Catch Me in Castile

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Catch Me in Castile Page 26

by Kimberley Troutte

  “No!” we all yelled at once—Santiago, Serena, and me.

  There was a violent struggle behind me. Someone slammed into my back, violently. I lost my grip on the window ledge and rocketed out the gaping hole. By some miracle, I stopped short when my hips banged into the ledge.

  Bent like a V, my upper body dangled out the window. I kicked behind me, trying to reach the floor with my feet and wiggle back inside the tower. I couldn’t reach. It seemed impossible. I was stuck, upside down, the last few drops of my blood rushing to my head. It was only a matter of minutes. I couldn’t hold on with my legs for long. I was going to fall to my death.

  “Help!” My cry was pathetic. Resigned.

  Serena shoved herself even deeper into my brain. It was like diving into a pool, the warm water lapping over my skin, the sounds muffled, the colors light blue when Serena took over.

  I don’t know how she did it, but Serena was there, moving my body as if it were her own. Gripping the ledge with strong fingers, she hung on, saving my life. And as she did, her memories flooded my brain.

  “Do you see?” Serena said.

  And I did. All of it. Visions of Andrés atop his charcoal steed, holding Serena’s hand, dancing at a great ball, kissing her passionately in a beautiful rose garden. I saw it all and experienced the strongest love a woman could ever know. If only I could love like that, I’d die a happy woman.

  “You shall not die today if I have any say in the matter.”

  A bloodcurdling scream filled my ears. I couldn’t see what happened next. Something heavy bumped into me as it flew over and out the window. The tremendous weight hit me hard. My forehead smacked into the stone wall, knocking me senseless.

  As I lost consciousness, my body sailed down…down…down. The bone-crunching impact waited at the bottom.

  Instead of dying, I was hoisted up by two strong arms.

  Serena sang, “Holy Madre, Erin. I remember!”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Serena’s spirit hovers over her dead body. A blinding light sings to her, pulling her like a great current. She hesitates. She desires to see Andrés’s face one last time before she moves on.

  Is he coming? No, she sighs. Someone else runs toward her.

  Hearing Clara’s horrible scream, Beatriz gathers her long skirts up to free her legs and rushes to the tower. The light from her candle splays out across the gruesome scene with long, delicate fingers. She bends over Serena’s body, wincing at the sight. Serena herself cannot look.

  Beatriz glances up to the gaping window in the tower and sees the figure moving away from the window. “Your secret is safe with me, Clara. I am grateful.”

  Shortly thereafter the guests from the ball surround her. “What happened?” They all want to know.

  “Glorious Saints! It is a woman, is it not?” a nobleman asks.

  “Oh, marquesa, who is she?” one of the ladies whispers.

  Beatriz takes a stuttering breath. “Serena, Prince Miguel’s nursemaid.”

  Collectively, all eyes travel up toward the tower. Few can look upon the bloodied body.

  “Why?” a nobleman asks with a shudder. “I remember her from Princess Juana’s ball. A beautiful señorita. Why would she take her life?”

  Beatriz does not bat an eye. “She must have heard the news.”


  “Yes, my dear friends, I am sad to tell you that Prince Miguel has died.”

  There is a collective gasp. The royal heir to the throne is dead?

  They do not have time to ponder the implications before the marquesa continues, “The messenger arrived a few moments ago. Serena must have overheard…” She motions to the body. “She loved him deeply. Poor girl. Her grief I understand, but to commit a mortal sin?” She shakes her head. “I would not have wished it upon her.”

  Serena glares at the lying woman. “Andrés will never believe you. If it takes an eternity,” she vows, “he shall know the truth about my murder and how you sought to cover it up.”

  And with that vow, Serena steps away from the blinding light.


  “Wake up, Erin. I remember it all,” someone said in my…ear? Head?

  “Erin? Open your eyes, querida,” a deeper voice said. “It’s all over.”

  I was flat on my back inside a small room with medical supplies all around. My arm hurt like a son-of-a-gun and there was a lump on my head. “Where am I?”

