Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2

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Diane D In The Headlines - Volume 2 - Part 2 Page 19

by Doris Miller

On the street outside of the organization, Michael, Aunt Celeste, Kenny, the Dianettes, their boyfriends and some organization members come out of a Charter Bus. Nicolas who's in the driver's seat of the Charter Bus calls out to them and shouts, “I'll be right back everybody! I gotto pick up the rest!”

  “Okay Nicolas!” everybody shouts. Nicolas pulls off with the Charter Bus.

  The Dianettes and everybody else are on the sidewalk. They start to head towards the organization building. Kory, Melvin and Ralph approach them. “What's up guys?” Kory says.

  “Hey!” Michael and Kenny says.

  Kory sniffs the air. He then says, “Damn what's that hard liquor I smell?”

  “Yeah I smell it too,” Ralph says.

  “So do I,” Melvin says.

  Michael, Aunt Celeste, Kenny, the Dianettes and their boyfriends nervously look at Kory, Ralph and Melvin as Michael says, “Well there was a small party at the hotel. The people at the party recognized us and invited us all to come in there, but we didn't have time to go in there, but Charlotte and Lonna decided to take a quick run over to the party and went in there. When they were in there, the host offered them some hard liquor.”

  “Some hard liquor?” Kory says.

  “Yeah,” Kenny says. “And guess what? Charlotte and Lonna both took a sip of the hard liquor then quickly left out of there.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “Well guess what? Diane is in there.”

  “What!” the Dianettes shout.

  “Diane is inside?” Aunt Celeste asks.

  “Yeah,” Kory says.

  “You mean right now?!” Miranda shouts. “Right this minute?!”

  “Right this minute.”

  “She's working in her office on the computer,” Melvin says. “I think she's working on finishing filing all your taxes.”

  “What!” the Dianettes shout.

  “Melvin we thought Diane was still at the meeting and was gonna come here later on in the evening to finish filing girls' taxes,” Aunt Celeste says. “We didn't know she was gonna be here right now.”

  “Well she is here right now,” Melvin says. “She left the meeting early. I think she wanted to get a head start on finishing filing the girls' taxes, that's why she left the meeting early. After she finishes filing the girls taxes, I think she's gonna start on her own. She just wants to get the girls' taxes done first.”

  “Well shoot!” teary eyed Charlotte says. “I'm not going in there! I got this hard liquor scent on me!” Charlotte turns to Aunt Celeste and says, “Oh Aunt Celeste if Diane smells this hard liquor scent on me, she'll kill me!”

  “Yeah me too!” Lonna says. “I'm not going in there either!” Miranda, Nancy, Bernice and Kelly worriedly wrap their arms around Lonna and Charlotte as they all look towards the organization building.

  “That's right y'all can't go in there and let Diane smell the hard liquor on y'all,” Michael says. “She's gonna blow her top!”

  “Yeah especially if she's working on that computer,” Dennis says. “She might knock the whole computer and desk to the floor like she did before.”

  “Well y'all don't have to worry,” Lonna says. “Charlotte and I are not gonna step foot inside that building and risk Diane smelling the hard liquor on us! We're gonna need a ride home to clean the scent off us!”

  “How are y'all gonna get home?” Nancy ask. “Nicolas just drove off.”

  “There're other cars here. One of the members could give us a ride home.”

  “None of the other members are here now Lonna,” Kory says. “They all took the vans and went to the churches. There are no other cars or vans in the parking lot but Diane's car.”

  “What!” the Dianettes nervously shout.

  “So what are we gonna do?!” Charlotte asks.

  “Maybe we can call Nicolas on the cell phone so he can pick y'all back up,” Michael says. Michael takes out his cell phone and dials a number. He puts the phone to his ear. Everybody waits nervously and anxiously as Michael listens into his cell phone. The Dianettes and everybody else nervously look at each other. They nervously turn their heads towards the organization building, then turn their heads back towards Michael. Michael takes the cell phone out of his ear. He turns to the others and says, “He's not answering.”

  “That's it,” Lonna shouts. “I'm gonna call a cab!”

  “You're gonna call a cab?!”

  “That's right! I'm not going anywhere near Diane until we get this hard liquor scent off us!”

  “Yeah,” Charlotte says. “Lonna and I are gonna stay right out here until we get a cab ride home!”

