The Laws of Love

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The Laws of Love Page 9

by Belle Winters

He shook his head. “Nothing, let me know when you have something.” He knocked his knuckles on my desk twice before heading back to his office. That was weird.

  I didn’t have time to dwell on it as I pulled up google and started trying to track down his assistant. It took a hell of a lot of digging, phone calls, and being transferred around the world. When I was finally able to locate her she blew me off right away. Just as she was about to hang up I said the magical words, “Drayden Marks” and all of a sudden her voice turned cheery. She took my information and said she would need to discuss with Carl Fisher and she would get back to me.

  It didn’t take long before she called me back. Carl was busy in Houston overseeing a new project of his and would probably be out there for the next couple of months. When I told Drayden he and I both agreed we didn’t have that kind of time on our hands, so after a few discussions he agreed to fly to Houston to meet with Carl. Carl was of course ecstatic and setup to meet with Drayden at noon on Wednesday.

  I was packing up for the day when my phone buzzed with a text. I didn’t recognize the number and I opened the message. Please come by to Sunday dinner this weekend. – Lorraine. I laughed to myself, this is interesting.

  Cassie R: Are you going to Sunday dinner this weekend?

  Drayden M: How do you know about that?

  Cassie R: Your mom just texted me my invite. I’ll see you there.

  Drayden M: Tell her you’re sick or something

  Cassie R: Would that make you feel better?

  Drayden M: … Obviously.

  Cassie R: Then hell no. Payback Bitch.

  I saw him typing a response so I closed the chat and blocked him. Take that! I pulled the message back up and responded, I’d love to! Thanks, see you there. She must’ve had her phone in her hand because she wrote me back immediately. Wonderful. 2pm, and I’ll make some pie. I groaned. I could already taste the pie. Her hands were like magic when it came to dessert. I sent her one final text before returning to work. I love you woman.

  The next two days passed and Drayden kept up with the same routine. When he got in he would steal my coffee at some point in the morning and locked himself up so I couldn’t get to him. No matter what I said to him on the IM he took it in stride the bastard.

  Last night I set my alarm to wake me up 15 minutes early. I got up and ready then made my way to Starbucks. I picked up two cups today, all a part of my plan. I happily sipped on one and held the other firmly. When I got I checked the time, 6:20. I had ten minutes, which should be more than enough time. I popped the lid on the coffee I had been drinking and took out a handful of salt packets from my desk. I tore open a bunch and dumped them into the coffee and stirred. I repeated this twice and checked the time again… four minutes.

  I put the untouched coffee into my desk and smiled to myself. I knew Drayden would be in at 6:30 as per usual. I’m starting to believe he drives to work then sits in his car so he can be here at exactly the same time every day. Two minutes’ left… I got up from my seat and went into Shelly’s office. She wasn’t in yet and kept the door open, plus it was right next door to Drayden. I had to hide because I didn’t have a good poker face and I knew I wouldn’t be able to pull off a good act knowing I wanted him to take it. I would wait for him to shut himself in his office to emerge.


  I walked into the office and for some reason I was mildly disappointed my fiery assistant wasn’t at her desk for her normal morning greetings. They ranged from her flipping me off to one of her evil sneers. Her coffee however was sitting on her desk just waiting for me. I snatched it on my way to my office knowing I would have a livid Cassie in my office momentarily.

  I really hated the way she drank her coffee, I only started taking them to get a rise out of her. I made sure not to lock the door so she can stampede in here. I heard her shuffling around and was a little confused what was taking so long. It took around five minutes for her to appear in my doorway. Nostrils flaring, hands on her hips, and a scowl on her face.

  “Morning Cassie.”

  She scoffed. “Took my coffee again?” she asked nodding towards the cup.

  I smiled at her and lifted it to my lips. “It’s good too, thanks.”

  I took a healthy gulp and as soon as the first bit hit my throat I spluttered. What the ever loving hell? I choked on some coffee and continued to cough.

  “What the fuck did you do to this thing?” I asked ripping the lid off the cup. I looked inside for discoloration and saw none.