  “An ambulance. I’m taking you back to the hospital.”

  “Hospital?” My thoughts were jumbled. Why was his face so sad? What happened? Why—oh God, suddenly I remembered. “Maria.”

  When he bent over and kissed my cheek, his tears mixed with mine. “Fell…out the window…didn’t make it.”

  With my good arm, I pulled him toward me. He sobbed against my neck while I held on tight. The ambulance guy closed the door and left us that way, tangled up together in misery. The cot shook slightly with the rumble of the engine.

  We had at least a half an hour in the back the ambulance to piece the story together. When we both stopped crying, I held his cheeks in my hands. “Tell me.”

  “I did everything I could to heal her.” His eyes were bloodshot and tormented. “After the problems with Mama, I sensed Maria was heading for a breakdown too, but I couldn’t be sure. She hid her emotions. Buried them deep. It’s something we both learned too well.

  “The day Cristina disappeared, I was distraught, angry, confused. Maria looked me in the eye and said, ‘Let the darkness take over. It’s easy. Sometimes the lights just go out and there is nothing left but power and rage. I can kill with my bare hands when the darkness takes over.’

  “I was terrified. Had Cristina run off? Or had the darkness taken her and my baby sister with it?

  “I sent Maria to UCLA the next day for extensive testing. What was the darkness and could it be destroyed for good? After five years of the best medicines and therapy, Dr. Martin Lawrence, the number one psychiatrist in the world, assured me she was well. But I couldn’t be sure. Some things you feel in here.” He pressed his hand to his stomach.

  “She seemed so…normal,” I said. “But then again, I might not be the best judge of normal.”

  “Yes. Most of the time she acted fine. But there were flashes… It scared me. I wondered if she was taking her pills. I sent one of her blood samples to Martin to find out.”

  “Right, after my heatstroke incident you drew her blood. She thought you were trying to determine if she and I had been exposed to a germ on the plane.”

  “It would have broken Maria’s heart, or pushed her over the edge, to know I was checking up on her. I had to know the truth. It was killing me, thinking you might be in danger. I flew to LA to speak to Martin and study the results myself. It was the hardest thing in the world to leave you behind, Erin. I couldn’t sleep or eat.” He tucked the hair behind my ear. “I can’t breathe when I’m away from you.”

  I cupped his cheek. “Me too, big guy.”

  “I hired a man to follow Maria and keep an eye on you while I was gone.”

  “The guy at the airport and parked outside.”

  His eyes widened. “You saw him?”

  “Yeah, but Maria didn’t believe me when I told her we were being followed.”

  He took a stuttering breath. “Her perception of reality wasn’t always accurate.”

  “But she worked, had friends, lovers. I had no idea she was sick. It’s a real testament to how strong she was, Santiago. No one knew.”

  “I should have known. And saved her.”

  “How? Force-fed her the pills? The best doctors in the world couldn’t save her because deep down she liked the darkness. The power thrilled her. She didn’t want to give it up.”

  “If I had known, I’d never have put you at risk. I love you, Erin. More than I have ever loved anyone. I would have sent you to Mars to keep you safe.”

  I smiled. “Newsflash—I love you too much to leave you. Ever.”

“But you promised you’d go home if things got too dangerous.”

  I kissed him on the nose. “I lied. It was the last time, I promise. I am so done with secrets and lies.”

  “Not telling you the whole truth almost got you killed. And Maria…” A wave of sorrow surged through him, filling his eyes. “I lost my sister.”

  I laced my fingers with his. “Above all else, she wanted you to be happy. I hope you will let me have that job. I will make your life so sweet.”

  “After all this, you want to stay with me?”

  “Only forever. Now, lie back down here with me and rest. We’ll get through this. Together.” I scooted over a little, trying not to jostle my arm.

  “I love you, Erin Carter.” Mindful of my injuries, he curled himself around me.

