Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes)

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Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes) Page 10

by Combs, Sasha

  “I promise... From here on... My comments will deal only with our case files.”

  She had no reason to doubt him but the way Stone ogled her, a part of her wanted to know what was brewing in his devious mind. Then she decided, the safest option would be not knowing at all.


  Corey sat on the floor scrolling through apps on her ipad, while Maxie lie sprawled across the bed, leafing through a clients portfolio. These two women were Linda’s best friends and most times, it was their bond that kept her firmly grounded. After spending most of her day at the precinct; Maxine and Corey had finally pinned Linda down at her apartment. Now it was Maxie’s turn to tempt Linda with another engagement. A ploy that she hoped would serve as a respite from her job.

  After reviewing the traffic cams near the second victims apartment, then looking over the tapes from the two buildings nearby; the video showed very little and that had been after Linda gave them what they’d asked for. Swallowing her pride, when Stone left her apartment; Linda called Hayford. She asked him for a huge favor, knowing that he wouldn’t let her down. Linda needed him to find out when the woman of his good friend had seen the murder suspect leaving the building. Hayford had gone quiet and she was certain his main concern was if Linda could use this to find out the identity of his source. But after several minutes, he told her to remain on the line, while he made a few calls. She waited and her patience had been hugely rewarded because when he came back on the line, Hayford recited a date and a two hour block of time, that narrowed the timeframe. Now she had all she needed to move forward.

  At first, when the tapes were viewed, Linda couldn’t make heads or tails of the pictures. In spite of that, the tech guys assured her, clearing up the grainy images would be no problem for them. That had been over twelve hours ago and she still had not heard from the director of that department. Linda had sat at her desk, reading the same files over and over again. So far, not even one person questioned had provided her with anything helpful to aid in her investigation. When she admitted this, her eyes would always land back on Hayford’s anonymous hotline tip. She’d cursed several times; angry that he in some way knew something about these murders, just like in the first case she’d solved.

  She was standing in front of her closet, pretending to pick out an outfit. Maxie ran her own public relations firm and Corey bought high end art that she sold in silent auctions at her exclusive gallery. Discovering that Linda was at home; the women had dropped by with an invitation in hand. In short; they wanted to get Linda out of her apartment for the night. Corey’s eyes lifted, staring at her curiously. She’d asked Linda a question but her friend seemed to be in a world of her own. She whistled, and the sharp noise got her a reprimand from Maxie.

  “Cut it out. We aren’t at a sports event.” Maxie said, lifting one perfectly arched brow. Linda turned around, perching her hands on her hips; she eyed both women then said...

  “Would you guys be terribly disappointed if I bow out?”

  “Hell yes.” They said in a united chorus. Maxie sat up on the bed, dangling her long legs along the side when she said...

  “Linda... All work and no play makes Jane a dull, dull girl.”

  “She isn’t that dull Max. Don’t forget about the person sharing her bed.” Corey winked conspiratorially while grinning at Linda but Maxie wasn’t easily dissuaded.

  “Yeah, yeah... Hayford is hottie but every girl needs to spend time with her girlfriends. Hot sex isn’t the answer to everything.” Maxie was always the reasonable one, and Linda had counted on her good judgment on more than one occasion but tonight, going out partying was the last thing on her mind. Linda crossed the room. She sat on the bed, then alternately eyed both of her friends. She hated being the spoiler but her heart just wasn’t in being a party girl tonight.

  “Look... These cases that I’m working on...”

  “The serial murders...right?” Corey lost all interest in her ipad. She lifted from the floor, then joined them on the bed, sitting next to Max. Her eyebrows rose; underlined by bucked wide green eyes. Of the two women, Corey loved hearing the inside scoop about the city’s murders. She said...

  “I read that all the victims were women and the killer has left the investigators completely baffled.”

