Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2

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Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2 Page 6

by Doris Miller

It is three months later. Inside a school office in New York, one of the female staff members inside the school picks up the telephone receiver and dials a number. She listens into the telephone receiver. She then speaks into it and says, “Hello? Is this the Diaz-Davidson Organization?”

  “Yes it is,” Stephanie says from the other end.

  “Well my name is Elizabeth Carrington. I work in the Junior High School. I would like to speak to Diane D. Is she there?”

  “Oh I'm sorry, Diane is not in town right now. She and her family left the country and flew to Germany a few days ago. They're gonna perform a show over there.”

  “They all went to Germany to perform a show?”


  “How long will they all be there?”

  “They're gonna be there for around two or three weeks. Then they'll be back here.”

  “Oh yeah? Isn't Diane D on probation? How can Diane D go to Germany if she's on probation?”

  “The family got permission from her parole officer for her to go to Germany to do a show so that's where they all went.”

  “Oh yeah? Isn't Diane D's cousin Dana in her family's custody? How can Diane D and her family go to Germany if her cousin Dana is in their custody?”

  “They took Dana to Germany with them.”

  “They did?”


  “Oh I see. Well I just wanted to know if Diane D can come to our school.”

  “Come to your school?”


  “Diane doesn’t come to schools anymore after that hoax that was pulled on her and her family about the little boy who has leukemia. She hasn’t forgiven about herself and her family being lied to like that.”

  “I know and I’m sorry she and her family were lied to about the little boy who has leukemia, but I thought maybe my school and I can try to change her mind.”

  “Well you're gonna have to wait until Diane and her family all come back from Germany to speak to her family about it.”

  “Okay when they come back to town, I'll call back.”

  “Okay no problem.”


  “By now.”


  It is a week later. Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn, Gracy and Grandpa Mike and two staff members are standing inside a lobby of a German hotel as the identical twins Mike and Mitch who are now around 14-years old stand in front of them talking with them. Around 10 teen German boys who are Mike and Mitch’s friends surround Mike and Mitch as Mike and Mitch talk with Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, still being very loud and rowdy as Mitch says, “Miss Margarita and Mister Tomas, Mom and Dad said when we come back to the States, we can stay with you guys again if we want to.”

  “Stay with us again if you want to?” Tomas says.

  “Yeah,” Mike says. “They just said it a little while ago.”

  “Is that right?”


  “Well what about what we want guys?” Margarita says.

  “But Miss Margarita, we already made plans to come stay with you when we come back to the states next year.”

  “You already made plans,” Barry asks.


  “Or we can stay with Miss Gracy and Mister Mike when we come back to the states,” Mitch says.

  “Stay with us?” Gracy asks.


  “Our house is already packed guys,” Grandpa Mike says.

  “It is?”

  “Yes indeed.”

  “Then we’ll just stay with Miss Margarita and Mister Tomas again,” Mike says.

  “Our house is already packed too,” Tomas says.

  “But Mister Tomas.” Mike and Mitch continue to talk with Margarita, Tomas, Mary and Barry.

  The following day, the Dianettes are inside the hotel room. They have black dance shirts and leggings laying all on the hotel bed as Miranda says, “Okay girls. We all decided to wear these dance outfits for our performance next week.”

  “And we’re going to have the bows in our hair when we perform,” Bernice says. “Miranda will wear the pink bow, Charlotte will wear the yellow one, Lonna you will wear the blue bow, Kelly will wear the orange one, Nancy will wear the red one and I will wear the green one.”

  “Okay,” Nancy, Charlotte, Lonna and Kelly says.

  “Which bow are we going to put on Diane’s hair again?” Lonna asks.

  “The purple one,” Nancy says.

  “Where is it?”

  “It’s right there in the box with the rest of the bows where they are safe and sound.” The Dianettes laugh a little.

  It is one week later on a Saturday afternoon. The hotel room is crowded with Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Nicolas, Mickey, Diane D, Michael, the Dianettes, Mike and Mitch and some of their German friends. Margarita starts to shout to everyone, “Okay now listen up everybody!” The entire crowd listens to Margarita as Margarita shouts, “We have to do a show in the park tonight, are we ready?!”

  “Yeah we’re ready!” everyone shouts.


  Mike and Mitch approach Margarita as Mike asks, “Who’s going to perform first Miss Margarita?”

  “Nicolas and Mickey are going to perform first, then you guys will perform after them.” Margarita looks at everyone else and shouts, “Okay let’s go everybody!” Everyone turns and heads towards the doorway.


  A large crowd is in an open field in a park. It is packed full of excited people. The evening sky is partly cloudy. The sun is about to set as a large crowd of around five thousand cheering German spectators including teens, young adults, older adults and seniors are gathered standing shoulder to shoulder on a somewhat hill, facing down the hill looking towards a large low oval shaped stage as they half-way surround it. The stage is half-way surrounded by a barrier between the crowd and the stage with four cameramen spread out at the edge of the stage pointing cameras towards the center of the stage and several male security guards at the edge of the stage near the crowd. Behind the stage is a big 30 feet arch. Behind the arch are some dark bushes, weeds and trees. There are a lot of people holding large banners and large signs high in the air that read, ‘THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON ORGANIZATION’ with very large bold letters printed on them.

  There are around three or four luxury trailers parked away from the crowd. Diane D and the Dianettes, who are all dressed in the black dance outfits and colored bows at the end of their long thick braids, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael, the Band members, Mike, Mitch and ten of the Youth Show performers hurry down a pathway in the park towards the trailers.

  Inside one of the trailers are chairs facing a large TV monitor. Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn, Grandpa Mike and two staff members are standing around talking. The trailer door suddenly opens. Diane D, the Dianettes, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael, the Band members, Mike, Mitch and the Youth Show performers enter into the trailer. Barry turns to them and says, “Okay Nicolas and Mickey, you guys are the first to go on. They‘re about to announce your names. Head out there now.”

  “Okay Dad,” Nicolas says as he and Mickey turn and hurry back out the trailer.

  Mary turns to Diane D and the Dianettes and says, “How about you girls? Are you girls ready to perform?”

  “Yeah we’re ready Mom,” Diane D says.

  “Okay.” Mary, Diane D, the Dianettes and everyone else turn and walk towards the chairs that are facing the TV Monitor.

  Grandpa Mike heads to another part of the trailer and shouts, “I’m going to get a beer out of the refrigerator! Who wants one?!”

  Tomas turns towards Grandpa Mike and shouts, “They got any Scotch in there Mike?!”

  “I’ll take a look Tomas!” Grandpa Mike says as he continues to walk away.

  Everyone else sits down on the chairs and face the TV monitor.

  Back out in the park, a male German announcer around his late 40’s comes on th
e stage with a microphone in his hand. He speaks into the microphone and shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen The Diaz-Davidson Organization is here!” The crowd starts to cheer! The announcer then says, “Their first performance is ready to come out! Ladies and gentlemen, here are Nicolas and Mickey the Diaz-Davidson Brothers!” The crowd screams and cheers.

  Nicolas and Mickey come out on the stage with a guitar in each of their hands. They wave to the crowd as they walk to the center of the stage with their guitars. They sit on two stools that are on the stage. Nicolas and Mickey start to play the guitars and sing some tunes.

  After 4 minutes, Nicolas and Mickey finish their act. The crowd cheers and applauds. Nicolas and Mickey stand and take a bow. They turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the microphone and shouts, “Let’s give it up one more time for Nicolas and Mickey The Diaz-Davidson Brothers!” The crowd cheers again. The announcer then says, “Okay ladies and gentleman, we have another wonderful performance, by some talented youths!” The crowd screams and cheers! The announcer then says, “Ladies and gentlemen The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents Mike and Mitch and the Diaz-Davidson Youth Show Performers!” The crowd cheers as Mike, Mitch and the ten German teenage boys come out on stage wearing white T-shirts and dungarees. Music starts to play. Mike, Mitch and the ten German teenage boys start to perform a break dance routine.

  After four minutes, Mike, Mitch and the German teenage boys finish their act. The crowd cheers. Mike, Mitch and the German teenage boys throw their fists in the air towards the crowd as they turn and leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the microphone and says, “Wow what a great performance that was! Let’s give it up again for Mike and Mitch and the Youth Show Performers!” The crowd cheers and applauds again as the announcer says, “Okay ladies and gentlemen! We have another wonderful performance! Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents Michael and The Diaz-Davidson Band!” The crowd jumps and cheers louder.

  Michael and his band members come out on the stage. The crowd cheers! Michael and his band members wave to the crowd. They start to play the instruments. The crowd cheers and becomes excited! Michael and The Band continue to perform.

