Meeting Munroe

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Meeting Munroe Page 7

by Danelle Nelson

  “Fine, but you’ll have a guard on you and that isn’t negotiable.”

  “I’m okay with that.” I nodded.

  “So… is this a yes?”

  “Yes,” I laughed. He leaned in, picking me up.

  “Where’s your room?”

  “Down the hall, first door on our left.”

  He slowly walked down the hall, his hands caressing my buttocks while his lips caressed my mouth. He opened the door to the room and paused before going inside, “You’ve packed?”

  “More like I never unpacked,” I shrugged, giggling.

  “How long have you lived here in New York?”

  “Only six months or so.”

  Tim raised an eyebrow, walking through the stacked boxes and lying me gently onto the bed. “You’re beautiful, Vanessa. Your body is angelic,” he licked his lips, parting them gently. Standing, he moved backwards. His eyes slowly gazed over my body, taking in every curve.

  “Get naked, I’d like to admire you as well.” Tim obeyed, slowly removing his belt and pants. In one slow fluid motion they laid on the floor exposing his body. He looked as if someone had chiseled him from clay, his rock-hard abs glimmering slightly from the sun peering in through my window. His legs were muscular, the cuts of his thighs sat painstakingly defined. The man could pass as a Greek God, one of legend. I couldn’t believe he was mine, all mine.

  “Enjoying the view?”

  His voice broke my gaze, and our eyes locked, “I am. I’d imagined what you’d look like under your clothing, but my imagination isn’t quite as good as life. You’re one well-made man, my love.”

  “Mm, I could get used to being called that,” he kneeled between my legs, pushing them gently apart. Bending down he took my nipple into his mouth, the hot moisture causing me to moan out in pleasure. His hand moved between my thighs, the pad of his thumb resting gently on my clit. He started his tantalizing circles, slowly rubbing. He gently pulled the nipple from his mouth with a small audible pop.

  “Ahh,” I exclaimed, waiting for more. His mouth took my own, our tongues caressing. My hips began gyrating, ready to take what was rightfully mine.

  “Do you like that?”

  “Mmhm,” I replied. He pulled his hand away, standing. “Wait!”

  “Ah, my dear Vanessa, we’ve all day.” He left the room, leaving me lying on the bed in anticipation. He returned a moment later, a small glass of ice water in his hands. He kneeled once more between my thighs, taking an ice cube into his mouth before leaning forward. The ice contacted my nipple, causing me to hiss out. I tried to wiggle away, but his free hand kept me still, “Don’t run.”

  My nipple throbbed from the cold. He moved ever so slowly, dragging the ice across my chest, only stopping when contact with the other nipple was made. He sucked the nipple into his mouth, the ice swirling along with his hot, wet tongue. The sensation was miraculous, sending wave after wave of pleasure towards my sensitive bits. He was winding me up like a clock.

  He allowed the ice cube to slip into my mouth before pulling away. Grabbing the glass, he sipped a small amount of water, dribbling along my torso and onto my stomach. He dipped down, allowing his tongue to trace the water line, licking the liquid up. He circled my belly button, my stomach muscles pulling inwards. “Tim,” I hissed, needing release.

  “You’re mine Vanessa,” He replied, aligning his throbbing manhood with my opening, “You’re all mine, and only mine.”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “Yes what?” He rubbed the head into my slits, wetting the way.

  “I’m yours.”

  As the words left my mouth his body pierced my own, entering me with one fluid motion. My body pulsated in response while a low, primal moan left my lips. He was a sex god.


  We spent the entire morning in bed, pleasuring each other, exploring and learning what makes each of us tick. It was mind-numbingly amazing and took my mind off every trouble that had managed to creep in. We’d fucked the day away.

  “I have a charity dinner that I need to attend at five, will you join me?” Tim questioned, while twirling my fingers within his own.

  “I have nothing to wear. I’ve been tight on clothes money lately.”

  “What size are you? I’ll send Terry out to grab a dress.”

  “A five,” I replied, rolling my eyes. This man was too much.

