Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes)

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Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes) Page 13

by Combs, Sasha

  “This way honey.”

  She turned to see his driver standing on the passenger side, holding the door open.

  Linda’s eyes drifted back, hoping to see Angelica, but instead, her hopes were dashed. She wondered if the young woman climbed into one of the limos parked along the curb, waiting its turn to move forward down the block.

  “Linda... Is everything okay?”

  She hoped all was well, but she truly didn’t know. However, after their library summit, Linda had promised herself; tonight would be about them. She turned to him, smiling.

  “Sure, sure... Everything is fine. Have your parents left yet?”

  She was easing across the leather seat, followed by Hayford. When the door closed, he settled close to her side, joining their hips. He pressed soft lips on her face, warming her cheek. His breath smelled of wine, champagne and cocktails. His voice was heated with a lilt of desire when he said...

  “Don’t worry. We won’t stay at my parents for long. One drink, then we’re out of there.”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, whispering in her ear, all the things he planned to do to her tonight. She giggled.

  “Hayford... My neighbors will kick me out of the building if you do that. You know when you do that to me, it makes me scream.”

  “I’m giving your neighbors a break tonight because you’re coming home with me.”

  She wanted to protest because her home had been the only place she felt safe to sleep. But for the first time in weeks, they were laughing, having fun and wanting to be in each others arms. So, she rested in this. She gave in, allowing the sweetness of the emotion to drown her. And amazingly, doing this came easy. It always did, whenever Hayford was the person she was giving in to.


  Chapter 8

  Linda slowed to a crawl, searching for a parking spot large enough to fit her midsize car. It was early; a few hours before the crack of dawn and the street was still blanketed in darkness. She creeped along all the while knowing that it was far too early to find a decent spot within walking distance. Yet, her spirits were high from her time spent with Hayford and she persuaded herself to believe that the parking fairy was magically on her side.

  When she and Hayford arrived at his apartment an hour after midnight, he ushered her hurriedly across the threshold. He’d had several flutes of champagne at the party, glasses of wine, a few other drinks, then two cocktails at his parents home. When they walked through the foyer, he allowed her to undress in his bedroom, while he opened a bottle of wine in the kitchen. He joined her with two glasses in hand. Kissing her in between sips. As his excitement grew, her body held his focus and he sat down their glasses. One article at a time, he removed the items that Linda had not taken off herself. When they were both unclothed, he made gentle love to her, taking his time to seek out her sensitive places. Behind her knee, he stroked his fingers like soft gentle feathers. At the base of her neck, he used his tongue in a way that tingled her nerves. Between the V in her legs, Hayford did all manner of things that caused her hips to lift, then rise towards the ceiling. She squirmed and writhed at the touch of his hands and mouth. It wasn’t until she reached her second climax; Hayford sought out his own release. His body shook, then collapsed, thoroughly sated and more than satisfied. Within a few minutes of kissing her neck, then telling her how much he loved her; Hayford fell into a soundless sleep. Waking only once to help ease her from one of her nightmares. Thankfully, her other dreams weren’t terror ridden. Instead, she thought about Gerry and his doctored photo. She wondered about the contents insides of the envelope. She tried to recall the conversation but she couldn’t and not knowing woke her in a start. Linda sprung awake, singing her song and verse; phrases she’d used in the past. “I’ve got an early day Hayford.” “Oh, thank you honey for understanding.” And Hayford... Well, he fell inline primarily because, staying at his place had been his idea and he didn’t want to be blamed for causing her to be late to work. Also, Hayford was dealing with the aftereffects of too much partying and too many drinks. In short, her timing had been perfect and she’d caught him off guard. He’d been half dizzily awake and half drunk from post coital exhaustion. When she left his apartment, she’d kissed him deep and hungrily; telling him not to worry and that he needn’t bother accompanying her in the car. Hayford’s driver never allowed her to walk to her door alone, and Hayford trusted him implicitly. She also added, that she felt guilty for waking him due to one of her nightmares, and her guilt would be assuaged if he slept in.

  When she was safely inside of her apartment, Hayford's driver pulled away from the curb. She made a mad dash to the elevator. Once she reached her floor, she practically knocked her door in; attempting to get inside. Linda slipped out of her gown, exchanging it for street clothes. Black slacks, white linen shirt and a waist jacket. She hated not having the squad car to use because her old clunker wasn't always reliable. The car jerked and sputtered, each mile she drove. But there'd been no other choice. Even though Hayford had offered to buy her a new car, she'd vehemently refused. That kind of gift came with too many strings. Their relationship was back on track and she didn't want to jinx it. Besides, she didn't mind sharing the squad car with Stone.

  Linda squinted, reading the addresses on each building. It was dark and she'd never visited her partners place, so finding his building proved difficult. She said each number aloud as if by doing this, the building would respond, saying..."Present... Over here."

  When she believed she spotted the right place, she slowed, finding a spot to leave her car three buildings down. Linda leaned forward putting her purse and service revolver in the glove compartment. The envelope that held the tiny disk file and one photo was still sealed. She had not bothered opening it. A part of her wanted to share the ‘ah hah’ moment with Stone. She pat the envelope where it lie, out in the open on the front seat.

