The Terms 2

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The Terms 2 Page 23

by Ruby Rowe

  “Yes, I remember. How did you get up here?” I peek around her.

  She hugs her hip. “Do you honestly think I wouldn’t have the passcode to my fiancé’s place?”

  My eyes flit to the hand on her curvy hip. The largest, shiniest rock my eyes have ever seen is on her finger. It’s even bigger than the one Ellis gave Camilla.

  “That’s right. We’re engaged, so you need to get the fuck out of his house since it’s pretty much mine, too.”

  Tears come, so I blink several times to hide them.

  “Aww, were you really so naïve to think Greyson would settle for someone like you?”

  Lifting my gaze from the rock on her hand, I glare at her.

  “No, I didn’t think that, but I see he did indeed settle. I’m at peace with Greyson’s decision since unlike you, I want to marry a man who can’t see himself with anyone else.

  “A man who will love me from the moment we say I do until we take our last breaths. I’m holding out for that kind of love. It doesn’t have a price tag on it like that rock on your finger. I hope you love being surrounded by material things since you’re going to be alone in every other way.”

  The elevator doors open, and Greyson charges toward us.

  “Leave now,” he yells at Whitney. “I told you not to come here.” He looks at me with pleading eyes. “Sasha, I’m sorry. I should’ve told you about the engagement. I tried to beat her here when she told me what she was doing.”

  “It’s fine. We had an enlightening discussion. I’ll be in my room packing.” I slam the door in their faces and run to my room. I will not cry–I will not cry. I knew this was the likelier outcome, but I guess I believed he’d have the decency to tell me himself.

  I’m a little surprised when he doesn’t come to my room, but then again, we both know it’s time for me to move on. I stuff my suitcases, but having purchased more clothing, I can’t fit them all inside. Maybe Camilla will get the rest for me.

  I was so happy for her when she showed me her engagement ring, and I couldn’t help but imagine being that in love one day myself.

  Ellis cherishes her and Liam, but I’m not her. She’s special, and like always, I’m the girl who can be used and then tossed aside. It’s nothing new.

  Once I’m packed up, I call an Uber driver for a ride. I drag my suitcases out to the foyer, and Greyson appears.

  “Can we talk?”

  “There’s nothing to say.”

  “There’s so much to say.”

  “The dazzling diamond on your fiancée’s hand pretty much summed it up. I’m giving my two-week notice effective immediately. I would appreciate it if you didn’t speak to me at work.”

  “You have a good job. Don’t quit.”

  “I have a boring job, so I’ll find another. All my belongings wouldn’t fit in my suitcases, so I’ll have Camilla get them later. The keys to the BMW are on the nightstand.”

  “Take the car.”

  “It’s not mine.” He sticks an envelope out in front of me. Spotting the cash in it, I push it away. “That’s not mine, either.”

  “Yes, it is. Ellis gave it to you with the other money. I, uh, I didn’t tell you about it.” His fingers bend and fold the envelope as he stares at it.


  “Because I worried you’d use it to rent your own place, and I didn’t want you to go. I still don’t want you to go.” He lifts his eyes, and from the tears washing over them, they truly look like the glistening ocean.

  “Says the man who proposed to another woman.”

  “I didn’t ask her.”

  “This is ridiculous. I can’t stay here.” I start toward the door, but Greyson grabs my arm. “Stop!” I snap. “We both know what you’re wishing for … what you hope will gradually happen, but I refuse to let it.

  “If you believe all the affirmations you’ve given me about how special I am and how I’m worthy of greatness, then you’ll tell me to go instead of hoping I’ll stay to become your dirty little secret.”

  Clearing his throat, he lowers his chin to his chest.

  “I’d never ask that of you, and I’m sorry … for everything.”

  “I’m not. I’m grateful for having met you, for the help you’ve given me, and for all that you’ve taught me about myself.” I blink fast to see through my tears. “I only wish you saw your worth, too. I love you, Greyson. Your name will forever be inscribed on my heart.”



