Reckless: A Prowl Novel

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Reckless: A Prowl Novel Page 21

by AJ Merlin

  As if this was less a group of strangers and more people who all belonged to the same club, even if they’d never met. The scent of sex was more prevalent on the air tonight, and this time there was no porn playing on the wooden privacy fence.

  “Did you know there’s a throne in one of the big rooms?” I asked suddenly, surprising myself with the words.

  His head dipped in a nod. “Yeah, I did actually. Why?”

  “I don’t know. That was weird, huh?” I felt a bit embarrassed by my blatant observation, and offered an apologetic smile of my own.

  “Nah. Come on.” At his urging, I followed Roman into the house and through the well stocked kitchen.

  What are you doing? I chastised myself loudly in my own head. This isn’t rocket science.

  But it might as well have been. While I’d dated before, I’d never brought a date to somewhere like this.

  Not that I was the one who’d suggested coming here. Not that I had anything against Sadie’s house.

  What the hell was I supposed to do? And what could I do to make sure he didn’t find me boring or uninteresting?

  The walk from kitchen to Throne Room should’ve given me time to think, but instead all I could focus on was the loud music that thrummed through my bones and the way Roman’s warm fingers felt wrapped around mine.

  “Found it,” Roman announced, and suddenly his grin slid into something less innocent. “I think I know why you like it so much, actually.”

  “What?” I stepped around him, looking over Roman’s shoulder to gaze into the room that I’d seen before.

  The throne was there, directly across from the door with its high back reaching for the ceiling.

  And Hades was there, too.

  As per usual, his eyes were already on mine by the time I looked at his face. A grin curved over his full mouth, and he uncrossed his legs so that both feet rested on the floor in front of him.

  “Oh shit,” I breathed, unsure of the sentiment or how I meant it.

  “He’s looking over here,” Roman teased, mouth pressed to my ear. “Does he know about me?”

  “Of course he does,” I replied. “He’s scented you on me before.”

  “Oh yeah?” Roman’s answering whisper was a purr against my ear, and a second later he nipped at my skin. “How’d he feel about that?”

  I couldn’t help it. I turned to Roman, lips parted, but before I could speak, he pressed his lips to mine in a needy, showy kiss.

  His teeth tugged at my lip, causing heat to curl in my stomach as he pulled me closer to him with one arm at my hip. Roman growled, his eyes flicking to look over my shoulder and his smile widening when I opened my eyes to look at him.

  “What are you so happy about?” I asked, just as a hand wrapped loosely around my neck, fingers tipping my chin upward so I could gaze at Hades, who stood behind me.

  “I’m going to say that it’s me,” the panther alpha purred, his gaze just as bright as the coyote alpha’s.

  “Damn,” I breathed, my back flush against his hard chest. When had I fallen asleep and fallen into one of my newest fantasies?

  Unwilling to lose any of his own closeness, Roman stepped forward so that he could press against my front, chuckling softly.

  “She said you scented me on her,” he commented, eyes leaving my face to glance at Hades.

  “She said she didn’t know you were an enforcer,” the panther shifter replied teasingly, fingers still around my neck and tapping lightly against my pulse. “I’m surprised.”

  “I was too. Especially with how much she likes my handcuffs on her wrists,” Roman purred.

  “Is that so, princess?” Hades asked, directing his words at me once more. “You like it when your hands are bound?”

  I bit my lip, trying to hide my wide smile. “I like seeing how much of a fight I can put up until he gets them on,” I corrected.

  “Well…there are two of us now,” he pointed out innocently. “I think between us, we could handle you pretty well.”

  Briefly I wondered if I was going to combust. Had he really just said two of us? Like-the two of them with me at the same time?

  My brain whited out for a moment, unable to process the idea of every fantasy I’d ever had coming true in the span of a few seconds.

  “Do you?” My traitor mouth said. “Are you so sure about that?”

  “Do you want to find out?” Roman purred.

  Was that even a real question?

  “I would love to find out if you can back up your claim,” I challenged. Sure, they absolutely could.

