(Anthology) Forever

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(Anthology) Forever Page 18

by Marilyn Lee, Stephanie Burke

  “And who are you?”

  “Me? Well, I’m—”

  Tioni extended a fur-covered hand and the muscles of Jemi’s throat froze. She knew The Seer was exerting a psychic influence over her. Somehow, she didn’t feel threatened—even when she approached and placed a long-fingered palm over her heart.

  The Seer closed her eyes and bent her head. “You are Jemi Hunter of...Earth?” She removed her hand and looked at Jemi. “What is this Earth?”

  Jemi shook her head. “I don’t where we are in relationship to Earth so I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “No matter. The time for the march to Terra has arrived. Our Lord Donoun has sent a message that Liege Lord Siano has sent an ultimatum: the time for your life mating has passed. There are raiding parties approaching Volter borders. Either you begin the march for Terra, or Liege Lord Siano will attempt to enter Volter and take you by force of arms in accordance with the treaty signed five seasons past by Liege Lords Donoun and Siano.”

  Jemi, sharing a fleeting memory from Jeroni, had a disturbing vision of fierce warriors bursting through the breeched walls surrounding a large, stone building. After battering a tall, handsome man unconscious, they had carried off a beautiful woman with sad dark eyes.

  She knew it was Jeroni’s memory of her mother’s abduction from her father’s arms when Jeroni was twelve seasons.

  She shook her head. “She wants to help, but she doesn’t want to mate with this Tuteri,” she told Tioni.

  “It is her destiny.”

  “No. Her destiny is her own to make,” Jemi countered.

  Jemi, this is not the time for your equal pay for equal work doctrine, Cody warned. Jeroni must make her own decision.

  She made it when she left me in charge of her mind and body, Cody, she retorted. And even if she is willing to mate with this Tuteri, I am not.

  It was my need for you and my will that got you here. You belong to me, Hunter added. I might let Cody have an occasional fuck, but your pussy is going to be mine.

  Dream on, she told him. Then smiling with feminine satisfaction at the sheer lust behind Hunter’s words, she turned to Tioni. “Jeroni isn’t here. It’s just me and I am not going to mate with this Tuteri.”

  Tioni emitted a sense of menace. “Then the Blood Wars will start again. Are you so selfish that you would condemn all to the Blood Wars just to avoid doing your duty to your people?”

  Jemi shook her head. “Wait a minute. These are not my people and I have no duty to them. I don’t even belong here.”

  “Then relinquish control of Jeroni Teyer of Volter now.” The Seer’s eyes narrowed and she extended her right hand.

  Off to her right, Jemi saw Dioni start and whip his sword from the scabbard on his back. He only managed one leap in The Seer’s direction before she swung around and extended her palm in his direction. Gasping for breath, he dropped to his knees, his sword clanging to his side.


  Before she could rush to his assistance, Tioni turned back to her, her right hand thrust out. Jemi felt as if something hard and cold had reached into her body and pulled out all her vital organs. Gasping in agony, she collapsed to the floor. Cody! Cody, help us.

  With her ability to breath fading fast, she felt rather than saw Hunter spring pass her and bound towards the seer. His big body brushed against the seer’s arm, knocking her outstretched hand aside.

  Feeling as if a vice had released her lungs, Jemi sucked in several gusts of sweet, blessed air. Thank you, Hunter. She sprang to her feet, instinctively snatched a knife from a sheath on the outside of her right boot, and went into a crouching position, extending the six inch bladed knife in front of her. What she wouldn’t give for her sword, but she hadn’t expected to need it in her special place.

  Dioni retrieved his sword and staggered to his feet, breathing hard. Jemi felt Jeroni’s concern for her favorite lover. “Dioni? Are you all right?”

  “I am, My Lady Liege.”

  He was clearly still shaken. She narrowed her gaze and turned her attention back to Tioni. “How dare you hurt him?”

  The Seer, knocked off balance by Hunter’s bulk, had swung around with startling swiftness. She faced Jemi with both hands at her side, her eyes narrowed. Hunter sprang around and put his big body between the two of them.