  Linda pulled the keys from the ignition. When she stood on the curb, she locked the car door. This wasn't really necessary because she didn't intend on going inside but some habits are more robotic than not. Linda simply wanted to wake the detective. Unlike her, when Stone was off duty, he turned off his phones. A gesture she would never dream of doing.

  Linda stepped on the sidewalk, then headed back up the street until she passed three buildings. Seeing Detective Charles Stones’ apartment, she climbed the brick steps. Linda leaned low, attempting to read the names next to the buttons. At first glance, his name didn't stand out, causing her to start at the top again. Reading each name in unit order. When she read the last name, Linda looked stumped because Charles Stones’ name was not among these residents. She tried to recall if he'd talked about living with a girlfriend. This thought reminded her of the night when Stone dropped by her apartment, with pizza and beer. The way he questioned her about her relationship, she doubted that he was seriously involved but that didn't explain her not seeing his name listed with the others living in the building. Confused, Linda questioned whether she was on the right block. Then she wondered if this was the right building or not.

  "Damn" she cursed. The paper with Stones’ address was back at her apartment, on the counter in the kitchen. She'd been in such a hurry leaving her home, Linda had forgotten it.

  She peered up, looking at the third floor. The only explanation was that she had to be standing in front of the wrong building or worse.... She could be in the wrong neighborhood.

  "Great job Linda." She scolded herself. She walked down each step, her hills emphasizing her disgust. Linda passed the three buildings then she stepped off the curb, landing back in the street. She skirted around a moving van that was parked three cars ahead of hers. The street was quiet but she thought she heard the sound of... Linda didn't know what she'd heard and before the thought took root, pain shot through her head; brought on by a powerful blow. She felt wind escaping her lungs. The desire to scream was enormous but the words didn't come.


  The sound explod
ed in her ears, then darkness shrouded her eyes. Unconsciousness followed, muting all physical sensations and drowning out the pain.


  Through a narrow tunnel, loud noises pressed in, churning like a high speed train or thunderous lightning, shooting across the sky. The roar seemed to grow louder, increasing its intensity. Sounds melded together, no two distinguishable from the other; adding to the chaos. Needles pricked behind her eyes, followed by flashing bright rays of light. A pounding pain gripped her, forcing sound to slip from her mouth.

  “Ahhh...” Her throat rubbed, raw like sandpaper. Words pricked her awareness.

  "Linda... Don't move. I've called for backup. An ambulance will be here any minute now."

  "Stone..." Linda didn't recognize herself. Her voice sound grave and hoarse. She tried to move, not realizing the full extend of her injury. Just trying to adjust her head, made every nerve in her body revolt. The pain was so maddening, a flow of uncontrolled tears streamed down her face, mixing with the blood. "Linda... Stay still." Stone was pleading with her, for her own good. This had to be bad, she thought. She'd never heard such concern lacing Stone’s voice.

  "Stone,..." She begged. "What happened?"

  He couldn't take his eyes off the gash on the side of her face.

  "Linda... You were mugged... But we can talk about that later."

  A squad car rounded the corner, flashing its lights. Behind it, the ambulance followed; lights flashing and siren wailing. Within seconds, practically everyone who was at home; these people were on their stoops or standing along the curb. The officers questioned everyone but no one had witnessed the attack. Before Linda was loaded in the rear of the ambulance, she tried to talk to Stone. She needed to explain her reason for being there. Through her garbled conversation she told him about her car and the photo on the front seat. That was hours ago, and now she was recovering in an observation unit. She closed her eyes; exhausted due to the countless test, relentless probing and persistent prodding.

  Linda heard the sound of feet, then the knob turned, leading into her room. Commander Bunts walked in, followed by Stone. Both men looked pleased to see her fully awake and not muttering nonsense.

  "The envelope..." She said.

  "Detective Gables, right now the department needs you to focus on getting better." The commander said; unaware of Linda’s reference. Stone added...

  "The commander is right Linda. And by the way, the commander notified your parents."

  Linda frowned and the distorted expression hurt her face. Commander Bunts understood her displeased look. No cop wanted their parents to learn that they were injured on the job, so he said...

  "Don't worry Linda. I watered it down. I only told them what I believed they had a right to know. Your father asked that I tell you, he and your mother will be here in under an hour."

  Linda should have been grateful but she wasn't. The last time she'd been hurt, her father had seen the facial bruising. Now both of her parents would have her current state to catalogue in their memories. She sighed, while saying...

  "Thank you sir. I understand that you were just doing your job."

  "That's right detective. And my next job is to inform you that you're on medical leave."

  "But...sir..." She protested, and again her head brimmed with pain.

  "Linda... When the doc's green light your return, we'll be more than happy to welcome you back on the job."

  The commanders mobile rang, forcing him to excuse himself. He pointed at Stone, then said...

  "Keep an eye on her. See to it that you stay until her parents arrive."

