Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2

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Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2 Page 1

by Doris Miller


  In The Headlines

  Volume 2

  Part 2


  Doris Miller

  Published by:

  Hill Publications

  Queens, New York


  In The Headlines

  Volume 2

  Part 2


  Doris Miller

  This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and events depicted in this novel are the author's creation and any resem­blance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is uninten­tional and purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2004 by Doris Miller

  All rights reserved


  First print version January 2015

  Adapted from the script

  The Headlines And Articles Of


  Volume 2

  First written in 2003

  Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, digital or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, posting on the Internet/World Wide Web or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author or publisher except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

  Book production by

  Hill Publications

  1. Title. 2. Author

  Library of Congress Control Number 2013940365

  ISBN No. 978-0-9662055-4-1 Softcover

  Chapter 27

  Jonathan Tells Candis Shocking Information About Diane D

  It is around 12:00 midnight. Candis is sitting inside her living room sipping some tea from a tea cup as she reads a book. The telephone suddenly rings. Candis looks up from the book and looks at the telephone. She puts the book aside, gets up and goes to the telephone. She picks up the telephone receiver, puts it to her ear and says, “Hello?”

  “Hey Candis,” Jonathan says from the other end of the phone. “It‘s me.”

  “Hey Jonathan! How’s it going?! Did you get any news? Did you find out what happened to Diane D? Did you find out why she kung fu kicked that storage room door and got arrested?”

  “Yep, I sure did.”

  “You did?! Well what happened?!”

  “It’s sort of a long story Candis.”

  “A long story?”


  “I have all the time in the world Jonathan.”

  “Okay, but I’ll make this story as quick as possible.”

  “Okay. So what happened?”

  “Remember when we talked on the phone before, about Diane D being on birth control pills to keep herself from getting pregnant, then you asked me ‘what about her cousin Dana‘, that what if her cousin Dana were to get pregnant by Diane D’s husband, and I told you that Dana is on the pill too?”

  “Yeah I remember!”

  “Then you asked me, what if those birth control pills didn’t work, and Dana would have gotten pregnant by Diane D’s husband, and I told you, that Dana would have most likely got rid of the baby, then you asked me, ‘what did I mean by that‘, and I told you, that Dana would have gotten an abortion because she had an abortion before?”

  “Yeah I remember all of that!”

  “Well guess what!”


  “Diane D’s cousin Dana strikes again! She had another abortion!”

  “What! Diane D’s cousin Dana had another abortion?!”

  “Yep, she sure did!”

  “You mean she was pregnant?!”


  “Oh my God! How do you know that?!”

  “My friend Brandon who works at the hospital told me that word got around the hospital, that Diane D‘s cousin Dana had an abortion a few days ago!”

  “What! Diane D‘s cousin Dana had an abortion a few days ago?!”

  “Yeah, this past Monday!”

  “This past Monday?!”

  “That’s what I heard!”

  “Oh my God, Diane D’s cousin Dana had another abortion! She becomes a baby killer again! My goodness, how can Dana do something like that, Jonathan?!”

  “I told you before Candis, Dana doesn’t want any children!”

  “So she gets another abortion?!”

  “Yep, she went and got another abortion! So now she can add this recent abortion to her resume.”

  “Add this recent abortion to her resume?! Why don’t she just add baby killer to her resume! How many abortions has Diane D’s cousin Dana had altogether?!”

  “I think this is probably her fourth one.”

  “Her fourth abortion?!”

  “I think. Look Candis, Dana had so many abortions, I think she lost count.”

  “Lost count?! That is so wrong!”

  “What is so wrong Candis, that Dana probably lost count, or that she had another abortion?”

  “All the above Jonathan! The whole thing is wrong!”

  “How is it wrong Candis?!”

  “Because Jonathan, don’t you see?! Dana is blessed to be able to get pregnant, but what does she do instead, she gets rid of her unborn babies, that’s what is wrong! Jonathan, there are so many women out there who want children, but can’t have any! They’re not able to get pregnant or if they do get pregnant, they miscarry! I know a couple of women in my life who had several miscarriages! They can’t carry a baby to full term and lose their baby! My sister had four miscarriages, four! Dana is blessed to get pregnant four times but instead, she terminates her pregnancies! It’s women like her that get me so frustrated!”

  “Candis, even though Dana is bless to be able to get pregnant, she still has the right to choose to terminate those pregnancies! She still has the right not to have any children at all if she doesn’t want any, whether you or anybody else like it or not!”

  “Jonathan why don’t Dana just stop sleeping around, then she wouldn’t be getting pregnant in the first place! Where was Diane D during this last abortion Dana had?”

  “I think Diane D was right there in the room with Dana again while Dana was having this last abortion!”

  “What! Diane D was in the room with her cousin Dana again while her cousin Dana was getting another abortion?!”

  “Yeah! She was right there hugging and holding on to Dana while Dana was having this recent abortion!”

  “She was?!”

  “Yeah. I guess she was there so she can give Dana some moral support again.”

  “Give Dana some moral support again?! So she becomes an accessory again to her cousin Dana’s unborn baby killings! Why doesn’t Diane D ever try to stop her cousin Dana from getting abortions Jonathan?!”

  “Why would Diane D stop her cousin Dana from getting abortions Candis?! I think it might have been Diane D’s idea in the first place for her cousin Dana to get abortions!”

  “What! You think it was Diane D’s own idea for her cousin Dana to get abortions?!”


  “What makes you think that Jonathan?!”

  “I think Dana got pregnant by Diane D’s husband when she had this last abortion!”

  “What! Dana got pregnant by Diane D’s husband?!”

  “Yeah! He accidentally got Dana pregnant this last pregnancy and I heard he accidentally got Dana pregnant before, around two years ago!”

  “What! Diane D’s husband got Dana pregnant twice?!”

  “Yeah! Both times Diane D told her husband that Dana has to get rid of the baby before their family finds out!”

“What! Diane D told her husband that Dana has to get rid of the baby before their family finds out?! Oh my God!”

  “Yeah! The first time Diane D’s husband accidentally got Dana pregnant, I heard that Diane D tried to abort the baby out of Dana herself!”

  “What! Wait a minute, slow down Jonathan! What do you mean Diane D tried to abort the baby out of Dana herself?!”

  “The doctor who works inside the abortion clinic at the hospital Diane D works at later found out, that Diane D tried to abort her own cousin’s baby at first!”

  “What! The doctor who works inside the abortion clinic found out that Diane D tried to abort her own cousin’s baby?!”



  “Brandon told me that Ryan, one of the guys who works at the hospital Diane D works in, was walking down the hallway area of the clinic a week and a half ago when he happen to overhear Diane D and her husband Michael’s conversation inside one of the offices that had the door closed! Ryan told Brandon that he overheard Diane D’s husband confess to Diane D that he had sex with Dana!”

  “What! A hospital employee named Ryan overheard Diane D’s husband confess to Diane D that he had sex with her cousin Dana?!”

  “Yeah! Ryan overheard Diane D’s husband say to her that when he saw Dana laying down on the bed sleeping, he got horny then had sex with her and he think he might have accidentally gotten Dana pregnant!”

  “What! He told his own wife, that when he saw her cousin laying down on the bed sleeping, he got horny then had sex with her cousin and he think he might have accidentally gotten her own cousin pregnant?!”


  “What did Diane D do?!”

  “I heard she panicked!”

  “She panicked?!”

  “Yeah! The same thing happened two years ago when Diane D’s husband first got Dana pregnant.”

  “Oh yeah?!”

  “Yeah! The first time Diane D’s husband accidentally got Dana pregnant, Cody, another employee at the hospital was standing outside one of the hospital rooms that had the door shut. He overheard Diane D’s husband confess to Diane D, that he had sex with Dana and he think he might have accidentally gotten Dana pregnant!”

  “What! Two years ago, another hospital employee overheard Diane D’s husband confessing to Diane D that he had sex with her cousin Dana and he think he might have accidentally gotten her cousin Dana pregnant?!”


  “Oh my God! What did Diane D do at that time?”

  “I heard she panicked then too!”

  “She did?!”

  “Yeah! Cody overheard Diane D telling her husband that she’s going to go to her Grandmother Gracy’s house that night to give Dana a pregnancy test! I heard when Diane D went to her grandmother Gracy’s house that night and discovered that her cousin Dana was actually pregnant, I heard she flipped!”

  “She did?!”

  “Yeah! I heard that she got scared that this incident of her own husband getting her cousin Dana pregnant would get back to her family! That following day, Diane D requested to start working inside the abortion clinic!”

  “What! Diane D requested to start working inside the abortion clinic?!”


  “Why in the world would she request to start working inside the abortion clinic?!”

  “That’s what some hospital employees wondered. The doctor told some hospital employees that Diane D wanted to watch live abortions and wanted to learn and see how abortions are done!”

  “What! Diane D wanted to watch live abortions and wanted to learn and see how they are done?!”


  “Why in the world would she want to learn and see how live abortions are done?”

  “I know, so she started working inside the abortion room!”

  “She started working inside the abortion room?!”

  “Yeah. The doctor was wondering why Diane D suddenly became interested in learning about abortions and was wondering why would she even want to see live abortions!”

  “See live abortions?! How can she just stand there and watch abortions?! Isn’t she sickened by seeing something like that?!”

  “I don’t know!”

  “How many live abortions have Diane D watched and seen?!”

  “The doctor said Diane D has watched and seen almost six live abortions that week!”

  “Six live abortions?!”

  “That‘s what the doctor said! But the doctor said he didn’t know that Diane D was secretly taking notes!”

