When We Kiss: An enemies-to-lovers, opposites-attract romantic comedy

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When We Kiss: An enemies-to-lovers, opposites-attract romantic comedy Page 5

by Tia Louise

  “Liam finally proposed last Friday. He drove me all the way up to the Dairy Queen in Fireside and right in the middle of dinner, he pulled out a black box.”

  My lip goes between my teeth, and I start to laugh, too. “I’m not sure many people would consider a proposal at the DQ the height of romance.”

  “Oh he knows how much I love those dip cones. I dream about them some nights.”

  “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

  Her eyes flash wide. “No! We haven’t even… you know.” She clears her throat and hurries on. “We could have gone to the Blue Crab or one of those fancy restaurants out on the strip. But that’s never been our thing.”

  I consider the tall plumber with the floppy brown hair who hangs back quietly at most events in town.

  Donna’s voice is quiet as she adds. “I’m sure you think it’s stupid, since you’re so sophisticated and all.”

  “Not a bit!” Reaching out, I pull her to me in a hug. “I was actually thinking how sweet that is. If Liam pays that much attention to the little things you like… well, he sounds like good husband material to me.”

  She returns to the box and carries it along the line of refrigerator cases. “Help me with the door, will you?”

  I’m turning it all over in my mind as I open the large glass door. “He sounds a lot better than the assholes I seem to pick…”

  “Still no word from Travis?”

  “Of course not. That player is never coming back.”

  Donna makes a sad face. “I can’t believe he did that to you. Daisy is so sweet, and she has that little Melody… Well, it’s just a shame, that’s all.”

  “Maybe he’s dead.”

  “Tabitha!” The door slams shut with a muffled thud, and Donna laughs louder. “You say the craziest things.”

  “I’m just saying. The way he drove that bike.” I wish he were.

  “He was a bit careless.” Her voice is quiet shock as we walk slowly back to the desk where she works.

  “Careless doesn’t come close to what he was. Heartless. Worthless…” Something else flickers in my mind. “So you and Liam have never… done it?”

  Clearing her throat, she quickly takes her seat. “It’s never been a good time.” She’s acting way too suspicious, but she charges on before I can question it. “God doesn’t want us to, right?”

  My lips curl. “I don’t know. A lot of that stuff was said when people got married at fourteen. God might understand adult needs.”

  She takes her seat, picking up her pencil. “You sound like the old ladies in my Sunday school class. You know, I think Ms. Roxanne is going to a sex club for her vacation?”

  “Don’t even say it!” My hands fly up, and I turn on my heel. “I’ve got a fruit tart to deliver.”

  I beat a hasty retreat to the door, calling goodbye and best wishes over my shoulder as I push through the door. The last thing I want in my mind is images of wrinkly old farts frolicking on a nudie beach.

  I’ve got bigger fish to fry… and a mystery date to prepare for tonight.



  Standing in front of the mirror, I go back and forth between my kitten heels and my black Vans. Chad has been so freakin mysterious and absent all week. I have no idea what’s going on—other than I’m supposed to wear something I don’t mind getting dirty.

  Not much in my closet fits that description. I don’t dress to get dirty ever, and as much as I’ve been trying to fight it, I do want to look cute for my date tonight.

  I’m standing in my denim capris and a black, sleeveless sweater going back and forth on my shoes when the doorbell rings. A kaleidoscope of butterflies takes off in my stomach, and I growl at them to settle down.

  I don’t know why I’m doing this.

  I don’t need distractions right now.

  Especially not hot ones with big muscles and tight ends.

  Pulling the door open, my breath catches at Chad standing in front of me in loose, faded jeans and a camo tee that stretches across his pecs in such a way he might as well be shirtless.

  I kind of like his sexy G.I. Joe look. Unexpected.

  His dark brow lowers, and those full lips press into a frown. “Nope.” He shakes his head and walks past me into my small house.

  “Rude!” I manage to pick my jaw off the floor and call after him. “Did I invite you in?”

  “You can’t wear that.” He ignores me, looking around the room. “You need layers. Do you have a sweatshirt you don’t love?”

