Open Your Heart

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Open Your Heart Page 3

by Cheris Hodges

  A smarter person would’ve taken that moment to tell Alex what was going on, but in that moment, Yolanda wasn’t ready to confess what was going on. And since Nina had returned to Charlotte, Yolanda thought it was time to head there.

  After she returned to her room, she started packing. When she heard a knock at her door, she figured it was Alex and started to ignore it.

  “Yolanda, are you in there?” Sheldon asked.

  She crossed over to the door and opened it. “Hey, Daddy,” she said as she gave him a hug.

  “Alex said you two are being oil and water again,” he said as he walked into the room.

  “She said that?”

  “Not in those words, but what’s going on with you? I know this is a busy season for you. And while I love seeing you visiting more, is there something going on in Richmond?”

  She shook her head. “I’m just trying to figure out my next move. I want to do a fashion line of my own. So, I’ve been sketching and considering if I can afford to do it.” Yolanda hated lying to her father. She’d never been good at it. And she wasn’t technically lying because she had been considering doing just what she’d said.

  “Well, I’ve seen your books and it doesn’t look like that’s a bad idea. But I thought you wanted to open a second location first.”

  She turned her back to Sheldon, because looking him in the eyes was a truth serum and she wasn’t ready to tell him about everything that was happening in Richmond. “Maybe I can do both?”

  “Am I going to need to make another investment?”

  “No,” she said as she turned to face him. “Dad, I appreciate what you did to help me, but I will not keep asking you for handouts.”

  “That check I got last month doesn’t seem like I’m just giving out handouts. If you need help, just ask.”

  Yolanda fought back her tears. She needed help and wanted her father to tell her that everything was going to be all right. Of course, she’d have to tell him what was going on and she wasn’t ready to do that.

  “Oh, Daddy, thank you for believing in me.”

  “Baby girl, I believe in all of my daughters. But I need you and Alex to fix this argument before you leave. Where are you going? Back to Richmond?”

  “Um, I was thinking about going to Charlotte. If I do a second location or move my whole business, Charlotte is a great place.”

  Sheldon shrugged. “You know fashion and retail. I’m sure you’ve done your research and will make the best decision.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do, Dad,” she said.

  “I know you’re going to make the right decision. You have always done that and I don’t see it changing,” he said.

  Yolanda smiled. “Thank you.”

  “And when you get to Charlotte, try not to cause too much trouble with Nina. I know how you two can get without supervision.”

  “Daddy, we’re grown-ups now. We don’t need supervision,” Yolanda said with a laugh.

  “Sure you don’t. Drive safe, honey, and let Alex know that you’re leaving,” he said in a tone that meant it wasn’t a suggestion.

  “Yes, sir,” she replied.

  It took her an hour to prepare to see Alex. Not because she was angry or anything, but just like with her father, lying to Alex was hard. Yolanda always hid it behind an argument. But she didn’t want to leave on bad terms today. So, she was going to hug her sister, pretend she had a meeting with an investor in Charlotte, and then shift the focus to Nina. What could go wrong?

  Yolanda headed to Alex’s office and stopped short when she heard her sister having a curt conversation with someone in her office. Through the cracked door, she saw that Clinton was on the receiving end of Alex’s venom. Yolanda didn’t understand why her sister didn’t like Clinton Jefferson.

  He was a smart man; he’d obviously been qualified for the job or Sheldon wouldn’t have hired him. And that USA Today article had been a boon in business for the B&B. What was so wrong with him?

  “Knock-knock,” Yolanda said as she walked in. “Sorry to break up this meeting, but, Alex, Dad wanted me to tell you that I’m leaving.”

  Alex faced her sister, then rolled her eyes. “Where are you going?”

  Yolanda smiled and glanced at Clinton. “Charlotte.”

  She could tell he was trying to hide his smile.

  “I’m going to head back to my office if we’re done here,” Clinton said.