  After four minutes, Michael and The Band finish their performance. The crowd cheers. Michael and The Band turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage. He speaks into the microphone and says, “Wow what a great performance! Let’s give it up again for Michael and The Diaz-Davidson Band!” The crowd cheers and applauds again! The announcer then shouts, “Okay ladies and gentleman, we have another wonderful performance! Ladies and gentlemen, here performing a Jazz Ballet called 'The Illusions Of Zero Gravity' are Diane D, The Dianettes and the Howard Jones Ballet!” The crowd screams and cheers as chill music starts to play. Diane D, The Dianettes and seven male dancers, some who are of black and others of different ethnicities come out on stage dancing and twirling. Diane D and each of the Dianettes have a male partner as they and their male partners turn and swirl. Diane D and each of the Dianettes are then each lifted into the air by the male dancers. The crowd calls out to Diane D and the Dianettes as Diane D and the Dianettes continue their dance performance. The music then changes to a haunting jazz music. The Howard Jones dancers twirl towards front of the stage as Diane D and the Dianettes twirl towards the back. They all dance, twirl and spin for a short while. Then the Howard Jones dancers twirl towards the back of the stage as Diane D and the Dianettes twirl towards the front. The Howard Jones dancers twirl off the stage as Diane D and the Dianettes are left alone, twirling around on the stage with Diane D in the front. Diane D and the Dianettes perform slow ballet and yoga movements. They then stand on their hands, performing slow acrobatic skills. They get back up on their feet. Diane D and the Dianettes separate as Diane D and three of the Dianettes swirl to the left as the other three Dianettes swirl to the right. Diane D and the Dianettes come back together as Diane D and three of the Dianettes swirl back to the center of the stage and the other three Dianettes swirl back to the center. They all come together again with Diane D in the front and the Dianettes standing in a straight line behind her. They slowly spread their feet apart. The twirl their arms together in a motion of a caterpillar. They slowly bring their feet together. As they all bring their feet together, they tip toe and slowly raise their bodies up. As they continue to tip toe, their bodies continue to raise up in the air, appearing to levitate in thin air. The crowd becomes shock and astonished as Diane D and the Dianettes slowly bring their bodies back down then spread their feet apart. They continue to spread their feet further and further apart spreading their legs apart as they all go down into a split position. They all then lean forward as Diane D lays her head on the stage floor with her eyes closed, Charlotte leans her head on Diane D’s back with her eyes closed, Nancy leans her head on Charlotte‘s back with here eyes closed, Kelly leans her head on Nancy’s back with her eyes closed, Miranda leans her head on Kelly‘s back with her eyes closed, Lonna leans her head on Miranda‘s back with here eyes closed and Bernice leans her head on Lonna’s back with her eyes closed. The music softens as Diane D and the Dianettes all appear to be sound asleep as they lay on each others’ back with their eyes closed. The music changes as the Howard Jones dancers come back out on stage twirling. The Howard Jones dancers approach sleeping Diane D and the Dianettes. One shouts to the others, “Hey! We got to wake up these sleeping beauties!”

  “Iyii!!” shouts another male dancer. Each male dancer approach each girl and lift them up. Diane D and the Dianettes appear to have awaken out of their sleep as they swirl and twirl with the male dancers. They all dance, twirl and spin for a short while. The Howard Jones dancers twirl towards the front of the stage as Diane D and the Dianettes twirl towards the back. Diane D and the Dianettes twirl off the stage as the Howard Jones Dancers are left alone, twirling around on the stage.

  Inside the lobby of a hotel, a small crowd of people are standing around anxious. A woman in the crowd looks to the side and says, “Hey, isn't that Diane D's grandmother and aunt?!”

  A man in the crowd looks to the side and says, “Yeah that is them!”

  “Maybe we can speak to them about getting last minute tickets!”

  “Yeah let's go!” The people hurry off.

  Gracy and Aunt Celeste are walking across the lobby as the crowd of people anxiously approach them. “Hi!” the crowd of people shout. Gracy and Aunt Celeste stop and turn to the people as the woman says, “You're Diane D's grandmother and aunt aren't you?”

  “Yes we are,” Aunt Celeste says. “What can we do for you?”

  “Well we wanted to know if we can hurry and purchase last minute tickets to see Diane D and the Dianettes’ show before their show is over, so we came here to the hotel real quick because we all know this is where you all are staying. When we came here in the lobby, we saw your other granddaughter and niece Dana way down the other end of the lobby. We all got excited when we saw Dana, so we decided to approach her. When we approached her, it seemed like she got very annoyed. We asked her how’s she doing and told her it’s nice to see her. Then we asked Dana does she know whether or not her family have any last minute tickets for the show before the show is over. Then she snapped at us and told us not to bother her. Then she just turned and walked away from us.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah,” one of the men says. “We all got upset about it.”

  “What!” Gracy says. “You know this is the third time today that people have complained to our family that Dana's been rude to them when they approach her.”

  “It is?”

  “Yes! We can't be having this. We can't be having Dana being rude to the public every time they approach her.”

  “I know,” Aunt Celeste says. “Where is Dana?”

  “We saw her go in one of the room
s down the hall,” the woman says.

  “Well I'm gonna go in that back room and straighten her out.” Aunt Celeste turns and walks away from everybody as everyone turns and stare at her.

  The people then turn to Gracy as the woman asks, “So does your family have last minute tickets to see Diane D and the Dianettes' show?”

  “Yes Celeste have extra last minute tickets,” Gracy says. “When she comes back here, you can by the tickets from her.”

  “Alright, good!” the people say.

  “What!” Dana’s voice angrily shouts from one of the rooms down the hallway. “What the fuck #*(**&^^$#$^%!”

  “Don't be raising your voice at me!” Aunt Celeste voice shouts from the room.

  Gracy and the crowd of people turn their heads towards the hallway where the bickering sound is coming from.

  “Yo what the fuck #*(**&^^$#$^%!” Dana’s voice shouts from the room again. “Yo who the fuck #*(**&^^$#$^%! How the fuck #*(**&^ ^$#$^%! So why the fuck #*(**&^^$#$^%! #*(**&^^$#$^%! Where’s the fuck #*(**&^^$#$^%! So how's the fuck #*(**&^^$#$^%#* (**&^^$ #$^%! #*(**&^^$#$^%! So let the fuck #@*(**&^^$#$^%!”

  Aunt Celeste suddenly comes out of the room. She turns her head back towards the room and shouts, “This is the last time I'm gonna tell you this Dana! I'm just telling you to stay cool!”

  Dana comes out of the same room and hollers to Aunt Celeste, “And I'm just telling you, tell those people stay the fuck away from me!” Dana turns away from Aunt Celeste and walks down the hallway. Aunt Celeste angrily stares at Dana as Dana turns and disappears down the hallway.

  Aunt Celeste angrily turns back around and heads back to Gracy and the crowd of people.

  Gracy and the crowd of people stare at Aunt Celeste. Aunt Celeste approaches Gracy and the crowd of people as Gracy asks, “Is everything okay Celeste?”

  “Yeah everything's okay Mom,” Aunt Celeste says. She then whispers in Gracy’s ear and says, “I sure wish we would have left Dana home.”

  “I know Celeste, but she‘s in our custody. We have to bring her where ever we are.”

  “Unfortunately, we do.” Aunt Celeste turns to the crowd of people and says, “Now you all want last minute tickets? I had to get extra last minute tickets made because so many people kept coming asking for last minute tickets we wind up running out of them.”

  “Really?” the woman says. “Okay. Sorry about what happened with us and your niece Dana.”

  “Yeah,” the man says. “We didn’t mean to annoy her.”

  “Oh don’t worry about Dana,” Aunt Celeste says, “I’m not through with her yet. But let’s forget about Dana right now and focus on these last minute tickets so you can see the show.”

  “Alriiight!” the crowd happily shouts. “We'll by them now!”

  “We still have time to see the show right?” the man asks.

  “Yeah the show is still running,” Aunt Celeste says. “It's not over yet. You all can by these discount tickets real quick, then make a quick run to the show.”

  “Okay!” the people say.

  Aunt Celeste goes into her bag as the people smile and anxiously start to get their money ready.

  Back at the show, the Howard Jones Dancers are still on stage, stomping their feet and clapping their hands as they surround a disco ball seeming to be floating in mid-air.

  Inside the trailer, Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn and Grandpa Mike are still sitting on the chairs facing the TV monitor watching the Howard Jones Dancers’ performance on the TV monitor. The trailer door suddenly opens. Nicolas, Mickey, Michael, the Band members, Mike, Mitch and the Youth Show performers enter into the trailer. Barry turns to them and says, “Okay guys, the girls are about to perform again.”

  “Okay Dad,” Nicolas says as he, and Mickey, Michael, the Band members, Mike, Mitch and the Youth Show performers rush and sit on the chairs and on the floor near Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn and Grandpa Mike.

