Big Girls Just Want to Have Fun

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Big Girls Just Want to Have Fun Page 2

by Aurora Dupree

  “You sure know how to treat a guy right,” Clyde said, as I continued to tug on him.

  “Big girls always do,” I said, kissing him again, feeling his tongue stud clanking against my teeth, trying to bring my own tongue as far into his mouth as I could.

  “Hey,” Clyde said, pulling back for a moment. “Do you trust me?”

  I looked up, puzzled.

  “Well, I guess so,” I said, a little confused. “I mean we just met earlier tonight. So I don't know you that well. Why?”

  “Because I was wondering if you'd put on these.”

  Clyde reached over into a compartment beneath the bar, and came out with a pair of stainless steel handcuffs. My eyes widened when I saw them.

  “What are those?”

  “What do they look like, baby? Handcuffs?”

  “Huh. Do you always handcuff girls you bring back onto the tour bus.”

  He shook his head. “Nah, not always. But I have to warn you, I'm pretty into bondage. BDSM, that kind of thing. Not any of the real extreme stuff. But seeing a chick bound and helpless kind of gets me going.”

  “Hmm,” I said, considering. To be honest, it's not like I'd never done anything like this before. My last boyfriend also liked to get kinky once in a while. But he wasn't in a famous rock band, and he wasn't nearly as cute as Clyde.

  “Okay,” I said. “I'll put on the handcuffs. But only if I can put them on you later.”

  Clyde smiled.

  “Of course. I wouldn't have it any other way.”

  With a wry smile, Clyde swung the cuffs around on his hands. I extended my arms out in front of me, eager to see where all this was heading.

  “All right, master,” I said, tongue firmly in cheek. “I am at your command.”

  “That's a good girl,” Clyde said, slapping the cuffs around my wrists. I struggled and pressed against the restraints, but they were holding firm.

  “Where did you get these things?” I asked, trying to hold back my laughter, although I did find the idea of the whole thing pretty sexy.

  “Army surplus store,” Clyde said, shrugging. “Are those things too tight?”

  “No,” I said. “They feel great.”

  “Good,” Clyde said, his hand trailing down my leg, grazing across my ass. “Now it's my turn to make you feel great.”

  Clyde began the slow process of unbuttoning my jeans, slowly sliding them down my legs, revealing my hot pink panties.

  “Ooh,” I said, giggling. “Looks like I dressed sexy for you today.”

  “You sure know how to treat a guy right,” Clyde said. He lowered his head, pressing his mouth against my stomach, kissing around my belly button, moving up toward my breasts. I tried to undo my blouse to help him along, before remembering I couldn't use my hands. With deft precision, Clyde unhooked my bra, massaging my breasts with his hands. He ran his mouth over my nipples, licking them softly before sliding his mouth back down my torso.

  I suddenly felt myself swept up in the heat of the moment, and felt a great tingling passion begin to burn down below. I moaned as Clyde continued slowly sliding his tongue down my belly, until he reached my panties. He kissed around my thighs, hoisting my legs up into the air, before moving his mouth to the thin fabric covering my womanhood. I gasped as his tongue lapped over my mound, and I felt myself becoming very wet indeed. My whole body was shaking with energy, and by the time Clyde peeled off my panties, I could barely contain myself anymore.

  Now Clyde was really getting into it, his tongue working over my warm slit. I gasped as he supped on my hard lovebutton, his practiced tongue moving expertly back and forth over my nub. My entire body felt laced with electricity, and I knew that very shortly I was about to have an orgasm like I'd never had before.

  I can't believe this is happening, I thought. He's too good at this...I've never had a guy go down on me like this before.

  Once more Clyde's tongue lashed along my sweet warmth, and I couldn't take it any longer.

  “Oh God!” I cried, and I came harder than I ever have in my life, struggling my hands against the cuffs in a futile effort. But Clyde didn't stop, still going to town on me ferociously, leaving me soaking wet, shaking, wanting more.

  “Come on!” I yelled, surprised at how forceful the words sounded leaving my mouth. “I want to feel you inside me.”

  Clyde obviously felt the same way, moving his hard, giant manhood toward my slit as I braced for him to enter me.

