Mason's Revenge

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Mason's Revenge Page 10

by Lorena Jackson

  She made her attraction to Rupert obvious.

  “Sorry, Anna. But Rupert’s off women at the moment.”

  She eyed him up and down. “Well, I think I might have to do something about that.”

  Oh dear, Rupert knew he was in trouble.

  Chapter 49


  * * *

  Another text from Rupert. Some were silly, some were work-related and some were rather racy. Mostly, he wrote how much he was thinking about her and couldn’t wait to see her. So much for no strings attached. She didn’t expect him to lose his head like that; assuming as soon as they’d had sex, he would have lost interest instead. That was his modus operandi. When he returned, she’d have a word with him and make sure they were on the same page. Rupert was fun but not someone she wanted to settle down with.

  A couple of weeks later there was some news. Louisa knocked and came into the office.

  “Have you seen the latest newsletter?” she asked.

  No, she hadn’t. There were hundreds of emails to go through.

  “Anything interesting?” she scrolled through the email to find the company newsletter.

  “I’ll leave you to it, dear.”

  And then Louisa left. Very odd. She located the newsletter and opened it. Just the usual stuff that she already knew about. She scrolled down to the staff news. It was usually that someone had a baby or retired...or news of an engagement. And yes, it was an engagement announcement. Her heart sank as she saw his picture.

  Mason was engaged. Big congratulations to him and his new fiancee. Dr Caitlin Morgan. Aah. She knew he had a girlfriend but didn’t realise it was so serious. Dr Caitlin was blonde, attractive and probably intelligent seeing as though she was a doctor. Great. For some reason, she felt totally depressed.

  She clicked compose. Mason’s email came up automatically when she typed in his first name.

  Congratulations on your engagement. I hope you and Caitlin will be very happy.


  She meant it. He deserved it. Underneath the unexplained rage, there was a decent man who just wanted to be loved. He was too complicated for her so good luck to Caitlin.

  And then the unexpected – a reply. Her hand shook slightly as she opened it.

  Thank you. I hope you and your mum are well?

  Gosh, he wanted to keep the dialogue open. That was nice of him to ask about her mum. She couldn’t think of anything to ask him. She didn’t want to know anything about Caitlin and she could hardly ask about his money but she decided to anyway.

  I’m good. Mum’s the same – good days and bad days. How are your billions doing?

  An immediate reply.

  Hi Polly,

  Glad to hear it. If you need anything for your mum, just ask. The company can cover it. My billions are doing just fine, thank you for asking. Still not UK standard billions though.

  Polly, the main reason I’m emailing back is because I assume you and Rupert are an item and I’m pleased for you both. I’ve never seen him so happy and he never stops talking about you. He will obviously be my best man so it’s likely we’ll see each other again at the wedding or other social events so I don’t want there to be any awkwardness.

  I’m sorry about my behaviour towards you and I hope we can put it behind us and forget all about it.

  Kindest regards,


  She read it. She read it through again. Her head collapsed on the desk as she cried. Louisa walked in and handed her a tissue.

  “Poor thing. Rupert will be back soon. He’ll cheer you up.”

  Polly wasn’t so sure. Even his texts and emails had tailed off in the past few days.

  Chapter 50


  * * *

  Hong Kong had been great fun but he couldn’t wait to get back to Stillwaters. The thought of Stillwaters over Hong Kong made him laugh. He really should go to the London office first and he hadn’t set foot in his own apartment for over a month but he didn’t care. His old room was still available at the hotel he normally stayed at. Hopefully, Polly would come and stay with him. Maybe he could work his charm and get her to move to the capital with him.

  As it was still office hours when he arrived in Stillwaters, he decided to head straight there and see Polly. Laden with presents and sweets for the office, he waltzed in. For Louisa, he bought a stylish Hermes silk scarf. She gushed over it, she loved it. “It’s too much.”

  “I’ll take it back then,” offered Rupert.

  She slapped him on the hand. “You will not.”

  Then Polly came out of the office.

  “What’s all the noise about?”

  He turned and she spotted him and smiled. “It’s you.”

  It took all his willpower to stop him from striding over to her and taking her in his arms.

  “I’m back from Hong Kong and I have goodies. Don’t worry. I’ve got something for you.”

  He handed her a long, thin, beautifully wrapped jewellery box. Tentatively, she opened it. A slight gasp.

  She closed it quickly with protests from Louisa who wanted to see it. With a nod to their office, he followed her in and she shut the door.

  “Why are you buying me such expensive jewellery?”

  “Because I missed you and you’re worth it.”

  “People will talk.”

  “No they won’t. I grabbed some gifts from the airport for some of the other staff – just so I could buy you something without raising suspicion. Brilliant, eh?”

  “Rupert, I can’t take it. No strings attached, remember?”

  “It’s pure gold, there are no strings in that bracelet.”


  “Take it. Enjoy it,” he interrupted. “Wear it out for dinner tonight?”

  “I’m not going out for dinner tonight?”

  “I haven’t seen you in three weeks so yes, you are and I won’t take no for an answer.”

  Before she could answer, he left the office and called out to Louisa to book a table for two.

