Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2

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Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2 Page 11

by Doris Miller

It is three weeks later. Four men of different heritages, all around their mid to late twenties, are playing in a small band inside a house garage as they each play an instrument. One of the guys Arty, a male white, turns to the others and says, “You know guys? It would be real nice if our group had more exposure.”

  “What do you mean more exposure?” Dave says.

  “I mean we should start performing in public places again where more people can see us! I mean how would our band get discovered if not too many people see us? We already performed at the park last week where a small crowd of around twenty-five people gathered to watch us. We have to get more exposure.”

  “Yeah you're right Arty. What should we do?”

  “We should put out an advertisement.”

  “Put out an advertisement?” Marlon says. “Put out an advertisement where?”

  “In the newspaper.”

  “In the newspaper? You know how much it costs to put an advertisement in the paper! Even if we did advertise our band in the paper, nobody would still come to see us. Nobody knows who we are! We're not well known at all! People wouldn't pay much attention to the ad anyway.”

  “That's the point I'm trying to make! Nobody knows who we are, yet. We got to get people to know us!”

  “How are we going to do that?”

  “What if we say, we're gonna be an opening act for a well known singer or singing group?”

  “Be an opening act for a well known singer or singing group? You mean put out a lie?”

  “Well it won't fully be a lie, we'll still perform. When we put on an opening act for the well known singer or singing group and start performing, we'll just tell the crowd or audience that we just got word that the singer or singing group couldn't make it and won't be performing. The crowd will be disappointed at first, but once they hear our band, they will forget all about that well known singer or singing group and just enjoy our band.”

  “I don't like the sound of this Arty,” Ray says “I don't think I'm gonna like us lying to the public like that.”

  “It'll just be a small article in the newspaper. I'm sure not too many people will notice the small article anyway. It's a chance I'm willing to take just so we can get more exposure. Are you guys with me?”

  Dave, Marlon and Ray look at each other puzzled, then back at Arty. “Yeah I'm with you Arty,” Marlon says.

  “Yeah, me too,” Dave says.

  “So am I,” Ray says. “Suppose you DO get big and famous behind this, I don’t want to be left out.”

  “Great!” Arty says.

  “So what well known singer or singing group were you thinking about putting in the ad?”

  “I was thinking about maybe putting Diane D and The Dianettes in the ad.”

  “What!” Dave, Marlon and Ray shout. “Diane D and The Dianettes?!”

  “From The Diaz-Davidson Organization?!” Marlon shouts. “Why do you want to use Diane D and The Dianettes' name? Didn't Diane D and The Dianettes quit doing shows or concerts?!”

  “Yeah,” Arty says.

  “So why use their name and have Diane D's name be put in the papers again?!”

  “Well Diane D has been in the headlines and articles a lot lately.”

  “Don't you think she went through a lot already with her name constantly put in the papers? The papers and media talking about her and the Dianettes' ‘Illusions Of Zero Gravity’ performance in Germany! Especially about her levitation performance! That's the reason why she quit doing shows and concerts in the first place! And now you want to add her name to the headlines and articles again! Just throw the fuel to the fire!”

  “Well, I figure people might want to see Diane D and the Dianettes because of their 'Illusions Of Zero Gravity' performance. Especially Diane D's levitation performance!”

  “Arty, everybody knows that Diane D and The Dianettes had quit doing shows and concerts! Everybody heard about it! Even if Diane D and The Dianettes didn't quit doing shows and concerts, Diane D's family banned her and the Dianettes from ever doing that 'Illusions of Zero Gravity' performance again and the crowd won't be able to see that performance! How are you going to pull this off in the paper?!”

  “Well I know someone who works in one of the newspaper companies personally who can put Diane D and The Dianettes’ name in the ad for me. A few people would see and read the advertisement and think that Diane D and the Dianettes have changed their minds and decided to come back to do one last show. People would be desperate to see Diane D and The Dianettes and would definitely want to come see them perform if they think Diane D and The Dianettes are gonna be performing one last show!”

  “The person who works in the newspaper company would lie for you and do that?” Dave asks.

  “Yeah, for a price.”

  “How much?” Marlon asks.

  “The same price it costs to put any ad in the paper.”

  “You have that kind of money Arty?” Ray asks.

  “Yeah. I have a trust fund saved up for me since I was a kid. I'll use some of that money to pay for the ad.”

  “Wouldn't the newspaper want proof in order to print such a thing like that in the paper?” Dave asks.

  “I'm gonna give them all the proof I can give them.”

  “What are you planning to say in the ad?” Ray asks.

  “I'm gonna place a small ad in the newspaper with a headline that says, 'The Hicks Band performs and opening act for Diane D and The Dianettes at the Staten Island Mall on Saturday May 12th.”

  “What!” Marlon shouts. “The Hicks Band performs and opening act for Diane D and The Dianettes at the Staten Island Mall on Saturday May 12th? That's another three weeks from now!”

  “I know.”

  “Isn’t Diane D and her family out of town?” Ray says. “Didn’t they go down to the Dominican Republic for a while?”

  “Yep, they sure did! That’s a good excuse to tell the crowd, that Diane D and the Dianettes couldn’t make it to the mall to perform tonight because they haven’t returned back from the Dominican Republic yet! I think that’ll work! So we better hurry and start calling up the newspaper if we want that ad in the paper.” The rest of the guys worriedly look at Arty. Arty looks at them and says, “Oh don't worry guys. The ad will be very small. It'll be in a small corner near the back of the newspaper that nobody in the Diaz-Davidson Organization will even see it! I'm sure only two or three people in this entire planet will even see or notice the ad. They'll spread the word to their family and friends. By word of mouth, their family and friends will tell other people. Then they'll all come to our performance. It'll probably be only a hundred people or less there. It shouldn't be more than that. Let me get on the phone and start dialing.” Arty gets on his cell phone. He starts to dial a number. He puts the cell phone to his ear and waits for several seconds. He then speaks into the cell phone and says, “Hello? Is this the local newspaper? Well I would like to speak with an employee there named Eddie Thompson..... Is he there? ..... Can I speak with him? .... Sure, I'll wait. ...... Hello Eddie? .... Yeah Eddie what's up, this is Arty. .... I'm okay man. ….. Listen Eddie, I need a special big favor from you. .... Yes, a big, big favor. I need you to print a certain advertisement for my band. ..…” Dave, Marlon and Ray worriedly look at Arty.

