Bad Boys Lies: Bad Boy Romance

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Bad Boys Lies: Bad Boy Romance Page 2

by Soranna O.

  Anne felt very guilty for doing this but just a few more days, she promised to herself.

  Just a few more days with him and then she could get back to real life.

  One night, while watching a movie together, Anne started crying.

  She just couldn't keep her feelings inside anymore.

  "Hey, what happened?"

  James asked.

  "Nothing, I am just being silly.

  Maybe we should watch a comedy next time."

  She said.

  James took her in his strong arms and she wished that moment would never end.

  It felt so right.

  Unfortunately, the moment was over all too soon when his phone rang.

  "Hey Julia, no problem.

  See you tomorrow."

  He said and hang up the phone.

  "Is she okay?"

  Anne asked.

  "She just called to say she isn't coming over tonight. She said she was feeling a bit sick.

  Maybe something she ate."

  He said.

  "Oh, I hope she feels better soon."

  Anne really hoped she got better soon but at the same time she was happy Julia wasn't coming tonight.

  Apparently James had the same thought because before she knew it, his lips were on hers.

  They melted into each other, and they made love right there, on the couch.

  The next morning Anne woke up in his arms and she couldn't remember a moment when she felt happier.

  Now they could be together.

  James finally got the courage to follow his heart.

  Chapter 4

  They got up and like every morning, James prepared breakfast for them. Anne was really enjoying this routine and decided to tell him about his memory.

  After last night she knew things have changed. James will talk to Julia and they could finally be together.

  No more lies.

  "I will talk to Julia today.

  I love you, Anne.

  I think I've loved you ever since I first saw you."

  "I fell in love with you from the first day when you helped me choose my office."

  She said with a smile.

  "I remember that day…

  Wait, do you remember too?

  Is your memory back??"

  He asked almost screaming with joy.

  "I recovered my memory a few days ago.

  I am sorry I didn't tell you James."

  Anne said looking down.

  "I don't understand, why didn't you tell me?"

  James asked confused.

  "Because I didn't want to leave your house yet.

  I love spending time with you and I just wanted a few more days together.

  I am sorry, I feel horrible."

  "Oh Anne, I loved spending time with you too.

  But now we have the rest of our lives to spend together."

  He said kissing her.

  As they were eating, they heard the front door.

  It was Julia and Anne's heart was pumping harder in her chest.

  She never thought she would be the other woman, but here she was, stealing another woman's man.

  "Hey you two, I have great news but you better sit down for this."

  Julia said with a huge smile on her face.

  "Are you feeling better?"

  Asked Anne.

  "Yes, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

  "Okay, I will give you two some privacy."

  Anne announced.

  "No, you should hear this too."

  Julia said.

  "I just came back from the doctor, I thought I had food poisoning.

  But it's not that. James, I am pregnant!"

  "You are… what??

  How is that even possible?"

  James blurted out.

  The last time they made love was weeks ago and before that it was months.

  But apparently this doesn’t matter.

  All it takes is once.

  Anne's face was white and she felt like she was about to faint.

  She did manage to congratulate her before she run to her room.

  Anne collapsed on the bed and started to cry.

  It was over, their relationship wasn't meant to be.

  At least they had one night together.

  Other people never experience real love.

  They had something wonderful.

  Short, but wonderful.

  Anne wiped off her tears and started to pack her things.

  She couldn't stay there anymore.

  This was Julia's place, the mother of his child.

  Oh, how she wanted to be the one giving James a child.

  She felt the tears coming again but she took a deep breath.

  Stop it, Anne.

  Chapter 5

  James tried to stop Anne from leaving but she wouldn't listen. She just got into her car and drove off.

  He felt like the world was crushing down.

  He wanted Anne more than anything in the world but he also had a duty to his unborn child.

  He always wanted to be a father but he hoped it would be with someone he loved.

  But this was life and he had to accept it.

  James knew he would love that child more than anything in the world.

  If only he would find a way to keep Anne in his life too…

  "Julia, we need to talk."

  He said as soon as they were alone.

  "I know, we have a lot to talk about.

  We should just get married now.

  I don't want our baby to be born out of wedlock.

  I know, I am old fashioned."

  She said, kissing James on the lips.

  "No, Julia.

  We can't get married.

  I will be a father to our child and we will raise him together but I don't want to marry you.

  I am sorry but I don't love you and I know you don't love me either."

  Said James hoping she would understand and agree.

  "James, if you think I am going to allow you to be part of my baby's life if you don't marry me, you are so wrong.

  You will never ever see your child."

