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Arsen Page 50

by Kathryn Thomas

  “The agreement was Dom and me, mano a mano as Gunner said. It had nothing to do with you!”

  “Yeah, well, they’re not as stupid as you thought, apparently, because they knew Dom couldn’t take you in a straight up fight.”

  “That’s their problem, but now you’re mixed up in this!”


  “So?” he exclaimed. “So? So now you’re going to have to face Monica again! She fights dirty! You—”

  “I’ve noticed,” she said flatly, remembering what she and Monica had done to each other less than four hours before.

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you, Sierra: you have no idea! She gets off on pain and shit. You saw her the first day. Yes, you beat the hell out of her twice already, but do you really want to take her on again while we’re fucking? Really? She’s going to try to hurt you, hurt you so you can’t fuck, then you lose. The bloodier the fight, the more pain and the harder the fucking, the better she likes it. She’s crazy, Sierra. You don’t seem to realize that! It’s not going to be like the last time. You’re not going to be able to use what you’ve learned. You can’t stand off and punch. We’re going to be in close, down and dirty. Dom and I are going to be fighting, you and Monica are going to be fighting, and during it all, all four of us are going to be fucking.”

  She could feel her confidence fading, but they were committed. To back out now would undermine what Colt wanted to do to the point that he would never recover. “There was nothing else I could do. I couldn’t let you order the death of twenty-two people…not if there was a way to prevent it.”

  Colt shook his head in frustration. While he appreciated what Sierra was doing, she’d neatly boxed him in with her agreement. He had to support her now, but he was certain she had no idea what she was getting into. Once the battle started, he was going to have to let the challenge play out however it went, unable to protect her. Besides, he was going to have his own issue. Trying to keep it up while someone is trying to kick your ass is no small thing. It takes a special kind of fucked-up to get off on this kind of shit, but Dom and Monica had it in spades.

  “This is so fucked up,” he growled as he pulled a beer from the small fridge. He offered her one but she shook her head. “She and Dom absolutely live for this shit. I thought we were done with it. This kind of shit, and the drugs, were tearing the club apart.”

  “We’ve got a month,” she reminded him. “They agreed to no more stupid shit while Monica heals up. Maybe in that time you can pick off enough of his supporters that they will just give it up.”

  He snorted as he took a pull on the beer. “Not fucking likely. Monica and Dom live for this shit. They’ll never give up. This is their best chance to take the club and you can bet your ass they are going to go all in.” He shook his head in disgust. “They’ve both had it in for me for a while. Monica for tossing her aside just as she was ready to grab the brass ring and Dom for me allowing her to ride me to the top.”

  She snickered. “Ride you to the top. What did you see in her anyway? She’s such a bitch!”

  He shrugged. “I was a stupid ass kid and she was willing to do anything, anywhere, anytime. Nothing was off limits. Threesomes, moresomes, anal, catfights, rough sex, wet and messy…you name it, she’s into it.”

  “You liked that?”

  “Yeah, I guess I did, some. She was the sexy MILF willing to do anything I wanted. At first I liked her fighting other women for me, but then I finally saw it for what it really was. It wasn’t about me, it was about her. It was about her getting her kink on while pushing me to the top, and dragging her up the ladder with me.”

  “Do you miss it?”


  “The fighting for you, the sex anytime, anywhere?”

  He grinned. “How could I miss it? You’ve been fighting with someone since you got here—”

  “You like me fighting?” she interrupted.

  “I like the fact that you can take care of yourself but don’t go looking for trouble. I like the fact that you don’t take shit from anyone, but you don’t have an attitude. I like that after only a few weeks you were willing to step up and help a sister. This is how the club is supposed to be.”

  “Is that all?” she asked softly.

  He sat his beer aside and stepped in close. “That’s not all I like. If you repeat this I will deny it, but I liked the fact that you kicked Monica’s ass. Not once, but twice. She needed to be taken down a peg or two.”

  “What about Bobbi? Why didn’t she do it?”

  He sniffed out a chuckle. “Monica’s too smart to tangle with Bobbi. She would be out flat on her ass in about ten seconds. All the women, and some of the men, are afraid of her, with good reason.”

  Sierra stepped in closer. “Is that all you want from me? Fighting?”

  “No…” he breathed, pulling her in and gently tipping her face up.

  “Tell me what you want,” she whispered softly.

  “I want you,” he answered, his voice soft and husky before his lips touched hers with a gossamer lightness.

  She breathed in deep as he slowly pulled back, her need spooling up. It had been less than six hours since their time in the pool, but she wanted him again, wanted him badly. She rose to her tiptoes, her lips searching for his and finding them. They kissed greedily, devouring the other as their passions soared.

  “Take me to bed, Colt. Take me to bed,” she breathed, pushing him slowly back. After the club’s brawl today, she needed to feel his closeness, to feel his touch and be reassured that everything was going to be okay. He stepped back and smiled, the small dimples forming when he gave her that one small smile that she liked so well. She ducked her head slightly, her own lips quirking up in the corners as a pleasant warmness flowed through her. They often went at it hammer and tongs, their passions pushing them into hard, explosive, sex, but tonight she wanted to experience his gentle side again.