  "Don't worry sir. I'll make certain that she stays until she's properly discharged."

  Bunts nodded, then he crossed the threshold, leading out into the hall. He closed the door behind him.

  Linda leaned forward, clearly upset with her partner.

  "Are you crazy? We have four murders to solve. I don't have time to waste away, lying around in a hospital."

  "Linda calm down. At most, you'll be here over night."

  "Stone... We finally have a potential suspect. Do you know what that means?"

  Linda sounded like she was juiced up on morphine. She was ready to go out, rounding up witnesses. She was convinced that the picture was the magic key.

  "Stone... I don't understand why you aren't more excited."

  He crossed the room, taking a seat on the foot of her bed. His words sounded lifeless. Almost as if he'd practiced every sentence to avoid upsetting her.

  "Linda... Before you were taken away in the ambulance, I had to do some fancy footwork."

  "Fancy what?" She was confused.

  "Before they took you away, you were rambling about an envelope in your car. Then you started on... Talking about your gun and your purse." He sighed, because by her eyes he could see that she still wasn't getting it.

  "Linda... I can't begin to tell you how many regulations you broke today."

  "Stone... Are you seriously talking to me about regulations at a time like this? If it weren't for me, this case wouldn't have any solid leads."

  "Yes, you're right. And it's also because of you, we both might end up in the shit house. You; for carrying sensitive evidence in your personal vehicle and me for covering up your blunder."

  "Okay... You're right. I should never have taken possession of evidence that had been improperly removed from the crime lab... But Stone, when I explain what happened, I'm sure you'll understand."

  "Linda... I don't think you understand. When you kept going on and on about a file and a photo; I assumed you were talking about the film footage we’d both been waiting on. When I walked over to your car, one of the cops had already roped it off, preserving it as part of the crime scene."

  Now, she was beginning to understand the problem.

  "But... Did you get the envelope? Please tell me that you got it."

  "Linda... I got your purse and your gun, without anyone witnessing that unlawful act. But the envelope.... Linda, the side window on your car was busted out. There wasn't anything there. When your car was searched, I specifically told them to thoroughly inspect your vehicle. There was no envelope. No files, and no photos.”

  He added....

  "Please tell me that you didn't have the only copy."

  He did say not to tell him, so she lay silent. Stone breathed heavily, then he cursed.

  "Fuck... Linda, what were you thinking?"

  She tried to explain. "Making only one copy wasn't my idea. And taking that one copy out of the tech lab definitely wasn't my idea."

  "Then, whose to blame?"

  She was quiet, then she said...

  "I promised not to say and I’m ready to take the blame for this. Look Stone...” Linda closed her eyes for a moment. With this new news, she needed a second to regroup but she also wanted her partner to understand. She sighed, then said...

  “Stone...I came to your place this morning because I wanted to share this big break with you. We've been working our asses off, and finally we would have had something to show for it."

  "Why did you leave your stuff in your car?"

  She closed her eyes saying...

  "It was early and I was arriving unannounced. I thought I would buzz you, then have you ride to the station with me."

  "Are you saying that you never made it further than a few steps from your car?"

  "No that isn't what I'm saying. I did walk up the steps leading to one of the apartments but I didn't see your name so I thought maybe I was on the wrong block."

  "Right block....wrong building. Your car was parked right in front of my apartment building."

  "Oh no." She wanted to cry. "Stone... I've made a mess of things."

  His eyes didn't show a hint of anger. She said...

  "You could have buried me if you wanted to. When you realized what I'd done...you could have hung me out to dry." She stared at him, then said...

  "Why didn't you Stone? Why did you take such a risk

  Stone looked at her hand resting along the side of her leg. He touched her fingers, sending tingles up her arm. His touch was gentle and warm, yet beneath his hand she sensed the strength of his power. Stone said...

  "If you don't know by now, my reasons for risking my neck for you... Then I guess I'm not doing a good enough job expressing my true feelings."

  Linda had been so focused on her conversation with Stone; she didn't hear the commotion in the hallway. When the door swung wide, Hayford had been the first to enter, followed by her parents. Stone’s reflex had been slow, and his hand held Linda's a few seconds longer than he should have. Hayford walked to the side of the bed where Stone sat. In Hayford’s head, he told himself to remain in control for her parent’s sake.

  "Mom... Dad?” She said, surprised to see them.

  Her parents crossed the room, taking up positions closest to the door. Her mom’s face wore a mask, shielding true concern. Even so, Linda knew her mother more than most. The gash held together and approximated with glue. She’d seen her mothers first reaction. The subtle rise of her eyebrow. A twitch that itched her forced smile. Regardless of how she truly felt; her mom willed every response to be steady for Linda’s sake. She said.

  "Sweetheart. You look surprised to see us.”

  Her father added...

  “I spoke with Commander Bunts when he called to tell your mother and me about the accident. Your mother thought to call Hayford, because we knew he’d want to ride with us once he learned that you were in the hospital."

  Stone stood, backing away from the bed; no longing feeling welcomed. He said...


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