  But the fun was in the struggle, wasn’t it?

  “You know, Sadie has a few rooms I doubt you’ve seen,” Hades murmured in my ear. “And one I think you’ll like.” He grabbed my arm and tugged, pulling both Roman and me out of the doorway of the large, open room.

  I should’ve known that he would be right. I did love the small room he led us to, and I found I didn’t mind when he shut the door behind us.

  The room itself was nothing special. With dark walls and a dark linoleum floor, it could’ve been any weirdo’s basement.

  But a throne sat against the far wall, and I couldn’t help the sudden, surprised giggle that bubbled up from my throat.

  “Just so you both know, I swear I don’t have a royalty kink,” I promised teasingly, drawing away from them to approach the large piece of furniture.

  It was dark wood, and not as tall or as decorated as the one in the main room. Though, this one had a wider seat, and I was sure I could lounge across it rather comfortably if I so wanted.

  And it turned out, I wanted.

  Before either of them could do anything about it, I lounged across the wide seat, throwing my leg over one arm and gazing imperiously at both men. “This is pretty comfortable,” I said, head on my palm as I rested my elbow on the arm of the throne as well. “What do you think?”

  “I think you belong on the floor, at my knees, while I sit there,” Hades purred, eyes suddenly bright. “And I’m sure Roman agrees.”

  “Then where would that put Roman?” I asked, my brows rising. “We can’t leave him out.”

  Hades turned, appraising my coyote alpha for a moment, before a wicked smile curved over his full lips. “Of course we can’t,” he agreed, prompting Roman’s expression to turn curious. “And why would we ever want to?”

  Then he did the unexpected.

  He stepped forward and tilted Roman’s head back to kiss him so very sweetly as I watched, my mouth falling open at the display.

  And god, was it ever a display.

  They kissed like they needed each other’s mouths to live, both of their teeth nipping at each other’s lips as the kiss turned filthy.

  Heat burned in my lower body as I watched, though I didn't think to do anything about that when I was sure I would never be able to take my eyes off of the two alphas.

  Roman purred, giving control over to Hades so the taller of the two could dominate the kiss and push him back against the wall, trapping him there with his lean, but toned, body.

  Holy shit.

  I wasn’t jealous. How could I be, when the two of them made such a gorgeous picture?

  Blinking, I realized with a jolt that both of their glittering gazes were on me.

  I snapped my mouth shut and sat straighter on the throne, clearing my throat as I moved. “I’m glad we can all agree that Roman can never be forgotten,” I teased. “You can both carry on if you like. It’s a great show that I would not mind watching.”

  “Oh, but it wasn’t a show.” Hades crossed the room in a few easy strides and yanked me to my feet. “It was a demonstration, princess.”

  The panther alpha kissed me hard, his mouth demanding and teasing all at once. Hands found my waist, and for a moment I was sure they were Hades’.

  Until those hands moved to my front and slid upward, under my short sweater and bra both to push them up enough so that Roman, now pressed behind me, could tease his fingers over my nipples
before pulling them off all together and tossing them to the floor, leaving me half exposed.

  I laughed breathlessly, pulling back and snapping my teeth lightly near Roman’s jaw. “This seems a bit unfair,” I pointed out.

  “Yeah, it does,” the enforcer replied with a kind smile. “Poor you, huh?”

  Yeah. Poor me indeed.

  Hades moved, sliding gracefully away from me and sinking into the throne that I’d only briefly inhabited. “Like I said.” He gestured to the floor in front of him. “I think you’d look good at my feet, princess.”

  Roman didn’t give me much of a choice. He guided me down to my knees, and I brushed my hand along Hades’ jeans as I sat, face upturned to watch his.

  “That’s my good girl,” Hades purred, Roman standing again and perching on the arm of the throne beside him.

  I swallowed, suddenly a bit shy under the eyes of both alphas watching me with dark, glittering eyes.

  At his gentle urging, and with the guidance of his hand that curled against my scalp, I undid the button of his jeans and pulled his cock free.

  He was warm and heavy in my hand, and I wrapped my fingers around Hades’ girth as I looked up once more, heart hammering in my throat.