  “I don’t have a sweatshirt at all. You’ve seen how I dress.”

  His eyes flash the way they sometimes do when I see him around town, and I’m pretty sure Chad Tucker just had an impure thought. The way my panties catch fire, I’m pretty sure my body is right there with him.

  My brain is the only holdout.

  Chad Tucker is nothing but trouble as far as my plans are concerned. Tall, dark, and sexy trouble, but trouble nonetheless.

  “Never mind. I’ve got something in the truck. Wear the tennis shoes.”

  “Give me a second.”

  He waits as I go to my bedroom and grab the other shoe. When I return, he seems to completely fill my living room. His eyes rake over my body, and my breath catches.

  “You look great. Ready?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” I exhale, doing my best to halt my involuntary response to him. “Where are we going?”

  He catches my hand in his, and I swear to God my heart jumps to my throat. He’s only holding your hand, Tabby. Jeez, I’ve been holding boys’ hands since fifth grade. It’s just never sent a humming vibration up my arm before.

  When we get to his silver Chevy, he releases me, opening the passenger door and actually taking my arm to help me climb the step side.

  “Aren’t you the gentleman?” I tease.

  He looks confused, and I totally fall for him right then.

  What a lie. I fell for him the first day I saw that ass in those polyester uniform pants.

  I have never seen polyester look that good on anybody.

  “I got to thinking about it.” He turns the wheel and heads up the road away from town. “I figured you’re probably bored with the usual Oceanside stuff.”

  “So you’ve been thinking about me all week?”

  “I did ask you out. I’d like you to have fun.”

  Okay. I look out the window at the passing scenery. He’s driving on roads I only take if I’m going on a trip somewhere, leaving town.

  After a few more minutes, he turns down a narrow dirt road I’ve never even seen. “It’s a good thing you’re a cop. Otherwise, I’d be nervous.”

  “I don’t believe it. You’re not afraid of anything.” He winks at me, and my stomach flips.

  “I wouldn’t be too sure of that.” The way my body responds to him scares me to death.

  The road opens on a large field and what looks like an obstacle course or some place where military guys do drills. Massive, gray tree stumps are stacked on top of each other, with big canvas bags dotted among them. A few small thickets with trees are in the four corners, and two old sheds are at the very back. The closer we get, I see guys are running around inside carrying guns, and a big sign over it all reads Fireside Paintball Battleground.

  “What the…” I don’t finish as Chad parks the truck.

  My lips are parted, and I’m staring at the scene in front of me. Chad’s at the door again, holding it open and waiting. “Come on.”

  “Chad… I…” I don’t move, but he takes my arm, giving it a gentle pull. “I don’t know anything about this. I didn’t even know this was here.”

  “Me either. One of the guys who works here stopped in for poboys last week.” Pride is in his voice as he leads me to the back of his pickup. “Put this on.”

  He hands me a black sweatshirt, and I pull it over my head. I’m practically swimming in it, but it smells yummy, clean and fresh with a warm manly undertone. I think it’s just soap mixed with C
had, but if it were bottled in a store, I’d buy it.

  “I have these masks.” He holds up what looks like a black ski mask. “They don’t fog up, but they also don’t cover your whole head. I can rent one for you if you’d rather—”

  “These are good.” I have no idea.

  I take the mask and follow him to the ticket booth, tying my hair back in a long braid as he pays for us. Then I follow him around to the supply shed, where we’re handed guns with big barrel things on the tops of them, and a canvas vest.

  “I rented the vest for you.” He slips it over my shoulders, fastening it in the front like I’m a little kid. “It’ll add extra padding so it doesn’t hurt.”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “Hurt?”

  Chad chuckles. “Don’t be such a wuss. It just stings a little. Watch your step out there or you’ll slip.”

  He picks up the gun like he’s been doing this all his life. When I think about it, he probably has been handling weapons for years.

  I study the strange gun. “I think you’ve got the advantage on me.”

  “We’re on the same team. Don’t worry. I’ll cover you. Just stay close to me.”