  Over the past few weeks, not one dent had been made in the case, leading to an arrest. Due to this, the victims families were barely holding their silence. They wanted this story in the news and they wanted the killer to be rousted out of his nest. In short, they wanted results. The commissioner was scheduled to give a press conference tomorrow, but a few of the papers had already printed what they’d learned from their insider tips. However, the story Corey had read wasn’t entirely true. And in her position as the lead detective, Linda couldn’t rightly comment on the article or its inaccuracies. Doing so went against everything she stood for as a police officer.

  Linda’s face lost all expression and they each knew what that meant.

  “Corey... You know that I can’t comment on any of my cases. But I will say one thing about my job. I can’t think of anything else, other than solving these crimes. Whenever I try to think about something else... Anything else... My brain goes round and round; bringing me back to these murders.”

  “That’s exactly the reason you need to get out of here.” Maxie said. She lay her hand on top of Linda’s, squeezing gently when she added...

  “I know you and Hayford have been experiencing a bumpy ride. If you weren’t, you would be at his place... And you’re not. You’ve been staying at your apartment for the last few weeks.”

  “It’s been more than a few weeks.” Corey corrected her but Maxie didn’t need the correction. She knew exactly how many weeks Linda had been staying at home, but she didn’t want their friend to know that they were aware of her troubles. Linda forced a smile when she said...

  “Things aren’t that bad. It’s just that...work has been crazy and I don’t like interrupting Hayford’s sleep.”

  Corey playfully punched Linda’s arm while saying...

  “Ah girl... Hayford loves your dirty underwear. I’m sure he doesn’t mind your tossing and turning. He probably doesn’t even mind the nightmares.”

  “Corey...” Maxie snapped when she said... “That isn’t what she’s talking about.”

  Maxie’s eyes lay softly on Linda and she waited; giving her friend time to breathe. Maxie wanted Linda to clearly decide what she felt comfortable revealing to them. When Linda’s jaw tightened, and her lips formed a thin tight line. It was then, that she knew, their friend wasn’t ready to talk about her troubled relationship with Hayford.

  Linda said...

  “Hayford and I are working some things out but right now, my job must take priority. So, I’ve decided to spend more time here. It makes sense. My place is closer to the precinct.”

  Her two friends nodded, yet all the while they couldn’t agree with her mental calculation. Linda may live a few blocks closer, but Hayford’s transportation was far more reliable than her beat up car or the city’s cruiser.

  Maxie reached for her purse, then she fished out her cellular phone.

  “All right... If we’re staying in, then I suggest we order some food and wine.”

  “Let’s try that new Tai place.” Corey cheerfully added. “You know the one I’m talking about. Besides, after we eat, you might change your mind. Maxie’s client reserved the VIP section for us tonight.”

  Maxie nodded, while scrolling through her directory. She said, “Sounds good Corey. But first...lets get some good food and wine in our bellies. Afterwards, we might be in the mood to party.”

  While Maxie made her call, Linda heard her mobile ringing. The phone lie on the coffee table in the living room, so she dashed to retrieve it. Her words came out in a rush.

  “Detective Gables”

  “Linda... Detective... This is Gerry. I know this is a little unorthodox but I know how important this case is to you.”

/>   Gerry worked at the precinct in the digital crime lab division. While growing up, he spent his youth hacking into government super computers and banking industries. These days, he used his talents to fight crime. It was either that, or a long stint in a federal prison, with no chance of a real life, for a very very, long time. Linda heard her friends laughing in her bedroom. Their laughter was interfering with her being able to clearly hear her caller. She opened her front door, and stepped out into the hallway. She said...

  “I’m sorry... What did you say Gerry?”

  She rarely crossed paths with the technical support team. They all had high IQ’s and they watched and read an unusual amount of science fiction. In the background, she could hear street sounds. Gerry said...

  “Uh... Yes ma’am, this is Gerry Winchester. I work in technical support. Crime lab division. I played the film on my computer for you and your partner. Anyway... I was working with the film footage that showed the most promise. The one from the apartment building.” Gerry spit out the street name and the buildings address. Linda’s eyebrows rose when she said...