  “We’re done,” Alex said, then waved him off as if he were an annoying gnat.

  When they were alone in the office, Yolanda closed the door and shook her head. “Why are you so rude to him? Even for you this is mean.”

  Alex rolled her eyes. “I’m sorry that I’m not easily impressed by someone who used to work for Randall Birmingham and was in here not too many months ago trying to buy the bed-and-breakfast. I haven’t found a reason to trust him.”

  “Not even the fact that Nina likes him?”

  “Yeah, because Nina has the best . . . I’m not trying to fight with you or have you go to Charlotte and tell Nina what I said. I’m praying he is everything he says that he is.”

  “You and me both. Alex, about this morning. . .”

  “Let’s just let it go. I can’t talk to you about your business without you taking it as a dig, so I’ll just mind my business.”

  “Or you could let me refresh your wardrobe.”

  Alex scoffed. “I don’t think so. But I’ll keep it in mind when I go on vacation.”

  “Um, so that means never, okay then.”

  “So funny. Anyway, thanks for letting me know that you’re leaving and drive safe. Why are you going to Charlotte?”

  “Researching some things,” she said. “And I want to make sure Nina doesn’t make a mistake and do something dumb.”

  “Good idea. She’ll listen to you.”

  “Sounds like you have a message you want to pass along,” Yolanda said.

  “No, I don’t. You’d better get going if you want to get ahead of the traffic.”

  “See you later,” Yolanda said as she left the office. When she got to the rental car, Yolanda called Kelly and told her that she was going to send her a severance package because she was closing the Richmond store.

  “Why? We were doing so well here,” Kelly said, her voice filled with confusion. “What’s going on?”

  Yolanda cleared her throat. “There are a lot of factors in this decision. I want a bigger space and I’ve kind of outgrown Richmond.”

  “And this has nothing to do with . . . you know . . . what happened?”

  “That is a factor in it. But I’ve been researching the Charlotte market for a while and it seems like a booming place. If you want to relocate here when I get everything up and running, I’d love to have you.”

  “No,” Kelly said. “I appreciate you for making the offer, but Richmond is home for me. Yolanda, forgive me for saying this, but if you’re running scared about what you saw then maybe you should go to the police and let them handle it.”

  “They know where I live,” Yolanda said quietly. “The threats haven’t stopped. I just have to start over and hope this all stops.”

  “I don’t think it works like that. You’re going to be running forever if these men don’t go to jail. Is that really how you want to live your life?”

  “Kelly, I just want to live and you have to understand that.”

  “The police have come by my house and asked me questions about the video,” Kelly revealed.

  “And what did you tell them?”

  “Just what was on the video. They seemed really concerned about if I was an eyewitness or who was in the alley.”

  “Can they see me on the video?” Yolanda asked nervously.

  “I’m sure if the police enhanced it they can.”

  “Shit,” Yolanda muttered.


  “Nothing, I’ll get the funds transferred to you. Kelly, did you tell anyone I was there or my address?”

  “I tol
d the police where you live, but . . .”

  “Okay,” she said. “Talk to you soon.”

  Yolanda hung up the phone and banged her hand against the steering wheel. Did this mean these killers had an in with the police department? How else could those people get her information? Did that mean they could find her family, too? There was no way she could go to the police and put everyone in danger. But could she get as far away from Richmond as she could without raising questions with her family?

  Yolanda knew that she was going to have to spend a lot of time in Charlotte and she couldn’t always camp out at Nina’s place. Her journalist sister would ask too many questions and get to the truth too soon. Besides, Yolanda figured the less anyone else knew about her situation, the more she could keep everyone safe. How could anything go wrong?

  Chapter 4

  Months Later

  Yolanda was frantic because her worst nightmare had just come true. Nina was in the hospital because Yolanda’s killer stalkers had finally found her in Charlotte. She’d hoped hiding out in North Carolina would’ve put her family in the clear. But that wasn’t true. Nina may have been known to drive like a bat out of hell, but she’d never had issues before. What if she had told her father what was going on? Then Nina wouldn’t be in the hospital.