  I sighed. I was tired, beat up, and emotionally whooped, but those five little words had healing power. They were dark chocolate for my soul.

  “I love you too, Santiago Botello.”

  “Mi amor, mi corazón, mi vida…” He kissed me as the ambulance drove on.


  Four years later, Salamanca, Spain

  I pulled two cute little bodies out of the tub and wrapped them in heavy cotton towels. They were warm and sweet smelling, like milk and honey.

  “I could just eat you up.” I kissed the closest pudgy tummy.

  “Mama!” My daughter giggled. “That tickles.”

  “Get me too, Mama.” My son thrust his belly in my face.

  “Oh, I’m gonna get you.” I laughed and blew zerberts on his bellybutton. The giggles were deafening.

  “There, all dry. Now off to your room. Rosa’s bringing your PJs from the dryer. See, there she is. Uh-oh, looks like she’s winning.”

  Squeals of delight echoed off the walls as the twins raced to beat Rosa to their shared bedroom.

  “Dios mío, me old bones,” Rosa exclaimed as the two-and-a-half-year-old forces of nature ran past, almost knocking her off her feet.

  I laughed and thanked God all over again for my good fortune. I had the love of my life and two treasures flying buck naked down the hall. I owed it all to Serena. She saved my life in the tower and together we found her memories. The good, the bad, and the beautiful.

  She came to me one last time in the hospital. I didn’t need to open my eyes to know she was there.

  “You came back,” I whispered.

  “Sí, to say adios.”

  “What? Why? We haven’t done the séance yet. I promised I would find someone who really knows how to send you on.”

  “I know. But I have been thinking. Do you suppose other ghosts are here?”

  I scrunched my eyes at her. “I suppose so. People say they see ghosts all the time. Why?”

  “What if an evil person like Clara were to die? Would her spirit remain evil?”

  “I…I really don’t know.”

  “And if such a bad spirit were to enter living persons as I did to you? What then?”

  I thought about Rosa’s warning about becoming possessed. I also thought of Aunt Lulu who claimed a person was talking inside her head all the time. “It would be bad.”


  “What are you saying?”

  “I must do everything in my power to stop Clara from hurting others. And then find a way to send her spirit straight to hell.”

  “Ah, okay. But what if she isn’t here? What if she’s cooking her toes as we speak?”

  “Then I shall find someone else to send me on. You gave me back my memories of Andrés. You have done more than enough.”

  “I’ll miss you.”

  “I shall miss you as well. Be safe, my friend.” And she was gone.

  I would always be grateful and wished I could thank her somehow.

  The opportunity presented itself in two small packages. When I told Santiago the names I had chosen for the twins, he smiled and nodded. “Serena and Andrés Botello? Perfect.”

  I bought a new notebook and wrote down the love story of Serena and Andrés. One day, when the twins were old enough to allow a ghost story into their lives, I would read it to them. I had a feeling these two munchkins would enjoy hearing about their namesakes, provided I left out some of the lovey-dovey stuff.

  An hour after I had put the kids to bed, a tired Santiago came through the door.

  “Hi babe.” I kissed him soundly. “Long day?”

  “Not the longest, but close. How was yours?” he mumbled into my collarbone. His breath sent a shimmy of warm delight across my skin.

  “Not boring.” I worked alone these days, still keeping a small list of faithful clients and even dabbling into day-trading. Turns out I hadn’t lost my touch. Those boys at the firm had nothing on me. Best of all, I had balance in my life. Wholeness. Letting go of the old Erin had been the best career choice I’d ever made.

  “You should’ve seen what your two rascals did today,” I went on. “The plumber had quite a laugh saying they take the prize for most bars of soap jammed down the toilet with a plunger.”

  “Oh, no.” He lifted his head. “Where are they?”


  He took me by the hand and we walked quietly into their shared room.

  “Such angels,” I whispered, amazed at how the right light on a child’s soft cheek could erase all the troubles of the day.

  He kissed the side of my forehead. “Let’s wake them.”

