Dirty Mouth (Rock Hard Security Book 3)

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Dirty Mouth (Rock Hard Security Book 3) Page 2

by Vikki Sweet

  I should just let it go. Clearly she has enough issues of her own to deal with and has no interest in getting involved with a guy like me.

  I hear her laugh. It’s a throaty sound that winds around my chest then heads south. Turning I feel my stomach drop when I see her smiling wide at Big D and when she laughs again her head falls back so I get a good look at her long smooth neck.

  My blood boils. Of course it’s Big D, ladies love him and not just because of the namesake. He’s built like a tank, everyone thinks he’s handsome, and his natural charisma have gotten us out of more than a few tight corners. He’s definitely the guy you want around when the trouble shows up.

  Jealousy snakes around my veins and I feel sick. I’m not a boy any more, I’m a grown man and I’ve gotten my fair share of pussy all on my own. I don’t even know why I’m getting so bent out of shape over a chick who’s barely said two words to me.

  She laughs again before reaching out and cupping his jaw. Leaning in she says something, her smile in place the whole time.

  Shit. I can’t watch this. “Gotta take a piss,” I growl, earning raised brows from Dwayne and Joe.

  I’m just giving the beast one last shake when Big D stumbles into the men’s room, wide shit-eating grin on his stupid smug face.

  “The fuck’s wrong with you?” He slurs.


  It’s not his fault he’s better looking, better hung, better everything. Doesn’t stop me from feeling pissed and I just want him to go take his slash and leave me be.

  He leans against the next sink and squints at me.

  Gritting my teeth I keep doing what I’m doing. He thinks if he just stays quiet, I’ll fill the silence. It’s an old cop trick and I’m not falling for it.

  Another few seconds pass. “Look, if you’re gonna fuck the bar chick, could you take her to her place. Don’t want to hear that shit all night.”

  Big D grins, because he got me. “You like her.”

  “What are we, fucking slumber party girlfriends?” I snap defensively.

  “Nah, we’re brothers, and I ain’t seen you this into a girl for a while.”

  “Yeah well, she seems more into you than me.”

  “Everyone loves Big D,” he says. “But she made it clear that she’s not interested in me. You know what I’m talking about.”

  He licks his lips and adds a few crude pelvic juts for good measure just as the door opens and an expensively dressed man stops dead in the doorway. The man’s eyes go wide as he looks from me, with my dick in my hands, to Big D still mid pelvic thrust.

  “Sorry.” The man peeps before backing out and slamming the door behind him.

  “As a side note,” Big D continues without missing a beat. “Her shift ended five minutes ago. You’ll be just in time to catch her if you get your ass in gear.”

  I don’t even think. In seconds I’m shaken, zipped, hands washed, and marching out the door, Big D’s laughter following as I go.

  We barely spoke more than a few words to one another, I don’t even know her name, and maybe it’s just because I haven’t gotten laid in a while, but I need to know her. I’ve been attracted to plenty of girls, but this felt different. Deeper and more urgent somehow.

  A scan of the bar reveals nothing so I make for the door. Outside the street is virtually empty, except for cars. I nearly slap myself. Bet there’s a back entrance for the staff.

  “Look buddy,” A familiar female voice is saying just around the corner of the building. “I get you’ve had a few and you’re feeling horny. But this is not the night, and I am not the one.”

  Grinning I make my way towards the corner but stop short when I see who she’s talking to. I recognize the patch.

  Fucking Clowns. They’re a one-percenters motorcycle gang from a town over.

  Those fuckers tried to muscle us into lowering our guard a few months back but our answer was, no bloody way. We didn’t serve our country just to let them fill it with drugs and underage sex slaves.

  “Come on, Chloe.” The Clown whines, his greasy hair scraped back and I can see her cringing at his gap-toothed grin. “Your daddy and my daddy go way back. It’s gonna happen, so why not__”

  “Stop there, buddy,” she says with a hand on his chest. “Just because my dad fixed your bikes a few times back in the day doesn’t mean I have anything to do with whatever sausage party gang bullshit you’re talking about. Not my circus, not my motherfucking cocksucking monkeys!”

