Collected Poems 1947-1997

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Collected Poems 1947-1997 Page 91

by Allen Ginsberg

  I’d been motoring through States & (CG), 1043

  I don’t like the government where I live, 751

  I dreamed I dwelled in a homeless place (D&F), 1080

  I drove out to the airport on a blue sunny day (WS), 859

  I dwelled in Hell on earth to write this rhyme, 13

  I feel as if I am at a dead (EM), 79

  I felt a breeze below my waist and realized my fly was open. (D&F), 1141

  If Hanson Baldwin got a bullet in his brain, outrage, 498

  If I had a Green Automobile, 91

  If it weren’t for you Mr Jukebox with yr aluminum belly, 296

  If I were doing my Laundry I’d wash my dirty Iran, 739

  If money made the mind more sane, 35

  If my pen hand were snapped by a Broadway truck, 740

  If you want to learn how to meditate (WS), 863

  Ignu (Kaddish), 211

  I got old & shit in my pants (D&F), 1073

  I hauled down lifeless mattresses to sidewalk refuse-piles, 537

  “I have a nosebleed …” (D&F), 1156

  I Have Increased Power (EM), 76

  I hope my good old asshole holds out (CG), 950

  I lay down to rest weary at best (WS), 852

  I Lay Love on My Knee (MB), 688

  I’ll go into the bedroom silently and lie down, 123

  I’ll settle for Immortality— (CG), 1036

  I’ll tell my deaf mother on you! Fall on the floor, 691

  I Love Old Whitman So (WS), 900

  Imaginary Universes (Fall), 520

  I’m a Prisoner of Allen Ginsberg (WS), 882

  I’m a traveler in a strange country (WS), 905

  I’m crying all the time now, 159

  I’m delighted by the velocity of money as it whistles (CG), 949

  I met Einstein in a dream, 595

  I’m happy, Kerouac, your madman Allen’s, 131

  Imitation of K.S. (CG), 961

  I’m Jewish because love my family matzoh ball soup (CG), 1013

  I’m late, I’m gonna die before I mark (CG), 1018

  I’m lucky to have all five fingers on the right hand (D&F), 1121

  I’m not a lesbian screaming in the basement strapped (WS), 881

  Improvisation in Beijing (CG), 937

  I’m sick of arguments (WS), 885

  In a car Gray smoke over Elmira, 542

  In a Moonlit Hermit’s Cabin (Fall), 535

  In a thousand years, if there’s History, 550

  In back of the real (Howl), 121

  In bed on my green purple pink, 275

  Incense under Horse Heaven Hills, 526

  In Death, Cannot Reach What Is Most Near (EM), 42

  Independence Day (Fall), 534

  Industrial Waves (WS), 845

  I needed a young musician take off his pants (WS), 888

  In highschool when you crack your front tooth (CG), 960

  “In later days, remembering this I shall certainly go mad ”, 607

  In Memoriam: William Cannastra, 1922–1950 (GW), 65

  In My Kitchen in New York (WS), 898

  In nineteen hundred forty-nine (CG), 997

  I noticed the grass, I noticed the hills, I noticed the highways, (CG), 967

  In Russia the tyrant cockroach mustache ate 20 million souls (CG), 943

  In Society (EM), 11

  In the Baggage Room at Greyhound (Howl), 161

  In the Benjo (CG), 1046

  In the depths of the Greyhound Terminal, 161

  In the foreground we see time and life, 61

  Into the Flats, thru Cleveland’s, 437

  In the mud, in the night, in Mississippi Delta roads (CG), 962

  I nurs’d love where he lay, 688

  I place my hand before my beard with awe, 347

  I received in mail offer beautiful certificate, 665

  Iron Horse (IH), 440

  Irritable Vegetable (WS), 877

  Is About (D&F), 1089

  I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving, 134

  I sit because the Dadaists screamed on Mirror Street (WS), 851

  I speak of love that comes to mind, 26

  I started down Capitol Hill side along unfamiliar black central (CG), 973

  Is that the only way we can become like Indians, like Rhinoceri, (CG), 947

  Is this the God of Gods, the one I heard about, 475

  It is a multiple million eyed monster, 239

  It is here, the long Awaited bleap-blast light that Speaks, 280

  It is the moon that disappears, 364