  He stepped back and then squatted before lifting her in his arms, holding her loosely as her arms surrounded her neck. It was a tight squeeze carrying her down the short but narrow hallway to small bedroom, but with a bit of gentle bumping and some giggles, they squeezed through. As he lowered her to the bed, she released her hold and fell the short distance to the bed. Her sudden shift in weight, combined with this legs braced tight against the bed, overbalanced them and he tumbled into the bed after her.

  She squeaked in surprise as he lost his footing and tumbled into the bed on top of her, twisting his body as he fell to land mostly on the bed and not hurt her. She hadn’t intended to drag him down with her, but since he was there...

  Giggling she pushed at him, coaxing him onto his back. As he rolled over she followed, climbing over him and settling on his broad chest. They said nothing, staring into each other’s eyes with small smiles tugging at their lips, until she finally lowered her mouth to his.

  As her lips touched his, he took her face gently in his hands, holding her into the kiss. Her kiss was slow and deliberate, different than her normal fiery kiss, and as he returned it, he warmed in a way that he hadn’t experienced before. She’s kissing me like Perri kisses Fletch his mind supplied unbidden.

  She pulled back, her toes all but tingling as she nuzzled his throat, his hands moving to her hair, holding her lips to his neck. She’d been well kissed by Colt before, but never like that! He gently forced her lips away to allow his lips to return the favor on her neck. She could feel her heat rising like a wave, but it was different somehow. She wanted him as desperately as she ever did, but the need went deeper than simple physical gratification. She wanted to touch him, and be touched in return, but somehow his touching was at a deeper, more meaningful level tonight.

  He pushed her up slightly, kissing down her throat, holding her softly by her sides and urging her up so that he could slowly kiss the swell of her breast through the opening of her blouse. He smiled to himself as her arm snaked around his head, holding his lips in place. He ached for her in a way he’d nev
er ached for a woman before. He always did his best to make sure his lover was well satisfied, but in the past it was always about him. He wanted to prove he was a good lover, but tonight he wanted to satisfy her, drawing his pleasure from giving it.

  She breathed deep, enjoying the touch of his lips, the caresses of his hands, her eyes closed as pleasure and comfort radiated out from the touch of his lips. Colt had never left her wanting, fucking her hard when she wanted it, and slowly when she didn’t, but tonight he seemed gentler, more giving than any time in the past.

  With a quick twist of his body, he dumped her onto the bed and then rose over her. His expression was softer than any she’d seen on him, almost as if he were puzzled. Does he feel that this time is different like I do? Is he as confused by how he feels as I am about how I feel? She smiled gently, not moving, waiting for him to work through whatever emotion was playing on his face. Her smile broadened as his eyes opened slightly wider, the pupils dilating a bit as a warm and gentle smile formed on his lips before they covered hers.

  She gasped softly as their lips parted. Their previous kiss had only been a taste of things to come as the tingle in her toes had spread through her entire body. She couldn’t explain how this kiss was different, but it was. Somehow there was more emotion, more…was it tenderness…in the kiss than any she’d received before. She was burning for him, her desire making her feel as hot as if she were outside in the Nevada sun.

  He pulled back, all but breathless from the power of the kiss they had just shared. He smiled, thrilled that Sierra’s color was up. She’d felt it too, and that pleased him at a deep level, a level that went far deeper than physical gratification.

  “Do you want me?” he whispered, his lips caressing her lips and face in slow, gentle, touches.

  “Yes,” she hissed softly. “Make love to me, Colt.”

  He felt a lurch in his stomach at her words. Make love to me, Colt. Make love… That is what he wanted to do. Not fuck her, but make love to her. He felt the smile tug at his lips, growing wider as he thought of her words. Make love to me…

  She watched his eyes as he slowly undressed her, his lips dancing over her body and caressing her skin as it was revealed, her own fingers busy with his clothing as opportunity presented itself. He was winding her tighter than any man before him, her need growing to unprecedented heights.

  Her soft writhing as he covered her in kisses made him throb in anticipation. He moved slowly down, pulling the last remnants of her clothing slowly down her thighs, his lips trailing along behind.

  ‘Stop,” she breathed as his lips touched her most intimate place.

  “What?” he asked softly as he kissed her anyway.

  She moaned softly, thrusting her hips up. “I want to feel you inside.”

  He hesitated, then after kissing her slowly again, rose and removed his pants. As he did, she kicked and squirmed her way into the center of the bed, smiling as he joined her. She opened herself to him and he settled between her thighs, slowly pushing himself deep into her.

  As he entered her she pulled him firmly down, wrapping her arms around him and holding him tight. This is what she wanted, what she needed, to feel his weight, to feel his arms surrounding her and making her feel protected.

  “Slowly,” she murmured softly as he began to move. “I want it to last a long time.”

  He began to thrust into her gently, supporting some of his weight on his elbows, the feel of her moving under him as he plunged into her wetness making him pant with contained desire. His lips found her neck again, her hand on the back on his head holding them there in silent approval.

