Inseparable_A Second Chance Romance

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by Mia Ford

  She climbs on top of me and started riding me as if I’m a wild horse running through the plains. I’m stunned by her appetite and stamina and when we finally fall down on our backs an hour later I feel like we’re going to need some kind of energy if we’re going to keep this up all day.

  “Why don’t you stay here and I will go and make us some breakfast,” I say and she looks at me with delighted surprise.

  “You cook? I never knew you could do that… I mean, old Rawlins always makes all of the food whenever I come to visit you,” she says and I just smile at her.

  “There’s a lot of things about me you don’t know yet,” I say.

  “Brad, the time has come for us to be totally open and honest with each other,” she says and looks at me with a sudden sincerity, “from now on no more secrets and I want you to feel free to share everything about your personal life with me.”

  “I agree. I never thought the day would come when I would say this, but I actually trust you with my very life,” I say and mean every single word of it. Jenny has shown me what a real relationship can be like and, now that I have come to know and love her the way I do, I can never go back to those meaningless relationships I used to have with all the bimbos before.

  I go downstairs and make us some scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. I guess when I told Jenny that I could cook I was exaggerating a little, but I still feel like she will be suitably impressed with the delicious breakfast I prepare for us. I make us a large pot of black coffee and then take everything up to the room with me on a tray.

  We spend the rest of the morning up in my room, doing the most beautiful things to each other. Then, when it gets around noon, we go downstairs and take a swim in my indoor swing pool. The water is cool and refreshing and Rawlins serves us cocktails while we cool off. He makes us a delicious lunch of cold meats and salads and we have a veritable feast in the lounge. Jenny tells Rawlins to join us and I nodded my head to indicate that it will be okay.

  “Well, okay… If you’re absolutely certain it will be acceptable,” he says and gingerly takes a seat at the table. Jenny and I both burst out laughing at his childlike reluctance and he finally seems to relax.

  “I have decided that tonight will be the night when I give Jenny a little music show and you are also invited,” I say to Rawlins and he looks pleasantly surprised.

  “Thank you so much Sir!” he says with a very sincere, excited expression on his face, “I’ve been telling you for the longest time that your music is your greatest talent and I can think of nothing better than attending your music show with your wonderful lady friend!”

  I find myself thinking that Rawlins is actually the best friend I have. I know I share a lot of other things with my fellow bikers in the motorcycle club, but Rawlins has been the one who has been there with me through thick and thin. He’s the one who used to frown upon my meaningless relationships with all of those airhead women and he has also been the one who encouraged me when I started seeing Jenny. Jenny and I decide to take a ride on my bike and Rawlins promises that he will prepare some delightful snacks and drinks for the evening’s entertainment. We take a long ride out to the field where we made love under the tree and, just to celebrate old times, we do it all over again. I discover that I’ve started thinking of our lovemaking is just that… making love, and not just having sex. Every time we join our naked bodies together in a passionate embrace, it is as if we come away from it as a stronger unit… stronger together as one.

  We finally get back on the Harley and drive home to where Rawlins has already laid out a table with snacks and drinks.

  I end up playing all of the songs I know to a great applause from Jenny and Rawlins. They enjoy it so much that I play through my entire repertoire of songs twice and, they probably enjoy it even more the second time.

  Later that evening Jenny and I retire to the upstairs bedroom and I shake Rawlins’s hand before Jenny and I make our way up the stairs.

  “I want to tell you that you are not only my butler, Rawlins,” I say and look him straight in the eye, “you are also my best friend!”

  “Thank you sir… Brad,… I mean sir,” Rawlins stutters and I burst out laughing and slap him on his back.

  “You can call me whatever you like Rawlins,” I say and he nods his head with a smile before walking off to his own room.

  Jenny and I go upstairs and get naked… it isn’t long before we are at it again just like two sex-crazed minxes. We make love all night long and finally fall asleep in each other’s arms.

  “What are we going to do for Valentine’s Day?” Jenny asks me the next morning when we wakes up.

  “Valentine’s Day? When is that?” I ask, surprised.

  “Today is Valentine’s Day, silly!” Jenny says and gives me a kiss on my lips. I think about it for a moment and I suddenly know exactly what I want to do to celebrate this special day with Jenny.

  “I think I will go and do some shopping for us and then I will come and pick you up at the office later… that is, if you are planning on going into the office?”

  Jenny thinks about it for a moment and then nods her head. “Yes, I think I should get back to the office and just make sure everything is still on track. Stacy and I have decided that we are going to go international with our online magazine after we won that competition.”

  “You won a competition? You never even told me about it!” I say, “that’s just one more thing to celebrate tonight!”