  “Secretly taking notes?”

  “Yeah! He said he didn’t know that Diane D was secretly planning to use that very same technique on her own cousin!”

  “Oh my God!”

  “The doctor said around a week later, Diane D requested to work the night shift at the hospital!”

  “She requested to work the night shift?!”

  “Yeah, so two nights later, she worked the night shift!”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah! After that, the doctor from the abortion clinic noticed some abortion tools and some objects missing from the abortion clinic.”

  “What! The doctor from the abortion clinic noticed some abortion tools and some objects missing from the abortion clinic?!”

  “Yeah. Then while Diane D was working the night shift, Brandon told me that Josh and another employee name Shane saw Diane D from a distance sneaking her cousin Dana down the other end of the hallway then saw Diane D sneak her cousin Dana into one of the empty clinic rooms, then they heard Diane D shut the door behind herself and Dana, then they heard her lock the door. Brandon told me that Josh and Shane hurried and tiptoed right towards the outside of the door to find out what was going on! When they reached the outside of the door, they stopped, then they pinned their ears to the door to listen through it! When Josh and Shane pinned their ears to the door, they could overhear Diane D having her cousin Dana lie down on the table!”

  “They did?”

  “Yeah. A couple of minutes later, Josh and Shane said they could hear Diane D using the abortion tools and objects on Dana!”

  “What! Josh and Shane heard Diane D using the abortion tools on her cousin?!”

  “Yeah! They said they could hear her trying to suck and pull the unborn baby right out of her own cousin!”

  “Oh my God! Did they hear Dana screaming?! Did she scream?!”

  “No, they said they never heard any screaming coming from inside that room at all!”

  “They didn’t?!”

  “No! They said all they kept hearing was Diane D trying to suck and pull the unborn baby right out of her cousin!”

  “Oh my God!”

  “Josh and Shane said if they would have heard Dana screaming, they would have tried to burst the door open and go into the room to stop Diane D, but since they never once heard Dana screaming, they didn’t do anything, they just continued to listen outside the door!”

  “My God, is Diane D licensed to give an abortion to anybody?!”

  “No she’s not licensed at all, she’s not a doctor! Even though she doesn’t have a doctor’s license, that didn’t stop her from trying to suck and pull the unborn baby right out of her own cousin!”

  “My God!”

  “When that didn’t work out, Josh and Shane overheard Diane D giving up!”

  “They did?”

  “Yeah. I heard that next day, Diane D took her cousin Dana right to an abortion clinic away from the hospital where she works at. That’s when Diane D told the doctor there to abort her cousin Dana’s baby, so the doctor at that abortion clinic had Dana lie down on the table. That’s when Diane D had the doctor abort the baby right out of Dana’s womb!”

  “Oh my goodness! Why didn’t Diane D and her cousin Dana just go to the abortion clinic in the first place instead of Diane D trying to suck and pull the unborn baby out herself?!”

  “Because Diane D figured,
that since a lot of people know who she is, sooner or later, they will start talking which is exactly what the doctor, Cody and Shane did! That’s how this sort of information got around that time. Diane D was afraid that this information of her husband getting her cousin Dana pregnant would get back to her family, that‘s why she tried to cover it up by doing the abortion herself and keep quiet about it, but since trying to do the abortion herself didn‘t work out for her, that‘s when she gave in and decided to take Dana to an abortion clinic away from the hospital.”

  “My God!”

  “After Diane D finished doing what she did with Dana, I heard that she told her husband why don’t he get a vasectomy!”

  “What! She told her husband why don’t he get a vasectomy?!”

  “That’s what I heard.”

  “Why would Diane D suggest for her husband to get a vasectomy?! Doesn’t she want children someday, at least children from him?”

  “I’m not sure if Diane D ever wants any children at all Candis, she keeps taking birth control pills! She’s been on birth control pills ever since she was a teenager and as far as I know, she’s still on birth control pills! That’s telling me right there that she doesn’t want any children!”

  “Maybe she doesn’t want any children right now Jonathan, but doesn’t she want children later on in life?“

  “I don’t know what Diane D wants later on in life Candis! All I know, is that I heard she told her husband to get a vasectomy, then I heard she requested to start working inside the vasectomy clinic!”

  “What! Wait a minute! Am I hearing this right?! Diane D requested to start working inside the vasectomy clinic?!”


  “Why would she request to start working inside the vasectomy clinic?! Oh no! Don‘t tell me that she was trying to learn about vasectomies and wanted to watch and see how they are done!”

  “That’s exactly what she wanted to do, learn about vasectomies and watch and see how they are done!”

  “My God, why in the world would she want to watch and learn about that?! Don’t tell me she wanted to do a vasectomy on her own husband!”

  “That’s exactly what she wanted to do!”

  “Oh my God! So what happened?!”

  “So she started working inside the vasectomy room!”

  “She started working inside the vasectomy room?!”

  “Yeah! The doctor there was wondering why Diane D suddenly became interested in learning about vasectomies and wondered why would she even want to see live vasectomies! A week later, Diane D requested to work the night shift at the hospital again!”

  “She requested to work the night shift again?!”


  “Then what happened?”

  “She worked the night shift again!”

  “Oh my God!”

  “Then the doctor from the vasectomy clinic said he noticed some vasectomy tools and objects missing from the vasectomy clinic!”

  “What! The doctor from the vasectomy clinic notice vasectomy tools and objects missing from the vasectomy clinic too?!”


  “My God, I‘m afraid to find out what happened next!”

  “Well while Diane D was working the night shift, Brandon told me that Cody and Shane saw Diane D sneaking her husband down the other end of the hallway.”

  “What? Cody and Shane saw Diane D sneaking her husband down the other end of the hallway?”


  “Just like they saw her sneak her cousin Dana down there.”

  “Yeah. They saw Diane D and her husband go into the same empty clinic room Diane D brought her cousin Dana in, then Cody and Shane heard Diane D shut the door behind herself and her husband, then they heard her lock the door. Brandon told me that Cody and Shane hurried and tiptoed right towards the outside of the clinic room door just like they did when they saw Diane D sneak her cousin Dana in there! When they reached the outside of the door, they stopped and pinned their ears to the door to listen through it! When Cody and Shane pinned their ears to the door, they overheard Diane D telling her husband that she got the vasectomy tools ready so why don’t he lay down on the table so she can get him fixed!”

  “What! Cody and Shane overheard Diane D tell her husband that she got the vasectomy tools ready so why don’t he lay down on the table so she can get him fixed?!”

  “Yeah! I heard she wanted to give him a vasectomy right there!”

  “What! Diane D wanted to give her husband a vasectomy right there? Are you serious Jonathan?!”

  “Yeah I’m serious!”

  “Wow, this story is getting more bizarre by the minute! Then what happened?!”

  “Cody and Shane overheard Diane D trying to get her husband to lie down on the table!”

  “They overheard Diane D trying to get her husband to lie down on the table?!”

  “Yeah, but he refused!”

  “He refused?!”

  “Yeah! I heard that he told Diane D that she’s not a doctor and she’s not going to give him any vasectomy!”

  “What! He told Diane D that?!”


  “Good for him! I’m glad he told her that! Then what happened?!”

  “I heard Diane D and her husband had an argument right inside the room!”

  “They did?”

  “Yeah! Then Cody and Shane said they overheard Diane D was about to walk out the room so they hurried and dashed back down the other end of the hallway and went around the corner! That‘s when they peaked around the corner and saw Diane D angrily walking out the room then go into the stairwell down that end of the hallway!”

  “She did?“

  “Yeah! After word got around the hospital that Diane D tried to abort her own cousin‘s baby and tried to give her husband a vasectomy, I heard the police went after her!”

  “The police went after her?”

  “Yeah! They went to the hospital to arrest her!”

  “What! The police went to the hospital to arrest Diane D?!”

  “Yeah, they were going to arrest her for reckless endangerment!”

  “Reckless endangerment?!”

  “Yeah, because they said suppose something would have went wrong with Dana when Diane D tried to abort the baby out of her and said suppose something would have went wrong with her husband when Diane D tried to give him a vasectomy!”

  “So they were going to arrest her for that?!”

  “Of course they were going to arrest her for that because she’s not a doctor! The police said Diane D had no right to try to perform an abortion or a vasectomy on anybody! They said what Diane D tried to do is illegal and she can go to jail or prison for it!”

  “Oh yeah?!”

  “Yeah! But it wasn‘t proven that Diane D tried to abort her own cousin‘s baby or give her husband a vasectomy.”

  “It wasn’t proven?”

  “No, she denied it!”

  “She denied it?!”


  “Just like she denied to the police about me last year, telling them that she never threatened me over the telephone and told them that she sped all the way from her family’s organization to the parking lot behind my apartment building to meet up with some friend when she knew she came to the parking lot to come after me! She also lied and told the police that she’s never seen me before in her life when she knew she had! Diane D is a good liar!”

  “Well obviously her lies worked for her Candis, because she never got charged in this attempted abortion incident or this attempted vasectomy incident.”

  “She never got charged?!”


  “Well those two hospital employees, Cody and Shane, witnessed Diane D sneaking her cousin Dana into one of the empty clinic rooms that night and overheard everything from outside the door, and they witnessed Diane D sneaking her husband into one of the empty clinic rooms on a different night and overheard Diane D putting pressure on h
er husband to let her give him a vasectomy! Didn’t they come forward and tell the police what they saw and heard?!”

  “No I don’t think so. I don’t think Cody and Shane wanted to get involved and I don’t think that they meant to get Diane D in trouble. They said they would have only gotten involved if they would have heard Dana screaming or if they would have heard a physical fight erupt between Diane D and her husband, but since they never heard Dana scream and never heard a physical fight between Diane D and her husband, they left it alone.”

