No Trace

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by Donnefar Skedar




  1rd Edition

  Translated by Lilian Renata Golas

  Copyright © Donnefar Skedar 2011


  Donnefar Skedar,

  No Trace - 1rd Edition

  Special Edition - 1rd Edition, 2015

  No Trace © 2011

  Translated by Lilian Renata Golas

  Cover: Donnefar Skedar

  Cover picture: FSG777

  Typesetting and Edition: Elemental Editoração

  Distributed by Babelcube, Inc.

  “Babelcube Books” and “Babelcube” are trademarks of Babelcube Inc.

  Donnefar Skedar - São Paulo: Elemental Editoração, 2013

  1.Literature 2. Romance 3. Drama 4. Portugueses

  1. Title 2. E-book

  All rights reserved to the author, any forms of unauthorized reproduction by the author, will be considerate a crime as provided in the law of copyright.

  More information can be acquires by the site:































  Everybody that feels they’re different in the world.


  Donnefar Skedar has been an independent writer since 2009 and it was when he published his first e-book “Kristendant City – O Orbetite”. The author have writing since his 14 years old and he has many books that weren't published yet, he wants to be recognized with his books published in an independent way while he's waiting for many contacts of the publishers which he sent his books to be evaluated.

  He does all the work of edition and publication of his own books, because of it he uses the title “Elemental Publication”, which was created for substitute his name in some situations. With the title “Elemental Publication”, he creates his covers, typesetting, folders, promotions, disclosures and the publication in a site for both books and e-books.

  He was born in Santo André – São Paulo, Donnefar Skedar uses his hobbies like, videogames, movies and music, to create his books and stories. His main style is the thriller and horror, but he writes in many styles and he has in his career, so many books with many different genders. The author signs some books with the Jay Olce pseudonym, an alternative name for the books that aren't the same “Donnefar Skedar” profile – said the author.

  Nowadays he is working in trilogy about vampires, wizards and werewolf, the first book is ready and the title is: "Dirty Vampires – Revelações". The serie has a fan page on Facebook and it'll be used to post information about the trilogy which has no deadline to be published yet.


  In August, 2011, it was finished a project writing that called “14”, in the next month it was published in e-book form. After, the title was changed for “No Trace” and today in the end of 2013; the same one has its 3º edition being the same, commemorative for its 2 years of existence.

  In this edition, besides to check this intriguing Drama, you will know a little bit more about how it was written and the author’s opinion about his works in an exclusive interview which the author reveals some notes that weren’t said about this book that is being well-accepted by the readers.

  In short, find that a sincere friendship, can means after a long time.


  On the old road where in the past decades, it were used as railroads; and now it is just fenced by flowers and an agreeable lawn to walk. Two boys went toward the railroad vehicle that was used by teenagers to play or just to pass the time. Armando was a little bit tall than James, but no more than three centimeters. James that was the lower; was thin, but his bones weren’t showed through his body; he had muscles like the other boys. He had a fair skin that became reddish when the sun was intense.

  With his hair covering his eyes, he walked together with his loyal friend Armando, that was a little bit taller and strong, he wasn’t fat, but had bigger muscles than his friend. His skin was a little bit fair than James’ and sometimes he looked like an albino person because of it , but only in cold days his skin was white like the snow. His blue eyes gave to his round face, a slight memory of a plaster cherub. James was not far behind the mere similarity, because of his eyes were green, he was like a Canvas painted in oils.

  Each step they took; was like to walk to eternal rest...

  – I don’t know what I’m going to do when arrive at the new city – said Armando to his friend.

  – And I don’t know what I’m going to do here without my best friend...– answered James laying his head down to his friend doesn’t see his sad eyes.

  – Maybe my dad gives up to go away tonight.

  – I believe that he doesn’t want it my friend, I think that nobody wants it – complained James.

  – Are you going to be okay? – asked Armando stopping near the railroad vehicle.

  – If you’re okay, I’ll be okay.