  “Did you just roll your eyes at me?”

  “What if I did?” I asked playfully.

  He leaned forward, kissing me lightly on the forehead, “I’d have to punish you,” he whispered.

  “Punish me?”

  “Hmm,” he grabbed the base of my hair, pulling me gently towards him, “Punishment, pleasure – there’s a fine line, you see?”

  His fingers squeezed the grasped hair, tugging gently at my scalp. A small, unannounced moan escaped. “I do.”

  He let go of my hair abruptly, grabbing his cellphone and calling Terry, “Terry, Ms. Fox will need a dress for the dinner tonight. Size five. And Terry, make it quick.”

  “Jeeze, you could be a bit nicer to the man,” I scoffed. The way he bossed everyone around really rubbed me the wrong way.

  “I pay him to obey my commands-- it’s his job.”

  “You don’t believe in being nice for the sake of your employee’s happiness?”

  “I,” he paused, as his eyebrows furrowed, “I’ve never thought of that.”

  “Ahh, you see, Mr. Munroe, these are things you should think of.”

  “You’ve got an amazing mind for business, you know that, Vanessa?”

  He grabbed the back of my head once more, pulling me inwards and taking my mouth gently within his own. His kisses where magnificent; full of passion. I broke free, “Tim.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I started, “I’m great, actually. I just wanted to say thank you.”

  “Thank you?” His eyebrows shot up, a small smirk sat upon his lips.

  “Yes, thank you. The only person in this world besides my father who’s ever seen potential in me is Nate. You barely know me, yet you’re so kind.”

  “You’re an amazing woman, Vanessa, don’t let anyone tell you differently. I’d love to see you working on some of my business deals. With a mind like yours combined with mine, I think we could fly.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself, I was planning on quitting this morning you know.” Tim opened his mouth to speak when we heard the front door open, Nate was home. I ran out to greet him, “Nate!”

  “Hey baby-cakes. How’d the sick day go?” He asked, as Tim appeared behind me. “Never mind,” he scoffed.

  “I’m staying, I’ve decided.”

  “I see. On your own?”

  The question made me step backwards. There was bitterness in his voice. “Yes, on my own,” I stammered.

  “Hmm,” Nate walked to the kitchen, opening the fridge and putting his bottled water inside. I watched as he took his coat off and set it on the coat rack. “What are you two lovebirds up to tonight?”

  “Vanessa is accompanying me to a charity dinner,” Tim answered from behind me. His hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me backwards into his warm, chiseled chest. “I care for her, you know.”

  “Nobody cares for her more than me. So don’t give me that bullshit. I don’t doubt your care, I doubt your intentions. Are you only trying to be with her because she’s distant? You barely know her. You’re both treading water and I hope you don’t drown.”

  “Nate!” I exclaimed angrily, “I’m a grown ass woman, I don’t need you two fighting over me.” I broke free of Tim’s grip, “I need you to get along.”

  Nate’s eyes blinked, his tough exterior melting at my pleads, “Fine,” he replied simply. “Tim, if you break her, I won’t let you live.” He stalked off towards his room, disappearing.

  “Jesus, I’m sorry,” I turned, shaking my head.

  “You’re the only one who doesn’t see your worth, beautiful. Why are
you so scared of being loved?”

  “I’m not,” I protested weakly. Matt had broken me.

  The doorbell rang, and Tim opened the door. Terry was standing outside extending a large black bag. “Thank you, Terry. We’ll be down in about an hour.”

  Terry’s face went blank at the words, thank you, he’d never heard them from Tim before. “Sure boss,” he replied hastily. Tim shut the door, turning back to me and unzipping the bag. He pulled out a beautiful navy-blue floor length gown. It was stunning, the strap wrapped around my neck and was covered in beautiful crystals. The back swooped down to my tailbone, exposing most of my back to the world. It was a dress from a magazine, one I’d only ever dreamt of wearing. I reached out and touched it, the material was silk.

  “This is beautiful.”

  “This is just a dress, I can’t wait to see it on you, for you’ll make it beautiful,” Tim replied, before pulling me in and kissing me gently on the forehead. “Let’s shower.”