  Three days later, Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray are on a sidewalk at a news stand. Arty picks up a newspaper copy as Dave, Marlon and Ray stand around him looking at the newspaper. “Let's hope it's printed in here,” Arty says. Arty opens the newspaper all the way near be back. He, Dave, Marlon and Ray look and see a small article in the corner of the page with a headline that reads: THE HICKS BAND PERFORMS AND OPENING ACT FOR DIAND D AND THE DIANETTES AT THE STATEN ISLAND MALL ON SATURDAY MAY 12. “They printed it!” Arty excitingly shouts. “Oh my goodness, they printed it!”

  “I can't believe this?!” Dave shouts. “The paper actually did print this! So what do we do now?!”

p; “We better start getting ready to play in three weeks!”

  “Man I hope it works out Arty!”

  “Yeah me too. Let's keep our fingers crossed.” Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray are nervous and excited.

  It is three weeks later, Saturday May 12th. The mall is packed with shoppers. There is a stage in the mall. There are several instruments on the stage. Everybody is surrounding the stage with excitement. Several yards away from the stage are seven tall larger than life size photos. Each photo has a picture of either Diane D or one of the Dianettes on it. The tall photo on the far right has a picture of Bernice dressed in her black ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity‘ dance outfit as she peers from behind a pole looking out in the distance with the illusion of the lower half of her body being see through. The tall photo on the left side of it has a picture of Charlotte dressed in her black ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity‘ dance outfit as she sits on the ground with her knees up to her chest with the illusion of the lower half of her body being see through. Underneath both photos is one long sign that reads: ‘THE DISAPPEARING LADIES‘. The tall photo on the left side of Charlotte’s has a picture of Diane D dressed in her black ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity‘ dance outfit with one knee up to her chest, the opposite hand raised and her head up with the illusion of her levitating in a vertical position off the stage as she looks up towards the sky with her eyes half closed and eyeballs practically hidden behind her eyelids appearing to be in a state of trance. Underneath her photo is a sign that reads: ‘THE FLY GIRL‘. The tall photo on the left side of Diane D’s has a picture of Miranda dressed in her black ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity‘ dance outfit as she is high up near the top of a wall clinging her chest to the wall with the illusion of her holding and hanging on to the top of the wall with her chest, arms, hands and legs as she looks up towards the ceiling on top of her. The tall photo on the left side of Miranda’s has a picture of Lonna dressed in her black ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity‘ dance outfit as she is high up near the top of a wall clinging her back to the wall with the illusion of her holding and hanging on to the top of the wall with her back, arms, hands and legs as she looks out in the distance. Underneath both photos is one long sign that reads: ‘THE SPIDER GIRLS‘. The tall photo on the left side of Lonna’s has a picture of Kelly dressed in her black ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity‘ dance outfit as she is kneeled on the floor with the illusion of her holding and carrying a refrigerator on top of her back with her arms and hands spread out underneath the refrigerator holding it up as she looks out in the distance. The tall photo on the left side of Kelly’s has a picture of Nancy dressed in her black ‘Illusions of Zero Gravity‘ dance outfit as she has her chest, arms and hands laid down to the floor with her lower body upside down in the air with legs up with the illusion of her knees, lower legs and feet holding and carrying a vehicle with her knees, lower legs and feet underneath the vehicle holding it up as she looks out in the distance. Underneath both photos is one long sign that reads: ‘THE WONDER WOMEN‘.

  Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray stand on the side looking at the photos stunned. They see around several hundred people near the large photos of Diane D and the Dianettes staring up at the photos. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray then look at the stage. They see around a thousand people at and around the stage. Arty nervously turns to Dave, Marlon and Ray and whispers, “Man this crowd is bigger than I expected!” Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray see some people wearing T-shirts that read: 'DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES' THE SUPER SEVEN. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray see a bunch of other people wearing yellow and green T-shirts that read: 'THE DISAPPEARING LADIES' Two Dianettes seem to vanish into thin air! Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray see a bunch of other people wearing pink or blue T-shirts that read: 'THE SPIDER GIRLS' Two Dianettes seem to defy gravity as they climb a bare wall then crawl across a bare ceiling! Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray see a bunch of other people wearing red or orange T-shirts that read: 'THE WONDER WOMEN' Two Dianettes seem to defy gravity as they lift heavy objects and vehicles into the air! Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray see a bunch of other people wearing purple or white T-shirts that read: 'THE FLY GIRL' Diane D seems to defy gravity as she levitates and floats in thin air! Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray see a bunch of other people holding flowers with ribbons around it that say: DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES! THANKS FOR DECIDING TO PERFORM FOR US AGAIN! Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray also see a bunch of people cheering as the people hold and wave banners high in the air that read: 'DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES' THE SUPER SEVEN! THANKS FOR DECIDING TO COME BACK! Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray then see a middle aged black man and a very large group of family members wearing T-shirts that read: 'THE DISAPPEARING LADIES' 'THE SPIDER GIRLS' 'THE WONDER WOMEN' AND ‘THE FLY GIRL' The middle aged black man and the large group of family members approach a group of young people. The group of young people are also wearing different colored T-shirts that read: 'THE DISAPPEARING LADIES' 'THE SPIDER GIRLS' 'THE WONDER WOMEN' 'THE FLY GIRL'. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Steve overhear the man talk to the young people saying to them, “Excuse me, but is Diane D and The Dianettes supposed to be here today?”

  “Yeah that's what the radio said,” the young man says.

  “Oh yeah? My son said he heard it from the radio station too.”

  Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray puzzled look at each other then back at the people as they overhear a young woman says, “Yeah I heard it from the radio too.”

  “You did?” the young man asks.

  “Yeah. I remember a few weeks ago, one of the DJs on the radio mentioned on the air that he spotted a small advertisement in the back of a newspaper about the Hicks Band performing an opening act for Diane D and The Dianettes at the Staten Island Mall. That's how I found out about it. Then I told my family and friends about it. Then my family told their friends. Then their friends told their family and everybody else, then everybody else told their families and friends.”

  “Yeah my son heard it on the radio three weeks ago too,” the older man says. “Then he told me and the rest of my family about it. Then me and my family told everybody else. Then everybody else told their families and friends too. We were all saying that we thought Diane D and The Dianettes had quit doing shows and concerts and were only gonna do shows at their church when they opened it in the Dominican Republic. Then we all thought well maybe Diane D and The Dianettes changed their minds and decided to do one last show. That's when we all decided why don't we come here to the Staten Island Mall to see for ourselves if Diane D and The Dianettes are really going to be here!”