  Still smiling, the panther alpha drew Roman in for a kiss, causing Roman to perch precariously on the throne’s edge. When I only watched, however, he paused and his fingers tightened in my hair.

  “I think you know what to do, don’t you princess?” he hummed, his voice remaining his usual, amused lilt.

  Still, that in itself made me bite my lip, and I leaned forward into his lap, tongue licking a line up the underside of his cock.

  Hades purred his approval, then pulled Roman in again to capture the coyote alpha’s mouth.

  Unable to watch them for longer than a second at a time, I focused my efforts on Hades. It certainly wasn’t a chore, and I loved the way his fingers tightened or loosened, guiding me downward onto his cock or pulling me back subtly enough.

  As it turned out, the panther was a fantastic multitasker.

  I took him deeply once more, focused on the feeling of him in my mouth while my hand stroked the base of his cock.

  A touch at my hip surprised me, and I would’ve pulled away if Hades hadn’t held me in place, whispering encouragements as he guided me back down over him gently.

  It had to be Roman. The enforcer unbuttoned my jeans, sliding them down over my hips and helping me out of them before kissing a line up my spine.

  I shivered, eyes closing as his fingers came closer and closer to the apex of my thighs.

  “You both make a pretty picture,” Hades complimented, releasing my hair.

  As if it were some kind of signal, Roman jerked me upward, hand on my jaw as he turned my face for a rough, demanding kiss.

  I gasped, though gave as good as I got while allowing Roman to pull me back so I was sitting between his thighs, my own legs hooked over his knees with my back pressed flush to his chest.

  And leaving me so, so exposed to the alpha on the throne.

  It was a lot, and the feeling of being vulnerable was only heightened by the brush of cold air against my center.

  Holy fucking shit. This was much more intense than any fantasy I could’ve dreamed up, and my muscles thrummed with tension.

  “You’re the pretty picture, sweet girl,” Roman informed me, reaching between my thighs to run a finger up my slit.

  “I-I don’t know,” I teased, face flushing. “I’m not sure I can compare to the two of you going at each other.”

  “Yes you can,” Roman purred. “Can’t you see how much he likes watching this?” The alpha gripped my jaw, directing me to look towards Hades while he spread me with two fingers, a third dipping lightly inside my slit.

  I couldn’t help my soft moan, and I nearly yelped when he buried all three fingers in me.

  Hades’ eyes darkened, the casualness of his body barely believable as he watched Roman finger me.

  Roman, for his part, took the opportunity to make a show of it. With one hand locked on my jaw, he curled the fingers of the other inside of me, drawing out my arousal and pleasure just as easily as before.

  “You just feel so good around my fingers,” he breathed in my ear. “Can’t imagine what it’s like with my cock inside you instead-“

  “You should absolutely fuck her,” Hades interrupted. “Right there. Like that, so I can watch her face.”

  “What do you think?” Roman purred, nipping at my jaw. “You want to put on a show for your alpha, Alek?”

  And how in the world was I supposed to say no to that?

  At my enthusiastic nod, Roman shifted us again, shoving me forward onto Hades lap so I was on my knees once more.

  Hadn’t I just been here?

  Not that it was a hardship. Fuck-I couldn’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be right now than between these two alphas.

  Hades Ahlleron lifted my chin, hands cupping my face as I felt Roman behind me.

  “Tell me how he feels,” the panther alpha ordered, just as Roman slid into me.

  Instead I cried out loudly, one hand coming up to grip Hades’ jeans just above his knee.

  “Come on. Tell me,” Hades urged, still cupping my jaw.

  Didn’t he see that I was in no shape to answer immediately?

  Roman’s cock was perfect. Just as Wilder’s had been perfect, and how I knew Hades’ would be as well. It filled me perfectly, and every time he dragged his hips backward and thrust back into me, I couldn’t help the whine that spilled from my lips.

  “He’s perfect,” I gasped finally, clutching onto Hades’ leg harder. “Oh fuck-he’s so fucking perfect.”