  I looked up and she was only standing there staring at me. When my coughing stopped the distinct taste of salt was lingering in my mouth. “Did you… did you put salt in this?” I asked.

  She still hadn’t moved an inch. I cursed and grabbed the water bottle left on my desk from yesterday and drained it. When that didn’t help I took a napkin and began wiping my tongue with it. That must’ve broke her out of whatever trance she was in because I heard giggling.

  I looked up to see her trying to stifle her giggles. “Is this funny Cassie?” I asked.

  She shook her head but continued on with the damn giggling. I slammed my hand against the desk to get her attention and wasn’t paying attention. My hand hit the opened cup and it fell over splashing onto me. “Mother fucker.”

  I pushed my chair back and jumped up. She was now in full on hysterics. Her hands were gripping her sides and she was bent over at the waist. “This is funny to you huh? All a game.” I said stalking to her.

  I was mad, hell I was pissed. To make matters a bit worse I was amused. I didn’t want to be amused at her antics so naturally that made me angrier. I stalked over to her and gripped her upper arms. I could feel her whole body shaking in my hands.

  “Oh My … G-G-GOD!” she said in between laughter. She wiped her eye and continued, “I didn’t think that would work.” When I continued to glare at her she fell into a whole new fit of laughter.

  “You have to admit that was funny, did you see that?!” she asked.

  She laughed some more and when she got herself under control and was only chuckling slightly she relaxed her body into me. She began taking deep breaths and then met my eyes. She had a bright smile on her lips and her face was beet red, probably from the lack of oxygen with all that laughing. I shook my head at her and he smile widened revealing all of her straight white teeth.

  “Don’t be a spoil sport that was great.” She said.

  I rolled my eyes at her and reached up to wipe the stray tear from her cheek. “What were you trying to do to me Cassie? Give me a stroke or something with all that damn salt? I can still taste it.”

  She laughed some more and shook her head. “You going to take my coffee again? Next time I’m going to try something a little better like cat piss.”

  My face instantly scrunched up. “That’s just nasty, where the hell you going to get cat piss from anyway? I guess it would make sense that you’re already one of those cat ladies.”

  She pushed my chest. “I am not.”

  I smiled and met her eyes. I don’t know what I saw there in that moment but I knew that everything had just changed. Her lips were parted and now she was pink, flushed looking. She had a barely there smile and I was lost. I realized her body was pressed against mine. Those nice swollen breast and her very perfect curves. Even the crazy and annoying shit that comes out of her mouth was starting to become a turn on. I haven’t been very honest with myself when it came to Cassie. Yes, I have admitted that I was attracted but I’ve been ignoring my bodies responses. It wants her underneath me in a very real way. That one taste she gave me was barely enough to satisfy my urges.

  There was no fighting my desire for her. Ever since I started finding myself attracted to her, I continued to tell myself that I couldn’t let anything happen. I couldn’t lose this assistant. But lust is a powerful thing, it makes people do crazy shit. Hell, it was why I leaned down so that my mouth was close to her ear.

  “I want you Cassie, and eventually I’m going to hav
e you.”

  She gasped and moved back to look me in the eyes. I saw her blush, but more over I saw her eyes flare with the same uncontrolled lust. “That is not going to happen.” She said with the best glare she could muster. For the first time since I’ve met her, it didn’t pack any heat.

  I trailed a finger down her arm. “Admit it Cassie, you want me.”

  She came in close. “I hate you Drayden and you will never touch me.” She stated poking me in the chest.

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her back into me. “I already did” I whispered then let her go. I took a step back and went to my seat. I heard her leave behind me.

  Fine she was still in denial about this whole thing, then so be it. She sure as hell didn’t put up a fight last time I touched her. She wanted to keep playing the hate game then fine, I’ll have fun toying with her until she caves. I won’t touch her until she begs.