  “Yeah we've been waiting impatiently for three weeks every since we heard about this!” the man’s wife says. “We came all the way from Long Island to see this.”

  “We came all the way from Upstate,” the young man says. “My family decided to come here to see if it was true too if Diane D and The Dianettes were really going to be here, because we never heard anything more about it on the radio.”

  “You didn‘t?” the older man asks.

  “No. We only heard that advertisement on the radio that one time. The DJ never mentioned about the ad again.”

  “No? Well I guess we all came to the right place to find out if Diane D and The Dianettes are really going to be here.”

  “Yeah that's true,” the man‘s wife says. “I think everybody else came here to find out too, to see if Diane D and The Dianettes are really going to be here after everybody heard they quitted performing in public for good.”

  “I hope they be here,” the young man says. “Boy I can't wait to see Diane D, if they're really going to be here!”

  “Yeah me too!” the older man’s son says. “I want to see The Dianettes!”

  “I want to see the Dianettes too. I would like to see them perform their 'Illusions Of Zero Gravity' performance that they did in Germany. Especially Diane D's levitation performance.”

  “Aren't they banned from doing that?” a young woman asks.

  “Yeah that's what everybody heard. I was hoping Diane D
and the Dianettes would take a chance of doing that performance one last time.”

  “I don't think so. Diane D's parents and grandparents do not want anybody trying to sue their organization again! That's why I don't think anybody is gonna be able to see that 'Illusions Of Zero Gravity' performance again.”

  Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray look at each other stunned. “My God,” Marlon says. “Did you all hear that? A DJ spotted the ad in the back of the newspaper and mentioned about it on the air! People heard the ad on the air and told everyone else about it. No wonder why this crowd is bigger than we expected!”

  “It sure is,” Ray says. “The information spread like wild fire. All these people are expecting to see Diane D and The Dianettes, but Diane D and The Dianettes aren't even going to be here! Diane D and The Dianettes have no idea this is going on! What are we gonna do?”

  “I don't know,” Arty says. “My God look! More people are showing up!” Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray look towards the Mall entrance. They see a few hundred more excited people coming into the mall wearing T-shirts that say: DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES' THE SUPER SEVEN! THANKS FOR COMING BACK. They see some people holding and waving banners high in the air that say: 'DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES' THE SUPER SEVEN! THANKS FOR COMING BACK. They see other people holding and waving posters high in the air that say: 'DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES' THE SUPER SEVEN IS BACK! as they try to get near the stage. They see a bunch of other people wearing different colored T-shirts that read: 'THE DISAPPEARING LADIES' 'THE SPIDER GIRLS' 'THE WONDER WOMEN' AND 'THE FLY GIRL'. They then see reporters, many photographers and the paparazzi coming into the mall with cameras and tripods. They see the reporters, photographers and the paparazzi going towards the stage. They overhear the reporters talk to the people in the crowd as one of the reporters says, “Excuse me, but is this the stage Diane D and The Dianettes are supposed to perform on?”

  “I believe so,” another young man says.

  “Are you sure? Because everyone thought that Diane D and The Dianettes had quit doing shows or concerts.”

  “Well I guess they decided to do one last show. I see instruments on the stage.”

  “But Diane D and The Dianettes don't play instruments, they sing and dance.”

  “Well maybe those instruments belong to Diane D's husband's band,” a second reporter says.

  “No. Diane D's husband's band have more instruments that. I don't think those instruments belong to her husband's band.”

  “Maybe that's the opening act's instruments, the Hicks Band. After their opening act finish performing, then Diane D and The Dianettes are gonna come out on stage.”

  “I hope so, because Madilyn Lewis is here,” the first reporter says.

  “Madilyn Lewis?!” the crowd excitingly say.

  “Madilyn Lewis is here!” a teenage girl asks.

  “Yeah,” the first reporter says. “And she wants to perform on stage with Diane D and The Dianettes.”

  “Madilyn Lewis wants to perform on stage with Diane D and The Dianettes?!” a teenage boy asks.

  “Well that's what she came here for. She said as soon as she heard Diane D and The Dianettes were gonna be at the Staten Island Mall, she made plans that she was gonna come here and perform with them. She and her husband Randy Coleman went backstage to try to meet Diane D and the Dianettes!”

  “Randy Coleman is here too?!”


  “Will the Dianettes allow Madilyn Lewis to perform with them?” the second reporter asks.

  “Madilyn Lewis says she doesn't think the Dianettes are gonna have a problem with her. She says she know they'll accept her. She thinks she will be able to perform with them and Diane D.”

  “I hope so. For her sake.”

  The 1st reporter worriedly looks at the 2nd reporter, then turns to the photographers and shouts, “Okay, right this way guys!” The reporters, photographers and the paparazzi come closer to the stage and set up the cameras, pointing the cameras right towards the stage. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray look at each other puzzled. They then look towards the entrance. They see a few hundred more excited people coming into the mall wearing different colored T-shirts that say: DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES 'THE SUPER SEVEN', 'THE DISAPPEARING LADIES', 'THE SPIDER GIRLS', 'THE WONDER WOMEN' AND 'THE FLY GIRL'. They see some people holding and waving banners high in the air that say: 'DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES' THE SUPER SEVEN! 'THE DISAPPEARING LADIES', 'THE SPIDER GIRLS', 'THE WONDER WOMEN' AND 'THE FLY GIRL'. They see other people holding and waving posters high in the air that say: 'DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES' THE SUPER SEVEN as they shove each other trying to get near the stage. “This is going to get ugly,” Marlon says.

  “You bet it is!” Arty says. “Madilyn Lewis is here! She's one of the biggest stars in the world! She’s planning to perform on stage with Diane D and The Dianettes! After our performance is finished, this entire crowd and Madilyn Lewis are gonna be expecting Diane D and The Dianettes to come right out on that stage! When Diane D and The Dianettes don't appear, the crowd and Madilyn Lewis are gonna be disappointed!”

  “You said the crowd will get over it!”

  “Yeah, but I didn't expected the crowd to be this big! I certainly didn't expect reporters, photographers or the paparazzi to show up here! I never expected a celebrity to come here and I never expected this to be mentioned on the radio!”

  “Well you did say it yourself that Diane D has been in the headlines and articles a lot lately,” Dave says. “That's probably why all these people came here. They want to see her and The Dianettes in person!”