  “I plan to stick to you like glue.”

  He gives me that panty-melting grin again, and my breath skips. “Sounds like a good strategy. Remember, the pellets are heavy, so aim a little higher than you normally would to hit a target.”

  I follow him to the field, and Chad stops to talk to a few guys. I’m surprised how many people are out here. It looks like ten men, the two of us, and one other woman a little older than me. She gives me the stink-eye, and I know who’s going to be aiming at me.

  As we fall back to the starting line, he explains. “They play last man standing. No rounds, so it could go a while.”

  I have no idea what that means. “I’ll probably be the first to go. Katniss Everdeen has me in her sights.”

  Confusion lines his face, and I nod in the direction of the blonde. He gives me a wink and flicks my dark braid over my shoulder. “You’re Katniss. She’s more like… Glimmer.”

  My jaw drops and I pull back. “You’ve read The Hunger Games?”

  “Hasn’t everybody?”

  “I guess. I didn’t expect you to—”

  “Just leave her to me.”

  “Not a chance.” I pull the mask down over my face. “I fight my own battles.”

  “You don’t even know how to use the gun yet.”

  “I’ll figure it out.”

  “Remember what I said. Stay to the sides and keep yourself covered.”

  The air horn sounds, and we all run up the sides. Chad is faster than me, and I have to dig in to stay at his side. Noises like whizzing rocks fly past me, but I manage to get to the first canvas bag without getting hit. Chad is pressed in front of me, and I’m right beside him, breathing hard and looking all around.

  “That was intense,” I whisper.

  Chad doesn’t respond. Sure enough, Glimmer is behind a stack of stumps scowling at me. I bet every one of those near misses was her trying to hit me as I ran.

  Chad turns to the side, pressing his back into the bag. “If you get hit, you’re out.”

  “Anywhere? Or somewhere where it would be a real kill?”

  “Anywhere. I’m going to run to the next bunker. Stay here and shoot anyone who tries to hit me. I turned your safety off.”

  “No!” I whisper-shriek, my heart flying in my chest.

  I’m really panicked.

  It’s ridiculous!

  He’s takes off, running low to the closest stack of stumps. I see Glimmer lifting her gun to shoot at him, and I scream as I pull the trigger, holding the tip of my gun slightly higher than her head and unleashing a flurry of little round pellets.

  To my surprise, it leaves a line of yellow paint in an arc on the stump where she’s hiding. She pulls back fast, and Chad is safely at the next bunker. I’m guessing bunkers are these barriers placed around the field for us to hide behind.

  I have no idea why, but I’m breathing so hard, you’d think we were in a real war with real bullets. My entire body is vibrating, and I peek out to see Chad give me a thumbs up and a grin.

  I’m so proud, I want to do a dance. I did it—I covered him! Instead, I lower my brow, very serious, and give him a sharp nod in response. Like I do this all the time.

  I have no idea what to do now, and there’s no way in hell I’m leaving this spot. Looking around the edge, my eye is on Glimmer. I want to take her out more than anything, and I can hear myself panting.

  A guy from the other team darts out from behind a tree, and Chad pelts him at least fifteen times with blue paint. The guy drops to one knee and puts his hands above his head. I figure it’s the signal he’s out because everyone ignores him as he leaves the field.

  Blue paint is concentrated in a palm-sized circle in the center of his chest, and I realize Chad is a great shot. I only have a second to think it because Glimmer is on the move—headed straight at me with a determined look on her face. She raises her gun, and I’m looking right down the barrel.

  With a scream, I drop to my knees, lifting my gun and holding the trigger. My eyes are closed, but I can feel the multiple shots as the pellets fire from my gun. It smells like smoke and chemicals and oil, and slippery goo on my hands.

  Then I hear her growl, “Dammit! You can stop now.”

  I lower my rifle, and when I look again, I see red paint all around me, but only splashes on my arms and legs. No direct hits. Glimmer, by contrast is covered in a line of yellow from her crotch up her chest almost to her face.

