Snowbound with the Viscount

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Snowbound with the Viscount Page 7

by Galen, Shana

  How could Holly help but fall in love with him?

  But marriage was more than flowers or a kindness to a spaniel. It meant giving up her independence and giving him control over her finances, her future, even her body.

  She might not mind the last so much, but what if he had secrets like James? What if Adam had debts she did not know about? Everyone said his estate was a model of good management, but no one had known James gambled with enormous sums of money.

  Not even his wife.

  She stared out the window at the late afternoon sun. It would be a mistake to compare James and Adam. They were different men, and while James would always have a place in her heart, it had felt very empty lately. Adam had filled some of that emptiness.

  Almost as though her thoughts of him had conjured him, the door opened, and he entered. “I thought I might find you here,” he said. “Did you like my gift?”

  “Like it?” Her voice had a teasing lilt as she made her way to him. “Let me show you how much I love it.”


  Holly wrapped her arms around him and between the heady scent of her, the heat of the room, and the feel of her body pressed against him, Adam felt as though he were drowning in sensation. He pulled away, needing to slow down or risk tossing up her skirts then and there.

  “I’ve been too forward,” she said, misunderstanding his actions and pulling away.

  He caught her and pulled her close. “No. I like it when you kiss me, but I fear I like it too much. I need a moment to compose myself.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  He gave her a look. It was quite obvious why. He was breathing hard, and as a widow she had to know what the erection straining his trousers meant.

  She gave him a look that was far from innocent and would do absolutely nothing to ease that erection. “Do you want me, Adam?”

  “God, yes,” he said before he could think better of it. But she had that look in her dark eyes and her blue velvet dress showed her neck and arms to advantage. Not to mention the tight bodice...

  “Then come to my bedchamber,” she said. He stared at her, not certain he had heard correctly.

  “I...” He had a moment to wonder what might happen if they were discovered missing.

  “The others are playing games in the parlor, and I’ve given my maid the rest of the day off. It is Christmas, and the poor dear has to spend it away from her family. We can be quite alone.”

  And quite naked, his mind added.

  “Are you sure you want this?” he asked. “I don’t expect anything in exchange for the flowers. They weren’t even really mine.”

  “That thought never crossed my mind,” she said. “I’ll go first. You follow in a few minutes.”

  And then she was gone, and he stood in the empty conservatory, wondering if he had imagined the whole thing. And then he was imagining what they might do in her chamber, and he had to force himself to wait to go after her.

  Finally, he made his way to her chamber. Her door was open just a sliver, and he looked both ways before he slid inside and closed it behind him.

  When he turned around, half expecting Holly to demand what he was about, he found her standing near the vase of flowers in nothing but her stockings and chemise.

  “Your dress,” he said, his voice sounding hoarse as his gaze roved over the display of bare shoulders and arms and the thin material covering her breasts, hips, and legs.

  “I chose that dress because I can put it on and take it off myself. I told you, I gave Bell a half day.” She cocked her head at him. “Do you need me to play valet?”

  Adam wondered how she managed to make that sound so erotic. She crooked a finger at him, and he walked to her. She reached up and pushed his coat off his shoulders. The fit was tight, but she managed to remove it almost as deftly as his own man. Next she did away with his waistcoat, her hands on his belly as she unfastened the buttons made him eager to touch her. But when he reached for her, she made a tutting sound. She was in charge here, and it was a side of her he had never seen.

  Next came his cravat and then she had the buttons at his throat and sleeves open. She pulled the shirt from his breeches and pushed it up and over his head. Mentally, he prepared himself for her to reach for the fall of his breeches, but instead her hands landed on his chest. “May I touch you?” she asked. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She thought she needed to ask? He would have fallen on his knees and begged her to touch him. He was wild for her, and his body all but hummed with need.

  “Yes,” he said, his voice low and gravelly.

  Her hands glided down his chest to his belly and then up again. She moved around him, trailing one hand over his side to rest on his back. She pressed her body against him, her warm mouth kissing his bare shoulder. Her arms wrapped around him, and he closed his eyes, enjoying the embrace.

  His eyes snapped open when her hands dipped below his waist and into his trousers. She hesitated at the placket as he held his breath. “May I?” she asked, her voice a purr.

  “Please.” He should have been embarrassed by the naked need and the way his voice hitched, but he wanted this too much. Her nimble fingers loosed the placket, freeing his erection. She caught it with her warm hand, wrapping him in her palm and sliding up and down his aching cock until his breath caught and he groaned.

  Much as he hated to do so, he caught her hand and stilled her. “If you keep doing that, this will be over before it begins.”

  She ran her tongue over the skin between his shoulder blades. “I have no doubt you will rise again,” she murmured, her hand beginning to move again.

  How could he deny her? He was already halfway to orgasm. “Holly. Holly.”

  Her hand moved faster, and he cried out, biting his lip to muffle the sound. She moved around him, taking his hand and leading him to the bed, where he sat, trembling. He felt as though he should apologize at taking his pleasure without giving her any, but he could see by her bright eyes and flushed cheeks she had enjoyed it.