  A gasp came rushing forth from my mouth. Clyde slipped his way inside me, and began to thrust. My back was pressed up against the bar on the tour bus, but I didn't care. Clyde's muscular body was making love to me, and I was enjoying every second of it. His hands found their way to my breasts as we came together, our bodies writhing as one.

  Clyde spun me around, so my plump ass was riding up and down in his face as he continued to pound away at me. My hands grasped the mini-bar as I moaned, letting him ride me, never wanting it to end. I came yet again, and I knew immediately that I had never felt these kinds of sensations with any other lover. But I knew Clyde wouldn't be able to last much longer. His thrusts were coming further and further apart, and his moans were increasing in both frequency and intensity.

  “You gonna blow?” I said, the words coming hot and heavy. Clyde didn't respond, but I knew it was a yes. Still cuffed, I spun around, falling to my knees.

  “In my mouth,” I said, matter-of-factly. “I want to swallow it.”

  Clyde arched his head back, his beautiful dark hair falling in his face. He closed his eyes, and I wrapped my mouth around his member.

  “Oh yeah,” Clyde said. “That's it. Right there.”

  I felt one final thrust, and then Clyde's hot goodness was shooting into my mouth, a whole torrent of it. I led it slide to the back of my throat, before swallowing it all down into my belly. I let my mouth linger there on Clyde's cock, licking him clean, giving him little kisses. Finally, Clyde pulled away, albeit reluctantly.

  “Damn babe. You've got me really sensitive all of a sudden.”

  “That's my plan,” I said, giggling.

  Without warning, the door of the tour bus came whooshing open. I gasped and tried to cover myself up, while Clyde just stood there, smiling. Cedric, the blonde-haired guitarist, stepped halfway onto the bus, saw us, and raised his hand in apology.

  “Sorry,” he said, stifling a grin. “I'll leave you two alone.”

  I knew I had turned bright red, but Clyde didn't seem to be affected at all.

  “I'm glad at least one of us has some modesty,” I said, getting to my feet.

  Clyde shrugged. “Cedric is like family. If I freaked out every time he saw my dick, that would be weirder than the other way around.”

  “I think it's plenty weird already. Mind undoing these cuffs? I think my wrists are beginning to chafe.”

  Clyde dug the key from his pocket and the handcuffs clinked off. I gathered my clothes from off the floor, my head still reeling from the hotness of our encounter. I got dressed, as Clyde casually re-buttoned his pants and slung his shirt back on.

  “Listen,” Clyde said, as I was dressing. “I know we only just met. And I know you probably think I'm just some big rock star who brings girls back to the tour bus all the time, but I assure you, I'm not. I don't usually do stuff like this.”

  “Mmm hmm,” I said, straightening out my blouse. “I bet you've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell me, as well.”

  “Well, believe it or not, it's the truth. You're really cool. We've got another show tomorrow at the Colosseum, but after that we're on the road for a cross-country tour. I'd like it if you came along.”

  I looked at him, dumbfounded.

  “On tour? With you?”

  “Yeah. What do you say?”

  “I don't know, Clyde. I have a job. I have responsibilities.”

  “Take a vacation. It's only a couple of weeks.”

  I looked at him, staring at me earnestly with his big rock-star eyes.

��I'll have to think about it,” I said finally.

  “Well don't think too long. We're out of here tomorrow. After that, it's down to Long Beach.”

  I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Clyde wanted me to drop everything and go on tour with him? And I was actually considering it? I must have been out of my mind. But he was awfully cute.

  “Here's my cell,” he said, handing me a slip of paper. “I'm gonna relax here for a bit. Don't feel like talking to fans any longer, not tonight.”

  “Okay. I'll let you know,” I said, still unsure of the whole situation.

  “Remember,” Clyde said, brushing back his long hair. “Tomorrow.”

  I gathered myself and left the tour bus. Cedric was waiting outside, smoking a cigarette. I looked at him sheepishly.

  “Sorry about that,” I said.

  “No need to apologize.” Cedric turned to me. He had a serious gaze, and piercing blue eyes, like icebergs. “Clyde doesn't usually do stuff like this. He must like you a lot.”