  Here’s the thing. I fully intend to step in if he gets too rough, but listening to this woman swear is incredibly hot.

  “Listen, you little bitch.” He brings his face close. “We’ll be running this town soon enough. It’s already happening and when it happens you’re going to be my property. Now be nice and—AHH!”

  His face goes white, then red, then purple and his eyes bug out a little. Looking down I see that sexy bar-lady has grabbed his nuts and is squeezing. Hard.

  I blow out a breath, feeling his pain. That is nasty.

  “I’m sorry,” she says with a silky sweet smile. “Were you saying something?”

  He makes a hissing, gurgling sound and points frantically at his crotch.

  Her perfect lips make a shocked O shape. “Am I hurting you?”

  He manages a stiff nod. “Please…”

  “Don’t you like me touching your balls?” She tips her head to the side. “Nod yes, and I’ll let you go.”

  He looks sick but he nods.

  She lets go but just long enough to pull her arm back and sucker punch him in the jaw. He goes down.

  “I’m nobody’s property, you piece of shit.” Her voice is cold. “You tell your daddy that the only way his pin-dick son is owning me is if he buys my rotting corpse.”

  Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she finally notices me standing nearby, the biker on the ground coughing and retching on the concrete between us.

  “Thanks for the help, hero,” she snaps.

  I can only grin. “Babe, you had that covered.”

  She just stares at me. To be honest it could go either way at this point. She might walk away, she might spit more abuse at me, or…

  She smiles. It happens so slowly. At first her mouth twitches a little, then the edges flick upwards, and finally I get a flash of teeth.

  “Who are you?” she says.

  Slapping a hand against my chest I say, “My friends call me Bear. Possibly because that’s my name.” I finish with a toothy grin.

  “Chloe,” she replies. “Who the fuck names their kid Bear. If we’d grown up together, I’d have called you Teddy, every day of your life.”

  I take that as my cue and move closer, stepping over the biker. But before I can reply with something clever and clothes melting, the asshole, still on the ground, starts coughing.

  “Bitch.” He spits a gob of blood onto the concrete. “Didn’t want your franken-whore ass anyway. Only hit on you ‘cause I felt sorry for your ugly face.”

  Chloe stiffens and though I can see she’s trying not to react, his words are hitting a nerve.

  “Do you mind if I…” I tip my head indicating the man on the ground. “I don’t usually kick a man when he’s down but I think I can handle it this one time.”

  “Go to town,” She waves a hand at him. “Seriously. If you kick him to death, I’ll gladly help you hide the body.”

  The biker lets out a whimper and we both snicker. What a fucking pussy.

  I circle around him, slow, letting him hear and feel every step of my heavy boots before slamming kick into his stomach, another in his crotch. I’m tempted to kick him again, but burying a body isn’t really on my list of to-dos tonight. Not when my dick has been pressing painfully against my zip since the moment I laid eyes on Chloe.

  Crouching down, I grab him by the hair and yank him up so he can see Chloe, still standing against the wall.

  “See her?” I growl into his ear. “You called her Franken-whore and that’s not nice,
is it?”

  He shakes his head, best he can.

  “If anything, she is a badass Franken-bitch and if you disrespect her again, she will kick your ass—again. But next time, I’ll take pictures.”

  “Fuck you!” His lips pull back from his teeth and he looks like he might say something else but I yank roughly on his hair and he whimpers instead.

  “Listen to me, motherfucker,” I hiss into his face. “She is owned, do you understand me. I claim her.”

  I shove his head into the concrete and stand up only to find Chloe glaring at me.

  I try for a charming smile. “You didn’t actually want me to kill him, right? ‘cause I don’t really swing that way.”

  She looks at me like I’m the biggest idiot she’s ever seen. “No, I didn’t want you to actually kill him. I’m not crazy.” But she steps over the unconscious biker and pokes a finger in my chest. “Let’s get this straight, right now. I am nobody’s property..”