  She said with hate in her yes.

  "You wouldn't do that, Julia…"

  "Oh yes, I would and you know it.

  Daddy will help me if you think you can fight me for custody.

  Not to mention you can kiss your career goodbye.

  Forget about ever working in this country again."

  "Don't threaten me, Julia."

  "You give me no choice, James.

  I know why you want to leave me.

  I saw how you look at Anne.

  But you will never be together.

  I will give you some time to think.

  I have to go home now, I have a lot to pack.

  I am moving in with you."

  She said and turned around to leave.

  James put his head in his hands and stayed like that for a long time.

  He couldn't believe how his life changed.

  He finally had the courage to make a step with Anne and tell her that he loved her and now this.

  It was like the universe was screwing with him.

  After hours of agony, he got to the conclusion that he had no choice.

  He had to marry Julia.

  He couldn't lose his child.

  James knew that he couldn't live with that.

  But he couldn't give up on Anne either.

  The only option he could see was having a double life.

  Anne was going to be his mistress.

  It wasn't ideal, but once he got to this conclusion, James felt a little better.

  At least he wouldn't have to give up on Anne or his child.

  He could have a no-sex marriage with Julia.

  There were a lot of other couples in the same situation and they survived.

  However, James didn't want to just survive.

  He wanted to be happy and only Anne could make h
im happy.

  James hoped Anne would agree with him.

  Asking her to be his mistress was a lot to ask from a woman.

  Will she feel offended or maybe she will see that was the only way.

  James couldn't blame her if she refused and looked for a free man who could give her everything.

  James got to his car and before he knew it, he was parking in front of Anne's apartment building.

  She was home, and he could see her eyes were red from so much crying no doubt.

  He took her into his arms without a word and tried to kiss her.

  Anne turned her head though, not allowing his lips to land on hers.

  "Anne, I am so sorry.

  I don't want to lose you but I can't lose my child either.

  I want you both.

  But stop crying, I think I have a solution."

  "What solution, what are you talking about?

  You can't have us both and I could never live with myself if I take you away from your child."

  "Okay, hear me out.

  I have to marry Julia because she doesn't want to let me in my child's life if I don't marry her.

  However, I can still be with you.

  I know it's not ideal but it's the only option we have.

  Do you understand, Anne?"

  "What are you talking about, James?

  Are you asking me to be your mistress?"

  Anne asked hardly believing James would ask that of her.

  She felt even more hurt than before.

  "Don't think of yourself as a mistress.

  You are the love of my life.

  Please don't leave me, Anne.

  Not now when we finally found each other.

  When we finally realised how much we love each other. I can't take it…"

  He said, pleading with her.

  "I think you better leave, James.

  I need to be alone."

  Said Anne without even looking at him.

  James had no choice but to leave.

  With a heavy heart, he got back to his car and drove away.

  Anne will see that I am right, James said to himself.

  She has to…

  For the next few weeks, both James and Anne tried to work more and forget about their pain.

  James was giving Anne some space and time to make her see that she couldn't leave him.

  Anne was trying to forget him or at least burry her feelings deep down.

  She read somewhere that the easiest way to get over someone was by dating someone new.

  Even if that was the last thing she wanted, she couldn't live with this pain in her heart anymore.

  Seeing James every day at work wasn't making things any easier for her.

  Anne even considered looking for a new job but she really loved her job and she had a great team.

  Instead, she decided to go on a dating site and start dating.

  She didn't want anything serious, just some attractive man or men to keep her mind off James.

  The first date she had was not a success.

  He was not as attractive as his profile photo.

  She guessed that photo must have been taken 15 years ago.

  In the meantime he lost his hair and gained a beer belly.

  She wasn’t shallow but at the moment she wasn't looking for true love either.

  Finding an attractive man was essential for her problem.

  The second date she had was with a very attractive man and even though she couldn't feel any butterflies, she decided to keep dating him.

  His name was Dave.

  Anne was upfront with him and told him she was trying to get over someone.

  Dave joked about it and told her that she could use him for as long as she wants.

  He had a sense of humour and that helped.

  Dave was becoming more a friend than a boyfriend and Anne really needed that at the moment.

  Of course, he was a special kind of friend.

  The one that comes with benefits.

  Anne couldn't complain about that either.

  Although she did feel guilty, almost like she was cheating on James.

  But that was silly.

  He was planning a wedding with someone else and he was about to become a father.

  One day James thought he gave Anne enough space and it was time to talk to her again.

  He tried to invite her out for lunch but she refused saying she already has plans.

  Then Dave showed up with a big smile and red roses.