  I grabbed his hand, leading him to the bathroom where I turned the hot water on. The steam started to fill the small space immediately. I slowly undressed, removing the oversized t-shirt I was wearing. I watched as Tim removed his white t-shirt and blue jeans, peeling them away from his perfect body with excruciating sluggishness. I wanted to rip them off, expose him to me so that I could take him once more. I couldn’t get enough of him, of his body, of his—what was the word? Love.

  My eyes traveled from his abdomen to his face, our eyes locking. “Please, Mr. Munroe, step into my office,” I whispered, my arm extending towards the shower.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” he stepped forward, over the raised tub and into the hot water, allowing it to flow over his head and down his body. I stepped in next to him before grabbing the wash cloth and placing soap onto it.

  I reached down, grabbing his manhood and washing it gently with the cloth. He stood, his right arm braced against the wall, his other tensed at his side his hand in a fist. He seemed uncomfortable, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m not used to this,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

  “To someone washing you?”

  “To someone touching me,” he whispered.

  “But I’ve been touching you all morning,” I replied, confused.

  He grabbed my arm, pulling me upwards so that we were level, “Sex is different,” he whispered.

  “Do you like it?”

  “It’s,” he paused momentarily, “new.”

  “New can be good,” I traced my finger along his arm, his muscles rippling under my delicate touch. “New can be exciting.”

  “Exciting, yes. Though I’m a little disturbed that it’s turning me on,” he replied. I looked down, his manhood stood erect between us.

  “Oh,” I licked my lips, kneeling before him. I leaned forward and took the whole of him into my mouth, allowing him to fill it to the point of gagging.

  “Ah,” he rasped, his hands finding their way to the back of my head. I slowly pleasured him, allowing his hands to gently control the speed. Slow and steady. I watched as his toes curled below and his leg muscles tightened with each slow, taunting thrust. He was at my mercy, I could do as I pleased in this moment. I placed my hands onto his hips, pulling him in. My eyes traveled up the length of his body, our eyes locking. The blue of his iris was intense, shining more brightly than I’d ever seen. They were full of lust, full of want. A want for me.

  “Stand,” he suddenly rasped, removing his hands from my head and offering one out for support. I grabbed it, lifting myself to stand beside him. “I need you.”

  I nodded in response, we’d been going at it all day but the want we both still felt was undeniable. He picked me up, his hands resting on each side of my thighs to support my weight. My back was pressed against the cold, white tile, the steam from the shower escaping upwards. His mouth was on mine, tasting me, tasting himself. I bit his bottom lip, sucking it in before quickly releasing.

  His throbbing manhood rubbed against my slits, opening me. With one hard thrust he was inside, taking what was his. I moaned out in pleasure, wave after wave of excitement tangled with heat washed over me, taking me deeper and deeper into the abyss. I wanted release. I needed release. “I’m close,” I whispered into his ear.

  His head nodded while my hips gyrated with each thrust. I arched my back, allowing him to reach just an inch further—but that inch was all that I needed. My body tightened then released, over and over.


  Even with the extracurricular activity we still managed to be dressed and ready to leave by half past four. “I need to find my key,” I exclaimed, digging through my bottomless purse.

  “How do you find anything in that?” Tim asked, eyebrows raised.

  “Well, usually I have it here in this little pocket,” I started. It was always in this pocket, though the night before I hadn’t used it because of Nate. “That’s odd.”


  “Well Nate let me in last night. I had it when I went to the club…Hmm.”

  “We’re going to be late. Can you find it later?”

  Where the fuck did it go? “Sure.” I shook my head, putting my purse back down and walking out of the door. “Let me just grab Nate, there’s no way for me to lock this.”

  I walked back to Nates room and found him sitting on his bed, reading a magazine, “Hey Baby-cakes.”

  “Hey, I can’t find my key and we’re leaving. Come lock the door?”

  “Sure thing.”

