The Wolven Mark

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The Wolven Mark Page 6

by Megan Linski

  Lady Magdalina nodded. “Yes. I know. The Arcanea have already investigated the case and have informed me of what happened. The magic you used was a powerful light illusion.”

  “But if it was an illusion, how did that—”

  “If the illusion is strong enough, and cast by a powerful-enough Arcanea, that illusion may become reality,” Lady Magdalina said. “My suspicion is that your survival instincts kicked in, and triggered your magic in a way that made it so powerful it eliminated the threat.”

  My mouth went dry. “Am I in trouble?”

  “You? No.” Lady Magdalina shook her head. “The Companion you killed was an active participant in the Black Claw. He was certainly here to kill you. If anything, you’ll be regarded as a hero.”

  That was a relief… even though guilt still resonated with me for killing the guy in the first place, no matter what the reason.

  “The body was gone when I went back to see it,” I said.

  “I took care of the body,” Mom said.

  Heaviness coated me like a blanket. “You… hid a body for me?”

  Mom gave a sad laugh. “You’re my saving grace, Emma. I’d do anything for the child I love, including hide a hundred bodies.”

  Some of my anger at my mom dissipated. She’d covered up a murder that I’d committed to protect me. That was crazy love. Yeah, she’d lied to me for ages about who I was, but the more I found out about the Arcanea, the more dangerous they sounded. She probably had a good reason for covering everything up.

  “The Black Claw is getting bolder and bolder with the throne being empty,” Lady Magdalina announced. “Since the passing of the King of the Arcanea, they’ve stepped up their efforts to throw the country into chaos. It doesn’t surprise me that they’re going after more unbonded Marked than ever before.”

  Mom froze on her chair. Every part of her tensed up as her eyes were shadowed by pain. “The King of the Arcanea is dead?” Mom’s face went stark white. Her fingernails gripped the armrests.

  Lady Magdalina’s tone became gentle. “I’m afraid so.”

  Mom’s lip trembled, and a few tears streamed down her face. I leaned forward and wiped them away. “Mom, don’t cry.”

  She didn’t listen. More tears came out of her eyes. Lady Magdalina took a handkerchief out of her pocket and handed it to Mom. “There now, Evonna. I know you and Lycus were close friends. But you needn’t worry. He died in battle fighting a leshane a few months ago. He is in the Great Hunting Fields now.”

  Mom dabbed at her eyelids with the handkerchief before she let out a few sobs. It was hard to watch. Mom was a tough woman who never cried. I realized that this was a world that had really hurt her. Lady Magdalina let her cry without giving complaint.

  Eventually, Mom cleared her throat and pulled herself together. Her grief turned to stubbornness. “Well, there’s nothing we can do about it now. But the fact remains that Emma is not going to that school.”

  “Emmaline will attend Arcanea University,” Lady Magdalina said. “She will learn how to control her magic, she will bond with her mate, and she will finally be among her people in a place where she belongs.”

  “You will not take her!” Mom shouted. For as friendly as she’d been, now her anger was unbound. She really didn’t want me going to this place.

  “Excuse me? It’s my decision,” I said sharply. I caught Lady Magdalina's stern look, and I asked, “What happens if I refuse?”

  “I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation, Emmaline. This is a very exclusive opportunity that won’t happen again. The Arcanea don’t often allow outsiders. They threaten our way of life,” Lady Magdalina said. “If you turn down this one chance, you won’t be given another, and the Black Claw won’t stop hunting you. We cannot protect you unless you’re within the realm of the Arcanea. Malovia is where you belong.”

  Talk about ominous. Mom stood with clenched fists. “I can protect her,” she said harshly.

  “And what about when you are gone? You won’t live forever, Evonna,” Lady Magdalina responded.

  Mom’s knuckles cracked. Lady Magdalina frowned and said, “I hope you don’t find me overstepping my place, and I apologize in advance, but I did look at your medical files before I came here, Emmaline. I have connections.”

  She’d looked into my medical files? That was totally invasive! This lady had no boundaries!

