Unexpected Angel

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Unexpected Angel Page 3

by Evernight Publishing

  Amos’s brows lowered, and his forehead furrowed. “Just who the hell is your uncle?”

  She thought about lying, but Amos would discover the truth soon enough. Plus, she didn’t want to lie to him, didn’t want any untruths between them. She took a deep breath and blurted out the answer. “Demarco Astoferus.”

  His eyes widened as he sat back, releasing her hand in the process. “Fuck me.”

  She was doomed. She could see it in his face. Lying would have been the more prudent course of action, but it was too late for that now. He obviously recognized her uncle’s name.

  “I have money,” she told him. Her parents had left her quite wealthy when they’d died, and she’d managed to circumvent her uncle’s restrictions and had transferred it to a bank out of his control.

  To say her uncle had been unhappy with her was the biggest understatement of the century. He’d ranted for days, demanding she transfer the money back to his control. When she’d refused, he’d locked her in her room for months, practically starving her before finally relenting when he needed her at his side for a particularly important business deal. Her uncle might not place much attachment on family, but many cultures did. If her uncle wanted to do business with them, she needed to be by his side as his ward and only living relative. To behave otherwise would bring suspicion and possibly the loss of business contracts.

  Amos growled. The man actually growled at her. “I don’t want your damn money.”

  Angelina was at her wits end. “Then what do you want?” There had to be something she could do. She wasn’t about to give up now. She’d come too far.

  “You,” he ground out. He looked as though the confession pained him. “I want you.”

  She stood and held her hands out by her sides. “Then take me.”


  Amos wanted to bang his head against a wall; he wanted to roar with frustration, and he wanted to fuck Angelina.

  What a cosmic mess.

  Her uncle was one of the most powerful businessmen in the Gaia system. He owned the largest shipping company in the Alliance, as well as having a hand in various other enterprises. They were often in competition with him for shipping contracts, although they usually got those that were considered too insignificant or too dangerous for Astoferus to bother with. This was trouble they didn’t need, not when they were on the trail of the best lead they’d had on their sister in years.

  He should take her straight to Flynn, contact her uncle, and return her to him. He hardened his heart and looked at her. She stared at him a long moment, a profound sense of sadness and resignation surrounding her.

  “You’re going to send me back.” Her voice was flat, devoid of all emotion, not at all like the woman he was coming to know.

  “I should.” But he knew about the dark planet of Gravas and the brutal men who lived there. That was no place for an angel. “What will the man you’re promised to think when he discovers you’re missing?” He had to remember she was engaged.

  Angelina snorted. “I have no idea. I’ve never met him. This is strictly a business deal. My uncle wants an in on the planet. They carefully restrict trading while controlling vast amounts of precious metals and advanced technology. No one wants a war with them because they’re a brutal warrior culture, and a fight would go on for years, maybe even decades, and disrupt business.” She took a breath and continued. “From their perspective, marrying me would tie my uncle to them. They’re big on family relationships and don’t seem to understand that my uncle doesn’t think the same way they do. He’d betray them in a split second if it served his purpose and not care if his actions led to my death.”

  She was telling him the truth. Not much was known about the inhabitants of Gravas, but their bone-deep belief in family was the bedrock of their society. It would be a coup for any outsider to gain entry into the tightly controlled culture.

  That still left him with a very big problem—Angelina. If he did as she asked then he’d make an enemy of her uncle. That meant all the Marks brothers would be enemies of the powerful man. Then there was the matter of the warrior on Gravas who was expecting to get married.

  “When is the wedding ceremony scheduled?”

  She shivered and rubbed her hands up and down her arms. “A week from now. My uncle had docked his ship at Oasis to take on supplies before the final push to Gravas. I think the warrior was supposed to meet us there to escort our ship the rest of the way.”

  Amos knew that had been a powerful incentive for her to run. She was smart enough to know that once her betrothed had her in his grasp, he’d never let her go. She was a prize no man would willingly relinquish, and not just because of her business ties and wealth. No, it was because of who she was—a brave, beautiful woman.

  “How did you escape?” Angelina was proving to be very resourceful and sneaky for such a delicate-looking creature. He’d do well to remember that.

  She swallowed heavily. “My uncle drugged me during our meal, but I managed to purge most of it once I realized what he’d done. I’d already planned my escape.”

  “You had inside help.” It wasn’t a question. Someone had to have helped her.

  “Yes. There was an older man, one who’d worked for father and didn’t agree with what my uncle had planned for me. He got me off the ship, but then had to leave me so he could run interference in case my empty room was discovered before I had time to make my getaway.”

  Her story was unbelievable enough to be believable. No one could make up something this outlandish.

  Amos rubbed his face and tried to order his thoughts. For a man who was used to working with precision instruments and dealing with details, even he was having a difficult time figuring all the ramifications of her actions.

  “You realize there could be a war over this.” The people of Gravas would take her defection as a grave insult.

  “Not if I explain things to them. Not if I warn them that my uncle plans to double-cross them.”

