Destroyers of the Lost Garden (The Lost Garden Trilogy Book 3)

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Destroyers of the Lost Garden (The Lost Garden Trilogy Book 3) Page 8

by K. T. Tomb

  Throughout Knight’s time in Eden, he had felt apprehension, low self-esteem, love for Jess, confusion, and a sense of awe. After seeing Sulina, he could add intense and complete fear to the list.

  The Final Chapter

  Alexey thought he was safe inside one of the helicopters. He looked towards the mountain and saw the Daughters turn toward him. Well, that was that. So much for plans of conquest. Now that he had attracted their attention, he would try to find a compartment to hide in. Hide like a rat. Such would mark the end of Alexey Konstantin’s glorious life. There would be no hero’s welcome for his return. There would be no immortality.

  It would be easy to blame Sulina for his failure. She seemed to know how ineffective the Iranian army would be against the Daughters of Eve. She seemed to have everything planned out perfectly…for herself. Alexey had never been outsmarted by anyone in his life, much less a woman.

  He fought to open the rear storage compartment. He struggled and wondered why it would be stuck. He pulled for all he was worth, which at the time wasn’t much. The storage door flew open causing Alexey to tumble backwards. He looked up in shock to see an Iranian pilot shaking with fear inside the compartment.

  Alexey smiled.

  “Do you want to live my friend?”

  The pilot shook his head vehemently.

  “It is just you and me,” Alexey continued. “We will not win our escape by confronting these Amazons. I must ask you to get into the pilot’s seat and prepare for departure.”

  The pilot rushed to the seat and put on his helmet. Alexey sat in the adjoining seat and buckled himself in. He was ready for an all-out attack on the helicopter.

  Alexey saw a female figure walk out to the front of the chopper, but the woman showed no interest in his escape. She was focused on the Daughters, who were headed straight for her. Sulina? If it was Sulina, there were a few things that were different about her. Was that a tail?

  Alexey and the pilot didn’t move. They wanted to see how it was going to play out first. “Hold on, my friend,” Alexey said confidently. “New plan.”


  Sulina stood defiantly in front of the helicopters as the Daughters advanced, in spite of the warnings from Mother Daughter. Myora knew that there was something different…something powerful about Sulina. She stumbled against the tree. Soon.

  Sulina started to run toward the Daughters, despite the fact that they severely outnumbered her. As she advanced, she grinned and showed off her new teeth. Calaya IL Eve was the first to see the transformed Sulina. She stopped.

  “Sisters! There is something…”

  Before she could finish her sentence, Sulina became a red blur and bit deep into Calaya’s neck, almost severing her head with one bite. Calaya’s blood sprayed everywhere as she fell lifeless to the ground. The remaining sisters stopped to assess the situation and examine Calaya’s body.


  Evan Knight arrived at the helicopters just in time to witness the bloodshed in the distance. The chopper’s blades started their familiar rotation, as Knight went to the front to see who was inside. Alexey.

  Alexey smiled as the helicopter rose into the air. Knight had a split second to decide what he was going to do, before Alexey was out of sight. Knight grabbed the landing skid and held on tight. He assumed that Alexey would fly right out of Eden. If Sulina hadn’t shown up the way she did, he might have. She provided the much needed distraction he had hoped for. They were headed for the Trees of Life and Knowledge.


  Sulina let out a blood curdling howl as she raised her hands in triumph. Jess watched Knight hang on to the bottom of the helicopter as it passed over. She had more important things to attend to.

  “For our Sisters!” Jess yelled with her fist raised.

  All of the Daughters joined in the cheer.

  Jess was the first to rush Sulina. She blurred out of the way and elbowed Jess in the back, which knocked her to the ground. The Daughters attacked as one. Each one jumped into the fray, delivered a blow to Sulina and got out of the way, to give another sister her chance. Sulina’s tail grabbed Tallia IL Eve by the throat while the evil one rushed two other sisters. When Jess tried to attack Sulina from the back, the tail acted independently and threw Tallia into Jess.

