Alpha Defenders: Mate (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Alpha Defenders: Mate (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 2

by Lyzie Carlisle

  “Yum, that’s good,” she said, obviously liking Ry’s ice cream.

  “Have a taste.” Jeff offered her his cone.

  “I’d love to,” she said, smiling at him.

  Jeff watched her, fascinated as she slowly parted her lips and licked the tip of the mound of ice cream that threatened to drip any second down the side of the cone. “How do you like it?”

  “That’s really good, too. I think I like them both.” She looked down at her own cone. “Oops, mine is dripping down the side.” She quickly licked the cone where the cream had made tracks.

  Watching her tongue lick at her ice cream was making Jeff hotter and hotter. It was all he could do to control his urge to cover her mouth with his and taste her.

  They enjoyed their cones down to the last bite.

  “This has been so much fun. Thank you both.” She looked from Ry to Jeff. “I should be getting home now. I have to be up early for the morning coffee crowd.”

  “Would you like to come to a masquerade party we’re having at our place in Wolf’s Crossing tomorrow night?” Jeff asked her.

  She didn’t answer right away, and Jeff feared she’d say no.

  “Yes, I would,” she said, smiling at him and Ry. “Tell me how to find your place.”

  “The house we’re renting is up in the foothills outside of Wolf’s crossing. It’s not easy to find at night if you haven’t been there before. What if we pick you up?” Ry suggested.

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  “Will you be working all day?” If she was, he and Ry would have to flip for which of them would stay at the party while the other one picked her up.

  “I’ll be off early tomorrow since I’m going in early,” she said.

  “That would work great,” Jeff said.

  “The party-goers will probably start coming after dinner. Would a pick up around eight work for you?”

  “That would be fine,” she said.

  “We’ve never had a masquerade party before,” Jeff said, “but we thought that would be a good way to meet more of the folks around here. We’ve hired a country music band for the evening. We’ll have masks there for everyone to wear, but costumes aren’t required. We want to keep it simple.”

  “That sounds good,” she said.

  “We’ll walk you to your car,” Ry said.

  Jeff and Ry walked with her to her black Civic and waited while she got in and started the engine. Jeff wanted to be sure she didn’t have any problems getting it started since she’d said it was old. It looked old to him. It was obvious to him that she could use a new car. Maybe she’d let him and Ry look into that for her. “We’re fairly new to this area and don’t know all the streets yet. We’d like to follow you to your place so we know how to get there tomorrow. Is that all right with you?”

  “Yes, that’s okay.”

  After her car started just fine, he and Ry returned to their truck and followed her to her place. It was an old apartment building in the older part of town. It didn’t look like a dangerous area to live in, but it looked like it had been there since the early part of the twentieth century. He figured she must be staying there because she couldn’t afford anything else. Maybe she’d let them help her with that.

  He parked his truck next to her car, and they both got out and met her as she locked her car. They walked up to her door with her.

  She unlocked her door and opened it a crack, turned around, and smiled at both of them. “Thanks for making my evening so much fun.”

  “You definitely made my evening,” Jeff said and grinned at her.

  “Mine as well,” Ry said and smiled at her.

  She didn’t seem inclined to invite them in so Jeff thought it best to say goodnight. “We’ll see you tomorrow evening then, Keri.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to her soft-as-satin cheek with a brief kiss.

  Ry leaned down and kissed her on her other cheek.

  They both backed up a step, and she smiled at them again. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight,” Jeff said.

  “G’night,” Ry said.

  They waited until she walked inside and closed and locked her door before they walked back to their truck and got in.

  “I’m looking forward to getting to know her,” Jeff said.

  “I feel the same,” Ry said. “I had a good time with her tonight. I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed having an ice cream cone so much.”

  “There’s something about her, I’m not sure what it is, but I feel comfortable with her.” Jeff turned on the truck’s ignition and headed back onto the highway toward Wolf’s Crossing and their house.

  “I have a feeling she could use a little help. I don’t think she’s been a waitress for very long,” Ry said.

  “She must have had a good reason for coming to Heat Springs and finding a job at the Bar and Dancehall.” Jeff hoped they could help her out and get to know her better.

  Chapter Two

  The following evening Ry headed into Heat Springs to pick up Keri and bring her out to their house for the masquerade party. They hoped for a good crowd tonight. They’d invited everyone they’d met so far in the towns of Wolf’s Crossing and Heat Springs. He hoped they’d learn more about the area and specifically the minerals being looked for on the red rock formation between the two towns. The minerals were their main focus as directed by C.P.O.

  He knew there were other agents in the area who were working on finding that ruthless gang leader, Wra. Ry figured that their contact at C.P.O. would tell those agents about the masquerade party. He expected to see Mark and Tom there, and three other agents, Roger, Jen, and Travis. Ry remembered meeting them a while back at a C.P.O. meeting at the country club. They had contacted him and Jeff and said they would be there hunting for Wra or any of his gang members.

  He reached the apartment building where Keri was living and parked his truck in the parking lot near her door. He walked up to the door and rang the doorbell.

  She opened the door. “Hi,” she said, sounding a bit uncertain about something.

