Taming the Wild Highlander 04

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Taming the Wild Highlander 04 Page 11

by Terry Spear

  Her father suddenly motioned to four of his guards. Afraid they were going to take Angus and lock him away in the dungeon, Edana stood in front of him.

  "If we dinna move this discussion to my private quarters, I will have you, Edana, locked in your chamber, and Angus and Keary locked away elsewhere."

  She ground her teeth, glowering at her father. She saw Zeneva smirking at her from a lower table, licking her fingers and though Edana would like very much to pull her hair out, she wanted more to ensure Angus remained her husband.

  Edana turned and tugged Angus with her, her father and that impossible Keary following behind. Keary said, "She is young and impressionable but you shouldna trust in her—"

  "Enough," her da said. "We speak in…private."

  When they reached her father's solar, he motioned to a wooden bench where Edana took a seat. Angus stood beside her, arms folded, looking like he was ready to do battle with Keary.

  Her father sat on his chair while Keary stood nearby, glowering at Angus.

  Tibold said, "Now, first—"

  "My brothers are locked in a dungeon somewhere and Angus and I need more men to accompany us because he," she said and motioned to Keary, "stole our horses, Angus's and Niall's clothes and weapons, and we had to return here first."

  "You left your horses behind, rather," Keary said. "I didna make you run off like that."

  "His sister, Lady Allison, helped me to free Angus and his cousin, Niall, who were locked in his dungeon. Da, you asked Angus to find me. He did. We agreed to marry one another. You canna undo what has been done."

  "Have you truly consummated the marriage?" her father asked Edana.

  Her whole body warmed with embarrassment. She would not have told him such a thing except in the most dire of circumstances. That being that it was the only way her father would allow her to remain with Angus.

  "We need a word in private with you," Angus said to her father.

  Her father nodded. "Keary, wait outside, if you will."

  "They havena consummated the marriage," Keary argued.

  "Outside," her father said, his voice darkening.

  Keary stalked out of the solar and slammed the door.

  "Does your husband know why you left here without my permission?" her father asked, his tone gentled.

  Tears filled her eyes and she nodded.

  Angus swallowed hard and put his hand on her shoulder.

  Her father observed them for a moment. "How do you know your brothers are in a dungeon?"

  "They have told me…in that special way," Edana said.

  "Angus knows of this?" her father asked.

  "Aye, and Keary doesna," Angus said quickly. "'Tis dangerous to force her to wed such a man. Besides, she is well and good married to me."

  "But the marriage hasna been consummated," her father said.

  "It doesna have to be for it to be legitimate," Angus insisted.

  "I wish it to be. And to have the wedding. About that night…," Tibold said, his stern face softening.

  "I am sorry I walked in on you," Edana said, her eyes downcast. She could not look at her father. "I…I was worried about my brothers. I wanted to give you word. I…I tried to wake you from the doorway of your chamber. I called to you before I reached the bed."

  "Aye, Edana. I am sorry I snapped at you when we broke our fast." He reached his hand out to her.

  She hesitated. He was offering a truce and she wanted things between them the same as they had been before. But there was no going back.

  "Edana," he said softly.

  She rose to her feet and walked across her father's solar. He stood and gathered her in his arms and hugged her tight. "You are your mother's daughter, my one and only sweet young lassie. 'Twas a mistake I made, but I willna make it again. I feared I would never see you alive again."

  She sobbed and hugged him back.

  "Shh, dinna cry, lass. Your husband doesna wish to see your tears."

  "Why did you betroth me to Keary without my say?" she asked, wiping her wet cheeks.

  "I thought you wanted to leave me for good. He has a title and was enthusiastic about making you his wife. I thought you would be pleased." He shook his head. "But I wished Angus to take you for a wife."


  "Edana, I saw the way he watched you when you were younger. The way you had enchanted him. He and his brothers had gone to your aid that day, and Angus had pestered the maids continually about how you fared after that until he and his brothers left. You dinna know how much that meant to me. I hoped if the two of you saw each other again now that you are both mature enough, you might discover you still felt something for each other. When we had no word of you…" He wiped away some of her tears. "I am sorry for what you saw. It was a mistake, no' one I am willing to make again. You may live wherever your husband wishes, but I hope that you will both spend some time here with me."

