Double Jeopardy

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Double Jeopardy Page 10

by Cooper, KaLyn

  Troy stepped out and gave Ryleigh a warm smile. “How’s the new job going?”

  Ryleigh’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. Blake could tell it was forced. Something was there but he couldn’t get a handle on it, especially since her voice was cheery when she answered, “It’s great. Who can complain about being on a beautiful tropical island and only working twelve hours a day? Sure as hell beats any day in the sandbox.”

  “Totally agree with you there,” Troy concurred and headed down the path after Garrett.

  “Please talk to Ella,” Blake pleaded. “If it’s someone on staff, they know the cruise route and would have plenty of time to set up a shot. There is just too much island for us to guarantee their safety.”

  Ryleigh nodded. “Of course, you’re right.”

  While reviewing the day’s plans with the Wainwright’s, Ryleigh suggested, “That sounds like a lot in one day. You’re both still recovering from physical and emotional trauma. Why don’t you consider taking it easy with a quiet day at that gorgeous pool right outside your door? We can order a picnic on the beach, then go for a swim in the warm ocean. Later, take your time and get ready for a beautiful evening together.”

  Inside, Blake smiled. His Ryleigh was a genius. Given the hours between now and the evening events, he would have plenty of time to coordinate with Nigel. Garrett and Troy could start their evening shift early. This could work.

  Duke walked over and slid an arm around his wife. “That does sound nice. We can take the cruise tomorrow.” He pulled Ella into his arms and nuzzled her neck. His kiss wasn’t quite hidden by her hair. Although he whispered, Blake still heard Duke suggest an afternoon nap. Her smile was confirmation that Blake would have plenty of time to check the Pavilion while Ryleigh busied herself in the Wainwright’s living room.

  Too bad they were both at work. An afternoon nap with Ryleigh sounded perfect.

  Chapter 9

  Ryleigh stood in front of the cheval mirror and smoothed the formfitting dress over her ribs. The spaghetti straps rubbed her slightly burned shoulders, even though she’d worn a cover-up most of the day. She’d allowed herself to sun on the beach while the Wainwright’s enjoyed a swim and Blake took over protection duties briefly. By morning, the redness would turn to tan.

  Since this was a formal occasion, and she was going as Ella’s friend not her bodyguard, Ryleigh had taken extra time to curl the ends of her long hair and carefully apply more makeup than she normally wore.

  Although Katlin was an inch taller, and a cup size larger, Ryleigh thought she looked damn good in the gorgeous blue dress that captured the bedroom lights and threw them back as sparkles. She slid diamonds and sapphires onto her wrists, around her neck, and into her ears. Yes. She looked like a million bucks, if she did say so herself. Excellent, because that was the intent.

  Testing, she moved her right leg out to the side as she dropped her hand through the folds of the dress to the slit that started mid-thigh and fell to the floor. Perfect. She’d easily found her Smith & Wesson.

  Satisfied, she picked up the heavily beaded blue purse and opened it to double check her baby Glock. She was as ready as she was going to get. It was nearly time to relieve Garrett and Troy, who had taken over personal protection duty while she and Blake dressed for the evening. The two men needed to get to Pabellon de Amor and be place before the Wainwrights arrived, since all four were on duty tonight.

  As Ryleigh stepped into the living room, she found Blake making a beeline for her. “Sweetheart, can you help me with these?” He held out his wrists then opened his hand containing two gorgeous cufflinks. “I can’t seem to get them through the tiny holes in the shirt.”

  She’d been ready to chastise him for calling her sweetheart, but the helpless look on his face was simply too endearing. She didn’t even try to hold back the smile. “Here, let me have those.”

  Ryleigh admired the jewelry. The one carat diamond centered in black onyx surrounded by a thick gold rim screamed old money and class. Guardian Security certainly knew how to dress the part. She slid the cufflinks into place then looked up at Blake. He’d been staring at her.

  “You’re stunning,” he said barely above a whisper.

