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Angus Page 7

by Sydney Addae

  She jerked back as if he had slapped her and touched the side of her head. Fear flashed in her eyes. “What… what did you see?”

  Angus played with the idea of not telling her, but Grandfather said time was of the essence. “You allowed someone into your chamber who never should have been there. That person tricked you, learned something he shouldn’t have, and that’s what started all of this.” Her eyes filled and she turned away. He sensed her shame and regret. “What’s going on?” Thinking to make things easier for her, he spoke as if he were talking to one of the pups in the nursery.

  Her head whipped up and her eyes flashed as she pointed at him. “Don’t you dare pity me.”

  Angus stiffened as he narrowed his gaze. “What the fuck’s going on, tell me now,” he ordered.

  She wrapped her arms around her waist and looked at the far wall for a few moments. Chuckling, she shook her head. “I’ve been Chancellor for several centuries. Perhaps it’s time for someone to take over my duties, we have several Mengistia scattered on every continent. Maybe the Goddess will choose one of them.” She glanced at him with a rueful grin. “Maybe even your mate. She’s Mengistia, a very good one from what I’ve heard.”

  “So why is she being punished?” Angus couldn’t think about his great fortune, not now. Later he’d thank the Goddess for blessing him with someone who shared his passion for history, books, and had a healthy thirst for knowledge.

  “No one is punishing her. It looks like that, but it’s not the case.” Straightening her shoulders, she turned and met his gaze. “This is a lonely job. There, I admit it. I was lonely and took the bait. I actually believed he cared for me. It wasn’t until he left and didn’t return my messages that I did an inventory. He knew nothing can be removed from the chamber so he took pictures of three pages from our sacred text. And before you ask, no you cannot read it. It is still sacred and until the Goddess replaces me, I will do my job.” She looked at the three men on the floor. “Are you going to clean that up?” She pointed.

  “No. You brought them here.” He crossed his arms while processing what she’d said. Someone had romanced her to steal secrets. Chances are it wasn’t just one person, probably a group. “Are you familiar with the Liege?” He watched her carefully. Had it been Lord Roderick who set her up? They still hadn’t caught him.

  “Yes, I am. Why?”

  “One of the original members, Lord Roderick, is still on the loose. Is it possible he set this up?”

  Her cheeks pinked as her brows furrowed. “I don’t think so. Do you have a picture of him? A recent picture?” she clarified.

  Angus pulled out his cell, pulled out a file and showed her Roderick.

  She released a long sigh and smiled. “No. It wasn’t him, thank the Goddess. I cannot imagine what would happen, no, it was not that man.”

  “Can you tell me his name? Do you have a picture of him?”

  She turned from him. “No. I will not. This is not up for discussion. The Goddess is aware of my transgression, feel free to shame me in any way you choose, but I will not give you more information on this matter. It does not concern you.”

  “The hell it don’t,” Angus yelled.

  She jumped and backed away as he moved toward her.

  “None of this would have happened if you hadn’t allowed some asshole inside your chamber. What were you doing while he snooped around? Plus, how did he know where to look? There are thousands of books in here. So, you’re wrong, this does concern me and my mate. Now you need to tell me who he is so I know what’s coming.” He didn’t walk up on her, but she couldn’t avoid him either.

  She licked her lips several times as her gaze flicked everywhere around the room. “I can’t tell you. The Goddess forbids it. What’s done has been done and cannot be undone. I am sorry. Kill me if you must.”

  Angus’s hand shot out and he wrapped it around her neck, shocking her. She lied, he smelled it. Why wouldn’t she be honest with him? He squeezed her neck, watching her eyes as she tried to dislodge his hand.

  Her fear permeated the air. He waited for whoever watched to come save her. He ducked to the side, avoiding the dart meant for him. Angus dropped to the floor, shifting as he did and ran after whoever had been in the hall. He stopped at the hidden door and pawed at the wall. After a few moments, he returned to the room to finish dealing with the Chancellor.

  She was gone.