  “Go on.”

  “I can’t-he’s-“ Roman found his rhythm, and fucked me into Hades’ lap with gusto.

  He was perfect. The way he moved, the way his length pressed against me was everything and more.

  Hades chuckled, seemingly taking pity on me as he moved one hand to tangle his fingers in my hair again.

  “That’s okay. If you can’t talk, I have something else for you to do with your mouth.” Gently he guided my face back to his cock, urging me to take him between my lips again as Roman fucked me.

  I could barely focus on anything, and found that it took all my willpower not to come apart between them. Hades did not take the role of a passive partner, instead thrusting his hips upward, his hand in my hair guiding me as he fucked my mouth.

  And Roman.

  Unable to speak, I could only show my pleasure with whines and moans around Hades’ cock, though I was sure they could tell just how much I loved it by the way my face was flushed and how wet I knew I was.

  God, it was just so intense.

  “Don’t cum,” Hades ordered, his voice soft. “You don’t get to cum yet, do you hear me?”

  I shuddered, my hands gripping his jeans tighter as Roman’s thrusts picked up.

  “Don’t you dare, princess.” His voice was low. Dangerous. A rolling purr that promised things that made my stomach curl.

  Somehow I held off. Even as Roman buried himself inside me one last time and growled against my shoulder.

  Even when his teeth brushed my pale skin, nipping and marking and biting, I didn’t come.

  But fuck, I wanted to.

  I needed to cum, didn't Hades see that? My body felt hot, and every single one of my nerves demanded that we get what we so rightfully deserved.

  Hades pulled me off of his lap, and I glared at him ruefully as I licked at my lower lip.

  “Oh, princess, is that look all for me?” he teased, and pulled me into his lap, arranging my legs over his and pushing me down.

  Right onto his thick, hard cock.

  I couldn’t help it. I cried out, arms going around his shoulders as immediately the panther alpha sat a brutal pace, his hands on my hips to hold me in place.

  “Hades!” I yelled, unable to keep my voice down.

  “You were made for this, weren’t you
?” The panther shifter purred against my neck, turning to nip at the sensitive skin there. “Do you want to hear how good you feel around my cock?”

  I shuddered around him but nodded against him.

  “You’re amazing. Such a good girl for me, aren’t you? It’s not enough that you feel amazing-so fucking good, aren’t you-but you’ve done so well for us. Such a good girl.”

  His words only pushed me further, sending me spiraling upward as my body begged for its own release.

  “So what are you waiting for, princess? Why don’t you cum on my cock?”

  As if I’d been waiting for those words, my release hit me hard.

  If it’d been any better, I was sure I would’ve passed out. As it was, I couldn’t help the way I nearly screamed his name, body tensing and clenching around him.

  Dimly I registered that he’d cum as well, and he kept his iron grip on me while he did so.

  I whined against him, arms trembling at the effort of holding myself up.

  “Good girl,” he breathed again, and I shivered. Hades chuckled, his hands rubbing circles low on my hips.

  Roman was there as well, turning my face for a kiss as he sat on the arm of the throne once more. “He’s absolutely right,” the coyote informed me. “About everything.”

  Try as though I might, I couldn’t seem to bring a witty reply to my lips.

  Not when I’d rather sit there and bathe in the approval of my alphas.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  It was starting to become apparent that Noah was more than attracted to his new girlfriend.

  For the second night in a row, Noah had informed me that he and Hayley would be out together, and not to expect him back until Thursday.

  That was fine with me. He deserved to find love, and I had come home after spending most of the night at Sadie’s and passed out until I’d needed to take the bus to work.

  And there Hades had been. With coffee and a smile that turned my insides to goo.

  After work, I’d decided to swing by one of my favorite hibachi places, especially since Noah wouldn’t be around to dismiss my food choice, and had ended up eating at the restaurant instead of at the apartment.

  Alone, but that was fine. The staff was nice, and it’d given me a bit to decompress in a place where I could use everyone around me as white noise and scroll through my phone to look for trashy yet entertaining listicles and check the family group chat.


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