  “This better be good. I don’t do nightclubs,” I say to Lawson as I sit next to him at a noisy bar.

  “Humor me. I’m keeping an eye on someone here.”

  “I also don’t like explaining to my fiancée why I need to go out at eleven o’clock at night.”

  “Well, congratulations on the engagement,” he says as he slides a glass tumbler across the table. “Drinks are on me.”

  I eye the amber liquid, tempted to numb myself amid a room full of gyrating asshats, but I don’t plan on sticking around.

  Reaching in the inside pocket of his tan blazer, he removes a flash drive and hands it to me.

  “There’s some interesting information on there about your girl’s family.”

  “All right. What about the other stuff we discussed?”

  “Mr. Day is going to be brought in for more questioning over Tony’s death. If you think of a possible motive, let me know.”

  “He wanted this painting my brother owned. Suspicious as to why, I opened the frame, and it was loaded with cash and a key to a beach house in the Caribbean.”

  “Intriguing. Send me the details. As far as the documents you wanted, they’re arriving at your home tomorrow by courier.” He grins. “I didn’t want to bend the pretties. Nice looking ladies you got in your life now.”

  “Please tell me you cleared Camilla’s name.”

  “Actually, I took it a step further. I hope Clarissa and Sasha Rosenthal don’t mind being dead on paper. No one is ever going to look for them again, and there will be no charges on record if somehow Clarissa is found.”

  I bring my fist to my mouth as the mountainous weight lifts from me.

  “I could fucking kiss you right now.”

  He holds a hand up. “Please don’t. It’d be nice to kill two birds with one stone and pick up a chick while I’m here.”

  “I can’t thank you enough, and if there’s anything you need, you let me know.”


  “Good morning,” I say to Ellis as he trudges into the dining room. He’s still in pajama pants and a t-shirt, and I was beginning to wonder if he was joining us, but I know he was out late dealing with something he claimed was top-secret.

  “Good morning.”

  “Hi, Daddy.” Liam waves, and I giggle once I notice the jelly all over his face.

  “Hi, kiddo. I think it’s time you use your napkin.” Ellis kisses my temple before he takes his seat at the head of the table. “Good morning, Sasha,” he adds.

  “Morning,” she says. At least she spoke. That’s progress from yesterday. Irene brings Ellis his coffee and breakfast.

  “Mr. Burke, a package arrived for you this morning. I placed it on the desk in the library.”

  “Thank you, Irene.” The doorbell rings, and I wonder who it could be.

  “Stay seated. I’ll get it,” she says before she hurries from the room.

  “Is that Dean?” I ask Ellis.

  “No, I cancelled today,” he replies without looking up from his plate. I wrap my hand around his wrist.

  “Is everything OK?”

  “We’ll talk about it after breakfast.” Emma strolls inside the room, and Liam goes into a frenzy trying to get out of his chair.


  “Hi, buddy, what’s up?”

  “Emma, why are you here today?” Her eyes dart to Ellis’s.

  “I asked her to spend a few hours with Liam. I want to talk to you and Sasha about something.”

  I look to my siste
r, and she gives a lazy shrug, knowing no more than I do on the subject. Since showing up here a couple of days ago, she’s been despondent and sad.

  She swears she can get through this, but when something has upset her in the past, she turned to drugs. I’m scared I’ll look the other way, and she’ll disappear on me.

  “Liam, do you want to go outside and play, or would you like to go upstairs to your room?”

  “Outside. Outside. Outside!” He marches to the doorway like a band conductor, and I wish I had half his energy. Sensing that Ellis would like to eat his breakfast in peace, I turn to Sasha.

  “Sis, let’s hang out in the family room.” As I stand, I squeeze Ellis’s hand. “We’ll be in there when you’re ready to talk.” Nodding, he picks up the folded newspaper Irene left for him.