  How dare he? He thinks because he almost got me that one time that I’m what? His office playtime thingy. He better think again, there’s no way in hell I’m letting him get close to me like that ever again. That little sleepover we had the other day is nothing. We were both drunk and it was actually the best decision I think we both made. Had he tried to drive me home, or knowing how out of it I was, try to get home myself… I don’t even want to think about it.

  Why would he even think it was ok to say something like that to me? I mean surely our relationship is far from professional but that had to of crossed one of our invisible lines. Then again, truthfully I wasn’t really offended by it in that sense. I’m really just offended that he thinks he could have me.

  I get it, he thought I was easy. My track record with him isn’t really that great. There was the time in his office, in his room at his parents’ house, sleeping practically naked together… I couldn’t totally blame the man for thinking so now could I? Actually yes. Yes, I can and I will. All Drayden’s fault. The one thing I’m taking with me to the grave is the fact that when he said it my body instantly heated with desire. Plus, I may have wet my panties… only a little, I swear!

  The rest of the week flew by. I stayed on my toes around Drayden who kept throwing me these spicy glances. More than a few times I wanted to say to hell with it and let him have me but my pride was too strong. There was no way in hell that I was going to let him get the best of me. Sunday came fast and I almost forgot about the dinner… almost.

  I had just finished laundry when I got a text message under the name Asshole. Who is that you wonder? Why there is not bigger one than Drayden. It read, need a ride sugar? Gag. Sugar? Ugh, I didn’t tell you about that did I? The nicknames and endearments sucked ass.

  When I didn’t respond he sent me another. I’ll be there at 1:45, be ready.

  I texted back, Go to hell. And what does he do? Sends me the winking emoji.

  I didn’t know if this was supposed to be his payback for me saying I would go to dinner today, or if it was all part of his seduction to get me into bed... or on a desk I guess. Either way I knew for a fact that he would be here as he said. Instead of me bitching and moaning about it I shrugged. It sure as shit beat having to fork out cash for a cab. You know, out of the massive savings account that I had.

  At exactly 1:45 my phone rang. I answered with a nice “what?” only to be followed with his booming command, “let’s go.” Then he promptly hung up on me. I decided to be the bigger person here and stuck my tongue out at my phone. Better than flipping him off when I got downstairs, right? I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs making sure to take my time.

  When I stepped out the front door Drayden unfolded himself out of his car and came around to the passenger side. When he opened the door for me, my jaw dropped in shock.

  “Who are you and what have you done with my boss?” I asked.

  He laughed. “Stop being annoying, get in the car.”

  I let out a huge dramatic breath. “There you go! For a second there I thought I was in the twilight zone or something.”

  He rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath as I got into the car and he closed the door. I watched him walk around to the driver’s side and I couldn’t help but admire him. He looked casual in jeans and a fitted t-shirt. I remembered how he felt that morning and I knew what was under there. Not to mention he gave me a damn good view when he woke up and walked around in nothing but his briefs. I took a deep breath in right before he entered to get as much of his scent in my system as possible. It’s horrible I know, but I love the way he smells.

  He pulled up to his family home and I smiled. His parents and family really were great and I don’t understand why he was such a… brute. Once again he came around to my side to help me get out of the car and as we were walking up to the door he snatched my hand. I tried to tug it out of his grasp but he had a firm grip.

  Just as I opened my mouth to say something the front door swung open and Lorraine was standing there. She gave me a smile, “Hi Cassie, I’m so glad you came.”

  She stepped forward to hug me and I tried, I really did to extend my arms. The only problem is that only one arm came up. He was still holding onto me and when I looked back and glared at him he only shrugged and smiled. I turned back to Lorraine and it was almost as if she just noticed that he was there with me. Her eyes traveled to our linked hands and stared at them.

  “Well hi to you too mom.” Drayden said dryly.

  Her head snapped back and she gave him a beaming smile. “Hey honey. You guys can come on in.”

  When she turned to lead the way I bared my teeth at Drayden like I was a wild animal. If he didn’t let me go soon I might just start acting like one too. He dragged me into the family room where his father and Shelly was. He dropped on the couch and pulled me down next to him. He finally released my hand, but threw his arm around my shoulders pulling me in. I shrugged violently to get his arm off of me and I hissed at him. I told you, all of the inner animal in me was beginning to break out.

