Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2

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Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2 Page 14

by Doris Miller

Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman are quickly walking through the back of the mall in an isolated parking lot on the ground level looking around, trying to find Diane D as Randy Coleman walks on the right side of Madilyn Lewis. Randy Coleman looks forward and says, “Hey, I see a van way on the other side of the parking lot! I think that might be the van Diane D's at. That looks like her husband near it!” Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman stop and look. They see the back of a van way in the distance with its doors opened. They see what appears to be Michael and a few guys around the van. They see Michael walking around the van. They then see what appears to be Diane D angrily coming from the other side of the van with Michael following her, appearing to be fussing at Michael.

  “Oh my God Randy look!” Madilyn Lewis excitingly shouts. “I think that's Diane D! I think I see her!”

  “I see her too!” Randy Coleman excitingly says. “My God let's hurry and go to her while we got the chance!”

  “Okay!” Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman start to hurry towards Diane D.

  “Let's call her so she can see us!” Randy Coleman and Madilyn Lewis start to shout, “Diane D! Diane D!” Randy Coleman and Madilyn Lewis wave their arms and hands high in the air trying to attract Diane D's attention. They do not see Diane D, Michael or anyone else at the van responding to them.

  “My God she doesn't see or hear us!” Madilyn Lewis shouts.

  “I know, we're too far away! We gotta get closer!” Randy Coleman and Madilyn Lewis continue to hurry towards Diane D as Randy Coleman shouts, “Let's call her again!”

  “Diane D!” Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman shout. “Diane D!” Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman wave their arms and hands high in the air again. They still do not see Diane D or anyone else at the van responding to them. “She still didn't hear us!” Madilyn Lewis shouts.

  “We're still too far away! We gotta get closer!” Randy Coleman and Madilyn Lewis suddenly see Diane D go disappear into the van as Michael follows Diane D and disappears into the van also, shutting the door behind himself.

  “Oh no she and her husband just went inside the van! Now they really not gonna see or hear us!”

  “We still gotta get closer!” Randy Coleman shouts. Randy Coleman and Madilyn Lewis continue to hurry towards the van. As they continue to get closer to the van, they suddenly hear loud commotion and loud screaming coming from way behind them in the distance. They turn around to look. They stop and become shocked. “Oh shoot, the Dianettes are coming!” Randy Coleman shouts. “They're after us! Come on!” Randy Coleman grabs Madilyn Lewis by the hand as he and Madilyn Lewis turn back forward and frighteningly run for their lives!

  Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman run as fast as they can as Madilyn Lewis screams out, “Aaaah! Oh my God!”

  Randy Coleman turns around to look as he continues to hold onto Madilyn's hand! He then shouts, “My God, they're gaining up on us! Run faster!”

  “I'm trying!”

  Randy Coleman turns back forward as he and Madilyn Lewis continue to run with all their might! They get closer to the van! They call out towards the van and shout, “Diane D! Diane D help!” Randy Coleman turns back around to look! He then shouts, “Shit, they're getting closer!” Randy Coleman turns back forward as he and Madilyn Lewis continue to run with all their might! The van is appearing more close to them! They call out towards the van again and shout, “Diane D! Diane D help!”

  Randy Coleman and Madilyn Lewis continue to run!

  Charlotte, Nancy and Kelly suddenly gain up behind Madilyn Lewis charging right after her as Miranda, Lonna and Bernice gain up behind Randy Coleman charging after him! Miranda then shouts, “One two three hit it!” The Dianettes suddenly jump and leap forward in a horizontal position as Charlotte, Nancy and Kelly clench their fists together hard into Madilyn Lewis' back and Miranda, Lonna and Bernice clench their fists together hard into Randy Coleman's back, causing Randy Coleman and Madilyn Lewis to fall sideways right towards each other, knocking and banging right into each another! Randy Coleman and Madilyn Lewis violently bounce off each other as the Dianettes turn their bodies around in mid air, making themselves land on their sides! Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman fall and land hard on the ground like bowling pins! Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman lay on the ground in pain!

  Everyone approaches Madilyn Lewis, Randy Coleman and the Dianettes as the Dianettes quickly get up off the ground!

  The Dianettes approach a hurt and injured Madilyn Lewis and a hurt and injured Randy Coleman! Charlotte, Nancy and Kelly grab Madilyn Lewis as Miranda, Lonna and Bernice grab Randy Coleman! Charlotte, Nancy and Kelly start to kick and beat on Madilyn Lewis then try to rip her clothes apart as Miranda, Lonna and Bernice kick and beat on Randy Coleman, trying to rip his clothes apart!

