Double Jeopardy

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Double Jeopardy Page 6

by Cooper, KaLyn

  Safe. Ha. Secure. Not hardly. Blake chastised himself for letting Duke out of his sight. He had failed to carry out the duties assigned to him. He was the one responsible, and he would take the fall even though security on the island was a joke, and Blake would tell Nigel exactly that as soon as the Brit had the balls to show up.

  Commotion at the front door drew Blake’s attention away from his call to the operations center in New York City. In his free ear, he could hear Nigel berating his men.

  “Mrs. Davenport, can you tell me what happened?” Antonio’s soft voice surprised Blake. He hadn't heard the man come in.

  “Operations Center, what’s your situation?”

  The dual conversations were too much for Blake, so he stepped outside on the deck. While Ryleigh gave the resort owner an update, Blake did the same for their boss back in New York.

  “Sir, I will completely understand if you choose to replace me down here.” But damn, Blake didn’t want to leave. The Wainwright’s protection was his responsibility, and he’d never failed a mission. Duke was still alive, so he hadn’t failed yet. Besides, this might be his only chance to spend time with Ryleigh. The fact she might be in a bathing suit or skimpy sundress part of that time would be the icing on the cake and he’d like to lick off her delicious body. Quelling those thoughts, he was prepared to hop on the next plane off the island as soon as he was replaced.

  “No way. Your ass is staying right there. I’ll send you reinforcements. Even with two people it’s tough to watch a couple twenty-four-seven. Let me see what I can do from my end about getting you at least two more men.” Wyatt was the best boss Blake ever had. He understood fieldwork and decision making on the fly.

  “That would be extremely helpful,” Blake admitted.

  “No guarantees. Indulgences Island is pretty damn particular about who goes there. I’m not even sure we can get permission to send two more men your way,” Wyatt warned.

  “I’d appreciate it if you could make that happen.” Two more men would give him considerably more free time to spend with Ryleigh.

  Gravel crunching on the golf cart path drew his attention away from his boss. “I think the doctor has arrived. I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Let me know if there’s anything else we can do from here,” Wyatt offered.

  “Will do,” Blake promised and disconnected the line.

  He stepped back into a flurry of action centered around the tall man on the floor. Before he could check in with Ryleigh, Nigel approached her from the side.

  “I saw the apple and highball glass in the plastic bags on the counter.” Nigel got straight to the point. “Do you think this was an attempt on Mr. Wainwright’s life?”

  “A nearly successful attempt,” Blake blew back at the security chief. Although he’d initially been awestruck with the island’s state-of-the-art security system, Blake now wondered if all that time Nigel spent bragging about their equipment wasn’t merely a ploy to keep him separated from the man he’d sworn to protect. Had Nigel’s men somehow poisoned Duke? Sanity took over, and he brushed away the thought. Blake had been impressed for good reason, Indulgences Resort had impressive security right down to the men who had been on guard at the door.

  Blake had traveled with the Duke often enough to know that he valued his privacy, especially upon arriving in a new country. The man was somewhat a creature of habit. He’d take an hour or so of personal downtime, have at least one drink, and get his bearings. Most times he would take at least a twenty-minute power nap to help him adjust to the time zone, knowing that his trip was jammed full of meetings. Even though he was on vacation, there was no reason to change those ingrained habits.

  “That is yet to be determined,” Nigel reminded him. “There are hundreds of possibilities why the man ended up on the floor. He seems to be recovering. I suggest we ask him.”

  When Blake and Nigel reached the group, Duke was attempting to sit up to the dismay of his doctor. Eventually, the captain of industry listened to the physician and laid his head down in his wife’s lap.

  Antonio had faded into the kitchen where he held the bagged apple in one hand and one of the unused glasses in the other. Blake watched a silent exchange between the resort owner and his head of security. A moment later, Antonio was speaking quietly into his phone while he opened and closed cabinet doors.

  “You are a very fortunate man, Mr. Wainwright,” the physician noted. “Your wife’s quick reactions may have saved your life.”