  Back on stage, the Howard Jones Dancers are still performing around the floating disco ball. They then dance and twirl around the floating ball. They then grab the floating ball and twirl and disappear off the stage with the ball. Different chill music starts to play. As the music plays, Charlotte and Bernice come out and twirl from opposite sides of the stage. They twirl to the center of the stage and dance together, performing fantastic ballet moves as the crowd starts to scream and shout, “Dianettes!” Charlotte and Bernice start to run together and twirl high in the air. They then do flips and spins. They suddenly bump into one another. Charlotte and Bernice then stop dancing and angrily face each other. Bernice silently argues with Charlotte. Charlotte argues back. They start to argue silently on the stage as the music continues to play. Charlotte then jumps a little in the air, turns and runs away from Bernice! Bernice throws her arms out to grab Charlotte! She starts to give chase as the audience gets excited and scream. Charlotte runs to one side of the stage. Bernice chases after Charlotte! Charlotte turns around and runs to the opposite side of the stage with Bernice in hot pursuit! She turns around the other way and runs back to the opposite side of the stage! She frighteningly goes under a box on the stage and hides underneath it. Bernice charges to the box. She lifts the box up off the stage floor and throws it aside. There is no Charlotte!

  The audience gasps!

  Back on stage, Bernice puts her hand over her brow and looks around the stage for Charlotte. Charlotte suddenly appears and runs in front of Bernice! Bernice sees Charlotte and chases after her again! She catches up to Charlotte and grabs her! She then lets go of Charlotte. She turns the other way and runs from Charlotte. Charlotte starts to give chase as the audience gets excited and scream again. Bernice runs to one side of the stage. Charlotte chases after her! Bernice turns around and runs to the opposite side of the stage with Charlotte in hot pursuit! Bernice turns around the other way and runs back to the opposite side of the stage! She frighteningly goes under a blanket on the stage and hides underneath it. Charlotte charges to the blanket! She lifts the blanket up off the stage floor. There is no Bernice!

  The audience gasps again!

  Back on stage, Charlotte puts her hand over her brow and looks around the stage for Bernice. Bernice suddenly appears from behind a pole looking right at Charlotte. She then runs in front of Charlotte! Charlotte sees Bernice and chases after her again! She catches up to Bernice and grabs her! She then lets go of Bernice and runs from her! Bernice starts to chase after Charlotte again as they both twirl and disappear off the stage.

  The audience scream and cheer!

  Back on stage, Different music starts to play. Miranda and Lonna come out and twirl from opposite sides of the stage. They twirl to the center of the stage and dance together, performing fantastic ballet moves as the crowd starts to scream and shout, “Dianettes!” Miranda and Lonna start to run together and twirl high in the air. They then do flips and spins. They suddenly bump into one another. Miranda and Lonna then stop dancing and angrily face each other. Lonna silently argues with Miranda. Miranda argues back. They start to argue silently on the stage as the music continues to play. Miranda then jumps a little in the air, turns and runs away from Lonna! Lonna throws her arms out to grab Miranda! She starts to give chase as the audience gets excited and scream. Miranda runs to one side of the stage. Lonna chases after Miranda! Miranda turns around and runs to the opposite side of the stage with Lonna in hot pursuit! She turns around the other way and runs back to the opposite side of the stage! She frighteningly runs to a wall that's on the stage! She runs her feet right up the wall and does back flips as Lonna charges to the wall!

  The audience gasps again and hold their chest!

  Back on the stage, Lonna runs her feet up on the wall and does back flips also as Miranda runs across the stage! Lonna continues to chase after Miranda as Miranda runs to the wall on the opposite side of the stage! She runs her feet right up that
wall again and does back flips as Lonna charges to that wall also!

  The audience gasps again and hold their chest again!

  Back on the stage, Lonna runs her feet up on the wall and does back flips again as Miranda runs back across the stage! Lonna continues to chase after Miranda! Miranda frighteningly runs back to the other wall on the opposite side of the stage! This time she jumps and throws her arms to the wall! She starts to mysteriously climb the bare wall!

  The audience gasps again!

  Back on the stage, Lonna stops running. She places her hands on her hips and watches Miranda mysteriously climbing the bare wall. She then runs to the wall again. She jumps and throws her arms to the wall! She starts to mysteriously climb the bare wall herself!

  The audience gasps again!

  Back on the stage, Miranda and Lonna continue to climb the bare wall sticking to the wall like magnets getting close to the top of the 30 feet wall with Miranda above Lonna! Miranda suddenly kicks at Lonna. Lonna suddenly drops towards the lower part of the wall! She quickly spreads her legs apart into a split position and stops, breaking her fall!

  The audience gasps again and hold their chest!

  Back on stage, Lonna clings to the lower part of the wall like a magnet. She starts to climb the wall again, going after Miranda. Miranda is at the very top of the bare wall near the ceiling of the wall. This time, she mysteriously starts crawl across the ceiling like a magnet!

  The audience gasps again and hold their chest again!

  Back on the stage, Lonna watches Miranda mysteriously crawl across the ceiling! She then continues to climb the bare wall again. She is at the very top of the bare wall near the ceiling of the wall. She mysteriously starts crawl across the ceiling herself!

  The audience gasp again and hold their chest again!

  Back on the stage, Miranda and Lonna continue to crawl across the ceiling sticking to the ceiling like magnets! Miranda and Lonna crawl all across the ceiling towards the wall on the opposite side of the stage. They start to climb down that wall. They climb down towards the lower part of the wall still clinging to the wall like magnets. They reach the lower part of the wall and jump off the wall landing on the stage floor. They start to twirl and disappear off the stage.

  The audience scream and cheer!

  Back on stage, Different music starts to play. Kelly and Nancy come out and twirl from opposite sides of the stage. They twirl to the center of the stage and dance together, performing fantastic ballet moves as the crowd starts to scream and shout, “Dianettes!” Kelly and Nancy start to run together and twirl high in the air. They then do flips and spins. They suddenly bump into one another. Kelly and Nancy then stop dancing and angrily face each other. Nancy silently argues with Kelly. Kelly argues back. They start to argue silently on the stage as the music continues to play. Kelly then jumps a little in the air, turns and runs away from Nancy! Nancy throws her arms out to grab Kelly! She starts to give chase as the audience gets excited and scream. Kelly runs to one side of the stage. Nancy chases after Kelly! Kelly turns around and runs to the opposite side of the stage with Nancy in hot pursuit! She turns around the other way and runs back to the opposite side of the stage! She frighteningly runs to a dresser draw that's on the stage! Nancy runs right to Kelly! She angrily points her finger at Kelly demanding her to lift the heavy drawer! Kelly frighteningly grabs the dresser drawer. She tilts the dresser drawer and goes underneath the dresser drawer. She mysteriously lifts the dresser drawer over her back lifting it off the stage floor!

  The audience gasps!

  Back on the stage, Kelly places the heavy drawer back down on the stage. Nancy then turns and cartwheels towards a refrigerator that’s on the stage. She looks towards Kelly and demands Kelly to lift the heavy refrigerator as she points to the refrigerator! Kelly goes to the refrigerator. She grabs the refrigerator. She tilts the refrigerator and goes underneath the refrigerator. She mysteriously lifts the refrigerator over her back lifting it off the stage floor!

  The audience gasps again!

  Back on the stage, Kelly places the heavy refrigerator back down on the stage. Nancy then turns and cartwheels towards a small car that’s on the stage. Nancy tumble sauces over the car and angrily points at the car to Kelly. She looks towards Kelly and demands Kelly to lift the small car. She and Kelly go on opposite ends of the car. They place their palms beneath each end of the car. With all their might they bend their knees and lift the heavy car right up off the stage!

  The audience gasp and hold their chest again!

  Back on the stage, Nancy and Kelly places the heavy car back down on the stage. Nancy then turns and cartwheels towards a mini-bus that’s on the stage. Nancy tumble sauces near the mini-bus and angrily points at the mini-bus to Kelly. She looks towards Kelly and demands Kelly to lift the mini-bus. She and Kelly go on opposite ends of the mini-bus. They turn and face their back towards the mini-bus. They bend down on the stage floor and get on their knees. They place the bottom of their feet beneath the ends of the mini-bus. With all their might, they do hand stands as they lift the heavy mini-bus right off the stage!

  The audience gasp and hold their chest again!

  Back on the stage, Kelly and Nancy lower their legs and feet and slowly bring the mini-bus back down on the stage floor. They then place both of their feet on the stage floor. They then get up off the stage floor and stand doing twirling moves. They start to twirl and disappear off the stage.

  The audience scream and cheer!