  How was she going to face her family knowing that she was the reason Nina was fighting for her life? Looking at the worried looks on the faces of her father and sisters, Yolanda prayed for the floor to open up and swallow her.

  “Yolanda, are you all right?” Alexandria asked as she wrapped her arms around her sister’s shoulders.

  She shook her head and leaned on Alex.

  “Don’t worry about Nina. She’s strong and we’re not going to lose her.”

  Yolanda wanted to believe her sister, but the last time she was in a hospital, she went home without her mother. Facing Alex, she was about to tell her that she was responsible for Nina’s accident. But before she could say anything, one of the nurses walked over to the family to update them on Nina’s condition. The words went over her head and she felt as if her knees were going weak.

  A supportive arm from Clinton Jefferson, now Nina’s fiancé, kept her from hitting the floor. “This was all my fault,” he said again. Yolanda had been numb when he’d said it before because she knew her tormenters had found her family and they were all in danger.

  “What do you mean?”

  Clinton told her about the argument he and Nina had before her accident. Now, her fear turned to anger. It must have been written on her face as her father, Sheldon Richardson, crossed over to the duo before they could further their conversation.

  “We need to pray for Nina, so whatever is happening here isn’t important,” he chided.

  Looking into her father’s eyes, she wanted to tell him that she was in trouble and had put the family in danger. But was now the time? Two hours after the last update on Nina’s condition, the sisters huddled in the corner, hugging each other. Yolanda felt needles of guilt stabbing her in the heart. Running hadn’t helped and her family was still in danger.

  * * *

  Charles Morris woke up in a cold sweat. The nightmares had returned. Her pleas for help and him being too far away to save her. Hillary’s name burned on his lips. His greatest failure, his deepest love. The owner of Morris Protection Agency broke every rule of engagement when he fell in love with a client. Vulnerable. He’d left her vulnerable.

  Today wasn’t the day to think about past mistakes. Business was booming again at his security company since he had ended his exile. Charles, known to many as Chuck Morris, was a sought-after personal bodyguard. The former marine was a hand-to-hand combat machine. After his medical discharge from the corps, he started the agency to help out in his hometown of Charleston, South Carolina.

  He’d be picking that mantle up again—instead of just securing contracts for the business. Shortly after Hillary’s murder three years ago, he’d lost confidence in doing the work. For a year he’d traveled and tried to dull his memories with expensive whiskey and yoga. It took seeing a woman in Singapore who looked like Hillary from a distance to realize that he needed to get his life back in order. Besides, he needed to do everything in his power to make sure Maynor Kingsley, Hillary’s ex, paid for what he’d done. He’d testified at the trial and watched as the sorry bastard was sentenced to twenty years for killing Hillary.

  Sitting up in the bed, he ran his hand across his face. Time to go to work, he told himself as he headed to the bathroom. Stepping in the shower, he turned the water on full blast and let it beat down on his muscles. He had to let his memories of Hillary go, especially today. While he’d learned a lesson from loving her, he could no longer be haunted by her. As the water beat against his muscles, Charles thought about reclaiming his life and how he was never going to allow his feelings to ever get in his way again.

  It was time to take his life back and he was happy to do it.

  Chapter 5

  Weeks after Nina was released from the hospital, Yolanda was convinced that she’d overreacted about those killers finding her. Nina’s car accident was just that, an accident. Perhaps they’d forgotten all about that night in the alley and she was going to be fine. Yolanda still wanted a fresh start just in case. So, that had been one of the reasons why she’d signed a lease in Charlotte for her boutique. Out of sight, out of mind.

  Nina and Clinton had been spending most of their time in the family wing of the Richardson Bed and Breakfast while Nina was rehabbing from the accident. The fact that Clinton stood by her said a lot about him and Yolanda couldn’t wait to welcome him into the family.