  “Hi,” he said, studying the expression on her face and hoping she’d tell him what was bothering her. She was dressed in a short black dress that accented her curves and contrasted with her silky, long blond hair. “What’s up? Are you okay?” Instantly concerned, he reached a hand toward her.

  She took his hand in hers. “I hate saying this, but I’m having second thoughts about attending your masquerade party tonight.”

  “Can you tell me why?” he asked her, keeping his tone gentle.

  “It’s kind of a long story. To make it short, I’ve been to masquerades before where I was hit on by men I didn’t know.”

  “Our party is not that kind of so-called party. If anyone wants to get it on at our party, their partner has to want it just as much. No one will be forced to do anything they don’t want to do at this party,” he said softly. “Who the hell has parties like that?”

  She clasped her hands tightly in front of her and looked down. Her long blond hair caressed the sides of her beautiful face like he ached to do.

  “Some people do.”

  Ry slipped his arms around her and gently hugged her, relieved that she didn’t push him away. “No one is going to do that to you. Jeff and I will protect you. And if this masquerade party turns sexy, and it might, or if you don’t feel comfortable about something, just stick with me and Jeff. You don’t even have to dance or talk to anyone else if you don’t want to. We won’t let the party become abusive to you or anyone else.”

  He loosened his hold around her and rested his hands on her shoulders as he met her intense, dark blue gaze. “We’d love for you to come and be our date with no strings attached. We’ll be right beside you during the whole party if that will make you more comfortable. Our party will be fun, not threatening. No one will be forced to do anything.”

  “You’ve made me feel better.” She gave him a little smile and looked down at her
hands again. “You and Jeff have been nothing but good to me since I met you.”

  She looked up at him, and he could see tears filled her eyes. “I’m sorry, babe.” He wrapped his arms around her again and held her. “You obviously had a bad experience. That won’t happen at our party.” The pain she had been through, and still obviously felt, made him want to rip those men apart and stomp them into the ground.

  He wished he could tell her what he’d had to do as an agent for C.P.O. Maybe in the future he and Jeff would tell her what their jobs involved, but not unless they became very close. If their relationship with her became serious and long term, they would tell her what they’d done as agents.

  “This party is about having a good time and getting to know people. Jeff and I hope you’ll be our date tonight, and keep us company while we oversee the party activities and attendees. We would love for you to stay at our sides during the party and enjoy it with us, meet some of the people we’ve invited if you want to, but mostly enjoy being there with Jeff and me.”

  She nodded, and he knew that she believed him.

  “If the dancing at the party turns sexier than you’re comfortable with,” he continued, “stay between us. No one is going to hit on you with us beside you. Jeff and I will be happy and proud to have you there beside us as our date.” He smiled at her. “You don’t have anything to worry about, I promise. You don’t have to dance with anyone, or even talk to anyone that you don’t want to.”

  “Thank you, Ry. I feel more at ease already knowing I can stand between you and Jeff all evening if I want to. I trust you.” She smiled at him. “I’ll grab my purse, and I’m ready to go.”

  * * * *

  After Ry drove into the huge garage of the house he and Jeff were renting, he escorted her into the house from the door that opened from the garage into the front entrance. Local caterers were busy placing bowls of chips, salsa, and various mixed nuts and chocolate candy in the adjoining living room and den. The wonderful fragrance of bar-b-que wafted through the main rooms from the kitchen area.

  “Let’s see where Jeff is,” Ry said. He took her hand and led the way into the breakfast area and kitchen. “There he is.”

  “Hey,” Jeff said as he saw them. He crossed the room and took Keri’s hands in his, leaned down close, and gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek. “You look great,” he said.

  “Thanks,” she said. “So do you, both of you.”

  “People should start arriving in a few minutes,” Jeff said.

  “It looks like there’s enough food for everyone,” Ry commented. “I need to talk to you, Jeff, before our guests arrive.”

  “Help yourself to whatever you want,” Jeff said to Keri.

  “Thanks, I’d love to.” She made the rounds of the bowls of food put out on the tables as Ry and Jeff went across the kitchen out of the way of the caterers and had their talk. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, and Jeff had his back turned to her.

  Soon they both returned to her and offered comments about the food as they tasted a little from each bowl put out for their guests.

  She heard the sound of the guitars and other musical instruments being tuned and played in the living room.

  The guests began to arrive, and Keri stayed close to Ry and Jeff, standing between them as Ry had said she should as the party-goers were welcomed and encouraged to enjoy the food. Those who weren’t already wearing masks were offered masks. This was a different group of people than those at the masquerades she’d had to attend in Dallas with other models. The men at the parties in Dallas had arrived at the parties dressed expensively and looking like high-powered businessmen. The people coming to Jeff and Ry’s party were dressed very casually, some in slacks and knit shirts, their dates in nice dresses or slacks and tops, and some in blue jeans and western shirts. The men wore cowboy-style hats. Their dates looked relaxed and happy, not strained like the models had looked in Dallas at those awful masquerade parties.

  Their faces were hidden by the masks they were asked to wear as they came into the house. She recognized a few people by their familiar forms and their voices, but only a few. Austin’s sister, Lacy, was there with her two guys and a friend of hers who was visiting her. She was also happy to see the two men who had been talking with Jeff and Ry at the Bar and Dance Hall the other night.

