The Holeshot

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The Holeshot Page 3

by Lynn Michaels

  He heard deep breaths over the phone. “I wish this were easier, but I don’t regret anything. Do you?” Davey’s voice washed over him like a tropical waterfall.

  “No.” Tyler would never regret one second spent with Davey. He wished he could be in Davey’s arms again. Just one more time.

  “You’re quiet. Are you mad?”

  Tyler took his turn breathing deeply. “No. It’s just, uh, at home I’m out. You know? I don’t hide who I am. Here it’s different and neither of us can afford to screw up. Especially you, Davey. So, I’m torn.”

  “Trying do the right thing?”

  “Something like that.” He slid down across the cheap polyester comforter, tucking a pillow under his head.

  “I think this feels right. You and me.”

  “Maybe, but, you don’t have time for this either. Focus on the race.”


  Tyler sat in the silence, listening to Davey breathe. It did feel right with him. He didn’t think Davey would push it, considering everything at risk. Tyler would have to reel in his natural instincts to pursue what he wanted. He could never let his selfishness hurt Davey.

  “I’ll leave it alone, Ty, but….”

  “But what?”

  “I’m going to jack off thinking about you.”

  Tyler’s dick plumped up, ready for his own jack-off session. “That’s hot.”

  “You’re hot.”

  Tyler laughed. “I do like you a lot.”




  “I’ll be watching you ride tomorrow. Ride fast.”

  Davey made a chuffing noise. “Are you allowed to root for me?”

  “Don’t know, but I’m going to.”

  “I like that.” His voice sounded low and husky, and deeply sexy.

  “Okay. I gotta go now.”

  “Why?” Davey asked.

  “Cause you’ve got me all worked Up.”


  A loud banging woke Davey. “Stop!” he yelled, pulling his pillow over his head. His hands flipped over the soft material hidden beneath his pillow—Tyler’s underwear. He couldn’t bring himself to part with them. A soft smile played across his lips at his memories with the hunky mechanic.

  “Yo! Get up McAllister. Track-walk in ten!” His trainer, Brad Falcon, was persistent and hard as nails.

  Davey knew he had to pull his shit together. He jumped in a quick, cold shower and then headed out the door. Brad waited for him in a rented sedan. Davey had been staying at an out of the way RV Park, rather than in the pits at the stadium. His driver Tony would come sometime during the day and move the RV to the track until Monday morning. Then, he’d move it back to the park where Davey would stay until the next Friday. Then rinse and repeat. The days, tracks, and cities tended to bleed into each other. After the following week’s race, he’d fly home for a few days before the next race in Indiana, then there were only two races left: New Jersey and the final race in Las Vegas.

  If he could stay on top of points through these two weeks in Georgia, he might be able to take the championship. He just had to stay focused. Tyler had been right about that.

  They pulled into the pit area and walked out to the track. Davey took a look around, and let his brain focus in on what they were doing. He snapped into another world, forgetting Tyler, forgetting everything. Nothing existed expect Brad and the track. They walked every inch of the beast, letting it soak into his head. They chatted softly about strategy for each curve, each bump, the whoop sections, and the start. The dirt ran through his soul like the blood in his veins. It was race time, and whatever else he might have been thinking about all week long, none of it mattered. Bikes, tracks, and jumps made up Davey’s entire world until after the Main Event later that night.

  After Track-walk, Brad led Davey back to the pits to catch up with the rest of their team. They spent time talking with Shorty, also known as Bryan Short, his head mechanic. Davey concentrated on business as usual, but in the back of his mind, something else ruminated, something about Tyler. He stuffed it down. He could think about it tomorrow.

  He left the mechanic and headed out to find where Tony had Parked his RV. He needed to get his gear on and get ready. It was race time.


  Tyler did his job and Cole’s bike performed at its peak. Excitement thrilled through him, as he went with the rest of the team to watch the racing. Cole would not be riding in the same heat race as Davey, and Tyler didn’t get to see Davey race, but both riders placed well enough to transfer to the Main Event. Tyler rooted for both riders, Cole out of loyalty, and Davey because, well, Davey was scorching hot and Tyler still hoped they could figure out how to get a repeat of their one night together.

