Making Angel (Mariani Crime Family Book 2)

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Making Angel (Mariani Crime Family Book 2) Page 10

by Harley Stone

  She set her phone down and picked up a card. She turned it over in her hands a few times, and then flicked it to me.

  "No. You've done everything right, that's the problem."


  "Thanks for showing up. It means a lot to them," she said. "To me too. I'm just surprised to see you, is all. I'm trying to figure out what you want, Angel."

  "What I want? I thought I was clear about that when I kissed you. I want to get to know you. I also want your number," I said.

  "Yeah, Myles told me you cheated to get it."

  "I cheated? You have met him, right? He's a pint-sized thug."

  She laughed. "That's a surprisingly accurate description."

  "You know what he gave me? The number to the goddamn paintball place he wants me to take him to."

  This only earned more laughter. "Do you really think I'd give Myles my number?"

  "Nope. I figured he lifted it."

  She tilted her head to the side. "Okay, that I can see. The boys are going to be busy for a while. What are you two up to today?" she asked, changing the subject.

  "I'm hungry. Can we go get something to eat now?" Bones asked from the doorway.

  "He's always hungry. You want to join us for lunch?" I asked.

  She nodded. "Sure, I could eat."

  We headed to a local diner and engaged in some light conversation before Markie asked what we did for a living.

  I didn't want to lie to her, but I sure as hell couldn't tell her the truth. "I spend most my time in a computer lab." Technically true.

  "Doing--?" She gestured for me to continue.

  Bones piped up. "Being a geek and shit."

  I would have flipped him the bird if Markie wasn't sitting with us. "I manipulate computer programs, write some code, install security devices, stuff like that. I handle some sales, too. That's why the suits are necessary. Gotta look professional." All technically true.

  That seemed to sate her curiosity. The conversation then drifted from Matt (who still hadn't shown up) to local shows and which casinos had the best food. After a while, we reluctantly headed back to the orphanage. Bones and I had errands to run, so we couldn't stay. We idled in front of the door to drop Markie off, but I could tell she was struggling with something.

  "Bones, will you give us a minute?" I asked.

  Grumbling, he stepped out of the Hummer stood on the sidewalk.

  Markie pulled out her phone and played with it. "Look, I want to give you my number, but I need you to understand something first. I enjoy hanging out with you. Seriously, I've had more fun with you than I've had in a long time. There's something between us, Angel, and I get that, but I'm not staying in Vegas. I'll be leaving eventually, and... I need you to be okay with that."

  Okay with her leaving? No fucking way. She wasn't going anywhere. "Okay," I lied.

  She handed me her phone. "Text yourself."

  I did as she asked, and then handed her back her phone.

  She opened her door, and then turned to say good-bye. "Call me."

  Without a doubt.



  "THIS ONE NEXT," I said, stopping in front of a hobby shop. A bright "going out of business sale" sign hung across the door.

  Ariana rolled her eyes. "We're supposed to be clothing shopping."

  My sister had more clothes than anyone I knew, but still insisted she needed more. We'd been shopping all morning and I was tired of telling her how cute she looked in everything she tried on.

  "Come on, it'll only take a minute," I said, tugging her into the shop behind me.

  Shelves filled with games, characters, and knick-knacks greeted us, all marked with red sale stickers. My phone rang. I glanced at the incoming number. Angel.

  Holding my breath, I answered.

  "Hey beautiful."

  I released my breath as warmth flooded me, instantly destroying the walls I'd built up to resist him, just like he did every time I was around him. His voice, his body, everything about him was too sexy for my wimpy resolve.

  "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "Ariana and I found a hobby store that's going out of business, so I'm gonna pick up some board games."

  "You like board games, huh?"

  "Yep, but they're not for me. They're for the orphanage." I studied a copy of Clue, wondering if the kids would be into it.

  "But what about all those games in the bookshelves?" he asked.

  "They're donated. Most are missing pieces. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to play Monopoly without any get out of jail free cards? I spent half of our last game in the slammer."

