Something More (Another Falls Creek Romance Book 4)

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Something More (Another Falls Creek Romance Book 4) Page 18

by SF Benson


  “You’ve got to be kidding,” I say, refusing to go in there.

  I take a long look at the oversized cage’s interior. A thin, soiled mattress is in one corner with a bowl meant for a dog beside it. Protruding from the center of the floor is a U-shaped piece of metal embedded in the concrete. An exceedingly long chain is wrapped around it.

  “Do you see a smile?”

  When I don’t move, Calhoun pushes me in. He attaches the cuffs on my wrists to the chain. “Play nice, and I might reward you.”

  “With what?”

  He grabs his crotch and winks at me.

  “No thanks.” Not knowing what’s on the mattress, I choose to remain standing. I calculate the distance between Cal and me. If he’d move just a little closer, I could drop a well-placed kick.

  As if he knows what I’m thinking, he stays near the door. “Might as well get comfortable. You’re gonna be here for a while.”

  “How about my clothes or at least a blanket?”

  Calhoun leaves the enclosure. He walks toward a darkened corner and returns with a ratty, gray blanket. He tosses it on the mattress. “There you go. I’ll be back.”

  “You’re leaving me here?” I say with an incredulous stare.

  Before I can protest, Calhoun quickly crosses the floor and crashes his chapped lips against mine. His tongue traces the seam of my mouth, but I refuse to open it. The smell of him mixed with the odor in this room is sickening. When I gag, Calhoun breaks off the kiss.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. After a while you’ll be craving me. All females do.”

  “I’ll die first.”

  “That can be arranged.” He slaps my butt before walking out. He removes the padlock from his pocket and slams it shut on the gate. The dim light bulb over my head goes out.

  Right about now, I sincerely regret not performing the bonding ceremony with Brady. If I bore his mark, he’d easily find me. None of this would have happened. Reluctantly, I go over to the mattress and sit down, doing my best to put the blanket around me. When this is over, I’m going to need an extended soak in a tub of piping hot water. A piece of steel wool wouldn’t hurt.

  Poor Tia. I can only imagine what she’s going through. She has no idea why the Ryders dragged her into this. Suddenly it dawns on me that we do have hope. Tia and Brian are bonded. That supernatural GPS will kick in, and we’ll be found. It’s just a matter of time.

  Finally, I get what’s mine. Not words I’ve uttered in my lifetime. I’ll admit it. Feels damned good to be a winning motherfucker for a change. Propping my feet up on the wooden crate, I begin cleaning my nails with the tip of my blade.

  Twelve fucking years I’ve waited for this moment.

  And twelve fucking years I’ve been rejected and tossed to the curb like last night’s leftovers. Most cats wouldn’t wait this long to taste a pussy. They’d move on and find someone else. But, lucky for Audra Nevers, I ain’t most cats. Persistence is my strength. Well, that and my fists.

  When it comes to the pretty brown she-wolf most males would walk away and not tolerate her foul attitude and headstrong ways. She reminds me of those feral alley cats—a force to be reckoned with, but a pleasure to break. It’s gonna take a while, but she’ll eventually realize we belong together. Pretty Boy Romero ain’t winning this time.

  For years, I’ve had to watch Brady Romero in action. He set his sights on Audra and never looked away. I’ve seen plenty of other females try to get his attention, but he’s so fucking loyal it makes my insides churn. Pretty Boy wouldn’t cheat even if his balls were in a damned vise. I’d bet any amount of money that he’s only fucked her.

  Weak motherfucker.

  I’m so fucking glad I’m nothing like him. I’ll show Audra a real good time with a real male. But first I’m gonna have to wean her from that tender ass shit. Pops always said females are supposed to do as they’re told. Show them a little affection, and they’ll try to rule over you.

  Soft-ass supernaturals like Pretty Boy is what’s wrong with this town. He was behind the movement to get Luc Duquette replaced on Council. My family was okay with Luc’s so-called rules. The damned skinny vamp knew his place around us. All we had to do was growl, and he’d back down.

  But not Pretty Boy.

