Sedona's Heart

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Sedona's Heart Page 18

by Sasha Fino

  “Okay, anything else?” Kimberly asked

  “Please give me the cinnamon roll,” Annette said

  “For here or to go?”

  “To go,” Annette said as she gave Kimberly some money, and then Kimberly gave her back the change. She pulled out the cinnamon roll and the chocolate donut and put them in a “to go” bag

  “Here you go!” Kimberly said happily

  “Thank you, Kimberly!” Annette said, taking the bag from Kimberly

  “It was nice to meet you, Jordan!” Kimberly said to him

  “Sure,” Jordan replied as Kimberly rolled her eyes.

  Kimberly watched Annette and Jordan stop in front of Aunt Blanche and start to talk to her. Of course, Jordan was sweet and nice to her aunt. Boys who needs them? Kimberly thought to herself

  Kimberly saw Mrs. Jenson coming up to her

  “Kimberly, what are you doing here?” Mrs. Jenson asked, “My aunt owns this shop. May I get you something?”

  “Oh yes, I would love mocha and that pastry in the case. Can I eat it here?” she asked, pointing to the pastry that she wanted.

  “Sure, Mrs. Jenson!” Kimberly replied while Lexy came up next to her.

  “Why, hello, Lexy. Are you working here also?” Mrs. Jenson asked coldly while she gave her money to Kimberly

  “Yes, I am, Mrs. Jenson. Welcome to The Sedona’s Heart Cafe!” Lexy replied

  “Thank you, Lexy. I hope that your girls will still have time for the library now. I would hate to lose both of you,” Mrs. Jenson said, looking at them both.

  “Don’t worry, we will still work for the library on Saturdays,” Kimberly said, giving her the change and her order

  “Thank you. See you two on Saturday,” Mrs. Jenson told them.

  “Bye,” Kimberly replied,

  “Bye, Mrs. Jenson,” Lexy said as Mrs. Jenson looked coldly at her and walked away

  “She still hasn’t forgiven me for the horseradish prank I pulled on her,” Lexy said once Mrs. Jenson was out of earshot.

  “What horseradish?” Kimberly asked

  “One day I put horseradish in her lunch, she is still mad about it,” Lexy said

  “I would be mad at you if you put horseradish on my food,” Kimberly told her as they both started laughing,

  “What’s so funny, girls?” Marge asked them

  “Oh, just that Lexy put horseradish in someone’s lunch a while ago,” Kimberly said

  “Wow, that’s funny,” Marge said laughing

  “See, Marge thought it was funny,” Lexy told her

  “Sure, it is!” Kimberly said laughing

  “May I take over for you, Kimberly? You and Lexy need to take a break before the noon crowd rolls in.”

  “Sounds great to me. I need a break!” Lexy said

  “Sure, thank you, Marge,” Kimberly told her as she saw Gabby and Sara coming in the door

  “Come on, Lexy, I want you to meet someone,” Kimberly said, walking away from the counter.

  “Kimberly, you should know by now that I don’t do wellmeeting people,” Lexy told her, following behind.

  “You will like her. Trust me.”

  “Funny that’s what my dad always says,” Lexy replied as Sara walked up to them

  “Hey, Kimberly, the shop looks great!” Sara said as she got close to them,

  “Thanks! My aunt has an eye for demeriting. Sara, this is my friend, Lexy.

  Lexy, this is my neighbor, Sara, who is a year older than us.”

  “Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” Sara said

  “Bonjour!” Lexy replied coolly to Sara

  “So, how’s Sedona’s Heart doing?” Sara asked

  “Very busy!” Kimberly told her

  “Great! Mom is with me talking to Blanche,” she said, looking at her mother.

  “You are the gossiper’s daughter, who Kimberly told me about!” Lexy exclaimed

  “True, but I am not like my mother at all! Kimberly said that you and I have something in common.”

  “We do?” Lexy questioned

  “Our hate for Kasey Tenney.”