  It’s All So Brief (WS), 899

  It’s everybody’s fault but me, 669

  It’s true I got caught in (CG), 1019

  It’s true I write about myself (D&F), 1137

  It used to be, farms, 726

  I’ve a pain in my back Fifth lumbar &

  sacrum (WS), 918

  “I’ve been down at the bus stop” (D&F), 1144

  I’ve climbed the Great Wall’s stone steep out of breath (WS), 921

  I’ve got to get out of the sun, 306

  I’ve got to give up (WS), 899

  I visited Père Lachaise to look for the remains of Apollinaire, 188

  I waked at midmost in the night, 52

  I walked into the cocktail party, 11

  I walked on the banks of the tincan banana dock, 146

  I walked out on the lamp shadowed concrete at midnight, 703

  I want to be known as the most brilliant man in America, 631

  I was born in Wyoming, Cody is my home town, 690

  I was given my bedding, and a bunk, 23

  I was high on tea in my fo’c’sle near the forepeak hatch, 214

  I was shy and tender as a 10 year old kid, you know what I’m saying? (D&F), 1096

  I went in the forest to look for a sign, 103

  I Went to the Movie of Life (CG), 961

  I will haunt these States, 468

  I will have to accept women, 292

  I work for the world bank yes I do (D&F), 1126

  I write poetry because the English word Inspiration (CG), 937

  Jacking Off(D&F), 1123

  Jaweh and Allah Battle (MB), 622

  Jaweh with Atom Bomb, 622

  Joe Blow has decided, 69

  John (CG), 1014

  Journal Night Thoughts (PN), 275

  Jumping the Gun on the Sun (WS), 922

  Junk Mail” (PAOTP), 665

  Just Say Yes Calypso (CG), 1002

  Kaddish (Kaddish), 217

  Kali Ma tottering up steps to shelter tin roof, 303

  Kansas City to Saint Louis (Fall), 421

  Kerouac (D&F), 1138

  Kiss Ass (Fall), 501

  Kissass is the Part of Peace, 501

  Kral Majales (PN), 361

  Kunming Hotel, I vomited greasy chicken (WS), 911

  Lack Love (PO), 701

  Land OLakes, Wisc., (MB), 669

  Land OLakes, Wisconsin: Vajrayana Seminary (PAOTP), 670

  Last night I dreamed, 60

  Last Night in Calcutta (PN), 309

  Las Vegas: Verses Improvised for El Dorado H.S. Newspaper (PO), 728

  Late sun opening the book, 105

  Laughing Gas (Kaddish), 197

  Lay down Lay down yr mountain Lay down God, 651

  Leaving K.C. Mo. past Independence past Liberty, 421

  lemme kiss your face, lick your neck, 621

  Let me say beginning I don’t believe in Soul, 625

  Let some sad trumpeter stand, 196

  Let the Railsplitter Awake, 704

  Listen to the tale of the sensitive car, 174

  Living in an apartment with a gelded cat, 71

  London Dream Doors (CG), 952

  —Long enough to remember the girl, 80

  Long Live the Spiderweb (EM), 54

  Long since the years, 356

  Long stone streets inanimate, repetitive machine Crash, 501

  Looking over my shoulder, 145

  Lord Heart, heal my right temple bang’d soft pain, 611

  Lord Lord I got the sickness blues, I must’ve done something wrong, 647

  Love came up to me, 692

  Love Comes (WS), 852

  Love Forgiven (PO), 737

  Love Poem on Theme by Whitman (RS), 123

  Love Replied (PO), 692

  Love Returned (PO), 720

  Love returned with smiles, 720

  Love wears down to bare truth, 701

  Lunchtime (CG), 1017

  Lysergic Acid(Kaddish), 239

  Magic Psalm (Kaddish), 263

  Malest Cornifci Tuo Catullo (RS), 131

  Manhattan May Day Midnight (PO), 703

  Manhattan Thirties Flash (Fall), 501

  Manifesto (MB), 625

  Man’s glory (J), 268

  Many Loves, 164

  Many prophets have failed, their voices silent, 745

  Many seek and never see, 15

  Marijuana Notation (EM), 74

  Marlene Dietrich is singing a lament, 62

  Maturity (WS), 872

  Maybe Love (PO), 731

  Maybe love will come, 731

  May Days 1988 (CG), 979

  Memory Cousins (WS), 916

  Memory Gardens (Fall), 539

  Mescaline (Kaddish), 236

  Message (Kaddish), 191

  Message II (PN), 356

  Metaphysics (EM), 41

  Mexcity drugstore table, giant, 511

  Mice ate at the big red heart in her breast, she was distracted in love. (D&F), 1083