  "You read the rules, right?" he asked.

  "Rules? Angel the game doesn't even have a box anymore. We keep the pieces in a plastic baggie. But you're right, I should have googled them."

  He chuckled. "Yeah you should have. I've played with my little siblings a time or two, and you can only spend three turns in jail before you're required to pay $50 and get out. I'm betting Myles knows this."

  Laughing, I shook my head. Nothing that kid did surprised me anymore.

  "I take it you're heading to the orphanage to drop off the games, huh?"

  "Soon. We're almost done here." I added Risk and Trouble to the stack.

  "Want a ride?"

  Yes. No. My heart raced at the idea of seeing him again, but my brain kept reminding me how stupid I was being. But, I'd be able to buy the kids a lot more games if I had a ride. "It wouldn't be too much trouble?"

  "Nope. Bones and I are out driving around. Where are you?"

  I gave him the store name, and by the time I finished picking out games, Bones and Angel were strolling in, each wearing a slick dark suit and sporting a day's worth of stubble. Neither one of them had shaved and it only made them sexier. Judging by the look in Ariana's eyes as she stared at Bones, she agreed.

  Angel's gaze roamed down my body, setting me on fire, before rising back up to my eyes. "Hey."

  I wanted to wrap my arms around him and finish what we'd started in the High Roller, but instead, I turned back to the clerk and handed over my credit card.

  Angel sidled up to me and peeked in the bags covering the counter and surrounding floor. "Did you buy the place out?"

  "I tried. It was a good sale and I can't wait to see the kids' faces. They're going to be so excited."

  We piled everything into the back of his Hummer and I climbed in, as Ariana said goodbye.

  "You're not coming?" Bones asked her, his hand on the door.

  "Nah, I gotta get to work."

  "We can give you a ride," he countered.

  "I'll take the bus."

  "Get in the damn car," he growled.

  "It's not far. I can even walk."

  He rubbed the back of his neck. "Fuck, Ari. Get your skinny ass in this damn car before I pick you up and put you in."

  She glared back at him.

  He released the door and took a step toward her.

  "Fine." She threw her hands in the air and got in while I wondered what was going on between the two of them.

  "So..." Angel said, glancing at me before merging into traffic. "Have you ever been to San Diego?"

  "Nope." I'd flown over a lot of land and seen my share of airports, but I'd visited only a handful of cities. Nothing on the coast, and I'd always wanted to see the beach.

  "Bones and I are headed to San Diego for a business trip and would like you two to join us."

  A trip to San Diego with Angel? Everything about that sounded wrong and right.

  "We'll stay in a hotel and you'll get your own suite, of course," he added. "We'll leave tomorrow and come back Sunday."

  "I gotta work this weekend," Ariana replied, still sounding pissed.

  I turned in my seat to face her. Posture rigid, arms crossed across her chest, she was looking straight ahead as Bones watched her.

  "You can't take time off?" I asked.

  "Not after that little episode with the hospital
. Not looking forward to that bill, and if I miss more time at work, they'll probably fire me." She sighed, her posture relaxing. "You should go, though. This could be your only chance."

  I wished she hadn't said that. I glanced at Angel, but he didn't seem to be paying attention.

  "I don't want to leave you alone all weekend. What if Matt comes back?"

  "You think I can't handle Matt?" she asked. "And you went to another country and left me alone for an entire year, and I survived just fine. Besides, I'm sick of you being all up in my business. Go have some fun, already."

  I eyed Angel and Bones. "No offense, but I don't know you two that well."

  "You didn't know anyone in Africa, and you lived with them," Ariana pointed out.

  "You'll have your own room," Angel insisted. "And I promise we'll be perfect gentlemen."

  "See?" Ariana asked. "They'll be gentlemen. Sounds hella boring. You'll love it."


  The ride to San Diego was comfortable. We listened to music and chatted about bands. It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon when the Hummer rolled to a stop in front of a beautiful little hotel. I made a beeline for the restroom while the guys checked us in to our rooms.