  “Maybe. He invited me on tour with you guys.”

  Cedric nodded.

  “An interesting offer. Life on the road is fun, but it can be difficult.”


  “In any case, maybe, I'll see you around, Debbie.”

  “Okay,” I said. “Nice again to meet you.”

  I couldn't tell what was up with Cedric's super calm demeanor. Maybe he was just on something. But there was definitely something intriguing about him, that was for sure. I headed back around the Colosseum, towards home, wondering if I could actually be crazy enough to take Clyde Strummer up on his offer.


  In my heart, I already knew what I wanted, but the logistics of the thing were another matter entirely. I'd never just up and left for two weeks before, and I had a job, and responsibilities, and all those other things that I'd diligently been taking care of in the past ten years of my life. So it took a bit of time to come to a decision.

  I paced around my apartment, weighing the pros and cons. Cons? My demanding job, overbearing boss, rent payments, things of that nature. Pros? Clyde Strummer and his awesome band and his equally impressive cunnilingus skills.

  “What do I do?” I asked myself, pouting into the mirror. For a time the answer really did seem unclear. But then I pictured myself on Clyde's tour bus, headed from city to city, meeting new people, getting to watch Unholy Night day in and day out.

  “Screw it,” I said. “If my boss doesn't like it, he can take a hike. Or I will.”

  It was the truth. I had plenty of sick days saved up. And I'd been a loyal employee for years. If they made a stink, I could find a better job with a minimal amount of trouble.

  Still, I was nervous dialing the company number, wondering if I was making a huge mistake. When my boss answered the phone, I paused for a long moment, wondering if I should just hang up and save myself the trouble. But I steeled myself, and pressed on.

  “Rick?” I said. “It's Debbie Beaumont. I'm taking the next few weeks off. emergency has come up, and I'm going to be away for a time.”

  “A few weeks? Jeez Debbie, it's a busy time of year. We kind of need you around the office.”

  “I'm sorry Rick. I don't have a choice. I'll take it out of my sick days.”

  A pause on his end. I could almost feel him contemplating.

  “Well, all right, if it's an emergency. That's fine. Is everything all right?”

  “It will be,” I said, holding back a smile. I hung up the phone, grinning openly now.

  Suddenly, I realized the reality of the situation. Clyde's band was playing in less than an hour. If I missed them leaving tonight, I'd miss them for good. And I didn't have time to pack. What clothes would I wear? What about my makeup? Toiletries? Who would feed my cat while I was gone?

  In the end, I decided it didn't matter. I could pick up clothes and things on the road. I hastily called a friend, who agreed to feed Mittens while I was gone, and hustled back over to the Colosseum as quickly as I could, hailing a cab outside in the night air.

  So this is it, I thought, feeling a mix of glee and trepidation. I'm really doing this.

  As I approached the Colosseum, and saw it looming overhead, I began to have some doubts. What if last night was just a fluke? What if Clyde decided he didn't want me coming on tour with him after all? What if the other member of Unholy Night didn't like me?

  Whatever. It wasn't worth worrying about. I was here, and that was all that mattered.

  The show was already underway by the time I got there. I could hear the snarl of the guitars, and Clyde's deep voice ringing out through the PA system. I made my way through to the entrance, before realizing I didn't have a ticket.

  “Sorry miss,” said the bouncer, as I was futilely explaining my plight to him. “I need to see a ticket.”

  “But I'm supposed to meet Clyde after the show!” I said, realizing in an instant how pathetic that sounded. The bouncer just crossed his arms, not budging. I cursed. I'd have to find another way backstage.

  Wondering what to do, I headed outside, making my way around to the back of the Colosseum. I put my head up, walking confidently, like I definitely belonged there. I saw security eying me as I headed towards the tour bus area, but they didn't confront me. I could see the bright, painted bus belonging to Unholy Night, and a bevy of roadies milling around. With a quick glance to make sure no security was watching, I hopped over the barricades and made a beeline towards the bus. Some of the roadies turned to me, but their general demeanor was that of a passive shrug. I supposed they were used to devoted fans trying to make their way to the band. The thing was, I had apparently moved beyond just being a fan.