  “They did?”


  “Did the police ask Dana if the attempted abortion was true or not or did they ask Diane D‘s husband if the attempted vasectomy was true or not?”

  “I think the police asked Diane D’s husband about the attempted vasectomy.”

  “They did?”


  “What did he say?”

  “He denied it!”

  “He denied it?!”


  “Why did he deny it?!”

  “Because he was trying to cover up for Diane D! He didn’t want her to get in trouble either!”

  “But what about her cousin Dana? Did the police ask Dana if the attempted abortion was true or not?”

  “No I don’t think they asked Dana.”

  “They didn‘t?”


  “Why not?!”

  “I don’t know. Maybe they felt Dana might deny it and cover up for Diane D also.”

  “I don’t understand, why would Dana even trust Diane D in the first place and allow Diane D to stick an object up inside of her and try to abort her unborn baby out of herself?!”

  “Because Dana probably was willing to take the risk of Diane D trying to abort her unborn baby herself rather than herself and Diane D have their family find out about Dana possibly being pregnant by Diane D’s husband!”

  “Oh! So in other words, Diane D and her cousin Dana were more afraid of their family more than they were afraid of the do-it-yourself abortion?!”

  “Yeah they were afraid of their family, especially their moms because I hear Diane D‘s mom and Dana‘s mom don‘t play!”

  “I know Diane D’s mom don’t play, since she’s the one who be whacking Diane D upside her head!”

  “Well I heard Dana’s mom whacked Dana upside her head too after she and the rest of their family overheard Dana and Diane D’s husband in the bedroom together with the bed bouncing and the door locked while Diane D and Dana‘s boyfriend Tony took off somewhere together for several hours just to go to a pharmacy.”

  “My God! Jonathan, let me ask you something. If both Diane D and her cousin Dana take birth control pills, how come only Dana accidentally gets pregnant?”

  “Diane D told me before that her cousin Dana skips taking the birth control pills at times because birth control pills usually give her cousin Dana side affects and Dana doesn’t like the side affects birth control pills give her, so therefore Dana would deliberately skip the birth control pills, that’s why she would accidentally get pregnant and Diane D don‘t.”

  “So I guess Diane D don’t suffer side affects from the birth control pills like her cousin Dana.”

  “I guess not.”

  “So whenever Dana accidentally does get pregnant, she just terminates her pregnancies, huh.”


  “Were all of Dana’s terminated pregnancies by Diane D’s husband?!”

  “No, I think just two of them. The other terminated pregnancies were probably by her boyfriend Tony.”

  “Her boyfriend Tony?”


  “If those other terminated pregnancies were probably by her boyfriend Tony, why didn’t Dana keep THOSE babies?!”

  “Because I don’t think Dana wants any children at all Candis, no matter who the biological father would have been!”

  “My goodness! So Diane D never told you that part about herself trying to abort the unborn baby out of her cousin Dana herself or that she tried to give her husband a vasectomy or that Dana’s unborn baby might have been by her husband?”

  “No she left all that part out. I heard about those parts the same way other people heard about them, through word-of-mouth.”

  “You didn’t ask her about them?!”

  “No, I’m not going to ask Diane D about those parts Candis! If she didn’t volunteer any of that information to me on her own, I certainly wasn’t going to say anything about them! I would just rather for her to bring the subject up first.”

  “Well maybe she was waiting for you to bring the subject up first to see if you’ve heard about them!”

  “Yes I have heard about them. I just wasn’t going to say anything to her about them unless she brought them up first.”

  “My God, does their family know about this?”

  “I think they know of Dana’s abortions Candis, but I don’t think they suspect that any of Dana’s unborn babies might have been by Diane D’s husband and I don’t think they know that Diane D tried to abort those babies out of Dana herself!”

  “Abort those babies herself?! How many times have Diane D tried to abort her cousin Dana’s unborn babies?!”

  “I heard she tried to abort Dana’s baby both times her husband accidentally got Dana pregnant!”

  “Diane D tried to abort her cousin Dana’s baby twice?!”


  “Oh my God!”

  “And I don’t think Diane D’s family knows that Diane D tried to give her husband a vasectomy!”

  “My God!”

  “When Ryan overheard Diane D’s husband confess to Diane D a week and a half ago that he had sex with Dana and think he accidentally got Dana pregnant again, that’s when she panicked again! Ryan overheard Diane D telling her husband that he’s stupid and everything for making the same mistake again! Then Ryan overheard Diane D tell her husband that she has to go to her grandmother Gracy’s house that night to give Dana a pregnancy test! Ryan said the next day, he overheard that Diane D went to her grandmother Gracy’s home the night before and secretly gave her cousin Dana another pregnancy! When the pregnancy test came back positive and Diane D discovered that her cousin Dana was actually pregnant again, I heard she flipped again!”

  “She flipped again?!”


  “What did she do?”

  “I heard that she got scared that this second incident of her own husband getting her cousin Dana pregnant again might get back to her family and the community!”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “So what happened?!”

  “Guess what?”


  “She requested to start working inside the abortion clinic again!”

  “Oh no!”

  “She went right back to where she started from, inside the abortion room to watch live abortions again so she can secretly give herself more lessons figuring this time, she would get it right!”

  “Oh no!”

  “So a week and a half ago, Diane D requested to work the night shift again.”

  “She requested to work the night shift again?!”

  “Yeah, so she got to work the night shift again!”

  “Oh my God!”

  “Then the doctor who works inside the abortion clinic noticed that some abortion tools and objects from the abortion clinic were missing again!”

  “They went missing again?!”


  “Why the hell did the hospital allow Diane D to work inside the abortion clinic again?! Didn‘t they learn from the last time?!”

  “No because it wasn‘t proven that Diane D tried to give her cousin Dana an abortion Candis, it wasn‘t proven, that‘s why she got to work inside the abortion clinic again! Then a few nights ago, Brandon told me that Shane and another employee name Josh saw Diane D from a distance sneaking her cousin Dana into one of the empty clinic rooms again, t
hen they heard the door shut behind Dana and Diane D, then they heard the door lock. Brandon told me that Shane and Josh hurried and tiptoed right towards the outside of the door! When they reached the outside of the door, they stopped, then pinned their ears to the door to listen through it! When they listened through the door, they could overhear Diane D having her cousin Dana lie down on the table again! Then they overheard Diane D using the abortion tools and objects on Dana again!”

  “They did?”

  “Yeah! They could overhear her trying to suck and pull the unborn baby out of her own cousin again!”

  “Oh no! Did they hear Dana scream this time?!”

  “No, they said they didn’t hear any screaming coming from inside that room!”

  “They still didn’t hear Dana screaming?!”


  “My God, did Diane D succeed this second time she tried to abort her cousin Dana‘s unborn baby?!”

  “No, she failed again!”

  “She did?!”

  “She sure did!”

  “Good for her! I’m glad she failed!”

  “That’s when Shane and Josh overheard Diane D giving up again!”

  “She gave up again?”

  “She sure did! The next day, Shane and Josh heard that Diane D took her cousin Dana right to another abortion clinic away from the hospital. That’s when Diane D told the doctor there to abort her cousin Dana’s baby, so the doctor had Dana lie down on the table. That’s when Diane D had the doctor abort another baby out of Dana’s womb!”

  “My Goodness!”

  “The next day, Diane D requested to start working inside the vasectomy clinic again!”

  “What! She requested to start working inside the vasectomy clinic again?!”

  “Yeah! She wanted to watch and see how live vasectomies are done again, so she started working inside the vasectomy room again!”

  “Oh no!”

  “Right after that, the doctor from the vasectomy clinic notice some tools and objects missing from the vasectomy clinic again!”

  “Oh yeah?!”

  “Yeah! That same night, Brandon told me that Cody and Shane saw Diane D walking alone in the distance going into one of the empty clinic rooms again then shut the door behind herself, then they heard her lock the door. Brandon told me that Cody and Shane hurried and tiptoed right towards the outside of the door to find out what was going on! When they reached the outside of the door, they stopped then they pinned their ears to the door to listen through it again! When Cody and Shane listened through the door, they overheard Diane D talking to her husband on the phone, telling him to come meet her at the hospital again!”

  “Cody and Shane overheard Diane D telling her husband to come meet her at the hospital again?!”

  “Yeah. They overheard Diane D tell her husband that she got the room waiting for him again!”

  “She told her husband that she got the room waiting for him again?!”

  “Yeah! Then Cody and Shane overheard Diane D telling her husband that she got the vasectomy tools ready for him so he should come to the hospital!”

  “What! She told her husband that she got the vasectomy tools ready for him so he should come to the hospital?!”


  “Then what happened?!”

  “Her husband refused to show up!”

  “What! He refused to show up?!”

  “Yeah! I heard Diane D got mad at him over the phone and was telling him she can‘t take the risk of him getting Dana or any other member of her family pregnant again and told him to get his ass to the hospital.”

  “She told him that?”

  “That’s what I heard.”

  “Then what happened? Did her husband eventually show up?”

  “No he still refused to show up, then I heard that Diane D got pissed off!”

  “She did?!”

  “Yeah! Cody and Shane said they overheard Diane D about to leave the room. Then they said they quickly backed away from the clinic room door when they heard Diane D was about to come out the room, then they turned and hurried back down the other end of the hallway.”

  “They did?”

