A Spank in Time

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A Spank in Time Page 6

by Blushing Mischief

  "Absolutely beautiful," he murmured. She gathered her bottom lip between her teeth and he smirked. "I told you not to do that." Without warning he thrust a finger inside her moist center.

  "Oh!" This time she could not stop from crying out, followed by a long husky moan as he withdrew his finger only to thrust again.

  "Do you feel this, Charity?" He repeated the motion with his finger as his palm rubbed against her clitoris. "This is what my hands can do."

  Charity could barely concentrate. Pressure built inside her — it threatened and teased, rising higher and higher. She closed her eyes and fought to control the feeling.

  "Look at me," he said.

  Charity shook her head. If she opened her eyes, she wouldn't be able to restrain herself.

  "I said: look at me." He thrust harder, faster.

  Charity’s eyes flew open as her orgasm ripped through her body. She cried out, and he held her tight until she could finally breathe again. As her senses returned she realized he was laying her down on her stomach. "James?" There was curiosity and a hint of fear in her voice.

  "I told you there would be consequences."

  Charity stared up at him in shock. "What kind of consequences?"

  "If I recall correctly, you said a word I explicitly asked you not to."

  "You cannot be serious." Charity lifted herself up to her knees and then all fours, but James placed a firm hand on her back to keep her from standing. "What are you going to—" The words died on her lips as she looked up at him. From her angle she was looking directly at his groin, and the pants stretched tight against it.

  He smiled. "If you keep looking at me like that, you'll make me forget your spankings."

  Charity’s tongue swiped against her suddenly dry lips. One word he'd said swam around inside her foggy head. "Spankings?" She tried again to stand but his hand pressed her down. "I am not a child. You are not going to spank me." Cold air brushed against her bare bottom and she gasped. "James, you've had your fun—"

  James’ hand slapped against her ass. She first noticed the sound — sharp and naughty. She clenched as she sensed his hand coming down again. It was the same sharp noise, the same sting. His breath was ragged, again his hand slapped against her and he moaned, low and wild.

  Charity told herself it was his moan that had her eagerly anticipating the next slap. It didn't hurt as much as it rode a line between pleasure and pain.

  "Charity, I can't stop."

  Charity didn't know why he would want to. She pushed backwards, all but inviting his hand, and was rewarded with one more dose of stinging pleasure before he moved to her side and deftly flipped her over to her back.

  "I can't stop if you don't make me," he said through gritted teeth.

  "I don't want you to stop." She felt like fire, a burning flame of indulgent need.

  It was all the permission that James required. He lowered his pants, his erection jutting out as he lifted her skirts up and quickly slid into her in one fluid motion. His cock awoke that part of her body, reminding her of how he could make her feel. Her moan was a strangled cry as he pulled out and pushed back in again, igniting the fire in her. She reached up and clutched his shirt. When he pulled back, she wrapped her legs around him, demanding he stay in place, that he not stop.

  James grabbed her hair and pulled it hard enough to sting. It only increased the pleasure, the familiar ache in her belly. She heard the sounds of his skin slapping against hers, as he moved faster, thrusting harder and deeper. She closed her eyes as her body took her up and over the peak. He stilled inside as she spasmed around him and cried out as he reached his climax.

  At first she could only keep moaning. He pulled out of her and she fought a whimper, lamenting the loss of his flesh inside of her. Abruptly, he pulled her skirts down and straightened her top before replacing his own pants and pulling her up to her feet.

  Charity shivered as cold realization hit her. Her legs were weak and her bottom burned. She should have felt contentment, but instead she only felt shame.


  James walked her back to the manor in silence. Charity wished she had remained quiet, but the fear of what they'd done, what it could mean, had been overwhelming. "I could conceive," she said.

  "And?" had been his response. He'd even smiled while saying it and she'd felt cold all over.

