Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes)

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Floundering Adrift (Detective Linda Galbes) Page 24

by Combs, Sasha

  “Well, to answer your question about Commander Bunts. We talked about how best to get Trey Wellington to talk.”

  “I heard he lawyered up.”

  “Yes... But not before he admitted a few things. And I’m sure if you know about him and his lawyer...you also must know about Brice Fischer.”

  “Yeah... I heard and I still can’t believe it. When do the police think that Trey killed Brice?”

  “That night, at your cousins engagement party... According to Angelica, Brice left the country that night. We confirmed this with his personal assistant, and that’s when we became aware of his whereabouts. We think that all along, Trey intended to kill his father. After Constance helped us decipher the code to unlock his computer; Trey’s files are enough to pin the crimes on him.”

  “Was it that bad?”

  “Yes... And it gets worse. Not only did he keep a log tracking Brice’s comings and goings; Trey had followed Brice for months. According to Angelica’s statement, when she met Trey in London; pretending to be Samuel Gilmore. The stalking began around that time. He followed Brice, taking notes and creating outlines; details about Brice and each mistress. Things like, their favorite restaurants. Which hotels they used, and where the women lived. Trey’s ability to keep tabs on Brice couldn’t have been easy and we’re fairly certain this is where Manny came in. After collecting months and months worth of information; Brice’s travel schedules became predictable and it made following him much easier. On one of his trips, Brice led Trey right to his place in England. Each month Brice would leave the country, taking documents to store at his home in Surrey. These papers held secrets. Things he didn’t want his wife or his father-in-law to know about.” She sighed then said... “I think Brice was setting up a new life outside of his father-in-laws reach because he was planning to leave Angelica.”

  “But... I still don’t understand the motivation. I mean... For years, Trey knew that Brice was his father. What trigger suddenly made him snap?”

  “A woman and her child. Two people that from afar reminded him of his life with his mother. Angelica Fischer and her baby, Nikki. They were mirror images of him and Constance. In this case, the motive is clear. Vindication. Vindication for himself and his mother. When Trey first met Angelica, then learned about her life and her young child...he saw himself and the humiliation he’d been forced to live with. He couldn’t allow his father to repeat history. It wasn’t just that Brice was being unfaithful to his wife. I think the trigger occurred when he learned that Brice was plotting and scheming to get out of his marriage. He was creating a life in London, far away from Angelica’s dangerous father. No one talked openly about it but I’m pretty sure Trey knew that Brice only married her because he’d gotten her pregnant. Another well known piece of information that isn’t a tightly guarded secret; Trey knew that Angelica’s father held threats of exposure over Brice’s head. It was the only way to get the man to make his daughter an honest woman.”

  “But... Why kill the way he did? I mean... One by one... Killing the women Brice had affairs with? I don’t get it.”

  “I’m quite sure one of the court appointed psychiatrist will one day write an article, using Trey Wellington as his case study. But for now, I can only tell you what I think, based on comments made by his mother. Constance had once been his mistress for a brief moment in her life. The exchange was more like rape than anything else, but she’d not been like the other women who’d knowingly entered into affairs with Brice. Constance slept with Brice, not knowing that he was already a married man. When Trey met Angelica that day outside of London; I think her innocence reminded him of his mother. So, since he’d not been able to protect his mother by forcing Brice to do the right thing and marry her. Now, Trey believed that for Angelica...he could do right by her. He persuaded himself to see the mistresses as the evil ones. They were the nemesis. Women with no moral compass or redeemable worth. And Brice... Brice was the key that held the sorted affairs all together. For that reason, he was left for last. Trey killed his father, using the same methods but before he died, Trey forced Brice to sign his property over to him. His stocks, bonds, holdings accounts and the note on his house. We assumed that Trey didn’t intend to keep any of it for himself. We’re quite sure that he intended to give everything to Angelica and her daughter, Nikki.”

  “He had to know that someone would ask questions.”

  “I don’t think he did. By then, Trey was behaving like a madman. After hearing about the content on his computer; it seems that his obsession with his father is something he’s been dealing with most of his life. His recklessness began the moment he learned that he wasn’t legally a Wellington.”

  “I hate... I hate that I didn’t make an effort to know him better.”

  “If you had, I’m not sure that your friendship would have changed him in any way.”

  “Maybe I could have done something.”

  “Hayford... Don’t do that to yourself.”

  “You don’t understand Linda. I recall growing up... Constance would talk about her son in a way that suggested, she wanted me to include him by inviting him to some of my activities. I never did of course. I guess I thought Trey being educated abroad... He wouldn’t fit in with my group of friends.”

  She turned to face him, and his concerned expression touched her heart.

  “Sweetie... This isn’t your fault. People who decide to have affairs... They are too blame. Brice Fischer is to blame because his indiscretions and his past finally caught up with him. And I know you won’t agree with this... But your friend Blake... One day, he may be too blame as well.”

  His eyes widened but he didn’t argue. Yet, he wasn’t one to interfere in the lives of his friends. Hayford wrapped his arms around her, drawing her nearer to his chest. Her breast tingled due to the closeness.

  “Linda... Let’s not talk any more about this.”

  “I know this is ugly, but it’s situations like this that ultimately lead to murders. And then I’m left with the task of solving them.”

  “It doesn’t always have to be this way.”

  “Sure it does.”

  “Linda... I’ve been meaning too tell you something for the past few weeks but... Well, you know... With the craziness of your job... Then I had your hectic schedule to contend with...”

  Linda let out a heavy breath, causing Hayford to end his litany of complaints.

