Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes)

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Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes) Page 12

by Combs, Sasha

  "I'm detective Linda Gables. We met a few weeks ago at a crime scene."

  The woman’s eyes blurred with question. She studied Linda’s face and still she didn’t recognize the cop in her. But why would she? Linda wasn’t wearing the pantsuit she’d worn that night. Her hair wasn’t tied up in a ponytail and she didn’t have a gun strapped in a shoulder holster. Angelica Fischer’s face went red. She looked as if she were about to faint or hurl her stomach content. This wasn't the response Linda had expected, so quickly she spoke, using a melodious tone...

  “You aren’t in any trouble Mrs. Fischer. I just saw you standing here and I thought I might come over and introduce myself.”

  Angelica Fischer’s eyes went wide, because now, it was all coming back to her. Of course she didn’t recognize Linda, but that night... That night... Yes, that she recalled.

  “Uh... What are you doing here? I mean to say... You don’t look like a police officer.”

  Linda laughed. She pretended to appreciate the compliment.

  “Thanks... I try not to look like a cop when I’m not on duty. I guess I did a pretty good job.”

  “Oh... I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  “Don’t worry. It was a compliment.”

  Angelica’s eyes lowered, then she asked...

  “Who do you know? Marian or Phillip?”

  “Marian. Actually... I’m here with her cousin. We’re kind of an item.”

  Linda liked startling people in this way, but Angelica wasn’t moved at all. Her eyes rose from the floor; taking Linda in, from her toes to the top of her head. Her eyes lightened appreciatively, when she said...

  “Whoever he is... He has very good taste.”

  Hearing this, Linda was taken aback. She smiled, pleased that she’d chosen the Vera Wang gown. Linda inhaled quickly; reminding herself why she’d hurried across the room.

  “Mrs. Fischer, I’m not sure if this is the appropriate place to ask this but... Well, being a cop is a twenty-four hour, seven days a week job. I tend to be on duty, even when I’m not wearing professional attire.”

  Angelica looked at her as if she fully understood; but she didn’t and she smiled despite herself. Linda spoke to defuse the awkwardness.

  “That night at the crime scene...” Linda brushed over the ugliness, so as not to upset her. She said...

  “Well... I was wondering if you’d be available to look at a few photos. Suspects that is.” Angelica’s face creased with puzzlement. She said...

  “I thought... Well, the officer that I spoke with that evening; he didn’t say anything about photos...or suspects.”

  “This is a new development and well... You’re the only person so far that we know of, who has been at the sight of one of the murders.”

  “But... I didn’t see anything.”

  Angelica was beginning to back away but Linda gripped the tip of her right elbow when she said...

  “Please... Mrs. Fischer, don’t worry.” She eased a little closer saying... “Sometimes we see things without being aware. It would help us a great deal if you’d just take a look at a photo. I can send a squad car to your house. It won’t be any problem. Or we can come to you. Sometimes, people are more comfortable being in their own environment.”

  “No, no...”

  Linda frowned. She didn’t know if the protest concerned her not wanting to go to the police station or if the ‘no, no’ shrill was her way of saying not to come anywhere near her house.

  Linda purposely framed her face with a smile. This tiniest of gestures had the affect that she’d wanted. Angelica appeared to relax. Not much, just enough for some of the red to leave her face.

  “Mrs. Fischer, often times, these things sound far worse than they really are. No one likes going to police stations because being there tends to mean that someone has done something wrong. Believe me... I understand this. But in your case, you would be helping us by looking at a few photos. I promise... These pictures will not be of the victim from that night. We just want you to see if you recognize someone, or maybe seeing a photo will trigger your memory.” Again, Angelica stated her position.

  “I don’t remember much from that night.” Her voice was so low, Linda had to practically crowd her orbit.

  Linda said... “I don’t imagine you would remember much. That was a frightening scene to happen upon.”

  Angelica nodded, unable to form any words. Linda said...

  "I spoke to you at the hospital but not much was shared because, you'd taken a Valium."

  Now the woman's face looked like one large red spot again. Angelica said...