  As a servant, her prospects for marriage were already limited. Adding the possibility of an illegitimate pregnancy to that made those prospects even smaller. Her beauty would fade and she'd be forced to live the life of a spinster, alone and left to live on scraps. His curt response had only reminded Charity that her problems were her own.

  Then, he'd dismissed her to her room — all done with the day's entertainment.

  Charity heard two sharp knocks on her door. Before she could open it, the door swung open. Her heart fell when she saw it was Elizabeth.

  The woman stood in the doorway, scowling. "Have a good day?"

  Charity felt her cheeks warm and hoped the low light would hide it. "Is there something that needs to be done?"

  "Not by you. You've been excused from duties, remember?"

  "Then why are you here?"

  "I know what you did," Elizabeth whispered. "And so will Lord Collins and all of Buxton before long."

  "What?" Despite the fire behind her, she felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over her.

  "I can't wait to knock you out of your pretty little princess castle."

  "Elizabeth, please..."

  Elizabeth smiled. "Of course, if you were to be my sister, I wouldn't dream of saying a word." The woman left, shutting Charity's door.

  Charity got to her feet and swung the door open. There was no sign of Elizabeth in the dark hallway. Her heart threatened to burst out of her chest. Elizabeth had seen them together, and now she was going to tell everyone. Charity would surely be thrown out — her virtue ruined, penniless, and possibly pregnant.

  The urge to act had her at her feet, pacing the room. She should leave now. Charity ignored the pang in her heart at the thought of leaving James, but then shook her head violently, knowing he had never felt anything towards her but lust. James was kind and generous, but he didn’t love her, and she couldn’t count on him to defend her honor. His response earlier had proved that.

  What had she been thinking? She should've stayed hidden, and kept walking the moment she saw him in that carriage. They weren't children anymore. She should've remembered that. If she had, she wouldn't be where she was — trying to figure out how to stop Elizabeth.

  The idea that popped into Charity’s mind was instantly repugnant. She flinched away from it but reality forced her to reconsider. Before she could doubt it any further, Charity grabbed her coat, yanked it on and slipped quietly out of the house into the dark.


  The next day Charity slept in late. She hadn't returned to the manor until just before sunrise. Now she stretched out in bed, warm and sated. Her body ached in the most delicious of places. Then Charity remembered what had happened, what she'd done to insure her future. She shivered, not quite so warm or pleased with herself anymore.

  Charity heard a commotion from the foyer on her way to the kitchen. She peeked around the corner and saw that the Lord and Lady Collins had returned.

  James greeted them warmly. "Mother, Father, is everything prepared for tonight?"

  "Of course, James," his mother replied. "What has you so excited? I remember as a child I used to have to drag you to events like this."

  Charity allowed herself a small smile. She remembered that too. Usually, James had been hiding with her.

  "I have a special interest in tonight's festivities."

  Now what could that mean? Charity was curious, but she put it out of her mind. James' thoughts no longer mattered to her. She pulled herself away from the wall and continued towards the kitchen.

  James stopped her in the hall, grabbing her hand as she tried to pass. "I trust you slept well."
  "I did not," Charity said, pulling her hand from his. She saw his look of confusion and the hurt that followed it.

  "What happened? You're pulling away again." He deliberately grabbed her hand and held it so tightly she could not pull free a second time.

  "It's nothing that concerns you. The Lord and Lady have returned, I should take my place back in the kitchen."

  He offered her a hopeful smile. "Nonsense. You're still my guest. I've already told them to expect you at the breakfast table." With that he pulled her along with him into the dining room, releasing her only once they got to the entrance. Charity blushed as Lord and Lady Collins watched her enter and take a seat. One smiled, the other stared at her with scrutiny.

  Elizabeth came into the room with a tray of bowls filled with hot oatmeal. She narrowed in on Charity and smiled.

  Once breakfast was served Elizabeth remained and cleared her throat. Lord Collins stopped in mid-bite and looked up at her. "Is there something else?" His tone was cool.