  “Yes, yes... I remember. Were you able to clean up the image?”

  “Well, yes and no. I cleaned up the picture but not with the equipment at the lab. Don’t get me wrong... We have state of the art stuff. Primo... But, this picture is digital and... Well, I have a program that isn’t exactly legal...”

  She could hear a since of geeky pride in his voice. The kind of kudos she didn’t have time to deal with. Linda cut him short when she said...

  “Gerry... Do you have something for me to work with?”

  “Uh... Well, yes. That’s the reason I thought you might want the picture and the video now.”

  “What...?” She wasn’t clearly tracking but Gerry cleared up the confusion when he said...

  “I hacked into the stations personnel files. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Gerry... Where are you?” She was tried of his round about approach when it came to finishing his thoughts.

  “I’m downstairs ma'am. Outside, near the intercom.” Linda was sure she was no more than a year or two older than Gerry but she wouldn’t ding him for calling her ma'am and being polite. She said...

  “Stay right there. I’ll be right down. And Gerry.... Who else knows about this?”

  Gerry laughed when he said...

  “No one ma'am. I would lose my job if it ever got out that I removed police property from the crime lab.”

  “Stay where you are Gerry. I’ll be right down.”

  Linda disconnected the call. She ran back into her apartment, then headed straight for her bedroom. She spoke in a rush, telling her friends that they could stay in her apartment if they liked but she had to leave. She needed to find Stone to tell him about this new development.

  Maxie said...

  “Why not call your partner?”

  “I would but... Stone typically turns off his phone when he isn’t on duty. Besides, I have something that I think he needs to see.”

  Maxie frowned, trying her best to be supportive. She asked...

  “Is there anything we can do to help?”

  Linda looked over her shoulder. She’d dressed in a hurry, grabbing what she needed without requiring a second look. She smiled then said...

  “Go out and have fun. We’ll do this later... I promise.”

  Before either could respond; Linda rounded the corner, then the next sound was the closing of her front door.

  Linda dashed out of the lift, before the doors had evenly parted. She could see Gerry standing in the locked outer lobby area. She opened the locked door, then hastily greeted him.

  “Hey Gerry...” On the phone while talking to him, she’d not been able to form a mental picture. But now, as he stood, gawky and dressed not to impress; now she knew why she’d been unable to recall him. Gerry’s appearance was meant to understate his looks. After years of illegally sleuthing, he’d adopted the practice and that part of himself wasn’t so easily shed.

  Gerry smiled, and beneath his grin, she could see the handsome person he worked so hard to disguise.

  “I hope I didn’t cross the line. You know... By getting your home address the way I did.”

  “No. Don’t worry about it. Just don’t dig any further into my personal life.”

  “Not a problem there ma’am...” He laughed. “I know when to stop. Besides... Like I said... I knew you’d want to see this stuff, so I did what I thought you’d consider to be the right thing to do.”

  He lowered his eyes, not sure if in fact he’d made the right decision. Linda said...

  “Well... We’ll have to wait and see. A lot depends on the clarity of these pictures.” Gerry handed her a medium size envelope while saying...

  “Actually... I only got one clear image but that should be enough to get you started. Also... I thought I might add that you’ll need to guard that envelope with your life. I hate to put you on the spot like this...but, you’re in possession of the evidence.” He was referring to the surveillance footage and the one hard copy of the enhanced photograph. The picture that he’d dug out of the digital moving frames. Gerry continued, saying... “I couldn’t risk saving the files on my computer or sending any copies from my home, using the internet. No one knows that I removed evidence from the lab and I want to keep it that way. Just be sure to get that copy back to me, and I’ll file away a separate copy in the lab. At least that way, we’re both covering our tracks.”

  She nodded, paying little attention to what he’d said. That is until his next comment. “Too bad we don’t know the name of the person who saw this guy using the other apartment building to get out of the area.”