  “Oh, no you don’t. It’s my first moment of silence all day.”


  “Nothing doing. Go change and I’ll warm your dinner. Rosa made one of your favorites.”

  I stopped on my way to the kitchen. “Holy cow! Someone’s sawing logs.”

  The ruckus was coming from Señora Botello’s (or Nana’s, as we called her now) room. She had fallen asleep in her favorite chair, a book open across her lap, snoring without a care in the world. Placing the book on her nightstand, I pulled the lap-blanket up and tucked it around her tiny body.

  She looked good. Not so frail anymore. With the new medication she was taking, she seemed normal. There were a few rare moments of strangeness, but mostly she was a regular, sweet granny to the kids, in a constant battle with my mom for Grandmother of the Year Award. They both spoiled the twins mercilessly. I’m sure I would pay for it in the teenage years.

  Nana and I got along swimmingly. She always had liked me even when I thought she was trying to kill me. Really she had been giving me clues about the poisoned tea, doing her best to sneak out of Maria’s tight clutches. Sadly, I didn’t figure it out until too late.

  “Night, Nana.” I kissed the top of her head and turned out the light.

  Warming Santiago’s food in the microwave, I poured two glasses of wine. Where is that man?

  On a hunch, I went to the kids’ room. My heart melted. The world’s most handsome man was wrapped in tiny arms and legs, in a little girl’s bed. He had moved little Andrés so he could lie between them. It was a crowded spot of heaven.

  “Want to snuggle?” he whispered in the glow of the nightlight.

  “No place I’d rather be.” I wiggled in between the pink princess sheets.

  I thought briefly about my pale blue notebook. I had written just one more entry in it before I put it away four years ago. Every line had been accomplished, including number five: No more nightmares, only sweet dreams from now on. The last line was my favorite.

  Snuggling closer, I kissed my husband. I didn’t need a journal to get a life anymore.

  I already had one.

  Get a Life Journal

  1) I am not crazy. I will trust everything will work out for the best and go to Spain.

  2) Relax. Flirt. Enjoy a man, just because. Become a goddess.

  3) Be the goddess. Be the goddess. Be the goddess. And don’t go crazy.

  4) Get through to Santiago, if it kills me. And stop flipping out.

  5) No more nightmares. Only sweet dreams from now on.

  6) Find Santiago before
it’s too late.

  7) Forget about being a goddess. Let him love you for the woman you are.

  About the Author

  Kimberley Troutte has been a substitute teacher, caterer, financial analyst for a major defense contractor, aerobics instructor, real-estate broker, freelance writer, homework corrector and caregiver to all the creatures the kids/hubby/dog drag in. She lives with her husband, two sons, one dog and three snakes in Southern California.

  Please visit her at or come blogging at

  Look for these titles by Kimberley Troutte

  Now Available:

  Soul Stealer

  When Death falls in love with a saint, there’s holy hell to pay.

  Soul Stealer

  © 2009 Kimberley Troutte

  Sara Lane expects to die young, but when the time comes, she’s not ready. She needs two more weeks to finish a homeless shelter before winter sets in and people die on the streets. Who does a girl have to sleep with to live a few extra days?

  How about the sexiest, most dangerous of all bad boys—Death himself?

  Cain’s job as a designated death dealer is clear. Kill and move on. Don’t get attached. Don’t feel. But when Sara pleads to cut a deal for more time, Cain is tempted by an unexpected craving for this beautiful, courageous woman. As their lips meet, her life force shakes him to his bones, seals the bargain—and breaks all the rules.

  Keeping Sara alive is a dangerous proposition. The Powers That Be are furious and unleash bloodthirsty demons to steal Sara’s soul from Death—the one man who’s hell-bent on saving her life.

  Warning: This book contains the sexiest of all bad boys, a woman desperate to get what she wants, deadly soul-sucking demons, surprise visits by Biblical characters, frog grenades, very bad dogs, sacrifice, redemption and eternal love.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Soul Stealer:


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