  Duke smiled up weakly at Ella. “Life wouldn’t be worth living without her.”

  The doctor expertly found a vein and slid in a needle before hooking up a bag of clear liquid. “Mr. Wainwright, I would like to get you into bed and have you rest there until we know exactly what you ingested and how much. I don’t think it’s necessary to take you to a hospital in Panama, but that still may be an option depending on how your body reacts in the next twenty-four hours. The saline solution should help push any poison out of your system. I want you as relaxed as possible. No stress.” His glance darted between Ella and Duke before he continued, “Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, which will increase his heart rate.”

  Ella grimaced down at her husband before she mouthed, “I’m sorry.”

  Duke reached up to weave his fingers into her long golden hair, cupping her cheeks with his palms before he pulled her face down to his. “This is not your fault. I’m the one who’s sorry.” Ignoring everyone, he kissed her.

  The doctor cleared his throat before he looked at Blake and Nigel who stood side-by-side. “Could you be so kind as to help Mr. Wainwright into bed? I don’t want him struggling to get off this floor.”

  With a nod, Nigel stepped to the other side and together they lifted the large man as though they had worked on the same team for years.

  Ella followed them into the bedroom. “I’ll get him changed into night clothes and tuck him into bed.” She followed them to the door before she closed it behind them.

  Retreating back to the living room, Blake wanted answers. Now. “Doc, tell me everything you know, or suspect, about Mr. Wainwright’s condition.”

  Antonio moved to stand beside Nigel, so Ryleigh rose and positioned herself beside Blake. The door clicked closed, confirming the other guards had left. It felt less like a standoff between two warring tribes than an inquisition of the physician as all eyes were on the man who carefully folded his stethoscope and placed it into a sturdy, waterproof duffel bag.

  Without looking up, the doctor began, “Duke Wainwright is a very healthy man in his mid-thirties and for that we should all be thankful.” He held up the vial of blood he had extracted moments ago. “I’ll send this off to the mainland for testing, but given certain indications, I believe Mr. Wainwright has been poisoned.”

  “Poisoned?” Ryleigh said, almost on a whisper.

  “Yes,” the doctor continued, “and we won’t know with what until I have this analyzed. In the meantime, we are going to err on the cautious side. That’s why I have limited his activity for the next twenty-four hours…at least.”

  Antonio broke in, “I wish I were able to move them from this cabana, but unfortunately, we are filled to capacity this week. I have ordered every glass, plate, pot, and pan completely replaced. These will all be destroyed under the assumption that there may be something poisonous or, at the very least, dangerous, on them. I do not wish to expose anyone else.” His glance wandered to the bottles of liquor that lined the shelves above the wet bar. “All of those will be properly disposed of after they have been tested. Although there are no known pathogens that can live in alcohol, there are some poisons that are enhanced by it. Again, I choose to take the safest path.”

  “Thanks, Antonio. I was going to suggest those exact measures.” Blake’s opinion of the resort owner stepped up a notch. The man seemed to be on top of the situation.

  With a raised black eyebrow, Antonio asked, “Do you have other suggestions, Mr. Seasnan?”

  “Actually, sir
, my company would like to send down additional men as personal protection for Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright.”

  Antonio was already shaking his head. “I’m very sorry, but as I said a few moments ago, we are filled to capacity. I have no extra rooms.”

  Nigel leaned over and whispered in Antonio’s ear. Only the widening of the man’s eyes a fraction of an inch indicated his surprise.

  “Well, it seems there may be two extra bunks available in the resort’s security barracks.” Antonio gave his security director the opportunity to change his mind before he conceded. “It’s not the usual environment we prefer for our guests, but given the circumstances, I understand your company’s need for additional personnel.”

  Blake hoped his satisfaction didn’t show. Not only would he get the additional men he needed, he might also get some alone time with Ryleigh. “Who do I need to see to make arrangements to get my men here by tomorrow?”