  “Ah, come on,” I croon, wrapping my arms around her waist and finding her soft, even as she glares up at me. “It’ll be fun. You’ll make me pancakes for breakfast and I’ll eat your pussy till you lose the power of speech.”

  A pink flush spreads up her throat but also down her chest and her eyes get wider, her lips parting to suck in more breath.

  “You think your filthy mouth’s gonna get me into bed?” She asks, her voice breathy and sexy. “Did you see what happened to the last guy who spoke that way to me?”

  “Yeah, but admit it, it’s cute when I do it.”

  “What the fuck!” The angry voice comes from the other end of the building and we turn to see three more Clown MC members coming around the corner.

  “That’s not good,” she says and looks down at their fourth laying, still unconscious, on the ground.

  “Look,” I say quietly. “We can keep arguing about who owns who till those guys beat us to death or you can run away with me right now.”

  She’s wearing the strangest expression as she looks up at me. “I don’t know whether to kiss you right now or punch you in the face.”

  The bikers haven’t come closer but we only have seconds before the cogs in their brains start working.

  “I should warn you,” I reply. “Either option is likely to make me cum in my pants.”

  Her laugh is more like a bark and it shocks her as much as it does me. “What is wrong with you?”

  “Well, if we don’t move, I’ll have two broken legs.”

  The three Clowns finally catch on and close in and I make the choice for her. Grabbing her hand we run together. I jump on my bike and she climbs on after. I rev and we’re off.

  I turn just long enough to flip them off and grin when I see Chloe doing the same. Damn. This woman was made for me.

  Chapter 4


  This is a bad idea. In the history of bad ideas, this one has got to be the worst ever. Ever!

  The ride was exhilarating. Clinging to his larger body as he drove us through the streets, lights and signs flashing by in a dizzy haze. I barely noticed when he pulled into a lot I didn’t recognize and led me up to his apartment.

  Now we’re in his bedroom and I’m pressed snuggly against his door while he grins down at me, his eyes all dark and sexy, his mouth so plump and inviting. Yep, this was a very bad idea.

  “If you want to go home, now is the time to speak up,” he says, one arm planted above my head and the other beside my waist. “I won’t even be a dick about it.”

  He’s not touching me, but I can feel him everywhere. It’s like electricity is jumping back and forth between us and I know he feels it too. He’s not like any man I’ve ever met.

  In my experience, most guys fit into two categories when it comes to me. Either they pity me because of my scars or they think I’ll be an easy lay because of them. I’m not sure where he fits yet. Maybe he actually just likes me.

  Would that be so crazy?

  I smile up at Bear. “That depends, Teddy,” I say. “What will happen if I stay?”

  He leans down so his mouth is just above mine. I feel his breath and he’s still not touching me but I’m hot and tingling all over. How am I this turned on already?

  “First,” he murmurs and my lips part in anticipation. “You’re going to stop calling me Teddy. Then second, I’m going to kiss every in of your incredible body, then my cock would very much like to meet your pussy.”

  I can’t help giggling. “What if I like the name Teddy. Does that mean my pussy will be lonely?” I pout up at him and I can see the inner battle waging within him.

  His dick wins.

  “One night.” He holds up one finger to illustrate his point. “Tonight only, you can call me Teddy. But only because my dick is on the verge of doing irreparable damage to the front of my pants.”

  I giggle again. God, what’s with the giggling? I have never been a giggler.

  “Teddy?” I say, nervous and excited and…

  “Yes, Sharon?”

  I pull back and glare at him.

  “Oh, you don’t like when I call you Sharon?” He says, arching a brow. “How about shazzer? I know. Ethel.”

  “Yeah, call me that again and I’ll tell your buddies that you cried afterwards.”

  He looks offended. “Call me Teddy again and I’ll tell them you screamed Santa’s name during.”

  “What is wrong with you?” I’m still laughing when he closes in.

  The moment his mouth touches mine it’s like everything stops and something new sparks to life. Something hot and electric shoots lightning fast through my veins and by the surprised groan he makes, I know he feels it too.