  “You have proof.” His mind started calculating the variables, adding this new information to the mix. It just might work.

  She reached into her pants pocket and drew out a document card. “I have letters between my uncle and the Ruling Council of the Gaia System where he promises to discover the military capabilities of Gravas and report back.”

  Amos whistle was almost silent. “To the people of Gravas that is tantamount to a declaration of war.”

  Angelina nodded. “I’m aware of that and will only use it as a last resort. It’s also insurance against my uncle retaking me. I’ll send it to Gravas if I have no other choice and let the chips fall where they will, even if it means my death.” Her expression grew fierce. “I’ve been under his control since I was eight but no more.”

  While Amos admired her courage, a woman on her own was fair game in much of the know galaxies. “What will you do if your plan works?” He freely admitted he was curious.

  Her smile made his heart skip a beat it was so wide and pure. “I plan to travel. I can find work as a translator. My uncle raised me to be a business asset. I speak all the major languages in the Alliance galaxies and a few of the minor ones. I am fully versed on the customs of all planets and am able to traverse their many traditions and intricate politics.”

  Amos had to admire her. Skills like that would be in big demand with governments and businesspeople alike, many of whom much preferred to work with people rather than androids. “What about a home? Family?”

  Her expression darkened, and old pain was reflected in her eyes. “My uncle is all the family I have, and his home was never mine. My entire life, what I did, how I lived, was decided by someone else. I want to be free. I want to finally live as I choose, to be master of my own destiny.”

  Amos couldn’t stand the separation any longer. He stood, went around the table, and pulled her into his arms. “Come here,” he ordered, and was surprised when she actually surged against him. She buried his face against his chest and clutched at the front
of his flightsuit.

  He cursed himself for his stupidity even as he came to grips with the knowledge he was going to help her with her outrageous plan. There was no way he could send her back to her uncle. Giving her to another man was unthinkable.

  He buried his face against her hair and inhaled. Beneath the sweat and grime was the scent of woman and the faintest perfume of flowers.

  His cock pressed against the front of his clothing, clamoring to escape. The damn thing was going to have to be patient. Angelina was a virgin. He’d have to remember that and take his time.

  Amos took a deep breath and resigned himself to his fate. “If we’re going to have sex we might as well go to my room.”

  Chapter Four

  Angelina’s breath caught in her throat. Amos’s heart pounded against her cheek. She raised her head and stared into his eyes, searching for the truth. He was going to help her. He was honestly going to have sex with her.

  Elation was quickly smothered by a combination of trepidation and nerves. She was finally going to have sex. And with a man of her choosing, not one who’d been handpicked by her uncle. This might be a business deal, but it wasn’t anything like the one her uncle had contracted. This wasn’t cold or calculated but hot and emotional, at least on her part.

  “Come on.” He took her hand and led her out of the galley. She had to hurry to keep up with his long strides as he made his way down the narrow corridor. He stopped outside a door and placed his hand on the identification plate on the right-hand side. The door slid open.

  He pulled her inside, and it slid shut, closing them within. Amos engaged the locking mechanism. She was trapped.

  No, not trapped. This was her choice. She tried to ignore the slightly sick sensation in her stomach. She could do this. Wanted to do this. It was perfectly natural to be nervous. She was about to step into the unknown. Sure, she knew the facts about sex, but she’d never actually done it before.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Amos gently touched her shoulder. “We don’t have to do this.”

  Angelina tilted her head to one side and studied him. He truly meant that. How had she gotten so lucky? Of all the ships she could have stowed away on, she’d managed to pick one with a man of honor and integrity. Sure, a lot of the other vessels and their crews were probably fine men, but she doubted many of them would stop and ask such a question, especially since she’d been the one to come on to him.

  She nibbled on her bottom lip and was startled when he groaned. He rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb. “You have to stop doing that. It makes me want to kiss you.” His voice was husky and aroused and made her breath catch in her throat.

  He really was handsome in a rough way. There was nothing smooth or sophisticated about Amos Marks. He wasn’t at all like the pampered businessmen she’d met over the years. Nor was he subservient like many of her uncle’s employees.

  No, Amos was tall and proud with broad shoulders and thick biceps. He looked capable of handling just about anything that came his way. The fact that he was missing a finger on one hand only emphasized his toughness.

  His hair looked extremely soft and silky for a man. And that white streak in the front had to be natural. He didn’t strike her as the type of man who’d spend time or money in a salon getting his hair done. The white was a stark contrast to the black.


  “I want to do this.” How could she make him understand that it was simply anxiety of the unfamiliar making her seem hesitant?

  “Why don’t you get cleaned up?” He guided her to another sliding door. When it pulled back, it exposed a small bathroom complete with a gel cleansing unit.

  Angelina was suddenly very aware of just how grungy she was. She’d been wearing the same clothing for several days now. She’d also sweat quite a bit and been hiding in some not-so-clean places.

  Self-conscious about how she must look and smell, she tugged her cloak more firmly around her. “I think that would be best.” She stepped into the bathroom, and the door slid shut behind her, leaving her alone.