  “Fortunately, our plane will be returning guests to the mainland early tomorrow afternoon and picking up another couple.” Antonio offered, “If your company can have your men in Panama City by four o’clock, it could work out perfectly.”

  “Excellent.” Blake reached for his satellite phone.

  “I’d like to add the suggestion that you also replace all perishable food items in this cabana.” Ryleigh’s gaze darted to the partially eaten apple before returning to the men in front of her. “Do you think our cabana is safe?”

  Antonio smiled. “The same items will be removed from yours as well and replaced with new.” His gaze pinned Nigel. “We may have a killer on this island. I want you to personally review every employee file, taking particular interest in those who have joined us since Mrs. Wainwright booked the reservation. I’ll have Kenderly look into all our guests as well. This person has cunning and patience. He may have had months to make his plans. Please, find him before something else happens.” Antonio’s face was grave as he turned to the doctor. “Sam, are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, I’d like to get this off to the lab as soon as possible.”

  Antonio pulled out his phone as he headed toward the door, the doctor right beside him. “We’ll head straight to the landing strip.”

  “Thanks for giving my men a bed to sleep in,” Blake told Nigel.

  “The more people we have working on this, the faster we’ll find this bugger and get him the hell off this island.”

  “Are you sure it’s a man?” Ryleigh asked.

  Nigel’s frown was one of disbelief. Instead of voicing the opinion that was written all over his face, he announced, “I will personally oversee the replacement of the items in both your cabana and this one. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have much to do.”

  Unfazed, Ryleigh turned to Blake. “I’ll take the first watch. You go unpack, that way I’m here in case Ella needs me.”

  “Agreed. Then we’ll switch places.” As Blake left the Wainwright’s cabana, he pulled out his satellite phone to call Wyatt with a report and tell him the good news about the two additional bodyguards.

  Completing his call, he stepped into the cabana he would call home for the next week. Blake took a moment to look around. He hated to think what these accommodations cost, but the billionaires in the next cabin over could easily afford it, along with twenty-four-hour protection. Guardian’s services were not cheap.

  The main room was an open concept. He could see straight past the U-shaped kitchen on his left, through both the dining area and living room to a wall of sliding glass doors. Beyond, a concrete patio held a glass topped table and several chaise lounges next to a good size pool. Blake could picture himself swimming laps every morning at sunrise.

  As the land dropped down behind an edge of flowering shrubs, he could see the fringes of a sandy beach shared only with the Wainwright’s cabana. Although the area looked inviting, the copse of trees on either side could easily hide a sniper. He’d be sure to discuss any ocean side sunbathing or swimming with Ryleigh.

  Then it struck him. He would be sharing the space with her for the next week. As he stepped past the kitchen with its breakfast bar on the side toward the dining table, he noticed a door on each side of the living room. At least one of those had to be a bedroom. Opening the closest door first, Blake stepped into an en suite bedroom. At the far end, sliding glass doors opened onto the patio and gave a gorgeous view of the ocean from the bed. What a way to wake up in the morning. He didn’t even mind the aqua accents mixed with the more manly browns. A small loveseat and two chairs sat close to the wall of glass.

  He couldn’t resist checking out the bathroom. He wouldn’t need the double sinks set into granite, but the glass enclosed shower certainly did look inviting. He needed to check what was behind door number two on the other side of the cabana.

  Crossing the living room, he stopped to gaze at the deep blue ocean that seemed to go on forever. He internally laughed at himself because in reality, it almost did. There, just above the equator where the Earth was its largest, it was nearly 12,000 miles before the land in Indonesia could be reached.

  The bedroom on the other side was practically a mirror image, with a more feminine touch. Here, the aqua walls were accented with coral. Ryleigh could have this room. His gaze wandered through the similar seating area, passed the glass doors to… what was that?

  Blake stepped to the glass. Well, damn. This place had a hot tub. He could imagine Ryleigh and himself relaxing under the stars, the heated bubbles massaging their tired bodies. Then he corrected, their naked bodies. Remembering Ryleigh’s warm body on his, under his, beside his as they made love over and over again, stiffened his cock. Christ, he wanted that woman. Damn it, he would have her, too.