  "Aye, if Edana wishes it," Angus agreed wholeheartedly.

  She nodded.

  "The truth is I have turned down five offers of marriage for you over the years and I…" He smiled a little when she snapped her gaping mouth shut. "I dinna tell you because I feared the men would mistake your abilities for something evil. I couldna allow you to come to harm."

  "Why Keary?"

  "I must admit when he said he had fallen in love with you from the moment he had met you, that I wanted to believe he would be the right man for you. His title helped, but I believe Angus is the one for you, lass. He has proven he cares for you."

  "Thank you, Da. He is the only one for me. Can you convince Keary to give back our things, my horse?" she asked.


  "And can we have men to help us rescue my brothers?" she asked.

  "Have you any idea where they could be?" her father asked.

  "Oppida is the only name they shared that might give a clue."

  "Dunbarton's mistress," her father said.

  Angus explained more about what had happened as far as they knew.

  "I will make inquiries and go with you," her father said to Angus. To Edana, he said, "Wash up and make yourself presentable, lass. You will marry Angus in the kirk this eve if that is what you both wish. Keary can witness it for himself."

  She gave her father a warm embrace.

  "Quit your crying, daughter," her father said, running his hand over her hair. "Angus may change his mind."

  "I willna change my mind," Angus said, smiling at her, giving her a heartfelt embrace also and a quick kiss on the lips before she left her father's solar. "She only cries happy tears now and they are most welcome."

  She loved Angus for being so supportive all along. And she loved her father just as she had before. Now if only they could free her brothers. She had to admit she still wanted to pay Zeneva back as well.


  Angus, Niall, and Gunnolf quickly washed. The whole time, Angus thought about his own wife bathing in a tub and helping to scrub every bit of her before they shared a bed. He had to get his mind on wedding her in the kirk first before he embarrassed himself in front of his companions.

  Dressed in cleaner garments, Gunnolf said, "Didna I tell you so?"

  Angus shook his head. "'Twas the lass and my doing and no' her da's. He was right about one thing, getting us together again made all the difference in the world."

  Niall said, "Do you think James will have assumed such? Or will this be a surprise to him?"

  "James is hard to figure sometimes. He was the one who, after we left for home that time so many years ago, chided me the most for not having spoken to the lass. He might have come to the conclusion that I would see her, grown, a bonny lass indeed, and want her for my own."

  "If you hadna offered, I would have. She would make a fine warrior wife," Gunnolf said, and they headed out of the chamber and down the corridor to the stairs.

  "Aye, which is another reason she would be mine. You would make her help fight your battles. I wish to keep her safe and love her every chance I ge
t," Angus said.

  Gunnolf and Niall laughed. Niall let out his breath as they headed down the stairs. "Looks to me like 'tis only you and me now, Gunnolf, who will be ready for more adventures."


  Once again, Angus stood in a kirk waiting for Edana to join with him and say the vows to make them husband and wife. Only this time, her father was there, and as many of the Chattan clansmen and women also who could pack themselves into the kirk. Gunnolf was able to witness it, too, this time. Niall was nearby, smiling and shaking his head. Angus wished Edana's mother and the rest of his family could have been there also.

  Keary had left with his men, demanding his sister come home with him. But Lady Allison stayed with the Chattan clan, interested in meeting Edana's brothers and not wishing to incur her brother's wrath for having freed the MacNeills and Edana and run away with them.

  When Angus saw Edana dressed in green this time, the bodice of her léine trimmed in gold threads, the gown showing off her soft curves, he smiled. She was beautiful. Every bit of her from her dark reddish brown hair shiny and curling about her shoulders, her rosy lips smiling at him, her blue eyes wide with expectation, to her cheeks turning rosy with his perusal.