  “But it's getting chilly out here girls!” Aunt Celeste says. “Y'all can't stay out her in the cold!”

  “Aunt Celeste we did it before and we'll do it again!” Lonna says.

  “Now this is getting out of hand!” Michael says. “I'm gonna call a cab real quick! If I can't contact a cab, I'm just gonna have to call up Mickey or Mom and Dad from out of the meeting and see if they can come real quick and pick y'all up!” Michael dials a number on his cell phone again. He puts the phone to his ear. They all wait nervously and anxiously as Michael listens into his cell phone.

  The Dianettes and everyone else nervously look at each other again. They all turn their heads and nervously look towards the organization building again. “Is she coming?” Al asks.

  “So far no,” Nancy says. The Dianettes and everyone else turn their heads back towards Michael.

  Michael starts to speak into the phone and says, “Yeah car service? Yeah could you send a cab over to the Diaz-Davidson Organization? ...... Yes we need a cab right away.” Everybody nervously turn towards the organization building again. They turn back around towards Michael as Michael continues to speak into the cell phone and says, “Three minutes? ..... Okay. ..... Look for a light blue cab? ..... Okay gotcha. Thanks.” Michael takes the phone out of his ear. He turns to the others and says, “The cab is on its way!”

  Everybody excitingly screams and wave their arms in the air. As they shout, “Yeeeaah! Yeeehaaaw!”

  “And we have to look out for a light blue cab!”

  “A light blue cab?!” Dennis asks.

  “Yeah. It‘s one of those private cabs.”

  “I hope it doesn't take too long!” Charlotte says.

  “Me neither!” Lonna says. “I hope it shows up before Diane happens to come out here!”

  “I hope so too!” Miranda says.

  “Yeah but what if the cab doesn't show up and Diane do winds up stepping out here?” Bernice says. “She can step out here any minute you know!”

  “Then we'll run!” Charlotte says.

  “It won't do y'all any good to run Charlotte,” Michael says. “If Diane happens to come out here and winds up smelling hard liquor on you two and y'all run, she'll chase y'all down two or three blocks like she did Bernice!”

  “If Diane happens to come out here, hopefully she won't smell the hard liquor,” Aunt Celeste says.

  “She is gonna smell the hard liquor Aunt Celeste,” Michael says. “Kory, Melvin and Ralph noticed the hard liquor smell right away! They noticed the smell as soon as they came over here. Now if they were able to smell the hard liquor, Diane will definitely smell it too!” Everybody nervously stare at Michael.

  Lonna nervously turns around towards everybody and shouts, “Anybody have any candy or gum?!”

  “Or something?” Charlotte says. Everybody starts to search their pockets for candy or gum.

  “I don't have any candy or gum,” Anthony says.

  “Oh come on Anthony!” Lonna shouts. “You had some gum yesterday!”

  “But I don't have any today.”

  “Come on! Somebody's got to have some type of gum or candy on them!”

  “I don't think I have any candy or gum on me either,” Dennis says.

  “Well look for it Dennis!”

nbsp; “I am looking for it!”

  “You're not looking fast enough Dennis!” Kelly shouts. “Look faster!”

  “I'm trying to look as fast as I can Kelly!” Dennis and everybody else looks towards the building again. They all look away from the building and search their pockets for candy and gum again.

  Lonna nervously turns towards the street and shouts, “What is taking that cab?!”

  “Relax Lonna,” Michael says. “I only called for the cab a minute ago. You have to give it more time. But I think we should all stand over there where we can't be too close to the building.” Everybody starts to move further down the sidewalk away from the organization building.

  Nancy goes in front of everybody and looks way down at the boulevard. Everybody follows Nancy and look way down at the boulevard also. Nancy walks further down the sidewalk. She points towards the boulevard and shouts, “Hey! I see a light blue car way up the street! It's heading towards the intersection!” Everybody runs towards Nancy. They look out towards the street. They all see a light blue car driving by way up on the boulevard heading towards the intersection. They all get excited!

  “Is that the cab?!” everybody shouts. “Is it coming this way?!”

  “It looks like it might be coming this way!” Aunt Celeste shouts. Everybody anxiously watches the light blue car as it heads towards an intersection. They then see the light blue car continue to ride straight through the intersection down the boulevard, not coming their way. The light blue car then disappears into the distance.

