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Angus Page 18

by Sydney Addae

  As Melange spoke of pack, each name she called slammed into Angus. Images raced across his mind. The children running in their nursery, or asking his help with a project or to brush her hair. Their small faces crowded his mind. Protect. Honor. Defend. A tremor wracked his body. The hilt of the sword sizzled in his hand. He threw back his head and released a howl.

  Silas and Melange joined in.

  Angus spun, sword raised with a rallying cry. He shifted to his largest form and sliced the phallus from the statue. The sound of metal contacting stone bounced off the walls, followed by the loud crash of the stone cock hitting the floor. Gasping for air, Angus fell to the ground as his body shook. Incredible heat spread from his palm holding the sword. Desperate to be rid of the weapon, he tried to release it and couldn’t. Silas tried to help dislodge the weapon. It wouldn’t budge.

  Silas wrapped his arms around Angus, sending cooling energy to combat the heat. Melange wrapped her arms around Silas, adding her energies to his. The heat receded for a few seconds. Melange screamed as she was tossed across the room against the wall.

  Ignoring the lingering pain, Angus took a deep breath and met Silas’ gaze. “Brother.”

  Silas swallowed hard. “Brother.” They stood side by side and faced the goddess.

  She smiled at them before looking at Nicromja. “Take your sword, you cannot force the challenge.” The sword dropped to the floor. The sound loud in his ear.

  “The one in black will fight the challenge,” Nicromja said, even though it was apparent he preferred Angus.

  “As your champion?” the Goddess asked.

  “Yes,” Nicromja snapped.

  Melange moved slowly in their direction, her gaze on Silas.

  A monk entered the room from a side door. Angus heard the muttering but paid little attention until the robed monk was closer. His beast growled.


  Angus turned and watched her walk forward with her head covered and bowed. She was speaking. He moved toward her and stopped as she passed him. Her words became louder. Silas met Angus and mouthed, “Jasmine is here.”

  Angus nodded. The two of them stood silently and waited to see how things would play out.

  The longer Shyla said the words in her head the less afraid she became. Soon they strengthened her to the point she knew exactly what she needed to do to correct an error that the Wolf Nation had been victims of for centuries. Prompted to move forward by a force she couldn’t name, Shyla left the room and walked into the larger room, past the statue, past her mate and Alpha. Speaking the foreign tasting words, she stopped in front of the gods.

  Nicromja frowned. “How do you know our language?”

  Shyla couldn’t answer if she wanted, instead, she allowed more words to pour forth. Based on the expressions on both the Goddess’ and Nicromja’s faces, whatever she said surprised them.

  “I wish we knew what you were saying,” Jasmine said.

  “Me too,” Shyla said. The next second she understood the Goddess and Nicromja were being held accountable for breaking laws. Neither god could leave the room, others were now being called to judge them. A second later, a short, bald man materialized in front of them. The room shook as he grew larger and larger.

  “Oh shit,” Jasmine said when Shyla stopped talking.

  “I know, right. You don’t think they’ll kill me for being the bearer of doom, do you?”

  “No.” Jasmine paused. “They shouldn’t, it’s not like you knew what you were saying.”

  His dark eyes looked like midnight with specks of white light, reminding her of stars. His gaze brushed against hers and then lit on every person in the room.

  The Goddess and Nicromja watched their new guest without speaking.

  “They’re trying to read my mind, to find out where he came from,” Shyla said, panicking.

  “Don’t worry, they can’t,” Jasmine said with so much confidence, Shyla didn’t question her.

  “Do you know who he is?” Jasmine asked.

  “No, but I think I just called him from somewhere with those funny tasting words.” Shyla didn’t know what to do now that her part was over. She turned and looked at Angus and Silas, two brothers standing tall, together. Her pussy clenched as she read the hunger in Angus’ eyes.

  “Damn that man’s fine,” Shyla said, forgetting the tension in the room as her eyes feasted on him. Girl, pull it together, this is not the time, you’ve let a bald genie out of the bottle who may fry your ass. Focus, Shyla, Angus needs your help

  “Miss my wolfie,” Jasmine said. “He knows I’m with you. I bet he’s got a million questions.” She laughed. “That felt good. Let’s finish this, I need my man.”