  Sulina was hard to hit, because of Morina’s speed. That didn’t stop the Daughters from trying. Sulina grabbed Shala by the tunic and lifted her into the air.

  “What the hell are you?” asked Shala.

  “Is that any way to talk your aunt?” replied Sulina. Her voice was course and sounded like four or five different people were talking all at once. “By the way,” Sulina continued. “I don’t need you anymore.”

  She threw Shala hard into the ground. Shala felt the bones in her left arm shatter as she let out a scream of pain.

  Maliah IL Eve delivered a roundhouse kick to Sulina’s head, which knocked her off balance then she punched Sulina continuously in the throat, the gut, and the chest. Maliah pushed Sulina backward with her barrage. The sisters regrouped as Lila IL Eve attended to Shala’s arm. Maliah was relentless with her assault as her own knuckles bled with the force she used. Sulina’s mouth started to bleed, as she tried in vain to dodge or block. Another blow to the head. One more to the gut. No other Daughter could get close, now it was Maliah who was the blur. She would not be satisfied until Sulina was dead.

  Sulina was on the ground. Maliah continued her attack. She forgot about one thing. Sulina’s tail. The tail came up from behind Maliah and quickly wrapped around her throat. The tail lifted Maliah high into the air, which gave Sulina a chance to get up. She saw the helicopter heading toward the trees. She smiled and launched the helpless Maliah toward the chopper with her tail.

  Maliah flailed around in the air as she screamed. Knight looked in the direction of the bloodcurdling sound and saw the Daughter headed straight for him. What he saw next would stay with him the rest of his life. Maliah’s body hit the main blade, which instantly shredded her to pieces. The front glass of the helicopter was spattered with her blood.

  The pilot lost control as they got close to the ledges. Knight waited until the helicopter tilted close to the mountain and then tried to anticipate where he would land if he jumped. There was no longer an “if” as he swung himself over to the closest ledge. The one with the Tree of Knowledge on it. His feet hit first and he rolled up to the tree.

  The pilot had to swerve the helicopter away from the mountain.

  “I don’t have a choice, Mr. Konstantin. If I don’t try to get us out of here now, we may not get another chance.”

  “Out of here?” Alexey asked, even though he knew the answer.

  The pilot sighed.

  “We must leave Eden.”

  Alexey’s adventure was over.

  “Do it.” At least we will get out alive.


  Knight looked up to look at the tree he lay under. He saw the helicopter disappear into the sky. He looked over at the other tree, where Mother Daughter was on her knees trying to stay alert.

  “Mother Daughter?” Knight asked, already knowing the answer.

  Myora looked at him. She was tired and hurt and her Daughters were dying in front of her.

  “Mr. Knight. You are under the Tree of Knowledge. I would advise against partaking of its fruit.”

  She pointed to Sulina.

  “It doesn’t work well with some people.”

  Knight nodded.

  “Listen. You need to be with your Daughters. I can protect the trees.”

  Myora showed surprise for the first time in a while.

  “Do you think you can protect the trees?”

  He pointed to his chest.

  “Chosen One? I’ve got this. Help your Daughters save Eden. Help Jess…ima. That’s what I’m here for, right?”

  “Be good to Jessima, Evan Knight. You need to treat her as you would a queen. After all, she is Biblical royalty. You have my blessing, Chosen One. God bless you. It is an ho
nor having met you.”

  Knight smiled. Before he had a chance to say anything in return, Myora IL Eve stood up straight, nodded at Knight, and allowed herself to fall off the ledge.

  “No!” Knight shouted. “I didn’t…know…”

  He realized by her look that her mission was almost over.

  There were only four Daughters left alive, including Shala, Calisto, Madeira, and Jess. All stood around Sulina. Sulina showed that she was worn from battle, but she still had enough energy to dispatch the last of the Daughters. All were breathing hard.

  Shala was the first to act. She aimed a high knee kick to Sulina’s head, which knocked her back a few steps. Sulina responded by grabbing Shala’s throat with her tail and squeezing.