  Angel handed me the key and gestured for me to follow him. "We're down the hall and to the right. If you need anything, we'll be next door, okay?"

  He stopped beside me in front of the door. I opened it, and we all filed inside. Bones immediately went from room to room, like the bodyguard Myles insisted he was, as I hurried to the patio to check out the breathtaking view. The temperature was in the low seventies, and there weren't many people walking the beach and even fewer braving the water. The tide was coming in, and waves crashed against the sandy beach in an almost angry dance. I couldn't wait to get down there and swim, but unfortunately, I'd have to.

  Angel joined me on the patio, watching the waves by my side. I wanted to slip my hand in his. Better yet, I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and hold me while we stood there. Crazy urges. I tamped them down and gripped the railing to keep my hands busy.

  "Bones and I shouldn't be gone long, and then we'll take you down to walk the beach. You get hungry or anything, there's a menu by the phone. The room service here is supposed to be pretty good."

  "You've never stayed here before?" I asked.

  "No. My family usually stays in Coronado. I know the guy who owns this place, though. He's a stand-up guy."

  Strange thing to say. Before I could think too much about it, Angel leaned forward and tucked a hair behind my ear. The contact stole my breath away. Terrified he'd do more... longing for him to do more... I stared up at him.

  "You have no fuckin' clue how gorgeous you are," he said. Then he kissed my forehead, squeezing my shoulders, and left.

  I released the breath I'd been holding and collapsed against the railing. Once I finally got my breathing and heart rate under control, I investigated my suite. The bed was enormous. It had to be at least a king. Maybe a California king? Did they put those in hotels? I don't know, but I kicked off my boots and plopped down on it. Definitely the most comfortable thing I'd ever slept on.

  Dragging myself from the bed, I checked out the small kitchenette, complete with a minibar and headed for the bathroom. A deep jetted tub sat in the middle of the room, calling to me. I started the water and stripped off my clothes, before searching for something smelly to put in it. A travel sized bottle of bubble bath was on the counter, so I dumped it in before sliding in myself. Heaven. It was the best thing ever. Closing my eyes, I laid back and let it relax my muscles.

  About five minutes into my relaxing bath, someone knocked on the door. The guys couldn't possibly be back yet, so I ignored it and sank deeper into the tub. I stayed in until my fingers were pruney, then slipped on the luxurious complimentary bathrobe and went to look through the peephole.

  The hall was empty, so I opened the door. A strong floral fragrance hit me, and I sneezed. A dozen roses were in a vase at my feet. I sneezed again and shut the door. Eyes watering, I found my phone and sent Angel a text, thanking him for his thoughtfulness, and explaining why I couldn't bring them in.

  No response. Figuring he must be busy with his business meeting, I grabbed the paperback I was currently reading and stretched out across the king bed. Now this was living.

  A few minutes later, my phone rang. Angel. Just seeing his phone number flash across the screen made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Smiling, I answered.

  "You okay?" he asked, sounding frantic.

  Instantly on alert, I sat up. Why wouldn't I be okay? "Yeah. I'm fine. Just reading. Why?"

  He took a deep breath. "We're on our way back. Stay in the room, and we'll see you soon."

  He hadn't answered my questions. "Okay. See you."

  We hung up and I felt creeped out. I checked the door and threw the deadbolt lock, made sure the patio door was locked, and then went back to my book.

  Fifteen minutes later, Angel and Bones were beating on my door and calling my name. I checked the peephole, confirmed it was them, and then swung open the door.

  Bones averted his eyes, and Angel's gaze drifted down my front. I'd forgotten that I was still wearing nothing but a robe. Tightening the belt as another wave of floral fragrance hit me, I sneezed and pointed at the offending flowers.

  "Can you please move those? They're beautiful." Another sneeze. "And thank you for them." Sneeze. "But I'm allergic."

  He was breathing heavily, like he'd sprinted from the parking garage. He looked from me to the flowers and his features tightened.

  "Bones?" Angel asked.