  Shyla inhaled hoping the entity would finish whatever they needed to do so they could all leave. Seconds later, she sensed several celestials in the room. Fear skittered up her spine as pure power pulsed in the room. Whatever was happening, was a big deal.

  The bald man spoke forcefully in the same language she’d spoken.

  As words she understood spewed from his mouth, all conversation stopped. Nobody moved or breathed. He spoke of the game played by the Goddess and Nicromja centuries ago, both were wrong in their actions to the Wolf Nation. There was a collective gasp as a wager between the Goddess and Nicromja was brought into the open and condemned by rules as old as time.

  Nicromja’s anger was tangible, he pointed at Shyla. “Who gave you permission to read the sacred texts?”

  “Shershrine chose her. Do not question us, you have violated our laws, this last time by compelling the full-blood to take his sword to kill his den-mate after learning it was against the rules. And to command a bitch to champion you when you have never had authority over bitches means you have not learned anything in centuries,” Shershrine said in a hard tone with a cold edge.

  Nicromja opened his mouth and then closed it on a snap with a quick bow.

  “I was wrong to allow Nicromja guardianship over male wolves, and made it worse by not reporting his inability to lead,” the Goddess said, staring slightly above Shyla’s head.

  “Inability? I’m just as good as any other,” Nicromja yelled.

  Shershrine looked at him. “Truly? One of the rules says you must be chosen. Will the wolves choose you?” Shyla sensed Shershrine’s anger.

  Nicromja glanced at Silas and Angus.

  “Speak,” Shershrine commanded.

  Nicromja shook his head. “No, they will not. But that is because they do not know me. She robbed me of my time with them.”

  Shyla doubted that was the reason neither Angus nor Silas wanted anything to do with the lazy god, but kept quiet.

  Shershrine faced the other three entities spread around the room and spoke in the strange language again. He explained the laws and their purpose. “The idea of two champions fighting for the right of Alpha is not a new one. But this is not what we have here. None of these full-bloods are challenging their Alpha.” Shyla looked at Melange and Angus. “They were brought here against their will, their mates threatened, and still they refused to challenge their Alpha. Both would have died to protect the pack, something Nicromja knows nothing about. The Goddess has done well maintaining the spirit of the law, even if she broke it by allowing Nicromja’s involvement. There will be no other challenges, the wolves belong to her.” His gaze lit on Silas and then Angus.

  “Who gave permission for humans to breed full-bloods?” Shershrine asked the gods.

  “I was not involved with that decision,” Nicromja said, stepping back.

  “At the time of great unrest, I permitted such a thing to happen. In my opinion, it was the best option for full-bloods. Mortality rates were low, dens were smaller, and I feared their extinction,” the Goddess said.

  “And I assisted.” Grandfather trotted into the room and onto the dais next to the Goddess.

  Shershrine acknowledged the wolf. “Blackwolf, how did you assist?”

  “My seed was the first to take root in a human, altering her
to accommodate our kind,” he said.

  “Changed how?” Shershrine demanded. “Did you break more laws?”

  Blackwolf morphed into human. Shyla couldn’t stop staring. There was no doubt Angus was related to this handsome, gray-haired man with such a regal bearing. “Natural laws were broken, humans are not capable of handling full-bloods, so their bodies were altered.”

  “How has this impacted full-bloods?” Shershrine asked, watching Blackwolf closely.

  “The pack thrives. La Patron is an excellent leader and his mate is a human breeder. They have many pups in their den with no problems,” Blackwolf said, his voice steady.

  “It is the posterity of the full-blood who concerns us,” Shershrine said, looking at Shyla and then Angus.

  Without thinking, Shyla extended her hand to Angus. He took it and they faced the entities.

  Shershrine continued speaking. “Mated full-bloods cannot be separated, nor can they be used against the other.” Immediately her mind-link with Angus was restored.

  “Silas,” Jasmine gasped and left Shyla.