  Midwinter night, 481

  Milarepa Taste (Fall), 565

  Millions of babies watching the skies, 579

  Millions of people cheering and waving flags for joy in Manhattan (CG), 1010

  Mind Breaths (MB), 617

  Mistaken Introductions (CG), 995

  Moral Majority (WS), 917

  Morning (PN), 345

  Moved six months ago left it behind for Peter (D&F), 1136

  Mugging (MB), 633

  Multiple Identity Questionnaire (D&F), 1103

  Must be thousands of sweet gourmets rustling through, 588

  My Alba (RS), 97

  My dick is red hot (D&F), 1149

  My love has come to ride me home, 17

  My Sad Self (RS), 209

  My Team Is Red Hot (D&F), 1149

  Nagasaki Days (PO), 707

  Nanao (CG), 969

  “Nature empty, everything’s pure; (D&F), 1103

  Nazi Capish (D&F), 1087

  Neal Cassady was my animal: he brought me to my knees, 164

  Never go to Bulgaria, had a booklet & invitation (D&F), 1160

  New Democracy Wish List (D&F), 1063

  News Bulletin (PAOTP), 613

  New Stanzas for Amazing Grace (D&F), 1080

  News Stays News (CG), 1045

  Newt Gingrich Declares War on “McGovernik Counterculture” (D&F), 1082

  Night Gleam (MB), 609

  No hyacinthine imagination can express this clock of meat, 44

  No! No! (D&F), 1112

  No! No! It’s Not the End (D&F), 1112

  No one liked my hair (CG), 1014

  Northwest Passage (Fall), 586

  Not Dead Yet (CG), 1012

  Nov. 23, 1963: Alone (PAOTP), 341

  Now and Forever (CG), 1036

  Now I have become a man, 67

  Now I’ll record my secret vision, impossible sight of the face of God, 246

  Now incense fills the air, 351

  Now mind is clear, 64

  Now Richard Secord and Oliver North (CG), 1000

  Now that I’ve wasted, 97

  Now that Samurai bow & arrow, Sumi brush, (WS), 850

  Now to the come of the poem, let me be worthy, 157

  N.S.A. Dope Calypso (CG), 1000

  Numbers in U.S. File Cabinet (CG), 982

  Nymph and shepherd raise electric tridents, 401

  Objective Subject (D&F), 1137

  O dear sweet rosy, 96

  Ode: My 24th Year (GW), 67

  Ode to Failure (PO), 745

  Ode to the Setting Sun (GW), 46

  O Future bards, 504

  Oh dry old rose of God, 57

  “Oh just hanging around picking my nose …” (WS), 870

  O I am happy! O Swami Shivananda—a smile, 353

  Oil brown smog over Denver, 636

  OK Neal, 495

  Old Love Story (WS), 856

  Old maple hairytrunks root asphalt grass marge, 563

  Old moon my eyes are new moon with human footprint, 171

  Old Poet, Poetry’s final subject glimmers months ahead, 659

  Old Pond (PO), 715

  Oleta (Snake) River! (CG), 987

  OM—the pride of perfumed money, music food from China, 597

  On a bare tree in a hollow place, 41

  On Burroughs’ Work (RS), 122

  On Cremation of Chögyam Trungpa, Vidyadhara (CG), 967

  One day 3 poets & 60 ears sat under a green-striped, 707

  100,000,000 buffalo 17th century on North American Plains (CG), 982

  One Morning I took a Walk in China (WS), 903

  On Illness (PAOTP), 611

  On London’s Tavern’s wooden table, been reading Kit Smart— (CG), 952

  On Neal’s Ashes (Fall), 513

  On Neruda’s Death (MB), 615

  On Reading William Blake’s “The Sick Rose” (GW), 14

  On the Conduct of the World (CG), 947

  On top of that if you know me I pronounce you an ignu, 211

  On Via Ferlinghetti & Kerouac Alley young heroes muse melancholy 2025 A.D. (D&F), 1081