  “Well if the DJ mentioned this advertisement on the air, then maybe word got out to someone in the Diaz-Davidson Organization and hopefully that person will spread the word to the rest of the Diaz-Davidson Organization’s attention and make plans for Diane D and The Dianettes to get here,” Ray says. “Come on. We have to get ready to perform.” Ray, Arty, Dave and Marlon turn away and leave the area.

  In the back area, R&B singer Madilyn Lewis, a slim black woman around her late 30’s with curly shoulder length hair, dressed in a long slim sparkling navy blue gown with long sleeves looks in a wall mirror and anxiously fixes her clothes. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray anxiously approach Madilyn Lewis and shout, “Madilyn Lewis!” Madilyn Lewis anxiously turns around to Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray. Arty shakes Madilyn Lewis' hand and shouts, “Nice to meet you Madilyn Lewis!”

  “Same here,” Madilyn Lewis says, “I see you guys are an upcoming band? I didn't mean to invade on your parade.”

  “That's okay Madilyn. You're more than welcome to rain on our parade, but we didn't expect you or any celebrity to show up to our performance.”

  “Well when I heard that Diane D and the Dianettes were gonna be here and perform, I jumped at the chance to meet them and perform with them! I can't wait to meet them and perform with them!”

  “That's good,” Arty nervously says. “But what about what happened between the Dianettes and the Punky Gurlz? The Dianettes refused to perform on stage with the Punky Gurlz or any other female performers.”

  “I know about all of that, but I don't think the Dianettes are gonna have a problem with me. I think I might have chemistry with Diane D and The Dianettes and they'll accept me. I'll be able to perform with them.” Madilyn Lewis excitingly turns and walks away.

  Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray nervously stare towards Madilyn Lewis. Arty then turns to Dave, Marlon and Ray and says, “I don't think I'm gonna like this. I can't go on like this.”

  “See?” Marlon says. “See what one small lie can do?” Arty worriedly looks at Marlon.

  A black male security guard approaches Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray and asks them, “Are you guys ready to perform?”

  Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray nervously look at the security guard as Arty says, “Yes we're ready.” Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray turn and leave the back area as the security guard follows them.

  Arty, Dave, Marlon a
nd Ray come back out in the mall area near the stage. They look at the crowd. To their shock, they see more and more people have arrived. They see the crowd growing and growing. Arty turns to the security guard and says, “How many people are here in the crowd?”

  “It looks like around a few thousand people,” the security guard says.

  “A few thousand people?!”

  “Yeah. I think more are on their way.”

  Arty turns away from the security guard and says to himself, “Oh Lord.” Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray go up on the stage. The crowd claps and cheers for them. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray start to perform. They are secretly nervous as they start to perform.

  An hour later, Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray finish their performance as the crowd cheers and claps their hands. Arty nervously goes to the microphone. He then says, “Thank you. Thank you all for being here.” The crowd claps and cheers again. Arty turns away from the microphone. He, Dave, Marlon and Ray leave the stage as the crowd claps again.

  Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray are in the back area. They are nervous and tense. The security guard approaches them and asks, “Is the main act ready to perform?” Arty, Dave, Marlon and Steve nervously look at the security guard. They nervously look at each other. They look back at the security guard as Arty tells him, “No. I don't think they're here yet.”

  “Well the stage hands are going to get the stage ready for seven male dancers that are gonna dance for the crowd.”

  “Seven male dancers?” Marlon asks. “There're guys that are gonna dance on the stage?”

  “Yeah. They’re just gonna perform to hold the crowd. Plus they said they want to get some exposure for their dance group.” The security guard turns away and leaves as Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray nervously stare at him.

  Back out in the mall, a male announcer comes on the stage. He makes an announcement and says, “Ladies and gentlemen we have another opening act! The Riverside Dancers are going to perform a slow dance to Diane D and The Dianettes song 'Country Life - City People'!” The crowd starts to cheer as the announcer shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen, here are the Riverside Dancers!” Seven young black men in their mid to late twenties resembling male versions of Diane D and The Dianettes come on the stage as the crowd claps and cheers. Slow music to 'Country Life - City People' starts to play. The crowd screams and cheer as the seven guys start to do a slow dance to the music. They imitate Diane D and The Dianettes dance moves as they dance in slow motion.

  It is five minutes later. The seven guys finish their performance. The announcer comes back on stage and shouts, “Let's give it up again for the Riverside Dancers!” The crowd screams and cheers again as the dancers bow, then walk off the stage.

  Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray stand on the side behind the crowd. The mall security guard approaches them again and asks, “Did the main act get here yet?”

  Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray nervously look at the security guard. Arty then says, “No, they still didn't show up yet.”

  “No? Well maybe they got caught up in traffic. We‘ll wait for them.” The security guard turns and walks away. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray nervously look at him. They then turn and look at the crowd. They see the crowd has gotten even bigger. They see the crowd waiting anxiously as the crowd look on at the stage.

  It is thirty-five minutes later. The crowd is still getting bigger! They are waiting anxiously at the stage. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray remain on the side behind the crowd. The male mall security guard approaches them again and asks, “Did the main act get here yet?”

  “No they still didn't show up yet,” Arty says.

  “No? Well the stage hands are going to get the stage ready for them now. That way the stage will be ready whenever they get here.” The security guard turns and walks away. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray nervously look at him. They then turn and look back at the crowd. They see the crowd still getting bigger. They see the crowd continue to wait anxiously as the crowd look on at the stage.

  It is another forty minutes later. The crowd continues to wait anxiously as they look on at the stage. Suddenly, a white male stage hand walks on the stage carrying two microphone stands, one in each hand. The crowd becomes quiet as they anxiously watch the stage hand set the two microphone stands and line them in place. Another white male stage hand walks on the stage carrying two microphone stands, one in each hand. The crowd becomes excited as they watch the guy set the two microphone stands and line them in place near the other two microphone stands. A third white male stage hand walks on the stage carrying two microphone stands, one in each hand. The crowd becomes excited as they watch the guy set the two microphone stands and line them in place near the other microphone stands. The crowd sees that there are altogether six microphone stands lined up on stage. They anxiously watch the three guys line the six microphone stands across the stage. The first stage guy turns to the other two guys and shouts, “We have six microphone stands! We need one more mic!”

  “One more mic!” the second guy shouts.

  “One more mic!” the crowd anxiously shouts. The third guy turns and leaves the stage area. The crowd continues to watch anxiously. Suddenly, the third guy comes back on the stage with a seventh microphone stand. The crowd becomes more excited. They start to scream and cheer as the third guy lines the seventh microphone stand next to the six microphone stands. There are now seven microphone stands lined up on stage. The stage hand guys turn to each other. A white teenage boy turns around to his father and says, “Dad they got seven microphones up there!”

