knows, maybe one day we will meet again. Sell my house for me. I won’t need it again.

  Always and Forever,


  What the fuck was she thinking?

  “Hades,” I bellow, gripping the paper in my hands.

  “What’s going on?” Hades growls as he rushes into the office.

  “Your damn sister is gonna be the death of me,” I mutter, thrusting the letter in his direction. He can see for himself what his sister has done. I mean, fuck, why the hell would she do this?

  “I’m going to strangle her,” Hades shouts, handing the letter over to Twister.

  “Come on, she can’t be too far ahead of us,” he grumbles as soon as he scans through it.

  Without another word, we all storm out of Devil’s Ink and head toward Ally’s house. The entire time, I pray we’re not too late to stop her from what she’s planning. I won’t allow her to sacrifice herself in any regard. Not when I only just got her in my life.

  No, this isn’t happening.

  Rushing down the road, my heart all but stops beating at the fact Ally’s car is missing. Fuck, we’re too late. I rack one of my hands through my hair, clenching it between my fingers as I turn in a circle. What am I gonna do now?

  “What’s that on Ally’s door?” Hades asks harshly as he nods at the front door. Following his gaze, I notice a piece of paper hanging there.

  Not answering his question, I walk over to the door and snatch the paper off. Scanning through it, my blood boils in my veins. Casimir is gonna lose his own head by the time I’m done with him.

  “Why is this out here?” Twister asks, confusion marring his face as he takes the paper from my hands before I can rip it to shreds.

  “I don’t know. Either Ally left this here for us to find or Casimir is playing even more games,” I suggest.

  “I’m gonna go with Ally leaving this here. There’s no way Casimir would leave this here for anyone to see. Shit, I’d bet money your woman left this here on the door knowing we’d be right behind her. Ally’s a smart fuckin’ woman and knows she’s putting herself in danger with this stunt,” Horse states.

  “Yeah, well, when I get her back, I’m gonna make sure she can’t sit for a week because of this shit. That is if she survives it. How far is Turner Road from here?” I ask Rage. Being Road Captain, he made sure to learn all the roads within a hundred-mile radius.

  “Drewryville is about forty-five minutes west of here. That is as long as you don’t get stuck behind one of those combines. As for Turner Road, we need to pull up a map of the area,” Rage says.

  “Hold up a minute before we dive into looking for this road. I’d like to get away from here,” Gadget mutters quietly while glaring at Ally’s house.

  “Why?” I ask.

  He doesn’t answer as he pulls out one of his devices that detects bugs near us. Fuck. Casimir hit Ally’s house again. After the day I received the call from the fucker in the kitchen, Gadget had come over to do his thing. He’d found twelve cameras with listening devices throughout the entire house. Somehow, the asshole got into the house to plant some more. Fuckin’ hell.

  On the walk back to the shop, I make the decision that the house is getting sold just as Ally suggests in her note, and the two of us are going to get one closer to the club, one where my Firefly will be protected while at home because it will be more secure than Fort Knox guarding all its gold.

  Nothing is as precious to me as Ally is, and I won’t allow Casimir to win. I’ll get her and Badger back.

  As we get back to the shop, I wait for Gadget to grab his tablet and pull up the satellite view of Turner Road.

  “It looks to be a dirt road with only two houses on it,” Rage mutters as he points out the two places. “The note Casimir left for Ally says she’d know which house he’d be at. We can split up into two groups to check both places. They aren’t too far from each other, so those who go to the empty one can back up the others once they deem it clear.”

  “I would suggest not taking the bikes. No reason to announce our arrival, giving fuckface time to do something rash,” Thorn suggests.

  “I agree. Let’s get to the clubhouse, grab two of the cages, and head out to get Burner’s woman and our brother back. It’s time this asshole realizes exactly who he’s fucking with. We’ve already taken out the majority of his buddies. Now it’s time he joins them in the depths of Hell. No one fucks with the Devil’s Riot,” Twister growls.

  “We ride through hell to get to the other side and we do it together,” Horse states as he climbs on his bike.