  Jenny looks really excited about my idea and a little while later I drop her off at the office with a promise to pick her up around 5 o’clock that same afternoon. Then I get back on my bike and head off to town to go and do some all-important shopping. I have a big surprise for Jenny tonight, as I’m going to take her to the old family mansion where we used to live when my father was still alive. I inherited it, together with his international hotel chain, and it is just standing empty at the moment. The place is, however, well looked after and I’m sure she will really enjoy seeing it.

  I glance up at the sky and it is clear and blue as far as the eye can see… I find myself thinking that all of the stormy clouds in my life have disappeared forever and it is all thanks to Jenny… the incredible girl I met that night at the virgin auction. I guess we all ended up facing some of the consequences of that reckless night… with Ronald Johnson attacking her at the nightclub that way, but it was thankfully all in the past now and I am ready to confidently go into the future with Jenny walking by my side… or driving with me on the back of my Harley.

  Chapter 19: Jenny

  It feels really good to be back at work and Stacy and I spend most of the day discussing our plans for the future. We decide that we will soon take a trip together to various countries and open up new offices everywhere. We now have more than four thousand paid subscribers and many powerful companies advertising in our magazine, with the result that money is really not much of a consideration anymore.

  “I’m just glad everything has worked out so well and that we survived the terrible scare we had at the nightclub the other day,” Stacy says when we wrap up our discussion about the future expansion of the magazine.

  “I guess it really is true what they say… all’s well that ends well,” I say with a happy smile. We go over to the kitchen and make ourselves a large pot of tea and then go back into the boardroom to take a break.

  “There is something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” I say very carefully while we sit there having hot tea, “do you actually have a man in your life?”

  Stacy looks at me for a moment and then a secretive smile spreads across her attractive facial features. “Let’s just say that I’m working on it and that I have a very specific plan in that regard,” she says.

  “Would you care to elaborate on that? Just exactly what is this plan that you have?” I ask, all curious.

  “I know we share everything, but I would prefer to keep this specific plan a secret till later… but you will be the first one to know when it act
ually works out!” she says with a twinkle in her eye. I decide not to push her further on the issue and know that she will tell me when she’s ready to. I just really hope that she will also be as lucky as I have been to find a guy like Brad. She works so hard every day and I cannot bear the thought of her not having someone there to love her and hold her at night…especially on Valentine’s day.

  We go back to work, but I find it hard to concentrate. I really look forward to Brad’s surprise and I cannot imagine what it might be. I wonder if he’s going to play me some more music on his guitar… or if he’s perhaps going to take me to a special restaurant for dinner. When the clock ticks over to 5 PM I shut my laptop and say goodbye to Stacy. She assures me that she has plans for the evening and I rush outside to go and see where Brad is. I expect him to be waiting there for me next to his art, but I see no one.

  “Do you need me to wait around here for a while?” The security guard asks when he sees that I’m looking around for someone.

  “Yes, I would actually appreciate that,” I say and we stand around there for another ten minutes or so and shoot the breeze while I’m waiting for Brad. The security guard tells me that he’s also planning something special for himself and his wife that evening and I find myself wondering if my own evening is actually going to work out… What if Brad got caught up somewhere? I feel fairly certain that he won’t let me down without a good reason, but I’m not entirely sure whether he perhaps has to take care of some kind of business with his international hotel chain from time to time. Whatever the reason for his delay, I only get his answering service when I tried to call him and the longer he stays away the more I start feeling worried that something might have happened to him. What if he had an accident on his bike… Or what if that crazy biker friend of his broke out of jail and attacked him? A thousand insane thoughts suddenly rush through my mind and I tell myself just to stay calm.

  I find myself thinking back to what happened after the guy came to threaten me at my office. I totally lost at that time and I’m determined not to act the same way again. Whatever the reason for the fact that Brad is not here to pick me up, I trust him now and I’m not going to doubt him for even a second. I think of the last couple of days we spent together and realize that we have a very strong bond and I tell myself that nothing is going to come between us again from this point on.

  Just when am about to really start panicking, I hear the familiar sound of Brad’s Harley Davidson and when I look up I see him driving up at high speed towards me.

  “Hi there baby! I’m so sorry I’m late, but I got caught up with my… erm shopping,” he says with a broad smile and I fling my arms around him and give him a hug “I don’t care… I’m just really glad to see you,” I say and get on the back of his Harley.