  “That wasn't the cab!” Charlotte shouts.

  “Damn!” Lonna shouts.

  “Are you sure they said a light blue car Michael?” Aunt Celeste asks.

  “Yeah I'm sure they said it,” Michael says. “Most likely that was just another light blue car!” Everybody continues to look way down at the boulevard.

  Nancy points towards the boulevard again and shouts, “I see another light blue car heading towards the intersection!”

  “Is that the cab this time?” Melvin says.

  “We sure hope so!” Miranda says. Everybody anxiously watches the light blue car as it drives down the boulevard towards the intersection. They then see the light blue car stop behind two other cars at a red light.

  “It's stopping at the red light!” Billy says. “Is it gonna turn here?”

  “We don't know,” Michael says. “We gotta wait and see!”

  “Come on light blue car!” Lonna shouts. “Make a turn, make a turn!”

  “Yeah don't go straight down the street like the other light blue car did!” Charlotte shouts. “Turn this way!” Everybody continues to anxiously watch the light blue car as it is stopped at a red light. They then see the red light turn green.

  “The red light just turned green!” Ralph shouts. Everybody anxiously watches the light blue car. They see the two cars in front of light blue car start to move forward into the intersection. They then see the light blue car start to move forward to the intersection.

  “Is that light blue car gonna turn,” everybody shouts. “Is it gonna turn?!”

  “Come on baby, turn this way!” Melvin shouts.

  “Come on light blue car, turn this way!” Michael shouts. Everybody sees the two cars in front of the light blue car go straight. They see the light blue car suddenly making a turn. Everybody gets excited.

  “That is the cab!” Ralph shouts. Everybody excitingly wave their arms and hands to the light blue car as it makes a turn. They see the light blue car coming down the street towards their direction as they all shout, “Woo hooo! The cab is coming! Woo hooo! Yeeehaaaaw!” Everybody continues to wave their arms and hands to the light blue car as it comes down the street towards them. Charlotte and Lonna are so happy and excited as they dance in a circle around each other, shaking their shoulders as everyone happily watches them. Charlotte happily points her arm and finger towards the light blue car. Everybody looks at the light blue car as it continues to head towards them.

  “Michael!” a deep voice shouts. “Michael!” Everybody becomes shocked and nervous as Charlotte and Lonna shout, “Aaaaaah! That's Diane! Aaaaaah!” Charlotte and Lonna nervously rush and coward in front of Michael and Aunt Celeste as the rest of the Dianettes nervously rush and coward by their side. Everybody nervously turn their heads around towards the voice and look. They are all stunned to see Alex standing far behind them shouting, “Michael!”

  “Hey Alex!” Michael nervously says. “You scared us half to death!”

  “I did?”

  “Yeah! We thought you were Diane!”

  “You all thought I was Diane?”

  “We sure did!” Lonna says.

  “Do I sound like Diane to y’all?”

  “Yeah, sort of,” Michael says. “Anyway what's up Alex?”

  “Christopher is in the lobby. He wants to see you real quick.”

  “Oh yeah?”


  “Okay I'll be there.” Michael turns to everybody. They all look at each other and give a sigh of relief.

  “Hey where's the party at?!” Alex says. “I smell liquor out here!” Everybody nervously looks at Alex. “Did y'all have a party somewhere and didn't invite me?” Everybody nervously continue to look at Alex.

  “There was no party Alex,” Michael says. “Me and some of the guys just had a few drinks that's all. Let's go see what Christopher wants.” Michael turns to Lonna and Charlotte as the light blue cab pulls to the curb next to them. Michael tells Lonna and Charlotte, “Okay girls, get in the cab.” He turns to everyone else and says, “I'll be right back.”

  “Okay Michael,” everybody says. Michael heads towards Alex. Alex turns around as he and Michael start to head to the organization building together. Kory follows behind them.

  Around a dozen people are inside the organization lobby standing around talking. Michael, Alex and Kory enter the lobby. Michael turns to Alex and says, “Well where's Christopher?”

  “He probably stepped off somewhere real quick,” Alex says. “He'll be back.”

  Diane D suddenly comes towards Michael, Alex and Kory with some papers and forms in her arm and hands. She approaches Michael and says, “Michael, where are those charity files you had for me yesterday? I need them now.”