  The drapes in the family room are pulled back, allowing in the sunlight. I walk over and peek around the thin sheer curtains hanging between them. Liam is climbing the monkey bars, and I remember that I need to make his eye appointment.

  “Cammy, what does Ellis want to talk about?”

  “I don’t have a clue.”

  “He’s kicking me out, isn’t he?” I walk to the couch and sit next to her.

  “He wouldn’t do that, especially without talking to me first.” I run my fingers through her tangled hair. “You can stay here as long as you need.”

  “I want to go to college.”


  “Yeah. Do you think I can pass the classes?”

  “Sasha, you earned your diploma without even attending high school. I know you can do it, especially with our support. What do you think you want to do at college?”

  Gathering her hair, she holds it back like a ponytail.

  “I want to get into marketing. I gave Greyson’s rep some input on a project, and he said I had great ideas.”

  I wrap my arm around her back and squeeze her to me.

  “That’s amazing.”

  “What’s amazing?” Ellis asks.

  “Sasha wants to go to college for marketing.”

  Ellis smiles. “That sounds like a solid plan, and we’ll help any way we can.”

  “Thank you, Ellis. That means a lot.”

  “Honey, what did you want to talk about?” I ask him as he sits in a chair across from us with a large yellow envelope in his hand.

  “I have some news, and I’m unsure of how the two of you will take it.”

  “What’s wrong?” Gliding a hand through his hair, he messes with the back of it and exhales.

  “It’s about your parents.”

  “Did they find us?” Sasha asks before she clutches my knee.

  “No, that’s not it. Actually … they died.”


  More silence.

  His eyes play ping-pong between us as he waits for a response, but I don’t know what to say because I don’t know how I feel, and if I had to guess, Sasha is waiting for a cue from me to know how the hell she should feel.

  “Are you sure?” I ask.

  “Yes, and what I’m about to tell you cannot leave this room.” He points. “Do you both understand?” Sasha and I nod, but it’s as if she’s on autopilot. “I have a connection with the FBI. We work together often, helping each other out.

  “He’s been investigating your parents, and they died two years ago from overdoses. It seems they bought a deadly batch of heroin, and they died within a day of each other at the hospital.”

  “I don’t know what to say or how I feel.”

  “Same here,” Sasha utters.

  “I know it’s a lot to process, but I have more news. As far as records are concerned, Clarissa and Sasha Rosenthal are no longer alive, either, and regardless of whether you’re found by someone from your past, the charges that were brought against you no longer exist. Baby, you never have to worry about being taken away.”

  Shifting to face me, Sasha clings to my body. She weeps against my chest, and it’s not because our parents are dead. It’s because she believes we’re finally safe. I’m finally free.

  After a couple of minutes, she releases me and wipes her eyes, so I go to Ellis and make him stand to hug me. Holding me close, he strokes my hair.

  “Thank you,” I say.

  “You’re welcome, but I did it for me, too. I could never let you go without killing someone, and Liam needs his parents.”

  It’s not a giggling moment, but I can’t help it since I can envision him physically fighting to keep me here if necessary. He really wouldn’t let me go.

  He steps back and opens the yellow envelope. Sorting through its contents, he hands me some documents and takes some to Sasha.

  “You two are officially Sasha and Camilla Rose.”

  “I have a passport?” Sasha asks enthusiastically.

  “Yep. You need to cut up that old driver’s license of yours. You now have all the legal documents you need for identification.”

  Sasha jumps to her feet and hugs Ellis next. Noticeably uneasy at first, he finally relaxes his tense muscles and hugs her back.

  “I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for my family, so I’m going to show you by being the best sister-in-law ever.” Letting Ellis go, she examines the documents further.

  “I’m going upstairs to shower. Cammy, can I use your laptop after? I want to research college programs in the area.”


  It’s sad that she’s happier on the day she finds out her parents are deceased than on the one when she moved out of Greyson’s home. I hope he gets his head out of his ass and calls off this absurd wedding.


  Ellis: You’re late.

