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Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes)

Page 21

by Combs, Sasha

  “Yes, I know.” Linda said. She leaned in, as if to speak to him conspiratorially.

  “We’ve just left Constance, and she told us about a vase...”

  She pronounced the word ‘vase’ the way a European would; putting emphasis on the ‘a’ sound in the word.

  Manny mouthed the word, with confusion on his face.

  “Vase... I no nothing about this.”

  “Of course you wouldn’t. Like I said... We just left Constance. Anyway.... She said that Trey keeps some of his special treasures in his apartment. You know... He puts them away, until he can find a buyer who will appreciate his rare finds.”

  Linda winked at him. She pretended that she’d just let Manny in on a little secret but her flirting had confused him even more.

  “Mr. Wellington didn’t tell me this. I only know about the warehouse. I keep an eye on those things. Mr. Wellington never takes customers into the warehouse and he doesn’t take them to his place. His momma should know that.”

  Bingo. The word echoed in her brain. Manny had just confirmed that Trey does have an apartment in this building. On cue, Hayford said...

  “Manny... Constance is part owner of Davis Antiquities. She wouldn’t have told us about the vase if it wasn’t all right to come here to inspect it for ourselves. It won’t take long. We promise. My wife... She has her heart set on buying this piece. Trey is sure to make a tidy profit. Knowing this has to mean something to you. Now be a good fellow and show us to Trey’s apartment. And don’t worry. We know what we’re looking for.”

  Linda couldn't have written a better script, if she’d had the time. She smiled, leaning back into Hayford’s chest. They were a picture of beauty.

  Manuel stepped aside. He saw no way out of this. It was true. Trey was not the sole owner of the company. He oversaw the operations but the company was covered under one of his families many corporate umbrellas. He’d researched the job before approaching Trey. Manny had worked around the city, doing a number of unsavory things to make ends meet. He had too when he first came into this country and the drug deals were his most profitable jobs. That’s how he’d first met Trey. The young millionaire was at a club partying with one of Manny’s best customers. It didn’t take long for the El Salvadorian to empress the young man. Manny explained to him...

  “I do jobs other American’s won’t do. I will say and do whatever you ask.”

  Manny wasn’t hired by Trey right away. That didn’t happen until his grandfather placed him in charge of Davis Antiquities. After looking at the books, then learning how to fudge the numbers, Trey devised a way to skim money off the top, without his family being none the wiser. He’d been dealt a nasty hand and he didn’t want dirty seconds or the offers doled out by his grandfather. It never passed his notice that his other cousins all worked for the more prestigious companies. London Publishing, Crete Oil, Media and Television. But not him. He’d been given the donkey of the company. The antique dealership that had once been used as the family’s tax write off. Once he’d settled in, Trey began fixing all that had gone wrong in his life. And with a man like Manny on his side. Trey learned every little secret. Every detail that he needed to know. It didn’t matter if the information was true, part truth or out right lies. If he needed to know it, Trey had hired the right man to find out all that he needed to know. In truth, Manuel Cortés was the second employee at Davis Antiquities that Constance knew nothing about. And this pleased the man.

  “Sweetheart... I can’t wait to see that vase.” Linda purred, pretending to be the Uptown girl that she imagined Hayford would have on his arm. In his mind, he wanted to laugh at her crude imitation and he knew later, that he would. But not now. They needed to get inside of Trey’s apartment. Then what; the question crossed his mind? Linda had not explained anything pass the point of getting inside. Even that idea wasn’t something they’d seriously explored.

  Walking down a long hallway, instead of taking them too the left, like Manny had done earlier with the two police officers in toe. The building manager depressed a black button near a seam in the wall. The cover looked like a metal plate, with seemingly no functional purpose. But with a slight press, using two fingers, this action caused the wall to split, then slide apart. But alas, the moving wall didn’t lead to a room, as one would expect. Instead, it opened to a small vestibule, no larger than a small coat closet. At eye level, there was an alphabet key pad.

  “How clever...” Linda said, playing her part so well.