  "On it." Bones picked up the flowers and headed down the hall.

  Not wanting to offend Angel, especially when he'd been so sweet, I stepped back into my room and waved for him to follow. He did, and I closed the door.

  "Sorry. They really are pretty. I love them, I just can't--" Another sneeze.

  "No." Angel's brow furrowed. "It's not that. It's... It's fine. Sorry. I didn't know. You hungry? Wanna get out of here and go get something to eat?"

  Now that he mentioned it, I was starving. I nodded. "I'll get dressed."

  He headed out the door while I ripped through my suitcase, searching for something to wear. I paired a cute navy peasant dress with brown cowboy boots, brushed out my hair, freshened up my makeup, grabbed my purse and phone, and headed next door.



  THE MEETING WENT exactly as expected. Bones and I had climbed out of the Hummer and followed Father's associates into a warehouse where we inspected a load of new computer processors. I made the opening offer and, as the old man had predicted, they hemmed and hawed about it being too low. I shrugged and started walking away. They countered. The cycle repeated a few times before I gave them my final offer. They told me they'd need time to see if they could find a higher bidder. I gave them twenty-four hours.

  Once we were back in the Hummer, I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Markie.

  "Thanks for the beautiful roses. I'm allergic, but it was a really sweet gesture."

  "What roses?" I asked aloud.

  Bones's brow furrowed. "Someone sent her roses?"

  I called the hotel manager, but he knew nothing about the flowers. Freaking the fuck out, I burned rubber toward the hotel, calling Markie.

  She was fine. Hearing her voice settled my nerves, but only slightly. I needed to see her. To see for myself that she was okay.

  "Why the fuck would someone send her roses?" I asked.

  Bones shifted in his seat, and turned to look out the window.

  "What?" I asked.

  "I have a theory."

  I eyed him. Bones always had a theory, and usually it was the craziest shit I'd ever heard.

  "Don't look at me like that. It's solid."

  "Okay. Talk."

  "Well, you know I looked into her background. Her parents were cops."

  Shit. I swallowed. "And..."

sp; "She was going for her bachelor's in criminal justice, probably following in the footsteps of her old man. Straight A's, professors fuckin' loved her. She had a long-term relationship with some guy, they break up, and she suddenly drops out of school and leaves the country."

  "Lots of people drop out, Bones." Then what he said really hit me. "She had a long-term relationship?"

  "Yeah, some guy in Idaho. We're talkin' fuckin' high school sweethearts."

  Goddamn. Bones had dug until he hit bedrock on her. "So they broke up. Shit happens."

  He shrugged. "What if the boy went psycho and she fled the country to get rid of his crazy ass?"

  Seemed like a pretty big stretch to me. "She's been in Africa for a year, Bones. And she didn't go home."

  "No, but she did have the orphanage pull a background check on her. If I can find this shit out, he can find her. What if he was watching for her? Just waitin' for her ass to come back."

  As much as I hated to admit it, he had a point. A crazy point, but a point nonetheless. Chances were good that the two of them had just went their separate ways. Still, Bones could usually sniff out when something didn't smell right.

  Worried, I pressed the gas pedal to the floor. I don't think I breathed again until she opened the door. Then my breath caught for an entirely different reason. She was wearing a goddamn bathrobe! And judging by the eyeful of cleavage it showed, nothing beneath it. I had to get the fuck out of her room or I was going to attack her. And I still had to figure out where the flowers had come from.

  "Any note or anything?" I asked Bones as I entered our suite.

  "Yep, but you aren't gonna like it." He held a card up.

  I plucked it out of his fingers and read it.

  You're sexy as fuck. Tell your boyfriend he should watch your fine ass more carefully.

  "What the fuck is this?" I asked.

  Bones shook his head. "No clue."

  "Call the manager. See if the hallway cameras caught anything."

  "Already on it. He's looking them over and the second he finds anything, he'll send it to your phone."

  I nodded. "Markie's gettin' dressed then we're getting out of here. We need to keep eyes on her until we leave."


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