  We walked into the large skyscraper at a quarter to five, the lobby bursting with an assortment of business-driven men and women. The charity dinner was being held for the local community college, a silent auction to build scholarships for the year.

  “This is magnificent,” I whispered, looking around at the elegant decorations. Gold decorative pieces plastered the lobby, long, beautiful chandelier streamers hung from the oversized ceiling. The florescent lightbulbs sent diamonds shimmering across the floor and onto the walls, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. I’d thought the firefighter event had been elegant, but this took the trophy.

  “I’m hoping we can raise enough money to put five young men and women through college this year. I’d be happy with more, but five will suffice.”

  “You’re hoping?”

  “This is my charity, Vanessa. Educating the minds of younger generations is the most fundamental stepping stone. The youth will lead our world one day, and there isn’t a better investment you can make than in the leaders of tomorrow.”

  I stared at Tim starry eyed, like a school girl myself. He forever caught me off guard. “That’s amazing, Tim.”

  “Thanks,” he replied bashfully. I squeezed his hand in time for cameras to start flashing—the paparazzi had made it inside somehow.

  “Mr. Munroe! Mr. Munroe! Who do we have the pleasure of photographing you with today?” A young blonde reporter shouted, making her way through the parting crowd.

  “Security!” Tim’s voice caused everyone to pause momentarily.

  “Mr. Munroe, please, just one moment of your time!”

  I looked beyond the woman to find Lacy standing off to the side, a menacing smirk on her face. Our eyes locked long enough for her to turn and leave, disappearing into the crowd of paparazzi.

  “Lacy is here,” I whispered, as Terry came to usher us into the auditorium.

  “No surprise. Don’t let her presence bother you.”

  “It doesn’t,” I lied. The drop-dead gorgeous blonde that seemed to be stalking us at social events was everything I’d ever wanted to be. Successful-- I’d learned Lacy had a PHD in psychology. She’d bought her own practice at only thirty-three. According to google, she lived on the upper west side of the city. A prestigious neighborhood. She ran in an elite social club and seemed to be friends with every A-Lister in the city. I had nothing on her, nothing but Tim.

  “I see your mind churning,” Tim echoed through my thoughts, putting them at rest.

was only trying to figure out how the paparazzi got in,” I mumbled. The man could read me already.

  “I don’t have the slightest clue. It’s being dealt with, let’s make our way to the tables.”

  He grabbed my arm, ushering me through the double doors and into an elegantly decorated auditorium. Much like the firefighter’s charity, the room was decorated in golds and silvers. There were more round tables covered in white table cloths at this event, though. Far more.

  “These flower center pieces are to die for!” I reached out, grabbing one of the delicate white roses and bringing it to my nose. The pungent scent reached my nostrils. I loved the smell of roses.

  “They’re nowhere near as beautiful as you,” Tim replied. I looked up to find him staring at me, a small smile set on his lips.

  It caused me to blush, quickly putting the rose back with its bouquet and taking my seat. Within minutes the room was filled with people, each and everyone one of them here to support Tim’s amazing vision.

  “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to tonight’s fundraiser event!” A small middle-aged brunette woman had managed to sneak onto the podium, startling everyone into silence. “We’ve got some amazing things to auction off tonight, including a seven-day trip to Greece!” The audience clapped in response. “Before the bidding begins, we’d like to welcome Mr. Munroe himself up to the podium for a quick word.”

  Tim stood, walking gracefully to the podium and standing in front of the microphone. “Good evening,” he started confidently, “It’s time again for our yearly auction. As many of you know, I spend a lot of time making sure the students in our community are well taken care of. It’s my dream to brighten and enlighten the future leaders of our great country, and this is the best way I know how to do so. The money you spend tonight will contribute to at least five student’s tuitions, bettering the world as we know it.” The crowd erupted in cheers and clapping, making Tim hold his hand up for silence, “Thank you. Each one of you is appreciated more than you know. Be merry, drink, and for god’s sake—let’s not be greedy tonight!” Tim stepped down while the explosive response picked up where he’d stopped it. The women around the room swooned, the men cheered and whooped. He was liked by all.


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