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Arsen Page 18

by Kathryn Thomas

  “Oh, God! Yes!” she gasped as he pounded into her. “Just like that! Fuck me hard!”

  He leaned into her, pressing her firmly into the tank, her fingers biting into his back. He took a step back, intending to turn her and fuck her from behind, but there wasn’t enough room. He pressed her into the tank again, determined to finish her there.

  “I’m coming!” she wailed as she jerked and twisted, and still he fucked her, intending to destroy her with ecstasy. She twisted her hands behind his neck, unable to be still, her face twisted in rapture as he slammed into her. He stopped when she began to relax out of her climax, pressing her into the tank as he tried to catch his breath.

  She felt like a blob of goo, boneless and without structure, ready to ooze through his fingers and puddle in the floor. She held him, panting with the power of her orgasm, so strung out even the trickle of the sweat running off her was a source of pleasure. She began to giggle, taking his lips and kissing him thoroughly.

  “Oh God!” she grinned as strength began to flow back into her. He must be exhausted from holding her up, his chest still heaving. She squirmed and he put her down. She reached up and pulled him down into a kiss, his hair soaked, his body shiny as the sweat ran off him and splattered on the ground. He was the sexist man she’d ever seen, and she could tell from his hardness, he wasn’t done yet.

  “Did you mean that?” she asked as she pulled back from the kiss.


  “That I’m yours and you’ll never letting anyone take me from you.”

  He blinked. “Did I say that?”

  She smiled, but felt her heart sink. “Yes.”

  He blinked again, trying to remember what he said. He’d been so consumed with his lust he couldn’t remember. He remembered asking her if she felt alive, but after that…he remembered he said something, but not what. He smiled down at her. It didn’t matter, not now. “I don’t remember saying it, but I’ll not let anyone take you, or hurt you, again.”

  It was a bit of a backpedal from what he said, but maybe it didn’t matter. She was beginning to feel something for him, even before he’d given her the two mind twisting orgasms, and maybe he was feeling the same. When you said something without thinking, it was often the truth. She didn’t love him, and maybe he didn’t love her, but perhaps he was feeling something, a pull he called it, just as she was. Only time would tell if the connection she now suspected they shared would turn into something more, and she would do everything she could to nurture it, gently breathing on the feeble flame until it was a roaring blaze.

  She smiled and pulled his head down until her lips were by his ear. “Want some more?”

  She released his head and he straightened with a smile. She was a hellcat once her walls were broken down, and he relished the chance to try to tame her. “Always,” he growled.

  They twisted, sliding against each other as he flipped her around and pressed her chest against the tank. There was just enough room to move as he crouched and squirmed into position, unable to even pull fully out. She pushed hard back into him, pinning his ass against the tank and driving him deep.

  “Now it’s my turn,” she murmured as she began to work her hips.

  She worked him hard. He avoided coming once only because she fell into a raging orgasm that gave him a respite and allowed him to regather his control. But there was no stopping this one. Her mewling as she begged him to make her come again was straining his control beyond his ability to hold.

  “Fuck,” he snarled, pinning her hands to the tank above her head and driving into her as hard and fast as he could.

  “Make me come! That’s it! Make me come! I want you to come with me. I want to feel you come inside of me.”

  He leaned in, kissing her hard on her shoulder. He couldn’t take it anymore. He’d fought his orgasm to the end, but as the final thread of his control snapped, he roared his pleasure to the world. He threw himself into the tank behind him, trying to escape the brain melting pleasure of his orgasm, but he couldn’t. He roared again, as she continued to fuck him, before she wailed long and loud, pressing hard back into him. He peeled her off the tank, holding her against his chest as he gasped for air, his breathing hard and ragged.

  They sagged as one, spent from the heat and their exertions. He pulled out of her, and turned her, her thigh sliding along his still hard cock making him grunt and lunge. Her hair plastered to her head, covered in sweat and dirt from the tanks, she was still the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. She was everything he wanted and admired, tough, resilient, and strong. As he lowered his lips to kiss her, he realized without his knowing it, she had wormed her way into his heart. Only now, sharing the searing heat of their passion, did he understand what she meant to him. He would let her leave, but nobody was taking her from him, and he would fight to the death for her.

  She melted into the kiss. Something had changed between them, even more than after the night in the cabin. As she leaned in tight, enjoying the feel of his still hard cock between them, she knew she was home. Someday he might tire of her and send her away, but until that day, she was right where she wanted to be, in his arms, and she would never leave. She pulled out of the kiss, and placed her head on his chest, listening to the hard and fast thudding of his heart. She smiled, and wondered if he knew she was starting to fall for him.

  Chapter 31

  “You’re in a good mood this morning,” Cyra said, sitting down beside Quinn.