  Anne took his arm and left with him.

  James couldn't believe his eyes.

  She was dating, while he was thinking about her and trying to find a solution.

  James felt angry and betrayed.

  He knew he had no right to feel that way though.

  Chapter 6

  One day James couldn’t hold it in anymore and he just asked, "Do you love him?"

  "Who?" Anne asked.

  "That guy who keeps coming to pick you up from work, what's his name?"

  "Oh Dave, no, I don't love him.

  I am just trying to move on with my life James and you should do the same.

  When is your wedding?

  Have you set a date yet?"

  Anne asked looking down to her shoes.

  She couldn’t find the strength to look him in the eye.

  She know that if she did that, she wouldn't be able to resist him.

  "It's next Monday.

  Julia is in a hurry, she doesn't want her belly to show on her wedding day."

  "Okay, well, there you go.

  We are both moving on with our life.

  Look James, I don't hate you.

  I know it was not your fault that she got pregnant.

  It was just bad timing for us.

  I can't lie to you now and say that I am over you, but I am trying.

  You should try too…"

  "I don't want to be over you, Anne.

  I don't want to forget you."

  There was nothing he could say to make her change her mind.

  His heart was broken and he knew that he could never be happy again.

  All he had now was the memory of that one night they spent together.

  Before he knew it, the wedding day was there and he felt like someone was about to kill him.

  This was supposed to be the happiest day of his life.

  That day Anne called in sick for work.

  She couldn't find the power to get out of bed.

  All she could do was cry.

  Life was so unfair.

  It should be her.

  She should be the bride today.

  Not even Dave could help her today.

  She told him she was not in a mood to see anyone.

  He knew how much she loved James and felt sorry for her.

  Dave was a playboy and he loved to date a lot of women but he had a soft spot for Anne.

  It was the first time he was ever completely honest with a woman he dated.

  She knew about his other women and he knew about her feelings for James.

  It was the perfect relationship, he thought.

  At least that's what he used to think.

  Now he was getting tired of hearing about James all the time and seeing how much Anne loved him.

  If he were being complete honest, Dave knew that he was a bit jealous.

  Just a little bit.

  It's not like he loved Anne, he thought.

  It's just that he never had a woman love him the way Anne loved James.

  All his relationships were based on sex.

  He used to love that because that meant it was no drama.

  If a woman fell in love with him, he just ignored her and stopped answering her calls or messages.

  Eventually she got the message.

  All he wanted to do now was to be with Anne and help her get over this horrible day.

  He couldn't even imagine how much pain she was feeling.

; The love of her life was getting married today.

  What a jerk, he though.

  He doesn't deserve her.

  Dave decided to go against Anne's wish and visit her anyway.

  He got her favorite ice cream to cheer her up and a movie.

  He made sure to choose a comedy without any romance in it.

  Anne didn't want to see anyone but in some way she was grateful do Dave for coming over.

  And the ice cream didn't hurt at all.

  Ever since she was a little girl, she always ate ice cream any time she felt sad.

  "Have you ever been in love, Dave?"

  She asked curious to know more about him.

  Dave was being such a good friend.

  The least she could do was ask a few questions about him too.

  "No, I don't think so.

  I thought I was many times but after I had sex, I didn't want to see them anymore.

  The only woman I like spending time with even when we are not having sex it's you, Anne."

  "Oh…" Anne said blushing.

  Is he saying that he is in love with me?

  She asked herself.

  "Anyway, who needs love?

  Look how much it hurts.

  If love means suffering like you are now, no thanks."

  Dave said trying to make a joke.

  "You're right, love sucks."

  Anne said with a sad smile.

  Dave could see tears start forming in her eyes and said, "He doesn't deserve you."

  "Don't say that, Dave.

  You don't know him.

  He is really a good man.

  But things happen, she got pregnant and now he had a choice to make.

  I am proud of him for not leaving his child.

  I don't know if I could love a man who abandons his child."

  Anne could not stand if anyone talked bad about James.

  She loved him too much and she felt the need to defend him.

  Anne hoped that in time they could at least be friends.

  She couldn't imagine not having James in her life.

  But for now she needed time to make her peace with the idea that starting today he was a married man.

  He was off limits for her.

  "Okay, let's watch that movie your brought, maybe it will cheer me up."

  Anne said.

  As they were getting ready for the movie, they heard a knock on the door.

  "Dave, could you get that for me please?"

  Anne asked.

  "Sure, one moment.

  I will get rid of them."

  He said wondering who could be at that hour.

  When he opened the door, Dave got really angry.


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