  But I hardly cared about that. Another idea had broken into my mind. “Can the Arcanea cure my disease with magic?” I asked.

  Lady Magdalina frowned. “I’m afraid not. Healing magic is exceptionally rare in the supernatural world, and doesn’t always work. It is not a capability that the Arcanea have. I know your health isn’t in the most optimal condition. It will get worse, if you refuse to attend Arcanea University and learn your magic.”

  “What does she mean, Mom?” I asked, looking at her.

  Mom’s face was red with rage. “When an Arcanea comes of age, they come into their powers. Any Arcanea that doesn’t use their powers experiences physical consequences,” she admitted through clenched teeth.

  “Is that the reason why I’m sick?” I asked. Hell, I hoped not.

  Lady Magdalina shook her head. “Your condition is genetic, Emmaline. It comes from the human side of your DNA. It has nothing to do with the Arcanea. What your mother is talking about are side-effects from allowing your magic to build up in your body without any release. It won’t kill you, but it’ll cause significant pain. Your condition will get worse because of it.”

  “That’s why I have migraines, Emma. If I don’t use my powers, the magic builds up in my body and becomes unbearable,” Mom explained. “I try not to use my magic, so I don’t draw attention. Arcaneas are attracted to other Arcaneas. They’d sense we were here if I used my powers.”

  “Precisely,” Lady Magdalina said. “I’ve been in America for days, searching for you. When you killed the rouge, Emmaline, I sensed such a burst of power from you that I knew a strong Arcanea had to be in the area. It only took a bit of investigating to find you.”

  I looked at Mom. “So… all those vacations we couldn’t afford…” I filled in the blanks. We’d taken them every year, whether the extra funds were there or not, and never been to the same place twice.

  Mom nodded. “Yes. I went away to use my powers, in locations far enough away and scattered throughout the U.S. so that the Arcanea wouldn’t be able to find us. I haven’t been able to leave recently, because of finances. That’s why the migraines have gotten worse.”

  “But... why did you feel the need to hide us, anyway?” This magical society sounded weird, but cool. I was instantly drawn to it. Why wouldn’t Mom want to raise me in a world where spells and illusions really worked and sorceresses were real? I wanted to be a badass, too. Normal was boring.

  “The world of the Arcanea isn’t something I wanted for you. It’s painful and brutal. The life of a monster hunter isn’t easy. You have to be strong to survive,” Mom insisted.

  “But there is beauty in the pain,” Lady Magdalina interrupted. “Arcanea University is where she belongs. You know it, Evonna. It’s cruel to keep her away from that any longer.”

  The anger flooded away from her expression. Mom hung her head, like she knew what Lady Magdalina said was true.

  Though secretly I agreed with Lady Magdalina, my mom was still my mom. I wanted to side with her.

  “Um… I don’t know if I want to go to a college that teaches you how to turn people into frogs or whatever,” I said.

  Lady Magdalina laughed. “What do you think we are? Some coven for witches that has no place in the civilized world?” She laughed again before she shook her head. “We have museums, shopping centers, cultural areas and theaters that are the best in the world. Most prestigious of all, Malovia is famous for winter sports. Our hockey teams, ski resorts, and bobsledding arenas have produced many champions.”

  “I’m a figure skater,” I said bluntly. “I do have a career to consider, a
nd my training is here in Detroit.” Not that it was much of a career. That’d pretty much been ruined after my diagnosis.

  “We have plenty of facilities for you to practice your sport. The ice arena at Malovia hosts some of the best trainers in the world, including myself,” Lady Magdalina stated. “I’ve taught many Olympic athletes, and would be agreeable to take you on as my student if you enrolled at the University.”

  This place kept sounding better and better. But what was the catch?

  “I don’t think we can afford this,” I started. “I’m an American. I’d have to go through an immigration process, and find housing, and—”

  “Darling, you don’t understand,” Lady Magdalina said kindly. “You have Arcanea blood. That automatically makes you a Malovian citizen. There’s no immigration process required. You’ll be given the benefits all of our countrymen receive— including free education and healthcare. Your housing will be in the dormitories at the university. All your expenses are already paid for.”