  “Yeah!” the boy’s father says. “That means Diane D and The Dianettes are really gonna be here!” The boy, his father and the rest of the crowd look at the stage and watch anxiously as the three guys stand across the stage, studying the microphone stands positions. A white stage woman comes on the stage and approaches the three guys. She and the three guys stand across the stage studying all seven microphone stands' positions. The stage woman turns to the three guys and says, “Doesn't she usually stand on the right side of the stage?”

  “Most of the times,” the first stage guy says.

  “So we gotta pull that microphone up,” the second stage guy says. The stage woman points to the microphone stand on the far right. The third stage guy goes right to the microphone stand on the far right. He moves the microphone stand on the far right up a foot.

  The crowd becomes more excited and scream out, “Diane D!” The woman and the three guys study all seven microphone stands' positions again.

  The second stage guy asks, “Doesn't she usually stand a little bit more further to the right?”

  “I think so,” the first stage guy says. The stage woman, the first stage guy and the second stage guy point further to the right.

  “Further to the right!” the crowd shouts. The stage woman and the stage guys turn to the crowd as the crowd shouts, “Further to the right!” The stage woman and the stage guys look back towards the microphone stand as the third stage guy moves the microphone stand on the far right a little further to the right as the crowd becomes excited again. Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray nervously look at each other as Marlon says, “We are in troublllle.” Arty, Dave and Ray nervously look at Marlon. They then nervously look back at the stage and the crowd.

  Uncle Charles is driving in a car in Staten Island as Aunt Mindy sits in the passenger seat beside him. They are driving on a street leading right to the Staten Island Mall. Uncle Charles and Aunt Mindy look at the traffic. “Why is there so much traffic here today?” Uncle Charles asks.

  “I don't know,” Aunt Mindy says. “It looks like all this traffic is going towards the mall.”

  “Towards the mall? Why is all the traffic going to the mall? It's not usually like this.”

  “I know. Maybe there's something special going on at the mall today.” Uncle Charles and Aunt Mindy continue to ride and look on at the traffic. Aunt Mindy suddenly becomes stunned as she looks o
ut the window. “Wait a minute Charles,” she says. “Look at all those people walking towards the mall! Look at the signs they're all carrying!” Uncle Charles and Aunt Mindy look at the people walking towards the mall. They see a heavy crowd of people holding and waving signs and banners high in the air that read: 'DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES, PERFORMING AT THE STATEN ISLAND MALL! THE SUPER SEVEN IS BACK! THANKS FOR COMING BACK!'. They see a bunch of people wearing different colored T-shirts that read: THE DISAPPEARING LADIES, THE SPIDER GIRLS, THE WONDER WOMEN AND THE FLY GIRL. Uncle Charles and Aunt Mindy are shocked and stunned as they shout, “What!”

  “What in the world is going on here?!” Uncle Charles shouts. “What do those signs mean Diane D and The Dianettes are performing at the Staten Island Mall?! Diane and the girls aren't performing anywhere! They quitted performing in public places!”

  “And I don't even know if they all came back from the Dominican Republic yet!” Aunt Mindy shouts. “What the heck are these signs talking about?!”

  “I have no idea Mindy! Margarita or Tomas never said a word to us about this!”

  “They sure didn't! We gotto find out what the heck is going on here! I better call Mary and Barry's cell phone right now and have a talk with them!” Aunt Mindy continues to look at the signs and banners. She angrily goes into her purse and pulls out her cell phone. She dials a number on the cell phone. She waits for a few seconds. She then speaks into the phone and says, “Hey Barry! It's me Aunt Mindy! How are you?”

  “I'm fine Aunt Mindy,” Barry says from the other end of the phone. “How are you?”

  “I'm fine too.”

  “That's good. How's Uncle Charles?”

  “Uncle Charles is doing fine too.”

  “That's good. So what's going on with you two?”

  “That's what I want to find out about you Barry, what's going on with you?”

  “Me? Nothing much Aunt Mindy. Mary and I are just trying to get these dishes done so we can head to the organization.”

  “Dishes done? What dishes?”

  “Dishes at home.”

  “Dishes at home? Where are you Barry?!”

  “I'm at home.”

  “You're at home?! When did you come in from the Dominican Republic?!”

  “We all just got in around five o'clock this morning.”

  “Around five o'clock this morning?!”


  “Well I just wanted to say thanks for not telling me and your Uncle Charles about the organization's performance at the Staten Island Mall today!”

  “Thanks for not telling you and Uncle Charles about the organization's performance at the Staten Island Mall? What are you talking about Aunt Mindy?”

  “I'm talking about Diane and the girls performing at the Staten Island Mall today! Why didn't you tell us about it? I thought Diane and the girls had quit doing shows and concerts!”

  “Diane and the girls did quit doing shows and concerts. They aren't performing at the Staten Island Mall!”

  “Yes they are! Charles and I just got off the highway! We just came from Atlantic City! We're on the service road now! There's heavy traffic out here going towards the mall! There is a heavy crowd of people walking towards the mall holding signs, banners and posters high in the air that says Diane D and the Dianettes to perform at the Staten Island Mall today! They're even wearing colored T-shirts with Diane and the girls' name on them!”


  “Yeah Barry! That's where a lot of these cars are going, towards the mall! Now maybe Diane and the girls decided to perform at the Staten Island Mall and they just didn't tell you about it!”

  “Aunt Mindy, Diane and the girls are not performing at the Staten Island Mall! They quitted performing shows, don't you remember?!”

  “Barry that's what the signs and posters are saying! That Diane and the girls are performing at the Staten Island Mall today!”

  “Aunt Mindy, how can Diane and the girls be at the Staten Island Mall?! How can they be at two places at the same time!”

  “Two places at the same time? What do you mean?”

  “Four of the girls are here!”

  “They are?”

  “Yes! They're in the bed sleeping!”

  “They're in the bed sleeping? Oh my goodness!”

  “Like I said Aunt Mindy, we all came home around five o'clock this morning! The girls are tired and they need some rest! That's why they're sleeping now.”

  “Well if four of the girls are there, where are the other two and Diane?!”

  “Charlotte and Kenny got into another argument when we came in this morning so Charlotte ran off to Marilyn and Dante’s house to get away, and Lonna had a doctor's appointment in Manhattan so that's where she's at now!”