  Me: I’m sorry. On my way now. Shit, he’s going to be furious with me, but he needs to understand that sometimes emergencies arise when you’re working.

  Ellis: Thanks to your bad behavior, Beatrice had to change out of her pajamas and back into her hideous orthopedic shoes to come stay for the night.

  OK, so he’s not furious. Grateful is more like it. I gave him an excuse to take me to the playroom. Not that he needs one; I go when he says to.

  “Fletcher, thank you for the ride.”

  “You’re welcome, Ms. Rose.” I’m getting out of the car when my phone buzzes again.

  Ellis: Go straight to the playroom, and change into a red negligee. No panties. Put the necklace on yourself, and take the silk blindfold with you to the bed. Once you’ve put it on, lay flat on your back. Then … think about what I might do to you or how hard you’ll be coming tonight.

  Standing in the driveway, I stare down at my phone. Anticipation unfurls in my belly and travels to between my legs. My thighs clench, and I salivate over what’s to come.

  It’s perfect timing since Sasha is on a trip this weekend that Ellis arranged. It’s a retreat for addicts in recovery, and his thoughtfulness still amazes me. We’re trying to keep her mind off of Greyson and focused on staying clean. His engagement party is next weekend, and I dread it.

  Ellis: Baby, what the hell are you waiting for? Do as your told, or I’m adding spankings to the list of evening activities.

  Sucking in a breath, I look around for a camera on the house, certain he’s watching me, but I can’t find one, so I walk to the door and let myself in.

  I drop my purse on the entryway table and head straight to the door at the back of the house, which will lead me to our hideaway.

  The anxiety builds with each step, and I lose my breath momentarily as I reach the playroom and eye the blindfold and necklace that are laid out on the dresser. Even the bedding is pulled back, leaving only the fitted sheet and pillows waiting for me.

  Envisioning him in this room, preparing for my arrival and fantasizing about what’s to come, leaves me more eager, so I hurry and change my clothes. In the bathroom, I freshen up a bit, wishing I had time for a shower first.

  Once I’ve put on the necklace, I take the blindfold and do as he instructed. I tie it tight and stretch out on th
e bed. Now, I wait. Is he watching me here, too? How will he know when to come in?

  The suspense makes me wetter, and I feel the silky negligee grazing against my hard nipples. What’s he going to do with me today?

  The door … I think I hear it open and close. My heart beats like a race horse on speed as he steps inside the playroom.

  God, the blindfold is more than I can handle. I want to see his eyes and the way he’s dressed. Is he only wearing sweats? Is he in a button-up and khakis? Either way, he’s my Dom, authoritative and electric, handsome and chiseled.

  “I see you’re capable of following some instructions.”

  “Sir, may I explain why I was late?”

  “You may.”

  “This woman showed up five minutes before we were going to close the pantry, and she was holding her little girl’s hand, and my heart hurt for them. I had to stay after and help her. I even considered bringing them home.”

  “Lord, your compassion is going to be the death of me. I’m running out of bedrooms.”

  “But you love me, Sir.”

  His warm lips press to mine, and my desire forces me to exhale a long, throaty sound.

  “I do love you, and I lust you, as well. Let’s play.” I’m strangled by his smooth, collected voice and his breath on my skin. I feel his hair next on my chin as his mouth dips into the hollow of my throat and skims down it.

  He moves away, and I hear him open a dresser drawer. There’s the sound of a zipper next, followed by the thud of his shoes hitting the floor.

  “You’re coming first tonight since you’re such a compassionate woman.” The bed sinks as he joins me on it, and my body shudders with exhilaration. Something faint touches my shoulder, causing me to flinch.

  The item brushes my cheek next, and I can’t resist scratching my face. “There’s a reason I don’t want to tie up your hands, so do your best to remain still.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Do you know what I’m touching you with?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “It’s a long black feather. It’s the only thing I’ll be touching you with before you come. You’re struggling to breathe, baby.”


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