  “Yeah. Cody and Shane said when they turned the corner, they heard Diane D coming out the room. They said when they went to poke their heads around the corner, Shane accidentally bumped right into one of the carts that had a tray sitting on top of it and caused the tray to fall right on the floor making a loud sound!”

  “He did?”


  “Oh my God! Then what happened?! Did Diane D hear the tray fall?”

  “I guess she did because as soon as that happened, Cody and Shane said they heard her footsteps coming!”

  “What! They heard Diane D’s footsteps coming?!”


  “Oh no, what did they do?!”

  “They said they got out of there and quietly ran into the stairwell at the end of their corner!”

  “They did?”

  “Yeah. Cody and Shane said when they got to the lower level of the back hallway of the clinic area, they tried to open one of the clinic room doors to hide from Diane D, but that door was locked, they couldn’t get in! Then they went to another clinic room door! They tried to open that door, but it was locked too! Then they went to a third clinic room door! They tried to open the third clinic room door, but it was locked also! Then they went right to the storage room door which was slightly open.”

  “The storage room door? You mean the storage room door that was written about in the paper?”

  “Yes that door! Cody and Shane pushed on the storage room door and tried to get it open, but that door did not open any further.”

  “It didn’t?”

  “No, something was behind the door blocking it from being opened.”

  “Oh yeah? What was it?”

  “Cody and Shane said they could see it was large file cabinets in there that fell against the door preventing the door from opening any further. They said they tried to push that storage room door open again, but it still didn’t budge. Then Shane said he and Cody tried to kick the door open a few times, but it still didn’t open that much. Then Cody and Shane said they heard Diane D’s footsteps coming down the stairwell.”

  “What? They heard her footsteps coming down the stairwell?”


  “My God, what did they do?”

  “They said they panicked!”

  “They panicked?”


  “Then what did they do?!”

  “They said they hurried down the end of the hallway and hid behind some carts and boxes. When they bent down behind the carts and boxes, they peaked through the carts and boxes and saw Diane D coming from around the corner down the other end of the hallway.”

  “They her down the end of the hallway?”


  “Oh my God! What did they saw her do?”

  “Cody and Shane said they saw Diane D looking around.”

  “She was looking around?”


  “For what or whom?”

  “Obviously she was looking around for whom or whatever caused that tray to fall! Then Cody and Shane said they saw Diane D go from one clinic room door to another clinic room door turning the knob trying to get each door open, but the clinic room doors were still locked, she couldn‘t open them. Then they said the storage room door was closing and made a squealing sound. When Diane D heard the squealing sound, she turned around and saw the storage room door closing. She thought someone was hiding inside there.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah, so Cody and Shane saw Diane D go right to the storage room door and saw her try to push the storage room door open further, but the door still didn’t budge. It still didn’t open any further. Cody and Shane saw Diane D trying again to get the storage room door open further, but she still couldn’t get it open furthe
r! Then Cody and Shane said they saw Diane D step back, then they saw her bend and get into a kung fu position.”

  “What? She got into a kung fu position?”


  “Oh no!”

  “That‘s when they said she ran straight to the storage room door, jumped, spun her entire body around, did a turn-around side kick and kung fu kicked the storage room door wide open!”

  “What! She jumped, spun her entire body around and did a turn-around side kick when she kung fu kicked that storage room door wide open?!”


  “That’s the part that was written in the newspaper, about the two male hospital employees witnessing Diane D kung fu kicking the storage room door wide open?!”

  “Yeah that‘s the part that was written in the newspaper!”

  “Oh my God! So THEY’RE the witnesses, Cody and Shane!”

  “Yes Candis, they’re the witnesses. Cody and Shane said the door banged open so wide and so hard that it banged right against whatever was behind it knocking the stuff down crashing the stuff right to the floor!”

  “She knocked whatever was behind the door to the floor?!”


  “My God!”

  “And she practically knocked the door right off its hinges!”

  “Yeah I read that part!”

  “Cody and Shane said they couldn’t believe what they saw!”

  “I bet they couldn’t!”

  “They said they were both frozen with fear, they couldn’t even move!”

  “I bet they were frozen with fear, seeing that powerful strength Diane D had! I wouldn‘t be able to move either if I saw and witnessed something like that!”

  “I know! Cody and Shane said they saw Diane D kick the door again then go right inside the storage room.”

  “Yeah I read that part too!”

  “Cody and Shane said when they saw Diane D go into the storage room, they were still frozen with fear and couldn’t move! They said once they were able to move, they got the hell out of there and ran right back down the hallway past the storage room while Diane D was still in there banging the furniture around! Then they ran back around the corner and ran back into the stairwell because they didn’t want the next thing Diane D kung fu kicks and knocks down to be them! They said they didn’t want to wind up like those security guards, the correction officers and that little boy Marcus!”

  “I don‘t blame them! I would have gotten the hell out of there too because Diane D is crazy! She turns into a ferocious beast whenever she gets mad, angry and out of control! God knows would have happened to Cody and Shane if she would have found them hiding inside that storage room or in that back hallway! My goodness! It sounds like Diane D was determined to find whoever was in that hallway and caused that tray to drop! And it sounds like she was determined for her husband to never get her cousin Dana pregnant again and determined for her cousin Dana to never have her husband‘s baby and determined for their family not to ever find out about it!”

  “But word got out again that Diane D tried to abort her cousin Dana‘s unborn baby!”

  “It did?!”

  “Yeah. When this information got around, that’s when the police came to the hospital and arrested Diane D right there!”

  “So that‘s why she got arrested?!”

  “Yep that‘s why!”

  “So she didn’t really get arrested for kung fu kicking that storage room door or damaging the storage room. She really got arrested for trying to abort her cousin Dana’s baby!”

  “She did get arrested for kung fu kicking that storage room door and damaging the storage room too! She got arrested for property damage!”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah! But she claims she never damaged any property because she claims she was never down in the lower level of the clinic area! She claims that she never even went down the stairs after she heard the tray drop so she’s saying that she never kung fu kicked any door!”

  “She claims she was never down in the lower level of the clinic area and that she never kung fu kicked a door?!”

  “Yes that’s exactly what she’s claiming!”

  “Is she trying to claim that memory loss again, just like she claim memory loss when she was accused of beating up that little boy inside the school hallway?!”

  “It seems that way Candis! But Diane D mainly got arrested for trying to abort her cousin Dana’s baby. That’s what she mainly got arrested for.”

  “My God! No wonder why she was determined to look for and find whoever was in that hallway and caused that tray to drop! Because she knew that whoever was in that hallway might have overheard her conversation inside that clinic room and know that she tried to abort her cousin Dana‘s baby and tried to give her husband a vasectomy! She was afraid word will get around and she‘ll wind up getting arrested for it and she did!”

  “And she was afraid that word will get back to her family too. She didn’t want that to happen either! When the police came to the hospital to arrest Diane D, witnesses said that they saw Diane D backing away from the police, then saw her turn and try to run from them!”

  “What! Diane D tried to run from the police?!”


  “That‘s a sign of guilt right there! She tried to run from the police because she knows she‘s guilty! If she wasn‘t guilty, she wouldn‘t have tried to run!”

  “Well witnesses claim that the police caught up to Diane D and caused her to fall, knocking her down to the ground!”

  “What! The police knocked Diane D down to the ground?!”

  “Yeah, then they placed both her hands behind her back while she was on the ground, handcuffed her and arrested her for reckless endangerment and trying to do an illegal abortion!”

  “They actually arrested her the second time she was suspected of trying to do an illegal abortion?!”

  “Yep they sure did! The police also wanted to arrest her husband as well!”

  “What! The police wanted to arrest Diane D’s husband too?!”


  “Why did they want to arrest him?!”

  “Because they wondered if he was in on it, or if he knew what his wife was up to or if he knew what she was planning to do, but the police was mainly focusing on Diane D because they think she was the mastermind in all of that, that‘s why they arrested her.”

  “Good for her! I‘m glad the police actually arrested her this time! She deserved to get arrested for trying to kill an innocent unborn child and trying to give her husband a vasectomy! Good for her!”

  “Well it wasn‘t good for Diane D too long Candis, because it wasn‘t proven that she tried to abort her cousin Dana’s baby again!”

  “It wasn’t proven again?!”

  “No it wasn’t! She denied it again!”

  “She did?!”

  “Yeah! She claims that these are all just allegations and vicious rumors about herself!”

  “What! Allegations and vicious rumors about herself?!”

  “That‘s what she told the police! She told the police that some people are just out to get her, that’s why they’re spreading these lies and vicious rumors about herself!”

  “Oh really?!”

  “Yeah, and since there was no proof again that Diane D tried to do an illegal abortion on her own cousin, she was let go again.”

  “She was?!”


  “Didn’t the police at least try to arrest her for trying to do an illegal vasectomy on her own husband the second time?!”

  “No, the police can’t arrest Diane D for trying to do an illegal vasectomy on her husband the second time around because her husband never showed up at the hospital that night she spoke to him on the phone and told him to come there! So there was no proof she tried to do an illegal vasectomy on him. How can she attempt to do an illegal vasectomy on her husband if he’s not there?”

  “So the police ca
n’t arrest for that?”

  “No because her husband never showed up! He wasn‘t going to allow Diane D to cut him! Where there is no victim there is no proof.”

  “But those two hospital employees Cody and Shane did overhear Diane D talking to her husband on the telephone trying to get her husband to come to the hospital that night, telling her husband that she got the room ready for him! Didn’t they come forward and tell the police what they overheard?!”

  “They didn’t really want to get involved Candis! They were afraid of Diane D after what they witnessed her do to that storage room door! And they were afraid of her when they heard what she was doing to the furniture, once she went inside the storage room! They didn’t want to be next!”

