When a Gargoyle Falls

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When a Gargoyle Falls Page 9

by E A Price

  “You tell him…”

  A loud, obnoxious alarm cut him off, followed by a crunching metal sound, and his nostrils flared.

  “The fucking car!” he howled and ran outside the house.

  The guy holding Tilly pushed her aside and ran after him. Tilly locked the door behind him and stepped back, right into something solid. She tried to scream but a large, warm hand clamped over her mouth, and she realized it was Castor, still naked and trembling with rage. He removed his hand, and she spun to look at him. His face looked thunderous.

  “What did… How did…”

  “I climbed out the window and decided to send their car on a journey,” he rumbled.

  “Oh. Lucky I live on a hill really.”

  She was amazed he managed to get through her window and move so quietly. He was a damn gargoyle ninja.

  He grunted, and she bustled past him to grab the phone. She called Chris to let him know what happened. Ordinarily, she may not have bothered – those guys were just fishing and probably visiting all of Joe’s exes – he had been married and divorced since her. But, she couldn’t risk them returning and seeing Castor.

  As she finished her call with Chris, she gasped, dropping the phone as Castor grasped her. His arms clasped hers, and he rubbed his body against hers.

  “Wha… what are you doing?”

  “Those men touched you,” he rasped. “They left their scent on you.”

  She quivered against him. “You… you can smell that?”

  He snarled, and Tilly just relaxed in his arms and let him get on with it. Finally finished, he spun her in his arms and growled ferociously.

  “Those men could have hurt you.”

  “But they didn’t,” she whispered.

  He bared his fangs. “They were looking for your previous mate, Joe.”


  “I take you do not know where he is.”

  “I… ah… I’m not sure.”

  His wings flared. “You do know.”

  Tilly waved a hand. “A month ago someone told me he was living with a woman in a town called Devil’s Port – it’s about an hour from here.”

  “Why did you not tell them that?” he demanded angrily.

  Tilly shrugged as much as his grip would allow. He wasn’t hurting her, but she wouldn’t get away unless he let her.

  “I didn’t know for certain, and besides, I didn’t really want to be the reason they found him and hurt him.”

  Castor looked apoplectic. “His safety is not your concern. You would rather they hurt you?”

  “It didn’t come to that.”

  “It did not come to that because I was here. What if I were not? Were you prepared to take his punishment for him?”

  “Castor, you’re overreacting, and Chris will be here soon, don’t you think you should put on something?”

  She glanced down at his sex and bit her lip. Kind of hard to believe it ever fit in her. His sex twitched, and Tilly gasped.

  “Do not try to distract me,” he hissed. “I am angry with you.”

  Tilly frowned at him. “Why?”

  “You are an infuriating female!” he exploded. “Your meekness is frustrating beyond belief. Why do you allow yourself to be so subjugated?”

  Tilly blinked at him. “I don’t, I… subjugated?”

  “Your family clearly has no respect for you, and you would risk your own safety for a male who used you merely to fund his own desires.”

  “You think I’m a doormat?”

  He considered it for a few moments before nodding. – it perhaps wasn’t a popular expression among gargoyles.

  “Yes, that would be apt.”

  “You think people use me?”

  “I think you allow them to treat you how they wish. You clearly have no pride – if you did, you would not risk your safety and your happiness for others who clearly have no regard for you.”

  Tilly stepped away from him, and he allowed her to move away from his touch. Her cheeks bloomed like an inferno.

  “You mean like sleeping with a gargoyle who can barely even stand to be around me?”

  Castor scowled at her. “That is not what I meant.”

  She blinked back tears. “I’m amazed you wanted to sleep with me considering how much you despise me.”

  “I do not…”

  There was a knock on her front door. Tilly wiped her face with her sleeve.

  “That will be Chris. You should put your… skirt thing on, and then, I think you should go.”

  His tail thumped against the floor. She couldn’t tell whether he was angry or relieved. “Your safety…”

  “I’ll be fine,” she said shortly and moved to answer the door.