  It had not been difficult to put Davey out of his mind while he worked on the bikes, but with nothing left to do but shoot the shit and wait for the Main Event to start, he couldn’t stop thinking about the sexy rider.

  Both his racers had good spots on the gate. Davey lined up just left of center and Cole was only two spots farther to the right. His heart started thrumming as the racers readied themselves. When the gates fell, Davey and Chad Regal were battling for first right off the bat. They both liked getting the holeshot, jumping to the lead and keeping it, rather than having to fight for position. They were better at it than Cole, who fought the pack just to stay in the top five.

  Tyler looked out over the huge dirt track. From where they stood, he could see a good portion of the rhythm section and whoops. Dirt bikes flew over the jumps beneath the lights and fireworks in their own colorful explosion of bikes and gear. Regal and Davey raced hard against each other in a battle for the lead, trading places several times until Regal got a better inside position around a turn and leapt into first. Tyler bit down on his lip thinking, Come on, Davey!

  The bikes kicked up a lot of dirt in the curves and Davey got plenty of air on the jumps. The racers on their bikes with their colorful gear in streaks of red, blue, green, neon yellow, and orange flew by. Davey rode fast and loose in the whoops, his longer legs giving him an edge there. He could catch up, as long as he could handle the ruts that grew deeper and deeper with every racer and every lap. Davey rode less than a second behind on lap times. He could close the gap. Tyler silently cheered him on.

  Tyler watched Davey’s run intently. He noted Cole had managed to pull into fourth. The bike was as good as it could be, but he didn’t think Cole had it in him as a racer to push himself into the top position. He was good, but he wasn’t Davey McAllister or Chad Regal, who was still leading in points. Though, if Davey could win here, it would put him first in points for the championship.

  As the racers came around the closest turn to where Tyler watched with his teammates, the crowd went wild. Tyler leaned forward just in time to see Davey cut into the center, blocking Regal and pushing ahead. By the next lap Davey gained almost three seconds ahead of Regal and by the time he flew over the whoops where he had the advantage for the last time, he pulled out to three and a half seconds ahead. Regal couldn’t catch him. Davey pumped his fist in the air as his bike flew past the finish line. Tyler couldn’t stop himself from yelling out.

  His teammates laughed and cheered for Davey, too, but they also all cheered for Cole who came in third. They all yelled and celebrated the great finish for Cole; it put him on the podium, but for Davey it was an even sweeter victory. Tyler wanted nothing more than to celebrate with him, but he knew that wasn’t going to happen no matter how much fun it could have been.

  The mechanics made their way back to the pits. The track had become a madhouse. Davey smiled, answering questions on the podium surrounded by reporters. He would be there for a while. The parade would end up down in the pits, and Tyler just hoped he’d be able to get close enough for eye contact. He smiled guiltily as he pulled out his phone. Sweet win! he texted, not even knowing how long it would be before Davey saw it. For Tyler, it didn’t matter, he knew eventually the man w
ould pick up his phone.

  Hours later, the mechanics were all hanging out by the trailers drinking beer provided by one of the sponsors, when the chaos practically rolled down the street to them. They all jumped to their feet and pressed in to get a glimpse of the drivers and the press.

  Davey walked in the center of the group, pressed in between a few older guys wearing his team jerseys. Davey still had all his gear on and looked quite sexy. Tyler recognized Shorty, Davey’s mechanic following Davey relatively closely. A young blonde reporter had her mic stretched out toward him. Davey watched the ground and shook his head, sweat pouring off him as he steadily pushed forward. He seemed hot and tired. Tyler wanted to whisk him away from the crowds, get him some water, and strip his clothes off. As the crowd neared, Davey looked up and made eye contact. Tyler instinctively held out his hand and Davey leaned over and grabbed it. “Good race, man!” Tyler said.

  Davey smiled. “Thanks!” He held on to Tyler’s hand just a little too long. His eyes burned into Tyler, smoldering, smoking. Then, Tyler pulled away. He had to let go. He took a step back and watched Davey turn away and roll with the chaos.

  “What the hell was that Whitmore?” Cole screeched, coming up behind him.


  “Fraternizing with the enemy? Or what?” His face flushed red and he dripped with as much sweat as Davey had. He ripped off his shirt and chest plate and someone tossed him a bottle of water.