  Back on stage, Different music starts to play. Diane D comes out and twirls from one side of the stage. The crowd starts to scream and shout, “Diane D! Diane D!” Diane D starts to twirl and spin near the edges of the round stage right near the audience. The audience members excitedly hold their arms and hands out to Diane D calling out, “Diane D!” trying to get a hand shake from her as she twirls and spins near them. Diane D continues to twirl and spin as she twirls to the center of the stage. She spins then holds her arm out and stops as she faces the front of the audience firmly looking her eyes way up towards the back of the audience. She holds one arm in the air and one arm to the side as she slowly raises her head up. “Diane D!” the crowd shouts again. Diane D's head faces all the way up in the air. She then brings her head back down facing her head forward again then turns her head to the side and firmly looks towards the side of the audience. Then she looks away from the side of the audience and starts to dance performing fantastic ballet dance moves as the crowd screams and cheers! Two cameramen riding on a cart circle Diane D facing the camera at her as she dances. Diane D starts to run and twirl high in the air. She then does forward flips. She then does back flips! She then twirls and do ballet dance moves again. She starts to throw her arms and fists into the air performing boxing moves. Then she spins her entire body around and continues to do boxing moves. She then add some kicks to it performing kick-boxing moves! Then she stops kicking and spins around again. She starts to spread her legs and feet apart very slowly as she continues to throw her arms and fists in the air. Her legs and feet continue to spread apart as she goes lower to the floor still throwing her arms and fists in the air. She quickly bends her upper body down swaying it then quickly brings it right back up as she continues to throw her arms and fists in the air still spreading her legs apart! Diane D’s legs and feet are still slowly spreading apart going into a split position as she gets closer and closer to the floor still throwing her arms and fists in the air. Diane D is now on the floor with her legs and feet completely apart. She is in a complete split position as she continues to throw her arms and fists in the air. She then brings her head and chest down towards the floor as she continues to throw her arms and fists still doing boxing moves. She then stops throwing her arms and fists and lays her face, chest and arms down on the floor as her legs and feet remain in a split position. She slowly stops moving as the music starts to slow down. She
suddenly stops moving completely. The two cameramen riding on the cart continue to circle Diane D and face the camera at her as she lays motionless on the stage.

  The crowd anxiously watch Diane D.

  Back on the stage, Diane D remains motionless with her face, chest and arms still down to the floor with her legs still in a split position. The two cameramen riding on the cart continue to circle Diane D and face the camera at her as she lays motionless not moving.

  The crowd anxiously continues to watch Diane D. They shout to her, “Diane D! Diane D!”

  Back on the stage, the two camera men riding on the cart continue to circle Diane D and face the camera at her as she still lays motionless on the stage floor. “Diane D!” voices from the crowd shout again. Diane D does not respond. She continues to remain motionless. She appears to be sound asleep. “Diane D!” voices from the crowd continue to shout. Diane D still does not respond.

  The crowd, the camera men on the side of the stage and the security guards anxiously watch Diane D. They puzzled look at Diane D seeing her not doing anything. They start to become nervous. The crowd nervously look at each other. They do not know what to do. Then they puzzled look back at Diane D as an older woman in the crowd asks, “What is she doing? Is she sleeping?”

  “No I don’t think so,” an older man in the crowd says. “It looks like she’s meditating.”

  “Meditating?!” the rest of the crowd shockingly asks.

  “That’s what it looks like.”

  “Oh my God,” the woman says as she and the rest of the crowd anxiously look back at Diane D and nervously watch her.

  Back on the stage, Diane D still remains motionless with her face, chest and arms still down to the floor with her legs still in a split position. As the music changes and starts to pump again, suddenly, Diane D's torso and hips slowly rise a few inches off the stage floor as her head, arms, both of her hands, legs and feet remain on the stage floor. The audience starts to cheer. Diane D’s legs and feet suddenly rise a few inches off the stage floor also as they remain in a split position. The audience continues to cheer. As Diane D’s torso and hips raise higher, her legs and feet raise higher and slowly start to come closer to each other. Diane D’s torso, hips, legs and feet are still rising as her legs and feet come a little more close to each other with her head, arms and both of her hands remaining on the stage floor. Her lower body is now one foot off the stage floor with her legs and feet still spread apart as her head, arms and both of her hands remain on the floor! Diane D raises her entire lower body in a slight diagonal position. She then holds her body stiff as she balances her entire weight on her head, arms and hands!

  The crowd, the cameramen and security guards become shocked and amazed to see Diane D balancing her entire weight in a slant position on her head, arms and hands! They continue to cheer.

  Back on the stage, Diane D’s head and arms suddenly rise a few inches off the stage floor causing her torso, hips, legs and feet to rise even more higher with her legs and feet still spread apart as her hands remain on the stage floor. Diane D’s arms start to straighten and stand as her head and arms suddenly rise higher causing her torso, hips, legs and feet to raise even more higher. Diane D’s arms are straightening more and standing more as her head, torso, hips, legs and feet are all raising two feet off the floor with her hands remaining on the floor! Diane D's arms are now standing completely straight as her entire body is now balancing two feet off the stage floor in a complete horizontal position! She is balancing her entire weight on her arms and hands with her legs and feet still spread apart!

  The crowd screams as they watch Diane D! They, the camera men and security guards are shocked and stunned to see Diane D balancing her entire body weight in a horizontal position on her arms and hands! They anxiously look up in the air and sky to see what could be lifting and holding Diane D's lower body up in a horizontal position two feet off the floor! They do not see any evidence of anything physical that could be holding and lifting Diane D's body up in a complete horizontal position! One of the men in the crowd shouts, “How is she able to do that?!”

  “I don’t know!” another man shockingly says. “The only time I can do something like that, is when I’m under water!”

  “Me too! But there’s no water there!”

  “I know!” The two men and the rest of the crowd continue to shockingly watch Diane D.

  Back on the stage, as Diane D’s body remain in a horizontal position, suddenly her hips go all the way up in the air putting her upper body vertical in an upside-down position as her hands remain on the stage floor. Suddenly her legs and feet go all the way up in the air putting her legs and feet vertical in an upside-down position also as her hands remain on the stage floor. Diane D's entire body is now raised in a complete vertical position! She is completely upside down as she balances her entire weight on her hands doing a complete hand stand!

  The crowd is shocked as they watch Diane D do a hand stand!

  Diane D then spins and twirls her entire body around on her hands as her legs and feet start to spread apart again doing different split positions right in the air! She suddenly removes her right hand off the stage floor. She is now doing a hand stand on one hand!

  The audience gasps!

  Back on stage, Diane D is balancing her entire weight on one hand as she starts to spin and twirl the rest of her body around! Diane D's legs move about and sway around in the air in different split positions as she continues to hold her balance and entire body weight on one hand!

  The people who had recently purchased tickets from Aunt Celeste and Gracy back at the hotel lobby earlier suddenly burst anxiously through the back of the crowd. They look way down at the stage. “Who's that?!” one of the men shouts.

  “Oh my God that's Diane D!” one of the women shouts. “She’s already performing!”

  “And she's doing a hand stand, on one hand!” the second man shouts.

  “Damn! We missed the beginning!” The people and the rest of the crowd watch Diane D stunned.

  Inside the trailer, Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn and Grandpa Mike, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael, the Band members, Mike, Mitch and the Youth Show performers are still sitting facing the TV monitor anxiously watching Diane D‘s performance on the TV monitor. The trailer door suddenly opens. Gracy and Aunt Celeste enter into the trailer as Aunt Celeste shouts, “Hey everybody! What did me miss?!”

  “You missed a lot Celeste,” Barry says.

  “Damn! Slide over fellows!” Celeste goes and sits next to Nicolas and Mickey as Gracy goes and sits next to Margarita. They all turn to the TV monitor and continue to anxiously watch Diane D‘s performance.

  Back on the stage, Diane D's left palm suddenly raises off the stage floor, leaving just her left fingertips touching the stage floor!

  The crowd screams as they watch Diane D! They become shocked and stunned to see Diane D balancing her entire weight upside down on her left finger tips! They anxiously look up in the air and sky again to see what could be lifting and holding Diane D's body straight up in the air! They do not see any evidence of anything physical that could be holding and lifting Diane D's body upside down in the air!

  Back on the stage, Diane D's left fingertips turn making her entire body turn while her legs continue to move about and sway around in the air in different split positions as she continues to hold her entire balance on her left finger tips! Diane D's left palm lowers again. Her left palm slowly raises again as her left fingertips turn again, making her entire body turn again as her legs continue to move about and sway around in the air in different split positions as she continues to hold her balance on her left finger tips. The two cameramen riding on the cart continue to circle Diane D and point the camera at her. Diane D's left palm lowers back to the stage floor again. Her right hand comes back down to the stage floor as she does the hand stand back on both hands. Her legs and feet slowly come ba
ck down. Her torso and hips slowly come back down as her legs remain a split position. Diane D's head and chest come down slowly and land on her right leg as she faces downward. She suddenly turns around making herself lay face up on her back with her eyes closed and her head back appearing to be unconscious as her right leg and foot remain all the way up to her head in a split position. Diane D’s right leg suddenly comes down near her left leg having both legs on the stage floor near each other. Diane D’s legs and arms suddenly spread out on the floor far apart from each other. Suddenly Diane D raises her arms and hands off the stage floor with her hands balled up into fists as she tries to lift her body up. Her entire body seems to rise an inch off the floor then spins around in a horizontal position to a different part of the stage appearing to be sort of weightless as her eyes remain closed and her head back.