  “I don’t blame them!”

  “As far as Cody and Shane are concerned, Diane D’s husband was never harmed or killed in this incident, neither was her cousin Dana! Diane D’s husband and her cousin Dana both came out alive and well after this entire ordeal!”

  “Well thank God for that! Where is Diane D at now?!”

  “She’s at home with her family.”

  “She is?“


  “My God! Does her family know about this? Did they ever find out about this?!”

  “Yeah her family found out about this incident both times the police came after Diane D and arrested her, but Diane D denied it to her family too! She told her family that she never tried to abort Dana‘s unborn child and told them that she never tried to give her husband a vasectomy! She told them that it was all ‘hear say‘.”

  “That it was all ‘hear say‘?! That‘s what she told her family?”

  “Yeah that‘s what she told them!”

  “Did her family ever question her husband or her cousin Dana about any of those attempted incidents to find out from THEM whether or not any of those attempted incidents are true?!”

  “I think her family questioned her husband about the attempted vasectomy incident.”

  “They did?”

  “Yeah. He denied it to them too.”

  “He did?”


  “How come?“

  “He didn’t want Diane D to get into trouble by her family!“

  “Did her family ever question her cousin Dana about the attempted abortion incident?!”

  “No, I don’t think Diane D’s family questioned Dana about that incident.”

  “They didn’t?!”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Why haven’t they questioned Dana to find out from her whether or not it’s true that Diane D tried to abort her unborn baby out of her?!”

  “I don’t think Diane D’s family want to question Dana about that, they didn’t want to ask her.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because they all felt that Dana went through enough.”

  “They did?”


  “Did the police ever question Dana and try to find out from her whether or not it’s true that Diane D tried to abort her unborn baby out of her?!”

  “No I don’t think the police ever questioned Dana about that either!”

  “They didn‘t?”


  “Why haven’t they questioned Dana about that incident?!”

  “I don’t think they wanted to question her.”

  “Why not?”

  “They didn’t want to ask her.”

  “They didn’t want to ask her?”


  “Why didn‘t they want to ask her?! Are they afraid that she’s going to go off and beat on cops again?!”

  “No it’s not that.”

  “Then why didn’t they want to ask her?!”

  “They just didn’t want to, that‘s all!”

  “My God is anybody going to question Dana at all about this attempted abortion incident?! Nobody seems to be questioning her! Did Dana ever knew Diane D got arrested?”

  “Yeah I think she knew Diane D got arrested?”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think she knows that the police caused Diane D to fall to the ground.”

  “She doesn’t know about that part?”

  “No she doesn’t know about that part, her family kept it from her.”

  “They did?”


  “How come?“

  “They didn’t want her to know!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because they didn’t want to upset her. They know that Dana would have flipped if she ever found out that the police caused Diane D to fall to the ground!”

  “She would?”

  “Hell yeah, she would have went ballistic, that’s why their family kept that information from her because they know Dana is protective of Diane D! Remember what happened to that reporter Felix Green, right?!”

  “Yeah I remember what happened to him. It‘s terrible what happened to him!”

  “It is, that’s why Diane D’s family want to make sure, that what happened to Felix Green doesn’t happen to anybody else!”

  “I don’t blame them! Did Diane D go to work back at the hospital after the police let her go?”

  “Yeah she went to work back at the hospital today.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah. When she arrived there, the hospital told her that she’s not allowed to work in the abortion area of the hospital anymore.”

  “What! The hospital told Diane D she’s not allowed to work in the abortion area anymore?”

  “Yeah, they fired her from that area!”

  “They did?!”

  “Yeah And they fired her from working in the vasectomy area too!”

  “They did?!”


  “Good for her! She deserved to get fired from those areas, good for her! The hospital should have fired her from those areas the first time they heard she tried to pull that do-it-yourself abortion stunt on her cousin and that do-it-yourself vasectomy stunt on her husband!”

  “But it wasn’t proven that Diane D tried the do-it-yourself abortion on her own cousin or the do-it-yourself vasectomy on her husband the first time those two incidents happened, that’s why the hospital allowed her to work in the abortion area and the vasectomy area again! This time when the hospital heard that Diane D tried the do-it-yourself abortion on her own cousin again, they fired her from that area because they don’t want to take any chances or risks with her!”

  “I don’t blame them!”

  “Last night, Brandon said he overheard Diane D telling her husband Michael and Dana’s boyfriend Tony that Dana can’t keep having abortions because abortions aren’t safe for Dana to keep having and she herself can‘t keep having the police and the hospital come after her! Brandon overheard Diane D telling her husband and Dana’s boyfriend, that if they can’t control themselves from being horny and don’t have time to put on a condom then rush to have sex with Dana and risk getting her pregnant, she’s going to have to do SOMETHING to protect Dana from another accidental pregnancy since the birth control pills give Dana side affects! She told her husband and Dana’s boyfriend that Dana is going to need some kind of other protection! So I think Diane D took her cousin Dana to another doctor and told the doctor that Dana needs contraceptives. So now I think Dana is on contraceptives!”

  “She is?”

  “I think.”

  “Oh that‘s good. I hope it works out for her, that way she won‘t accidentally get pregnant again and wind up killing another innocent unborn child. You know Jonathan, I just don’t get it!”

  “You just don’t get what Candis?”

  “Why in the world, would Diane D even put up with her very own husband having sex with her very own cousin?!”

  “What do you mean ‘put up with it‘?”

  “It doesn‘t even sound like she was shocked, bothered or angry, that her husband had sex with her cousin!”

  “It doesn’t?” />
  “No! It sounded like she was only shocked, bothered and angry that he got her cousin pregnant! It didn’t even sound like she was shocked, bothered or angry by their sexual encounter! Why is she putting up with her husband having sex with her cousin?!”

  “Because Diane D’s husband probably puts up with Dana’s boyfriend Tony having sex with Diane D!”

  “What! Dana‘s boyfriend Tony had sex with Diane D more than once?!”


  “My God! How many times has he had sex with Diane D?!”

  “I think a lot of times.”

  “A lot of times?!”


  “Oh my God! Doesn’t he already have Dana?”

  “Yeah he already has Dana. I guess he wants to have sex with both of them.”

  “My goodness! Why would Diane D’s husband even put up with Dana’s boyfriend Tony having sex with Diane D?!”

  “Probably so he can have sex with Dana a lot of times! You know, an even exchange.”

  “An even exchange?!”


  “You know Jonathan, I don’t know what the heck is the matter with you men!”

  “You don’t know what the heck is the matter with us men? What do you mean ’us men’ Candis?”

  “You men are never satisfied with having sex with just one woman! One woman is never enough for you guys! Dana’s boyfriend be having sex with both Dana and Diane D! Diane D’s husband be having sex with both Dana and Diane D! You had sex with me and cheated on me by having sex with Diane D too!”

  “Oh come on Candis! Did you have to go there?!”

  “Of course I had to go there Jonathan! Can’t you see?! Diane D and her cousin Dana are exchanging each other‘s partners! So Diane D and her husband ARE living their life as swingers, with her very own cousin and her cousin‘s boyfriend, just like everyone suspected! I’m just wondering, how many sex partners does Diane D have altogether?!”

  “I don’t know Candis.”

  “She probably doesn’t know either!”

  “Oh come on Candis! All I know, is that Diane D, her husband Michael, her cousin Dana and Dana’s boyfriend Tony have all booked the same hotel room inside many hotels before.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “All four of them be staying in the same room overnight inside hotels.”

  “All four of them inside one hotel room?”

  “Yeah. They do that all the time.”

  “They do?”


  “The couples don’t book separate hotel rooms from each other?”

  “Sometimes, but not all the time. Most of the time, all four of them would stay in one room.”

  “My God Jonathan! It sounds like Diane D, her husband, her cousin Dana and Dana’s boyfriend might all be into group sex!”

  “Group sex?”


  “What do you mean ‘group sex‘?”

  “After all, they do share each others’ partners, don‘t they?!”

  “Oh come on Candis! You shouldn‘t be too quick to judge them like that, just because they all share the same hotel room! Maybe they all rather just book one hotel room instead of two separate rooms to save up on money!”

  “Well if they can’t afford to book two separate hotel rooms, maybe they shouldn’t be booking hotel rooms in the first place! You know what Jonathan, Diane D and her husband seem to have an open marriage!”

  “An open marriage?”

  “Yeah! They both be having sex outside of their marriage with other partners! Neither one of them seem to respect their marriage vows, because like I said before, Diane D is a slut!”

  “Stop calling Diane D a slut Candis!”

  “Okay I won’t call her slut Jonathan! I’ll just call her a whore!”

  “Don’t call her that either!”

  “Okay I won’t call her a whore! I’ll just call her a tramp!”

  “A tramp?!”

  “That’s right, a tramp!”

  “Candis, would you care to go up to Diane D, and call her all those names in her face?!”

  “Why?! So she can spin her body around and kung fu kick me like she did that storage room door, those security guards and that little boy Marcus and punch me out like she did that ten foot pole inside that jail cell she was in?! All those people and objects are permanently damaged! Those security guards and that little boy Marcus wind up with broken bones, the hospital have to wind up ordering a new storage room door and new hinges because the original storage room door and hinges are damaged beyond repair and can‘t be fixed and that ten foot pole inside the jail cell can’t be straight again! I don’t want to wind up like those security guards, that little boy Marcus and those objects! I almost became like them when Diane D sped all the way in her car to the parking lot in the back of my apartment building to beat me up and she probably would have succeeded in beating the crap out of me if the police weren‘t there to stop her! So therefore, I won’t go up to Diane D and call her those names in her face! I don’t want to go anywhere near that psychopath! I’ll just continue to call her those names from a safe distance! One name I do need to call her, is ‘home wrecker’! After all, she did ruin you and my relationship by having sex with you when she knew you already had a girlfriend, causing our engagement to be broken off! And now she broke off a door’s hinges! She seems very good at breaking off things! She’s a home wrecker, a room wrecker and a door wrecker! After hearing all of this, I realize that Diane D was never there in the abortion room to give her cousin Dana moral support! She was only there to make sure that her cousin Dana have the abortions to keep her cousin Dana from ever having her husband’s child and not have their family ever find out about it!”