  "I don't remember much from that night. I was....not myself. So, if you say I took a valium...I guess, I have no choice except to believe that I did."

  Stepping back, so as not to appear threatening, Linda said...

  "I apologize Mrs. Fischer and normally I would never approach a potential witness using this form of tactic...but, I’m quite certain that you can help us."

  The woman’s face appeared puzzled again; unsure of Linda's meaning. She said...

  "I'm sorry but.... I'm a little confused. I don’t see how I can be of help when I’ve told you that I don’t remember seeing anything. How can me repeatedly saying this be of any help to you?"

  Linda said...

  "That night in the hospital..." she noticed how the woman's posture stiffened. Her eyes darted around the ballroom like lasers seeking out a safe harbor. Linda spoke to calm her.

  "Please... I don’t mean to upset you but according to our timeline, we’re pretty sure that you were in the area during the time of the murder. We saw a woman that fits your description on one of the tapes. We just need you to review it, to confirm that the person is indeed you. We also have a digitally enhanced image. The person in this photo is of interest to us and we’d like to locate him for questioning. So, you see... We do need your help." Linda said, but by the expression on the young woman's face, it would seem that she didn’t agree with her assessment, so Linda added...

  "I'm sorry if I appear to be too abrupt but I blame my failing social graces on my job. First and foremost, I am a cop." Linda's eyes cued in, looking for cracks in Angelica’s armor. Anything that would tell her how to proceed. Still uncertain, she continued,

  "Like I said... There’s a photo. It won’t take long. We just need to know if anything about the face appears at all familiar to you."

  “Angie...” A loud burly males voice bellowed from behind. Linda turned, seeing a man tall in stature, much older but still attractive.

  Angelica seemed to cave in on herself and without the introduction, Linda knew who this man was. Angelica said...

  “Brice... I’d like to introduce you too...” She couldn’t recall Linda’s name but Linda didn’t allow more than a few seconds to pass before providing the information.

  “Linda... Linda Gables.”

  Brice held a frown for a microsecond, but in a flash his face morphed into all things good and pleasant. He looked Linda up and down, appraising her worth and value. Whatever he saw and apparently had deduced; through his eyes, Linda had pass muster.

  She wasn’t sure, but if she had to wage a bet; Brice Fischer was flirting with her in front of his young wife.

  “Linda Gables... That’s a beautiful name. Now... Let me see, where have I heard that name...”

  Again, his eyes trailed a slow path starting at her head, then making it down to her toes; only to trek his way back up to her face again. Brice did this in such a way, that Linda felt like at any minute, he would invite her upstairs to join him in one of the bedrooms. The man disgusted her, and in her distaste, she felt sorry for Angelica Fischer. The look fest had gone on long enough for Linda’s taste, so she said...

  “I’m pretty sure we’ve never met before today Mr. Fischer.”

  “Brice... Please call me Brice. All of my friends call me by my first name.”

  “She just told you that she doesn’t know you Brice.” For a second, Linda saw a h
int of moxie but the budding force swiftly faded, when Brice locked gazes with his wife. In that instant, Angelica looked like a pierced balloon, shooting through the sky, then landing with no promise of ever reaching skyward heights again.

  Linda couldn’t stand men who emotionally beat women down, especially in public. But before she could come to Angelica’s aid, Brice said...

  “Linda... As my wife has informed me... We are not acquainted but that doesn’t have to stop you from calling me by my first name.” He extended his hand, and she took it.

  “Pleasure meeting you Linda Gables and I’m quite sure our paths will cross again.”

  Along the back side of her hand, she felt the deliberate slow caress of his thumb. Not only had he made note of her name; he was also sending her a sexual cryptic message.

  When he released his hold, Brice directed his eyes to his wife.

  “Angie... I’m on my way out of town. I’ll send the driver back to fetch you, when I’m done with him.”

  “But... Brice...you just returned home today, after being gone for nearly a month. You promised that when you returned we would leave and go to the cottage tomorrow. I thought...” It was clear that Angelica didn’t want to be left at the party without him but her husband was not saddened by her wining.