  For a moment Elizabeth faltered. Charity prayed she would lose her nerve and return to the kitchen, but the woman took a deep breath and continued. "I have important information to relay to you. I am appreciative of your employing me here and feel it is my duty to let you know when something untoward has happened that could damage your reputation."

  "What untoward thing?" Lady Collins said with a voice like ice.

  "I am afraid I have discovered Charity—"

  Charity jumped to her feet. "—is engaged to be married."

  "You are what?" James exploded from his chair. His spoon clattered to the table before bouncing off and onto the floor. "To whom?!"

  Charity was taken aback, having not expected his angry response. "It became official late last night. I am sure Elizabeth saw me leave the manor late at night and assumed the worse." She spared Elizabeth a quick glance to where the woman stood with her mouth gaping. "The man is her brother, George Bishop and he is employed by the Cauldwell family. He manages their livestock." She looked apologetically at Lord Collins. "I meant to tell you, Sir, but you only just returned. I understand if you decide to let me go, but I would like to continue working here for as long as you'll allow."

  Lady Collins was the first to answer. "Will you not want to move in with your husband, Charity?"

  Charity felt cold all over, but forced herself to speak. "He hasn't the means for a home of his own quite yet, and while he has expressed a desire for me to inhabit with him in his quarters, he still understands a lady's needs. Perhaps one day soon."

  The Lord and Lady looked at one another with a touch of confusion and surprise. "Very well," Lord Collins said. "If that is your request, it can be arranged."

  "Congratulations, Charity," Lady Collins said, more like a question than statement.

  "Thank you, my lady." Charity curtsied. She did not dare glance towards James. "Thank you also for this invitation for breakfast. I shall return to my duties now." She curtsied once more and made a hasty exit.

  Charity had hardly made it to her room before she felt his presence close by. She told herself it was fear that did not allow her to close the door.

  "Charity." James said her name like it was a threat.


  He scowled. "What do you think you are doing?"

  "I need my apron so that I can get back to the kitchen." Her back was turned when she heard him shut her door.

  When he spoke, it was quiet and very close. She could feel him standing right behind her. "I was buried inside of you less than twelve hours ago. And now, you are betrothed … to a pig farmer. Is this another childhood game to you?"

  "Sir, your language—"

  "Do not address me as Sir," he roared. "You may call me James, or Master."

  "Master James, I am not playing any sort of game. I made this decision on my own."

  He reached out to her — for what reason, she didn't know, but she flinched at his touch. "When did this happen?" he asked. "Who is this chaste woman? Did I mistake your desire for me? Did I only imagine the moment when you came at my fingertips?"

  "You shouldn't speak to me like that. George would not—"

  James grabbed her shoulders and spun her around. One hand went to her chin and pulled her face upwards, forcing her to look him in the eyes. "Do not say his name to me.” He enunciated each word with dangerous precision. "Never speak his name to me again."

  Charity’s treacherous body responded instantly to his touch. She could feel her center moisten and her breathing quicken through parted lips.

  James stared her down "You do want me. I can tell by the way you press your body to mine. It's in your eyes, Charity. But, why would you want to deny yourself of the pleasure?" He pressed her closer to him, she felt his hardness press tight against her stomach.

  She'd bought herself time, by agreeing to George, but if Charity didn’t follow through, Elizabeth would tell. "Please." She said it and didn't even know what she was pleading for.

  "No. You're hiding again, pulling away. You can try, but this time I am not a foolish boy. I won't be avoided like before. You can't hide from me this time."

  Charity pushed away from him, breaking his grip. She stumbled back, grateful for the space between them. "You can’t find what isn't hidden, James. I’ll still be here, just as I'm standing in front of you right now. The only difference will be that you won't be able to touch me."