  “Tilly,” he growled, and she stilled. “No one is worth risking your safety for. Do not forget that.”

  Tilly shook her head, threw him a reproachful look, and marched away from him.


  Castor landed in the mansion gardens with an angry thud. Chris hadn’t wanted to leave Tilly alone, but she made it clear without saying a word how she felt about Castor staying there another moment. Chris didn’t look at all surprised.

  Now that he was healed, Castor said he would make his own way to the mansion so that Chris could stay with her. Tilly didn’t say a word, merely retreated to her bedroom. It was probably still steeped in the soft fragrance of their coupling. She probably wouldn’t notice, but having her smell on him was nearly driving him wild. He ought to wash before facing the other gargoyles, but honestly, he didn’t want to – he wanted to hold onto it for as long as he could.

  He should not have acted the way he did. He could not be so angry with humans. A female gargoyle would tell him where to shove his battle-ax if he spoke to her in that way, but Tilly had been upset. But he had been furious - furious that she came so close to getting hurt. She should have told those wretched troll holes what they wanted to know. How could she value her safety so little?

  Castor looked up sharply as he heard a noise, his wings came around him, shielding him automatically. He relaxed as he scented his chief’s mate.

  Kylie smiled at him as she approached. Wrapped in a thick blanket, she was shuffling slightly, but she grinned when she saw him. She did not seem surprised by his presence. Chris must have called her.

  “It’s good to see you,” she said. “We missed you.”

  Castor considered the idea of Grey missing him and almost barked in laughter, but he was still too concerned for Tilly.

  “I am concerned that Tilly may still be in danger.”

  Kylie nodded. “Maggie and Andrew are going to spend the night at her house – whether she likes it or not. How was it staying there?”

  “Her house is very…” Warm? Inviting? “Pink,” he finished lamely.

  Kylie giggled. “I love Tilly; she’s so sweet. She always makes anyone in town soup when they’re feeling sick.”

  Castor huffed. He imagined they never returned the favor to her.

  “And she always takes in people’s mail and waters their plants when they’re on vacation.”

  “She is foolish to allow everyone to treat her as a doormat,” he growled, thinking of what he would sorely like to do to the people who took advantage of Tilly.

  “I don’t think she’s a doormat. She’s kind – anyone would do anything for her because of her kindness. You know that Lou in town is fixing her car for free because she visits his mom every week to read to her?”

  Castor narrowed his eyes, and his wings bristled. Who was this Lou character?

  Kylie looked at him innocently. “Ryia missed you.”

  He groaned. Right, he had forgotten about the contentious female. A few days with Tilly was enough to make him forget all about other females. Oh, he was in trouble. He was falling for a tiny, timid human who probably never wanted to see him again. He felt so helpless, so useless – the way he felt before he met Tilly.

  Maybe hitting something would help him. Where on earth was Grey anyw


  Tilly prodded at her meatballs. She couldn’t eat. She kept thinking of Castor. She’d always felt inadequate, always worked hard to get people to like her, but she honestly thought Castor liked her without her trying. He thought she was a spineless coward, and honestly, she agreed with him – that was perhaps the hardest thing.

  She was trying to eat lunch in the diner, but she wasn’t hungry. Nope, she was mooning over a gargoyle. Joely kept throwing her concerned and interested looks – she perhaps wanted to know why she had thrown Castor out of her house, but Tilly wasn’t interested in talking.

  Maggie and Andrew had insisted they stay at her house for the rest of the night, and she was too miserable to say no or be surprised that they knew about the gargoyles’ existence either. She went to bed, tossing and turning, and when she finally woke up, she trudged to work in jeans and sneakers. She couldn’t work up enough energy to even don a pair of her sky-high pumps.

  Everyone kept asking if she was okay, and honestly, she was getting tired of trying to dredge up a fake smile.

  Her cell phone started ringing, and Tilly winced on seeing her sister’s name on the caller ID. She had called a couple more times, but Tilly didn’t have the energy to call back. But clearly, Angie wanted something, so she ought to take the call.