  Sierra’s breathing began to quicken as her passions began to overcome her. The feel of his chiseled body against her own, his soft grunts and pants of desire, the slow rhythmic thrust of his hips and the tightness of his embrace all combined to send her reeling. In this one perfect moment, the looming confrontation with Dom and Monica didn’t matter, the club didn’t matter, the world didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was she and Colt were together, making love. She’d never felt this way before, and she drew him down tighter, wanting to feel his touch.

  “I’m going to come,” she whispered into his ear. They had been making love for many long minutes, a slow and easy giving and taking of pleasure. “I want you to come with me.”

  The slow pace had allowed him to hold back his own orgasm, but the idea that Sierra was approaching rapture and wanted them to climax together excited him. He began to thrust slightly hard, pushing her toward her orgasm.

  “Yes, like that,” she squeaked as her release began to surround her, enveloping her in its warm blanket. “Come with me! Please, come with me!”

  The moment he felt her embrace tighten he thrust into her hard and fast as he loosened his control. With a soft grunt he splashed into her as his hips slowed to a stop. He lay still, breathing softly, his forehead resting softly on hers as he waited for his climax to release him.

  Sierra shuddered softly as her orgasm washed out of her, relaxing with a long slow exhale. “Did you come?”

  “Yes,” he whispered, taking a slow cleansing breath before finding her lips with his own. He pulled back from the kiss and rose to look into her eyes, falling into their infinite depth and never wanting to return.

  “You okay?” she asked, puzzled and strangely thrilled by the way he was looking at her.

  “Oh, yes. You?”

  Her smile broadened. “Very much so,” she murmured then pulled his lips to hers again. It had only been a few weeks, but she could feel the first tendrils of attachment forming. Colt was no longer just a great fuck, no longer just a means to make money. He was becoming special to her, special in a way that no one ever had. He pulled back from the kiss, but he seemed in no hurry to move, and that was fine with her as their lips touched again.

  Colt rolled off Sierra after taking his fill of her soft lips and neck, flopping to his back with a great contented sigh and tugging her in close. He’d certainly fucked harder, even with Sierra, and had more powerful orgasms, but this one was satisfying in a way the others hadn’t been.

  “That was nice,” she purred as she snuggled into the crook of his arm, throwing an arm and leg over him possessively.

  He nodded without saying anything, his smile growing a bit brighter. He sighed and tightened his embrace around her shoulders. They were quiet for a time, each lost in their own thoughts, Sierra tucked in close, listening to the slow heavy thudding of his heart.

  “You okay?” she asked, rising up to look at him.

  “Yes, why?” he asked, smiling back at her.

  “I don’t know. You just seem…distant…again. Is it me?”

  “No,” he replied, shaking his head slowly. “I just want this to be over, to put all this shit behind us so we can move forward with our lives. I’m worried about you and Monica. This is what…making love…should be like. Not that other shit.”

  She drew a lazy pattern on his chest with her finger as she thought about his words. “It’ll be okay. We’re not going to lose the club.”

  “That’s not what I’m worried about.”

  “What, then?”

  “You, Sierra. I’m worried about you getting hurt. I don’t mean a few bumps and cuts, but really hurt. Monica is—”

  “A real bitch.” she interrupted. “She fights dirty. I know. You told me, but I’ve kicked her ass twice already. I can do it again. I’ve got a month to get ready. Bobbi and I are going to work on ground and pound. It’ll be okay, Colt. Don’t worry.” She smiled softly, wishing she felt as confident as she sounded.

  Colt nodded, but said nothing. I hope she’s right.

  Chapter Thirty

  “Fuck!” Sierra gasped as she flopped into the big leather couch in the common area. “Bobbi is kicking my ass!” She was dressed in her usual sparring gear of a sports bra with the words no days off written around the base and a zipper on the front, and a pair of athletic shorts. Dripping with sweat, her arms and legs
felt like overcooked noodles. “No wonder everyone is afraid of her. She’s a fucking machine.”

  Colt chuckled as he approached with a towel and a large glass of water. “Yeah, I know. I’ve sparred with her before. She can wear my ass out, too. She’s like trying to hit a ghost. Or a ninja. Or a ghost ninja.”

  She laughed. “Thanks,” she said as she accepted the glass and towel. She downed half the glass, bearing her teeth as the cold liquid hurt so good, then wiped her face and chest with the towel.

  It had been two weeks since it Colt and Dominic had agreed to settle the issue of the club between them. She’d been working out two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon with Bobbi in a makeshift ring made from the pads the club had used to settle challenges. She was making progress, but she was mostly learning how to take a fall, punch or kick, and how much she still had to learn.

  Just when she thought she was learning something and had Bobbi pinned or back on her heels, Bobbi quickly showed her she really didn’t know anything. Without apparent effort, Bobbi would turn her, near pin around, and pin her in a moment or pop her in the face with a gloved hand. Bobbi hadn’t hurt her, much, but it was clear that her fighting skills were in a different league. After yet another escape by Bobbi, she’d become very frustrated with her progress, but Bobbi assured her she was making good progress and she shouldn’t expect to be able to learn everything she need to know in only two weeks when it had taken her years of training to be as good as she was.


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