  Several security guards run to the commotion! They grab all the Dianettes as the Dianettes scream and try to break from the security guards!

  Inside the van, the radio is playing loud 'Oldies' music as Nicolas, Mickey and some members of the Diaz-Davidson look through some papers. Michael then switches the radio stations back and forth. He suddenly hears a loud commotion coming from somewhere. He looks up in the air puzzled. He turns the radio down. “What the hell is all that noise?” he says. Michael steps out of the van to look.

  Michael is outside the van and looks way behind the van. He becomes shocked and stunned to see a big commotion in the distance! “Oh my god!” he shouts. “Diane! Mom! Nicolas, Mickey get out here!”

  “What happened Michael?” Mary’s voice shouts.

  “It's the girls! They're fighting over there!”

  “What!” Mary‘s, Diane D‘s, Nicolas‘s, Mickey‘s voices shout. Michael races off towards the commotion! Diane D, Mary, Nicolas, Mickey and members of the Diaz-Davidson Band step out of the van to look! They look way behind the van. They become shocked and stunned as they look towards the commotion! “Oh my god!” Nicolas shouts. Nicolas races off towards the commotion!

  “Girls!” Mary shouts. Mary, Diane D, Mickey and the members from the Diaz-Davidson Band race towards the commotion!

  Mary, Diane D, Michael, Nicolas, Mickey and members of the Diaz-Davidson Band reach across the parking lot at the commotion! They are all shocked and hostile surrounded by the commotion as they see two people lying on the ground hurt! The see security holding on the Dianettes and several men from the organization holding their red, bruised, bleeding and swollen arms, hands and fingers in pain! Mary turns to Barry and shouts, “Barry what the hell happened?!”

  “The girls started fighting!” Barry shouts as he and members of the Diaz-Davidson Organization start to explain everything to Mary, Diane D, Michael, Nicolas, Mickey and members of the Diaz-Davidson Band.

  Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman continue to lay on the ground surrounded by security guards with Madilyn's head bleeding as the security guards hold a towel to her bleeding head.

  “I can't believe this!” Mary shouts

  “I'm telling you Mary, that's Madilyn Lewis laying over there!” Barry shouts. “And that’s her husband Randy Coleman laying right there!” Mary, Diane D, Michael, Nicolas, Mickey, Barry and members of the Diaz-Davidson Band rush towards Madilyn Lewis.

  Mary, Diane D, Michael, Nicolas, Mickey, Barry and members of the Diaz-Davidson Band shockingly look at Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman laying on the ground in pain. “Aaaah!” Randy Coleman screams.

  “He says his arm and shoulder feels broken!” one of the security guards shouts. “He can't move them!”

  “Oh no,” another security guard says.

  Diane D and Mary shockingly turn to Barry as Diane D shouts, “My God Dad, the girls did all of this?!”

  “Yes!” Barry shouts.

  “All the girls?!” Mary shouts.

  “Yes Mary each and everyone of them, Miranda, Kelly, Nancy, Charlotte, Bernice and Lonna! They all did this just because Madilyn met them and told them she was gonna ask Diane to si
ng with her at her upcoming concert!”

  “What!” everybody shouts.

  “Yes! The girls didn't want Madilyn Lewis to meet or go to Diane! Madilyn Lewis told the girls she was gonna go to Diane and meet Diane anyway whether the girls like it or not, so the girls went after her and attacked her because of that! And they attacked her husband as well!”

  “My god!” everyone says.

  “You know Dad, the girls went too far this time!” Diane D shouts. Diane D angrily turns from her family and races away shouting, “Girls! Girls!” Nicolas turns and races after Diane D!

  Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman continue to lay on the ground surrounded by security guards.

  Across the parking lot, an angry Diane D lunges right at the Dianettes and is about to physically attack them shouting, “Yo what the fuck is wrong with y'all!” as the Dianettes scream and frighteningly back away from her! A security guard quickly grabs Diane D and pulls her back! The security guard holds on to Diane D as another security guard steps in right between the Dianettes and Diane D trying to block Diane D's path. Diane D turns towards the security guard holding on to her and shouts to him, “Will you…!” She suddenly stomps her foot hard right onto his foot, then swings her arm, spins her body and bangs her elbow right into his head!