  “Yeah... To bad.” She said and the feel of acid burned her throat. History was repeating itself. Much like before, Hayford held the keys to solving one of her investigations.

  As she gripped the priceless piece of evidence; from behind, Linda heard a metal grind coming from the elevators opening doors. She heard Maxie and Corey talking as they approached from the rear. The two women paused, the moment they spotted Linda standing in the inner lobby.

  “I thought you’d be halfway to wherever you were rushing off to by now.” Maxie’s eyes narrowed, suspiciously. She looked at the tall lanky man wearing a sports cap and a jacket two sizes too large.

  Linda felt the weight of the envelope palmed in her hand. She swung her purse open, then stuffed the contends in the bag. Linda looked to Gerry then said...

  “Thanks for doing this Gerry. I owe you one.”

  “No problem Detective. Lets just keep this between us. Ok?”

  “Sure. And I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Gerry nodded at the women. His exchange was brief and somewhat awkward but in his own way, he managed to be polite. He directed his eyes forward, towards the exit; stopping short after placing his hand on the doorknob. Standing in front of him was a man dressed in a tuxedo. And in the rear, parked in front of the building, the geeky tech spotted a long black limousine with a distinguishably dressed driver standing at the curb.

  Corey beamed a smile that could have blinded a crowd in a stadium.

  “Hayford...” she purred, before turning to look at Linda, only to witness her face falling flat. But Hayford didn’t appear daunted by her impassive expression.

  Hayford stepped inside, excusing himself as he made his way to Linda. She looked at him confused; unsure why he was standing in her lobby.

  "Hayford. What are you doing here?"

  “Ladies...” he said by way of greeting.

  He moved in close, pressing his lips on the side of her face. Before he drew back he whispered near her ear.

  "My cousins engagement party. Please tell me you didn't forget."

  "Engagement?" was all she said. Hayford stood tall, smiling at the ladies.

  He noticed the clothes Maxie and Corey were wearing. Fashionable and smart; unlike Linda's pants and pullover sweater. He looked at the young man, attempting to fade out of notice.
Law enforcement, but not a gun toting officer, he thought to himself. Lab technician or a computer mole. But what was he doing here, and why had he seen Linda talking to him? Quickly, he rightly summed up the situation. She was heading out to work, while her friends were dressed in club attire.

  Choosing not to be disappointed and avoiding the beginnings of a disagreement, he said...

  "So... You ladies are looking rather nice. Night out on the town?"

  "A little club that Maxie is promoting." Corey supplied, then she said...

  "You look nice yourself. Is that Armani or Versace?"

  "Neither. I had it special made during my last trip to Milan."

  Hayford was cordial but Max noted an edge of tenseness beneath his exterior. She pushed her friend, while attempting a hasty exit. She also guided the unnerved techie; pushing him in the direction of the door. Maxie sensed that Linda and Hayford needed to be alone, yet her words belied her troubled emotions. Her voice was level, sugarcoating what she knew to be true.

  "Sweetie, we'll call you tomorrow." Maxie spoke for herself and Corey and she noticed that Linda still had not recovered. Linda stood watching the two leave the same way Gerry made his swift exit. When everyone was gone, Hayford's forehead creased with a frown.

  "I thought we made plans or was I mistaken when I heard you say that you would accompany me this evening."

  "No, you weren't mistaken."

  "You do know that the party is a black tie event?"

  Linda lowered her eyes; taking in her sweater and wrinkled blue jeans. She wanted to disappear. She was no better than trash beneath a tattered rug. How could she be so careless? How could she be so thoughtless? Her mind replayed their last conversation. After Hayford had been so kind, giving her the information she needed to narrow the video search. During a lull in the conversation, he reminded her about his cousins engagement party. Linda had never met the woman but Hayford explained that the invitation was engraved with both of their names. The conversation seemed like a lifetime ago but truthfully it hadn’t been. She'd dropped the ball and there was no other way to describe her carelessness.


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