  “Trey is a clever guy and I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Hayford replied. He’d remained in the open area, leaving Manny and Linda to occupy the small space. Manny covered his fingers with one hand, while entering the code with the other.

  “I hope you know what you’re looking for. Mr. Wellington didn’t leave me any instructions, so I can’t help you find the vase.”

  “Oh don’t worry.” Linda said... “I’ll know it, when I see it.”

  When the code had been entered, then accepted; the sliding door created a swooshing sound. The door opened and on the other side, was an eloquently furnished room, befitting an art connoisseur.

  Manny stepped inside, moving off at an angle. He didn’t dare step on the Persian rug that covered the entryway. However, Linda and Hayford did. The room was filled with beautiful works of art. Wall paintings framed in deep brown woods, then lighted with ornamental sconces. Metal sculptures towering partway to the loft height ceilings. In one corner, she noticed a medieval form dressed in full knights armor. As impressive as that was, the noble figure paled in comparison to the display positioned alongside it. On the wall, stored on hooks and racks, Linda’s eyes marveled over the most expansive weapon collection ranging from the past to the recent present. Knives, spikes, swords, spears as long as javelins. Blades of every sort, and then there were the guns. Some were tipped with bayonets, commonly used in the first World War. She read a small metal plate identifying one of the weapons. The crossbow bolt was of French origin, dating back to the late16th century. But the item that virtually locked her eyes, and stayed her feet. A hunters knife, with sharp jagged edges, tipped to a fine point. This weapon was intended for one purpose. To kill, or to maim, then gut. Without meaning too, Linda’s mind went in reverse. Starting from the first victim, killed behind the wheel in her Mercedes. She remembered the deep tear sliced across her throat. The injury had caused the woman to bleed out, with each beat of her failing heart. One by one, the images flooded her minds eye, and in that instant her theory was confirmed. Somewhere in this apartment... Somewhere amid these relics, she would find the weapon that killed the four murdered victims.

  Sure of herself, and now wanting to put an end to their ruse; Linda turned to confront Manny. But, it wasn’t until her eyes found him that she’d realized something very odd. While she’d cross the room, studying the unusual weapons collection; in the loft apartment, she’d not heard one word. She hadn’t even heard the sound of moving feet. Even her heels had clonked, the moment she landed on the hardwood floors. But now she understood why there hadn’t been any other noise. Standing near the opened door, Manny was holding a gun pressed against Hayford’s head. Fear gripped her, causing Linda to gasp. She tried to focus and make sense of things. When had she given herself away? Why was Manny doing this? Should she continue playing the Uptown girl, hoping to plead with Manny? Or, should she tell him that he is making a huge mistake? Killing a cop, or anyone associated with a cop, wasn’t something to take likely. He would be a hunted man for the rest of his life. And if caught, he’d probably be a victim of vigilante style justice.

  Clearing the fear from her throat, Linda spoke using an even tone. Calm was in order and she reached to the depths of her soul to find it.

  “Manny... Please, explain. Why are you holding a gun to my husband’s head? We told you that we’re friends of Constance Wellington...and we’re only here to inspect the vase.”

  “I know who you are.” He spat. In his anger, Manny’s accent was thick and me
nacing. “You’re that cunt cop. And this man is your rich boyfriend.”

  She tried not to appear shaken, so she jammed one fingernail in the palm of her hand. Pain overtook her flesh, pointing her attention there instead of Manny’s staggering divulgence.

  “All right.” She said evenly. Now it was time to put her cards on the table.

  “Since you clearly know who I am, then you also should know that, you don’t want to hurt either of us.”

  “Don’t tell me what I want to do... I’m the one in charge. I’m the one holding the gun...not you. Now, take off those clothes and lay your weapon on that table over there.”