  Chapter 51


  * * *

  Rupert returned from Hong Kong without a care in the world. Obviously, nothing had changed for him and he still felt the same way. Well, at dinner tonight she’d have to tell him to slow down and remind him about their agreement.

  She’d actually been shopping lately and treated herself to a few frivolous, expensive dresses. Normally, her shopping outings consisted of work attire and functional casual clothes. She considered wearing her casual clothes – like a pair of jeans and a nice top – out for dinner tonight so Rupert wouldn't get the wrong idea. But to hell with it. She looked good in her new dresses – great even. She wanted to show off a little so opted for her pretty red dress with lacy red underwear. Tonight, she’d probably sleep with Rupert and that was fine as long as he accepted her terms.

  When he picked her up, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. That was the desired effect. Instead of driving, he leaned over to kiss and stroke her. She pushed him away.


  “I don’t think I can. You look ravishing.”

  She knew she did.

  “Dinner, chat and ground rules first,” she insisted.

  “I hate rules, Polly.”

  She could tell.

  At the restaurant, they ordered drinks and Rupert caught her up on his time in Hong Kong.

  “Did you behave yourself?” she teased.

  “Of course I did.”

  “It’s fine if you didn’t. We’re not an item.”

  “I know.”


  “Yes, really.”

  It was time to come clean. She apologised for bringing up the subject of Mason but she’d heard about the engagement and reached out to him. Rupert didn't look too impressed.

  “But he assumed we were together now. Did you tell him we were?”

  “No. He doesn't know the details. Besides, am I that bad? Are you ashamed to be with me?
Do you really think it’d be so terrible to be together? I like you and you like me.”

  “You don’t do relationships, remember? Besides, Mason has a point. If we were together, how would that work? Cosy foursomes with Mason and Caitlin? Me going to his wedding? No. No. I don't want to be part of that. You’re from a completely different world. It wouldn’t work out.”

  “Bullshit. I’m from down the M4, that’s all. And you’re refusing to take a chance on me over a man you went out with for two weeks. A man who dumped you, fired you and is now engaged to someone else. Get the hint; he doesn't want you anymore. You’re not on his radar. Get a life, Polly Taylor.”

  He stood up and stormed out of the restaurant, leaving Polly there all alone. She’d never seen that side of Rupert. Everything was always a joke to him. He had it worse than she thought and now she was feeling a little disappointed that he had walked out on her. She’d been looking forward to their dinner.

  She waited for another ten minutes before accepting that he wasn’t coming back. She’d blown it. But blown what? Was she disappointed because she wasn’t going to have sex that night or was it for deeper reasons? She had no idea. She paid the bill and walked towards Rupert’s hotel. She didn’t want to leave things the way they were. He could easily leave town and never come back, just as Mason had done. And then a red, flashy Porsche pulled up on the road. She heard her name and turned her head. Was that another of Rupert’s car?

  “Hey, Polly. Come over.”

  She walked over to the driver’s window and then wished she hadn’t. Oh god, it was Charlie White.

  “Coming for a ride, sexy?”

  No chance, she’d rather eat live maggots then get in a car with that idiot.

  “Do you like my car?”

  “Did you steal it?” she couldn’t help but ask.

  He laughed. “No, it was a present from your psycho boss. I’m a changed man, sweetheart. Come for a ride and I’ll show you.”

  Yuck. She forgot Mason had to pay Charlie compensation after he’d beaten him up. Actually, now was the perfect time to find out what that was about. She went a little closer and asked him.

  “I have no idea why that lunatic blew up. I was talking about taking your virginity. I guess he didn’t like that.”

  Was Mason really that jealous? Charlie continued laughing.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Everyone talks about what a clever and ambitious girl you are but I assume you were shagging the boss. Admit it Pols, you slept your way to the top, like a cheap whore.”

  “Fuck off, Charlie.”

  “Everything okay?”

  She looked behind. Oh no, it was Rupert.

  “So bitch, last chance. You coming for a ride or what?”

  Rupert roared at him to drive away before he dragged him out of that car and beat the crap out of him.

  “Do it! It’s very profitable.”

  Polly screamed at Charlie to get lost and dragged Rupert away.

  “My god. Was that the infamous Charlie White?”

  She had to admit it was.

  “He’s horrendous. No wonder Mason laid into him.”

  She sighed.

  “Really, Polly? You went out with that?” he asked.

  It was so embarrassing. “Yes, are you going to leave me too?”

  “Oh Polly,” he sighed. “Come on. Let’s go and talk.”

  They linked arms as they walked to the bar in his hotel.

  Chapter 52


  * * *

  So that was the ex? What a shock. He knew this Charlie bloke was some thug but such an ugly brute? No, he’d expected someone younger, better looking. What the hell had Polly been thinking of? They sat down with some whisky.

  “You have terrible taste in men.”

  “Yes,” she agreed as she glared at him.

  “I don’t mean me, cheeky.”

  She laughed. “Have you gone completely off me like Mason did?”

  “Never. We’ve all made mistakes in our past. Unsuitable relationships. Cringey one-night stands. Psycho bunny boilers. Trust me, I’ve experienced the whole spectrum – the fat, the bad and the ugly.”