  “Diane D WAS there to give her cousin Dana moral support Candis! She was hugging and holding on to Dana the whole time!”

  “She was probably hugging and holding on to Dana the whole time to keep Dana down to make sure Dana not move or get up!”

  “Oh Candis please! What about Dana’s other terminated pregnancies that WEREN’T by Diane D’s husband?! Remember, Dana had four abortions altogether, but only two of Dana’s pregnancies were by Diane D’s husband Candis, only two! Those other two terminated pregnancies Dana had, Diane D was still inside the room with Dana during those other two terminated pregnancies that were probably by Dana’s boyfriend!”

  “Diane D was there in the room during all of Dana’s abortions?”

  “Yeah I think she was!”

  “That’s because she’s an accessory to her cousin Dana’s unborn baby killings!”

  “Oh come on now Candis!”

  “Oh come on now nothing Jonathan! Diane D and her cousin Dana are both baby killers! You know what Jonathan?! Both Diane D and her cousin Dana should have had the same fate those unborn babies had!”

  “They should have had the same fate those unborn babies had? What do you mean Candis?”

  “Their moms should have aborted them!”

  “What! Their moms should have aborted them! You think Diane D and her cousin Dana’s moms should have aborted them?!”

  “Yes I do!”

  “That’s not a nice thing to say Candis! Why would you say that?!”

  “Because Diane D and her cousin Dana had Dana’s unborn babies be killed! They did that four or more times and it seems like they have no problem or remorse about that at all!”

  “Candis, the way Dana is, she doesn’t need to be tied down with any babies or children! I think she and Diane D did the right thing by getting rid of those unwanted pregnancies!”

  “You think they did the right thing?!”

  “Yes I do! I can‘t imagine Dana being anybody‘s mom!”

  “Well you know what Jonathan?! You’re just as bad as Diane D and her cousin Dana, because you‘re an accessory to their baby killings too!”

  “Me?! An accessory to their baby killings? Why?! I had nothi
ng to do with Dana’s abortions Candis! I wasn’t there!”

  “You might not have been there Jonathan, but you do support Diane D’s and her cousin Dana’s actions! You support their baby killings!”

  “It’s not that I support their baby killings Candis! It’s just that I support not having unwanted children come into the world then wind up being abused or neglected, that’s all!”

  “Well you need to tell Diane D and her cousin Dana to stop sleeping around and sharing each other’s man, then they won’t have to worry about accidentally getting pregnant by each other’s man, and you need to tell Diane D to stop sleeping with other women’s men!”

  “Wow Candis. It’s obvious that you and Diane D will never like each other.”

  “No I don’t like Diane D Jonathan! To tell you the truth, I used to like her when you and I used to go see her family‘s shows and concerts and watch her perform on stage with the Dianettes! I used to be a big fan of hers, but after what she did to me, lying to me on the telephone, telling me that you’re just her friend when she knew she slept with you, and the fact that she slept with you when she knew that you already had a girlfriend?! She knew that you and I were a couple, but she still chose to sleep with you anyway and decided to cheat on her husband at the same time! Telling me that you might be my man, but if she really want to take you away from me, she can?! Telling me that if you are going to marry me, she thinks you’re making a big mistake, then tells me she thinks she’s the woman you REALLY need and blamed me for having her entire family upset with her, saying that I caused her mom to hit her, then threatens me, telling me she’s going to beat my ass for calling her family’s organization complaining about her, blaming me for getting her into trouble with her family and then lied to the police, telling the police that she never saw me before in her life when she knew she had, then lies to the police right in my face that word probably got around my neighborhood, that’s why my neighbors knew that she was coming to the parking lot behind my apartment building when she knew she specifically came to the parking lot to come after me! She made me look like a fool at the police station Jonathan! She sat there with a straight look on her face and made me look like a liar, and you expect me to like her after all of that?! I know all about the violent rages, the violent outbursts and the out of control behavior that Diane D has had in the past when she attacked those police officers and those security guards and wind up going to jail for it! I know all about the other fights and conflicts that she‘s had before, but I never thought that I myself would wind up having a conflict with her! And the conflict I had with her was all over you! Diane D is a lot of trouble Jonathan! She constantly keeps getting into trouble with the law and wind up getting herself arrested and going to jail for it! She seems to have no problem with getting arrested at all! I wish she would get deported!”

  “Deported?! You wish Diane D would get deported?”

  “That’s right!”

  “Why do you say that Candis?”

  “Because she needs to be deported Jonathan! She needs to go back to the Dominican Republic where she came from! She AND her partner in crime, her cousin Dana, that female cop beater and sharp shooter! Both of them need to be deported back to their countries because all they do, is get into trouble here and wind up getting arrested and going to jail!”

  “I don’t know if Diane D can be deported Candis. She is married to a U.S. citizen you know. Her husband is from this country.”

  “I know. Well I wish she and her cousin Dana can go disappear somewhere! Doesn‘t Diane D and her cousin Dana have a third friend that be with them sometimes?”

  “Yeah. A friend of theirs name Teresa.”



  “You know her?”

  “Not personally, but I’ve seen her around Diane D and her cousin Dana plenty of times before.”

  “You have?”


  “Does she ever get into trouble like Diane D and her cousin Dana?”

  “Not that I know of Candis. I’ve never knew of their friend Teresa having any violent outbursts like Diane D and her cousin Dana do.”

  “You never?”

  “No, never. I don’t think Teresa has ever gotten arrested or ever went to jail before in her life.”

  “She never?”

  “Not that I know of Candis.”

  “How can she stand to be with and hang around those two violent jailbirds and baby killers?! If I was a member of her family, I would encourage her to stay as far away as possible from Diane D and her cousin Dana, because she seems to good for them!”

  “Wow. I’m sorry you feel that way about Diane D and her cousin Dana Candis.”

  “You should feel that way about them too Jonathan! You should feel that way about them too! And the next time Diane D‘s husband ever happens to accidentally get her cousin Dana pregnant again, maybe it will be best for him not to ever confess to her about it, because the next thing he’ll know, is that his crazy wife is going to want to try the do-it-yourself abortion on her cousin Dana again then want to try the do-it-yourself vasectomy on him again! And it will be best for him not to ever fall asleep around Diane D, because if he refused to show up at the hospital that night for her to give him a vasectomy when she so desperately wanted to give him one, who knows, she just might try to give him a vasectomy while he’s asleep, then wind up having the police come after her again! I don‘t know what it is about Diane D Jonathan, but there is something about her that really gives me the creeps!”

  “Something about Diane D gives you the creeps?”


  “What is it about her that gives you the creeps Candis?”

  “I don’t know what it is Jonathan! I mean Diane D is very beautiful, she’s very gorgeous and everything. She‘s very attractive too, but there’s something about her beauty, soul, spirit or aura that really creeps me out.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah. Ever since I heard and read that story, about what she did to that poor little boy inside that elementary school one night, up in that dark isolated school hallway, viciously attacking that little boy and wind up not remembering the incident! I can imaging what that poor child must have been going through, being all alone up in that dark isolated school hallway with Diane D in her state of mind, beating the crap out of him and he witnessing her being in a state of trance just staring into space not doing or saying anything! The only time she did anything, was when she beat the crap out of the kid, kung fu kicking him, breaking his bones and everything! The rest of the time, she was in a state of trance not saying a word, just staring into space! Especially that little boy claiming to feel the presence of some evil soul or some evil vicious entity that seem to might have been inside Diane D’s body that night! I’ve been freaked out about her ever since! I think that little boy was right. Maybe that’s why Diane D didn’t remember any of that incident, maybe her soul or spirit wasn’t there! Maybe her soul or spirit was actually gone at that time and another soul, spirit or entity came into her body in the school hallway that night and took over! If that was me in that school hallway instead of that little boy, I would have been frightened to death being all alone up in that dark isolated school hallway with Diane D or whatever soul, spirit or entity it was that was inside her body, witnessing her turning from calm beauty to ferocious beast right before my very own eyes! I bet that little boy is sorry that he ever confessed to Diane D about that hoax he and his brother pulled on her and her family! Especially, I bet he’s sorry that he took her to a private area to confess to her, that was his big mistake!”

  “His big mistake? What do you mean, ‘that was his big mistake‘?”

  “Don’t you see Jonathan? This little boy took Diane D to an isolated area inside the school where no one else was around to see or hear him confess to her, but the big mistake was, he took her to an isolated area where no one else was around to see or hear h
im scream for help! He never thought in a million years that Diane D would turn on him and attack him once he made that shocking confession to her! I’m sure getting beat up by Diane D was the last thing in the world that little boy expected to happen! The last thing I heard about him, is that he’s still suffering from nightmares from what he went through with Diane D in that isolated school hallway, still dreaming that she‘s coming after him, beating him up and attacking him! I hear the poor kid still wakes up screaming to this day!”

  “Yeah I heard that too.”