  He was spitting while he talked. Spittle sprayed over Hayford’s shoulder in the direction of the low black coffee table in front of the sofa. Due to his instructions, she deduced that he didn’t know that she wasn’t carrying her service revolver. When she’d been instructed to leave it behind, Linda had been a little taken aback but now, she wasn’t. Now, she had something far worrisome to contend with. The idea of undressing for this guy, and doing that while Hayford watched. The thought sickened her. She didn’t need Hayford having any more ammunition to use against her whenever he talked about her job as a cop.

  Linda raised her hands in surrender, when she said...

  “Manny... You’re the only person armed here. So you see... Neither of us are a threat to you. You can just walk out that door and we won’t stop you. You should take that chance. Go now. I’m in no position to chase you and I won’t.”

  Manny’s face morphed into a gruesome scowl, then he butted the gun solidly into Hayford’s temple. She could only imagine the pain, and Hayford closed his eyes too endure it.

  “Manny...” Her voice was commanding... “Do you know what you’re doing? I said you can go and we won’t stop you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. It’s you two who’ll be doing the going.” He jammed the gun on the side of Hayford’s face, while talking to her. “I should have killed you that night on the streets when I had the chance. I told him we should get rid of you.” Anger seared his words. “Now strip.”

  Linda wondered what this man had in mind. How could she have been so wrong to think that Trey was the killer? Especially with Manny threatening to do, only God knows what to them. What was his motivation? What had the three wealthy women done to infuriate him? Her mind turned with questions and more questions but she still couldn’t get Trey off her brain. More to the point. She couldn’t allow Manny to make her and Hayford the city’s latest statistic. But without a gun, how could she defend herself? Without a weapon, how could she help Hayford?

  Linda thought to herself... “I don’t need a gun”

  The room was filled with weapons. But how to get to them, without causing Manny to respond by killing Hayford first. She needed to create a distraction. Something that would cause the building manager to blink or look away from her. What could she do?

  She started first by unfastening the rear button on her skirt. Reaching behind her back, she said while working the button hole....

  “Why’d you do it? Why did you kill those women? You had to realize that you’d get caught.”

  Manny laughed while blurting out.

  “You cops still don’t get it. I’ve read the stories in your papers. I’ve followed them all and I know what you think you know. Stupid pigs!”

  “Do you Manny? Do you really? How good would we be if we allowed the press to find out what goes on in our meetings.”

  “Every police station has a squeal and yours is no exception. I know what goes on there. And I knew from day one, when you were placed in charge of the first murder case.”

  She was slowly pulling down the zipper, hoping to learn more by getting Manny to divulge his role in the killings.

  “We knew enough to come here... And by the looks of things, you didn’t expect us to come back.”

  “No... I didn’t. But you didn’t expect me to recognize you the moment I saw you standing outside near the buzzer. That I had not expected and I also didn’t expect you to return with your reporter boyfriend.”

  “Then, why did you let us in? You could have just as easily left, using the back door.”

  “I thought about that. But when I looked and I didn’t see any cops on the streets waiting for you... I knew that you’d stupidly come here alone.”

  “Coming here wasn’t stupid Manny. And do you think that other police officers won’t come. Especially when I don’t report back to my commander; then they’ll be sure to come.”

  “Oh... I’ll be finished here, long before that. Now stop stalling and get your clothes off. When I’m through with you, they won’t even recognize you. It will take them weeks to identify your rotting corpse. You women are worthless and most of you are good for only one thing.”

  “Is that the reason you killed them?” She was lowering her skirt to the floor; balancing on her spiked heels, while lifting each leg out of the garment. Usually as a rule, she didn’t wear slips but this outfit was made of a thin fabric. When she walked outdoors, her silhouette would leave nothing to the imagination. She stopped briefly, a show of defiance while she waited for a response.

  Manny’s eyes appraised her appreciatively. He’d wanted to have his way with her before killing her but that wouldn’t leave him with enough time to make his escape. He answered her with mock derision.

  “Had I killed them, my reasons would have been quite different. And my murders would have captured this country from coast to coast. I tried to tell him how to do it but he wouldn’t listen. I knew he wasn’t a calculating killer. Hell... I had to plan the murders but each time, he strayed from the plot. That is... Until the last one. Now her... Even I had to tell him that he’d done a good job.”