  “Where's Diane?!”

  “Diane is working at a hospital!”

  “She’s working at a hospital?”


  “I thought you all made her resign from working at the hospital because the employees there were afraid of her!”

  “We did make her resign, but for right now we have her working at a different hospital way out in Long Island! We have her working in a private office away from the other employees there.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes! She really didn't feel like going there. She was tired when we drove her out there, but she said she wanted to make extra money today! We're suppose to pick her up in a little bit, so she can't be at the Staten Island Mall! Now who ever is performing at the Staten Island Mall is not Diane and the girls!”

  “Then why do we see people walking towards the mall with signs and posters that say Diane D and The Dianettes to perform at the Staten Island Mall today?!”

  “There can only be a few reasons for that Aunt Mindy! Either it's a hoax, or they have look-alikes there at that Mall posing as Diane and the girls just like the Punky Gurlz had a Diane look-alike with them at the airport, or there's another group somewhere out there called Diane D and The Dianettes, because Diane and the girls are no where near that mall!”

  “My goodness.”

  “Now Aunt Mindy, I need you and Uncle Charles to do me a favor!”

  “Sure Barry! What is it?!”

  “Go into the mall for me and find out what's going on in there!”

  “Okay Barry. I want to find out what's this all about too.”

  “And when you find out anything, call me back and let me know right away!”

  “Okay Barry, you got it. Talk to you later.” Aunt Mindy puzzled puts away the cell phone.

  Uncle Charles turns to her and says, “So it sounds like Diane and the girls aren't even suppose to perform here, huh?”

  “No,” Aunt Mindy says. “I don't understand. We have to go in the mall and see what the heck is going on.”

  “Okay.” Uncle Charles makes a quick turn into the mall parking lot.

  Twenty minutes later, Barry, Mary, Margarita and Tomas are in the kitchen fussing as Tomas shouts, “I don't understand! Someone might have used Diane and the girls name without them knowing about it?!”

  “That's what it sounds like!” Barry shouts. “I just have to wait for Aunt Mindy to call me back to confirm it!” Suddenly Barry's cell phone rings. He picks his cell phone up. He looks at the name on the cell phone. He anxiously speaks into it and says, “Well Aunt Mindy, did you find out anything?”

  “Yes!” Aunt Mindy says. “Your Uncle Charles and I spoke to the manager of the mall! He told us four guys who are an up and coming band are supposed to be an opening act for Diane and the girls!”

  “What! Four guys who are an up and coming band are supposed to be an opening act for Diane and the girls?!”

  “Yes! Your Uncle Charles and I found out who the four guys are and spoke to them! They told us what happened!”

  “They did?! Well what happened?!”

  “Well these guys told me and your Uncle Charles that they innocently us
ed Diane and girls’ name in their advertisement!”

  “What! They innocently used Diane and girls’ name in their advertisement?!”

  “That's what they said! They said they wanted their band to have more exposure where a whole lot of people can see them! So the only way for their band to get more exposure was for them to put a lie in the newspaper and say they were gonna be an opening act for a well known singer or group! They decided to use Diane and the girls' name because they said Diane has been in the headlines a lot! They said they were only expecting a hundred people to show up at the mall! They didn't know the crowd would get this big!”

  “This big! How big is the crowd Aunt Mindy?!”

  “I'm not sure, but it looks like several thousands of people!”

  Barry almost drops the phone as he shouts, “Several thousands of people?!”

  “Yeah! There's a stage set up already!”

  “A stage set up?!”

  “Yeah! There's seven microphone stands lined up right on the stage waiting for Diane and the girls! There are large life size pictures of Diane and the girls on the wall!”

  “Large life size pictures of Diane and the girls on the wall?!”

  “Yes! There are reporters here too!”

  “Reporters too?!”

  “Yes and the paparazzi is here!”

  “The paparazzi?!”

  “Yes! There are cameras everywhere and a huge crowd of people! They're all waiting right at the stage to see Diane and the girls! The microphone stand all the way on the right where Diane usually stands is up further from the other six microphone stands where the girls usually stand! People are wearing T-shirts that say Diane D and The Dianettes! They're holding signs, posters and banners high in the air that say Diane D and The Dianettes! Some of the people even have flowers that say Diane D and The Dianettes! Some of the people are holding signs that say 'The Super Seven! Thanks for deciding to come back!”

  “Oh my God! So the entire crowd have no idea that this is a hoax?!”

  “No they don't have any idea Barry! They're starting to seem impatient, wondering when Diane and the girls are gonna come out on stage! I don't know what's gonna happen with this crowd when they realize that this all was a hoax and that Diane and the girls never planned on being here!”

  “Hold on Aunt Mindy, stay there! I'm gonna try to get Diane and the girls over there!”

  “What!” Mary, Margarita and Tomas shout.

  “Barry!” Aunt Mindy shouts. “I thought you said that four of the girls were tired and in bed and that Diane is way out in Long Island and the other two girls went off somewhere else!”

  “I did say all of that Aunt Mindy!” Barry shouts. “I'm just gonna have to round them all up!”

  “Round them all up?! How are you going to do that Barry?!”

  “I don't know Aunt Mindy! I'm gonna try to take care of everything!”

  “You are?!”


  “Alright Barry.”

  “We’ll be there later Aunt Mindy!” Barry takes his cell phone from his ear and puts it away. He turns to Mary, Margarita and Tomas and says, “Alright everybody! We have to round up all the girls and we have to round them up fast!”

  “Barry!” Mary shouts. “Have you lost your mind?! You really gonna expect to round up all the girls and have them perform at the spur of the moment like this, way out in Staten Island?! Especially the fact that they're all tired from just coming in from the Dominican Republic this morning?!”

  “I know Mary, but I just don't want to disappoint the crowd! If Diane and the girls don't show up and perform at that mall, the next thing you know is that the crowd will get upset and disappointed and label Diane and the girls a ‘No-Show‘! I could see it in the headlines and articles right now, 'Diane D and The Dianettes were No-Shows at the Staten Island Mall'! I don't want Diane and the girls to be labeled No-Shows!”

  “Barry!” Tomas shouts, “it's not Diane and the girls fault that someone used their name without their permission and without their knowledge! The crowd should know the truth about that! If we cover up for the people that falsely used Diane and the girls’ name, other people will follow and start to do the same thing, just to draw a crowd!”

  “If it ever happens again, then we really have to tell the crowd the truth! I'm only willing to cover up this time! I won't cover up if there's gonna be a next time!” Barry looks towards the hallway and shouts, “Nicolas! Michael! Mickey come in here quick!”

