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Lickety Split

Page 6

by Amarinda Jones

  “I need to see you. Where are the lights?”


  “Because I don’t want to put this condom on your big toe.”

  “My toe isn’t that big.” Tor told her where the lights were. “Hello.” He lay back and watched her. “What do you have in mind, precious?”

  “Sliding down on top of your cock and holding you inside me until we’re both breathless.” She pulled her shorts down.

  Tor grinned at her. “That’s sounds like a good plan to me.”

  Waverley hesitated for a moment before kicking the material from her legs.

  “Maybe we should call the police.” Have sex or do the responsible thing?

  “Why?” Tor asked, his voice lazy with need as he unzipped his jeans and freed his penis. “Making love is not an offense is it?”

  Waverley was about to kneel down beside him but common sense overrode lust for a moment. “We should be chasing thieves.” They stole from you.”

  Tor ran his hand through his hair. “Damn, I can’t think straight when I’m with you—and don’t look so pleased.” He rezipped his jeans and pulled out the cell phone in his trouser pocket. “I’ll report this first but then we’re having sex.”

  “Well, of course, I’m not totally stupid.” Waverley was so wet with need it was killing her to be the responsible one.

  Tor reported in. He snapped off his phone and pulled Waverley to her knees beside him. “They’ll be here in twenty minutes. They’re on the other side of town doing their rounds.”

  Waverley snorted. “They sound like a fairly slack-assed bunch to me. I bet they were asleep in their car.” Her gaze lowered once more as Tor’s hand freed his cock from his trousers.

  In turn, he picked up her hand and urged her toward him.

  “Thieves? What thieves? As far as security guards go, yeah I’ll be looking at changing the company. But for now I can only see a beautiful woman.” He helped her straddle his body. “This is not the most romantic place.”

  “You are here and that’s all the matters.” Waverley ripped the condom open with her teeth.

  “I like a forceful woman.”

  Waverley reached for his cock and began to roll the condom down.

  “I can’t believe how much I want you. I’m turning into a complete slut.”

  Tor shook his head, his eyes locked on her. “No, never, precious,” he told her. “We love each other and making love is never wrong or too much.” He groaned as she rubbed his penis along the wet slit between her thighs. “You make me feel so good.”

  “You are.” Waverley plunged down on over his shaft, smiling as Tor gulped loudly at the suddenness of it.

  His hands caressed her hips, holding her down as she rocked back and forward on top of him.

  “One day you’re going to have to admit how you feel about me and us.”

  Waverley looked down at Tor. She loved him, fool that she might be for rushing in. She just wasn’t ready to say the words.

  “Don’t you know?”

  “I long to hear the words.”

  “Tomorrow at two o’clock in the afternoon,” she responded flippantly. Waverley chortled with laughter as Tor slapped her butt. “Ooh, do that again.” It sent a thrilling vibration through her body and down onto the cock that was ensconced in her body.

  “I’m going to hold you to that promise.”

  Waverley arched her eyebrow at him in amusement. “What are you going to do if I don’t?”

  Tor pulled her down into his arms and rolled her over so she was underneath him. He pulled his penis out and lifted Waverley’s legs until her ankles were resting against his neck.

  She yelped with excitement as he pushed back into her slowly, as if taking every inch of her body in possession.

  “Wow, if this is punishment I like it.” She reached out and held on to his hips as he ground in and out of her body. It was just the slow, hard fuck she needed. The intensity of it made Waverley close her eyes.

  “Look at me, precious.” Tor did not stop thrusting for a moment. “I am the man who loves you.”

  “Yes,” she gasped breathlessly as she felt that familiar feeling of excitement rush through her.

  “This is forever.”

  “Really? Our lying on the floor like this may be hard to explain to your staff tomorrow.” She shrieked as he pulled out and plunged back in. “Oh my…”

  “Waverley,” Tor murmured as he increased his pace.

  “Yes, Tor?”

  “Please give us a chance.”

  The “yes” that ripped out from her throat was as definite and decisive as the orgasm that rushed through her body.

  Tor groaned. “Was that you or the orgasm speaking?”

  “Both.” She lay back and gave in to the wonder as a feeling of great peace took over her body. When Tor growled moments later and came with her, she pulled him down into her arms. “I promise you.”

  Tor pushed the hair back from her face and kissed her.

  “That’s all I can ask, precious.”

  Chapter Six

  “You’re kidding me?” Martha looked at her friend in amazement. They worked in the same office building and met for morning tea.

  “Nope, the cops showed up and took statements.” It had been all very anticlimatic after the climaxes she had shared with Tor. Waverley still tingled with the feel of him.

  “Not the cops. I mean the sex. Twice in the restaurant and once at your home? You are so lucky. I can’t even remember what sex is.”

  Waverley rolled her eyes and grinned in good-natured amusement. She knew at that moment nothing could upset her. She felt too good. “You have a one-track mind, Martha.”

  “Come on, Waves, when you’re not getting any you generally do.” She eyed her friend with wonder. “So have you told him you love him?” Martha held up her hand before Waverley could speak. “No, don’t try to deny it. I can see it in your eyes.”