  Maybe seeing her sister safe had lulled her into a false sense of security. And ignoring the investigation into Bobby G. made her feel as if everything that had happened outside of her shop had been just a dream. Charlotte meant a fresh start and no need to worry about threats and being tracked down by the devil and the bulldog.

  Yolanda walked up to her new shop space and smiled. She was going to name it Lux and Posh. Her demographic was going to be the wives of the professional ball players in Charlotte. Nina may have had her issues with a certain quarterback, but Yolanda wanted him to come to her shop just one time and post it on social media.

  A post like that would put her at the top of the food chain and she’d have everything she would need to stay away from Richmond. Looking down, she saw a long box at the entrance. Picking up packages made her nervous. She figured the delivery service had left the package for the previous tenant.

  All she wanted was to start over and be at peace with her life. Holding the box at her side, Yolanda unlocked the door and looked around her space. She was going to bring the flair from her Richmond store into the heart of Charlotte. Especially the disco ball. She wanted to look different from the other shops in the center. While they were following a trend, Yolanda was going to set them.

  After all, she had a blank slate and she could do what she wanted to do. Yolanda set the box on the counter, then stood in the center of the showroom. She looked down at the box and sighed. The label was faded and she couldn’t tell when it had been delivered or where it came from. Maybe it was her decorations or something that she needed for the walls. Yolanda opened the box and held her breath. Then she smiled when she saw the long-stemmed roses were from her Realtor.

  Roses were no longer her favorite flower. Whenever she saw the buds, she immediately thought of the threat she’d gotten wrapped in a beautiful bouquet. The threat that sent her running from Virginia to North Carolina. She closed her eyes and said a silent prayer for peace of mind and safety. She hadn’t put her house in Richmond on the market yet, but she did have a moving company pack her things and put them in storage.

  She’d been in the shop for about an hour when the bell chimed. A FedEx delivery driver walked in with three boxes and an envelope. She set the boxes, which contained her decorations, on the counter then opened the envelope. There was nothing on the paper inside. Yolanda
shrugged it off. She had work to do so that she could open her shop and start her life over.

  After she’d set up her showroom, Yolanda logged on to her computer and started ordering the season’s fashion for the shop.

  Yolanda had been so engrossed in her work that she hadn’t noticed someone standing at the door. The knocking startled her and Yolanda tumbled from the edge of her seat. “What the hell,” she muttered as she locked eyes with the tall police officer waving at her.

  She crossed over to the door and wondered how smart it would be to open the door. Just because he was dressed like a cop didn’t mean he was one. Yolanda opened the door a slight bit.

  “Is there a problem, officer?”

  “No. Sorry if I startled you. I’m one of the patrolmen for this district and I wanted to introduce myself and see if you needed an escort to your car this evening.”

  She shook her head. “Thank you, officer . . . I didn’t catch your name.”

  “Oh, I’m so used to everyone knowing me around here. Kenny Treadwell.”

  Yolanda dropped her guard a little as she drank in the officer’s uniform, badge, and muscular frame. Well, it can’t hurt to be friends with the police. “I’m Yolanda Richardson and this is going to be my shop.”

  “Are you new to Charlotte?”

  She nodded. “My sister raves about how great this place is and I decided to give the Queen City a shot myself.”

  “Had I known you were brand new here, I would’ve gotten some salted caramel brownies from Charlotte’s favorite bakery.”

  “I tell you what, Officer Treadwell,” she said as she looked down at his left hand and noticed his glittering wedding band. “Just come to my grand opening with your spouse and we’ll be friends forever.”

  “I can do that. And I can still bring you the brownies. It’s always good to know the sweet side of my city.”

  “Well, thank you.” She extended her well-manicured hand to the officer. He shook her hand, then told her that the area where she’d set up was generally safe, but the weekends could get a little rowdy because of the nearby clubs and bars.


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