  I paced in a tight circle around the tour bus, the giant neon dragon emblazoned on the side watching over me with its stern visage. From the sounds of the crowd noise, I had the feeling the show was almost over. Now I just had to wait for the band to come inside. So I did. I leaned against the tour bus, trying to act self-assured, wondering just when the heck Clyde and the rest of the band was going to make its way outside.

  Another hour passed. I was starting to get a bit nervous now. What if they had left through some other exit, had taken a limo back to their hotel? Was I really making the right decision? A few weeks on tour was a long time. What if Clyde had changed his mind, and didn't want to see me?

  I figured it wasn't worth worrying about. Either I'd be going with them, or I wouldn't. But I had to admit to myself that I really wanted to go.

  Thirty more minutes ticked by. Finally, I saw a crowd begin to throng near the rear of the Colosseum, and a general roar arose. The band was coming, I could feel it. I stood against the bus as Clyde, Cedric, Freddie and Moe strolled over, sweaty and exhausted after another marathon show. Clyde spotted me, and I saw his eyes lit up. That's when I knew it was for real, and he really wanted me here. He rushed over to me, tattoos flaring on his muscular arms, and wrapped me up in a great big hug.

  “Debbie!” he said. “I'm so glad you're here. I was starting to think you weren't going to make it. I guess I should have been more clear on where to meet.”

  “That's okay,” I said, painting his cheek with a kiss. “I made it here, didn't I?”

  The rest of the band filed onto the bus, while Clyde and I hung around outside, talking. Cedric gave me a dirty look as he passed.

  “I guess they'll be even less space on the bus now,” he said, rolling his eyes before climbing the stairs and heading inside.

  I was a little taken aback.

  “What's his problem?” I asked. Clyde waved a hand.

  “Don't mind him. Cedric always gets a little moody right after a big show. I'm sure by this time tomorrow, he'll be welcoming you with open arms.”

  “That's good to hear.”

  “But anyway babe, we've got to get a move on. The District of Columbia awaits.”

  I goggled. “We're leaving tonight?”

  “Time and tide waits for no man. Or woman. Come on
Debbie, your chariot awaits.”

  He spread his arm out, motioning up towards the bus. With a deep breath, I headed inside, wondering what kind of craziness the future would hold.


  The first few days on tour were kind of a blur, I had to admit. I found myself cuddled up with Clyde, as the rest of the band snoozed on their makeshift beds and beanbags chairs in the tour bus, and we rolled on into the night. Before I knew it, I was in Washington D.C., watching Unholy Night play out a sold out show at the Verizon Center. There was an incredible excitement, watching them strut across the stage from the front row, knowing that not only was I a VIP, but I was actually dating a member of the band. Cedric's chilly demeanor had continued, but there was literally nothing in the world that could get me down during that time. Freddie was affable and laid back, with interesting words of wisdom, almost like aphorisms, for every situation that arose. Moe was the practical joker and teddy bear, like Clyde had described him. He absolutely covered Cedric in shaving cream after the first show, much to Cedric's chagrin, but had made up for it later by buying everyone in the band bottles of whiskey.

  Unholy Night was in D.C. for a few days, so naturally, everyone in the band had their own hotel rooms, including me and Clyde. Let's just say we fully enjoyed the beginning of our time together. Clyde's penchant for kinkiness continued, incorporating a wide array of whips, chains, flails, and hot wax into our repertoire. Like Clyde had told me, there was nothing that got too hardcore, but my ass was constantly red and raw, and Clyde's chest had several hot wax burns that he claimed turned him on like nothing else.

  The sex was hot, heavy, and frequent. Clyde and I did it everywhere—in the green room before a show, on the tour bus after a show, sneaking into a side hallway for a quickie between encores. I had never had a lover quite like Clyde. When he was spanking me while we were having sex, I felt like the happiest girl on the entire planet. And Clyde told me nothing made him happier than seeing my big ass, bobbing up and down in his face as he made love to me. For that first week on the road, surrounded by the man I loved, good people and good music, it seemed like all was right with the universe. And, for a while, it was.


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