His Frozen Heart

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His Frozen Heart Page 8

by Georgia Le Carre

  Cade looked at me a moment, then out towards the creek. He bounced his knee, which I’ve never noticed him do before. He was thinking about something.

  “Before we go anywhere, let’s see if we can get your knee fixed up.”

  “How? I mean I know exactly what’s happened to it. I’ve twisted it like this before at work and it’ll heal by itself in time.”

  “Let’s go to the creek.”

  “What? I’m not going in the freezing cold water!”

  “Yeah. I think you are.” He beamed his white, straight teeth at me.

  This man was quite the enigma. He took freezing baths in the creek while there was a hot spring, lived in a messy cabin, ate tin food, and yet took exquisite care of himself physically. He looked so good and tasty; I was totally prepared to go marching in that icy water if he said to. He stood up and crossed to my side of the fire, putting himself directly in front of me. He smiled down at me, an evil smile.

  “What are you doing?” I asked nervously.

  Before I knew what was happening, he scooped me up from my tree stump seat and carried me towards the creek.

  “Argh! Put me down. Cade, please put me down,” I screamed, but he just laughed and a sense of fun started to pour into every cell in my body. I clung to him as he jogged with me in his arms, his feet thudding in the snow.

  He got right to the edge of the water and pretended he was going to throw me in. Instantly, I fought against being tossed and gripped onto his broad back. I pressed myself against him completely. We were so close I could hear his heart and it was beating fast.

  Our laughter subsided suddenly and we were left standing in the snow, our bodies stuck to each other. The quiet trickling water beside us made for a beautiful moment. I looked into the gold specks in his eyes, then let my gaze deliberately slip down to his sensuous mouth. I couldn’t make it clearer that I wanted him to kiss me.

  He swallowed hard. “Let’s get your knee fixed. Hold onto me and I’ll lower you in the water.”

  I didn’t let my disappointment show. “What about my jeans?”

  “They’re going to get wet … unless you take them off?”

  I played along. “Hmm. That’s your idea, huh? Bring me out here in this freezing water, and get me to take my clothes off?”

  “Trust me. You’ll feel better for it. Come on, at least, take your boots and socks off.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m not shy. I’ll take my jeans off. Besides, who wants to walk back to the cabin wearing freezing wet jeans? Unless you were planning on carrying me back too? Well, I better not count on that, I never know how long our moments of being friends will last before I piss you off again.”

  He put me on the ground, and kneeling down in front of me pulled my boots off while I held onto the thick cords of muscles in his shoulders.

  “You might want to keep away from the socks. They could stink,” I joked.

  He pulled the first off and looking up at me brought it to his nose and inhaled. For a moment I was frozen by that purely animalistic, completely primal action. I saw his eyes darken, then he put his head down and removed my other sock. He stood and took a step away from me. I swallowed hard. The air around us had changed. It was throbbing with our awareness of each other.

  I whipped my jeans down to my ankles. Stepping out of them, I picked them up and draped them over his shoulder. The more intimate parts of me were still concealed by my big coat, but my legs were bare. He looked down at them.

  “Well, that’s a sight for sore eyes.”

  I laughed at his response. “Oh, God, I can’t believe it. That’s the first compliment you’ve ever given me. I tell you what, I’m going to hold out for a better one before I start counting them.”

  He looked at me hungrily, and if I had been with any other man I would have known that a kiss was on its way, but I’d been burned too many times by him and I wasn’t going there unless he led me there by the hand.

  I hugged myself. “So, what am I supposed to do, just stand out here in the freezing cold and hope that my swollen knee goes down? Or am I supposed to drop myself in this water, oh wise, mountain man?”

  “Um, yeah, wade out to the middle so you can get your knee under the water.”

  “You’re kidding me? No, cowboy, that’s not how this is going to work. If I’m going in, then you’re coming in with me. Boots and socks off! Let’s go!”

  He smiled and turned his chin down flirtatiously.

  “Alright then. You asked for it.”