  Nicolas, Michael and Mickey come into the kitchen. “What's up Dad?” Nicolas says.

  “Listen, we have to round up all the girls! Something suddenly came up! The girls have to perform in Staten Island at the Staten Island Mall. We have to round up all the girls now!”

  “What!” Nicolas, Michael and Mickey shout.

  “Perform at the Staten Island Mall?!” Mickey asks.

  “Yes!” Barry shouts.

  “Dad the girls quitted performing!”

  “I know they quitted performing, but something came up!”

  “Something came up?” Michael asks. “What came up?! What's going on?!”

  “I'll explain it to you all in a little bit. Michael, go upstairs and wake the girls up. Tell them we all have to go to Staten Island. Nicolas, go pick up Charlotte from Marilyn and Dante’s house and Mickey, see if you can meet Lonna at her doctor's office in Manhattan. Whatever you do, don't mention anything to the girls about them performing at the Staten Island Mall yet! You all get the girls while your mother and I go pick up Diane from the hospital out in Long Island. Once you all get the girls and Mary and I get Diane, we all meet back at the organization then we'll explain everything to the girls there, okay?”


  “Dad are you gonna tell us what's this all about?” Nicolas asks.

  “As soon as we all meet at the organization, I'll explain everything there,” Barry says.


  “Alright let's go!”

  Nicolas, Michael and Mickey turn and leave the room as Barry, Mary, Margarita and Tomas hurry out the room behind them.

  Out in the street, Barry opens the car door and hurries into the driver's seat as Mary hurries into the front passenger seat and Margarita and Tomas hurry into the back seat. They close the door behind themselves. Barry starts up the car engine. He speeds the car out of the driveway and speeds into the street making a quick turn.

  Inside the car, Mary pulls out her cell phone and says, “I'm gonna call Diane now.”

  “Okay,” Barry says. “I hope she answers her cell phone.”

  “I hope so too.” Mary dials a number on her cell phone then puts the phone to her ear. She waits several seconds. She then speaks into the cell phone and says, “Yeah Diane? Thank goodness you picked up the phone! Listen Diane, something came up! Your father, your grandparents and I are on our way to come get you! ..... Yes! Are you finished at the hospital? ..... Good because we're on our way. ..... I can't explain it to you right now Diane. We'll be there shortly.”

  At the hospital, a tired looking Diane D sits on top of a desk as she speaks into her cell phone and says, “Okay Mom, I'll be here.” Diane D puzzled looks at her cell phone, then puts it away.

  A female hospital worker in the room says, “Diane D, are your parents and grandparents coming to pick you up?”


  “Why do you have to leave so soon?”

  “What do you mean so soon, I’ve been here since this morning. I’m ready to go home and rest now.” Diane D turns and walks away.

  The hospital worker puzzled look at Diane.

  Michael comes out of the house pulling sleepy Miranda and sleepy Kelly by the hand as they all go down the steps. “Where are we going Michael?” Miranda asks.

  “Staten Island,” Michael says.

  “Staten Island?” Kelly says. “For what?”

  “Dad is gonna explain everything
to us when we meet him at the organization.” Michael pulls both Miranda and Kelly to a van. He turns his head towards the house and shouts, “You got Nancy and Bernice, right Uncle Tonio?!”

  “Yeah I got them Michael!” Tonio shouts as he pulls sleepy Nancy and sleepy Bernice by the hand and go down the front steps.

  “Dad where are we going?” Nancy asks.

  “We're going to the organization, then to Staten Island?”

  “To the organization, then to Staten Island?” Bernice asks. “Why?”

  “Something suddenly came up.”

  “Something suddenly came up? What?”

  “Uncle Barry is gonna explain everything to y'all when we all meet him at the organization.” Tonio pulls both Nancy and Bernice to the van.

  Inside the car, Nicolas is driving as sleepy Charlotte sits in the passenger seat beside him. Charlotte turns to Nicolas and says, “Nicolas, do you mind telling me why you rushed me out of Mom and Dad's house like that?”

  “I'm sorry Charlotte,” Nicolas says, “but Dad wants all you girls at the organization now.”

  “Really? Why? Are we having some sort of meeting?”

  “Yeah. Everyone is meeting at the organization.” Charlotte looks at Nicolas, then looks forward as Nicolas continues to drive.

  Inside another car, Mickey is driving as Lonna sits in the passenger seat beside him. Lonna turns to Mickey and says, “Mickey why does your father want all of us at the organization now? Especially sending you to come pick me up from the doctor's office?”

  “He said something suddenly came up in Staten Island,” Mickey says.

  “Something suddenly came up in Staten Island?”



  “He's gonna explain everything to us when we all meet up at the organization.”

  “Gee. I wonder what it is that suddenly came up In Staten Island that I had to be dragged away from the doctor's office.”

  “I'm wondering the same thing myself Lonna.”

  Lonna turns from Mickey and looks forward as Mickey continues to drive.

  Back inside Barry’s car, Barry is driving already talking as a tired Diane D sits in the passenger seat beside him and Mary, Margarita and Tomas sit in the back seat as Barry says to Diane D, “So that's what happened in Staten Island.”

  “Really?” Diane D says. “I don't understand how in the world somebody could just go make up a print in the newspaper about me and the girls performing somewhere! They had no right to do that!”

  “I understand that Diane. We're just doing this for the crowd.”

  “For the crowd? Well what about me Dad, I'm tired! We just came in from the Dominican Republic early this morning! I was planning to go back home and go straight to bed right after I left the hospital!”

  “Diane, you and the girls could just go to the Staten Island Mall and perform two or three songs, that's all,” Mary says. “After that, we're all gonna go back home and get some rest. Right now we're just gonna bring you to the organization real quick where you'll meet up with the girls and you all will change into some outfits, then we're all gonna head out to Staten Island.”

  “Don't worry Diane,” Tomas says, “we'll make it up to you girls. We're gonna pay each of you girls big time money for this!”

  “That's right Diane,” Margarita says.

  “But Grandma and Grandpa, what if something like this happens again?!” Diane D says. “What if somebody else falsely use our name again?! Are we gonna come to their rescue too?!”

  “No we're not Diane,” Mary says. “If something like this does happen again, we're not gonna have anything to do with it. Those people will be on their own. The only thing we will do if that happens again is make a public announcement that it is a hoax and that someone falsely use you and the girls' name. We will have to let the crowd know the truth then.”