  Jasmine looked at her watch again. Asia hadn’t contacted her. Vanessa and Ethan were in their rooms preparing for dinner. Lilly had made an excuse for not coming, only to call 20 minutes later to say they’d be here. Danielle, Tyrese’ wife, stopped smiling when she learned Lilly had changed her mind. Victoria, Jasmine’s mom, wanted to have dinner earlier so she could put her babies to bed before nine o’clock.

  It was a sad indictment of how off the rails the evening was becoming when Jasmine hid, no, she wasn’t hiding, she simply didn’t want to hear any more complaints from well-meaning adults. Does being nice equal being a dumping ground? Would Lilly have asked Silas what was on the menu before accepting his invitation? Jasmine snorted in disbelief. Victoria had warned her if she allowed the other women to feel too comfortable, they’d take advantage. No one openly disrespected her, and she liked the camaraderie she had with her daughters-in-law. For the most part, Danielle and Rose got along well. But lately, Lilly and Victoria seemed at odds. When she asked her mom what was going on, she acted as if she had no idea what Jasmine meant.

  Asia was her closest friend and equalizer. There was never any games or shady quips from the straightforward woman. Jasmine would give Asia fifteen more minutes and then she’d contact her to find out what happened.

  Sitting in the back of the nursery, she watched her children dress for dinner. They didn’t eat with the adults often and it was always funny to listen to their animated chatter when they got to dress up.

  “Is Vanessa going to be there?” Jackie asked, looking over her shoulder at Jasmine while holding a dress in each hand.

  “Yes, she is,” Jasmine said, wondering if she’d need to step in to stop her daughter from wearing what appeared to be a Cinderella gown she’d worn in a school play. She released a sigh and thanked God her child was developing some sense of fashion as Jackie tossed the long yellow thing across her bed.

  “She was so pretty at her wedding.” Jackie pulled a nice red and white dress over her head. When it was all in place, she looked in the mirror. “I want to wear a white dress like that. She looked like a princess.”

  “Wedding gown,” Renee said, walking over to her sister. “It’s not just a dress, it’s special, something you wear when you get married, like Mom and Dad.”

  “I know that,” Jackie said, glaring at Renee, who looked as if she’d just walked off the runway in a navy and teal dress.

  “You’re right,” Renee said, in a placating tone. “She was really pretty. Maybe she’ll tell us how she picked it.”

  “When I get married, I want to look like a princess,” Jackie said, taking her sister’s outstretched hand. Together they walked to Jackie’s area. Renee picked shoes and other accessories for Jackie to wear.

  Dressed in jeans and a short-sleeved red shirt, David sat at his desk, his fingertips flying over the keyboard as he worked on an essay for school. David had asked to miss dinner so he could complete a science project due next week. The essay was due in three days.

  “How’s it coming, David?” Jasmine asked while watching Adam bounce a ball near the door. “Not indoors, Adam.”

  “Good, I should be finished tonight,” David said without looking up.

  “Mom, when are we going to eat?” Adam said as he tossed the ball into a large plastic bin filled with all types of balls.

  “In about an hour, but we’ll head into the living room when you’re all dressed. Her gaze lit on each child. “You’re all growing so fast, could you slow down a bit?” Her voice caught as she stood and waved them forward.

�You okay, Mom?” David asked, watching her closely as he walked over to her.

  Pride and a sense of loss swamped her in equal measures. As four pairs of eyes watched and waited for her response, she inhaled and pulled them all close. “Just thinking how proud I am of all of you.” She leaned back and stared down at them. “So smart, kind, sweet, well-behaved.”

  Adam groaned but didn’t move away. David smiled. Jackie wrapped her arms around her mom’s waist. Renee took one of Jasmine’s hands, Adam grabbed the other.

  “Love you too, Mommy,” Jackie said, her face pressed tightly against her mom’s waist.

  Bending, Jasmine kissed the top of Jackie’s head, and then kissed each of them.

  “You know we love you, right, Mama?” David asked. Eyes so like her own sought answers.

  She cupped his chin in her palm.” Yes, baby, I know. But it’s still good to hear it every now and then.”