  Realizing this may be the first time he’d ever seen her dressed up, she forced the desire to blush away. The hard line of his clean-shaven jaw, those intense eyes filled with such penetrating heat, were too much. She tore her gaze away. He’d done a perfect job with the tie, and the miniature versions of the cufflinks which replaced buttons on the crisp white dress shirt. The black tuxedo jacket covered broad shoulders that probably still bore the scars where she’d dug her nails into him last night.

  Damn, he was handsome.

  Maybe a repeat performance of last night wasn’t a bad idea after all.

  Not possible, she corrected her line of thinking. She couldn’t encourage him. She had to keep a professional demeanor for the remainder of their time on this island. Then, once back in New York, she’d ask for a transfer. Out of sight, out of mind, had worked for her for years.

  That was a lie, and the military psychologist had forced her to admit the fact she’d often thought about Blake. He was unfinished business, and Ryleigh’s coping mechanism had been to ignore her past and march on…until the moment it caught up to her and bit her in the ass in the Guardian conference room a few days ago.

  The thought of leaving this man once again cracked her heart. It wasn’t what she wanted for herself, but was necessary for the greater good.

  Forcing a smile, she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. Instead she readjusted his bowtie, not that it needed it, and pressed it out with her fingers “You clean up pretty well yourself.” Stepping back she suggested, “We should be going.”

  “That’s quite a dress. Where do you keep your gun?” The question surprised her.

  She glanced up at him wondering if this was a legitimate question so she answered honestly. “In the thigh holster.”

  He grinned. “Show me.”

  That was definitely a challenge. Should she?

  Just in case he really needed to know, Ryleigh stepped toward the breakfast bar and lifted her leg onto a rung of the tall chair. The long dress fell at the slit to each side, revealing her naked leg and a sexy black thigh holster.

  He moved in close and stared at the wide strip of lace. Then, he slid his warm finger underneath, gliding it back and forth under the edge. It took everything Ryleigh had to control her breathing.

  Blake pulled on the garter belt that helped hold the thigh holster in place. “Christ,” he said on an exhale. “There’s just something so erotic about a woman in a garter belt. Add the lace holding the gun…this just became my favorite fantasy.” He ran a fingertip up her bare thigh to the matching lacy bikini panties. “I like these,” he confessed and continued his exploration along the outer edge. As he neared her sex, she slowly sucked in a shaky breath.

  His hands always felt wonderful on her, but with the two of them dressed in formal attire, his caress was scandalizing. And Ryleigh loved it. How could something so wrong, feel so right?

  He slid his finger under the elastic edge of her panties.

  She didn’t stop him. She didn’t want to.

  He parted her wet folds, and she closed her eyes.

  She shouldn’t let him touch her, but damn it all to hell, she wanted this. Why shouldn’t she take a little pleasure for herself while she still could? All too soon she’d be gone and it could be years before she would trust a man with her body, say nothing about her heart.

  When he found her hardened nub and circled it with his thumb she pressed her hips into his hand, needing more.

  Blake leaned in and whispered an inch from her mouth, “If last night was a mistake, then this is going to be another one. I want to kiss you, but I don’t want to mess up that perfect face of yours.” He spun her around and instructed, “Put your hands on the chair.”

  Ryleigh hesitated, debating whether to protest or beg for his
thumb back on her clit again. She knew this would be quick because she was already so close. Her only regret was that she hadn’t freed Blake’s erection and stroked him. She knew how much he liked her hand around him.

  She wiggled back, rubbing her butt against him and spread her feet a little wider. The cool air conditioning chilled her bare thighs when he swept the back half of the dress up to her waist.

  He leaned over her and whispered in her ear as he pinched her clit, “I’ll be right back, but I need this hand.”

  At the sound of his buckle and zipper, she ached for his touch.

  The crinkle of a condom wrapper amped up her excitement. “Hurry,” she demanded.

  He ran his palms over the cheeks of her ass before he shoved the crotch of her panties aside and glided into her. She readjusted her stance and rotated her hips so he went even deeper.