  Calisto attacked next, only to be backhanded before she could connect with Sulina’s grisly form. The tail tightened around Shala’s throat as tears ran down the Daughter’s face. She looked at Jess and mouthed the words “I’m sorry”.

  It was at that time that Mother Daughter reached the ground of Eden. Her feet touched down lightly. As soon as she had both feet on the ground, a light emanated from her feet and ran along the ground until it connected with Calisto, Jess, and Madeira’s feet. The light engulfed their entire being. It failed to reach Shala, because she was not on the ground. The light avoided Sulina, who grew even more angry.

  The light consumed Myora as well. Sulina threw Shala on the ground and looked at her sister.

  “Not this time, bitch!” She ran over to the Mother Daughter. The Daughters couldn’t move while surrounded by the light. “Mother!” cried Jess.

  Sulina picked up speed as she ran straight for Myora. At the last moment she leaped at her as a jungle predator would leap at its prey. As soon as Sulina bit into Myora’s neck, the Mother Daughter exploded into a blinding light. A pure light that none of them had ever seen. When Myora exploded, her light spread quickly throughout all of Eden. The trees that had been charred and burned away by Alexey were renewed. Everything that was dead was given life again. Each Daughter that had died rose up surrounded by the light of their Mother Daughter and the light of their Father.

  Once all of the dead stood again, the tattoos on their backs started to come to life. Falcon and Eagle alike, the wings on the tattoos grew and became real. They stretched out at least ten feet. Mother Daughter appeared in pure white light with a full wingspan as well. Ellisia flew out of the mountain and landed next to her Mother. The four remaining Daughters looked on in awe. Shala picked herself up off the ground and looked at the white glow that surrounded her sisters. Where was hers?

  Myora IL Eve went to the four Daughters one final time.

  “Take care of Eden, my children. It is time for you who survive to take up the mantle and bring new life into Eden.”

  She winked at Jess. All of the fallen Daughters spread their wings and flew into the heavens as the sky opened up to reveal an eternal light. As soon as the last one was through, the sky closed.

  Sulina was furious.

  “No! Myora! You can’t do that to me! I can still win!”

  She looked up at Knight and the two trees. Knight looked down at her. “Here we go,” he said nervously.

  Sulina dug her hands into the mountainside and propelled herself upward. She reached the ledge with Knight on it. He was standing in front of the tree.

  “You’re not getting this tree! I have your number!”

  He then flipped her off.

  “Foolish mortal,” Sulina responded. “That’s not the tree I’m after.”

  Knight could only watch as she jumped to the ledge with the Tree of Life on it. He got a running start and jumped while he twisted his body to push him further. He came up short of the ledge, reaching out and grabbing it with both hands. Sulina stepped on his right hand. He let out a muffled groan as heard the bones snap and break. He swung himself sideways and managed to get his feet up on the ledge, pulling his body up and over it while Sulina turned her attention to the Tree of Life.

  “Hey!” he yelled. “I’m still in this and I’m here to discuss your future, or lack thereof.”

  Sulina turned to see Knight holding his right hand.

  “You and those four whelps are the only thing stopping me from getting what I have earned the right to receive! You’re nothing!”

  “I beg to differ,” Knight replied. “I’m the Chosen One, bitch!”

  Knight gave Sulina a swift, solid kick to the head, followed by a left jab to the throat. She was caught off guard and stumbled backward. He kicked her again and knocked out one of her teeth. There was a trickle of blood from her mouth. He tried to push his elbow into her throat, but she countered with her tail. The tail grabbed his leg and threw him into the Tree of Life but he recovered quicker than Sulina expected.

  Knight knew this day would come since he found out the Mother Daughter thought he was from Jess. He had always wondered whether he would live up to what it all represented. He had doubted his ability to be the Chosen One. He had doubted whether he even belonged in Eden with all of those warriors. As he fought Sulina, none of that mattered. He finally realized that it didn’t matter who or what he was. Nothing mattered except for the fact that he had seen powerful righteous warriors fall to that smelly bitch. All he knew was that Chosen One or not, he was there. He was going to prove who Evan Knight was.