  Melange ran out the room.

  A female of average height wearing a cream-colored cape covering her from head to toe entered the room.

  “Welcome, Chancellor,” the Goddess said, watching the female.

  Chancellor nodded and stood in front of Angus and Shyla. Chill bumps raced across Shyla’s skin.

  Unable to believe her role in all this, she pinched her thigh. “I’m standing in front of the Goddess,” Shyla said to Angus through their link.

  “Yes, I’m so proud of you. Thank you for stopping this madness.” He winked.

  Warmth curled up Shyla’s back as a smile curved her lips.

  Shershrine cleared his throat.

  Chancellor’s gaze flicked down to their joined hands. Shyla saw the longing in the female’s eyes before she blinked.

  “We will finish this now,” Shershrine said, drawing everyone’s attention.

  Angus squeezed her hand. Shyla straightened and watched the bald man. They stood erect for several moments as a thousand invisible fingers ran over their body. Shyla would swear those nasty buggers slipped past her skin as well. Fortunately, the exam was done almost as soon as it began.

  “What do you say about the human breeding? How does it impact full-bloods seeking mates? Is there jealousy? Rebellion?” Shershrine asked her.

  Shyla didn’t know any human breeders except for Brenda and she had been a crazy, suicidal bitch. “Some breeders have problems controlling pheromones and have somehow used their abilities to weaken full-blood males. There’s no impact on the females that I’m aware of, but the men can be enslaved easily. What else?” She turned to Angus.

  “Only non-mated full-bloods can be controlled,” Angus said quickly.

  “Less than half of full-bloods are mated, that leaves a large amount available for these illegal breeders to tamper with.” Shershrine crossed his arms and continued looking at him.

  “Yes, but the breeders I know are loyal, loving, and more nurturing with pups than bitches have been in the past. La Patroness’ den is better adjusted because of the amount of time and care the pups receive. I think our people are stronger because of the diversity,” Angus said, making her proud.

  “Pups grow weak with this kind of care. Bitches do not need to spend years grooming pups, it has never been so. Is there a good reason for full-bloods to dilute their blood with humans?”

  Shyla shivered at the menace in the question and looked at the Goddess, who wore a neutral expression, but Shyla couldn’t see her eyes.

  Blackwolf stepped forward. “Yes. The nation has grown over the centuries. There are electronic inventions that record our movements and conversations. Drugs that render us helpless. Mutants block Alpha control. It is more difficult to hide in plain sight. Also, humans want to attend our schools, hospitals, and sporting arenas, and work in our companies. When we refused to mix as we are taught to do, humans complained to their courts, claimed discrimination. Living in this generation required an extra layer of protection to remain secret. We determined human breeders to be the best solution to solve two problems.”

  “Who is we? You had no authority to do this.” Shershrine extended his arm.

  Chancellor tilted her head to the side, the hood fell back revealing a lovely face with deep purple, glowing eyes and a small birthmark on the side of her neck. She took his hand. For several seconds no one spoke.

  Blackwolf cleared his throat. “The ancients spoke with the Goddess, explained our concerns. She agreed as long as La Patron’s mate came through my line.” The old wolf looked across the room at Silas. “He lost his first mate, the Goddess determined he should have one of my line.”

  Shyla jerked and looked at La Patron. “He had another mate? When?”

  “A long time ago,” Angus said.

  “Where is she?”

  “Dead. A long time ago.”

  Shyla hadn’t been mated long but she recognized the signs. They wouldn’t discuss this subject.

  “There is nothing written granting anyone permission to allow this,” Shershrine said.

  “Not written,” the Goddess said quickly. “But implied. I have absolute care of the wolves and to that end allowed the mating to solve several problems. It was within the scope of my authority to allow human breeders.”

  “But they cause many problems. Several full-bloods, male and female, have died from mis-use of power by these humans. How does that help the nation?” Shershrine asked.

  “Some have caused problems, others have not. We are diligent in seeking those who cause problems and stopping them. La Patroness has a nationwide network that deals with that issue, it’s under control,” Grandfather said.