  “Oh, yes, sweetheart. That’s perfect.” Reaching around to the front, he dove back under her panties and rubbed her clit in counterpoint to his thrusts. He knew just what to do to bring her to the brink quickly.

  “Blake,” she called out minutes later in desperation as she rode the edge.

  “Almost there.” His voice was rough.

  She, too, knew what he liked. Moving her hips side to side she was rewarded with a groan.

  “Now, Ry, fly with me.”

  He rolled her clit between his thumb and forefinger then pressed down hard on it. She flew as his whole body stiffened and drove deep into her. Her walls clamped in around him as she shook with her release.

  As he sprawled on her back, limp and heavy, she relished the feeling. She loved that she could give this to him.

  His breath stirred her hair near her ear. “Christ, I love you.” His words were spoken under his breath, not even a whisper, but Ryleigh was sure what she’d heard.

  No. No. No. He couldn’t love her. This could never work.

  She shoved off the chair, standing upright, forcing him off her and out of her body. As though their lovemaking hadn’t meant anything more to her than a good orgasm, which was a lie, she gathered the bottom of her dress and headed to her bedroom to repair whatever damage had been done. Too bad reapplied makeup could never help the carnage to her heart.

  As she stared into the bathroom mirror, the only difference she saw was the sadness in her eyes. Although unneeded, she applied a little more powder and lipstick. She pasted on a smile, that didn’t convince her, but would hopefully work on everyone else.

  Although she’d hoped Blake would take longer, he was waiting for her the minute she stepped out. She briskly said, “Let’s hurry. I hate being late.” She scurried out the door and over to the Wainwright’s cabana without a word.

  An hour later, Ryleigh sipped her rum and Coke with a twist of lime, minus the rum, as she and Blake stood chatting with the Wainwrights and the Brighams. The other couple was only a few years older, happy to get away from their three children back in Los Angeles. John, an investment banker, obviously saw Duke as a potential client. Given the strained smile on Ella’s face, she was as unimpressed with Mandy’s blather about the latest designer handbags as Ryleigh.

  Blake caught her attention and shifted his eyes toward the beach. Hoping she understood his intent, Ryleigh touched Ella’s arm. “You said you wanted to get some pictures of the sunset. Aren’t those violets gorgeous?”

  To her surprise, Duke jumped on the opportunity and slid his arm around his wife. “We’ve missed the radiant colors for the past several days. Here’s our chance.” To the couple who had been boring everyone for the past ten minutes, Duke pointedly said, “You’ll excuse us won’t you? We’ve wanted to share a sunset together since we landed.” He looked pointedly at Blake. “You’ll take the pictures, won’t you?”

  “Of course,” Blake said. Staying in his role he added, “You’ll snap a few of Ryleigh and me, too, right?”

  John announced, “Mandy and I will be checking out the ice sculptures when you’re finished.”

  Yeah. Wrong. Ryleigh was sure the Wainwrights would not be joining them. Keeping up the ruse, the four of them moved to the ocean side of the huge, open air pavilion.

  The view of the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean was breathtaking. Half of the sun was already cut off by the deep blue horizon and cast shades of gold that banded and blended. Pinks faded into deep purple on the underside of scattered clouds.

  “Turn around so I can get your picture,” Ryleigh requested of the Wainwrights and she pulled out her phone. She grabbed a few shots, but when Ella rested her head on Duke’s shoulder and looked up at him, he looked at her with so much love, she knew she had captured something very special.

  “Your turn.” Ella smiled as she reached for Ryleigh’s phone.

  “Oh, no. We couldn’t.” Ryleigh shook her head.

  “Oh, yes you can,” Duke insisted. “This doesn’t have to be all work,” he added in a low voice.

  Blake grabbed the phone from Ryleigh and handed it to Ella. Placing his hand in the small of her back, he guided her to the edge of the concrete floor, their backs to the colorful sunset.

  Ryleigh smiled at the camera, but looked at Blake when he said something she didn’t hear. “What?”

  “You’re the most beautiful woman here, and I’m having a hellacious time keeping my hands off you,” he said just above a whisper.