  Quinn nodded with a grin. “Yeah, I guess I am.”

  “I don’t know how. I slept on one of those cots last night and my back is killing me.”

  Quinn’s smile grew wider. “I slept pretty good.” She didn’t mention that was after Arsen had fucked her until she was so exhausted she could have slept on a pile of rocks.

  After their romp in the back of the factory, they had redressed and snuck back to their cots, nobody apparently the wiser. But goddamn had he given it to her. She’d had four of the most face melting, brain shredding, toe curling orgasms of her life last night, and for the first time she could remember, she was totally, utterly, blissfully, satisfied. Whether it was the excitement of where they were, or she was finally no longer afraid, or the way he had looked at her when he promised to protect her, she didn’t know. What she did know was, that at the earliest opportunity, she was going to get him alone in his big bed, and see what he could do there.

  “Lucky you,” Cyra muttered, then glanced up at the door to Church. “They’ve been in there a long time.”

  “Yeah. Planning what to do about the Horsemen.”

  “I hope they come up with something soon. I’m ready to sleep in my own bed again.”

  Quinn nodded and grinned. She was ready to sleep in a bed too, but not her own.


  “Are you sure that will work?” Arsen asked.

  Gage nodded. “I know it’ll work.”

  Arsen turned Gage’s idea over in his head. It was clever as hell…if it worked. Gage seemed confident and he trusted his brothers. “Okay. Let’s do it. Anyone have a problem with Gage’s plan?” None of the five men did.

  “What are we doing for cover? The cops are going to be crawling up our ass when this goes down,” Zane said.

  “Any ideas?” Arsen asked.

  “Can’t the brothers say we were here?” Phil suggested.

  “That will work, if we can’t come up with something better. But I would like someone other than brothers to swear they saw us.”

  They talked the idea around but got nowhere. The suggestions were getting more and more crazy when the rap came on the door. “Lunch!” Michelle’s voice called.

  “We’ll pick this up after lunch. Gage, you take a couple of brothers and go get what you need. You’re the key to this whole operation, so I want you to have plenty of time do what you need to do.”

  “It shouldn’t take long to set up, but I’ll go right after lunch. I’m out of ideas anyway.”

  The five men were the
last ones to sit down. “How’s it going?” Quinn asked as she sat down at her place.

  “We have a plan. The problem is how to get away with it. After the Horsemen hit us yesterday, we’re going to need an airtight alibi because the cops are going to be all over us,” Arsen explained.

  “Just having us swear you were here won’t be enough?” she asked.

  “Probably, but it would be better if someone other than members of the club could account for us.”

  She thought about it as she slowly chewed. It would be tricky. They needed to be where people could see the club, but at the same time, being out in the open exposed them to the Horsemen.

  “How many are going?”

  “Five, why?”


  “We want to be there fairly early. Just after dark probably. We need them to be awake and alert for this work. Why?” he asked again.

  “So you should be back by eleven?”

  He bobbed his head as he thought. “Something like that I guess.”

  “What if,” she began slowly, “we have a big barbeque at a park someplace?”

  “Okay. And?” he asked as the brothers near him listened in.

  “And there are forty-five of us here. Will anybody miss five? You park your car nearby before you arrive, then you slip away later in the car. Leave the bikes at the park. Do what you have to, then come back and ride away with the rest of the group. That big Indian of yours stands out, people will notice it. You go back and get the car later, or I could drive it there and you pick me up and take me to the park, then do the reverse on the way out.”

  “I don’t know about that idea,” Arsen said slowly. “I don’t like the idea of being outside the compound. That makes you exposed.”

  “Do you really think the Horsemen are going to ride into a public park and start gunning people down after yesterday? Besides, how would they know where we are? If you get to the Horsemen’s clubhouse and they’re not there, call us, and we come straight back here.”

  Arsen looked at his brothers. “What do you think?”

  “Udall park isn’t far from here. It’s Wednesday, so I bet we can still reserve a pavilion,” Zane said.

  “I think there’s a Safeway, or something, across the street. We could all go in there and get on their surveillance tape,” Phil suggested. “That would be a good place to leave the van as well. It wouldn’t look out of place there, and if we stop for burgers, ice, beer, and the like, nobody would question if one of the old ladies drove up in it, then left on the back of a hog.”

  “We’ll make sure those of us going on the trip are noticed. We’ll go in and pay for the pavilion and the like,” Zane suggest. “This might just work. It’s better than anything we came up with. Simpler too.”

  “If word gets back here before we do, and the cops track us down, we’re fucked,” Arsen pointed out. He agreed it was a good a plan as any they had come up with, and better than most, but he always liked to play the devil’s advocate to make sure they hadn’t overlooked anything.

  “The only fool proof way to not get caught is to not do it,” Zane said. “I think we should run with Quinn’s idea.”