  Her words were like a catalyst. He bounded towards her, and raw fury seemed to radiate out of him. He took her in his arms again, and she was trapped by his strength and anger once more. "I will tell you this once and you will listen," he said. "You are mine, Charity. I'll die before I let you fall into the arms of that pig farmer, or any other man for that matter. Your body is mine. It was always mine, and I can show you how true that is." He crushed his lips against hers. Her teeth cut through her lip but she didn't even care. His hands lifted against her bottom and pressed her to his groin. Her hips rotated and opened as if by instinct. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, and she licked and sucked at it greedily while his fingers threaded through her hair and against her scalp.

  It lasted for far too short a time before he yanked her head back, breaking the kiss. "Turn around," he said

  She couldn't disobey. A part of her knew she could only ever comply when it came to James. She felt his fingers working at the laces of her bodice. Her hands flew to hold it up.

  He spun her around to look at him. Then he stepped back and sat on her bed. "Take it off," he ordered.

  Her desire to do just as he asked was almost over-powering and yet, she hesitated.

  "Take it off or I shall rip it off for you," he growled.

  Charity let the bodice fall. It landed with a soft swoosh at her feet

  "And now the bottom."

  She worked the fastenings as best she could. Her fingers fumbled, but in moments she stood in front of him in only a thin shift.

  "All of it, Charity." There was a hint of a smile to his face. It vanished once she pulled down her shift and was completely bare in front of him. He breathed in and jumped from the bed. His hands caressed her, rubbing against her nipples, sliding down towards her abdomen and below. They never lingered for long enough, never pressed hard enough.

  James lay her down gently on the bed next to him. His mouth covered one nipple as he sucked on it. She cried out, but her hands found the back of his head and she urged him to continue. Soon, he switched to the other side, licking and savoring her like a fine dessert.

  Charity needed to touch him, had to feel his skin as he did hers. She did not ask for permission, either. His buttons were undone in moments and she pushed his shirt off his shoulders, letting her fingers scrape against his skin.

  "How could you deny yourself this?" James shuddered and rubbed his fingers between her legs. He teased and explored, entering her in quick, shallow bursts. She bent forward, her hands aiming for his trousers, but he pushed her back. Bending forward, James first removed his shoes befor
e pulling at his trousers. Soon, he was gloriously naked in front of her. His cock stood out, hard and erect.

  She licked her lips and tried once again to lean forward towards him.

  "Turn over,” he said.

  Charity froze. "Are you going to spank me again?" She winced at the hopefulness in her voice.

  James grinned. "Do as I say. Turn over, keep your hands in front of you and your knees up."

  Charity did as she was told. Even though she'd been in almost the same exact position before, now she felt exposed, bare and vulnerable.

  Out of nowhere she felt a hard smack against her backside. She let out a guttural, raw moan. He smacked once more and then thrust his finger inside her. "Oh, Charity, it seems as though this is no longer punishment," he teased.

  Charity didn't feel shame. She felt nothing but a wanton desire for him. Spanking her, being inside of her, standing near her, she realized then she didn't care what he did as long as it meant she could be near him. She felt the head of his erection nudge against her before he slid inside, right to the hilt. She was filled up by him, not an inch inside of her that he didn't touch. She whimpered and wiggled along his length, pressed back against his hips.

  He smacked her once more, not as hard as the others. "Patience."

  Charity tried, but she couldn't wait for him to drive inside of her. And when he finally did, there was nothing she could do but feel it, relish in it. He alternated fast and slow, shallow and deep. She couldn't cry out — she didn't have the breath for it. His hand reached under and pinched her nipples before finding her clitoris. It was too much feeling, too much sensation.

  And all at once it stopped. He ceased thrusting, ceased rubbing. She mewed, the sound foreign and needy.

  "You will not run away from me again," he said.

  Charity nodded.

  He gave one hard, brutal thrust inside of her, smacking his hips hard against her ass. "Say it."

  She gasped. "I won't run." Her reward was a quick tickle against her clitoris.

  "You are mine," he said, just as quietly as before.

  "I am yours," Charity repeated immediately. She didn't care what she had to say if it would keep him touching her, taking her.


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