  Her cheeks heated and in that moment, she wanted to reach up and kiss him. Keeping her mind on the job had been tough because every time Blake came into her line of vision, she just wanted to rip that tuxedo off him and make love all night.

  “Oh, that was a good one,” Ella gushed. “Come see.”

  The four of them crowded around the small phone screen as they checked out each of the photographs, as though they were truly old friends.

  “I’ll email these to you,” Ryleigh offered. “What’s your address?” She smiled at Ella, ready to type.

  “There’s no cell reception on the island,” Duke said, as though reminding them.

  At Ella’s worried look, Blake jumped on the situation, “Actually, we have cell reception here at the pavilion.”

  Kenderly walked over at that moment, “I’m so sorry, but our Internet is down so I’m afraid your digital phone functions won’t work. It’s sketchy at best even when it is working.”

  Ryleigh gave Ella an encouraging smile. “I’ll send you the pictures when we get home.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Ella replied.

  Kenderly turned her attentions to Ella. “I hate to invade your vacation, but would you be available tomorrow to help me evaluate all the Persian and Turkish rugs in the resort? I tried to identify the ones that were cotton so they can be replaced with silk, as you suggested, but I’m not sure I picked the correct ones.

  “I would love to.” Ella’s enthusiasm was evident in every movement. “I really miss my work. I’ve worked since I was fourteen years old in my parents’ carpet factory, and then after graduating from college, in the corporate office. These days I have nothing to do, and I’m bored to tears with the New York City social life. So many of those women have known each other since childhood, and I’m an outsider.” She slid her hand through Duke’s arm then added, “The one who stole the most eligible bachelor in all of New York City.”

  By the shocked look on Duke’s face, he had no idea of Ella’s dissatisfaction. There was obviously more to his wife’s social dislike than she was saying, even Ryleigh could see that.

  After Kenderly and Ella agreed upon a time to meet, and Ryleigh confirmed she was available then also, Kenderly wandered off to greet the next set of guests.

  Duke pulled Ella a few feet aside but still within hearing distance of Blake and Ryleigh. “I had no idea you were that unhappy.”

  “Of course you didn’t.” The sharp edge of Ella’s voice couldn’t be missed even from that distance. “You’ve been too busy with work to consider asking. If you want to know the truth, I think most of the wives that I’ve met are petty, shallow, b
ackstabbing bitches.” Her stance changed slightly. “But I tolerate them for you.” She stepped into him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Because I really do love you.”

  Duke pulled her into his arms. “What did I ever do in my life to deserve you? I love you more and more every day.” He crushed his lips to hers.

  Ryleigh faced Blake. She wanted to ask him the same question, what had she done to deserve his love? She opened her mouth and shut it.

  Raised voices from the other side of the crowded room drew her attention. Time to go back to work. She turned and scanned the room for danger, the way she should have been doing all along. She couldn’t help but overhear Duke and Ella’s conversation, not that they were loud at all, she had just become attuned to their every movement.

  “I think we should open an entire new business line, importing rugs.” Enthusiasm and determination ran through Duke’s words. “We can travel together, like my parents did. You can run that whole division.”

  Ella’s muted squeal of elation couldn’t be missed. “I always wanted to see Ephesus. Can we go there?”

  “Absolutely. I’ll get our travel department on it right away.” He chuckled. “Well, as soon as I can get to a telephone that works.”

  Ryleigh winced. The satellite phone in her hand worked just fine. But he didn’t need to know that information. She wasn’t sure that either Ella or Duke was supposed to know that the island was well connected to the outside world.

  Out of her peripheral vision, she saw Duke draw his wife into his arms and kiss her. She pulled up her phone and snapped the picture as the last curve of the sun disappeared. She smiled when she checked the shot. They would love it.

  After a delicious seven-course meal and an entertaining show of Central American culture, Duke announced he wanted to go for a walk on the beach. Ryleigh’s first reaction was, how romantic. Her second reaction was, oh hell. A glance at Blake proved he’d thought the same thing.


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