  “You finished filing the girls' taxes already?” Michael asks.

  “Almost.” Diane D starts to look through the papers and forms and says, “I finished filing three of the girls’ tax forms the other day. I just finished filing the fourth and fifth tax forms yesterday, I'm working on the last one now. After I finish filing the last one and get all their taxes out the way, I'm gonna work on mines, that's why I need those files.”

  “Okay. Well I left those charity files in Grandma and Grandpa's office on the side of the table. It's in there.”

  “Okay.” Diane D suddenly hears voices cheering outside. She looks towards the window. She goes to the window and peeks through the blinds. She then says, “You got the girls outside Michael?”

  “Yeah. The guys and Aunt Celeste are out there with them. I'm gonna go back out there in a few minutes.”

  “Okay.” Diane D turns from the window. She walks back to Michael and says, “Don't forget we have to take the girls to their probation officer first thing in the morning, after that, I have to go see my probation officer.” Alex and Kory laugh a little. Diane D puzzled looks at them and asks, “What’s funny?”

  “Oh nothing,” Kory says. “It’s just that you and all the girls got probation officers, even Dana has one.” Diane D annoyingly looks at Kory as he shrugs his shoulders at her. Diane D starts looking through her papers and forms again.

  Christopher, a black male, enters the lobby with a clipboard filled with sheets of paper. He sees Diane D and shouts, “Oh Diane!”

  Diane D looks up from her papers and forms and looks at Christopher.

  Christopher says to her, “Now
that I see both you and Michael, these are the girls' probation papers that need your and your family’s signature.”

  Christopher approaches Diane D and hands her a clipboard with probation forms on it. Diane D looks down through the paper forms and counts them as Christopher and Michael stand beside her looking on. “All six probation forms are there,” Christopher says. Alex comes on the other side of Diane D and looks on. Diane D sees a paper with Miranda's name on it. She lifts the paper up and sees a paper with Lonna's name on it. She lifts all the papers up and sees each paper with a Dianette's name on it. “See, I told you, all six probation papers are there,” Christopher says.

  “Okay I got it,” Diane D says. Diane D turns away and goes to the side. She leans against the back of a chair with her legs crossed as she looks down through the papers again. Two black woman in their early thirties and a man around his late thirties walk through the lobby together. They see Diane D. One of the woman calls out to Diane D and shouts, “Diane D! Diane D!” Diane D stops looking through the probation papers and looks up towards the woman. The two woman and the man approach Diane D as the women says, “Hi Diane D!”

  “Hey Diane D!” the second woman says. “Hey Diane D?! We saw the video of you and your cousin Charlotte when you two were kids!” Diane D puts her pen down near her side as she firmly looks at the woman. “Yeah!” the second woman says. “We saw you hit your cousin Charlotte in that video for playing and teasing with that pit bull! In the video, you seemed like you disciplined your cousin Charlotte real hard by hitting her. Did you really hit your cousin Charlotte that hard?”

  “Didn't you just said you saw the video?” Diane D says.

  “Yeah I saw it.”

  “Well what did it look like to you?”

  “It looked like you hit your cousin Charlotte real hard.”

  “Well if that's what it looked like to you, that should answer your question then.”

  “Yeah I guess it does. But you hit her so hard.”

  “Yeah I hit her hard. And?”

  “It seemed you hit her too hard.”

  “That's right I hit her too hard! What's your point?!”

  “Never mind. I just wanted to ask.” The second woman backs away as Diane D annoying looks at her. The woman then says, “Sorry I asked.” Diane D continues to annoyingly look at the woman. The second woman, the first woman and the man start to back away from Diane D.

  Diane D becomes frustrated. She turns her head to Michael and says, “Michael I'm gonna get those files now.”

  “Okay Diane,” Michael says.

  Diane D leans up off the chair and walks away as she says to Michael, “And don't forget about tomorrow morning.”

  “Yes ma'am.”

  Diane D heads down the hallway as Michael, Kory, Alex and Christopher, the two women and the man look on at her.

  Five minutes later, Michael, Kory, Alex, Christopher, the two women and the man look down the hall. They see Diane D swiftly walking down the hall with more forms in her hands as she holds her cell phone to her ear. They then see Diane D going towards the staircase and go up the steps.