  Shyla noticed the look of surprise on La Patron’s face and glanced at Angus. He stared at Grandfather. Tension rolled into the room on a dark cloud.

  “What’s going on?” she asked Angus.


  Instead of asking more questions, she moved closer to him. Angus squeezed her hand again. That small gesture calmed her.

  Chancellor tipped her head back, her eyes now lavender as she stared at the vaulted ceiling.

  “Human breeding is not sanctioned.” Shershrine started speaking another lyrical language.

  La Patron released a blood curdling scream and dropped to the floor holding his head with both hands.

  “Stop,” Grandfather yelled as he and Angus raced to La Patron, now writhing on the ground.

  Shershrine continued speaking as blood rolled down La Patron’s cheeks from his eyes.

  “What’s going on, Shyla?” Jasmine asked, her voice frantic.

  “I’m not sure. He’s chanting or speaking words that I don’t understand. La Patron’s in pain.” She turned to face him so Jasmine could see.

  “He’s leaving me,” Jasmine yelled. “How can this happen? Where’s the Goddess? She promised me things would work out. Where is she? He’s leaving me, damn it!”

  “Leaving you? What does that mean?” Shyla asked as shock ricocheted through her chest. Angus and grandfather wrapped their arms around Silas, holding him tight.

  Jasmine merged with Shyla. A whirlwind of hot energy flew around the room. Chancellor looked at Shyla. Their gazes clashed as Jasmine challenged the woman.

  Shershrine looked at Shyla with a curious gaze.

  “What are you doing to my mate?” Jasmine asked Shershrine. Shyla couldn’t see past the red haze covering her eyes. Inside, her gut churned with volcanic fury as Jasmine’s energy increased.

  When no one answered, raw energy ripped around the room. Nicromja’s statue teetered. Dirt and debris created a dust storm around Chancellor as she rose in the air. Shyla wasn’t sure who elevated the female and watched in awe as Jasmine walked toward Silas.

  “What the fuck have they done to him?” she yelled, pointing at the blood on his face and chest.

  Grandfather stood and reached toward her.

swer me!” His hand fell as he cleared his throat and explained what happened.

  “What do you mean we aren’t sanctioned? Never mind, I don’t care what you mean. Silas is my mate. If you don’t stop trying to separate us, he will die and so will you.” She faced Shershrine and Chancellor.

  Chancellor dropped to the floor, answering Shyla’s question as to whose power sent her in the air. Jasmine stalked forward. “Release him or I swear I will pull energy from every bitch in the nation and fry your ass. Do not test me on this. No one comes between mates, no one.”

  The white spots in Shershrine’s eyes glowed. He patted Chancellor’s hand. “You are human. Mating with full-bloods was never sanctioned. It is illegal.”

  “Too late, this human and that full-blood are mated, so get over it,” Jasmine snapped, walking closer to him.

  “She is also of my seed,” grandfather said, moving to stand behind Jasmine. “I am full-blood, she is a part of me.”

  “Is that the basis of her power?”

  “Some, but she is La Patroness, the Alpha’s mate. As such, she can tap into the energies of the nation to protect her Alpha, which is what she is doing now. Only a mate can do this,” grandfather stressed with a measure of pride.

  “Release him,” Jasmine said and shook off grandfather’s hand on her shoulder. Nicromja’s statue crashed to the ground in a large boom, shaking the room.

  “Stop that,” Nicromja yelled.

  Chancellor was slammed against the wall..

  Blackwolf howled. Angus joined him.

  Chancellor tried to break away, but couldn’t.

  “You would destroy the keeper of our records?” Shershrine asked, moving forward and waving his hand. Chancellor lowered to the floor, gasping for air.

  “I will destroy anyone who comes after my Alpha or my pack, remember that,” Jasmine growled. The low, menacing sound rolled up Shyla’s belly.

  Silas stopped convulsing.

  “You are an interesting mix of human and wolf. I see the potential as well as the danger. If all breeders tap into the power of the full-blood, how do we survive them?” Shershrine asked Grandfather while watching Shyla.


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