  She was guarding the Wainwright’s next door, and he needed to unpack, then relieve her of duty so she could move into their new quarters. As he entered the living room, he caught sight of their bags in a small alcove next to the front door. Grabbing his he returned to the first bedroom to unpack and settle in for a week which would be either bliss or disaster.

  As Blake shifted his clothes into the dressers, his brain recounted everything they had discovered about Duke’s possible murderer. How had he known Mr. and Mrs. Wainwright would be at Indulgences Resort today, in that cabana? He may have been here for weeks, even months. Unfortunately, Antonio and Nigel would have to figure that out. On the assumption he had been here for at least a week or more, Blake had to believe he knew the island considerably better than Blake did. That thought amped up the anxiety he’d felt since the moment they landed. He and his men would have to be extremely vigilant.

  His men and woman, he corrected.

  Woman. Blake thought about Ryleigh’s comment a few moments before. Not for the first time, he wondered if the would-be assassin was female.

  Chapter 6

  “Ryleigh, I’m going to the beach.” Ella wasn’t asking permission. The woman emerged from the bedroom in a lacy yellow swimsuit cover over a blue and white bikini.

  Glancing toward Blake in a nonverbal handoff, Ryleigh stood from the tall chair at the breakfast bar where she and her partner had been discussing the arrival of Garrett Diehl and Troy Stone. “Please give me a moment to run next door and change.”

  As though realizing how abrupt she had initially been, Ella gave Ryleigh a small smile. “Thank you.” She practically plopped down into one of the living room chairs. “I’m sorry. I need to get out of here for little bit. I barely slept at all last night as I laid awake watching Duke’s chest rise and fall.” She rolled her lips in as though trying to hold in emotions. “I was so afraid he’d…” She let the sentence hang.

  Ryleigh walked over and kneeled in front of Ella. “I’m sure you’re exhausted. Perhaps a little nap in the sun will do you good.” She glanced at Blake for only an instant before returning her gaze to the beautiful woman in the chair who had removed her large sunglasses revealing darkened half-moons under each eye. “Duke is in good hands with Blake, and you’ll be safe with me. Please wait right here
. I promise I’ll only be a minute or two. Then we’ll go to that gorgeous beach, right there.” She nodded toward the glass doors and the Pacific Ocean beyond.

  Ella reached out and grabbed Ryleigh’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thank you.” She swallowed hard before glancing back and forth between her and Blake. “I can’t thank you both enough for everything you did yesterday.”

  “We were only doing our job, ma’am.” Blake shifted uncomfortably at the praise. “From the doctor’s visit this morning, I understand Mr. Wainwright is doing much better.”

  Ella’s smile was one of relief. “Yes, Sam said Duke’s blood pressure and heart rate were within the normal ranges. He gave him something to help him sleep and replaced the empty bag of fluid. Hopefully, by the end of the day, Duke can get rid of the IV.”

  “That’s great news.” Ryleigh rose and headed for her own cabana.

  Within ten minutes, she and Ella were on mesh lounges a few feet from where the ocean lapped the sparkling white sand. “Why don’t you lay back and relax,” Ryleigh suggested. “I’m going to do a perimeter check.” She reached into the beach bag at her side and brought out her favorite .45 caliber Smith & Wesson.

  “Is that—” Ella started to ask as she stared at the pistol in Ryleigh’s hand. She briefly shook her head, stirring her enviable long blonde hair. With a self-deprecating smile, she said, “Yes, I guess it is necessary.” She raised her eyes to meet Ryleigh’s. “I’ll be right here when you get back.”

  “I shouldn’t be long.” Ryleigh looked at the trees and shrubbery fifty yards away. Nigel’s men were supposed to do regular sweeps of the woods, but she’d feel better seeing for herself. “I’m just going to take a look in there.”

  Ella smiled. “I’m just going to rest and hope this pale body of mine absorbs some tropical sun.”


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