  I swear I hate him. He drives around in that fancy ass car of his like a fucking male model. He walks around holier than thou just because he gets whatever or whoever he wants.

  That stops today.

  Shit, the whole goddamned Romero clan acts like some entitled fuckers—like they’re above everyone else in this town. Just because they own a damned empire doesn’t mean they get to break all the rules.

  Only things the Ryders have ever owned are debt and obligations. Pops thought he was doing something when he got appointed as Police Chief. Didn’t recognize that he was just a damn figurehead for Council.

  I’m righting wrongs though.

  Starting now.

  When I’m done, folks gonna recognize and respect the Ryders. I’ll take the Romeros down just because I can. Fucking family can’t even be bothered with living on common soil with the rest of us. They own that big-ass piece of property behind Crucifix Island under the Red Witch’s protection. But she ain’t nobody’s fucking savior, especially theirs.

  But payback is coming to the meddling witch as well. Her ass better not get comfortable. Just because she’s got a fucking spell on her land doesn’t mean she’s safe. Elsbeth may have found a way to trap the Mercier witch, but that story ain’t over. There are plenty of supernaturals who want the Red Witch gone. For good. I don’t care how many centuries old Elsbeth claims to be. She might as well make her peace and figure out where we should leave her ashes cause her ass is going up in flames.

  Wonder what fucking her is like?

  Probably have to clear out the cobwebs first.

  The thought puts a grin on my face. For too long, this whole fucking town has written off my family. Treated us like shit. Called me and my brothers morons. Grabbing my crotch I think, Falls Creek, y’all can just suck this!

  Footsteps echo across the concrete floor. Damn. I’d give anything for a fucking door. Unfortunately, there isn’t one left in the abandoned building.

  “Boss?” The scrawny cat with oversized teeth, a former member of my father’s crew, ambles toward me.


  “Did you want us to feed those she-wolves? The youngest one is complaining about being thirsty.”

  “Give her some water, but stay the hell away from the other one,” I warn with a growl. “She’s mine, and I’ll kill anyone who goes near her.”

  He nods and backs out of the room.

  Now that’s respect. These fools listen to me. I can’t help grinning.

  Finally, I’m the damn king around here.

  It’s taken some time to get the cats who worked with my father to obey me. I’ve had to kill a few before they started listening. The rest of the assholes who held tight to their own agenda are now eunuchs mourning their losses.

  Continuing to clean my nails, I think about how Audra Nevers will learn too. By the time I’m finished with her ass, she’ll be begging me to fuck her. And when I do, I’m gonna make sure Pretty Boy gets a front row seat right before I rip his damn throat out. Just like Hank Richards did to my brother.

  Rest in peace, Jackson.

  Two hours have passed, and Pretty Boy ain’t shown his face. I know he’s planning shit, but that’s okay. So am I. And mine is bigger and better. My crew is just waiting for the Romeros to act. In the meantime, I’m gonna have me some fun with that pretty she-wolf. Let her know who’s running shit around here.

  I could watch her all night long. She paces the floor for a bit. Stops. And then yanks at the chain like it should have loosened up by now. It’s like watching a fucking kitten at play—not realizing that they don’t possess enough strength to bring down a fly. But Audra is beautiful. The way her skin glistens under that dim light…
The way her tits swing to and fro… I can’t wait to bury my dick deep between her legs.

  That has to wait.

  I adjust myself, step out of the shadows, and go to unlock the gate. She swings around.

  “It’s about damned time,” Audra says. Her voice is full of rage.

  The sound goes straight to my crotch. Ain’t nothing like a little angry, hair-pulling, teeth-clashing sex. Jackson used to tell us stories about his many conquests made after a fight. He used to say no matter how much a female struggled or fought back, the reward in the end was worth it. She always purred afterward. Come to think of it… Pops used to say the same thing.

  “Have you come to your senses?” I swear she’s a snippy bitch.

  “Have you?” Gazing at her body, I close the door behind me. I’m gonna love breaking her in.

  Audra’s eyebrows knit together. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means…” My dick gets harder. All I want to do is find out how tasty she might be. Dammit! I never thought a she-wolf would have me so fucking distracted.

  Later, Calhoun. Gotta make her beg first.