  “Now, you’re talking!” Lexy agreed with a smile on her face

  As Lexy and Sara talked about Kasey, Kimberly looked up. She saw her aunt with Annette and Gabby talking away at a table. Then she saw Jordan coming up to her

  “Hey, Sara,” Jordan said

  “Jordan, what are you doing here? It’s not a full moon tonight,” Sara said to him

  “Very funny, my mother is BFFs with the owner Mrs. Burlington,” Jordan


  “Small world! I live next door to Mrs. Burlington. I’m sure you know Kimberly,” Sara told him

  “We met earlier,” Kimberly said coldly before Jordan could say anything. “Yeah, we did, but who’s that girl next to Kimberly?” Jordan asked, looking at Lexy.

  “I’m Lexy Heller,” Lexy told him.

  “Wow, the billionaire Max Heller’s daughter! It’s an honor to meet you, Lexy! I’m Jordan,” Jordan said, changing his tune for Lexy.

  “Hello Jordan,” Lexy said waving her hand as Kimberly rolled her eyes again

  “So, Sara, I heard that Mr. Wymore flunked you,” Jordan said,

  “Thank you for reminding me, Jordan,” Sara said, punching him,

  “Ow, that hurt, Sara!”

  “Please don’t listen to Jordan. We have been in the same classroom since preschool.”

  “Aw, preschool, what a joy,” Jordan said as Lexy laughed

  “Yeah, I was shocked that Mr. Wymore passed you and not me,” Sara said looking at Jordan

  “Because I had the best science project in the tenth grade, that’s why!”

  “Smart, you’re lucky that your science project didn’t set the school on fire!”

  “Yes, I am, but I was that close to setting my house on fire. Boy, my mom is still angry about it.”

  “Join the club, my mother won’t let me forget that I flunked ten grades. Everywhere we go, she tells someone that!”

  “And that is why I don’t have a mother,” Lexy said as everyone laughed at her remark

  “You’re lucky, Lexy! My mother and I don’t see eye to eye,” Sara told her.

  “Thanks, I am lucky!” Lexy answered

  “Still, the eleventh grade will be blue without you, Sara,” Jordan said

  “Aw, thanks to Jordan, but at least I can hang with my new friends, Kimberly and Lexy.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Lexy said

  “What about our other friends and me?” Jordan wondered

  “Well, I guess we will all be hanging out together at lunchtime. Tenth and eleventh graders have the same lunchtime,” Sara said

  “Awesome! I think we will have fun together. Are you guys into pranks?” Lexy asked

  “Count me in!” Jordan told Lexy

  “Sure, why not!” Sara said

  Kimberly just smiled; she was shocked to have found a group of friends. On the other hand, there was something about Jordan that she didn’t like, and she couldn’t put the finger on it. Kimberly looked up as the door opened and couldn’t believe her eyes. Kasey was standing there with her minions Ashley and Lily behind her

  “Look who’s on my territory yet again,” Lexy said, eyeing Kasey.

  “Who?” Jordan asked

  “What’s she doing here? She got her revenge last Saturday!” Kimberly said mad at Kasey for showing her face at The Sedona’s Heart Cafe

  “Who?” Jordan asked again

  “Kasey!” Lexy said, showing her teeth. “Knowing her, she’s on round two,” Lexy said as she walked up to her with Kimberly, Sara, and Jordan backing her up

  “O.M.G., I love what your aunt did with the place,” Kasey marveled “My, my, look what the cat dragged in,” Sara said

  “Well, well, Kimberly, it looks like you finally found your group of loser friends. Sara, the daydreamer, is that you? I haven’t seen you since Girl Scouts,” Kasey said in a sarcastic voice

  “Haven’t m
issed you any!” Sara replied

  “Oh Kimberly, I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle,” Kasey told Kimberly smiling.

  “Sure, you are. What are you doing here?” Kimberly said, taking charge,

  “Wow, I thought this is a free land! I came to try this place out. I wonder

  what your little aunt had to do to get this?” she questioned Kimberly

  “She didn’t do anything,” Lexy told her. “Like I told you at the party, my dad knows a good investment when he sees one!”

  “Of course, he does,” Kasey said knowingly. “Funny, now that you three are together, I better watch my back.”

  “Damn right!” Lexy told her

  “Oh, I am so scared, Lexy. I think that we have unfinished business to take care of.”

  “Haven’t you done enough?” Lexy asked


  “Back off or I will tell the owner to kick you and your friends out,” Jordan


  “Sorry, but who are you?”