  That made one hell of a difference in my decision. It moved me from thinking leaving Detroit was impossible to very critical. Healthcare in Malovia was free. Healthcare in America was not. I’d seen the estimates on my medicine the insurance company had delivered, and they weren’t anything to sneeze at. Treatment for my illness could literally bankrupt my Mom. I hadn’t started the infusions yet, because I was worried about the cost. I’d been putting them off because they were so expensive.

  Still, it was obvious I needed them. My fatigue was killing me, draining any energy I had to even do simple tasks, and I’d gotten a ridiculous amount of colds in the past few weeks alone. In. The. Summer. I couldn’t get better from one virus without catching another infection the next day. Much longer without these infusions, and I wouldn’t be able to skate. I wouldn’t be able to do much of anything besides sit on the couch and wait to die.

  It seemed like I didn’t have much of an option but to go to Malovia. If I stayed here, I’d break my family financially and end up going nowhere with my life. But if I went on ahead to this weird school, things would be taken care of. I could get my medicine. I wouldn’t have to worry about paying for being sick, just worry about getting better. Besides— I’d always wanted to see Europe, just never had the opportunity to go. And I was being given a chance to go to college for free… something I’d always dreamed of… even though the school probably wasn’t accredited and definitely a rip-off. Like, a school for magical sorceresses and men who could turn into animals? I’d seen it was real with my own two eyes, and still didn’t believe it.

  But that was the thing. I didn’t have a choice whether to believe it or not. These weirdo Black Claw fuckheads were after me now, and would most likely kill me and my mom if I didn’t end up going to a place where I’d be protected. The only place on earth where I would be safe from them would be Malovia.

  Going to Arcanea University would be scary. But it would also be an adventure. And I was really tired of living a boring life. I couldn’t stand being bored. To me, it was worse than being sad. This magical society sounded dangerous, but interesting. Besides skating, nothing else kept me going. I’d prayed for something exciting to happen ever since I’d left high school, and nothing ever did. This was what I’d been asking for, and it’d showed up on my doorstep. Could I really turn it down?

  I knew I couldn’t. I didn’t care how unsafe it was. I’d just gotten diagnosed with a disease that could end my life at any time. I craved some sort of meaning to my existence ever since. Now wasn’t the time to play it safe. If I was short on time, I wanted to make every minute count.

  I put on a brave smile. “I think I want to kill some monsters.”

  “That’s the spirit!” Lady Magdalina praised, while Mom’s expression dropped. “I already have a flight booked for you. Pack your things, and we’ll be off.”

  What, so soon? I didn’t even have any time to process all of this?

  By the eager expression on Lady Magdalina’s face, clearly not. Mom’s eyes were heartbroken. It nearly killed me to see her like that.

  Mom extended a hand to me. “Come, Emma. I’ll help you pack.”

  I took it, and she led me upstairs to my room. I got out a suitcase and started packing things in silence with Mom beside me. I looked around my room. Would be the last time I’d ever step foot in this house? Would I ever come back home to Michigan again?

  Would I ever see my mom again?

  Mom put a bunch of sweaters in the suitcase. “It’s cold in Malovia. You’ll need to keep warm.”

  My throat got hot, and tears dotted my eyes at the thought of leaving my mom to go to a place where I had no friends, no family, and no idea of the culture there.

  “Emma…” Mom straightened up after she put a few wool socks in my suitcase. “Lady Magdalina means well. She’s a wonderful woman, the best of the Arcanea. I admire her very much. She’s a dear friend to me.”

  Mom took a breath. “But she’ll ask you to do things that will be extremely difficult, and she expects success every time,” Mom pleaded. “Think about that before you agree to go.”

  I searched her face and found only honesty. She both looked up to and feared Lady Magdalina. I wasn’t sure why.

  Despite what Mom said, I trusted Lady Magdalina. She was an iron lady, the type you wanted to lead you into war, because you knew she’d win. She was the kind of woman that intimidated men and demanded what she wanted out of life. I liked that about her, and she had picked me. I knew she’d push me, but I was a figure skater. I could handle it.