  He kicked off his snow boots, pulled off his socks and then stood opposite me. He was a lot taller than me. He looked in my eyes and grinned. Then he whipped me up in his arms again and tore off into the water still wearing his jeans.

  “Wait! No fair!”

  Cade carried me out to where the water was thigh deep on him. He dipped down in the water crouched on his knees and held me across his lap to force my knee into the icy water.

  The feeling was so intense I lost control of myself momentarily and screamed at the shock of how cold it was.

  He just laughed and said, “Relax. Give it a minute and you’ll be fine. And your knee will be as good as new.”

  “Argh! It’s so cold! Argh. I can’t take it, anymore. Let me up. Cade, let me up. Come on. It’s not funny anymore.”

  But he kept a tight hold around my waist, both of us submerged to the waist in the freezing water. “You’ve got it. Just hang in there. You can do it.”

  “I can’t! Let me go!” I screamed.

  “Just one more minute. One minute and we’ll get out and get back to the fire. Just think about the fire. The warm blankets I’m going to wrap you in. And the hot drink of whiskey coffee that’s going to be warming you from the inside.”

  Cade talking to me, encouraging me to accomplish something as simple as being braver than the cold caught me. I stopped screaming. My breath was frantic.

  “Deep breaths. You can do this.”

  After a couple of inhales, I began to slow down the pace of my breathing. I looked ahead at the creek ambling over rocks at the bank, the mountains in the distance and then to the beautiful, strong man holding me tight and telling me that I can do something difficult. He was trying to help me. I stopped fighting. And felt humbled by him, by my situation. He was a good person. I might have fallen in love with him at that moment.

  “Good job. Well done. You’ve got another thirty seconds and then we’re out of here. I promise you, your knee will be a lot better. You’ve almost done this. Almost there, well done.” His voice was soothing, almost hypnotic. The freezing water swirled around us as I stared up into his eyes.

  “Ok,” I whispered.

  The truth was I was completely flustered by what Cade had just done for me. It may seem silly to anyone else, but it was one of the nicest things any man had ever done for me. Maybe I hadn’t been lucky in love before, but he seemed to genuinely care for me. He disregarded how cold he must have been himself to help me. His arm, the one that had been tightly wrapped around me, came up to gently trace my jaw.

  I wanted him to kiss me. I needed to feel those full sensuous lips on mine, and after that much more; much, much more. I just needed him to kiss me first. I had to know that it came from him too. He has to be the instigator for this to work. In my head I was screaming for him to make the move. Do it! Please, do it.

  “Time’s up. We’ve got to get out of this freezing water now.”

  “Uh huh.”

  I couldn’t believe I wanted to stay in the freezing water. Literally one minute earlier I was screaming to come out, but I would have given anything to stay put long enough to have a luscious kiss with this oddly gruff, strong, honest, caring, mysterious man.

  He carried me to the bank and stepped into his own boots. He dropped down to a knee to pick up my socks and boots.

  “Here, you carry these. I’ll carry you.”

  With only the sound of snow crunching beneath his footsteps, his breathing becom
ing heavier. We didn’t speak, but it didn’t feel like silence between us. Our heads were filled with the ideas of what might happen next. At least, mine was. Maybe he was just thinking about being alone again, running off to his workshop to avoid me. I hoped he was thinking about us. I kept my arms around his neck and prayed he wouldn’t be able to find a way out of them.

  The light was beginning to fade behind the mountain as we arrived back at the cabin. It left a pink glow over everything. I couldn’t have asked for a more romantic setting. Cade set me down onto the pallet of blankets and cushions on the floor. I didn’t ask for it because I refused to instigate this encounter. I’d never believe it was a genuine desire from him if I started it, but I swear, I gave him my most soft, green light, come and get it eyes I had.

  “I’ve got to get the fire going to warm you up now,” he said, but he stayed kneeling down next to me on the floor.

  I licked my lips and watched his gaze slide down to my mouth. “What about you? Don’t you need to come out of those wet jeans?”