  “Well… what have I missed?” Shelly asked curiously while Kevin laughed silently.

  I rolled my eyes jerking my thumb in Drayden’s direction. “This buffoon has finally lost his marbles.”

  He laughed next to me and shook his head. “No I didn’t. Cassie is mad that I like her and I don’t care.”

  Kevin’s silent laughter turned into a full on belly laugh and Shelly couldn’t contain hers either. I frowned at her and her betrayal. She’s supposed to be on my side goddammit.

  “Did my ears just deceive me?” I heard Lorraine speak up. I have no idea when she entered the room. She took a seat on the other sofa and watched Drayden with a smirk on her face.

  Drayden shook his head. “Nope. I told her I wanted her and she told me no.”

  Lorraine cracked up laughing as well, I didn’t get the joke and I was starting to get a little uncomfortable. Were they laughing at me? “I’m sorry but I missed the joke I think?” I stated more as a question.

  Kevin shook his head. “No, no joke. It’s just well… I know my boy and he’s relentless when he wants something. I would feel bad for you, and I probably should but I don’t. We never thought we’d see this child settle down or even chase a girl. You just have your work cut out for you is all.”

  My head snapped back. “Woah, hold up. Nobody said anything about settling down or chasing people. I said no and he’s just hard of hearing.”

  “I hear perfectly fine Cassie; I’m just not listening to you.” He stated matter of factly.

  I wrapped my arm around him like I was hugging him and he gave me a smug smile. I smiled back at him and he frowned. I pinched the shit out of him on his back and he flew out of his seat.

  “Damn that hurt. Why’d you do that?” he asked pouting.

  I rolled my eyes. “No idea what you are talking about. Anyway, did he tell you guys he’s flying out next week? It’s like a mini vacation for me.”

  “Really? When? Thanksgiving is next week.” Lorraine fussed.

  Drayden obviously didn’t hear her because he was too busy laughing. “What is so funny?” I asked him.

  “You. Who told you that? You’re coming with me; we’re working this case together or have you forgot?”

  I groaned. Will I ever win? “Well it’s not a mandatory stipulation in my contract to accompany you on your travels, so, I think I can say absolutely not.”

  The smirk he was previously sporting turned into a smile. “But it does say you may have to travel for business. This is business. I know how much you wish this was for pleasure but we can go somewhere better for that.” the bastard even added a wink.

  I turned to Kevin. “Can he do this?” I asked.

  He nodded. “He can, it does sound like work. However, you can feel free to thwart any of his advances.”

  I shook my head. “Great that just makes me feel so much better.” I said sarcastically and everyone laughed. That is everyone except me. I guess it was pick on Cass day today.

  Lorraine clapped her hands and stood. “I think it’s dinner time right about now. Let’s leave the poor girl alone,” thank god, “Ayde come help me please.”

  He patted my knee and stood to go to the kitchen. I looked at Shelly, “great help you are.”

  She smiled at me. “I’m sorry Cass really, but come on. If the shoe was on the other foot you would be enjoying this too. Don’t hate me for being a normal person while I laugh at the expense of others.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yea, yea. You’re officially a traitor, you’re on team Ayde.” I said his name like it was dirty word and she only laughed.

  “Your mom better had made some damn good pie.” I said standing.

  Shelly did the same and linked arms with me. “At least I can promise you that you certainly will not be disappointed there. When you have some you’ll see this was all worth it.” I sighed and let her lead me to the food.

  The rest of the evening went by without a hitch. Well that was until Drayden dropped me off at home, locked me in his car and demanded that I give him a goodnight kiss. Did I want to? Hell no. Okay fine maybe a little but that was beside the point. Come on ladies, just because the man is hot does not mean it’s ok to jump his bones. Let me revise that… it is not ok to jump his bones if his name is Drayden Marks.


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