  The audience gasps! They anxiously look up in the air and sky to see what could have possibly be spinning Diane D's body around the stage floor seeming weightless!

  Back on the stage, Diane D‘s body then stops spinning and seems to land back down on the stage floor as she spreads her arms out on the floor. Diane D raises her arms and fists off the stage floor again as she tries to lift her body up again. Her entire body seems to rise an inch off the floor again then spins around in a horizontal position again to another part of the stage appearing to be weightless again!

  The audience gasps again! They anxiously look back up in the air and sky to see what could have possibly be spinning Diane D's body around the stage floor seeming weightless again!

  Back on the stage, Diane D‘s body stops spinning again and seems to land back down on the stage floor again as she spreads her arms out on the floor again. Diane D raises her arms and fists off the stage floor again as she tries to lift her body up again. Her entire body seems to rise an inch off the floor again then spins around in a horizontal position again back to the center of the stage appearing to be weightless again!

  The audience gasps again! They anxiously look back up in the air and sky again!

  Back on the stage, Diane D‘s body stops spinning again and seems to land back down on the stage floor again as she spreads her arms out on the stage floor again. As Diane D’s arms remain spread out on the stage floor with her eyes closed and her head back, suddenly, her entire body seems to rise an inch off the floor again. It then rises another inch! It then rises a few more inches!

  The audience starts to gasp again!

  Back on the stage, Diane D’s body continues to rise higher as she starts to do an eerie levitation scene! The crowd starts to scream in fear as Diane D’s body levitates one foot off the stage floor! Her body continues to rise higher! The crowd continues to scream in fear as Diane D’s body levitates two feet off the stage floor! Her body continues to rise higher! The crowd continues to scream in fear as Diane D’s body levitates three feet off the stage floor! Her body continues to rise higher! The crowd continues to scream as Diane D’s body levitates four feet off the stage floor!

  The audience frighteningly turn around and run away from the stage! They run towards the back of the crowd screaming in fear!

  Back on the stage, Diane D’s body continues to levitate off the stage floor floating in mid air! The cameramen and security guards look on shocked as one of them shouts, “Oh my god she's floating!”

  “Oh shit!” one of the camera men says.

  “How the hell she do that?!” the second security guard shouts. The cameramen and security guards shockingly and frighteningly look at Diane D's body as it floats in mid air! The cameramen and security guards look up in the air above Diane D and shockingly see no means of support! They look down underneath her and shockingly see no means of support underneath her either.

  “There's nothing holding her!” the first security guard shouts. “I don't see any evidence of anything physical that could be making her body float in mid-air!”

  “You sure it's not the wind?!” the second security guard says.

  “No it's not the wind! Nobody else is floating!”

  The audience stop running and frighteningly turn back around and look back at Diane D! They continue to scream in fear! They anxiously look up in the air and sky to see what could be lifting and holding Diane D's body up in mid air! They do not see any evidence of anything physical that could be lifting and holding her body up in mid air!

  Back on the stage, the two cameramen on the cart continue to point the camera right at Diane D! Diane D's body start to spin around in mid air as her head remains back with her eyes closed and her arms, hands and feet wave around as if spinning her body around in mid air. One of the security guard shouts, “Oh my God! She’s spinning around in mid air! What are we gonna do?!”

  “I don't know!” a second security guard shouts. “I've never seen or experience anything like this before!”

  “Me neither!” the cameraman shouts.

  “Maybe we should go near her to protect her just in case she falls and gets hurt!” the first security guard shouts.

  “I don’t want to go near that! I’m afraid!”

  “But we have to! We can’t just leave her to float in mid air alone!” The security guards and cameramen nervously look at each other. They then look back at Diane D's body and rush towards her body!

  Diane D's body continues to spin! Her feet almost hits the security guards and cameramen causing them to duck and quickly get out of her way! The security guards and cameramen bend back up and shockingly look at Diane D's body. “My God she almost kicked us!” the third security guard shouts.

  “I know!” the first security guard shouts. “We gotto be very careful with her! I hear her kicks really hurt!”

  “I heard that too!” the second security guard shouts.

  “So what should we do?!” the fourth security guard shouts.

  “We got to circle her to catch her whichever direction she goes in just in case she falls!” the first security guard shouts.

  The men nervously turn to each other. They frighteningly look back at Diane D's body. They circle her body as it continues to float and spin! “Oh my God!” the cameraman shouts.

  “This is unbelievable!” the first security guard says. Diane D appears to remain unconscious as her body slowly stops spinning with her head still back and eyes closed as the crowd continues to scream! Diane D's body stops spinning as her arms and hands hang from her torso. Her head and upper body slowly goes downward towards the stage floor leaving her legs and feet higher in the air. “Oh my God!” the first security guard shouts.

  The fourth cameraman runs to the other side of Diane D's body! The third security guards nervously turns to him and shouts, “What are you doing?!”

  “I want to get this shot!” the fourth cameraman shouts. “This is a once in a lifetime thing!” The cameraman goes down to the floor underneath Diane D's body. He points and shoots the camera right up at her back as her upper body slowly comes back down to the stage floor with her legs and feet still higher in the air! Diane D's upper body slowly land back down on the stage floor then her lower body lands. She lays right near the fourth cameraman as her eyes remain closed. The fourth camera man continues to point and shoot the camera at Diane D‘s body. He then points and shoots the camera right at Diane D's face. She still appears to be unconscious not knowing what‘s going on. The rest of the cameramen and security guards bend to the floor to Diane D. They look at Diane D’s face as one of them asks, “Is she alright?”

  “I don’t know,” the second guard says. “She looks unconscious!”

  The men continue to puzzled look down at Diane D. Suddenly, Diane D's left leg bends all the way up bringing her left knee right up to her chest. The cameramen and security guards frighteningly back away a little! They puzzled look at Diane D. They then bend back to her and nervously look at her face. Suddenly, her lower left leg kicks all the way up kicking one of the security guards right in
the face! “Aaaaaahh!” the security guard screams and holds his face in pain as Diane D’s left foot continues to kick all the way up near her head, having her legs going into a split position again as she lays on her back. The men frighteningly back away from Diane D as one of the security guards shouts, “My God! She kicked me!” as he continues to hold his face.

  “Yeah I know!” the other security guard shouts. “That's why I said we got to be careful!” Diane D continues to lay on the stage floor in a split position with her eyes closed and head back still appearing to be unconscious as her body suddenly turns over face down in the split position. The men shockingly look at Diane D and frighteningly back away from her as the crowd continues to scream in fear. Diane D's hips suddenly raise with her feet and hands remaining on the stage floor. Her legs and feet start to stand. The cameramen and security guards frighteningly back further away from Diane D! They puzzled stare at Diane D as her eyes remain closed. Her body seems to be moving completely on its own without her doing it! Diane D's head and upper body then come up, having her body stand up right! The cameramen and security guards frighteningly back further away from Diane D!

  Diane D turns toward the center of the audience. Her eyes are now half open with most of her eyeballs hidden behind her half closed eyelids. She appears to be in a state of trance as she looks way up towards the back of the audience, giving the back of the audience a stone cold blank look! She throws her left arm and fist up in the air! She suddenly brings her right knee up. Different music starts to play. Diane D stands on her left leg and holds her right leg in the air with her right arm and hand around it. She suddenly looks up as she holds her head back. She then raises her left arm and hand high in the air. She kicks her right leg out and starts to levitate again in a vertical position as her body rises four to five feet in the air!

  The crowd continues to scream in fear!

  Diane D’s body starts to spin in mid air with her head forward and eyes closed again. Her head then falls back, her arms and legs hang from her body as her body continues to spin! She appears to be hanging and spinning by an invisible rope and noose as the crowd continues to scream in fear!

  The audience turn around running away out of the field! They are pushing and shoving each other as they desperately try to get away! There is panicking and stampede among the crowd as several people hold their chests, then fall to the grass! Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Tonio, Marilyn and Grandpa Mike, Nicolas, Mickey, Michael, Aunt Celeste, Gracy and the rest of Diane D's relatives run through the crowd as they hurry towards the stage! They puzzled look at the crowd as the crowd continues to scream and run away! Mary and the rest of Diane D’s family then look forward and continue to hurry towards the stage!