  Tioni, Chief Seer of Supreme Liege Lord Donoun, of Volter, Jemi of Earth means no harm to Jeroni Teyer. She has not and will not hurt her. My Lady Liege fled of her own accord and does not wish Jemi of Earth hurt. I, Hunter, elder offspring of Seeker, Sire of Tern Terra, do not wish her hurt. I will not allow her to be hurt. Stand down and make no further attempt to incapacitate her.

  Listening to Hunter’s impassioned defense on her behalf, Jemi’s eyes filled with grateful tears. She kept the knife extended, uncertain if Hunter would-be able to hold the seer off. Although there had been no malicious intent behind Tioni’s sudden attack, there had been tremendous power. It was a power Jemi did not wish used on Hunter.

  She placed a hand on his flank and stepped around him. It’s all right, Hunter. Thank you, but she doesn’t want to hurt me. She just wants to make sure Jeroni is all right.

  She felt a knot of tension at the base of her skull and then Jeroni was back. She released her hold on their body and yielded the dominant consciousness to the other woman.

  Jeroni slid the knife back in its sheath, squared her shoulders, and faced the censure in Tioni’s eyes with an icy look of her own. “Seer,” she spat the word out. “I will deal with you in a moment.”

  She crossed the room to Dioni and touched his chest. “My faithful Dioni.”

  “My Lady Liege.” He bowed his head and would have dropped to one knee, but she grabbed his arm. “No. You’re too weak.” She caressed his cheek. “Always ready to protect me.”

  “I would gladly give my life in your defense, My Lady Liege.”

  “How well I know that.” She reached down and gently cupped his cock and balls. “But I prefer you alive and well. I value you, Dioni, both as a faithful protector and as my favorite lover.”

  He lifted his head and she saw a warmth in his dark eyes he’d never allowed her to see. “My Lady Liege honors me beyond my deeds,” he whispered in a husky voice and despite her efforts to stop him, he dropped to one knee.

  She stroked her fingers through his soft hair, aware of a sensation that had nothing to do with the usual mating desires she associated with her need of him. But thoughts for another time.

  “Rise, Dioni.”

  He rose, but kept his head bowed.

  She touched his head again and swung around to face Tioni.

  “I, Jeroni Teyer of Volter, sole heir to Liege Lord Donoun’s Dominion, am here, Seer. Before you speak, understand this: as long as you are under my father’s subjugation, never, ever lift a hand against my faithful Dioni again. I will not have him hurt.”

  “Nor would I,” Tioni said, surprising her.

  She watched The Seer turn her dark gaze in Dioni’s direction. “He is a stalwart, faithful warrior and a generous, unselfish lover.”

  Jeroni stared at her. Was that tenderness in The Seer’s voice for her Dioni?

  Before she could decide, Tioni turned back to face her. “Who was that Jemi of Earth? What have you done, Jeroni?”

  “She’s the life mate of Hunter’s body sharer, Cody. She meant no harm.”

  “Assure her that I intended none either. Had I intended to harm her, I would have.”

  I would not have allowed it, Seer, Hunter interjected.

  Jeroni stared at him. There was something different about Hunter. She’d never heard him speak with such authority to Tioni.

  To her surprise, Tioni made no effort to admonish Hunter. That too was different. Tioni had been remonstrating with one or the other of them ever since she had arrived in Volter.

  “Would you have this world thrown into a Blood War on your account, Jeroni Teyer?”

  Jeroni tossed her head, sending her dark
hair cascading around her face in an angry cloud. “Would my father have me life mated to a Terrian male against my will?” she demanded.

  Tioni’s gaze softened. “Jeroni, The Liege Lord’s love for you can not be doubted, but you took an oath to life mate with Tuteri.”

  “That oath was taken five seasons past when I knew not the full import of taking it. I can not go through with it. I will not go through with it.”

  “The cost of not following your oath would be catastrophic to both Volter and Terra, Jeroni Teyer.”

  “And following it will be catastrophic to me, Tioni. Does that matter to no one?” Jeroni demanded angrily.