  Trying to ignore my throbbing cock, I start again, “It means you need to recognize that this is your new reality. Either you give in to me or I keep your ass locked up. Just so you know, I have nothing against a little bondage with sex. Makes me as hard as a fucking post.”

  She laughs. Loud and hearty, like I’ve told the best joke on Earth.

  “What’s so damned funny?” Her attitude is starting to piss me off—not good for her.

  “You.” Audra shakes her head and stifles her laughter. “You’re a fucking idiot. When Brady gets here, he’s going to hand you your ass.” She tosses her hair off her shoulder before sitting down on the thin mattress. “Just so you know, I have nothing against watching it happen.”

  I crouch in front of the she-wolf, and she pulls the blanket around her. Defiance shines in her eyes. That’s okay. I can work with that. “Ain’t no rescuing happening, sweetheart. Not tonight. Not tomorrow. You. Belong. To. Me.”

  Hot spit lands in my face. That’s okay too. I like females with spirit. I wipe the saliva off. I know I shouldn’t do it, but I can’t help myself. Running my hand up her thigh, I think about the things I plan on doing to her.

  “Get your damned hand off me,” she yells and attempts to raise her foot.

  But I’m quicker. I grab her ankle and yank her ass across the mattress, dragging her closer to me. Fuck restraint. My lips crash hers in a one-sided kiss. She struggles. Her free hands scratch my face, but I don’t care. She’s stroking a fire that I don’t want to put out. I’m tempted to lay her down and have my way with her. Right now. All night long.

  “Cal! What the fuck are you doing?” My brother’s voice coming from behind us, however, throws water on the action.

  Caught off-guard, the she-wolf snags my lip and bites down hard.

  “Ouch!” I drop her leg and push her backward as I stand up. I wipe my mouth. Drops of blood shine on my fingers.

  “Fucking bitch! You’re gonna pay—”

  Drew, a younger version of myself with the same eyes and build, grabs my arm before I punch the shit out of Audra. “Not smart, brother. Wait until we take out the Romeros, and then you’ll enjoy punishing her more.”

  He’s right. I lower my hand. She’s not entitled to gentle loving from me. I’ll beat the shit out of her and then fuck her until she forgets all about Pretty Boy. Facing Drew, I ask, “Heard anything yet?”

  “Naw.” He pushes his black hair off his forehead. Motherfucker needs a hair cut. “And that concerns the hell out of me. Let’s go talk somewhere else.”

  I look back at my prisoner. “You think long and hard about what you just did. No food, no drink until you play nice.”

  She replies with a one-finger salute.

  “You will. And like it.”

  Drew and I enter one of the empty rooms at the end of a hall. I remember this damned place. As teenagers, we knew people who lived here. Even back then, the complex was rundown. It was owned by a slum lord. Eventually, City Council ran his ass out of town, and the families were moved to better accommodations. But this place stood like a fucking monument to their messed-up existence.

  And a lot of fucking happened in these hallowed halls. Males and females—human or otherwise—came for the uninterrupted screwing, free-flowing alcohol, and the ever-present weed. Good times.

  “Cal! Pull your damn mind out of the clouds!”

  “Sorry, Drew. Just going down memory lane.” I lean against a wall that is nothing more than cracked plaster and brick. Sucker could topple down any minute. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “Crew’s seen the Romero pack closing in. Rumor has it they’ve got the Red Witch with them.”

  “Fuck!” My muscles tense and my fist shoots out. Thankfully, Drew stops me from taking the room down around us.

  “Calm the shit down. We ain’t outnumbered. We can take them.”

  “But the witch…”

  “Listen, we take out as many wolves as we can. She can’t be in every place at the same time.”

  I nod, but I don’t believe him. Witches are some nasty-ass, trifling bitches. Can’t be trusted for shit.

  Suddenly, this idea doesn’t feel right. Like I just fucked up big time, and there’ll be hell to pay.

  “What the hell do you mean ‘she’s gone’!” I yell at my pack member—a subordinate from one of the families. Slamming my palm on the desk, I remind him of his duty. “You were trusted to watch her.”

