Djinn Lover (Magical Lovers Book 1)

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Djinn Lover (Magical Lovers Book 1) Page 11

by Michelle Howard

  Macy muttered under her breath giving Carolyn a chance to appreciate the navy wrap dress she wore. The hem stopped at her knees to flash killer legs and designer shoes. It was only ten in the morning but Macy looked glammed up for a television appearance.

  “If you’re married to him, why wasn’t he at the hospital checking on you?” Macy’s voice filled with righteous indignation.

  Now that was the question of the day. “I don’t know.” Carolyn truly didn’t know. Every time she considered possible answers her stomach knotted.

  The details of the museum accident were etched on her brain. From the moment the helicopter collided into the windows to the moment she landed outside with far fewer bumps and bruises than she should have had, Carolyn remembered it all and wished she didn’t.

  In each nightmare, she revisited her last moments with Kale. Seeing the love and regret blazing from his gold eyes. No one could fake that depth of emotion. Or could they?

  Carolyn stirred the dregs of her tea and shoved a hand through her ratty hair. After disclosing her marriage to Macy the night before, she’d succumbed to the need to take a pain pill and slept the night away.

  After the accident, Carolyn craved the oblivion of sleep. She’d mourned hard the loss of the future she and Kale could have had together. Except, now her grief was on hold and the proof that he lived brought with it a new level of misery. Why hadn’t he called? Did he think she died in the accident?

  Macy stopped her erratic pacing a chewed the tip of a well manicured nail. “Alright, what do you think?”

  Her eyes burned, but Carolyn refused to cry. “I think I need to see Kale.”

  Only speaking with him would answer the questions she had. More than anything, she just wanted to hold him and give thanks that he was alive.

  Macy came and sat next to Carolyn, her arm going around her waist and pulling her close. “I’m with you, sweetie. Whatever you need.”

  The sympathy proved her down fall and the tears fell. Carolyn rested her head on Macy’s shoulder and let it out. She talked about the dinners, their stay at his remote cabin in Virginia, the quickie marriage in Vegas and most of all the belief that Kale loved her.

  “Men will say anything in the heat of the moment,” Macy soothed.

  Carolyn sniffed and sat up, her hands swiping uselessly at the tears. “It all came crashing down. I should have known it was too good to be true. I begged him to take me to the museum. He didn’t want to go. I even convinced him to power down his magic so he could recharge. It’s all my fault, Macy.”

  Macy reached for her hand and clasped it tight between her own. “Nothing’s your fault. No one has all of the details of the crash yet. It was an accident, Carolyn. An accident with no one to blame except maybe the pilot if he lost control of the helicopter. An even then it could have been mechanical failure.”

  Carolyn tried to take comfort in the explanation. Knowing Kale survived made it easier to swallow. “I need to see him and find out what happened after everything.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Macy smiled and wiped her own reddened eyes. “I was worried about you.”

  Carolyn squeezed her fingers and pulled her hand away as she rose to her feet. “I’m going to shower and get dressed. I don’t have Kale’s cell, but I tried the listing for his corporate office and the receptionist keeps sending me to voicemail.”

  What she had to say wasn’t fit for an automated message.


  Kale disconnected the call from a woman he’d slept with in the past. It was the third such time he’d denied a former love and he had no explanation for why the very thought was repugnant.

  Staring out the window he couldn’t quite hide the disturbing feeling that something was missing. Something integral to his happiness. If only he could put his finger on what it was.

  Chapter 21

  Carolyn drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly as she waited for the elevator that would take her to the tenth floor of Kale’s building. The all silver and black lobby alone unnerved her with its architectural beauty and clean lines. Glass and exposed walls throughout. At the center of the large space a twisted statue at least ten feet high in black had been mounted.

  Kale’s space. His place of work. The sob worked its way from her gut and lodged in her chest. All of the grief and pain from thinking she’d lost him rose like a tidal wave sure to take her under.

  “Can I help you?”