  OO Bop Sh’bam (D&F), 1158

  Opening a bus window in N.Y., 668

  Orange hawkeye stronger than thought winking above, 534

  Organs and War News, 384

  or this marvellous hi Lama followed (CG), 995

  O Statue of Liberty Spouse of Europa Destroyer of Past, 298

  Over and over thru the dull material world the call is made, 609

  Over Denver Again (Fall), 519

  Over Kansas (RS), 124

  over knowledge of death, 76

  Over Laramie (Fall), 566

  Pardon me buddy, I didn’t mean to bug you (D&F), 1116

  Pastel Sentences (Selections) (D&F), 1083

  Past Silver Durango Over Mexic Sierra-Wrinkles (Fall), 512

  Paterson (EM), 48

  Path crowded with thistle fern blue daisy, 505

  Patna–Benares Express (PN), 308

  Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina (D&F), 1066

  Pentagon Exorcism (PN), 491

  Personals Ad (CG), 970

  Pertussin (Fall), 509

  Philadelphia city lights boiling under the, 590

  Pigeons shake their wings on the copper church roof, 744

  Plastic & cellophane, milk cartons & yogurt containers, (WS), 880

  Please Master (Fall), 502

  Please master can I touch your cheek, 502

  Please Open the Window and Let Me In (GW), 39

  Plutonian Ode (PO), 710

  Portland Coliseum (PN), 373

  Poem in the Form of a Snake (CG), 987

  POEM Rocket (Kaddish), 171

  Poems rise in my brain, 654

  POET is Priest, 175

  Poet professor in autumn years (CG), 970

  Popular Tunes (D&F), 1098

  Porch Scribbles (WS), 843

  Power (D&F), 1101

  Proclamation (CG), 971

  “Progress” ended in XX century. (D&F), 1063

  Prophecy (WS), 916

  Psalm I (EM), 26

  Psalm II (GW), 28

  Psalm III (RS), 163

  Psalm IV(J), 246

  Pull my daisy, 31

  Pull my daisy, 32

  Pull My Daisy (GW), 32

  Punk Rock Your My Big Crybaby (PO), 691

  Pussy Blues (PAOTP), 658

/>   Put Down Your Cigarette Rag (CG), 1029

  railroad yard in San Jose, 121

  Rain-wet asphalt heat, garbage curbed cans (Fall), 537

  reaching my own block, 78

  Reading Bai Juyi (WS), 905

  Reading French Poetry (PAOTP), 654

  Reading No Nature in the toilet (CG), 1047

  Ready to Roll (RS), 167

  Real as a dream, 311

  Reality is a question, 58

  Red cheeked boyfriends tenderly kiss me sweet mouthed, 743

  Red Guards battling country workers, 484

  Red Scabies on the Skin, 509

  Reflections at Lake Louise (PO), 741

  Reflections in Sleepy Eye (Fall), 532

  Refrain (GW), 19

  Research (CG), 1026

  Research has shown that black people have inferiority complexes (CG), 1026

  Retire abandon world sd Swami Bhaktivedanta, 610

  Returning North of Vortex (Fall), 484

  Returning to the Country for a Brief Visit (MB), 607

  Return of Kral Majales (CG), 984

  Reverse the rain of Terror… (D&F), 1108

  Reverse the rain of Terror on street

  consciousness U.S.A. (D&F), 1108

  Rexroth’s face reflecting human, 160

  Richard III (D&F), 1129

  Rising above the used car lots & colored dumps of Long Island (WS), 893

  Rising over night-blackened Detroit Streets (Fall), 521

  Rolling Thunder Stones (MB), 651

  Rose of spirit, rose of light, 14

  Rotting Ginsberg, I stared in the mirror naked today, 236

  Ruhr-Gebiet (PO), 734

  Sad Dust Glories (MB), 626

  said Rinpoche Chögyam Trungpa Tulku in the marble, 600

  Sakyamuni Coming Out from the Mountain (RS), 98

  Said the Presidential Skeleton (D&F), 1091

  Salutations to Fernando Pessoa (CG), 976

  Sather Gate Illumination (RS), 150

  Scatalogical Observations (D&F), 1147

  Scribble (RS), 160

  Seabattle of Salamis Took Place off Perama (PN), 296

  Sending Message (D&F), 1110

  September on Jessore Road (Fall), 579

  Setting out East on rain bright highways, 420

  Seven years’ words wasted, 54

  Sexual Abuse (D&F), 1133

  Shines on top of Mountains where Grey Stone monastery sits, 268

  Shining Diamonds & Sequins glitter, 722

  Sickness Blues (MB), 647

  Siesta in Xbalba (RS), 105

  Sincerity is the key to living in Eternity (WS), 922

  Since we had changed, 191

  Sitting on a tree stump with half cup of tea, 653

  Sitting on the twelfth floor Gomden I heard a wild siren (WS), 925

  Sky Words (D&F), 1145

  Slope woods’ snows melt, 524

  Smog trucks mile after mile high wire, 427


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