  “Jordan.” He introduced himself

  “Listen up, Lexy, before we got interrupted at the party. I wanted you to know that I found a piece of dirt on your father. If you don’t do what I ask you. I will show it to my father, and he will use it.”

  “You can jump off a rock!” Lexy said

  “I knew you would say that. That’s why I showed that movie at your father’s party to show you what I can do to ruin your family’s name.”

  “Yeah, whatever, go away, fly.”

  “You will see! Come on Ashley and Lily we leaving,” Kasey said

  “So long!” said Jordan, Kimberly watched as Kasey and her minions left The Sedona’s Heart Cafe. She couldn’t find any words to say to Lexy.

  “If it is a war that Kasey wants, she will get it!” Lexy said “Don’t worry we will all be there for you Lexy,” Kimberly told her “Thanks you guys! Now let’s plan a war.”

  Chapter 29

  Welcome to The Sedona’s Heart Cafe!” Bl anche said, smiling as she opened its door for the waiting people while Blanche held the door open, at least 10 people came streaming in and made their way to the cash register where Marge was waiting to take orders with Kimberly beside her

  Then Blanche saw June coming up to her

  “Hello, June!” Blanche said cheerfully, still holding the door open “Blanche, how are you? What a shock to hear about Dean,” June said

  “I was shocked, too, but I am doing better now,” Blanche replied closing the door behind them

  “That’s good to hear. Wow, I am very impressed, Blanche. It’s wonderful in here; it’s so Sedona,” June told her looking around The Sedona’s Heart Cafe

  “Thank you. My niece and I demerited it.”

  “Incredible! I will make sure to tell everyone about this, oh my, you even have a patio to sit out on and enjoy a cup of joe. Now, I know I didn’t pay you enough to rent something like this!” June confided to Blanche

  “I have a great deal from Max Heller.” Blanche found herself smiling at the thought of Max

  “You met The Max Heller? Is he dreamy-like women say?”

  Blanche’s heart started to throb. “He is a really nice guy. He set almost everything up for me, so I could open my shop earlier,” Blanche said avoiding June’s question

  “Man, I would give anything to have a romp with Max Heller!” June told her Blanche wasn’t sure what to say. She had almost forgotten how much women loved Max. She questioned whether her attraction to Max was no different than that of other women in the world who found Max to be “dreamy.”

  “How’s the hotel doing?” Blanche asked changing the subject

  “Don’t remind me. Still more problems with the IRS. If only Max Heller would come and save my hotel, I would be a very happy woman. If I were you, I would watch out for Max.”

  “Oh please, I’m not his type,” Blanche said, wanting to get off the subject.

  “You are very sexy, Blanche. Maybe that’s why he helped you out.”

  “Dean, my husband of almost 25 years just died,” Blanche reminded her, “Oh Blanche, I am so sorry, dummy me. When is the funeral?”

  “This Saturday at 2:00 p.m. The reception is at 3:00 p.m. here in a ballroom.”

  “I will be there. Now I want to try a cup of that coffee that you have been telling me about,” June said, walking up to the counter.

  Max strolled into The Sedona’s Heart Café at a quarter to one. and headed right for her at the cash register

  “Good afternoon, Blanche,” Max told her, impressed with how beautiful she looked today with her hair pulled up in a bun.

  “Hello, Max, what can I get you today?” Blanche asked him, “A coffee and a roast beef sandwich.”


  “Where is my Lexy, by the way?” Max asked

  “She and Kimberly took the limo to pick up more luncheon meat because we ran out, again,” Blanche said as Max gave her his money

  “Yes, you were very busy yesterday, and that’s fantastic! I told you Sedona’s Heart would be a hit.”

  “Yes, you were right, but you have given me too much money. The coffee will always be free for you,” Blanche said handing back the money to Max

  “Well, then put it in a tip jar.”

  “I don’t have one.”

  “Well then get one,” he told her putting the money on the counter

  I guess I’ll have to get one now. You sit down, I will bring your lunch to you,” Blanche said laughing at him

  “Sure, and I like to tip. There’s more where that came from,” Max said, pointing to the money and turning away from the counter. Then Max saw Bill, Dan, and Jack at a table drinking coffee and chatting

  “Bill, Dan, Jack, what are you three doing drinking coffee instead of working?” Max teased walking up to them

  “You caught us red-handed! Pull up a chair,” Bill invited,

  “Why not?”