  He blinked. “Um hm. I need to do that. I … um … should take them off. That OK with you?”

  We were talking about wet clothes, but we were not talking about wet clothes. We held each other’s gaze and made a secret, unspoken agreement that we were going to have sex. A buzzing sensation ran all over my body. I felt like I needed to do a huge, comedy gulp at the prospect of this beautifully sculpted man, who hadn’t been with a woman in a significant amount of time, ravishing me. At the mere thought of us touching made my body prepare itself for his entry. I felt myself become wet with desire for him.

  Cade rose to stoke the fire on the wood-burning stove. He placed our boots nearby to dry them, and hung our socks on the line above. His movements were deliberate. As if he was doing it to test himself. All he really wanted to do was fall on me and take me hard.

  I took off my sweater that was soggy around the bottom and sat there just in a t-shirt and wet panties. My knee was much better, or maybe it was just the feeling of anticipation raging through me over Cade.

  He stood in the middle of the room. “Shall I make us a hot drink? To warm you up from the inside?”

  I debated taking the bait on that one. I’d love nothing more than for him to warm me up from the inside.

  “Yes, that’s sounds nice.” What the hell was wrong with me? The last thing in the world I wanted was a drink. And I think I could safely say the same for him. But something had happened to me. I’d suddenly turned shy. What I really wanted was to start this thing off so we could get over this awkwardness and here I was playing the coy maiden. Cade fumbled around in the kitchen area. After a few moments, I smelled something wonderful like vanilla and cinnamon.

  “Wow, that smells delicious. Is that our drinks that smell so good?” I twisted around to look at Cade in the kitchen area.

  “Um, no, I just lit a candle.”


  I saw him peel down his wet jeans and hang them over the line. His legs were long, lean and sculpted. He seemed distracted. “Do you mind if we wait on the hot drink?”

  “No, that’s ok …”

  Before I could finish speaking Cade crossed the room, took my face in his strong hands, and kissed me. It was like plugging my finger into a live socket. My whole body felt electrified. We were two pieces that were meant to fit together and we had denied ourselves for so long our coming together was violent. Our lips fell into each other’s and we devoured each other. We were like animals. Hungry, crazed. His lips felt more perfect over mine than I’d even imagined. Something feral, ancient, and stronger than lust filled my body.



  He pushed me back down to the floor as the kiss became more savage. I clawed desperately at his shirt, he pulled at mine, then snatched away from our kiss long enough to yank the damn thing over my head.

  He looked at my breasts beneath my lace bra. The look in his eyes was so intense and heated I felt as if I had never been looked at before by a man. He splayed his large hands around the weight of my breast and groaned. Running his index finger along the inside of the lace he brushed it against my nipple. It shot through me like a bolt of electricity. I reared back at the jolt.

  Our eyes locked and his were so dark and mysterious with desire, my stomach lurched. Transfixed, I watched a myriad of emotions roll across his face. Yes, I had caught glimpses of lust in his eyes before, but he hadn’t looked at me like this. With such burning need. As if he had been denied too long. As if he wanted to devour me.

  All our time together had consisted of him building a wall between us, and yet, at that moment, I felt as if I’d known him forever. As if I had always belonged to him, body and soul. There was no one else but him.

  “Do you have any idea what you’ve been doing to me these last days?” he asked hoarsely.

  Exhilaration tore through me. “Show me.”

  He pulled the lace down so that the tip of my nipple sat above it. He growled with lust at the sight. His face was a blur as his mouth swooped down. I nearly screamed when it latched on to my flesh and he immediately began to suck, hard. His other hand reached down to my panties, as I lost my last grip on sanity. My hips bucked when his tongue flicked at my nub.

  Crouched over me he began to undress quickly. I watched with widened eyes.

  Naked, he was the most glorious combination of bulging sinew, strength, manly angles, and beautiful blue tattoos. Awestruck, I ran my hands down his wide chest, his rock hard stomach, then moved lower to grip his thick erection in my hands. Still on his knees, he dropped his head backwards and arched his back as he relished the feeling.