  “Another thing that gives me the creeps about Diane D, is her violent outbursts and vicious rages when she be attacking other people giving them kung fu kicks, then claims not to remember her violent outbursts and vicious rages! And the fact that her own grandmother Miss Margarita told that little boy and his family and the police at the police station, that Diane D meditates late at night in the wee hours of the night and morning and her soul or spirit can leave her physical body and travel to spirit worlds and other dimensions where she sees dead people! That really creeps me out! All I know, is that I would never want to come across Diane D in a dark alley, a dark hallway or any dark area.”

  “That’s exactly what Cody and Shane said, after they witnessed what she did in that clinic hallway.”

  “Do you blame them Jonathan?! I bet a lot of other people probably feel the same way!”

  Jonathan sadly looks into space.

  The next morning, two black women and one Asian woman around their 40’s are sitting inside a coffee shop drinking coffee as they look at a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D ARRESTED ON SUSPICION OF TRYING TO PERFORM ILLEGAL PRACTICE ON MYSTERIOUS PERSON “My God,” the first black woman says. “This article says that Diane D was arrested on suspicion of illegal practice on a mysterious person! They said she tried to abort a mysterious woman’s unborn baby inside the clinic late at night during closing hours!”

  “Yeah I read that article when I was on the bus,” the second black woman says.

  “What?” the Asian woman says. “Diane D tried to abort a mysterious woman’s unborn baby?!”

  “That’s what this article says,” the first black woman says. “That’s the main reason she got arrested for when everybody heard that she kung fu kicked a storage room door wide open.”

  “Oh she mainly got arrested for the suspicion of illegal practice?”

  “Yeah. Here. Look at the article for yourself.” The first black woman hands the Asian woman the newspaper.

  The Asian woman looks at the article and reads it. She then says, “Oh my God! Does the article say who the mysterious woman was?”

  “No, the article never said who the mysterious woman was. They seem to be keeping that woman’s identity a secret, to respect her privacy. But word has been going around the hospital where Diane D works at, that the mysterious woman was her cousin Dana.”

  “Her cousin Dana?”


  “You mean that mean, unfriendly one with the green eyes?”

  “Yep, that‘s the one.”

  “The one who beat up those three female police officers, injuring them for life?”

  “Yep, that‘s her.”

  “And the one who shot at that newspaper reporter Felix Green on the highway and shot and killed a deer?”

  “Yep, that’s the same one. I heard she’s the one who Diane D snuck into the clinic that night and tried to abort her unborn baby.”

  “Yeah I heard it was her cousin Dana too,” the second black woman says.

  “Oh my God,” the Asian woman says. “How does anybody know that the mysterious woman was Diane D’s cousin Dana in the first place?”

  “Because a couple of hospital employees who work the night shift witnessed Diane D from a distance sneaking her cousin Dana into one of the empty clinic rooms that night,” the first black woman says.

  “They did?”

  “Yeah. This is not the first time these hospital employees witnessed Diane D sneaking her cousin Dana into one of the empty clinic rooms during closing hours.”

  “It‘s not?”

  “No! This is the second time they witnessed Diane D doing that!”

  “It is?”

  “Yeah. They witnessed it the first time Diane D’s husband accidentally got her cousin Dana pregnant years ago.”

  “What? Diane D‘s husband accidentally got her cousin Dana pregnant before?”

  “Yeah. When the hospital employees witnessed Diane D sneaking her cousin Dana into one of the empty clinic rooms years ago, they secretly tiptoed to the doorway and listened outside the door to find out what was going on inside the room.”

  “They did?”


  “You mean they were eavesdropping on Diane D and her cousin Dana?”

  “I’m afraid they did. After they overheard what Diane D and her cousin Dana were doing inside that clinic room, they told a few other hospital employees, then those other hospital employees told a few more hospital employees, then those hospital employees told people in their family, that‘s how word got around that it was Diane D’s cousin Dana whose baby Diane D tried to abort at that time, and now that Diane D’s husband accidentally got her cousin Dana pregnant again. The hospital employees who work the night shift this time witnessed Diane D doing the exact same thing again, sneaking her cousin Dana into one of the empty clinic rooms at night during closing hours.”

  “You mean to tell me, that Diane D’s husband got her cousin Dana pregnant twice?”

  “It seems that way.”


  “If the mysterious woman was Diane D’s cousin Dana who’s baby Diane D tried to abort,” the second black woman says, “rumor has been going around the hospital, that Diane D and her cousin Dana went through all of that because they were afraid of what their family might think, if their family ever find out that Diane D‘s husband accidentally got her cousin Dana pregnant.”

  “I know,” the first black woman says. “Rumor has been going around the hospital for the past week that Diane D‘s husband might have accidentally gotten her cousin Dana pregnant.”

  “Oh really?” the Asian woman asks.

  “Yeah, that‘s why Diane D wanted to abort the baby herself, to make sure that baby never gets here.”

  “Oh my God.”

  “And rumor has been going around the hospital, that Diane D’s cousin Dana wasn’t feeling well when Diane D’s husband first walked in on her, saw her laying down on the bed resting then had sex with her and wind up getting her pregnant.”

  “She was already not feeling good when Diane D’s husband had sex with her?”

  “No she wasn‘t.”

  “Well if Diane D’s cousin Dana was already not feeling well when Diane D’s husband first walked in on her and had sex with her, maybe she could have already been pregnant before Diane D’s husband even had sex with her but just didn’t know it! In other words, the baby might not have been Diane D’s husband’s after all.”

  “But just in case the baby WAS Diane D’s husband’s, I heard that Diane D didn’t want to take any chances. I heard she wanted to hurry and have the baby aborted while it was still early enough. She figured it will be easy for Dana to have the abortion before the unborn baby gets any bigger.”

  “My God, that’s the only reason why Diane D wanted to have the child aborted, because it was probably her husband’s child?”

  “Yep that‘s the only reason. But it wouldn’t have matter who the biological father of the baby would have been. I think Diane D’s cousin Dana would have still gotten an abortion anyway, because I heard she’s had abortions before.”

  “I heard that too,” the second black woman says. “I heard she doesn’t want any children at all.”

  “That’s what I heard too. But Diane D’s cousin Dana doesn‘t need any children the way she is because if she ever do have a child in the future, I would feel real sorry for
the poor kid because I wouldn‘t want a person like Dana to be my mother.”

  “I wouldn‘t want a person like Dana to be my mother either, but if that baby would have been born, that would have been a real beautiful baby.”

  “A real beautiful baby?” the Asian woman asks. “You think so?”

  “I don’t think so, I know so.”

  “Oh yeah? How do you know for sure?”

  “Because, look at Dana! I mean she might not be the nicest person in the world or the friendliest person in the world, but she’s very good looking! She got that gorgeous face, she got those gorgeous green eyes, she got those dark deep-set eyes, she got that beautiful golden skin color and she got that beautiful shiny long black wavy hair! She’s very exotic looking! She has a rare beauty not too many people have. As a matter of fact, I don’t see too many people in the world who look like her!”

  “I don’t see too many people who look like her either,” the first black woman says.

  “I don‘t even think anybody else in the world looks like her.”

  “I don’t think so either.”

  “She‘s got those one of a kind features. I mean her beauty is so rare, she almost doesn’t appear to be human.”

  “She doesn’t.”

  “Plus she’s got that gorgeous body too! She’s very easy on the eyes, so is Diane D! Everybody in Diane D’s family seem to be nice looking! Plus, Diane D’s husband is not so bad looking himself. Dana’s baby would have had the perfect genes. It would have been a real beautiful baby.”

  “I agree, but unfortunately, Diane D and her cousin Dana didn‘t want that baby to be born, so therefore, it‘s not going to be born.”

  “It’s so sad,” the Asian woman says. “I mean if that baby did turn out to be Diane D’s husband’s baby, that baby would have been Diane D’s step child if it would have been born.”

  “Not only would it had been Diane D’s step child, it would have been Diane D’s cousin too, since Diane D and Dana are already cousins. Their fathers are brothers.”

  “So Diane D and Dana are first cousins?”

  “That’s right, they’re first cousins. They share the same paternal grandparents.”

  “So that means if that baby would have been born, it would have been Diane D’s second cousin.”

  “That’s right. It would have been both, her second cousin and her step child.”

  “My God. No wonder why she didn’t want that baby to get here. Where is Diane D by the way? Is she in jail?”

  “No, I heard she was let go, due to lack of evidence.”

  “Lack of evidence?”

  “Yeah. The authorities couldn’t prove that she tried to do an illegal abortion on anybody.”

  “They couldn’t?”


  “So where’s she at now?”

  “The last thing I heard, she was released into the custody of her family.”

  “She was?”


  “So what are the hospital and authorities planning to do about her kung fu kicking that storage room door wide open?” the second black woman asks.

  “They want to charge her for property damage, but Diane D is claiming she never did it, but the two hospital eye witnesses said, she DID do it! Diane D is also claiming she was never in that lower level of the clinic area, so how can she kung fu kick the storage room door wide open if she was never there, but the two hospital eye witnesses said, she WAS there! Right now, it’s their word against hers. The two hospital eye witnesses are saying one thing, while Diane D is saying another. Just like that little boy she beat up inside the school hallway said one thing while Diane D said another. Now the authorities are wondering if history is repeating itself from when Diane D attacked that little boy inside the school hallway and not remember it. They think the same thing is happening again this time, instead of her attacking and kung fu kicking that little boy inside a dark school hallway late at night and wind up not remembering it, this time, she kung fu kicked a stuck storage room door wide open inside a dark clinic hallway late at night and winds up not remembering that either.”