  “Two o’clock today.” Waverley explained some of what she discussed with Tor.

  “You’re crazy.”

  “I know.” So this was love. I like it. “I know it’s happened so fast but—”

  “So what?” Martha interrupted. “It either is or it’s not. Great love can grow from a momentary glance and to look away in fear is a waste.”

  Waverley laughed. “What’s that? The wisdom of chop suey?”

  “Just don’t mess it up. Not every man is a Jonathan.” Martha looked at her meaningfully. “Though actually he wasn’t a man at all, more like a wind-up Ken doll. I bet he also had the plastic bump between his legs and no penis.” She grinned at the thought. “I reckon he was jealous of your thighs because you had them and he didn’t. What a weedy little sod. He’s not like your god of thunder.”

  Waverley had to agree with that. “No one is like Tor.”

  “So don’t let him get away. Just because it’s good and fast doesn’t mean it won’t last.”

  “I love him. I want it to last.”

  “Atta girl.”

  * * * * *

  At lunchtime Waverley walked the six blocks from her office to Lickety Split. She had made herself do it.

  “Time to stop being a scaredy-cat and see what happens.” Realistically she knew the man was going to leave. The thing was, did she take what he could offer while it was on offer and have pleasant memories to look back on? Or did she convince Tor, by some miracle, to take a chance and stick around Brisbane? “A girl can dream,” Waverley muttered as she took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the parlor. The first person she saw was the man himself.

  “Hi.” Tor’s smile was one of pure delight. He instantly came around from behind the counter to her.

  It made Waverley feel good inside that she had the power to make Tor happy. She leaned in and kissed him.

  “What’s going on?” Tor looked at her in bemusement.

  I can’t be that bad at being spontaneous, surely?

  “Can’t I just come round and say hi?”

/>   “You?”

  “Yes, me.” God, why did this seem so hard? In her head she had worked it out that he would say ‘I love you’, she would answer back with the same response and then they would ride off into the proverbial sunset.

  “Uh-huh,” Tor responded as he assessed her with interest. “Why are you here?”

  “What?” Waverley placed her hands on her hips, a little pissed off that any wild plan that the man would fall at her feet and declare he would never leave her side was not working.

  “I’m just kind of surprised.”

  “Jeez, I making an effort to be—you know.” Surely Tor had to know how hard this was for her. Maybe I am just a fling? Crap. How did I get this so wrong? Just because he said he loved her didn’t mean anything. Waverley was well aware people fabricated their own version of the truth to get what they wanted.

  “What are you making an effort on?” Tor’s words were teasing as he grinned at her.

  She threw her hands up in the air. “Oh forget it.” Waverley wasn’t about to beg the man. The sex was good but her dignity was more important to her.

  “I kind of like it when you are pissed off. You get all cute and cranky.” Tor looked at his watch. “Nearly two o’clock. Ten minutes to go before you tell me you love me.”

  Waverley snorted in derision. “I’m not going to say it now if this is the response I get.” Bloody hell, let me out of here. For the first time in her life she wished she was back at work. This had been a big mistake.

  “Say what, precious?” Tor held his ground as if waiting for her next move.

  She turned on her heel and stomped to the door.

  “I’m going back to work.” Without ice cream and I really need it too.

  “I love you, Waverley,” Tor called as she shoved at the door.

  “I love you back, you pain in the ass.” She slammed the door and stalked off.

  Tor hadn’t felt this alive in years. He had known Waverley for but a heartbeat of his existence yet to let her walk away now would kill him. She was life itself to him. Passionate, wild, temperamental and sweet. She was everything he enjoyed in a woman. That she admitted, albeit under pressure, that she loved him made Tor want to wrap her in his arms and kiss the stuffing out of her. Any thought he had about going back home to Sydney had vanished. He could not care less about his life there. At that moment Waverley was the most important thing to him.

  “Got to love these lickety-split moments.” And that’s what this was. Lightning fast but incredibly right. “You’re not going anywhere, lady.” He called to his staff he was leaving for the day and shot after her. He wrenched open the door and looked left then right. Tor chuckled when he saw Waverley marching in full fury as fast as her Cuban heels would take her. Tor ran and caught up to her, walking alongside as if everything was right in his world.

  “Going somewhere, precious?” He caught her hand in his and refused to release it no matter how hard she pulled.

  “Piss off.”

  “Why?” He linked his arm in hers.

  Waverley dropped her arm to her side and stopped. “Because you’re annoying.”

  “But you love me.” That was a fact. The lady had said it and Tor was going to hold her to it no matter how scary it seemed to her.

  “I have to get back to work.” She started walking again.

  “And you love me.”

  Waverley stopped once more. “Not everything is about you.”

  Tor nodded his head. The woman was right. “No, it’s all about us.”

  She looked at him in bewilderment. “You are so confusing.”

  “No, you’re just scared.” Tor said it as a challenge to make Waverley rise to meet it.

  “Of what?”

  The woman had her hands on her hips. Tor knew this was Waverley’s fighting stance. “Of letting someone in.”

  “You’ve been in,” she pointed out.

  Yes he had, and he planned to go back there again for their own mutual enjoyment. “You know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t but marry me, Waverley.”