  “Mama tells us she loves us every day,” Renee said, leaning on Jasmine’s other side.

  Adam nodded. “So we gotta tell her we love her every day, right, Mom?” He squeezed her hand to ensure he had her attention.

  “When I tell you I love you, it’s how I feel.” She paused. “When I was younger, around 12 or 13, my cousin Bucky was really sick and wanted me to come see him. I walked into his room, my stomach cramped at the smell, all the equipment, everything. I ran to the bathroom and I was sick.”

  “You throwed up like Renee when she sees those ugly worms?” Adam asked, stealing glances at his sister.

  “That was not a worm, it was a snake eating something big. If you’ve got to say something mean, at least get your story right,” Renee snapped as she held Jasmine’s hand tighter.

  “Adam, be nice. As I said, I got sick and didn’t stay long. When we were in the car, Mama asked if I’d told him goodbye. I hadn’t but I begged her not to make me go back inside. He died two days later.” Even years later, she still felt bad over how she’d reacted and treated Bucky. They were the same age and had been best friends.

  “I’m sorry, Mom,” David said softly. “You wish you’d told him you love him but never did, right?”

  Jasmine read the understanding in her son’s eyes and nodded. “I still miss him. He was a great person.” The other three chimed in with variations on what David said.

  “Anyway, that’s why I always tell you and anyone else who means anything to me how I feel.” She tapped the tip of David’s nose with her fingertip, drew him close and hugged him. Next, she blew a raspberry on the side of his face causing him and the others to laugh. He was too serious, she proceeded to tickle him and anyone she could reach.

  Laughing David squirmed out of her grip but continued playing with his siblings, tickling and laughing, as he should.

  “Mistress?” Asia called.

  Finally, Jasmine thought. “Clean up and come to the living area,” Jasmine said. They scattered.

  “Asia, one second, I’m taking the children to the living area.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Five minutes later, the children were playing a board game with each other on the living room floor.

  “What happened with the breeder?” Jasmine asked Asia.

  “Hawke is listening too, there may be a problem.”

  Hearing Asia proclaim a problem, Jasmine knew it was big. “Let me get Silas, you can tell us both.” Asia’s mental connections were limited to her mate, Hawke, her Mam, Amynta, and Jasmine. It made it a little difficult to communicate with the KnightForce agents under her care, but Asia seemed to be coping well.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Asia said.

  “Silas, Asia needs to talk to both of us.”

  “One second, I’m finishing this meeting with security.”

  Jasmine watched the cook and his assistant work in the dining area. Tantalizing aromas made her stomach growl. David looked at her and grinned. She winked at him before he turned back to the board.

  “Okay, I’m here,” Silas said.

  “Asia, what’s the problem?” Jasmine asked.

  “Daria, the breeder, is a part of a group that seeks other breeders for training. Except they use their pheromones on everyone; humans, full-bloods, and half-breeds. Some things aren’t clear, but I get the sense they’re building an army.”

  “How many? Where?” Silas asked.

  “She’s just a small spoke in a large wheel. For the most part, she escorts men, all kinds including humans, to this place in Arizona, not California like she told Shelby. She’s scheduled to pick up two more full-bloods on the way.”

  “What’s the name of the group? Leaders? Base location?” Hawke asked.

  “None of that. Like I said, she has very limited knowledge,” Asia said.

  “You have the location where she’s headed?” Silas asked.

  “Yes, Sir, and the addresses of the two men she’s picking up.”

  “Asia, take custody of the breeder, take her to the plane, to travel here once you’re gone. Make sure she’s not seen leaving with you. Take her identity and continue to the next point. Gather what information you can from that contact person. If it’s another breeder, we need to know,” Silas said.

  Jasmine opened her mouth and closed it. She couldn’t come up with a better idea and they needed to know what was going on.

  “If Asia could wait until I arrive, I could replace the full-blood who was taken by Shelby. That way we can infiltrate any information system they have and get to the core of their operations,” Hawke said.

  Jasmine had a strong impression this was Hawke’s way of giving Silas a reason to approve his trip to Texas to go on this mission with his mate. She doubted anyone could stop him.