  We drive off and after a while I notice that this is not the way to Brad’s own place. I figure that he’s probably taking me to a restaurant or a night club somewhere, so I just relax as we drive along the unfamiliar road. We drive right up to a very rich neighborhood of Los Angeles and stop in front of a very large, imposing looking gate. Brad presses a button on a remote and the gate swings open in front of us. We drive up the long driveway and, even though I would never have thought it could be possible, this place looks even more expensive than Brad’s own house.

  We stop in front of the place and get off the bike. I take a moment just to get used to my surroundings and looked up at the massive house. There is something incredibly serene and peaceful about it, even though it is probably the largest human dwelling I’ve ever laid my eyes on in my entire life.

  “Wow! This place really is a palace!” I say and look at the mansion in front of me with absolute awe. It has three stories and long, pointed spires at the sides which makes it look like one of those castles in the English countryside.

  “My dad actually based the design of this house on one of the castles he saw during a visit to the English countryside,” Brad says with a smile, “the place has been standing empty and I’ve just not had the heart to rent it out to someone else… I guess I have too many good memories of the times I spent here with my parents when they were still alive.”

  “You know that I would live with you in a small little shack and that material things really don’t impress me… but I have to say that this is really special!” I say and run up the stairs with Brad. A young servant girl of no more than twenty-five years of age opens up for us and beckons us inside. The place looks incredible insight and there are many golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Brad takes me on a little tour of the inside and it takes us more than an hour to visit all the rooms, with the servant girl walking right behind us. When we finally get downstairs again, Brad takes me to the dining area and there is a long table with enough space to seat that at least forty people.

  “This is the large banquet hall where my dad used to have large work functions for all of his international staff,” Brad explains.

  “The place looks fit for a king estimation mark” I say and Brad nodded his head.

  “That is exactly why I brought you here tonight… You are my Queen and nothing less than a royal banquet hall will do for what I have in mind.”

  “Okay Brad, just break the suspense already! What is this big surprise that you have for me tonight?” I ask.

  “What? You mean me bringing you to this castle is not enough of a surprise?” Brad teases and I slap him playfully on his shoulder.

  “You know what I mean… you said that you were going shopping and that it had something to do with the surprise?”

  “Oh yes, that… Why don’t we have some dinner first and then I will get to the big surprise,” Brad says and we sit down at the table. The servant girl walks over to an antique table and switches on the modern sound system resting on top of it. She turns up the volume and the most beautiful violin music fills the air. She claps her hands and the next moment three neatly dressed waiters appear with the first dishes. We immediately start digging into the crumbed mushrooms, goat cheese salad and other delectable dishes.

  Soon the waiters bring out the main dish and it’s one of those pigs with an apple in his mouth, just like you always see in the medieval movies. They slice us each some of the succulent meat and it tastes magnificent with sweet apple sauce on top. The meal is rounded off with some ice cream and chocolate sauce.

  “And now my love, it is time for your Valentine’s Day surprise,” Brad says and gets up from the head of the table. I look at him expectantly and wonder just exactly what kind of surprise he’s going to spring on me. He walks out of the room and leaves me there, hanging on in suspense. I find my mind wandering back to the incredible past couple of weeks with Brad. I can still recall how I picked him out from the rest of his biker friends the night at the mansion, just after I took part in the virgin auction. Even then there was something about the sparkle in his eye which suggested to me that there was something more between us than just the purely physical aspect. I can still recall how I pushed him away every time he tried to get near to me… I think of those times he showed up at the office and phoned me at work, only to have the door shut firmly in his face. I think of the day when he showed up with his guitar and started singing the most beautiful songs to me right outside the office… how I looked at him with new eyes and realized that there was much more to him than just a lust filled biker looking for fun. I think of the time we spent together in San Marino and how wonderful it was to go to that little sushi restaurant with him. I think of all the times we spent at his mansion and the wonderful music show he gave me and Rawlins. As I go through all of this in my mind I suddenly don’t care whether the surprise of the evening lives up to my expectations or not… the most important thing is that Brad and I are still together, despite all of the challenges and obstacles we had to overcome to reach this point.

  I hear footsteps coming and look up as I hear Brad approaching. He walks back inside the room and he has his guitar with him. I look at him with unashamed love in my eyes a
nd he looks straight back at me the same way.

  “I have written you a song and I am going to sing it to you tonight,” Brad says.

  He starts playing me the most beautiful original song and I have tears in my eyes as I listen to him singing. This really is the most incredible surprise he could ever give me and just the mere fact of having him here in front of me, singing my very own song to me in that beautiful, deep baritone voice is like heaven on earth.

  “Thank you Brad, that is really the most beautiful song I’ve heard in my whole life and this is the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had,” I say and walk over to him. I have tears in my eyes when I bend down and kiss him on his lips.


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