  Tioni raised her left hand and Jeroni fell silent. “The caravan with your mating regalia will arrive in seven sunrises. You have that long to reconsider your position, Jeroni Teyer of Volter. I will leave you to think.”

  She watched The Seer stop to speak to Dioni. After a moment, she gently stroked her hand down his muscled arm before sweeping out of the hut stop.

  Jeroni slumped back against Hunter’s bulk. She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  I would not have you dead, he told her. Go, if you must.

  Chapter Five

  That night while Tioni and Dioni slept in the hut stop, Jeroni and Hunter, longing to be alone, walked the forest trails lit only by the full moon and the stars. The night was filled with the nocturnal sounds of stalking predators and their fleeing prey. Although her only weapon was the knife in her boot, Jeroni was unafraid. The other predators gave Hunter a wide berth and he had no natural predators except man. No Volterian male would dare to hunt Lady Liege Jeroni’s bond mate.

  When they tired, they found a big tree and bedded down under its branches. It was a cool night and she shivered.

  Hunter, lying on his stomach, rolled onto his side. Come close, Jeroni and share my warmth.

  Needing no other encouragement, she scooted close, burrowing against Hunter’s soft under side. She immediately became aware of his shaft hardening in its sheath, just under his skin. She could smell his need.

  She shivered again, this time from mating hunger. If she were going to be forced to live in Terra without her beloved Hunter, she at least should get a chance to mate with him before they had to say goodbye forever.

  She extended a hand and touched the opening from which his cock would pop out when he was aroused. Closing her eyes, she enjoyed feeling the pulsing of the big thick cock mere centimeters from her eager fingers.

  Jeroni, The Seer said we mustn’t, Hunter warned, his thoughts and voice unsteady.

  She continued to touch him. The head of his cock popped out and her heart began to pound so fast, breathing became difficult. She reached a hand down and stroked herself. She pushed up her skirt and rubbed her bare cunt against the head of his cock. He shuddered, growled softly, and his whole glorious dick popped out and bumped against her pussy. Sucking in her breath, she clasped the big beautiful prize in both hands, guiding it towards her aching cunt.

  “Jeroni Teyer. Hunter. Does your word mean nothing? Stop. Immediately.”

  The two would be lovers froze as The Seer appeared out of the forest and stood over them, her right hand extended, her cat like eyes glowing in the dark night.

  “I have to have him,” Jeroni protested. “I will have him.”

  “It is forbidden for you to mate with him.”

  “I will mate as I like! I want Hunter. He wants me. If I am to spend the rest of my life with Tuteri, I will spend my last free nights filled with Hunter’s cock.”

  “You will not. It is forbidden.”

  “By who?”

  “You know that once you have cunt mated with Hunter, you will be of no value to Tuteri or any other human male.”

  “Then I will be of no value to Tuteri.”

  The Seer’s hand moved slightly. Jeroni’s hands opened against her will and Hunter’s big lovely cock fell from her grasp.

  “It is forbidden for you to mate,” Tioni said again. “I will not allow it.”

  Leave us, Tioni. I will not mate with her, Hunter promised. Then, ignoring his agony of need, he drew his cock back into its sheath.

  “Give me your word as elder offspring of Seeker, Sire of Tern Terra and I will leave you alone with her.”

  You have it.

  Tioni sniffed the air. “I can smell both your need and hers, but you must not cunt mate with her.”

  I have already given you my word, Seer.

  Tioni dropped down to all fours, and trotted back into the night.

  Feeling angry and full of frustrated desire and need, Jeroni tossed herself onto her belly and allowed the tears to spill down her cheeks.

  Jemi, feeling her pain, she reached out to her. “Are you all right?”

  “Why did you say you would go?”

  “What would it mean? What’s the worst that could happen?”


  A jolt of revulsion shot through Jemi at the thought of never seeing Hunter again. “Isn’t he going to go with you?”

  “Why isn’t he going?”

  “Why not?”

  “Don’t Terrian women have flexible pussies?”

  talk of formally uniting the kingdoms again by means of marriage arose. My father and Liege Lord Siano signed treaties and I was informed that it was my duty to marry Tuteri.>

  Jemi took a deep breath. “Then why don’t you spend the next few days mating with him, if you want?”