  “Great idea, Hawke, you still have that chameleon bracelet from Angus. Use it. Call transportation and set things up. Asia, I want you to make Daria think she’s being released with the full-blood she was transporting. Once outside, change your appearance, so if anyone’s watching they’ll think she’s with him. Drive to a hotel to rest. When Hawke arrives, switch forms with him. You become Daria, he’ll be the full-blood we’re holding. Later, I’ll have Theron put her on the plane back to the compound. Any questions?”

  “No, Sir. Please keep Sarita safe until we return,” Asia said.

  “Of course, that goes without saying. The kids are going to have a sleepover. Maybe some of Lilly’s kids will stay as well. Don’t worry, I’ll watch over her,” Jasmine promised.

  “Thank you. Have you informed Alpha Theron of your plans, Sir?”

  “I’m doing that now.”

  “Hawke is preparing to fly out. He’s bringing scanners, jammers, and other things. The jet is being fueled and the pilot is on the way. It will be at least four hours before we continue the ruse, wouldn’t you say?” Asia asked.

  “Yes, that’s about right. You can rest there if you prefer and leave when Hawke arrives since it’ll be dark,” Jasmine said.

  “I prefer she didn’t use the bracelet at Theron’s compound,” Silas said.

  “Oh, sorry. Hotel then,” Jasmine said.

  “Have Vanessa and Ethan arrived?” Asia asked.

  “Asia, I am disconnecting, please let us know when you are on the move and when you arrive at the next pick up point,” Silas said.

  “Yes, Sir, I will.”

  “Vanessa and Ethan will be down for dinner soon. It was good seeing her again, she asked about you and was excited when I told her I’d sent you to kick ass and take names,” Jasmine said.

  “Oh Mistress, I can imagine what she must think.”

  “She thinks you’re one bad-ass sister who handles her business. Seriously, she’s a breath of fresh air desperately needed these days. She’s agreed to review the school proposals for me. If she didn’t seem so excited about it, I’d feel guilty for asking her to work.”

  Asia chuckled. “I get the feeling she speaks her mind. If she didn’t want to help, she could’ve easily came up with some sort of excuse, right?”

  “Well, no, not
really,” Jasmine said.

  Asia’s laughter came through in her thoughts.

  “Well, technically she could’ve said no, but then Silas would be like ‘what does she mean no?’” She imitated his deep voice, unsure if Asia picked up on it through their link.

  “Yes, he would. I can hear him say that, probably not that nice though,” Asia said.

  Jasmine nodded to herself. “So, I don’t ask anyone to do something unless I want them to do it, because my mate won’t accept them saying no. Knowing that, I’m really careful. Plus, her taking on the school project was his idea. I let her know that as well.”

  Asia snorted. “All good points. Question.”


  “Lilly has seven kids; you’re going to have them all stay tonight?”

  “The older ones may not want to stay, they haven’t in a while.” Jasmine withheld a sigh. “But the younger ones can. I’ll mention it to Lilly so she brings them prepared.”

  “Good idea and thanks for taking Sarita, we appreciate it.”

  “She’s family. Plus, I feel better about this job you’re on with Hawke by your side. He’s good with electronics and he’ll make sure you both get home safe. Be careful and contact me if you need me.”

  “Yes, Mistress. And you’re right, Hawke and I work better as a team. I’m glad he’s with me on this job, too.”

  Jasmine disconnected and pulled out her cell to call Lilly. No one picked up, Jasmine left a message about the sleepover.

  With the situation in Texas, or Arizona, in the back of Jasmine’s mind, she focused on dinner. Her grandsons, Ryan and Ryder, were now walking and getting into everything. Their dark eyes filled with mischief and laughter as they bullied and played with Adam and David. Renee had no problem telling her nephews no and not to touch her digital tablet, which made them want it even more.

  Lilly and Cameron came without their kids, which surprised everyone. When Jasmine asked if the girls, Brendell, Nionis, and Amari, were coming later for the sleep-over, Lilly said she hadn’t received the message and offered to send for them.


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