  “Angie... Stop being foolish. You know how my business works. I’m here today and I’m gone tomorrow. And as for promises... Promises are to be made and broken. Especially if you expect me to provide you with the kind of life that we both enjoy. Now...be a big girl and enjoy yourself.” Brice eyed Linda, then his gaze landed on his wife again. His words sounded like an adult father mollifying his young child.

  “Angie...don’t pout. You’ve met a friend. Linda will stay and talk to you. You really need to get out more. Maybe its time you go and spend some quality time with your father.”

  Brice was turning to leave, not giving his young wife the opportunity to respond but that didn’t stop her from saying...

  “Brice... How long will you be gone this time?”

  Linda was certain that Angelica’s husband heard her. He was clearly old enough to be her father, but he looked to be in very good health. When they talked, he showed no signs that his hearing was failing. In spite of that, Brice did not turn to address his wife. He walked through the crowd of people, not once looking back to calm her distress.

  Linda wanted to say something to her. Anything that might comfort her but her time alone with Angelica Fischer had been brief. Hayford had approached her from the side.

  He pressed his lips on the side of her face; kissing her gingerly. When he pulled back his eyes fell on Angelica.

  “Mrs. Fischer.” he said by way of greeting.

  “Mr. Mead.” She replied and without saying another word to Linda, the young woman left, to save them from witnessing her crying. When they were alone, Linda said...

  “Hayford... How much do you know about her?”

  “Who...? Angelica?”

  “Yes. You know...she left because her husband just humiliated her in front of me.”

  “I’m not surprised. Brice is an asshole. He’s always been that way.”

  “So...you know both of them?”

  “I know Brice and I just happen to know that Angelica is his second wife.”

  “What happened to the first Mrs. Fischer?”

  Hayford peered around the room, assuring that he wouldn’t be overheard. He was a reporter but he rarely gossiped. He said...

  “The first Mrs. Fischer was a close friend to my mother. Her name was Melissa. After being married to a habitual cheat... She felt humiliated, so she ended her suffering. Melissa committed suicide, leaving Brice and their only son, Milton, to mourn her passing.”

  “Oh, my dear lord.”

  “Yes... It was pretty bad and I’m not sure if Milton ever forgave his father after losing his mother the way he did.”

  “She killed herself? But why?”

  “Linda... Melissa was a very proud woman and she didn’t think she would survive the humiliation often times linked to high profile divorces. There was a lot of money and property at stake. And then there were Brice’s countless mistresses. Women that her family’s attorney wanted to name as the cause for her failed marriage.”

  “Were there that many affairs?”

  “The rumors were that... Milton wasn’t Brice’s only child. There was talk about illegitimate children but nothing concrete was ever said about that. I even heard that one of his kids from many years ago... This young man approached him, demanding that Brice publicly admit that he was his son and by all rights; a ligament heir.”

  “Did anyone ever learn who these other children are?”

  “Not a chance. When Brice cheated, he only fooled around with women from his own class. These are women with too much to lose if it ever got out that they were involved with a married man. If the rumors are true about one of his illegitimate sons approaching him... If it did happen, Brice made certain to squelch the gossip. After his wife died, Brice had to work hard, repairing his imagine because most people blamed him for her suicide.”

  “And...Angelica? Where does she come into all of this mess?”

  “You’re wondering how a sweet young woman from South Carolina, more than half his age got involved with him.”

  “Yes... That thought did cross my mind.”

  “Linda... I don’t have that answer but I can say that she didn’t marry him for his money because she comes from a family of means. But... I do think she loves him. They had a baby within their first year of marriage. Nichole... I think that’s the child’s name.”

  “Just one child? Are you sure they don’t have two children? Maybe a child named Sam...Samuel. Or an older child.”

  “No... Just the one child.”

  Hayford draped his arm around her waist, moving her towards the rooms exit. By the way she was questioning him, Hayford knew she wasn’t asking about Angelica out of mere concern. He said...

  “Why the interest in the Fischer’s?”