  He kicked Sulina in the back and she whipped her tail around at him. He avoided it the best he could and punched her in the back of her head as hard as he could. The tail lashed out wildly, which told him that he was hurting her. She crawled over to the tree while Knight hung on. The tail cut his face and shoulders several times as he kept up his assault on the Fallen’s leader.

  She grabbed the tree trunk with both hands and held on tightly, letting her tail do all of the damage to Knight. The tail finally wrapped around Knight’s neck. Sulina laughed as it started to constrict, cutting off his oxygen.

  His thoughts turned to Jess. Was this how it ended?

  If it was supposed to be his destiny to die like that, then he was okay with it. What he wasn’t okay with was that the bitch had crippled his right hand. He hadn’t done anything yet to return the favor.

  Her tail!

  That was it. He had to try to get that blasted tail out of the way. He gasped as the tail tightened. He positioned himself closer to where her tail was connected to the body. His eyes teared up and his breathing was almost non-existent. He had just enough energy for one last shot. He knew exactly what he had to do. He leaned closer to her, while trying not to inhale her stench and trying to stay conscious. Without further hesitation, he bit down with all of his might on her tail. He bit down a few inches away from where it was connected.

  If she hadn’t had her tail wrapped around his neck, he would have thrown up. It was the vilest thing he had ever done…and he wasn’t finished. He bit down further and further as he could hear her wails and screams of pain. His mission wasn’t over yet. It was like biting through a tire that had been placed in an outhouse for several weeks. He closed his eyes and bit harder than he ever had in his life.

  Either he would give in or the tail would.

  Blood squirted into his mouth as the pressure eased on his neck. The severed tail fell from his mouth as he vomited on the ledge. Evan’s ears filled with the sound of bloodcurdling screams. It sounded like several animals were injured and screaming in unison. Sulina staggered on her feet as her detached tail writhed like a decapitated snake at her feet.

  Knight knew he wasn’t finished. Still weak from the vomiting and the fight, he stood up. He had to use every ounce of strength just to stand. Sulina looked at him with anger, not realizing where she stood. Knight sighed and rammed his head into her gut, pushing her over the ledge. The momentum took him with her.

  Knight felt a slight breeze as he tumbled through the air. His thoughts shifted to the inevitable stop that he would make once he hit the ground. He just hoped that it had been enough and closed his eyes bracing for the impact.r />
  The stop wasn’t what he thought it would be. He blinked several times and saw that Jess had caught him before he hit the ground. She smiled through the tears that rolled down her face. Evan forced a smile.

  “Please put me down. It’s a little embarrassing.”

  She placed him down gently sitting with his back against the side of the mountain.

  “I love you, Evan Knight,” Jess said as she kissed his cheek.

  “You’ve got a lot of guts to kiss anything that’s been that close to hell,” he replied.

  The three remaining Daughters surrounded Sulina’s lifeless body. Blood still squirted from the tail stub.

  Knight looked confused.

  “Wait a minute. I don’t understand.”

  “Understand what, my love?” Jess responded.

  He tried to sit up.

  “I don’t understand why I painted what I did. You didn’t get a chance to use the flaming sword. In fact, I haven’t even seen the damn thing yet.”

  A cold chill went down Jess’ spine. That was part of the prophecy. Where she came from, prophecies were always fulfilled.

  “Sisters!” She cried out.

  The warning came a little too late.

  Sulina’s body was no longer lifeless, it was shaking uncontrollably. Jess stood up, as her sisters slowly backed away. The skin on Sulina’s body was ripping apart. It looked like she was molting. As her body was pushed away, the sisters could see that a large, writhing snake-like creature had formed from whatever was inside of Sulina. The mouth formed quickly and its forked tongue flicked repeatedly. The snake’s colors were black and red, the eyes were yellow.

  The snake grew rapidly from 6 feet to over 40 feet in less than a minute. Its powerful tail swiped Calisto, Madeira, and Shala back into the forest with one motion. Jess ran toward the snake as it coiled. She jumped up, only to be smacked down. The snake grew even bigger and was about 80 feet long as the head went for the Tree of Life.


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