  Jeroni sobbed.

  “So this Tuteri would know if you mated with Hunter?”

  “Why not? If he’s such a bad lover and you’re forced to mate with him, you’d be perfectly justified, in my opinion, in mating with someone else—like Dioni.”

  Wonderful, Jemi thought sourly. Here they were in another place and time, and the deck was still stacked in the male’s favor. Some things never changed.

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “Like I said, Jeroni, with all respect to your father and your culture, I am not life mating with this Tuteri.”

  “Yeah? Then you’d better prepare yourself to mate with the only Great Carnivore left in the land because I fully intend to mate with Hunter.”

  “No. I mean Hunter,” she said defiantly.

  Jemi, darling. When? Hunter asked, beginning to pant. It’s forbidden for me to mate with Jeroni, but not with you. Oh, I want your sweet pussy.

  “Oh, God, Hunter, I want your cock!”


  Hmm. Delicious thought. “No. Not now, Hunter.” She reached out a hand and stroked his sheath. His cock popped out and she took it in her hands and gently began pumping him. “Soon,” she promised. “Very soon, I’ll have to have this lovely cock inside my pussy.”

  As she spoke, she continued to gently massage him. Just the feel of the big warm dick is her hands was a turn on. A shiver of need ran through her as she began to sense his pleasure through the bond he shared with Jeroni. She smiled and leaned down to kiss the area around his sheath.

  He purred low in his throat.

  You like that? She asked softly, using feelings and thoughts to speak to him rather than words.

  Yes. Yeeesss!

  His big dick began to pulse and shake in her hands and she knew he was about to lose control. Pushing her skirt up, she positioned herself close, and parted her legs, exposing herself to him.

  When he came, the first spurt hit her clit. Gods of the Mountains that was nice. She parted her legs further and directed his big shooting shaft between her legs. His cum, shooting in a strong stream, blasted directly into her mating tunnel.

  Knowing she was full of Hunter’s seed was enough of a thrill to set off a
nice sensation in her pussy. Moaning and shuddering to a climax, she collapsed against his warm underside, kissing his belly and wrapping her arms around his body. Oh, that was nice. I think I could easily fall head over heels in love with you, she told him.

  There was a surprised silence from Hunter, then...Is this falling in love a good thing?

  It’s a very good thing, Hunter.

  Then I could easily fall head over heels in love with you too, Jemi, darling. Like Dioni would die protecting Jeroni, I would happily die in your defense.

  I’d rather you lived to mate with me, she said, making no effort to hide her shameless desire for him.

  Lovely pussy, he told her. Hunter’s pussy.

  Gods of the Mountains, yes! She wanted to mate with him then and there, but she’d experienced too much in one day. She was too weary to attempt to take on Hunter’s big cock. She was drifting into to an exhausted sleep when a sudden thought startled her back to wakefulness.

  “Cody? I hope you don’t misunderstand,” she said anxiously. “I still care for you, but...Hunter...I could easily love...him.” Could? Who was she kidding? She was already there—had been for weeks. “Can you understand that?”

  I do. To her relief, he didn’t sound bitter. And now I know you’ll understand that just as Hunter loves Jeroni, and yet longs to fuck you, I love you, but long to fuck Jeroni’s tender, young pussy. It’s all part of this body and mind sharing.

  Feeling relieved, Jemi nodded sleepily, even though she had a sneaking suspicion the passion and lust she felt for Hunter had nothing to do sharing Jeroni’s body.

  As my need for your sweet pussy has nothing to do with Cody sharing my body, Hunter assured her.

  Aren’t you going to tell me my pussy is tender? She teased.

  It won’t be tender for long once I get in it.

  She laughed, feeling thoroughly wicked and loving it. Promises, sweet promises. One of these days, Hunter, it’s going to be you, me, and that big hard cock of yours in my pussy sending me straight to paradise.

  Pounding your pussy.

  Gods of the Mountain, yes!


  Very soon, Hunter.


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