  She stayed close to Jeff and Ry, danced with them, and enjoyed being with them, feeling perfectly at ease in their arms. They were great dates, very attentive to her, and brought her food and drinks to enjoy when they were taking a break from dancing.

  As the evening grew late, the people she knew and recognized left to head home. Some of the remaining couples danced adventurously by removing pieces of clothing. When she saw that begin to happen, she put her hands on Jeff’s and Ry’s arms, needing the security they had shown her. Jeff and Ry sat on stools at the opposite end of the room from the band where they could keep an eye on the whole room and the front door, and she sat on a stool between them. She noticed that the women seemed to continue to enjoy dancing with their partners even though the behavior of most of the couples had now become very intimate. She hadn’t realized she was gripping Jeff’s and Ry’s arms until Jeff turned toward her as they both caressed her hands in a comforting way.

  She met Jeff’s gaze, and his eyes and expression told her that he knew she was nervous and she didn’t need to fear, that he and Ry would keep her safe if things got out of hand among the partygoers. She stayed right where she was between Jeff and Ry, her hands on their arms, knowing then that she was safe with them. She trusted them to control the party if it got out of hand. But so far, it looked like the couples were enjoying each other, keeping their masks on for the most part and taking pieces of clothing off because they wanted to entice each other.

  Jeff and Ry took turns asking her to dance. She enjoyed dancing with them. They didn’t remove any of their clothing, and that made her feel safe. When the band played slow songs and she waltzed slowly around the room, with Jeff and Ry taking turns with her, she realized they were aroused. She didn’t know if it was because they found her arousing to dance with or the couples who had taken off clothing had aroused them. She’d have to ask them some time.

  Suddenly she noticed there were guys throughout the room of dancing couples who were unfastening their blue jeans, and their dates were taking off more clothing. Their actions worried her, and she gripped Jeff hard. She looked up at Jeff to see his reaction. He looked down at her and nodded toward the end of the room, where Ry was sitting, waiting for them to return. Thank goodness Jeff understood she needed to leave the dance floor right then. He put his hand at her waist and guided her through the aroused dancers, some of them glancing toward her and Jeff, the masks they wore making the scene feel surreal to her.

  They reached Ry without any problems. She sat down on the stool next to him, and Jeff sat down on her other side. They put their hands on her waist and back, and she rested her hands on their shoulders. They gave her the safe feeling she needed, and she appreciated that so much. She needed to become used to being out with large numbers of couples.

  The two men she’d seen earlier talking to Lacy and dancing with her friend stopped by them briefly to tell Jeff and Ry they were heading home. Lacy’s friend looked as if she wanted to leave. She probably felt uncomfortable with the sexy dancing, as well.

  Now a few of the couples were really getting into it while they danced. The women in those couples had removed their blouses and were naked underneath. They wore short skirts, and Keri realized they wore nothing underneath their skirts. Each one’s partner had unfastened his slacks, his cock standing at attention and ready to fuck his date.

  Keri realized the sight didn’t make her afraid with Jeff and Ry on either side of her. They put their hands over hers again, and she was aware then that she was gripping them, not because she was afraid this time, but because she was aroused by their nearness and also their care for her. Did Jeff and Ry know she was aching and hot? She
hoped her face wasn’t red with her embarrassment.

  The couple dancing nearest to them seemed lost in their need to have sex with each other. The man unfastened his jeans and lifted one leg of his pretty companion and wrapped it around his hip. He bucked, and it was obvious that he was pushing inside her pussy, her arms around her date’s shoulders. She leaned her head back, and her lips parted. She was obviously enjoying the sensations he created in her. She kept her leg wrapped around him, and he continued to buck his hips upward against her until they both looked lost to the moment. The woman lowered her head forward to lean against his, and both of them seemed to be panting.

  Keri broke her gaze away and looked across the room so she wasn’t staring at them. Her own pussy was aching and needy.

  She noticed that some of the couples were leaving. They waved, and Jeff and Ry waved back to them as they headed out the front door with their dates. The few remaining couples continued to enjoy the music and danced, including sexy touches with their moves on the dance floor. She could see all of the dancing couples now, and her attention was caught by a couple having sex to the beat of the music with the man behind the woman, her short skirt raised and his jeans spread open with the front of his hips snuggly against her. They both still wore their masks. He had his arms wrapped around her, and he lifted her up and bucked against her. The woman looked like she was enthralled as she leaned her head back against him.

  Another young woman was completely into the music, gyrating to the beat. She had removed her mask, and the expressions on her face reflected the emotions in the lyrics. Her dance partner still wore his mask, and he danced with her as if they were made to dance together, his moves complementing hers. He lifted her high against his body as she moved gracefully to the music, and then he slowly lowered her, and her skirt rode up between them. He held her hips tightly against his naked, aroused cock and lowered her until he seemed to have her where he wanted her, and she wrapped her legs around his hips. He bucked, and seemingly enthralled with pleasure, she raised her arms and threaded her fingers through her own long, dark hair, her face revealing her pleasure.


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