  “Hello,” she mumbled.

  “There you are!” exclaimed Angie in exasperation. “I’ve been trying to get hold of you for days.”

  Perhaps if they were a different kind of family, Angie might have been worried for her safety when she couldn’t get hold of her. But, no, Angie was only concerned that Tilly’s unavailability irritated her.

  Tilly opened her mouth to apologize, but quickly changed gear. “Yeah, I’ve had a lot going on.”

  Angie snorted. “Like what? You work as a receptionist, you’re single, and your little baking blog doesn’t really count as important. Try being a doctor, running a household and raising two kids!”

  Tilly’s insides quailed at the barb, but she still didn’t apologize. “Can I help you with something, Angie?” she asked politely.

  Her sister was quiet for a couple of beats, possibly not used to a little sister who wasn’t simpering and apologizing for her very existence.

  “I need you to come down here.”

  Tilly frowned and mashed her meatballs with her fork. “Why?”

  Angie sniffed. “Adam left me.”

  Her fork froze mid mash. She felt a twinge of guilt at her coldness. Angie really was going through something difficult. “Oh my goodness, Angie, what happened?”

  “I… I sort of spent the night with a friend of ours.”

  “You cheated?!” blurted Tilly, so loudly half the diner looked around at her. “You cheated?” she repeated at a lower volume.

  “It’s not my fault!” snapped Angie.

  It kind of sounded like it was.

  “Adam was working long hours and it just kind of happened… a few times.”

  “A few?”

  “But now Adam is being completely unreasonable about it. He says he wants a divorce. He’s completely overreacting,” said her sister crossly.

  “Ummm…” It wasn’t the first time Angie cheated. Adam got drunk and told her one Christmas. He forgave her, but apparently, he was all out of forgiveness.

  “I need you to come down here and take care of the kids while I sort this whole thing out,” declared Angie. “Just quit your job and get the next flight down here. I don’t know how long I’ll need you to be with the kids. But I can’t just give up my social life – how would that look? Ordinarily Adam would stay home with them so that will be your job.”

  Tilly’s forehead wrinkled. “But what about Mom and Dad. Aren’t they there? Can’t they help?”

  Angie let out a sound of disgust. “Mom and Dad are doing what they can, but they’re very busy.”

  “But, they’re retired, and you already have a nanny, and I am a little busy right now…” She couldn’t just up and leave the town – she had friends, she had her job, then there was Castor…

  Angie huffed. “My life is falling apart, and you’re busy doing what? Jeez, Tilly, all you do is work as a receptionist and bake a few cakes. Did you break a nail while sitting around reading a magazine?”


  “Tilly, I want…”

  “No!” said Tilly in a firm voice that barely quivered at all. “I’m sorry you’re going through a difficult time, but I can’t just drop everything for you.”

  Her sister scoffed, but Tilly was firm. “Angie, I can’t help you. If you want to talk, call me, but I can’t come down there right now.”

  “Selfish little cat!” snarled Angie and hung up.

  Tilly slumped in her seat and allowed her raging heartbeat to return to normal. She didn’t like confrontation, but that had felt good. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to stand up for herself once in a while.

  Her thoughts strayed to Castor, and she started eating her mashed meatballs.


  Castor snarled as he awakened. He flexed his wings, growling lightly. His sleep had been filled with dreams of Tilly. She was always there, so close, but before he could get to her, she danced out of reach. Now he was frustrated and horny and had no way to remedy that.

  His clan awakened and started going about their business, were it seeking out their mates or training. Ingrede complained of discomfort and Annis, and her mate took her into the house, concerned for the youngling. Cai looked worried as hell. The male was usually so gruff, and stoic, but he looked terrified for his mate. Would Castor be the same if it were Tilly? The rush of warmth at the thought of Tilly being pregnant with his child surprised him. But why should it? He had been uncertain of everything since he awakened in this world, but when Tilly was around everything came into focus. His sweet little…

  Castor straightened as he sensed a disapproving presence. Ryia.