  As he watched, she placed one foot on the cushioned seat at the end of the bed and slowly raised her chemise. When she reached the garter, velvet blue this time, holding the stocking in place, she untied it, dropped it on the bed and slid the stocking down, revealing smooth, pale calves and a hint of rounded thighs. His mouth dry, he waited for her to remove the other stocking, but she looked up at him. “Don’t you want to undress?”

  He blinked then looked down to see he still wore his own shoes, stockings, and breeches. He made quick work of them while she removed her other stocking, and then he was naked. Her feet bare now, she padded over to him and wrapped her arms around him, her hands moving all over his body until he felt his desire rise again. “I want you,” she murmured.

  He gathered her close and kissed her, his hands in her hair removing pins until her long tresses fell over his arms and down her back. His mouth moved to her neck where he trailed kisses along her skin, pushing her chemise out of the way when he reached her shoulder. Her hands came between them and she pulled the ribbon that held her chemise closed. She stepped back as the garment slid down, revealing her pale breasts, tipped with hard, rosy nipples.

  Adam sank to his knees and pulled her close, feasting on those breasts, laving and sucking until Holly was mewling with need. His hands took the fabric pooled at her waist and pushed it down over her lush hips and her plump bottom. Finally, it lay at her feet, and she was revealed to him. He kissed her belly and the triangle of honey-colored hair between her legs. Her skin smelled of clean soap and the scent of lupine, and the logs in the hearth perfumed the air.

  He stood, lifted her, and laid her on the bed, spreading her hair out as he’d imagined. When he looked down at her, he said, “I want you in my bed every night. I’ve imagined you like this so many times the past few days.”

  “You look better than I ever could have imagined,” she said. “All that work with horses must be...strenuous.”

  He smiled. How had he ever though
t her meek or shy? Perhaps she was withdrawn in public, but in private, she seemed to have no fear. As though to prove his point, as his gaze slid down her body, she opened her legs enticingly. “Kiss me,” she said, and he was more than willing. He started at the valley between her breasts and worked his way down. Slowly. She was writhing and moaning with need by the time he tasted her. She was wet and soft and, with a few words of encouragement, showed him exactly what she liked. By the time she came against his tongue, he was hard again. He positioned himself between her legs, looking to her for approval.

  “Now,” she breathed, arching toward him.

  Entering her was like coming home. She fit him perfectly, moved with him as though they had performed this act so many times before. But just as he found a rhythm, she shifted so they rolled over and she was on top. She took him deep and slow, and he was glad she had pleasured him earlier so they could make this last. The sight of her over him made his mouth dry. He couldn’t stop cupping her breasts or her hips and grasping her buttocks to urge her to move faster.

  Time seemed to slow until it was just the two of them, their eyes locked, their every movement enhancing the pleasure between them. Finally, he could hold out no longer. His hips moved of their own accord, and she pressed down, increasing the friction until he felt her clench around him, bringing him to a shattering release.

  She collapsed on top of him, her breathing hard and her body dusted with perspiration.

  “I should have pulled out at the last moment,” he murmured. “You could be with child.”

  She moved until she was curled beside him, her hand on his chest. “I didn’t think of it either. You needn’t worry, I won’t force you to marry me if that comes to pass.”

  He rose on his elbow. “Holly, I want to marry you. I have been trying to show you that all day.”

  She shook her head. “Because I am Edward’s sister and you feel duty-bound to protect me from Haggerston.”

  He blew out a breath. “That might have been my first inclination, but I promise you, duty is the farthest thing from my mind right now.” His hand, resting on her belly, slid up and over her breast. “I want you. Haggerston or no, debt or no. I...” But before he laid his heart before her, he looked into her eyes. “Do you want me?”

  “Of course,” she said, cupping his cheek with her hand. “These past two years out of mourning, I have prayed you would be at every event I attended and then prayed harder you would notice me. But if you are asking me if I am ready to marry again, I don’t know.”

  “Because of the IOU.”

  She nodded.

  “Your trust was broken.” He understood without her even having to tell him. With just a few words and a slip of paper, Haggerston had stripped away all she believed was true.

  “Then I suppose there is only one thing to do,” he said.

  She frowned at him. “What’s that?”

  “Come back after everyone is asleep.”

  “You would forego sleep to slip into my bed?” She licked her lips, obviously anticipating the visit.

  “If that’s what it takes to convince you to marry me, I’m willing to stay up all night and convince you over”—he kissed one breast—"and over”—he kissed the other—“and over again.” He kissed her mouth, showing her with his actions what he knew she was not yet ready to hear in words.

  IN THE DINING ROOM the next morning, everyone was in a hurry to eat and be gone. The snow had melted enough so that carriages could travel, and servants could be heard rushing back and forth, carrying trunks and valises to conveyances waiting on the drive.

  Holly was pleasantly tired and in no great hurry herself. She sipped her tea and smiled at Adam across from her, who looked tired. Considering that he’d spent the night in her bed doing his best to pleasure her until she was little more than a limp ragdoll, she knew he could use a nap. But when he caught her eye, instead of smiling wearily, his mouth quirked in what she recognized as the beginnings of desire. She shook her head, secretly pleased. Eva had told her she might stay another day so the two might have time to discuss the wedding and make plans. Adam had been invited to stay as well.