  Carolyn jerked then turned to face the receptionist seated behind a white and chrome desk forming a semi-circle amidst the formidable area. A professional smile plastered across the woman’s overly tanned face framed by dark hair in a slick wave about her shoulders.

  Bolstering her nerve, Carolyn crossed to the desk. In jeans and a cardigan she probably appeared way underdressed for her surroundings. Two suit clad figures passed by her on their way to the elevator. She revised her opinion from probably underdressed to definitely.

  Carolyn licked her lips and paused in front of the desk. “I’d like to see Kale Serano.”

  She’d discussed with Macy her plan to speak with Kale but honestly Carolyn had no idea what she’d say. Relief would be upper most. Tears were guaranteed to make an appearance.

  The professional smile stayed in place on...Carolyn peered at the name plate. Ms Neilson. Ms. Neilson didn’t so much as waver in her facial expression. “Do you have an appointment?”

  Through all of her initial excitement, Carolyn never considered she might not be allowed to even get passed the gatekeeper to see him. “I-I don’t have an appointment.”

  She could see the rejection coming. The words poised on her lips. Carolyn placed her hands on the edges of the intimidating desk and leaned forward. “Please. I need to see him. I know you probably get hundreds of people wanting to see him daily, but I won’t take a lot of time if he’s busy and I promise...”

  Carolyn swallowed the lump in her throat and continued. She didn’t care if the receptionist took note of her pleading tone. “I promise he won’t be angry if you let me through.”

  The blue eyes narrowed. Ms. Neilson fiddled with her screen. A heavy sigh followed and Carolyn prepared herself for the disappointment of being turned away.

  “Alright. He has thirty minutes free, but it could easily be shortened to fifteen if his ten am shows early as is Mr. Henderson’s tendency.”

  Carolyn’s lips trembled as she smiled. “Thank you.”

  The receptionist handed over a visitor badge with a magnetic strip on the back. “Take the elevator on the far left and you want the tenth floor. Mr. Serano’s admin will have you on his list so you won’t have to go through this again.” She added a warm smile on the end. The only response Carolyn could manage was a half watery chuckle.

  In seconds, the elevator arrived and the doors slid open silently. Another calming breath did no good as she stepped inside. Carolyn wished she’d managed to get through to Kale on the phone. If she could talk to him, make sure he really was okay it would relieve the tension and fear that followed her every breathing moment.

  The lights across the top panel winked on and off as the car ascended smoothly at lightning speed. She brushed her hands over the leg of her faded jeans. The clothes were the first thing she pulled from her closet after her shower.

  Macy argued for something fancier, but Carolyn didn’t have the time. Urgency pressed on her until she’d nearly run from the apartment in her haste to see Kale. Carolyn hummed under her breath in hopes of calming her racing heart. The doors opened up into another lobby area. The opulence of the lower level was toned down but no less impressive.

  At the desk directly across from the elevator, another woman looked up. No welcoming smile here. Carolyn kept her shoulders firm and hiked the strap of her bag over her shoulder as she walked forward.

  “I have an appointment to see Kale Serano.”

  Now that she was here, her heart was beating in triple time. Carolyn wiped her hands on her thighs again to dry her damp palms. She
needed to see him. Reassure herself that he was fine. Fear and uncertainty danced along her nerves.

  “Of course. I see you were a last minute addition, but his conference ran over so he’s not available.”

  Carolyn heaved an annoyed breath. She didn’t come this far to be shot down.


  Jadon interrupted Kale in the middle of his video conference. Kale stopped mid-speech because his friend and assistant would only come in unannounced if it was urgent.

  “I’m sorry, gentlemen, I’ll need to reschedule the rest of this call.” He hit the switch on the phone and disconnected the video feed from his overseas managers.

  Jadon’s eyes glowered and he slammed the door behind him. A low rumbling growl warned of the wolf’s mood. This was serious.

  “Tell me,” Kale demanded.

  “I just received a call from the front office and Carolyn Sutherland is threatening to cause a scene if she isn’t allowed to speak with you.”