  “I met her Hayford. Weeks ago, at the scene of the first series of murders.”

  “Angelica? Are you sure? That can’t be true Linda.”

  “It is true and when I approached her, she confirmed it. I remembered her because that night...she had her baby with her and she stuck out like a sore thumb. Everything about her that night was so bizarre.”

  “Linda... We’re in my aunt and uncles home, celebrating my cousin’s engagement. Why are you questioning suspects?”

  “She isn’t a suspect Hayford. I was just asking her...”

  The cost of corralling his emotions sparked an immediate reaction. His posture stiffened, while guiding her firmly beside him. Hastily he cut a path, easing them out of the ballroom. While he led the way, Hayford made every attempt to avoid being seen by his parents as well as his other family members. Walking at a steady pace, he guided her down a hallway. There weren’t many people to dodge, the closer he got to his uncles private library. The house was enormous much like Hayford’s parents home. When they were inside of the room, he turned on her saying...

  “Can’t we have one night, when it’s just us... No crimes... No suspects... No questions. Just us.”

  Linda’s face creased with a frown, when she said...

  “Hayford... She isn’t a suspect. I just wanted to talk to her. I just wanted to tell her...”

  “Linda... Stop. Answer me first. Can you please just for a moment, take ownership for doing something wrong?”

  She sighed heavily, not wanting to give in but she did. From the moment her eyes had spied Angelica Fischer; warning bells had clang, but Linda ignored the alarming signals. Shamed face, she said...

  “You’re right and I’m so sorry Hayford. Whatever I had to say to her....it could have waited until tomorrow.”

  He pulled her in close, hating these kinds of confrontations. Softly, he said...

  “If you misbehave again... I know a place in this house where your scre
aming and hollering will go unheard.”

  Playfully, she said...

  “Are you threatening me?”

  “I think you’ve forgotten your place. You’re not wearing your sidearm detective. And furthermore.... I don’t issue threats, Miss Gables.”

  Hayford lowered his head; he covered her mouth with his, kissing her until her knees buckled. Their passion surged, nearing a point that would insist they make love. Without warning, he broke free; panting and holding her so as not to lose her. He didn’t want to leave this place, but he knew they would have to.

  Breathing heavily he said...

  “Before most of the guest leave, I’d like to introduce you to as many people as I can. Also, my parents would like us to stop by their house for a nightcap.”

  She was still overwhelmed, so she simply answered, saying...

  “All right.” Breathlessly, she said.

  They left the room, joining the others gathered near the sparkling fountain; dipping their glasses until the liquid tipped the rims. Hayford laced his fingers with hers, while the other guest laughed, talked and toasted the soon to be married couple. All around her, she sensed sincere good wishes. But in her mind, she couldn’t lose the vision imprinted in her brain. His blue eyes stealing her heart with his gaze. The way Hayford always managed to make her feel; the party in her head, rivaled Marian and Phillips gala celebration.

  The evening drew to a conclusion in quick manner; with Hayford guiding Linda around the house. He was proud having her on his arm, and he wanted his friends and family to meet his girlfriend. They were walking outdoors. Limo’s lined the street like a parade procession. For a moment, Hayford stepped away from her side, to speak to one of his relatives. In the darkness, all the limos looked alike; making it difficult knowing which car belonged to them. She lifted up on tiptoes, peering down the street to the corner. Linda slowly lowered, planting her heels firmly on the ground. She wasn’t sure if her eyes were playing tricks on her or was she actually witnessing the beginnings of an affair. Down the street, at the corner, Angelica Fischer was climbing out of a sports car. The teal gown made recognizing the woman fairly easy. Linda recalled her husbands parting words. His driver would return, after he was done taking him to the airport. The remainder of the night, Linda had lost sight of Angelica Fischer and here she was; easing out of another man’s car. Curiosity got the better of her and if it weren’t for her high heel shoes, Linda would have sprinted down the block to see who the male driver was. She took one, then two steps in the direction; her motion stopped when Hayford’s hand wrapped around her arm.


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