  The male in front of me drops his head and tucks his hands behind his back. “I’m sorry, Alpha. I—”

  “No fucking excuses,” I roar. Brian comes to my side and touches my shoulder in an attempt to calm me down. I shrug him off. Peace will not be had until Audra and her sister are found. “Find both of them, or I’ll rip your mother fucking throat out!”

  “Calm down, Brady,” Brian says firmly. “She’s with Tia. We can find them.”

  The bond. Of course. That’s why my brother is unruffled. My head whips back to the idiot still standing in the middle of the floor. I glare at the fool for a too-long minute. Finally, he gets the message and retreats a step before high-tailing it from my father’s study.

  “How the fuck did this happen?” My voice shakes with fury.

  “Take a chill pill, Brady. We’ve got this. That asshole who just left won’t get far.” Brian perches on the corner of the desk as if we’re about to discuss the weather or some mundane shit.

  I take a deep breath. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “The wolf that just left here is responsible for the abduction.” My brother lifts his hand before I can speak. “He won’t make it to the front gate. The omega wasn’t the only weak link in the pack. I’ve had him taken care of as well.”

  Damn. I wouldn’t have thought my brother was a male of action. First, he claimed his mate and married her. Then, he moved right into the role of beta without further hesitation. To be honest, Brian is a better beta than I was to Braden. In all fairness, though, my little brother has had years to observe how a pack is run.

  Pulling my mind together, I ask, “What else?”

  “Like I was saying… The asshole left Tia unguarded. Cal and Drew’s goons swept in and grabbed her while she was shopping. I can feel her, Brady.” His gaze drops to the floor. “I won’t tell you not to worry. Tia’s signature is strong, but there’s something dark mixed with it. Before you say it, I’ve already sent someone to collect Elsbeth. We need her help.”

  I nod. “What about Audra? How did Cal get to her?”

  “I’m not sure. If Elsbeth can tell us more about this darkness surrounding Tia, we might be able to figure it out.”

  “Let’s go to the island. I’m not sitting here.”

  We storm out of the room and collide with a transformed Elsbeth. Her gaze bounces from me to my brother and back to me. “You won’t like this.”

  “What?” I say through my clenched teeth.

  “Before I trapped the Mercier witch, she left behind some dark magic trinkets.”

  Brian jumps in. “Like what?”

  “Collars. They’re meant to prevent change in shifters.”

  A scowl settles on Brian’s face. “Elsbeth, do they change a person’s signature?”

  “You’re bonded.” Her eyes widen. “As long as your mates lives, you will sense her but it will feel as if she wears a dark shroud.” Elsbeth steps closer to Brian. “You’re a special wolf. You don’t just sense the bond.” She smiles. “You’re experiencing it, seer.”

  Seer? What the fuck?

  Elsbeth squints as she walks in a circle around Brian. “This power doesn’t belong to you. His mate possesses it. He has it because of the bond.”

  Pacing the floor, I clench my fists. This witch is trying my patience. “Speak plainly, Elsbeth. What power?”

  Reluctantly, she turns to me. “The sister of your mate, Alpha, has the ability to foresee events. I’m guessing she’s unaware of her power.” Elsbeth’s eyes rake over me. “Can I finish or do you have other questions?”

  I wave my hand in the air.

  Elsbeth walks in a circle around Brian, and then stops in front of him. “How does it taste, Beta?”

  Taste? I start to say something, but then I notice Brian. He’s twisting his head from side to side. His face scrunches up while his mouth opens and closes. My brother ambles over to the bar and twists the cap off a bottle of water. He chugs down half of it before facing us.

  “It’s foul. Whatever that is tastes like decay.” He clears his throat. “Feels like I have a mouth full of ashes.”

  Elsbeth touches his shoulder, and Brian’s agony dissipates. “Revenge magic. The Mercier witch spelled the collars using the blood of Elijah Ryder. I can counteract it, but I’ll need to go with you.”

  “Not a problem. Let’s leave now,” I say.

  “Wait!” The Red Witch’s gaze goes distant for a moment. She cocks her head to one side. “Give me some time with your brother. Let us get their exact location before moving forward.”


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