  He loved her with all his heart. Truth was he would prefer to leave her home in the safety of the keep, but she might be able to help them locate her brothers. He didn't trust she'd stay at home if he left her behind while he searched for them with her father and his men.

  This time he said his vows with Edana, kissed her as chastely as he could, considering how much farther he wished to go, and even then, she blushed beautifully. Everyone, her people and his cousin and Gunnolf smiled broadly at them as they made their way out of the kirk and headed for the great hall where the feasting would begin.

  He hoped as late as it was getting and knowing the early start they'd have to make in the morn, that everyone would leave them in peace before long.

  But it was not to happen that way. After much drinking and celebrating and finally Allison and Una hauling Edana off to her chamber, Gunnolf and Niall gave Angus a difficult time.

  "I was never more surprised than to see Gunnolf taking your place to guard because the lovely lass distracted you so much," Niall said, lifting another tankard of ale.

  "We had others to guard, unlike the previous nights that we travelled," Angus said, defending himself. Truth be told, he had felt guilty for ignoring his duties.

  "Och," Gunnolf said, "Angus was guarding."

  Niall laughed. "Aye, one bonny lass."

  "All night long," Gunnolf said.

  Angus shook his head at them, amused by all the good-natured ribbing and looked at the doorway to the great hall again. What was taking the ladies so long in fetching him to join his wife? He rose from the bench.

  Much of the conversation died as everyone waited expectantly for Angus to say something.

  "He is just like Dougald. Impatient," Gunnolf said. "Go to her, mon. We have a long journey tomorrow, and I doubt you will get much sleep this eve."

  Both Gunnolf and Niall stood then, and gave him a brotherly slap on the back and a shove toward the door.

  Edana's father raised his tankard to Angus, "Take care with my precious daughter."

  "Aye," Angus said, bowing his head a little. "It will be my pleasure." He strode toward the doorway with purpose while everyone cheered him from the great hall, many of the men adding their coarse comments concerning keeping the lass well satisfied the whole night through.

  Amused at their good-hearted cheer, he was still a little apprehensive. He prayed he would not alarm or hurt the lass when he made love to her.

  When he approached the bedchamber door, he heard giggling inside and smiled. He hoped that the ladies had helped to allay Edana's concerns about his bedding her. He knocked at the door. Silence.

  Then hurried feminine footsteps. The door opened. Una grinned at Angus, then quickly stepped out of his way. Allison hastened across the floor, grabbed Una's hand, and rushed her out the door. As he shut it, he listened to their giggles as they continued down the corridor.

  His new wife was hidden by the drapes surrounding the bed. But as he went to her, hoping he would not find a frightened rabbit, she tossed aside the covers and hurried out of the bed dressed in only a chemise, and threw herself at him.

  "The anticipation is killing me," she said, hugging him tightly against her soft body. "Is it no' you?"

  "Aye," he said smiling down at her, more than he, a braw Highland warrior, wished to admit.

  Chapter 11

  To put Edana at ease, Una and Allison had shared with her scanty details of dalliances between men and women they had witnessed or gossip they'd overheard as servants had revealed their experiences. Edana had been so nervous—particularly when she heard the knock on her chamber door and knew Angus stood on the other side of it—that she thought she'd die from expectation.

  The ladies told her the first time would be… sore. After a couple of days, she would feel more comfortable and could stand to do it again. She would do her duty, though she couldn't wait for more of Angus's kisses. They had to hurry, though, because the sooner they got this over, the faster she would heal and then be ready for him again.

  Angus entered Edana's bedchamber and shut the door. Sitting on the bed, half hidden by the curtains draped around it, she couldn't see him. And she couldn't fight the anticipation any longer as he walked toward the bed.

  She threw the curtains aside, fairly leapt off the bed, and rushed to embrace him. His eyes widened a bit to see her flying across the room to join him. She hoped he didn't mind that she threw herself at him right after he entered her chamber.

  Smiling, he enveloped her in his arms at once. "Bonny lass."