  Several of my brothers murmur their agreement to do the same thing and start their bikes up. The roaring of their engines is like music to my ears as they back out of the parking spaces. Shaking my head, I climb into my truck. “I’m coming for you, Firefly. Stay strong for me,” I mutter.

  Chapter Thirty


  “Ally.” A familiar voice calls out to me, breaking through my unconscious state. “Ally, are you awake?” The person asks this time, though it’s clear as they say my name. It’s Badger. What is he doing here in my room? Right then, it all comes flooding back to me— Casimir, the decapitated head, and one of Burner’s brothers missing.

  “Come on, Ally, wake up,” Badger snaps.

  I go to move my arms and legs, only I can’t. It’s then I realize I’m bound to a mattress. Clenching my eyes shut, I shake my head. This can’t be happening again. This is exactly what Casimir did to me when I was no more than a teenager and he’d defiled me.

  “Ally, talk to me, please,” Badger says, his tone a little bit softer this time.

  “He was supposed to let you go,” I murmur.

  “Yeah, well, seems douche canoe has other plans in mind. He seemed to enjoy my fighting the restraints when he brought you down here,” Badger mutters.

  “Douche canoe, that’s a good one,” I groan while yanking on my wrists.

  “Careful, Ally, you don’t want to dislocate your shoulders by doing that. I don’t need Burner beating my ass more than I’ve already had handed to me. Swear to fuck, when I get my hands on those two thugs who take their orders from dear ol’ Cas, I’ll be sure to give them a dose of their own medicine,” he grumbles.

  Lifting my head to the best of my ability, I find him sitting in a chair near the end of the bed. His face is battered pretty good. “I’m sorry,” I say quietly.

  “Darlin’, it ain’t nothing to be sorry about. You didn’t do shit all to me,” he snaps.

  “But if not for me, you wouldn’t be in this situation,” I counter.

  “Don’t wanna fuckin’ hear that shit, woman. We’re family and the fact you came here trying to protect one of us proves it. However, I’m gonna make sure Burner smacks your ass for pulling this stunt. I’d never have wanted you to trade yourself for me. My brothers would have found a way to get me out of here without you getting involved,” he growls.

  I shake my head against the mattress in denial while squeezing my eyes closed. These people who have become my family through my brother mean the world to me and I couldn’t not do something about it. I’d die before any of them were hurt, but seems it doesn’t matter now. Casimir is
n’t going to just let Badger go like I thought he would.

  Fuckin’ stupid, that’s what I am.

  The creaking of a door opening stops us from saying another word as Casimir strolls into the room with the same malicious grin he always had in place when it came to giving me my punishments. “You’re awake, good. I see you still don’t stay unconscious for very long when it comes to being knocked out cold,” he chuckles.

  “Fuck you,” I mutter.

  Bursting into a fit of laughter, Casimir walks over to stand directly next to me and tilts his head. “You are definitely in need of re-training, my dear sweet Chosen,” he says before slamming his fist into my face.

  “Fuck you,” I mutter again, only this time I spit in his face.

  “You stupid fuckin’ bitch,” Casimir bellows as he jumps on the bed, straddling my waist. “I’ll teach you to spit at me again,” he grinds out as he takes his fist to my face again.

  “How about you get the fuck off her and beat on someone your own size?” Badger shouts, trying to gain Casimir’s attention, yet the man doesn’t relent in reaping out his blows.

  Only when he’s finished and I’m barely conscious does he pull himself back to observe his handiwork. “I must admit, sweet Ally, you still look as beautiful as ever when you’re marred with my bruises,” he mutters while running a finger along my jawline.

  “Go to hell,” I utter as I attempt to yank my hands-free.

  “Don’t worry, Ally, when I go, you’ll be going with me. We just need for you to last for a little while longer so you can carry the Dark Lord’s child. It seems your brother and the heathens he runs with have all but killed off our members. But that’s okay. We shall regroup and add numbers, starting by gathering your cousin and sister-in-law. That’s where Frederick and Seth have gone. They went to nab them and any of the other women they felt like. It’s time our Chosen were all together.” With one last blow to my face, Casimir stands.


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