  “Aaaaah!” the security guard screams as he is knocked right to the ground! The Dianettes look on shocked and stunned! The security guard lays there on the ground screaming, “Aaaaahhh!” as he holds his head and foot in pain!

  Diane D turns back towards the security guard who is standing between her and the Dianettes as the security guard holds his arms out still trying to block her path from the Dianettes! Diane D angrily stares at the security guard. She then shouts to him, “Will you step aside, or you're going to be next!” The security guard frighteningly looks at Diane D. He then turns and runs off! The Dianettes frighteningly look at Diane D then turn and run off after the security guard!

  Back across the parking lot, Mary and Barry look at the members of the Diaz-Davidson's Organization red, bruised and swollen arms, hands and fingers. She then turns to Barry and shouts, “You know Barry this nonsense is gonna stop and it's gonna stop right now!” Mary quickly turns away!

  Mary goes to a pile of two by fours laying on the ground several yards away! She bends and grabs one of them!

  “Mary what are you doing?!” Barry shouts.

  Mary picks up the two by four. She turns around and angrily hurries off shouting, “Girls! Girls!”

  Across the parking lot, the Dianettes stop running. They turn and see Mary angrily coming their way holding the two by four. The Dianettes puzzled look at Mary. They then become frightened. They turn and start to run the opposite way. Mary chases after the Dianettes with the two by four as Barry, Michael, Nicolas, Mickey and the crowd scream and run after her!

  Mary continues to chase after the Dianettes! She chases them towards the other side of the parking lot!

  The Dianettes accidentally run right into a corner in the parking lot! Mary traps all the Dianettes in the corner as she holds the two by four! The Dianettes are nervous as Mary starts to shout to them, “What the hell y'all doing attacking Madilyn Lewis and her husband Randy like that and biting the guys?!”

  “Aunt Mary!” Bernice nervously smiles. “We can explain!”

  “Explain?! Well explain this!” Mary takes the two by four and swings it, whacking it hard right against Bernice's hip! Bernice holds her hip in pain as Mary whacks her other side with the two by four! She then whacks Bernice again! As Bernice goes down in pain, Mary swings the two by four and whacks it against Charlotte's hip! Charlotte holds her hip in pain as Mary whacks Charlotte's other side with the two by four then whacks Charlotte again! As Charlotte goes down in pain, Barry, Michael, Nicolas, Mickey and the crowd try to stop Mary, but Mary swings the two by four towards them, causing them to frighteningly back away, tripping and falling over each other! Nancy, Kelly, Miranda and Lonna try to escape as Mary quickly blocks their path and whacks the two by four right against Miranda's hip! Miranda holds her hip in pain as Mary whacks Miranda's other side with the two by four twice! She then whacks Miranda again! As Miranda goes down in pain, Kelly tries to runs off, but Mary quickly blocks her path and swings the two by four hard against Kelly's side! As Kelly's body leaps up then falls backward in pain, Mary whacks Kelly's hip twice, then whacks her other side! As Kelly goes down in pain, Lonna tries to run off, but Mary quickly blocks Lonna’s path and swings the two by four hard against Lonna's side! As Lonna's body leaps up, Mary whacks Lonna's side again! As Lonna falls backward in pain, Mary whacks Lonna's hip twice, then whacks Lonna's other side twice! As Lonna goes down in pain, Nancy quickly runs off and escapes! Mary turns and points to Nancy shouting, “Come back you!”

  Nancy continues to race away!

  Mary starts to run after Nancy!

  Nancy continues to run away as Mary goes after her!

  Barry, Michael, Nicolas, Mickey and the crowd get up off the ground! They then run after Mary!

  As Mary continues to chase after Nancy, she suddenly traps Nancy in another corner of the parking lot! She takes the two by four and swings it, whacking it hard against Nancy's hip! Nancy's body jerks from the loud whack blow! She gives a sturn angry look at Mary. Mary then whacks Nancy's other side with the two by four twice! Nancy goes down in pain! She lands on her back and has her arms and legs spread out! Mary continues to whack Nancy several times! Nancy lays helpless on the ground as her body jerks against the blows!

  Back across the parking lot, Barry, Michael, Nicolas, Mickey and the crowd race towards Mary as Nicolas shouts, “Mom you're hurting her!”

  “Mary nooo!” Barry shouts as he, Nicolas, Michael, Mickey and the crowd continue to race towards Mary!