  Her breath came out in a quick rush. She grabbed the edge of the vanity and clung to it until her knuckles turned white and her fingers began to hurt. What was she doing? She straightened and peered at herself in the mirror, groaning when she caught the first glimpse of herself.

  Her hair was stringy and limp, her face pale and drawn, and her clothing dirty. It was a wonder he hadn’t run when she’d asked him to sleep with her. She’d never be considered beautiful in many cultures—her coloring was too pale—but she could certainly look much better than this.

  Her hands shook as she hung up her cloak and removed her shoes and dirty clothing. She looked around but didn’t see a drycleaner unit. There was probably one somewhere in his room. She’d have to see about getting her clothes cleaned later.

  She then stepped into the gel unit and pressed the button. A fine gel mist covered her entire body. It landed lightly on her skin, and her nipples puckered, making her gasp. That had never happened before.

  Then came the blast of heat, quickly followed by the drying light. When the cycle was finished, she stepped out. She sniffed her hair and smiled. Now she smelled like Amos.

  His brush was sitting on the small countertop so she used it on her hair, working out the tangles. She thought about braiding it but had nothing to tie the ends off with.

  She did use his toothbrush, almost groaning with pleasure when she was done. It felt so good to be clean and was something she’d never take for granted again.

  She looked around for something clean to wear, but there was nothing. Angelina glanced at her soiled garments and curled her lip. No way was she putting them back on again.

  Besides, if she was going to have sex with Amos it was probably better that she was already naked. Still, she couldn’t quite face him wearing nothing. She grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around herself. The coarse material rubbed against her skin. She gasped and shivered, not from fear this time but from arousal.

  This was really going to happen. She was going to have sex with a man. And not just any man, but Amos.

  “You can do this,” she told her reflection. Gathering up the last remaining strands of her courage, she opened the panel and stepped back into his bedroom.

  Amos was standing by the bed, spotlighted by the one lamp on in the room. The space was spartan, with few personal items about. There was a framed photo on the shelf above his bed, but she couldn’t make out who was in it from where she stood. A computer console sat on a built-in desk in the corner. His clothing was probably stored in the built-in drawers and wardrobe. Everything was clean lines, built for efficiency and a certain amount of comfort.

  But it was the large bed that dominated the space. The blankets were dark, but plain white sheets peeked out from beneath.

  She had to do this before she completely lost her nerve. As long as she was a virgin, her uncle would use her as a chess piece in his business games. And she was tired of being a pawn in someone else’s schemes.

  Heart pounding, knees shaking, Angelina undid the clasp at the neck of her cloak and shrugged her shoulders. The heavy material skimmed down her arms and back and pooled around her feet.

  Naked, she stood there and waited.


  Amos was out of his ever-loving mind. There was no other reason that justified what he was about to do. He should have taken Angelina to Flynn as soon as he’d discovered her. No doubt they should be sending her back to her uncle. The last thing they needed was trouble on the scale that Demarco Astoferus could bring.

  Yet, he couldn’t ignore the plea in Angelina’s eyes or the desperation of her act. She’d left the only home and family she had and hidden aboard a spacecraft with men she didn’t even know. That spoke of someone who was at the end of her rope.

  She’d taken a huge gamble. Now she was taking another.

  His cock jumped to life. His skin felt too tight for his body as he watched her cloak slide from her slender shou
lders and pool at the floor by her delicate feet. He swallowed hard. She wasn’t wearing anything under it.

  He’d known she’d had some serious curves, had felt them beneath her clothing when they’d kissed earlier. But even he couldn’t have imagined just how perfect she was.

  He didn’t know how long he stared. His brain had short-circuited and frozen him in place.

  Angelina shivered and crossed her arms over her chest, her actions breaking the spell that held him prisoner. He took a step toward her. “You are beautiful.”

  A voice in the back of his head warned him he was making a mistake. This was too easy. No woman simply offered herself to a man unless she was desperate. He was a bastard to take advantage of her in this way.

  He’d be an even bigger bastard if he kept her standing there any longer.

  Amos went to her, noting how her shivering increased. She was cold and scared. He tried not to notice the way her crossed arms plumped up her firm, full breasts. And he certainly did his best to ignore the light covering of curls on her mound. It was as white as the hair on her head.

  He ran his hand over her hair. It was even softer than he’d imagined. It fell like a curtain down her back and over her arms. He swallowed hard and pulled his hand away. “Let’s get you into bed.”

  He wanted to pick her up but was afraid she might panic, so he settled on guiding her the few steps necessary. It only took him a second to yank down the covers and for her to slide in. He tossed the blankets over her and breathed a sigh of relief once she was covered.

  His balls ached like someone had kicked them. He didn’t know how much he could take before he totally lost it.

  “Amos.” The quaver in her voice almost brought him to his knees. There was no doubting her courage. To do what she’d done took balls of steel. She’d not only escaped from her uncle, she’d also gotten on board this ship without being detected. Then she’d hidden for two days. Now she was offering herself to him as a way to take control of her future.


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