  As Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas and the rest of Diane D's family almost reach the stage, Diane D’s body suddenly falls! She quickly waves her arms, hands, legs and feet out and kicks another security guard in the face as she falls! “Aaaaaahh!” the security guard screams and holds his face in pain as Diane D’s body drops and lands hard on the stage floor!

  Diane D‘s family finally reach the stage! They see Diane D on the stage floor and shout, “Diane!” They rush right on the large stage and run towards Diane D!

  Diane D suddenly lays up on the stage floor as her eyes remain shut. She shakes her head. She then opens her eyes and awakens out of her trance. Her eyes appear as if she has just woken up from a long sleep as she looks around in a daze not seeming to know where she is and not seeming to know what is happening to her. She then grabs her backside and holds herself in pain.

  “Diane!” her family shockingly shouts as they continue to rush to her!

  Diane D painfully and worriedly looks at her family and the rest of her relatives as they rush to her.

  Diane D's family approach her! They bend down on the stage floor to her and shout, “Diane! Diane!” They then grab Diane D. They tightly hold her as they shout to her, “Diane!”

  “Estas bien?!” Mary shouts. “Que ha pasado?!”

  “Diane!” Margarita shouts. “Hable a nosotros! Diga algo!”

  “Diane are you okay?!” Barry shouts. Diane D puzzled looks at her family! “What in the world happened to you?!” Barry shouts. Diane D’s eyes are half closed with her head back. Barry then wraps his arm entirely around Diane D. Diane D has her head laid back against Barry’s arm as her family worriedly look at her and continue to hold her.

  The security guards, the cameramen and other witnesses approach Diane D! Other people rush to Diane D.

  Several ambulances arrive in the field. They tend to several people that are on the ground.

  The security guards, Diane D’s family and people on the stage continue to surround Diane D as three male paramedics rush to them with a stretcher. “Okay everyone let us through!” the paramedics shout. The people look at the paramedics and start to clear out of the way.

  The paramedics in the field have several people laying in stretchers. They lift the stretchers and place them into the ambulances.

  The paramedics on the stage lift the first security guard who got kicked in the face by Diane D onto a stretcher as they hold a bloody cloth over his face. They quickly walk the stretcher with the security guard away as they continue to hold the bloody cloth over his face. The other three male paramedics have Diane D laying and strapped tightly in a stretcher as they rush her and the stretcher off the stage! Diane D's family, the security officers and cameramen rush and follow off after Diane D's stretcher! Other paramedics lift the second security guard who got kicked in the face by Diane D onto a stretcher as they hold a bloody cloth over his face. They quickly walk the security guard and the stretcher away as they continue to hold the bloody cloth over his face.

  Across the grass area, the Dianettes race after Diane D's stretcher as Michael, Nicolas, Mickey, the Diaz-Davidson Band and the Howard Jones Ballet race after the Dianettes! Tons of witnesses race off after Michael, Nicolas, Mickey, the Diaz-Davidson Band and the Howard Jones Ballet!

  The paramedics lift Diane D's stretcher and place her into the ambulances. Mary and Barry get into the ambulance. The Dianettes rush to the back of the ambulance! They try to get into the ambulance! The paramedics and security guards pull and hold them back as one of the paramedics says, “I'm sorry you all can't get in there with her, there's no room!” The Dianettes angrily fight off the security guards!

  Barry comes out of the ambulance. He tries to calm the Dianettes and shouts, “Girls! Girls! Calm down girls!” The Dianettes calm a little and angrily look at Barry as he shouts, “There's no room for you all to ride in the ambulance! If y'all want to come to the hospital, then you all can ride in the van!” Barry turns to Michael, Nicolas and Mickey and shouts, “Guys, could you ride the girls to the hospital and meet us there?! We will meet you all at the hospital!”

  “Sure Dad,” Nicolas says.

  “Thanks a lot.” Barry turns to the paramedics and says, “Okay take it away guys!” Barry quickly steps into the ambulance. The door shuts behind him as Michael, the Dianettes, Nicolas, Mickey and the Diaz-Davidson Band turn and take off! The ambulance then pulls off and races away.

  A couple of hours later, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Gracy, Mike, Aunt Celeste and other relatives stand out in the hospital hallway all in shock as two doctors, several police officers and several reporters speak to them. One of the doctors, a male white in his mid 50’s, says, “We're gonna take some X-rays on your daughter Diane D to see if she has any broken bones or any other injuries from when she fell and landed on the stage. We're also gonna have psychologists check on your daughter's state of mind later, because she's not talking right now, but we need to know, what happened with your daughter while she was performing on stage. We got a lot of patients just brought here in the hospital who were shocked then passed out from witnessing your daughter and the Dianettes' performances. Security guards and other witnesses a
t the performance said while your daughter Diane D was performing, she got all the way down on the floor in a split position and seemed to have meditated right there on the stage! Then they said she seemed to have went into some sort of hypnotic trance. The next thing people noticed, was that your daughter rose slowly in a horizontal position and balanced her body in a horizontal position on her arms and hands, then she lift her entire body upside down in the air and did a hand stand. Then she did the hand stand on one hand, after that, she laid on the stage floor on her back and spun around on the stage floor then levitated herself one to four feet off the stage floor!”

  “What!” Diane D’s family shout. “Levitated?!”

  “That’s what witnesses said.”

  “Come on now, levitated?” Barry says. “You got to be kidding!”

  “Didn’t you see your daughter’s performance?”

  “Yes we saw her performance, but we didn‘t see the ending of it!”

  “You didn’t?”


  “Well where were you all while Diane D was performing?” one of the police officers asks.

  “We were all watching her performance on a TV monitor from inside one of the trailers in the park!” Mary shouts.

  “You were watching her performance on a TV monitor inside the trailer?”


  “And you didn’t you see the ending of Diane D’s performance?”

  “No!” Margarita shouts. “The TV monitor suddenly went off and stopped working during the end of Diane’s performance!”

  “What? What do you mean the TV monitor suddenly went off and stopped working during the end of Diane D’s performance?”

  “While we were watching Diane’s performance on the TV monitor, all of a sudden it went blank for no reason! We didn't know what happened to it!”

  “It went blank?”

  “It sure did!”

  “So you never got to see Diane D levitate?”

  “No we didn’t see any of that stuff!”

  “Well after your granddaughter levitated, witnesses said she floated back down to the stage floor. When the security guards came to her and tried to come to her aid, she suddenly raised her knee to her chest, then she kicks her foot up and kicked one of the security guards hard in the face while she was still in a trance! Then she turned over and stood upright on the stage floor, then she stood on one leg then levitated herself again, this time in a vertical position around five feet in the air then started to spin! Did you see any of that?”

  “No we didn’t see any doggone levitation!” Barry shouts. “We only caught the tail ending of Diane’s performance when she fell and landed on the stage floor!”

  “You saw her fall and land on the stage floor?”

  “Yes we did!”

  “So what did you think was happening with your daughter when you saw her fall and land?”

  “We thought maybe she did a stunt that went wrong.”

  “You thought she did a stunt that went wrong? A stunt like what?”

  “Like the back flip or something like that.”

  “You thought Diane D did the back flip?”


  “After the TV monitor cut up on us, we started to hear a whole bunch of screaming!” Margarita shouts. “We kept hearing the audience screaming! We thought they were just screaming and cheering, enjoying the show and performances so we didn't think anything of it! Then the screaming started sounding frightening. So we decided to go out the trailer to find out what the frightening screaming was about! We saw people screaming and running all over the place, so we ran through the crowd to the stage to see what was happening! That‘s when we saw Diane fall and land on the stage!”

  “Wow,” the doctor says. “The security officers said while your granddaughter was falling down, she jerked her legs and kicked another security guard right in the face, then landed hard on the stage floor. That's when your granddaughter sat up, opened her eyes and seemed to have awoken out of a trance or whatever state of mind she was in.”

  “The security officers and witnesses said when Diane D fell and landed on the stage, she opened her eyes and looked around in a daze like she didn't know where she was and didn't know what was happening to her,” a second doctor says. “Has your daughter ever done this before, levitated herself?”

  “How was your daughter Diane D able to levitate herself?” one of the reporters asks.

  “She didn’t!” Mary shouts. “There‘s no such thing as levitation!”

  “But Mrs. Brown, witnesses saw your daughter do it,” the police officer says. “Not only that, your daughter’s entire performance was captured on video from the camera men. So how was your daughter able to levitate herself?”

  “Well obviously there’s some kind of trick involved!” Barry shouts. “Whatever trick was used, we don’t know anything about it!”