  Inside the mall, the crowd is still waiting anxiously for Diane D and The Dianettes to appear on stage, totally unaware of what's going on outside the back of the building in the parking lot. A security guard inside the mall suddenly gets a call on his walkie talkie. He speaks into the walkie talkie and says, “Hello? ...... What! They're fighting out there?!” Many people in the crowd hear the security guard and look at him stunned as he continues to speak into his walkie talkie and shouts, “Oh my goodness, you're kidding! No wonder why there's no action going on, on the stage! All the action is happening out there! ….. The police is on their way? Alright, I'm on my way!” The security guard disconnects and redials his walkie talkie! He then shouts into it, “Calling all security calling all security! There's trouble out back! We have to get to it!” The security guard and several other guards hurry off to the back as the crowd look at them stunned. The crowd anxiously start to follow the guards to the back! Other security guards stop the crowd from going to the back! The crowd becomes anxious and hostile! “What's going on back there?!” a man in the crowd asks. “We overheard they're fighting back there!”

  “They are but we can't let anybody back there!” the security guard shouts. The crowd starts to scream and become hostile!

  Several police cars and ambulances hurry to the scene!

  The paramedics are in the parking lot. They have Madilyn Lewis and Randy Coleman each in a stretcher as they surround them. They lift each of the stretchers and put them into an ambulances. Other paramedics tend to several men from the organization who were bitten.

  In the upstairs office, paramedics tend to the other guys who were bitten. They wrap heavy bandages around the guys' red, bruised, bleeding and swollen arms and fingers. “You all might have to get shots and stitches for this,” one of the paramedics says. “This looks horrible.” The guys worriedly look at the paramedics.

  Around an hour later inside the police station lobby, members from the Diaz-Davidson Band, Diaz-Davidson Organization, reporters and an entire crowd of people including Latin duo singers Carmen and Rachel stand around anxiously as they hear a whole bunch of shouting
going on in the back of the police station!

  Michael, Barry, Nicolas, Tomas and Tonio suddenly come from the back of the police station out to the lobby as the crowd approaches them. “So what's going on?!” Aunt Celeste asks.

  “The police got all the girls!” Barry says.

  “Oh no!” the crowd shouts.

  “Yeah! The girls might not be able to come home tonight! They all might have to go to jail!”


  “Where's Diane, Mary, Margarita and Marilyn?!” Uncle Charles asks.

  “They're all back there with the girls!” Barry says.

  “So what's happening back there?!”

  “The girls are all screaming and shouting that Madilyn Lewis started the whole thing! Now the girls want to file a lawsuit against Madilyn Lewis and sue her!”


  “They want to file a lawsuit against Madilyn Lewis and sue her!” Aunt Mindy asks.

  “Yes!” Barry says. “They said Madilyn Lewis started everything by challenging them, by telling them that she was gonna go to Diane and ask Diane to sing with her at her upcoming concert! They claim they told Madilyn Lewis not to go near Diane, but Madilyn Lewis was about to go to Diane anyway regardless of what the girls said, they said that's why they attacked her! They said it's not their fault all of this happened, because they never expected to, planned to or even wanted to come out here in the first place! It was the spur of the moment thing for them!”

  “They still had no right to attack Madilyn Lewis! Madilyn Lewis had a right to meet Diane if she wanted to! Even if she doesn't sing with Diane, she still had a right to just simply meet her!”

  “We all know that Aunt Mindy, but the girls didn't want Madilyn Lewis to meet Diane! They didn't want Madilyn Lewis going anywhere near Diane! They don't want Madilyn Lewis singing with Diane and they don't want any other female singer or female singing group going near Diane or singing with Diane! They said they don't care what anybody says, they said they're not gonna share Diane with any other female singer or female singing group period, that's it!”

  “Share Diane?!” Uncle Charles asks.

  “That's right, that's exactly what they said! They said that the next female singer or female singing group that even approaches Diane or come anywhere near Diane, that female singer or female singing group is gonna have a problem!”

  “Have a problem?!”

  “That’s what they said.”

  “Really,” Aunt Mindy says. “What kind of problem Barry?! They can't stop any certain person or certain people from going near Diane!”

  “Yeah but they did! They certainly succeeded in stopping Madilyn Lewis and her husband from going near Diane! Madilyn Lewis still didn't get a chance to meet Diane you know!”

  Mary, Margarita and Marilyn suddenly come from the back and approach the crowd. The crowd anxiously approach them. “They're not letting the girls go!” Margarita shouts. “They're sending the girls to jail!”

  “What?!” the crowd shouts.