  We’re like magnets slamming together as though we can’t get close enough.

  Grabbing his coat, I wrap the leather around my fingers and yank him closer, yank him down to me. His mouth on mine is hot and urgent, one moment teasing, the next eager and hungry. And every slide of mouth on mouth, every suck or nibble sends more tingling, honey-sweet heat shooting down to my pussy.

  As I grip his coat, his hands cup my face, tilting me slightly to deepen the kiss. Lips, tongues, gasping moans. Bloody hell we’re only kissing and I’m in heaven.

  “Babe,” he murmurs when we part a mere inch to catch our breaths. “I would sell my soul right now to fuck you against this door. But what I really want is to take my time. I want you naked beneath me on my bed. I want to feel every inch of you while your pussy milks my dick.”

  His mouth brushes over mine and my legs turn to jelly.

  “I don’t want to get all mooshy, but I really like you,” he continues. “You feel it too, right?”

  All I can do is nod and I know there’s something else I need to tell him but I can’t quite grasp the words. I can’t believe I waited so long to do this.

  Oh yeah, that’s what I forgot. I haven’t done this before.

  But before I can say anything his mouth is on mine again and everything but the feel of his lips and the heat of his body is gone.

  In one easy move he hooks his hands behind my thighs and lifts me so my legs wrap around his hips. Still gripping this coat, I kiss his hot mouth over and over. It’s like I can’t get enough and with my legs wrapped around him I start gyrating my hips. God that feels good.

  “Ooh, babe,” he purrs against my mouth. “Don’t get me wrong but … Ooh fuck.” His hands tighten on my thighs and he pulls my lower body away from his. Then at my pouting lips he says. “Sorry. Something was going to happen that would have been very embarrassing, at least for me.”

  I think I know what he means and I can’t help giggling again. This is fun. Nobody told me sex would be so much fun. I knew that guys couldn’t get enough. And in the sex videos it always looked urgent, violent, almost painful. This is nothing like that.

  He settles me gently on the bed, his hands keeping our parts separate but his mouth never leaving mine.

  “Turn off the light,” I say when his hands start pulling at my top.’

  “What?” His eyes flick open and I can’t help noticing the way they move to the scar on my face.

  He doesn’t know yet but I have lots more scars like it and it’s going to be my first time it’s not going to be spent with him getting turned off. When that Clown called me Franken-whore, he wasn’t far from the truth. In a lot of ways I feel sewn together much like the creature in that book. I know I’m being overly dramatic, and my scars aren’t that bad, but still.

  “You know I don’t care about the scars, right?” He says more quietly. “I know we don’t really know each other, but I like you and so far that includes everything, even the scars.”

  I know he’s telling the truth but I’m suddenly feeling edgy and self-conscious.

  “Lights off it is,” he says and there’s no frustration or annoyance, but instead genuine understanding.

  He pulls out a draw first, grabs two foil parcels and drops them on the nightstand, then he moves to the light switch.

  “But just this once,” he adds. “If we do this again, I want to see all of you.”

  “They say it’s better the second time,” I say, feeling light again and I settle back on my elbows. “They say you get to do the weird stuff.”

  “You are the weird stuff,” he growls, flicking off the light.

  He stumbles to the window and parts the curtains enough to let a little moon and starlight in. “Is this alright?”

  When I nod he joins me on the bed and we’re kissing again.

  “I can’t believe this is actually happening,” I say as he strips me with skilled hands.

  “It’s happening, babe,” he murmurs between sucking breathless kisses. “Faster than I want but too fucking slow too. Fuck I love your mouth.”

  “It’s just that…” Our mouths meet again and part long enough for me to pull his shirt over his head and throw it off to the side. “I don’t—usually do this.”

  “It’s been a while for me too.”

  I don’t know why but that makes me happy. I like knowing that I’m not just filling the opening left between the last girl and the next.

  I feel my thighs spread and Bear’s hot breath on my pussy.


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