  A minute later, Diane D walks in an upstairs hallway towards one of the rooms as she continues to hold a cell phone to her ear quietly speaking into her cell phone. She then goes into her office and slams the door behind herself.

  Stephanie, Harvey and Evette who are at the other end of the hallway puzzled look at each other as Stephanie says, “My God! Who slammed the door like that?”

  “That was Diane,” Harvey says. “She just went inside her office.”

  “Oh yeah? Why did she slam the door like that?”

  “I don't know. It looks like she's in a bad mood.”

  “Oh yeah?” Evette says. “Maybe we should find out if she's okay.”

  “Heck no. Just let it be. Whenever Diane gets into one of her mood swings, it’s best to just stay away from her and just leave her alone.”

  “Yeah that’s true,” Stephanie says. “Let's not bother her.” Stephanie, Harvey and Evette turn their heads and look down towards the office door.

  Harvey then says, “Come on, let's get out of here.” Harvey, Stephanie and Evette look forward then walk away.

  Miranda, Bernice, Nancy, Kelly, some of their boyfriends and members of the Diaz-Davidson Band come into the lobby. They walk to Michael as Michael asks, ““Is the cab still out there?”

  “No,” Dennis says. “Charlotte, Lonna and Aunt Celeste got inside the cab and left. They said they'll be back as soon as possible.”

  “Okay good.”

  “Is Diane still upstairs in the office?” Miranda asks.

  “Yeah, she came down here and went back up.”

  “Oh yeah?” Nancy says. “She finished filing our taxes yet?”

  “Yeah she finished most of yours already. She's working on one more right now.“

  “Just one more?” Bernice asks.


  “Good.” Bernice turns to Miranda, Nancy and Kelly and says, “Come y'all. Let's go see how much money we're getting back this year.”

  “I hope I get back more than last year,” Kelly says.

  “Me too,” Nancy says as she Miranda, Bernice and Kelly turn and excitedly go towards the stairwell.

  “Wait a minute, hold up girls!” Melvin shouts. Miranda, Bernice, Nancy and Kelly stop and turn around towards Melvin as he shouts, “Now are you sure that none of you four got the scent of hard liquor on you?”

  “Yeah we're sure,” Nancy says.

  “Yeah these four didn't drink any hard liquor Melvin,” Michael says. “Just Lonna and Charlotte. We don't have to worry this time, I think my family’s computer will be safe. It won't get knocked down to the floor like the other one did.”

  “Are you sure man?” Melvin asks.

  “Yeah I'm sure. Plus when Diane's family got this computer and stand, they made sure that the stand got nailed to the floor.”

  “They should have did that with the computer too.”

  “I don’t think it’s gonna make a difference if the stand gets nailed to the floor,” Alex says. “When Diane gets angry again, her superhuman strength is going to over power those nails in the floor!”

  “I know,” Michael says, “but let’s think positive for now. Hopefully that won’t happen ever again as long as the girls don’t smell like hard liquor!”

  “We don’t smell like hard liquor,” Miranda says.

  “I know.”

  Nancy turns to Miranda, Bernice and Kelly and says, “Come on y'all, let's go up stairs!” Nancy, Miranda, Bernice and Kelly excitedly turn away and head up the stairs as the fellows look up at them.

  Several minutes later, Diane D is sitting inside her office on a stool at the computer stand with her back facing the door typing and clicking away on the computer looking into the computer screen as Miranda, Bernice, Nancy and Kelly stand around her talking and smiling as they look at the computer monitor. “Wow that's a lot of money it looks like I'm gonna get back,” Kelly says. “That's how much I'm gonna get back so far Diane?”

  “Yeah,” Diane D says.

  “Oh yeaaah let's celebrate.” Kelly places her hands on Diane D's and Nancy's shoulders as she celebrates bouncing her body up and down a little as she chants, “I'm gonna get some money. I'm gonna get some money.”

  “That's more than you got last year Kelly,” Nancy says.

  “It sure is.”

  Bernice looks down at one of the forms on the table and says, “Hey Diane, you wrote down that I donated to the Red Cross. I never donated to them.”

  “I know you didn't Bernice,” Diane D says. “That's not yours.”

  “It isn't?”

  “No, that's my form.”

  “It’s yours?”