  Linda recalled the last victim. Emily Louwer had been brutally beaten, then sliced countless times. The blood spray suggested that the head trauma had been the killing blow. A large object had been used to knock her unconscious. The force of impact crushed her skull, embedding bone fragments in her brain. She was dead but the killer still chose to use her for knife practice. Yes.... She remembered that scene. Manny watched her face, gauging her reactions. The murder haunted her and knowing this pleased him immensely. She glared at him, while pushing him further...

  “So... Trey did the killing.”

  “Yes... Trey.... And you cops still had not figured that out. I didn’t realize how off you were until I talked to those cops this morning. When they said that they were looking for a man named Samuel Gilmore... At first I thought the gig was up. But when they persisted... It was then that I knew for sure, that they were barking up the wrong tree. I also knew that this place was getting to hot and soon, Trey would have too do something about that. But... Trey....” He laughed while saying the name and Linda caught sight of his indignation. By his smug expression, she concluded that their was no love loss between these two men. But she wondered what would be said if Manny thought he’d been double-crossed.

  “Manny... It sounds like you are the mastermind... You were Trey’s teacher.”

  “Of course I was. Do you think that blue blood kid knew anything about murder before meeting me? I taught him everything and I also told him that just stealing from his family wouldn’t be enough to get his revenge. I planted the seed. I told him to hit where the hits would be felt most. Then he got the idea and he began to tell me about his real father. He hated the man... So I told him... If you can’t cut the dick off... Then eliminate the place where he puts it.”

  Hearing him talk so casually about murder; Linda felt bile rise in her throat. This man had corrupted Trey’s mind, but what tipped him to the side of crazy? She had to know.

  “But... How did he get to them? How could he get them in such vulnerable places?”

  “Now that.... I helped him with that. Trey wooed some... And others... I helped him get into their buildings. After that... It was a cake walk. He took to the killings like a babe to a tit. For him... It became a game. But when that An
gelica woman got involved.... I told him, that was a mistake that would destroy him. There was something about that woman that reminded him of his mother... He didn’t want to hurt her. I told him to kill her because she knew too much. Just enough that would lead back to him. I guess he thought, as long as she didn’t know his real name, she would never connect the dots. Amateur...” He spat. All the while he talked; Linda’s focus remained steady on Hayford. Then she noticed his gaze shift from her face. His eyes locked on the wall of weapons behind her. Was this a sigh...? Or a signal? It couldn’t be, because if she moved, Manny would kill him first, then direct his weapon on her next. And that was a risk she wasn’t willing to take. In spite of that, without a doubt, Hayford’s eyes were glued on the arsenal. She recalled how many steps she’d taken, and how far the wall was from her now. The timing would have to be perfect. She couldn’t be off, even by one step. Linda spoke, hoping that perhaps a word or phrasing would persuade Manny to abandon his plan to kill them.

  “Manny... The police may not have known fully who was at fault, and how everything went down... But I am here. And there are countless police officials waiting at the airport to arrest Trey the moment they spot him. So you see... Killing us won’t accomplish anything. Your only hope is to leave now... Disappear before they come back looking for you. But, if you kill us... I can promise you... You’ll always have to look over your shoulder.”

  “What makes you think I don’t look over my shoulder now? What’s one more dead body to me... Two for that matter. I am who I am. A murderer... Drug dealer... Assassin.... I am José Manuel Cortés... In El Salvador, that name means something.”

  “What can we give you, to persuade you to let us go?” Hayford asked, trying to distract him.

  Manny laughed...

  “What makes you think I want what you have? If I wanted it... I would have taken it by now.”

  “Money...?” Hayford said while reaching for his wallet. His arm rose thoughtless of the gesture. Fingers fished in his suit pocket and the move had caught Manny completely off guard. This was it. This was the moment she’d been waiting for. The diversion that would swing the gunman’s attention off her, and solely directing his gaze on Hayford.


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