  It occurred to Holly that she should refuse. The sooner Adam was able to go to London, the sooner he could look into Haggerston’s claims about the IOU. Of course, there was every likelihood that Haggerston was not lying, and she really would have to scrape together three thousand pounds to pay James’s debt. It might as well have been ten thousand pounds. She would never be able to pay it. It would be easy to marry Adam and allow him to cover the debt, especially when he’d shown her what an attentive husband he would be. She knew it was not simply duty that motivated him now. She also knew lust would fade. They had friendship and always would, but could she spend the rest of her life wondering if Adam too had a secret that would come back to haunt her? Could she trust him?

  Perhaps she could not, but then love was all about having faith, wasn’t it? She did not know what a future with Adam Ivy might hold, but she wanted it, nonetheless. She wanted him, and she loved him enough to believe she could trust him.

  “There you are,” Eva said, entering the dining room, her cheeks flushed from activity.

  “Are the first carriages away?” Holly asked.

  “Not yet, but we have a new arrival!”

  Adam frowned. “I thought you were sending guests away, not welcoming new ones.”

  “This day is simply full of surprises,” Eva said, opening the door wider to reveal the last person Holly expected to see.


  Holly gasped when her brother, Edward, came into view. He smiled at her as he removed his hat and gloves. Holly jumped to her feet and Edward caught her in a hug when she rushed to meet him.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  He tapped her nose. “When my little sister did not come home for Christmas, I thought I had better make sure all was well.” He spotted Adam and inclined his head. “Ivy, I didn’t know you were here as well. I can see I worried needlessly.”

  Eva huffed. “As though I would not take good care of her!”

  “Of course, you have,” Edward said. “Now that I see that, I will be off again.” He placed his hat on his head and turned to go. Holly laughed and grabbed his arm.

  “You just arrived!”

  “I suppose I could do with some tea.” He handed his hat and gloves to the butler and followed Holly, Eva, and Adam into the dining room. They chatted about the weather and the roads until Eva was forced to attend to her other guests. As she opened the door to leave, Haggerston made to enter. But one look at the occupants of the room and he made an excuse and hurried away.

  “What is he doing here?” Edward asked.

  “His land borders Dorsey’s on the west,” Adam told him. “He’s also responsible for this.” He tapped his eye, where the bruises were just now beginning to fade.

  “I wondered what happened.”

  Adam looked at Holly. “Do you want to tell him or shall I?”

  “I suppose I had better tell him.”

  Edward scowled. “Tell me what? I don’t like this already.”

  “Lord Haggerston produced an IOU a few days ago,” Holly said. “It was in James’s handwriting and the sum—”

  “The sum was three thousand pounds,” Edward said.

  Holly’s mouth hung open in shock.

  “How do you know that?” Adam asked after a moment of silence.

  Edward raked a hand through hair just a shade darker than Holly’s. “Because it was my debt. I don’t understand why Haggerston would still have the slip. I paid that debt.”

  “But—” Holly could not seem to find the words. “I don’t understand.”

  “Start at the beginning, Edward,” Adam ordered. “Why would Haggerston have an IOU in Farthing’s handwriting for your debt?”

  Edward sighed, his expression turning sheepish. Holly recognized the look as one he’d given as a child when caught with a cookie before dinner. “It happene
d that week or so when you and James were visiting me in London,” Edward said to her. “I couldn’t seem to catch the attention of the actress I’d had my eye on, and I felt sorry for myself and spent far too much time at White’s.”

  “But why would you play at cards with Lord Haggerston?” Holly asked.

  “Because I was winning and was feeling lucky. Haggerston and I were playing with several other fellows, but they left, and I stayed, and I believe Haggerston let me win a few rounds before I started losing.”

  “And then you felt obligated to win your money back,” Adam said, filling in the rest. “And before you knew it you had lost three thousand pounds.”

  “More or less,” Edward agreed. “I went home, and James found me despondent in the library. I didn’t have three thousand pounds and Haggerston was demanding the money within forty-eight hours. James convinced me to sell a plot of land, but that would take time. In the meantime, he took out a loan and traded Haggerston my IOU for one in his name. Before you departed London, he paid my debt, and a few weeks later, I paid him back.”

  Holly reached out to her brother and put a comforting hand on his arm. “Why did I not know anything of this?”

  “I asked James not to tell you until I could pay back the debt. I was embarrassed. He didn’t like keeping it from you, but he did it for my sake. I suppose he never did have the chance to tell you as I paid him back shortly before he became ill.”

  “Quiet!” Adam said, standing abruptly. They went silent and heard Haggerston in the foyer outside the dining room speaking to Lady Dorsey.

  “The bastard is leaving,” Edward said.

  “Oh, no, he isn’t,” Adam countered, arrowing for the door and flinging it open. Haggerston jumped back as though he were a thief caught climbing through a window. “Stop right there!”

  Haggerston recovered quickly and puffed up his chest. “If this is about your eye, we’ll have to settle that score later. My carriage is waiting—”


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