  “Yeah. I didn't get a chance to put my name on it yet. Your form is underneath mine.”

  “Oh I see.” Bernice looks underneath Diane D's form
as Diane D continues to look into the computer screen, typing and clicking away.

  Two hours later, Michael, Kory and Diane D's relatives are inside the lounge area talking and laughing. Nancy, Miranda and Bernice enter the lounge. They walk to the refrigerator and open it. They grab some sodas out of it. “How's it going ladies?” Michael says.

  “Okay,” Nancy says.

  “Where's Kelly?”

  “She's still upstairs with Diane?” Miranda says.

  “Oh. Is Diane still filing your taxes?”

  “No she finished filing all of ours taxes,” Nancy says. “She just finished filing Kelly's taxes. Now she's getting ready to start her own.”

  “She is?”


  Bernice turns to Nancy and Miranda and says. “Come on girls. We gotta hurry and get back upstairs.”

  “Hurry and get back upstairs?” Michael says. “Hurry and get back upstairs for what? If Diane finished filing all your taxes already, y'all don't need to go back. Y'all don't plan to watch Diane work on her own taxes do y'all?”

  “Well yeaaah!” Nancy says. Nancy, Miranda and Bernice turn away and excitingly hurry back out the lounge.

  Everyone looks on at them as Kory says, “They're so noseeee.” Everyone laughs a little.

  Twenty minutes later, Kory walks through the upstairs hallway. He walks towards Diane D's office door. He peeps through the door which is slightly open. He slowly opens the door and walks into the office.

  Kory walks towards Diane D, Miranda, Bernice, Nancy and Kelly with their back towards him as Miranda and Kelly fix the bow on the bottom of Diane D‘s long braid. Bernice and Nancy stand around Diane D talking and looking into the computer screen with Diane D as Diane D types and clicks away on the keyboard and mouse. Kory comes around Miranda, Bernice, Nancy, Kelly and Diane D and sees Diane D looking into the computer screen as Nancy says, “Wow Diane. You be getting a lot of money back.”

  “She sure do,” Miranda says.

  “You’re gonna take us out to dinner again, right Diane?” Bernice says as Miranda, Nancy and Kelly laugh a little.

  “Hey Diane,” Kory says.

  Miranda, Bernice, Nancy and Kelly turn their heads away from the computer screen and look at Kory. Diane D takes a quick glance at Kory then firmly looks back at the computer monitor and continues to click away as she says, “Kory what are you doing in here?”

  “I just came to see how you were doing with working on your taxes.”

  “Oh really.”


  “I don't need you to see how I'm doing with working on my taxes.”


  “No. Please leave.”

  “Leave? Why? I just want to watch what you're doing and learn from what you're doing, so I can prepare my own taxes and not have to keep paying somebody else to do it for me.”

  “I don't need you watching my tax business. Just get out.”

  “But I want to learn how to file my own taxes.”

  “If you want to learn how to file your own taxes, go find somebody else to watch. Now get out.”

  “Well excuuse me! Don't worry! I'm outta here.” Kory turns away and heads towards the door as Nancy, Miranda, Bernice and Kelly turn and look on at him.

  Diane D's cell phone suddenly rings. Nancy, Miranda, Bernice and Kelly turn their heads back towards Diane D as Diane D looks down at her cell phone and pulls it out of her belt holster. She looks at the number on her cell phone. She then puts the phone to her ear. She speaks into the cell phone and says, “Yeah what's up?” Diane D starts typing and clicking again as Miranda, Bernice, Nancy and Kelly continue to surround her looking at the computer monitor.

  Kory enters back into the lounge area where Michael and Diane D's family are. “What are you doing back here so soon Kory?” Aunt Jean asks. “We thought you were gonna watch Diane work on her own taxes so you can learn from her.”

  “I would have,” Kory says, “but Diane didn't let me stay there. She wanted me to leave.”

  “Diane wanted you to leave?” Michael asks.

  “Yeah. She said she doesn't need me watching her business and told me to get out.”

  “She told you to get out?” Aunt Jean asks.

  “Yeah. She chew me out, then she threw me out. But she's letting her daughters stay in there.”

  “Her daughters?” Aunt Jean and everyone else laughs a little.