  “Well witnesses said when your daughter levitated herself in a horizontal position one to four feet off the stage floor, it scared the hell out of them because they said it seemed like the were watching The Exorcist right before their eyes! Then they said after your daughter’s body came back down on the stage floor, she stood in an upright position then levitated herself again in a vertical position around five feet off the stage floor, then spun her entire body around in mid air then laid her head back! That scared the hell out of a lot of people too because they said it seemed like your daughter was being hanged and spun around by an invisible rope or noose or something like that! That frightened a lot of people! Witnesses said while Diane D was levitating on the stage, her body was there, but her mind soul and spirit didn't seem to be there at all! The security guards and cameramen who were surrounding Diane D's body said she appeared to be hypnotized, in a trance or sound asleep the whole entire time her body was levitating! She didn't seem to be aware of what was happening to her body nor did she seem to be aware of the screaming that was going on all over the place. Was Diane D asleep while her body was levitating in mid-air? Did she somehow hypnotize herself and went into a deep sleep or trance while she was performing right on the stage?!”

  “We don't know!” Mary shouts. “We weren’t there!”

  “Well how were two of the Dianettes able to do their performances, vanish into thin air?” a second reporter asks.

  “We don't know that either!” Barry says.

  “You don't? How were the other two Dianettes able to climb a bare wall and crawl across a bare ceiling!”

  “We don't know!” Mary says.

  “How were the other two Dianettes able to lift extremely heavy objects and vehicles?!”

  “We don't know that either!” Barry shouts.

  “You don't?!”

  “No we don't!”

  “You mean to tell us that none of you knew that your daughter and granddaughter Diane D and the Dianettes were gonna do some unique performances which made them all appear to have superhuman strength or superhuman abilities?!”

  “No we didn't!” Mary shouts.

  “We didn't know that levitating, disappearing into thin air, bare wall climbing, bare ceiling crawling or lifting extremely heavy objects and vehicles were gonna be part of Diane and the girls performances!” Barry shouts. “Look! When Diane told us all that she and the girls were gonna do an 'Illusions of Zero Gravity' performance, we didn't think she meant it literally! We're just as shocked as everyone else!”

  “Didn't you question your daughter Diane D or the Dianettes after their performance?” the police officer asks.

  “Yes we did!”

  “Well what did they say about it?!”

  “Well Diane didn't answer or say anything about it, she wasn't talking! But when we asked the girls about it, they just said it was all an illusion that none of that stuff really happened!”

  “An illusion?!”

  “That none of that stuff really happened?!” a second police officer asks.

  “That's what th
ey said!” Barry says.

  “You mean to tell us that the Dianettes are claiming that disappearing into thin air, bare wall climbing, bare ceiling crawling, lifting extremely heavy objects and vehicles and levitating then spinning around in mid-air was all just an illusion?!”

  “Yes. An illusion of zero gravity I guess.”

  “How were they able to perform those illusions?!” the first police officer asks.

  “They didn't say how they were able to perform those illusions. All they said it was a trick of the mind!”

  “Trick of the mind?!”


  “Well the security guards, cameramen and witnesses said this whole incident of Diane D levitating over the stage seemed more supernatural than just an illusion! So as far as any of you know, your daughter Diane D has never ever levitated herself before.”

  “As far as we know, she hasn't.”

  “And the Dianettes never did any of that disappearing, wall climbing, ceiling crawling or lifting heavy objects and vehicles before?”

  “No! They said it's all just an illusion, that it never happened!”

  “Never happened?!”

  “That’s right!”

  “Well try telling the security officer who got kicked in the face by your daughter Diane D and wind up getting a bloody broken nose behind it, that it is all just an illusion that never happened! Try telling the other security officer who got kicked in the head by your daughter Diane D while she was falling from the air and wind up getting a concussion behind it, that it was all just an illusion also, that never happened! Why don't you go to both of those security officers and tell them both, that their pain, injuries and suffering are just illusions, that their pain, injuries and suffering isn’t really happening! They're talking about filing injury lawsuits against your family's organization, and I'm sure that their lawsuits are not going to be illusions! I'm sure that their lawsuits are really going to happen!”

  “Listen, we're truly sorry for those security officers' injuries and we're very sorry for all the people in the audience who got hurt! We didn't mean or expect for any of this to happen! Believe me, if we knew what Diane and the girls had in store for everybody, we would have definitely stopped it!”

  “That's right we would have!” Mary shouts.

  “You don't even know whether or not your daughter has levitated herself before!” the police officer shouts.

  “No we don't know that, but we do know that Diane meditates sometimes.”

  “Yeah I heard that she meditates,” the second police officer says.

  “Why does she meditate?” the first police officer asks.

  “She's into spiritual meditation, that’s all!” Margarita shouts.

  “Spiritual meditation?”


  “How long has she been into spiritual meditation?”

  “She's been into spiritual meditation for years since she was a pre-teen!”

  “Oh really?”


  “Are the Dianettes into spiritual meditation too?”

  “We’ve never seen them meditate. Diane is the only one into it.”

  “Does anyone else in your family meditates or are into spiritual meditation?”

  “We’ve seen Dana sitting on the floor with Diane while Diane meditates.”

  “You’ve seen Dana sitting on the floor with Diane D while Diane D meditates?”


  “What was Dana doing, meditating also?”

  “We don’t know if Dana be actually meditating with Diane. All we know is that both of them be looking like they’re in a deep trance when they’re sitting on the bedroom floor.”


  “What about Diane D’s husband?” the doctor asks. “Is he into meditation?”

  “No he's not,” Barry says. “Look, when Diane told her grandparents and us, she and the girls were going to rehearse for the ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity’ performance, we didn't think anything of it because she and the girls always go to rehearse for any performance they do. When they went off somewhere to rehearse for this last performance, we didn't question it.”

  “Do you know where they rehearsed at?” the police officer asks.

  “They said they were going to rehearse at some dance studio across town. We just don't know which dance studio they were talking about, they never told us the name of the dance studio.”

  “Well we want to keep your daughter in the hospital for a couple of days for observation to make sure she's alright,” the doctor says.

  “Okay thanks Doctor.”

  “You're welcome. You can go back and see her.”

  “Thanks Doctor,” Mary says. She, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Aunt Celeste and Diane D's other relatives turn and follow the doctors as the police officers follow them.

  On the third day, Aunt Celeste is walking through the hospital lobby. A crowd of people and reporters inside the hospital lobby anxiously approach Aunt Celeste as a male white reporter says, “Hey Diane D’s aunt. How's Diane D doing?”

  “She's okay,” Aunt Celeste says.

  “That’s good. How did she levitate herself!”

  “My family and I don't know, we didn’t see it!”

  “You didn’t see it?”

  “No. I have to go now.” Aunt Celeste turns away from the people and walks away towards the back of the hospital. The people try to anxiously follow her. The hospital security go right in front of the people and block their path stopping them.

  Inside Diane D’s hospital room, Diane D appears all dazed out and in pain sitting up on the hospital bed with her legs wide apart wearing black leggings with her pajama shirt wide opened. Her eyes are very puffy and very swollen as she leans on her right towards Margarita while Margarita stands on the side of the bed holding on to her and Mary stands on the left side of Diane D pulling Diane D’s pajama shirt sleeve off her left arm. Mary then removes Diane D’s pajama shirt sleeve from off Diane D’s left arm then pulls Diane D’s pajama shirt from around Diane D’s back removing her pajama shirt off her baring her short white bustier. Diane D is now dressed in the white bustier and black leggings, baring her muscular shoulders, muscular arms, muscular chest, firm cleavage and six-pack abs. She then leans away from Margarita a little as Margarita pulls her pajama shirt sleeve down her right arm. Margarita finishes removing Diane D’s pajama shirt sleeve from off Diane D’s right arm taking Diane D’s pajama shirt off of her. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. Mary, Margarita and swollen, puffy-eyed Diane D look towards the door. Mary and Margarita turn back towards Diane D and place the sheet and covers over her covering her. Mary looks back towards the door and shouts, “Who is it?!”

  “It’s us Aunt Mary,” Nancy’s voice says. “Can we come in?”

  Mary looks at Margarita as Margarita nods okay to her. Mary looks back towards the door and shouts, “Yeah come on in!”

  The hospital room door opens. Nancy, Charlotte, Lonna, Kelly, Miranda and Bernice walk into the room carrying clothes, bras and corset tops in plastic garment bags. “Hi,” they all smile and say.

  “Estas a punto de darle un bano de esponja?” Nancy asks.

  “Si, estamos Nancy,” Margarita says.

  “Que podamos darle el bano de esponja Abuela.”

  “Si Abuela,” Charlotte says.

  “I see you all brought clothes here for her,” Margarita says.

  “We sure did,” Miranda says.

  “Abuela por que no usted y tia Mary descansar un rato,” Nancy says. “Nos encargamos de Diane.”

  “Estas seguro de Nancy?” Mary asks.

  “Positivo tia Mary. Manejamos esto antes y podemos hacerlo otra vez.”

  “Esta bien.”