  Biting my lip, I fight back my laughter. It doesn’t stop my snort, though. She looks like a wild person got after her with a paint gun, which I suppose is what happens when you shoot with your eyes closed.

  She stomps past me, hitting me with her shoulder, leaving a smear of yellow on my sleeve. I shake my head as I watch her go. These people are nuts, and very serious about this game.

  “Cover!” Chad’s low shout snaps me out of my wonder, and I look up in time to see another big guy running toward where I’m standing. I do a quick dive, sliding around the bag with my back still pressed against it.

  Another flurry of paint, and the guy is coated in blue. Chad got him, but I hear him mutter, “Shit.”

  Looking down, I see my leg has a purple dot on the thigh. Damn. I didn’t even feel it, but I’m out. He got me. I do the motion with my hands over my head and walk slowly off the field, squishing in paint and feeling like a failure.

  It takes almost an hour for Chad to ultimately win the game. I’m not surprised since he’s a cop and all, but the last guy he’s trying to get looks like Rambo. It’s quiet for long stretches, then they duck and dash from bunker to bunker almost hitting each other.

  I let out a little yip when Chad is nearly hit with orange paint, but he manages to dodge it. He’s really amazing to watch. He’s so big and muscular, yet sleek and stealthy as he moves around the field. I’m surprised by how much I love watching him work.

  When I returned my gear, the guy gave me a plastic bag for Chad’s enormous sweatshirt, which was covered in paint. I’m in my purple-stained capris and sleeveless black top, and paint is spattered all over me. I wish I had my red lipstick, especially when I see Glimmer a few cars down watching the guys with as much interest as me.

  Finally, Rambo takes a turn and his foot goes out from under him. He slipped on paint, and Chad shoots him in the shoulder. He goes over and helps the guy up, and they’re laughing and talking like old friends as they leave the field.

  “Good game.” Chad claps his shoulder, stopping at the booth to return the paint gun.

  “You have to come back for a rematch,” the guy says, and Chad shrugs.

  “I’ll have to see what the schedule looks like.”

  He walks to where I wait on the front of his truck. I’m ridiculously proud of him, especially when I see Glimmer go up to Rambo and slip her hand in his. It’s silly, but I give h
er a superior look as Chad helps me down. Then I shake my head and wave. Who am I kidding? I like badass bitches, and this was fun.

  I glance up at Chad holding the door for me. “You don’t want to stay and have a beer with them?”

  His eyes are bright. We’re both pretty adrenalized. “I can’t drink beer on an empty stomach and drive you to dinner.”

  “Oh, right,” I nod slowly. “Breaking the law. You can’t do that.”

  “I don’t have to break the law to have fun.”

  He’s such a square. I roll my eyes and start to climb in, but he stops me with a hand on my shoulder. “You had fun.”

  A smile splits my face, and I laugh. “I really did.”

  “Let’s get some food.”

  “Like this?” I look down at the paint on my clothes and hands, not to mention the paint splattered on his neck and shoulders and feet. “Our shoes are ruined.”

  “André’s got us covered. Put this over your seat.” He grabs a towel from the back and hands it to me. I arrange it before climbing inside.

  He walks around the front of the truck, speaking again to the other group and doing a little wave. The sun is setting, and it smells like night air, fresh grass, and stinky paint. We’re driving back into town, and I haven’t felt this relaxed and happy in a long time.

  What is this hot cop doing to me?



  “Muffuletta for you and chicken salad. Her favorite.” André gives me a nod as I head in to collect our dinner. “You planning to get cleaned up first?”

  I glance down at my paint-spattered body. “Maybe. If I’m lucky.”

  I give him a wink as I slide the cash across the counter, and André’s chuckle follows me out the door. Tabby’s waiting in the cab of my truck, and my stomach tightens when our eyes connect. I’ve seen her as sexy pinup girl, but she’s even prettier like this, natural with her hair in a braid and little pieces falling around her cheeks. Our differences are on my mind, but after tonight, I’m willing to explore more, see how deep those divisions go.

  “No wonder André’s been so sly all day today.” She teases as I drop the bag on the bench seat between us. “He was in on the plan.”


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