  The woman in question staggered. “Huh?” the word came out as a high-pitched squeak.

  “As much as I would like to drop down on bended knee now, I know you would have a heart attack.”

  “I would not. Okay maybe I would but only because what you’re proposing is insane.”

  “Let’s go somewhere and talk this through.” The more time Tor had with Waverley the happier he was. Yes, his business was important but this woman would always override everything else in his life.

  “What about work?”

  “I’m the boss and you can’t tell me you like your job.” Tor already sensed Waverley was not the career-minded type.

  “Well, no.”

  “So call in and say you came down with food poisoning over lunch and then come with me.” Tor caught her hand up in his. “Trust me and I’ll show fantastic things.”

  * * * * *

  “How is any of this fantastic?” Waverley looked around at the stainless steel vats as she tugged at the cap on her head. “It’s a factory and I’m wearing a shower cap.” She gazed at Tor. He actually looked good in the dumb blue elasticized cap but then he was the sort who could carry anything off.

  Tor moved in closer to her, wrapping an arm around her waist.

  “This is where they make ice cream, precious. You like ice cream.”

  Waverley gave him an eye roll.

  “Yeah, in a bowl or in a tub, not like this.” This was raw produce being fashioned into product. She was a city girl. She had no wish to know the truth of where stuff came from other than a supermarket shelf or a fridge.

  “You’re a hard woman to please.” Tor tweaked her nose.

  “Glad you know it.”

  “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

  Waverley’s gaze returned to where the men in spotless white overalls were checking gauges and peering into vats of what appeared to be milk. They were about an hour from Brisbane in the farmland of the lush Lockyer Valley. It was not somewhere Waverley had ever thought to visit. She was a city girl. Cows made her edgy.

  “Just watch and learn. This is how they make ice cream the old-fashioned way.” Tor started talking about how he set his business up and why.

  Until that moment, Waverley realized she had been so caught up in the thrill of being with the sexy Tor that she knew little about the whole man. That he was sweet, kind and loving she knew. But there was another part to him that she wanted to know—the businessman. She listened quietly as he talked about how his grandfather had a farm in central west New South Wales where he taught the young Tor all about the time and effort it took to make quality ice cream.

  “I helped granddad in the sheds where I learned to milk cows right up to the proper way to freeze ice cream. What I know today I learned from him.”

  Waverley was impressed. This was not some hard-nosed businessman who had jumped on some fad and decided to capitalize on it. Tor really cared about the product he made.

  “So you decided to do it yourself?”

  Tor nodded. “Yeah, when I knew I could do it almost as well as my grandfather, I borrowed money from anywhere and everyone. I sank it into this little dairy farm with a ramshackle factory and started making ice cream using granddad’s recipes.”

  Waverley could see it in her mind’s eye. A young Tor working hard, trying to fulfill a dream. She admired that. She had never had any dreams to follow. Waverley tended to blunder into things. But now she got why she was staring at steel vats and wearing the hat from hell. Because all this was important to Tor.

  “Is your granddad still alive?” Him, she wanted to meet. Anyone who inspired passion was someone to be admired.

  Tor gave a sad smiled and hugged her close.

  “No, he died last year.” He stood quietly for a moment. “However, he lived to see my business up and running.”

  Waverley looked at Tor in admiration. She loved him before for other reaso
ns, now she loved him for being a dreamer and a battler and taking a chance. Not many people did that. She didn’t.

  “What?” Tor looked at her in bemusement.

  “You are quite amazing.” Waverley touched his cheek and wondered how she had been so lucky to wander into the freezer at that moment and meet Tor. Maybe there was something to his theory about Lickety Split forcing people who are meant to be together. “You’re sexy, smart and hardworking and you believe totally in what you are doing.”

  “I also believe in you.”

  Waverley shook her head in wonder. “Don’t you question what we are doing together? We are not alike in any way.”

  “Maybe we aren’t but there is no law to say we have to be.”

  “No, but—”

  “Why you?” Tor held her hand to his heart. “Because you make me happier than I have ever been. Just seeing your beautiful face makes me believe in love.” He tilted his head in question. “What?”

  “I just don’t believe how I could be so lucky.” Tor’s heart beat strongly under her palm. “You and me and the way you make me feel—it’s just wild.”

  “Believe it, and wild can be good.” Tor winked at her. He turned as the owner of the farm came up and talked to them.

  To be honest, most of what they said went straight over Waverley’s head but that was okay. She was more interesting in the passionate, caring way they talked as if what they were speaking about meant something to them. And that’s why I love him.

  * * * * *

  “Why are we stopping?” Tor had pulled the car off the side of the road and into a laneway.

  “I need to kiss you.” He wrenched up the handbrake and pulled her into his arms.


  “Very much so,” he murmured as his hands slipped to the bottom of her shirt and started to pull it up.

  “Is this kissing?” The heat of his skin on hers was delicious.

  “I never said just on the lips.” Tor pulled her shirt off over her head.

  “We’re in a car.” Anyone could see them and she didn’t want cows staring at her as she did stuff.

  “Not only are you beautiful but you are smart.” He licked the deep cleft of her cleavage.


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