  “For how long?!” Uncle Charles asks.

  “We don't know yet!” Margarita says.

  “Where's Diane?”

  “She's still back there with the girls chewing them all out!”

  “She's still chewing them out?” Barry asks.


  “What are the girls saying?“

  “Nothing. They're just sitting there still in pain.”

  “Did the police say how Madilyn Lewis and her husband are doing?”

  “The other officer just said Madilyn Lewis and her husband might have to be kept in the hospital for a few days,” Mary says. “And they said Madilyn Lewis's upcoming concert at Madison Square Garden have to be canceled or postponed for a few or several months.”

  “What!” the crowd shouts. “A few or several months! Oh no!”

  Barry then shouts, “First The Punky Gurlz concert in Paris had to be canceled and postponed, now Madilyn Lewis's concert has to be canceled and postponed, all because of the girls!”

  “Excuse me Diane D's family,” a male white reporters says. “I just want to ask you all, do any of you know why the Dianettes refuse to share Diane D with other female singers?”

  “No we have no idea why!” Margarita says.

  “And we don't think Diane herself even knows why!” Barry shouts.

  Diane D angrily slams the door behind herself as she comes from the back room. Her family, relatives, reporters and the rest of the crowd anxiously approach her. “Diane!” everybody shouts. “Diane D!” Everybody starts to surround Diane D.

  “How are you doing Diane D!” the reporter asks.

  “Not good at all!” Diane D shouts.

  “No? Well can I ask you some questions?”

  “No you may not ask me any questions! I am not in a mood to answer any questions okay! All I know is, I need a cigarette right now!” Diane D angrily turns and walks through her family, walking away from everybody.

  “What?” everyone says as they all turn and stare at Diane D as she walks to the back of the precinct. “A cigarette?”

  The crowd turns to Diane D‘s family as the reporter says to them, “I had no idea Diane D smokes! Doesn't she preaches against that?” Everyone looks at the reporter. They then turn and are about to follow after Diane D.

  Michael quickly puts himself in front of everybody and stops them as he shouts, “Diane is alright! She just needs some time away from all of this! I'll go keep her company.” Michael turns away from everyone and follows off after Diane D as everyone sadly looks towards him.

  Barry sadly turns to everyone and says, “Man. I bought the girls out here just to please the crowd when I heard several thousand people were out at the Staten Island Mall waiting to see them all. Now all this happens.”

  “We understand Barry,” Margarita says, “but none of us knew that Madilyn Lewis was gonna be there at the Staten Island Mall when we decided to bring Diane and the girls out here. None of us knew that. And none of us knew that Madilyn Lewis even had intentions on singing with Diane and the girls!”

  “I know. We all found out Madilyn Lewis was planning to sing with Diane and the girls the same time the girls found out. It was like an ambush to all of us and the girls.” Everyone sadly looks at Barry.

  The Latin duet singers Carmen and Rachel stand behind the crowd looking on. Carmen then turns to Rachel and whispers, “Hey Rachel! Maybe we can try to catch and talk to Diane D out in the back while the Dianettes are in custody. They can’t stop us now.”

  “That's right they sure can‘t,” Rachel says. “This might be our only chance and opportunity to talk to Diane D with the Dianettes out of the way. Come on let's go for it. We'll go out the front then sneak around to the back.”

  “Okay.” Carmen and Rachel excitingly grab and hold each other as they quietly chant, “No stopping, no stopping.” They turn and hurry towards the front entrance.

  Carman and Rachel excitingly leave out the front entrance of the police station then turn and hurry around the corner towards the back.

  Several minutes later in the back room of the police station, two police officers are trying to control the angry Dianettes as the Dianettes sit on chairs, holding their waists, hips and backsides in pain. A third officer comes into the room. One of the officers in the room turns to him and asks, “Where is Diane D at?”

  “I just saw Diane D and her husband outside in the back,” the third officer says.

  “Outside in the back? What are they doing back there?”

  “I don't know. I see those two ladies trying to talk to them.”

  “Two ladies trying to talk to them? What two ladies?”

  “Carmen and Rachel.”

  “Carmen and Rachel? Who are they?”

  “You know, the two Latin singers that be singing Latin music at the clubs.”

  “What!” the Dianettes shout. The Dianettes leap up from the chairs!
They bust away from the police, knocking the police down! They charge towards the door and run right out of it! The police quickly get up and hurry towards the door after the Dianettes!

  Chapter 39

  Cheetah Girls!


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