  “Nah. Just being cool. After the dickheads threw me in his trailer last week, you know. He could have been a dick about it, but he wasn’t.”

  “Oh, yeah. Right. That was too funny.” He walked off toward his trailer without another word. Cole was a dick, but a very observant dick.

  Cole teased with the calm, casual, regular every day harassment, but the interaction had adrenaline racing through Tyler’s blood. His heart revved as fast as any of the bikes he worked on. That little scene with Davey shouldn’t have happened. He’d started it, but Davey held on too long. The eye contact had been too intense. Cole had picked up on it. Who else had? He couldn’t let that happen again.

  His phone buzzed and he slipped out his phone. Davey had texted him back. Wish I were celebrating with you! Come to my RV later? Just for a bit? Wait till the buzz dies down.

  Tyler shook his head. He’d love nothing more than to show up at Davey’s RV, but it couldn’t happen. His fingers flew across his phone. No. We can’t. 2 dangerous - wish I were with U 2 though. Miss U.

  He didn’t know why he expected a response. Why would Davey keep pursuing him, when he kept saying no? He readied himself for a lonely night at his hotel room.

  A loud pounding woke Tyler from a nice dream, a hot dream about Davey McAllister. He looked around the hotel room reorienting himself. The pounding came again, someone at the door. Damn! He wrapped a bed sheet around his waist and yanked the door open, prepared to scream at the fucker.

  Davey McAllister stood there, head down and looking sheepish. He pushed inside the room, kicking the door shut behind him. “We’ve got about an hour, hour and a half. Then I have to get back to the RV.”

  Tyler’s mouth fell open. He didn’t know what to say or do. Davey’s arms wrapped around him, fingers slipping underneath the sheet. Davey’s hot lips pressed against his. He kissed back, loving his man’s bravery and simultaneously cursing his stupidity. “Davey?” His hands pressed hot against Tyler’s bare skin, making his brain stutter like a bike that needed a good tune up.

  “Shh. I missed you.”

  Davey’s hands beneath the sheet palmed down to Tyler’s ass, and grabbed it firmly. He dropped the sheet and slid his hands inside Davey’s jersey and pulled it up and over his head. Davey’s hands slid up and down his back, demanding intimacy.

  “Need more skin.” Tyler’s breathy words poured into Davey’s mouth as their lips and tongues quested each other.

  Davey turned away long enough to flip the metal latch on the door, and then he unbuttoned his jeans, dropped them to the floor in a swift move, and then toed off his sneakers. In a second, Tyler’s heart pounded and Davey pressed his whole body against his own. Their naked bodies drank each other in with hands and mouths.

  Tyler reached up and cupped Davey’s face with both hands, capturing his cheeks and stilling his mouth. “What are we doing?”

  Davey grabbed his hands, pulling them away from his face and kissing his palms. “Don’t know. Don’t care. Touch me.” He put Tyler’s palms against his chest. Tyler ran his fingers through the smattering of dark hair, and flicked at Davey’s nipples. The moan Davey responded with went right to Tyler’s balls. He rolled his hips, grinding against Davey, demanding more.

  Davey responded with his own grinding; their cocks brushed against each other. “We don’t have time for this,” Davey growled out, pushing Tyler over to the bed. “I brought a condom, but I don’t have lube.”

  “I do. Bathroom.” Tyler jumped up to go get it. When he got back to the bed, Davey was lying on it, leaning back against the headboard. He already had a condom on. Tyler climbed up on the bed, straddling Davey’s thighs.

  “I want to see you get ready. Then…” Davey looked down at his hard cock.

  Tyler’s hands shook, but he managed to get the lube on his fingers. He reached around and slid one finger in his hole. Davey watched him, licking his lips. He put on a show, grinding against his hand and when he pushed the second one in, he moaned, involuntarily. His cock pressed hard against his stomach, leaking from tip, just from knowing Davey’s eyes roamed all over Tyler’s body like gentle caresses.

  “Third finger, hurry,” Davey called out, leaning forward. He grabbed Tyler’s thighs and flicked his tongue across a nipple. “You are so fucking sexy,” he breathed out, flicking at the other nipple. Tyler could feel the heat of his words on his skin, searing into him like a brand.