  “I think I’ve just gone off you,” she joked.

  “Have you?”

  “Not really, I don’t judge people.”

  That’s what he liked to hear. He could probably tell Polly anything. But this was about her so on a note of seriousness, he asked her to tell him everything.

  “How did someone like you end up with that thing?”

  “Well, he didn’t always look like that. He was quite a good-looking boy. Tall, well built. Not bald and tattooed.”

  “Okay, but I assume he’s always been a prick?”

  She nodded.

  “So tell me.”

  “It’s a long and complicated story.”

  He was in no rush. There was nowhere else he’d rather be.

  Chapter 53


  * * *

  The past two hours were spent at Mason’s house, looking at his coin collection. Anything to avoid being at home. When she turned the key, all was silent. No TV, no music. That meant he was out. This made her breath a little easier.

  “Mum, I’m home,” she called out.

  No answer. Strange as her mum was usually at home at this time – making dinner. She wouldn’t dare not to. She walked into the kitchen. It was a mess. A saucepan her mum had been cooking dinner with was thrown all over the floor. Dining chairs – lying on their side. There was nothing left on the dining table, it had all been swiped and broken onto the floor. It looked bad. Very bad. Please let it have been a burglary, she hoped as the panic set in. Where the hell was her mum? Not in the living room, Polly dashed upstairs. She paused, there was a noise. A crying noise, if she wasn’t mistaken. The sound led Polly to her mum’s bedroom. She knew what was behind the door before she even opened it. Yes, there was her mum, cradling herself in the corner of her bedroom, head buried in her knees. The evening dinner all over her clothes. Polly sat next to her and took her in her arms as her mum, with her battered and bruised face, cried her eyes out. No explanation was needed. It wasn't the first time and it wouldn’t be the last.

  It was always the same. Her drunk pig of a stepfather John did this every few months. He’d come home after a bad day at work and take it out on her mum. He also made Polly’s life a misery too. Moaning about having to support them, while her lazy mum did nothing, while he worked all hours to raise some bastard child. Polly always begged her mum to get rid of him and press charges. But she never did. She lived in fear of him and was completely reliant on him. Her mum feared losing the house if they were on their own. Better to be out on the street than living like this, thought Polly.

  Always the same routine. The pig would return, completely repentant. He’d never do it again. It was his depression. He’d stop drinking. He loved Polly and her mum – his little family unit. Her mum always took him back and asked Polly to forgive him. But the damage was done. What he was and what he did was unforgivable.

  The years passed. She and her mum lived on eggshells never knowing if John would return home in a foul mood or not. She couldn’t talk to anyone about it, John threatened her. Her mum – so ashamed, begged Polly not to tell anyone either. It was between them. Family business. She tried talking to her friend Mason. He’d been having a terrible time at school lately, maybe he’d understand? But no, whenever she broached the subject, he’d moan about how depressed and miserable he was. Telling her how lucky she was because she was thin and popular. She didn't feel lucky – far from it. So instead of putting up with Mason's self-pity, she backed away from him. She had her own problems to deal with; she couldn’t cope with someone else's.

  And then there was Charlie White. School hardman and local bully. He’d always had a crush on Polly but she found him vile. He was so horrible to Mason. Even though she and Mason weren’t close anymore, she felt bad for him. She used her charm with Char
lie so he’d leave him alone. This appeased him sometimes and he promised her he was staying away. But for some reason, Charlie couldn’t help himself. It wasn't just Mason. He picked on all the weak boys at the school; he had a reputation to uphold. Then one day, she saw her old friend stick up to Charlie. From the rage in Charlie’s eye, she knew it would end badly.

  It did, as she watched Mason, bloody and crying on the floor, pleading with her to help him. By now she was numb to it. She’d grown up watching her mum act the same way. Why couldn’t people just learn to stick up for themselves? She saw Louisa coming down the road. Mason would get some sympathy from her so she walked away from the scene.

  This boy Mason never returned to school. At the same time, his parents were splitting up and they moved away. The last she heard of him was that he moved to London to live with his mum and grandparents. He was the lucky one. The rest of them were trapped here. She never saw that boy again.

  Over the next few weeks, she avoided Charlie. He still chased after her but what he’d done to Mason left a bad taste in her mouth. However, she still had to see her stepdad every day. Another bully. She remembered the thoughts she had when Mason was being beaten up – why didn’t people stick up for themselves. So she tried.

  One day, John was berating her for being a waste of space, for costing him too much money.

  “Why don’t you fuck off then? No one wants you here!” she screamed at him.

  She’d never been face to face with him before when he lost his temper. It was usually her mum who had the pleasure of that position. And like slow motion, his eyes widened, his eyebrows knitted into a deep frown, his face turned red and his mouth formed into the ugliest scowl she’d ever seen. Before she knew it, he’d punched her in the face and was now administering kicks to her ribs as she lay on the floor in a helpless heap. Now, she knew how Mason felt. After what seemed like an eternity, the beating stopped and good old John went back to the pub. No sign of her mum, which was probably a good thing, it would have broken her. Polly spat out the blood, took some painkillers and cried herself to sleep that night.


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