  Nancy and Charlotte approach Diane D. They hold onto her as Margarita and Mary gently let go of her. Margarita and Mary turn from Diane D and step to the side. They look back at Diane D as Margarita says, “Dia
ne, tu madre y yo vamos abajo un poco de tiempo.”

  “Si,” Mary says. “Seremos la espalda derecha.” Diane D does not respond as she has her head laid on Nancy’s shoulder with her eyes closed and the sheet and covers still covering her body as Nancy has her arms wrapped around her. Mary and Margarita turn from Diane D as Margarita says to the Dianettes, “See you later girls.”

  “Okay,” the Dianettes say.

  Margarita and Mary head towards the doorway. They open the door and leave the room. They close the door as they take one last look at Diane D.

  Twenty minutes later on the first floor hospital hallway, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Barry, Gracy, Mike and Diane D's other relatives stand around anxious. Michael, Nicolas and Mickey approach them holding a bunch of flowers. “How's Diane doing?” Michael asks.

  “Oh she's gonna be alright Michael,” Mary says.

  “She's still in a lot of pain from when she fell,” Barry says.

  “She is?” Michael says. “What was the outcome of the X-rays?”

  “The X-rays came out okay. She didn't suffer any major broken bones, but she's still in pain though. The doctors say her physical condition is gonna be okay, she just needs plenty of rest right now.”

  “That's good.”

  “What did they say about her state of mind Dad?” Nicolas asks.

  “Well when your mother and I were in the room with her and the doctors, the doctors checked on her state of mind all morning,” Barry says. “They didn't get much out of her. She's still not talking.”

  “She‘s not?”

  “No. When the doctors asked Diane about herself being levitated on the stage, she looked at them like she didn't know what the heck they were talking about.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah. When the doctors told Diane that she actually levitated right on the stage in front of a live scared audience, she didn't seem to remember herself being levitated on the stage. When the doctors told her that she kicked a couple of security officers right in the face and head and they had to go to the hospital emergency because of it, she looked at them again like she didn't know what they were talking about. She doesn't seem to remember kicking any security officers either so the police and doctors showed Diane a video of her entire performance from when she first came out on stage to when she was put into the ambulance.”

  “Oh yeah? What did she do or say about it?”

  “She looked shocked when she saw the video of herself levitating.”

  “She did?”

  “Yeah, she didn't say anything, she just looked shocked. When the video was over, doctors spoke to Diane again about herself being levitated. She didn't seem to want to listen to what they had to say and didn't seem to want to talk about it either.”

  “So she didn't say anything about her ordeal at all?”

  “No, she didn't say a word.”


  “Well we want to see her now Dad,” Mickey says.

  “Y'all might have to wait,” Barry says. “The girls are in there.”

  “The girls are in there?” Nicolas asks.


  “All of them?” Michael asks.

  “Yep all of them. They're getting ready to give Diane a sponge bath.”

  “They're getting ready to give her a sponge bath?”


  “I thought you were gonna give Diane a sponge bath Mom,” Mickey says.

  “I was,” Mary says, “but I didn't get a chance to because the doctors were in there with her all morning. When the doctors finally left the room, I was finally able to start getting the sponge bath ready. When your Grandma and I removed Diane's pajama shirt off her, the girls knocked on the door. I asked who it was and they told me it was them. They asked can they come in. I told them yeah, then they walked right in the room. They saw me and your Grandma about to give Diane a sponge bath so they offered to give Diane the sponge bath instead. They told me and your Grandma to relax for a while, they'll take care of Diane. We said okay then your Grandma and I left the room then came and waited down here.”

  “Oh yeah?” Nicolas says.


  “It sounds like the girls are gonna hog up Diane’s hospital room again like they did before when she was in the hospital! We want to see Diane real quick before the girls start on her sponge bath.”

  “I think they already started Nicolas,” Barry says. “Go upstairs, knock on the door and see if y'all can get in there.”

  “Okay Dad.” Nicolas, Mickey and Michael turn and walk away.

  “Good luck.” Barry smiles at Nicolas, Mickey and Michael as they turn and smile back at him. Nicolas, Mickey and Michael turn back around and walk away.

  Nicolas, Mickey and Michael are walking in the upstairs hospital hallway. They approach the hospital room door. It is closed. They knock on the door. Michael turns the doorknob. The door opens. Michael, Nicolas and Mickey are about to enter the room. Charlotte and Nancy approach from behind the door. They step forward and push Michael, Nicolas and Mickey right back out the room as Nancy says, “Ah aaah y'all can't come in here right now, Diane is not dressed.”

  “Yeah we're getting ready to give her a sponge bath,” Charlotte says.

  “Well we just want to see her real quick before y'all get her sponge bath started,” Michael says.

  “We already started. Miranda and Lonna already started putting the soap all over Diane.”

  “Nancy where's the new bar of soap?!” Miranda’s voice shouts. “This bar of soap is almost gone!”

  Nancy turns her head towards inside the room and shouts, “How can it be almost gone, y'all just started using it on her!”

  “It was only a small bar of soap!” Lonna’s voice shouts. “We need a bigger bar!”

  “Well the bigger bar of soap is in the brown bag, right next to the bubble bath!”

  “Nancy where did you put the shower hose?!” Bernice’s voice shouts.

  “The shower hose is in the white bag!”

  “Y'all gonna hose her down?” Michael asks.

  Nancy turns her head back towards Michael, Nicolas and Mickey and says, “Yeah. How else are we gonna bathe her? Okay guys we gotta close this door back and lock it. As soon as we finish bathing Diane, y'all can see her.”

  “Yeah,” Charlotte says. “We'll take the flowers and put them aside for Diane.” Nancy and Charlotte take the flowers from Michael, Nicolas and Mickey. They then move Michael, Nicolas and Mickey away from the door. Nancy and Charlotte quickly get step back into the room. They close the door tightly behind themselves. Michael, Nicolas and Mickey puzzled look at the door, then look at each other. They then walk away from the door.

  Ten minutes later on the first floor hallway, Michael, Nicolas and Mickey come back to Mary, Barry and the rest of Diane D's relatives without the flowers. “What happened guys?” Margarita asks. “Did y'all see Diane?”

  “No,” Michael says. “The girls didn't let us in the room. They said they had already started bathing Diane.”

  “They did?” Mary asks. “Where're the flowers?”

  “The girls took the flowers in the room then they closed the door,” Mickey says.

  “See?” Barry says. “Didn't I tell y'all good luck?” Barry smiles as he hugs Mickey, playfully shaking him on the top of his head as Mickey smiles back to him.


  Back in New York, a man on a New York City subway is reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D'S EERIE LEVITATION ILLUSION PERFORMANCE IN GERMANY CAUSES A FRIGHTENING STIR!


  A man is sitting in a coffee shop reading a newspaper with a headline that reads: AN AUDIENCE OF AROUND 5,000 GERMAN SPECTATORS PRACTICALLY FRIGHT


  Several people in an office building are reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: A FRIGHTENED GERMAN AUDIENCE WITNESS DIANE D'S MYSTERIOUS LEVITATION PERFORMANCE!



  A man in a truck is reading a newspaper with a headline that reads: SLEEP PERFORMING? DIANE D APPEARED TO BE IN A TRANCE DURING HER ENTIRE LEVITATION PERFORMANCE!

  A woman is home at her kitchen stove as her husband sits at the table reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: A DOZEN GERMAN SPECTATORS SUFFER NEAR HEART ATTACKS BY DIANE D’S LEVITATION PERFORMANCE!


  A man in a deli is reading a newspaper with a headline that reads: DIANE D APPEARS DAZED OUT AFTER SHE FALLS AND LANDS ON STAGE FLOOR!

  A woman in a supermarket is standing on line reading a tabloid magazine with a headline that reads: THE DISAPPEARING LADIES! TWO DIANETTES SEEM TO VANISH INTO THIN AIR IN FRONT OF A LIVE STUNNED AUDIENCE!






  A man in a limousine is reading a newspaper with a headline that reads: DOCTORS CLAIM DIANE D DOESN'T SEEM TO REMEMBER OR RECALL HER LEVITATION EXPERIENCE!

  A man on another train is reading a tabloid article magazine with a headline that reads: IT'S A BIRD! IT'S A PLANE! IT'S DIANE D! DIANE D'S PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS REVEAL THAT DIANE D IS INTO SPIRITUAL MEDITATION FROM TIME TO TIME!

  A woman in a supermarket is standing on line reading another tabloid magazine article with a headline that reads: THE DISAPPEARING LADIES, THE SPIDER GIRLS, THE WONDER WOMEN AND THE FLY GIRL!

  A man in a coffee shop is reading a newspaper article with a headline that reads: DIANE D IS RELEASED FROM GERMAN HOSPITAL! DOCTORS CLAIM SHE IS INCOMPETENT TO STAND TRIAL!


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