  “That’s what the authorities think?”

  “Well the other newspaper article headline did read, ’The Beast Within Returns‘. They think that evil vicious entity that little boy Marcus encountered inside Diane D’s body in that dark school hallway that night may have returned inside her body, the night she kung fu kicked that storage room door wide open.”

  “They think that evil vicious entity returned inside of her?”


  “Wow, that’s scary!”

  “It is! That’s why the authorities want Diane D’s family to take her to a psychiatrist again to see if there is a possibility that Diane D could have actually kung fu kicked that storage room door wide open and not remember it, just like she allegedly attacked and kung fu kicked that little boy inside the school hallway that night and not remember it.”

  “The authorities want Diane D’s family to take her to a psychiatrist again?” the Asian woman asks.


  “Wow. I hope Diane D’s family do take her to see a psychiatrist again and she gets some help because this needs to stop.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean her attacking people and objects then winds up not remembering any of the incidents! It’s too way out of hand! I’m afraid that if Diane D doesn’t get the psychiatric help she needs, or if they don‘t have her committed back into a Mental Institution soon, the next time she goes on an attack, she might literally kill someone, then wind up not remember that either! I sure know I would not want to come across that other personality of hers like that little boy Marcus and those hospital eye witnesses did.” The first black woman and the second black woman frighteningly look at the Asian woman.

  The following day, four guys, one white, one black and two Hispanics around their 30’s and 40’s at a bar are sitting down at a table drinking, looking at the cover of a tabloid magazine with a dark colored photo or drawing of small puffy evil eyes that strikingly resembles Diane D’s eyes staring at them and a dark silhouette of a mysterious woman laying down on a clinic room table with her head back and her legs wide open and a headline that reads: DID DIANE D TRY TO PERFORM ILLEGAL PRACTICE ON MYSTERIOUS WOMAN?? “Wow,” the white guy says. “Y’all saw this article about Diane D trying to perform an illegal abortion on a mysterious woman, right?”

  “Yeah I’ve seen the article,” the black guy says. “Rumor has been going around that the mysterious woman, was her cousin Dana.”

  “That’s what I heard too,” the first Hispanic guy says. “Didn’t Diane D try to pull that same do-it-yourself abortion stunt on her cousin Dana years ago?”

  “She did. I heard Diane D’s husband Michael had sex with her cousin Dana years ago and wind up knocking her up back then too.”

  “Yeah I heard that too,” the second Hispanic guy says. “I heard Diane D’s cousin Dana eventually had an abortion by a real doctor and got rid of the unborn baby after Diane D tried the do-it-yourself abortion on her.”

  “Yeah I heard that too,” the white guy says.

  “Wow, Diane D’s husband is a lucky guy,” the first Hispanic guy says.

  “Oh yeah? Why do you say that?”

  “Because, not only does he gets to have sex with Diane D, he gets to have sex with her cousin Dana as well because I think Diane D and her cousin Dana are both hot, they are gorgeous!”

  “They sure are,” the black guy says. “I wouldn’t mind having sex with Diane D myself, as long as she doesn’t lose her cool and goes Bruce Lee on me.” Everyone laughs as the black guy continues, “And I wouldn‘t mind having sex with her cousin Dana either.”

  “I wouldn’t mind having sex with both of them either,” the white guy says.

  “Me either,” the second Hispanic guy says. “I would love to have sex with both Diane D and her cousin Dana bec
ause they both have gorgeous bodies!”

  “They sure do man,” the black guy says. “They both got some tight asses on them.”

  “They sure do,” the white guy says. The men laugh a little as they continue to look at the tabloid photo and headline.

  Later on that day, Diane D, her family, Michael, Diane D‘s psychiatrist Dr. Stone, the hospital staff, the authorities and photographers are all inside the damaged storage room shockingly looking around at the room. The storage room looks ransacked like a tornado had went through it. There are large file cabinets and furniture knocked sideways and upside down all across the storage room. There are papers all over the floor. Everyone looks around the storage room in horror. Everybody then turns and looks at the damaged storage room door. The door is leaning right off its hinges. The photographers go near the door. They snap pictures of the broken door hinges and the door. Everyone else turns and approaches Diane D as Diane D turns to Mary and says, “Mom? What the heck happened in here?”

  “That’s what we’re trying to find out from you Diane,” Mary says.

  “Miss Diane D,” a tall male white detective says. “Do you remember anything about being inside this room at all?”

  “No,” Diane D says. “Honest, I don’t. I’ve never been inside this room before in my life. What reason would I have to be in here?”

  “We don’t know. What we really need, is for you to think hard and see if you can remember being inside this room.”

  “Does anything ring a bell Diane?” Margarita asks.

  Diane D turns her head and looks around the damaged storage room again. She then says, “No nothing rings a bell Grandma. Whatever happened inside this room, I had nothing to do with it.”

  “Well the two hospital employees witness you come in here and heard the damage you were doing inside here.”

  “Miss Diane,” Dr. Stone says. “You claim you were at the top of the staircase on the second floor level of the clinic area and you were about to go down the stairs to the lower level of the clinic area and claim you never made it down the stairs, because you felt like you were about to pass out, so you stayed there at the top of the stairs and leaned your back and head against the stairwell wall holding on to your forehead, right?”

  “Yes that’s correct,” Diane D says.

  “What do you remember while you were standing at the top of the stairwell leaning your back and head against the stairwell wall?”

  “I remember feeling like I was being pulled out of my physical body then found my soul or spirit floating around in space.”

  “You felt like you were being pulled out of your physical body, then found your soul or spirit floating around in space?”


  “In other words, you were having an out-of-body experience again.”

  “That‘s the way it seemed.”

  “That’s what happened to you before, when that little boy Marcus claimed you beat him up and attacked him in the school hallway that night, right?”

  “Yes that’s what happened to me before.”

  “Do you know why this happened to you again?”

  “No, I have no idea why.”

  “I see. When you found your soul or spirit floating around in space, could it be possible, that you were probably just having a dream?”

  “Yes it could be a possibility that I was probably just having a dream Doctor.”

  “What happened after you found your soul or spirit floating around in space this time?”

  “All of a sudden, I found my soul and spirit back inside my physical body in a completely different part of the hospital in the other building on the fifth floor where the patient rooms and the receptionists‘ desk area are, standing right at the receptionists’ desk. I didn’t know what I was doing there at the receptionists’ desk and didn’t even know how I got there.”

  “You didn’t know what you were doing at the receptionists’ desk and didn’t know how you got there?”


  “Did you feel different, when you found yourself standing at the receptionists’ desk, from when you were standing at the top of the stairwell in the other building?”

  “Yeah. My physical body felt fine before I even went into the stairwell. As soon as I was about to head down the stairs, that’s when I felt like I was about to pass out.”

  “Then how did you feel when you found yourself standing at the receptionists’ desk?”

  “I felt very tired and worn out.”

  “You did?”


  “Did you feel any physical pain?”

  “Yeah. My left leg and foot were in a lot of pain.”

  “Your left leg and foot were in pain?”

  “Yeah. That‘s why I left the job early and went home.”

  “I see. Why were your left leg and foot in pain?”

  “I don’t know why my left leg and foot were in pain. At first I thought maybe I was sleepwalking from one place to another and somehow injured myself in the process.”

  “You thought maybe you were sleepwalking and somehow injured yourself?”


  “Did you feel pain anywhere else in your physical body?”

  “No not really. It was mainly in my left leg and left foot. I felt dizzy for some reason too.”

  “You felt dizzy?”


  “Why were you feeling dizzy?”

  “I have no idea why I was feeling dizzy Doctor. I just felt dizzy and sweating.”

  “You were sweating too?”

  “Yes that‘s the way I felt.”

  “Well Miss Diane D,” the detective says. “if you were feeling all that stuff and you don’t remember anything from being at the top of the stairwell of the second floor level of the clinic area, to the receptionist area on the fifth floor in another building and don‘t know or remember how you got from point A to point G, then could it be possible, that you were sleepwalking and did things in your sleep and not realize it?”

  “Of course it could be possible. After a while, I figured if I was sleepwalking and did anything while I was sleepwalking, I was probably dancing and twirling while I was sleepwalking.”

  “Dancing and twirling while you were sleepwalking?”

  “Yeah. That’s probably why I felt dizzy and sweaty when I found myself standing at the receptionists desk in the next building. I also probably fell and injured my left leg and foot while I was dancing and twirling in my sleep.”

  “Fell and injured your left leg and foot while you were dancing and twirling in your sleep?”

  “Yeah. That‘s probably why I felt tired too, probably from all that dancing and twirling I was doing.”

  “Maybe that is possible. Maybe it is also possible, that you might have kung fu kicked this storage room door too, then damaged this storage room in your sleep, but just didn‘t realize that either.”

  “No that is not possible.”

  “No? Why not?”

  “Because, no one is that strong or powerful to kung fu kick a stuck door off its hinges or do damage to a room like this turning heavy furniture upside down unless they use a bulldozer or something! I mean look at this room! It looks like a tornado went right through it! I’m sorry Detective, but it‘s just not possible for a person to do damage to a room like this, especially with their bare hands, even if they’re sleepwalking. We‘re just going to have to face the fact and reality that those two hospital eye witnesses who ever they are were lying and exaggerating about what they saw and heard, that‘s all.” Everyone sadly looks at Diane D. They then turn and look around at the damaged storage room again. They then turn and look at the damaged storage room door again. They sadly stare at the storage room door as it eerily leans off its hinges.


  Chapter 28

  Diane D And Dana’s Aunt Get Into Physical Altercation!


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