  Two hours later, Charlotte, Lonna and Aunt Celeste happily walk into the organization lobby with Charlotte and Lonna wearing different clothes. Everybody approaches them. “Y'all finally made it back,” Michael says.

  “Yeah,” Lonna says. “Y'all don't smell the hard liquor scent on us do y'all?” Everybody starts to sniff the air as Lonna and Charlotte nervously look at them.

  “No I don't smell any hard liquor,” Michael says.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah I'm sure. I don't smell it.”

  “Neither do I,” Aunt Jean says.

  “Good,” Lonna says.

  “So Charlotte, how you doing?” Kory asks. “How does your back feel now?”

  “How does my back feel now?” Charlotte asks. “What are you talking about?”

  “Some people wanted to know earlier if your back still hurt from when Diane hit you when y'all were kids,” Michael says.

  “Really? What people?!”

  “The people that were standing in the lobby earlier.”

  “So does your back still hurt?” Kory playfully smacks Charlotte on the back.

  “Man you better leave her alone before Diane get on your ass,” Ralph says.

  “That's right,” Melvin says.

  “I was just kidding with her,” Kory says. “Fine, I won't do it again.”

  “We’re just looking out for you bro.”

  “Where is Diane by the way?” Aunt Celeste says. “Is she still in her office?”

  “Yeah she's still up there working on her taxes now,” Michael says. “She finished filing all of the girls' taxes.”

  “She did?!” Charlotte shouts. “Oh good! Come on Lonna, let's go see how much money we're gonna get back this year!” Lonna and Charlotte turn and excitingly go through the lobby.

  “I'll go with you girls,” Aunt Celeste says. Aunt Celeste turns and follows off after Lonna and Charlotte. Lonna and Charlotte past right by the man and two women who questioned Diane D earlier as the man and two women look at Lonna and Charlotte heading towards the staircase. Lonna and Charlotte excitingly hold on to each other as they head up the staircase. Aunt Celeste follows right behind them.

  Teresa and Felisha are walking on the sidewalk. They walk towards Dana, Judy and another Jamaican female relative of Dana’s named Tiffany who is in her late 20’s as Dana leans against a pole with her legs crossed drinking from a brown paper bag as Judy and Tiffany stand beside her. “Hey ladies,” Teresa says.

  “Hey Teresa,” Judy says as Teresa and Felisha approach her, Dana and Tiffany.

  “Did y'all go inside yet?”

  “We're getting ready to, but Dana has to wait for Aunt Mary and Uncle Barry to come out the car first.”

  “Oh yeah? How come”

  “She’s in their custody Teresa. Don’t you remember? You know Dana can’t go anywhere without her family with her.”

  “Oh yeah that’s right. Sorry.”

  Judy turns to Dana and asks, “Did you save me any beer Dana?”

  “No,” Dana says.

  “Why not?! You could have least save me some beer.”

  “I’ll get you a beer later Judy.”

  “Okay thanks.”

  Mary, Barry, Missy, Landa, Londa and Linda approach Dana, Judy, Tiffany, Teresa and Felisha as Mary says, “Okay girls, we’re going into the building now. Ready Dana?”

  “Yeah I’m ready Aunt Mary.”

  “Okay come on.”

  Dana leans off the pole. She turns and walks awa
y between Mary and Barry. They all head towards the organization building as Missy, Landa, Londa, Linda, Judy, Tiffany, Teresa and Felisha follow them.

  Dana, Mary, Barry, Judy, Tiffany, Teresa and Felisha enter the lobby of the organization lobby. All the people in the lobby approach them as Michael holds a coffee pot full of coffee in his hand and says, “Hey guys. How’s it going?”

  “Okay Michael,” Barry says.

  “What are you doing with that pot of coffee Michael?” Mary asks.

  “I was just about to take this coffee pot up to Diane. She asked me can I make her a pot of coffee so she can keep herself awake because she wants to hurry and finish working on her taxes. She‘s upstairs working on her taxes right now.”

  “She is?”


  “Okay. We’ll come with you Michael.”

  “Okay.” Michael turns around and heads up the staircase with the pot of coffee as Dana, Mary, and Barry head up the stairs behind him. Judy, Tiffany, Missy, Landa, Londa, Linda, Teresa and Felisha all head up the staircase and follow them.



  Chapter 44

  Diane D Visits The Schools Again


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