  “Ryia,” he grunted.

  She circled him and sneered. “You are mooning over that human female.”

  Castor grumbled in disinterest. “I do not know what you are talking about.”

  “I could smell her on you when you returned,” she jeered. “You are as big of a disgrace as the other males of our clan.”

  Castor snarled at her, and it was enough to make her take a step away from him. “I would not let them hear you speak that way,” he said in a mild voice.

  Ryia hissed at him and marched away, deliberately making a beeline for Grey so that she had an excuse to push him aside. “Get out of my way!” she snarled at Grey.

  Grey growled but didn’t move to pursue her. He approached Castor, with an irritated grimace. “She was even worse when you were not here. She has set her sights on mating you.”

  Then she would be disappointed. Castor already knew the female he wished to mate. He just hoped that he still stood a chance with her.

  He grunted at Grey and moved to leave.

  “Where are you going?” grumbled Grey.

  “I have something I must do.”

  “I am coming too. I cannot stand to be around that awful female.”

  Castor assumed Ryia, but as Grey started complaining about how many fires she started, he realized he meant Danica. Trying to shake Grey wasn’t worth the effort. He needed to find Tilly.


  Tilly waved at Andrew from her front porch. He drove her home, but she eschewed anyone staying with her. She was putting her foot down. Damn, she was putting her foot down left right and center today. With her sister, at the diner when they tried to overcharge her – usually she’d just pay it and slink away - and then with old Jonah when he tried to badger her into giving him a different appointment for his foot fungus. Being assertive actually felt a little nice. She even got Lou to come and fix her oven – he assured her it would be fine. Perhaps she might bake something for her blog – that usually cheered her up.

  Tilly lifted her key to the door but froze as she heard her trashcans fal
ling over.

  “Milady, is that you?” she called, wandering around the side of her house. “Oh!”

  “Finally,” sneered the gargoyle.


  She dropped her keys. It was the one she hit with her car, and unlike Castor, she definitely wasn’t there to protect Tilly. No, quite the opposite.


  Castor landed behind Tilly’s house. Grey thumped onto the ground next to him. He had hoped Grey would get bored and go hunting or something, but no. He had been annoying him the whole way there.

  Her neighbor a couple of doors down appeared to be burning something. The smell was quite pungent. Castor couldn’t even recognize Tilly’s lingering sweetness. He couldn’t wait to smell her again. He would clasp her to him and take his fill…

  Grey gazed at the house and smirked. “This is where your female lives.”

  “Yes, stay here.”

  “Nonsense. I wish to see this female that has you so miserable.”

  Castor ground his teeth. “I am not miserable.”

  “Your face has resembled a dragon’s behind since you returned from her house.” Grey elbowed him out of the way to peer into Tilly’s kitchen window. “I wish to see this female that virtually has you biting your own tail.”

  Castor rolled his eyes.

  “I do not see any sign of life in the house,” grumbled Grey.

  Castor felt an uneasy frisson. No, she should be in there. He knew Andrew had driven her home – he had grilled Andrew about the necessity of driving slowly before sun up earlier that day, and he did not believe Tilly would go out alone after dark.

  There was a slight rustle from the trashcans. Grey snarled, leaping to attention, flexing his wings and baring his fangs.

  Castor reached behind the cans and pulled Milady into his arms, raising an eyebrow at Grey.

  “Damn beast,” Grey muttered.

  Milady let out a plaintive, hungry yowl. Castor stroked her roughly, and she started purring. He was surprised to find her out here. While he could take her or leave her, Tilly seemed inordinately fond of the huge cat – treating her like a baby and feeding her incessantly. Tilly also didn’t want her to go outside after dark lest Ophelia prove a danger to her. Castor voiced the opinion that he believed Milady could be vicious enough to hold her own in any fight, but Tilly seemed to think the beast was some kind of innocent kitten.


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