  “Oh, fuck,” he groaned. “You’re so sexy. You’re driving me wild.” He pulled himself out of my grasp and curled in on himself, almost to a ball, to slow down his physical responses. When he unfolded his frame, he pushed me back down to the floor. He kissed my neck and ran his hand to the back of my hair.

  Cade licked and kissed his way down my neck, along my clavicle and to my breasts. I have large breasts for my small frame, a fact that I hated while I was at school. He sucked on one nipple and ran his thumb around the other.

  I arched my back to let him know I liked it and pushed my pelvis into him. He was listening intently to my physical cues because his tongue picked up the motion of his thumb over my nipple and his other hand slipped down my stomach into my panties. It only took him a second to find the exact spot he needed to be.

  Ahhhh! I ached with pleasure. I pulled my knees up and widened my legs. I wanted more. I was out of my mind, on the verge of ecstasy.

  “Wait …” he panted. “We don’t have … do you have anything?”

  “No,” I said. “I mean, I do in my car. Don’t you have anything?”

  “Hell no. I live alone on a mountain. I never expected to be in this position.”

  We looked at each other. His eyes were glazed, desire poured out of every pore on the man’s body. In the quiet of the cabin, his heart was as loud as a drum.

  “Fuck,” he swore.

  “I’m not one to be risky with my body. I only see one option here.”

  “I see sixty-nine of them.”

  I would have laughed out loud, but my body was on the precipice of orgasm.

  “Ladies first,” he said, roughly grabbing my legs.

  I squealed as he opened my thighs wide. Without any kind of warning he placed his hot mouth between my legs and sucked my whole pussy into his mouth. In the history of quick orgasms, none could possibly equal mine.

  Grabbing his head, I climaxed.

  Just like that.

  Gushing into his mouth, screaming his name, and thrashing my limbs, while he held my clit captive and growled with satisfaction for having so effortlessly made me soar free. It was amazing, and I was still whimpering when it was over. The delicious sensation of his beard against my inner thighs and his lapping tongue made me determined to make him scream my name too.

nbsp; “Your turn,” I announced, lifting my head up, even though I still felt almost dizzy after such a hard climax.


  He lifted his head. “I’m not finished yet.”

  His voice was dark, deep, rough, and sexy. It made my hair stand on end. Everything that had happened was like sensory overload. “I need a break, baby. Let me do you first, okay?”

  He stared at me for a moment longer before rolling over. I was shocked to see how big he was. The urge to impale myself on that massive shaft, all the way to the hilt, condom be damned, was nearly overpowering, but I got on my hands and knees and began to crawl over to him. As my breasts neared his mouth though, he captured a nipple in it while his hand kneaded the other breast. All over again, I felt myself get wet and swollen for him, if that was even possible. I wanted to tell him to stop it, but what he was doing was far too distracting and delectable for me to even think of stopping him. His hand found my pussy and I felt him insert one thick, rough finger into me while his thumb played with my clit.

  Oh, Sweet Jesus.

  I couldn’t move. I couldn’t think. I just stayed in that position until I went over the edge. The orgasm was so intense I collapsed in a heap, half my body on Cade, and the other half on the floor. I imagined my scream leaving the cabin and travelling over the snow-capped mountain.

  He stroked my hair. “Now it’s your turn.”

  I could smell him from where he lay, cum leaking from his erect cock. His scent was driving me crazy, sweet yet raw and totally masculine. I shuffled forward and slid my tongue along his warm shaft. His taste matched his scent. Utterly seductive.

  I sucked him further into my mouth, my lips gliding over the satin smoothness, until his cock bumped the back of my throat. When I eased up a little to keep from gagging, I felt him pull his hips away. Immediately, I drove back down. I loved the taste of him and the sensation of his hardness throbbing in my mouth, and I wasn’t letting him go anywhere.


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