  I didn’t want to hide from life like my mom, regardless of whatever reasons she’d chosen to do so.

  “This is my decision, Mom. I want to go,” I said. “You can’t stop me.”

  She looked away from me. “No. I suppose I can’t.”

  That didn’t mean I wanted to abandon her. “Mom, come with me,” I begged. “Sell the diner. We can start over in Malovia. I don’t want to do this without you.”

  Mom smiled slightly. “I’m afraid that’s not possible, Emmaline. At least, not at the moment.”

  She had so many secrets. Secrets I was afraid I’d never learn. I reached up and wrapped my arms around her. “I’ll miss you so much.”

  Mom hugged me even tighter. “I’ll miss you as well, saving grace. But Lady Magdalina is right. Malovia is where you belong. Arcanea University is the most wonderful place in the world. I promise that you’ll love it there, just like I did.”

  I hardly cared if I did or I didn’t. I was mainly going there to keep my Mom safe from the Black Claw freaks. They wouldn’t hurt her if I was gone. They’d follow me back to Malovia.

  I forced my tears back. Crying wouldn’t do any good. I was going on an adventure, to learn how to do magic at a college for sorceresses while Lady Magdalina tried to play undercover matchmaker between me and some werewolf dude. I hoped to God he was hot.

  I was giving up my mom and everything I’d ever known for this. This slobbering dog better be one hell of a catch.

  Chapter Five


  I knew I was in trouble when my mother, Queen Antonia, summoned me the day before I moved my things into my dormitory at Arcanea University.

  It was supposed to be my last day in the palace until next semester. I had hoped to slip out without being noticed. But nothing ever got past my mother. This was harder than facing the Circle. I sighed and dutifully proceeded after the servant who had informed me of such matters, cursing my luck.

  Mother sat in the tearoom, in a large armchair by a ceiling-length window that looked down on the city from above. The armchair was high-backed, and sat on a bearskin rug that my father had killed himself. The room was full of decorations, paintings and treasures from around the world. Mother was a world-traveler who liked comfort and nice things. Father made sure she had them.

  It was unusual to see her not at my father’s side as I entered the parlor. Now that he was gone, it seemed she had lost her place in this world.
  “Sit down, Ethan.” She stirred her tea slowly. She liked it black. Today she’d forgone the mourning clothes and was wearing an oversized red dress. It was one of the last gifts my Da had given to her. Her face was done perfectly with makeup, and her black hair was fashioned into an updo. Grief was no excuse for looking like a mess, in the land of the Arcanea.

  I lounged on the couch and threw a leg up. Her nose wrinkled, but she didn’t complain. She didn’t like when I didn’t sit properly. I was a pretty casual prince, as far as they went.

  “I heard you declared your intent to enter the Contest,” Mother said. Her black eyes looked to me. I said nothing.

  Mother didn’t want me to enter the King’s Contest. She wanted to keep me safe. People died in the Contest every time it was held. It was a deadly competition not everyone survived.

  I knew what her true thoughts were. She didn’t want me to win. If I became King, it put me at risk for assassinations. I would have to risk my life to lead the Arcanea every day. She didn’t want to lose the one thing she had left.

  “I don’t approve,” she said immediately, and pursed her lips. “There’s too much at risk. What if something happens to you? Do you want to leave me here alone?”

  “Nothing will happen to me. I’ll be fine,” I insisted. “Father was preparing me for this. He had been since the day I was born. It’s my rightful throne.”

  “Your father was going to be here when you declared. He was going to stand by your side when you became king.” Mother’s voice is sharp. “He is no longer here, and so now things have changed.”

  “Do you think me incapable?” My voice rose.

  “I think you care too much,” Mother snapped. “A king cannot go around trying to solve every problem his country has, and I know you, Ethan. You will try.”

  I sneered, but I knew she was right. Mother loved me, but she wasn’t good for loving anyone else. Her list of people she cared about included me and Da, and he was gone. Besides taking care of me, her only purpose in life had left her. She’d let every last Arcanea on earth die if it meant saving her son.


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