  She tugged at his belt, eager to get this over with. But he cupped her face and looked down at her, his dark brown eyes swimming with desire, his mouth seeking hers. At first his kisses were gentle, unassuming, loving. She adored this part of the sharing between a man and a woman. Wanting to touch every bit of him, she ran her hands over his waist and down his hips. His kisses became more urgent and she enjoyed knowing her caresses made him crave her even more.

  She used her tongue on him again, just as she had seen Una doing with Seumas. The technique had worked wonders with Angus the last time. Except this time, he growled or mayhap groaned, she could not say for certain. But his kisses grew more intense, capturing her mouth, his tongue sliding into her mouth this time. She nearly collapsed as he thrust his tongue between her parted lips, and she realized just what this was like. A man tupping a woman. The experience was most pleasurable. And wickedly decadent.

  She sucked on his tongue, enjoying the sweet honeyed mead. He groaned, a growly, sensuous sound that she delighted in. His hands shifted down her shoulders to her waist, and then her arse. She felt lost in his touch as he ran his fingers over her body until he pulled her tight against his manhood. Hard, huge, he was ready for her, thrilling her.

  That her hands or tongue on him could arouse him that quickly fascinated her. She loved the way his big hands caressed her, stroked her, making her hot and wet for him. Every bit of her tingled with eagerness and need. She wanted his hands touching every part of her, felt the tension pool in her belly, a restlessness to experience more.

  Again, she tried to remove his belt when he jerked her chemise down and exposed her breasts. The room was cool and her breasts felt heavy and hot. Her nipples puckered and then Angus did the most extraordinary thing. He kissed her breast, while one hand cupped the other. She thought she would die and go to heaven as his thumb stroked over the nipple and his mouth captured the other. This time he suckled and she groaned.

  The ladies had not said one thing about a man touching a woman's breasts and just how pleasurable that could be.

  Her fingers attempted to work on his belt, but he quickly removed his sword and sgian dubh, belt, and boots. Then he dispensed with his plaid, wearing only his tunic now. The neckline of her chemise was restin
g at her hips, and she wanted his chest bared to her also so she could run her hands over his muscles and skin. But if she pulled his tunic down over his shoulders, it would slip to the floor, and he would be completely naked. She didn't believe she was quite ready for that.

  As quick as it was for him to remove his plaid, she didn't have time to breathe before he was kissing her again, his mouth on hers, his hands on her breasts. Her insides turned into heated wax as she felt every bit of her melting deep within.

  Yearning to touch him, she lifted his tunic to run her hands underneath the fabric so she could stroke his chest. Being so close, she wouldn't see all of him—not unless she stepped away from him. She hadn't expected him to stop everything he was undertaking with her while he concentrated on her touching him.

  She didn't want him to quit caressing her. "Continue what you were doing," she said.

  He only gave her a pained smile. She barely noticed as she swept her hands up his torso, felt the rigid muscles tightening, skimmed her fingers over his smooth chest except for streaks of raised skin where she knew he'd fought and been cut. Her father had them as well, so she was well aware of what that meant. She praised God that the injuries had not proved fatal.

  He still held her so close she couldn't see what he actually looked like, though running her hands along his lightly haired chest felt pleasurable indeed. She tried to lift his tunic higher, to remove it so she could see him—his broad chest, his muscled shoulders. Mayhap she was not ready to witness the lower part of him yet, but it could not be helped.

  "In a hurry, lass?" he asked, his hushed words strained as he kissed her forehead, a smile in his voice.

  "I want to see you," she said, quite plainly.

  As if she had said the magic words, he quickly shucked his tunic and then yanked at her chemise so that it puddled around her ankles.

  He stepped back to observe her and the cool air in the bedchamber swept around her. Taking a deep breath, she took in his nakedness, her skin hot from his touching her. For a moment, they studied each other. Her skin felt flushed with his perusal. She tried not to think of how he regarded her as she relished viewing his magnificent body from this hardened muscles and scars, to the dark hair that trailed down to his manhood, that part of him that stood firm and proud.


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