  “What?!” Kale rose to his feet. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  Jadon ran a hand through his hair disheveling the light colored waves. “Exactly what I said. Carolyn Sutherland is here.”

  Her name caused the same ripping feeling in his gut earlier when his mind conjured an image of the woman he’d spent two nights with.

  “Have security remove her.”

  It was simple enough and Jadon wasn’t one to hesitate. But his friend continued to study him with that odd expression.

  “I think you should speak to her.”

  Kale sat back in his seat and steepled his fingers. The leather cuff slid down on his wrist, drawing his attention. He pulled at his shirt sleeve and covered the leather, then focused on Jadon. He still hadn’t managed to remove it. “Ms. Sutherland isn’t any different from previous women who try to come and see me.”

  Except other women didn’t cause this sinking sensation in his stomach. Other women didn’t have his pulse leaping. Even as he waited for Jadon to speak, Kale had to resist the urge to run out his door and find her.

  “Your previous women knew the score and didn’t try to come see you at work unless invited. We both know your interest with Ms. Sutherland was outside of your normal.” And Jadon was flustered. Nothing flustered his friend.

  Kale sighed and got to his feet. Jadon was right. From what he recalled, Carolyn Sutherland wasn’t a schemer. Perhaps she wasn’t here for money or what he could do for her. Although the alternative caused a dark wave of foreboding to slide over his mind.

  “I’ll see what she wants.”

  Jadon gripped his arm when he passed by him to the door. Blue eyes clashed with gold. “She may have information about those missing days, Kale. Be careful.”

  Careful. He lived by careful.


  Ignoring the admin’s bitchy tone was easier than expected because the closed door behind her opened and out walked the man himself. Carolyn recognized Jadon at his side speaking intently. A tremulous smile pulled at her lips.

  In a daze, Carolyn stepped forward. Her heart nearly burst from her chest. First she walked, then she half ran across the distance separating them.

  “Kale!” Her arms wrapped around his waist and the familiar warmth of his chest hit her. Tears flowed freely as Carolyn squeezed tightly. “Thank God. Thank God, you’re safe.”

  The words tripped off her tongue and more followed but she had no idea what she said. Caught in the relief and pleasure at the sight of her husband, it took a moment for Carolyn to take notice of the eerie silence. And the fact that he wasn’t hugging her back.

  She leaned away, her arms still loose about his waist. She wasn’t sure she’d ever let him go again. But something was off and it was more than the odd stare she got from Kale.

  There was an awkwardness to the reunion Carolyn hadn’t expected to feel.

  “Ms. Sutherland, it’s good to see you again.”

  Jadon extended his hand to shake after the greeting. Carolyn had two options. One she could refuse and look beyond rude or two, she could let Kale go for the sake of polite courtesy and shake his hand. At the forefront of her mind, she wanted to say etiquette be damned but the determined light in his blue eyes said louder than words that he’d stay there with his arm extended until she took his hand.

  Carolyn eased her arms from Kale’s waist, noticing as she did so his entire body had been frozen during the embrace. She paused to glance up and his expression knocked the remaining breath from her.


  “Ms. Sutherland.” He inclined his dark head and took a deliberate step back.

  From her.

  Kale stepped away from her.

  Her eyes widened. Jadon grasped her wrist and tugged. Carolyn resisted. She stared at her husband and the blank expression on his face. His empty gold eyes. Empty. She staggered, her hand going to her chest.

  No pressure could ease the growing ache.

  “Ms. Sutherland has a 9:30,” the admin called out into the strained silence.

  Thoughts whirled. Her lungs seized.

  “Of course. Why don’t you come in and have a seat.” Jadon again.

  Why didn’t Kale speak? Say something, anything.

  Jadon still held her hand and this time her feet meekly moved behind him as the three of them entered Kale’s office and closed the door behind them firmly. Jadon dropped her hand once she was inside. Kale moved away until his hips rested along the edge of a black desk taking up a lot of space in an office that could have been an apartment with its size.

  “Kale?” She whispered, not taking her gaze from him.

  He met her stare with one of disdain.