  “I love that we have a coffee house here,” Bill said as he took a sip of his coffee. “Awful good coffee.”

  “Yes, I love this sandwich. It is nice to have this here,” Dan said,

  “I’ll second that!” Jack exclaimed

  “What about my other restaurants here? Max asked

  “Too high for me,” said Jack

  “They are for dinnertime,” added Bill

  “Okay, you guys are right. So, what has everyone been up to?” Max asked sitting down in a chair

  “Me, I have been working for you and chasing the girls around town,” Bill replied

  “Tell me something that I don’t already know, your dirty old man,” Max told Bill looking at him

  “Let me think…. Not a damn thing is new in my life, I am happy about it!”

  “Of course, you are, Jack. Dan?”

  “My wife and sons are still at the in-laws and will be home Friday. I was wondering if we could change poker night.”

  “Sure, just tell us which night.”

  “I’m free tonight! Nothing is happening in my life at the moment,” Dan said sadly

  “What happened to that woman you saw in Cornville?” Jack asked,

  “We broke up. She wanted to be free.”

  “That figures. Men, what do I always tell you guys?” Bill said looking at all of them

  “Don’t remember,” Max replied

  “You love a woman, when you are done, leave her. Love them and leave them, guys.”

  “But I love my wife,” Jack said looking at Bill

  “That was not meant for you, Jack, you’re a family man,” Bill told him Before Jack could say anything else to Bill, Blanche came up with Max’s lunch and a pot of coffee to refill the guys’ cups

  “Okay, here we go Max,” Blanche set the plate of food down in front of Max while they gale at each.

  “You’re kidding! Miss Patella and Kasey’s father are sitting in jail right now?” Kimberly repeated in disbelief after Lexy finished telling her about Mr. Tenney’s troubles

; “Yep. They got caught money laundering and are charged with other things, as well,” Lexy replied as she sat at a table in the corner, eating a sticky bun. Kimberly sat across from her

  “Wow! I bet Kasey just died when the cops took her father away,” Kimberly said.

  “I would have loved to see her face when the cops showed up,” Lexy said, leaning back in her chair.

  “Me, too,” Kimberly agreed as she watched Sara open the door and waddle up to them

  “Have you heard about Jack Tenney yet?” Sara asked them sitting down at the table

  “Yes, I read all about it in the newspaper, and I just finished telling Kimberly about it. Great, isn’t it?” Lexy replied

  “You haven’t heard the best part of it,” Sara whispered, “What?” Kimberly and Lexy both said together

  “You know my dad is Jack Tenney’s lawyer. So here is the latest that I got from my dad. Papers were filed, so it’s on the public record, that’s why Dad can share it with me. Jake got out of jail thanks to his brother, Gordon, and Gordon also got Jack off on any charges that were against him. But Jack will have to pay the price for Gordon’s help.”

  “What’s the price?” Kimberly asked

  “Gordon will own and control everything that Jack has. Jack will have to lease it from him. Gordon will end up owning all of the wineries, cars, money… and Kasey!” Sara said

  “Kasey?” Lexy questioned as her eyes lit up

  “Yes, Kasey is not a Tenney, after all. Gordon put up the money for Jack to adopt Kasey, and Jack never paid him back.”

  “This is one of the best days of my life. Who else knows about Kasey’s adoption?” Lexy asked

  “No one we know! Kasey doesn’t know yet. I learned it from my dad, and apparently, Gordon mentioned it when he met Jack at the jail. Dad figures it is public enough not to breach

  client/attorney privileges. That’s why I can tell you!”

  “Great, we have to move fast, so listen up! I’ve got a plan!”

  Blanche walked up to the gallery with an envelope full of money to give to Max. She saw a man stomping out of the gallery, and as he passed Blanche, he was cursing under his breath. Blanche stopped at the door. Taking a deep breath, trying very hard to be businesslike. Then she opened the door to the gallery.

  “What?” Max said in an angry tone as soon she opened the door. Max had his back to the door with his hands on his hips.


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