  Arsen looked around. “Agreed. The only thing that bothers me is…does anyone else feel stupid she thought of this in two minutes when we couldn’t come up with something as good in twenty? Or is it just me?”

  The brothers and old ladies close enough to have been listening in snickered. “It’s not just you,” Zane grinned.

  “The women have always been the brains of the club,” Michelle teased. “We just keep you men around to move heavy stuff.”

  Quinn sat back and smiled in satisfaction.


  “Why do you have to go?” Quinn asked later as they prepared to put their plan in motion. Gage had returned with what he needed and was busy constructing their surprise.

  “We’ve been over his before,” Arsen replied.

  “I know,” she said quietly, not meeting his eyes as she looked at her feet. “I feel like my life is beginning to get back to normal. You’re such a big part of that now. If I were to lose you…”

  “You’re not going to lose me,” he said firmly. “Gage’s plan is a good one.”

  He’d told her what they were going to do after lunch and she nodded in agreement. “I know. But something can always go wrong.”

  “Then we’ll deal with it.” He grinned at her. “Relax. After tonight our problems will be over.” He brought his lips close to her ear. “Tonight, after the barbecue, we’ll be at home, in our own bed.”

  She didn’t miss that he had said our bed. She looked up and smiled at him. “It’ll be nice to not sleep on the cot again tonight.”

  “We might sleep…some.”

  The implied promise made her shiver in anticipation. He had devastated her last night, and she looked forward to testing him again. “That means you have to come back.”

  He smiled and pulled her into a slow, luxurious, kiss. “A down payment on tonight.”


  At four o’clock, the Blades mounted up and rumbled out of their compound in force, thirty bikes strong. Toni, with three brothers in support, left early in the van to make their shipment drop and would meet them at the Safeway.

  The Blades wandered through the store buying meat, bread, chips, drinks, everything they’d need to host a barbecue. Arsen, Zane, Gage, Phil, and Berk made sure to get themselves noticed by chatting up the women at the registers. The rest of the club following their lead and engaging the staff in conversation.

  Bikes loaded down with supplies, they moved across the street to Udall park, where Zane paid for the pavilion they rented as Arsen and Gage hovered in the background. They took their sign showing they had reserved the pavilion and joined the rest of the brothers waiting outside.

  They set up at their pavilion, Gage’s Street Glide sitting on the sidewalk while pumping out tunes. As expected, a park official showed up and told them to move the motorcycle. Arsen tried to reason with the man as Phil, Zane, Gage and Berk clustered around, putting on a good show to get them noticed, but he finally agreed and ordered Gage to put the bike back in the parking lot.

  Gage grinned as he walked up. “They’ll remember us now.”

  Two hours later, Arsen pulled Quinn into a loose hug, the other brothers doing the same with their old ladies. “We’re leaving. If we’re not back by the time the park closes, stall as long as you can. We’ll be hauling ass, but we’re cutting it fine.”

  She kissed him softly on the lips. “We’ll make it happen. If we have to, I’ll ride your bike out.”

  “Oh no,” he chuckled. “I saw what happened to the last bike you rode. We’ll be back.”

  “You better. You’ve promised to help keep me awake tonight.”

  He kissed her again. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Chapter 32

  It was just before nine and the Blades were crouching at the perimeter of the Horsemen’s compound outside of Buckeye. There were at least eighty bikes arrayed on a concrete pad in front of the large building. This was the first time he’d seen the Chrome Horsemen’s clubhouse, and it was ugly as shit. Plopped in the center of a large dirt lot backing up to a canal, it was just as Quinn described it. A prefab industrial building with large windows on the front, painted black. The Chrome Horsemen colors, a demon riding a stylized motorcycle with a bloody horsehead mounted between the handlebars, was painted on the center window. It had no class, no style and no redeeming features other than it was it was in the middle of nowhere, so there was little danger of getting caught by the police. On the other hand, with the van parked at the nearest business, but still a half-mile away, there was no way they would be able to make it back to the van if things went badly.

  Phil finished snipping open the chain link fence that surrounded the Horsemen’s compound, then tucked one handle of the twelve-inch bolt cutters under his belt to make sure he didn’t forget and leave them behind.

  “Can you make the shot?” Phil whispered. There was at least one guard outside, but the dumbass was standing close to the building and in the light. With his night vision destroyed, there was no way he could see them crouching in the darkness, even if they were less than twenty-five yards away.

  “No problem,” Gage said, nocking an arrow. As Berk and Phil pulled the fence back to give him a clear line of fire, Gage drew the arrow back and let fly. They heard nothing other than the soft woof as the arrow left the bow, but the man dropped like a sack of potatoes, the arrow sticking out of his chest were his heart would be.


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