  Not possible.

  This was not the man who pledged his love to her with his last breath. I love you. I will always love you.

  “Ms. Sutherland, I take it you have a reason for this visit. Did things not end well?”

  “What?” Carolyn stumbled her way to a seat though neither had offered.

  “Between us,” Kale continued, gold eyes steady. “Did I not send you a sufficient gift?”

  “I..I” Carolyn glanced from Kale to Jadon. The latter eyed her suspiciously.

  Kale crossed his legs at the ankle, bracing his weight and folded his arms over his massive chest beneath the white button down shirt. His lips turned down in the corner. “Was it not enough?”

  “Not enough?” She parroted and then blinked. Carolyn focused on his living breathing form but her mind kept replaying his last few sentences. She had no idea what he was talking about.

  “If not, I can have Jadon take care of that.”

  Jadon already on his feet, reached for his tablet and began hitting buttons.

  Was he talking about money? She didn’t want any money.

  “Kale, I don’t know what’s going on here but I don’t want any money.”

  Jadon’s fingers paused in their rampant swiping. Both men gave her their full attention.

  Carolyn sat on the edge of the seat and tried to figure out what was wrong. “Why would I even want money?” She puzzled aloud.

  At this Kale snorted. “Everyone wants money, Ms. Sutherland.”

  “And stop that!” She rose to her feet, hands clenched at her side.

  A dark brow arched over his sinful gold eyes. Full lips she’d kissed curved in a smirk. Carolyn decided then and there she hated his smirk and hoped to never see it again. She took two steps in his direction, her only desire to touch him again.

  Jadon eased to her side with a fluidity to his movements and blocked the path. “Perhaps you should come back later.” He patted her on the shoulder and added. “When you’re calm, Ms. Sutherland.”

  She’d show him calm all right. Carolyn shrugged his touch away. Hurt splintered in her chest. “I’m not Ms. Sutherland.”

  She waited for some sort of reaction from Kale but he only looked bored.


  Tears burned but she sniffed and pushed them back. Was this what it was like to be
dismissed by the rich and famous?

  “Was it all a lie?” she murmured, begging with her eyes for something. Anything of the man and the love they’d shared.

  Kale straightened and turned his back on her. Turned his back. Something in her chest broke.

  “I’m afraid I don’t have time for theatrics today despite the lovely package it comes in.”

  “Do you have time for your wife?” She snarled and tried to walk around Jadon, who merely mirrored her move and stayed between her and Kale. Carolyn spared him a glance.

  Kale spun around. “Wife?”

  She had his attention now. Carolyn laughed without humor and lifted her left hand with the glittering band of diamonds on her ring finger. “Wife. Carolyn Serano.” Giving Jadon an even stare, she emphasized, “That would be Mrs. Serano to you.”

  Carolyn wasn’t sure what she expected from her revelation. Both men acted as if she was out of her mind, but it was Kale Carolyn focused on. Kale she stared at. Why he felt the need to pretend to not know what they’d shared made no sense.

  “I’ll call security.” Jadon already had his cell out and his look had transitioned from one of indulgence to one of deadly intent.

  Carolyn shivered at the icy stare Kale sent her way, but held her ground. To think she’d believed him. Gave him her love freely. Slowly inside, the walls around her heart crumbled. “That’s it, Kale? You call security and have me removed?”

  She lowered her arm. The ache in her chest spread to her stomach and lower. Soon she’d be numb all over. Carolyn craved the lack of sensation. Maybe then she wouldn’t struggle to remain upright when all she wanted to do was collapse on his fancy floor tiles and rage.

  “I’m not sure what this is all about, Ms.-”

  “Don’t!” She shrieked. “Just don’t. I can’t believe you’d deny our marriage. You promised you were mine. You promised.” Her voice broke on the last word.


  He looked at her and there was nothing there. A lone tear spilled over. Carolyn stooped and grabbed the purse she’d dropped when she jumped to her feet. Out. Escape. She had to get out of here. Macy was right. She’d been a blind fool.


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