A Husband by Proxy

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A Husband by Proxy Page 28

by Jack Steele



  Confused thus to find himself in the presence of Dorothy as well asGarrison, Tuttle snatched off his hat and looked about him helplessly.

  "How are you, Tuttle?" said Garrison. "Glad to see you. Come back infifteen minutes, will you? I want your report."

  "Fifteen minutes; yes, sir," said Tuttle, and he backed from the place.

  "Who was that?" said Dorothy. "Anyone connected with the case?"

  "A man that Theodore hired to shadow me," said Garrison. "I took himinto camp and now he is shadowing Theodore. Let me ask you one or twoquestions before he returns. You were ill the morning after I left,and did not go at all to Eighteenth Street."

  "I couldn't go," she said. "I tried not to give up and be so ill, butperhaps the effects of the drug that the Robinsons employed caused thetrouble. At last I thought you might have written to the EighteenthStreet address, so I sent around and got your letters, before I couldeven send a wire."

  "You wired because Fairfax had appeared?"

  "Yes, I thought you ought to know."

  "How did you know he was here in New York? Did he call at the housewhere you were staying?"

  "No. He sent a note declaring he would call. That was this morning.Miss Ellis's friend, of the _Star_, had an intuition as to who we were,that evening when he called. When I finally requested Miss Ellis toask him not to print more stories about us, he had already spoken tothe editor, and more of the matter had appeared. Since you left,however, I haven't seen a single reporter."

  "Fairfax got his clew to your whereabouts from the press, of course.The question now is, where do you wish to go? And what do you wish meto do--concerning the role I have filled?"

  Dorothy was thoroughly disturbed by the topic.

  "Oh, I don't know what to do," she confessed. "I wish I could neversee that man again! What do you advise?"

  "We hardly know what the situation may require, till we discover moreabout this latest will," said Garrison. "Things may be alteredmaterially. If you wish it, you can doubtless manage to secure aseparation from Fairfax. In the meantime I would strongly advise thatyou rent an apartment without delay, where no one can find you again."

  She looked at him wistfully. "Not even you?"

  "I'm afraid you'll have to see me, once in a while," he told her,suppressing the passionate outcry of his heart, "unless you wish tosecure the services of someone who will make no mistakes."

  She was hurt. She loved him. Her nature cried out for the sureprotection of his arms, but her womanhood forbade. More than anythingelse in the world she wished to please him, but not by confessing herfondness.

  However much she might loathe the thought, she was the wife of JeroldFairfax, with everything precious to guard. By the token of the woundthat Garrison had inflicted, she knew that she had wounded him. Itcould not have been avoided--there was nothing but a chasm between them.

  "Please do not make me feel that I have been utterly despicable," shepleaded. "You have made no mistakes--in the conduct of the case. Ishould be so helpless without you."

  Garrison knew he had hurt her. He was sorry. He knew her position wasthe only one possible for a woman such as he could love. He reviledhimself for his selfishness. He forced himself now to return her gazewith no hint of anything save business in his eyes.

  "Dorothy, I shall be honored to continue with your work," he said. "Imean to see you through."

  "Thank you--Jerold," she said. Her voice all but broke. She had neverloved him so much as now, and because of that had given herself the onelittle joy of calling him thus by his name. She added more bravely:"I'll find a room and send you the address as soon as possible.Meantime, I hope we will soon discover about this latest will."

  "I shall do my best," he assured her. "Let me take you now to theannex elevator, in case anyone should be waiting to see you at theother. Get yourself a heavy veil, and be sure you avoid being followedwhen you hunt up your room. Take the apartment in the name of MissRoot, and send me word in that name also, just for precaution. LeaveFairfax and the others to me. I may go up to Albany about the will."

  He opened the door, but she hesitated a moment longer.

  "I hope it will all end somehow, for the best," she said. "It's veryhard for you."

  He smiled, but not mirthfully.

  "It was here in this room I assumed my role," he said, "and here I dropit."

  For a moment she failed to understand.

  "Drop it?" she echoed. "How?"

  "I'm no longer even your pseudo-husband. I drop the name Fairfax, withall it might imply."

  She blushed crimson and could not meet his gaze.

  "I'm sorry if I've been the cause----" she started.

  Garrison interrupted.

  "I'm glad--glad of everything that's happened. We'll say no more ofthat. But--Theodore--how he will gloat over this!"

  "If he finds out Mr. Fairfax is crazy, he could overthrow the will,"suggested Dorothy. "But--what's the use of thinking of that, if a newwill comes to light? It's a dreadfully mixed affair." She stepped outin the hall and Garrison led the way to the elevator farther to therear. The chains of a car were descending rapidly.

  "Please try not to detest the hour I came to see you first," she said,holding out her hand, "if you can."

  "I'll try," said Garrison, holding the precious little fingers for asecond over the conventional time.

  Glancing up at him quickly she saw a bright smile in his eye. Joy wasin her heart. The car was at the floor.

  "Good-by," she said, "till we meet again--soon."

  "Good-by," he answered.

  She stepped in the cage and was dropped from his sight, but her lastglance remained--and made him happy.


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