  “Don't worry Diane,” Barry says. “We know you and the girls don't want to perform shows anymore. We just want you and the girls to come to the rescue this one time, that's it. No more after this, okay?”

  Diane D angrily looks at Barry, then looks away from him and looks straight ahead as Barry continues to drive.

  Inside the Staten Island Mall, the crowd has gotten even bigger! They are still anxious, waiting for the arrival of Diane D and The Dianettes.

  It is thirty minutes later. Outside the Diaz-Davidson Organization, there are several vans in the street lined up ready to pull off. Barry runs past all the vans heading towards the first van! He stops and looks back towards all the vans and shouts, “Are we ready guys?!”

  Michael leans out the window of the second van in the driver's seat and shouts, “Yeah Dad, we're all ready!”

  “Okay let's hit the road!” Barry rushes into the driver's seat of the first van and starts up the engine. He quickly pulls off as the other vans quickly pull off and follow him.

  Around forty-five minutes later, Barry's van quickly leaves the highway and quickly heads onto the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge as the other vans quickly follow behind his.

  Around forty-five minutes later, a black male store employee around his late twenties is on the second level of the mall in a back area. He looks out a small back window. He sees Michael's van and a few cars. He sees Michael, Barry, Mary, Margarita, Tomas, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Nicolas, Mickey, Diane D's other relatives, members from the Diaz-Davidson Organization stand near one of the cars looking towards the inside of it. The store employees becomes excited and shouts, “Oh my God! They're here!” The store employee excitedly turns to his co-workers and shout, “Diane D and the Dianettes are here!”

  “They are?” one of the male co-workers shout.

  “Yeah! I see Diane D's father and I see her husband and his band and the rest of Diane D's family out the window!”

  Around seven co-workers hurry to the window. They see Barry, Michael, Diane D's family and relatives, members from the Diaz-Davidson Band and several members from the Diaz-Davidson Organization as a female co-worker shouts, “Oh my God, it is them!”

  “Almost the whole Diaz-Davidson Organization!” the first co-worker shouts. “Where're Diane D and the Dianettes?! I don't see them!”

  “They're probably inside that car!” the store employee shouts. The store employees see Barry and the rest of Diane D's family and some members from the Diaz-Davidson organization walk towards the back of the building as Michael and the Diaz-Davidson band members stay behind at the van. “They're coming inside the building!” the male co-worker shouts. “Let's hurry and go downstairs!” All the employees turn and leave from the back window and rush towards the exit door!

  Around ten minutes later on the second story level, Diane D's family and relatives including Aunt Mindy, Uncle Charles and some members from the Diaz-Davidson Organization peak out from the second floor level of the mall. They are shocked and stunned to see thousands and thousands of people wearing 'Diane D and The Dianettes' T-shirts! They are shocked to see a stage with microphones set up for Diane D and the Dianettes. They are shocked and stunned to see the people and the paparazzi all waiting at the stage to see Diane D and The Dianettes. “Oh my god,” Mary says. “I don't believe this! We had no idea this was going on!”

  “Well believe it,” Aunt Mindy says. “Here's the ad that was in the paper.” Aunt Mindy hands Mary, Barry, Margarita and Tomas the newspaper article. They all look at the newspaper article with a headline that reads: THE HICKS BAND PERFORMS AND OPENING ACT FOR DIANE D AND THE DIANETTES AT THE STATEN ISLAND MALL ON SATURDAY MAY 12TH.

  “My God, this is unbelievable,” Barry says. “They really went this far to print the girls' name in this article? Where did you find this article?”

  “Those guys handed it to me when they were explaining everything,” Aunt Mindy says. “They saved the article. This is why all these people are here, because it started from this article. It only took maybe a few people to notice this article. One
of those few people was a DJ. The next thing you know, the DJ mentioned about this article on the radio.”

  “We didn't hear anything about this on the radio.”

  “Of course you didn't Barry. You were all down in the Dominican Republic.”

  “Well you were here Aunt Mindy. You didn't hear about this on the radio?”

  “No. If I did, I would have definitely told you all about it.”

  “Yeah but those guys still shouldn't have put out a hoax like this!” Margarita says.

  “Oh they understand that now. They said they didn't expect this little hoax or lie to get out of hand like this!”

  “But it did! Just like the hoax and lie that little kid Marcus and his brother pulled when they sent a phony letter to the organization about a little boy who is dying of leukemia just to get Diane to appear at his school and look what happened. The kid winds up getting beat up and hurt by Diane and now this!”

  “I know. The guys apologized to me and everything. They said they've learned their lesson and said they will never print a phony advertisement again.”

  “No they better not ever use Diane and the girls' name again,” Mary says.

  “They won't.” Aunt Mindy looks to the side and says, “Oh here they are.” Diane D’s family turn and look. They see Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray coming their way.

  Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray approach Diane D's family. “Hi!” they all nervously say. “Nice to meet y'all,” Arty says. “Listen, we're very sorry we used Diane D and The Dianettes’ name in our advertisement. We didn't expect it to turn out like this.”

  “Yeah but it did,” Mary says. “It caused a big crowd!”

  “I'm sorry. We only expected a few people to see the ad and were only expecting a hundred people to show up.”

  “But what would you have told those a hundred people if the girls didn't show up on the stage? What would you have told them?”

  “I don't know. We were gonna make up something.”

  “Yeah, a lie! Giving people false information?!”

  “I know, but we'll make it up to you all. Promise.”

  “Where're Diane D and The Dianettes!” voices in the crowd shouts. Diane D's family, Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray and everybody else turn their heads towards the sound of the crowd. “Come on we want to see them!” voices of the crowd shout.

  Barry turns to his family and says, “I think we better get the girls.” Barry turns to Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray and says, “Listen guys, we'll talk about this later.”

  “No problem,” Arty says.

  Barry and the rest of his family turn and hurry away as Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray turn and follow them.

  Inside an office in the upstairs back area, Mary, Barry, Arty, Dave, Marlon, Ray, Alex, Harvey, Norman, Kory and some other members from the Diaz-Davidson Organization stand around talking. Dave turns to Barry and asks, “Where are Diane D and the Dianettes?”

  “They should be knocking on the door any minute now,” Barry says. Everybody suddenly hears loud angry banging on the door and jump a little. They all look at each other puzzled. “Wow,” Barry says. “It sounds like somebody's mad. Maybe it's them.” Barry turns and heads towards the door as Arty, Dave, Marlon and Ray nervously and anxiously look at the door.


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