  “God. I want you.” He climbed up over Davey’s waist and reached back to grab Davey’s cock, slicking it up with the lube on his hand. Slowly, he worked himself down on Davey’s stiff rod until he sat flush on Davey’s lap. With a soft groan, he relished the fullness. He couldn’t think of anything in the world better than having Davey inside of him. Tyler leaned over and kissed Davey hard. Davey’s hands threaded through Tyler’s hair. “You smell good,” he said, pulling away from Davey’s mouth. Tyler could live in Davey’s smell of fresh and clean like soap, and a salty warm scent like roasted peanuts lingering with something slightly sweet reminding Tyler of campfires and s’mores.

  Tyler started moving up and down, making Davey swallow hard and pant shallowly. Tyler thought it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen or heard. He lifted his hips, eyes locked on to Davey’s. He pushed back and pulled up, riding Davey’s cock. He rocked forward, getting the best angle so Davey’s cock hit the right spot on each pump. Davey rolled his hips up to meet him and wrapped a hand around Tyler’s cock, stroking in rhythm with Tyler’s ride.

  Tyler felt his orgasm building at the base of his spine. He fought to hold it back, wanting to make this last. He slowed.

  “What? What’s wrong?” Davey asked, reaching for his lover and grabbing his biceps.

  “No, nothing. So, close.”

  Davey growled and sat up straight, then flipped Tyler over onto his back. Davey grabbed at the back of Tyler’s thighs, pushing them toward his chest to get a better angle. In a moment, he thrust his hips, shoving into Tyler hard and fast.

  Tyler spread his legs as wide as he could. His hands were in Davey’s hair, trailing down his back, grabbing at his ass. It felt like arms and legs were everywhere, mashed together in a frantic mess that only left Tyler wanting more. So, he moaned out the only thing he could, “More, more, more…”

  “Yes,” Davey said, answering his pleas, pounding harder. He grabbed on to Tyler’s cock, stroking hard with each thrust.

  “Fuck.” The word burst out of Tyler’s mouth with a grunt. His balls were tight and tingling. “Fuck. Please.” He rode along the verge of orgasm, torn betwee
n holding it back and wanting to explode, balanced on the edge of a knife.

  “Come, baby. Don’t hold back.” Davey’s soft words pushed him over the edge. He couldn’t refuse his lover. He shot his come out furiously between them in thick streams.

  Davey followed right behind him.

  When they were done, they lay together, side by side, chest to chest, and legs entwined. Davey ran his fingers through Tyler’s hair, petting him. “You are so hot, Ty. You’re making me lose my mind.”

  “I see that.”

  Davey’s lips roamed Tyler’s face, kissing his forehead, his eyelids, and his cheeks. His tongue licked along the bottom of his jaw. He nuzzled under Tyler’s ear. Davey’s attention felt like so much more than just a hookup.

  “You’re definitely crazy, man.” Tyler thought about how much Davey risked by coming over.

  “Crazy about you.”

  Tyler pushed Davey’s shoulders down flat against the bed and leaned over him. He kissed him hard on the lips, and snaked his tongue across Davey’s mouth. Davey opened, and Tyler let his tongue dive in, tasting him. He wanted this man, but they had to be levelheaded. He bit at Davey’s lower lip, pulling on it. “This is so dangerous.”

  “Come work for my team.”

  “What? No.” Tyler sat up and watched Davey over his shoulder. How could he just blurt out something like that out of nowhere? Tyler had thought he tended toward being overzealous, but Davey’s impulsiveness had him reeling.

  “I’m not a rookie. I’m doing well. Been doing well. Moving up. But, if I don’t take it this year or next? I don’t know. I don’t know where the sponsors will be. If I’ll have a team?”

  “What’s that got to do with me?”

  “I need you. Near me, close. You, you calm me down, keep me focused.”

  Tyler turned his whole body to face Davey. “Bullshit. I’m a distraction.”

  “Maybe that’s what I need. A distraction.”

  Lying back down, Tyler rested his head on one of Davey’s long thighs and closed his eyes. “I think you haven’t thought this through and once you do, you’re going to change your mind.”


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