  “Anyway...” he said, brushing his annoyance under an imaginary rug. “Not too long ago, I had a long talk with my father. He’s offered me a position as head of publishing.”

  “By publishing... Do you mean the daily newspaper?”

  “Yes... The newspaper...as well as the other publications.”

  Mead Industry was a long list of enterprises and Linda had never taken the time to catalogue them all. When she’d first started dating Hayford, his role at his father’s paper had been that of an investigative reporter. But as the months rolled by; more and more he’d been working as an editor, attending board meetings, and taking trips abroad. She’d known that he was being groomed for more responsibilities. But she’d never imagined, his lift up would be so high; placing him in charge of the whole enchilada. It was funny though... The way Hayford termed his promotion; saying that his father offered him the head of publishing job. Who else would he have offered it to, if not his son? However, she didn’t bother asking him this. Instead she leaned forward, kissing him lightly on his lips.

  “Congratulations honey...” She’d expected him to smile, but instead his face was creased with worry.

  “You did want the position...didn’t you?” she asked. He lowered his eyes, almost as if he were reconsidering this.

  “Linda... Head of publishing is a big job. There are currently twenty-seven publications under the Mead umbrella. Hardcopies, internet and a series of blogs. Managing one would be a handful...but all twenty-seven...” He sighed. “There won’t be time for much else in my fie.”

  She cupped his chin, gu
iding his eyes to meet hers.

  “If you’re worried about us finding time for each other. Don’t. We’ll make it work.”

  “Linda... Your job is stressful enough... Then to add mines to the pot.”

  “Hayford... Are you taking the job?”

  He waited a beat, then replied.

  “I told my father that I would consider taking it. But Linda... I won’t if you think it’ll cause a problem.”

  “No Hayford... It won’t be a problem. We can make it work. We will make it work.”

  “You know... It would be a whole lot easier if we only had one career to contend with.” He hinted. “You could chuck it all, and live a life of leisure.”

  “And what does that mean...? A life of leisure.”

  “Linda, you know how I feel about you. I would give anything to make your life a little easier. You don’t have to risk your life, dealing with murders and the misfortunes of others.”

  “But... How would I live? I mean... Hayford...” If her hands had been free, she would have thrown them high; expressing her frustration. She loved her job but she’d never been able to persuade him of this. Even now, she couldn’t think of anything new to add. She said... “Please, lets not talk about this. Later... Maybe later.”

  Linda bent her elbow, fixing her hand flat on his chest for leverage. She tried to push away but he would’t have any of that. His grip tightened, when he said...

  “I love you.”

  “I know... And I love you.” She matched his tone. Beneath her, she felt the lengthening and thickening of his manhood. She was just as excited but his spirited fire wasn’t being fueled by his growing desire. Something else urged him on.

  “Linda... I think we’re ready to take our relationship to the next step. I think we’re...”

  On the chair, on her side of the bed, they both heard two chirps then the hummmm coming from her vibrating bag. She twisted in his arms, to peer at the clock on his nightstand.

  “Fuck...” he swore. “Leave it Linda.”

  He loosened his hold, knowing full well, that there would be no stopping her from answering this call. Some days, Hayford felt like Linda’s mobile was more important than him.

  While she scrambled to free herself, then untangled herself from the blankets and sheets. Finally, she stood on the side of the bed, digging in her purse until she ultimately retrieved her phone.

  Linda held up the vibrating phone, turning it over, resting palm side up, she opened the text. Her heart lurched in her chest, reading words of a flirtatious nature.

  “We work well as a team. Makes me wonder, how well we’d be at other things. I’d like to explore the possibilities. Get your rest. S”

  “S.” She said in a whisper. S, standing for Stone.

  Hayford lay on his side, patiently watching her. He said...

  “Was that important?”

  Linda closed out the text, placing the mobile back in her purse. Immediately she regretted not deleting it but Hayford had never given her reason to be concerned for her privacy. Yet, still just having that kind of message in his home was a form of betrayal. On the other hand; she had never done anything to persuade Charles Stone that she was even mildly interested in him but somehow the talk of mistresses and infidelity unearthed a series of concerns. Before the phone had disturbed them, Hayford seemed to be talking about furthering their ties. Strengthening the bonds that form their relationship. Yet, Linda wasn’t sure if they were ready to take those life changing steps.

  She cocked her head to the side, looking at him at a side long angle. When he smiled at her, in her heart, she knew what she wanted, but her brain still flashed warning signs.

  He pulled back the sheets, revealing his nakedness and beckoning her to join him. Linda crawled on the bed, taking his hand as he guided her near him. She vowed for the next seven days not to give her job a second thought. For now, she only wanted to enjoy his company. She wanted time to consider what a life of leisure might be like. Could she throw it all too the wind; her profession as a cop? Never practice law, or work outside of her home? Women do it everyday. Well, women in Hayford’s world. Wealthy people. Rich people, like Hayford and his family.

  “Mmmmm” he said, while kissing the side of her neck. He laced their fingers, then raised her arms above her head. And in that instant, she knew this night would be like so many others. Wonderful, steamy and something to remember.

  Preparing to be sated, a sigh of bliss slipped from her lips. Being with him was a feeling of contentment unlike any other. Linda didn’t dare move. She pressed her lips against his flesh, kissing him tenderly along the nook of his neck. Hayford nibbled her earlobe, then his husky voice warmed her throat.

  “Marry me...” He said.

  A gasp of air was liberated from her lungs, when she answered in surprise, saying...


  The End

  Follow the continuation of this story in Book III,

  Detective Linda Gables Mystery, Romance Series. To learn more, visit Shadow Romance Books.





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