  With a shy and uncertain gesture, Armando approached his friend to hug him making that farewell being a lesson of what was the loss of pain. In less than five seconds; the friends that grew up together about fourteen years, cried while they were embraced.


  There were only six people in the room; which one of them was, a judge, scrivener, two lawyers, the wife and her ex-husband. It was finishing a separation section with the sharing of goods, coming from a marriage that lasted five years. The pretty blond woman with much gold; was signing a paper that her lawyer gave her, which had her claim of the goods separation that were conquered together with her ex-husband Armando.

  Armando also signed the document; waiting the judge ends that audience.

  – By this way, they now that both agreed, and I conclude saying that all the goods you conquered together during the marriage between Armando Zie and Glória Zie, were divided in equal parts – said the judge with his eyes on the small glass. – Then I finish this audience emphasizing that both signed the documents and now they are free for a future wedding, with no further, you can leave.

  When they left the room, Armando greeted Glória harshly and soon went to the parking lot with his lawyer.

  – Then, what will be your next step, now you’re free, Armando? – Asked the lawyer stopped in front of his car.

  – The freedom should be given to all who are stuck my friend – he joked opening his Honda car’s door. – I'm going to my father's House and soon I will travel to town from where I should never have left.

  – Yes I remember your dreams.

  – Mom always wanted I came back there after her separation, I think this is a bad thing of my family.

  – What, always come back home? – asked the lawyer.

  – No, guy, the separation – said Armando entering his car and honking for his lawyer who smiled when waved his hand.

  Soon the Honda was out of the judicial building and Armando was going to meet his father, the only reason for he had been continued in the city of Panama.

bsp; While driving, his mind just thought in the future; he wouldn't work anymore and although it was now with only twenty eight years, he had earned the enough money to live for a hundred years. The conversation with his father would be the next hard step to be taken; the separation was the first fight between Armando and his ex-wife Gloria. She was greedy; she was delaying the separation for a few months afraid of losing part of the company that Armando administered. Knowing what she wanted, he quickly exchanged his part in the company for Glória’s house which lived there after the separation.

  When sat on the couch with his father who drank a dry wine, which was usual, Armando faced a masculine image of Glória, in front of him was a greedy man and in spite of being his father, he thought it was an absurd people who gives more value for money than yourself.

  His mind thought just after. He knew that if he stopped to think in what would say to his father, he could never get out of that room.

  – So are you going to give up your part in the company? – asked the gray-haired man while savored his glass of wine.

  – It's done dad – he didn't even noticed any difference in his dad’s feature.

  – Are you sure it's worth gets rid of something important just to be free of a woman? Do you really think you’re going to be alone with a measly fifty percent of all you built during this marriage?

  – Dad, I don’t need money, I have the enough to live the rest of my life.

  – You don’t know how much expensive it’s to live in this city with my age, everything becomes more expensive over the year, my son.

  – You're still very young dad and if you don’t live in this unnecessary luxury, you don't complain about money.

  – You haven't matured yet, I'm a businessman and single, people cherish for me.

  – No dad, they only care about your money.

  – This means that we must always want more...

  – It was not the reason I came here, dad – said Armando standing and looking at the big glass window.

  – So, get to the point, I have a meeting with the Afghanistan partnerships and they can’t wait.

  – Job, always job. How long has it been since we don’t have a decent conversation, dad?

  – We’re having one now, right? – answered the man drinking a sup of wine.

  – No, we aren’t and you know it – Armando looked at his dad for a while, but then looked at the window again. – I came here to say that now I am free, both Glória and the company, and because of it I’m getting out of Panama.

  – What do you mean with “getting out”?

  – I’m going to live with mom again – said Armando taking a deep breath waiting the answer.

  – Are you crazy? Are you nuts? – The gray-haired man wasn’t looking at his dry wine anymore, now he was looking at his son’s back. – You’re making a big mistake if you think there you’ll happy or something.

  – I’m not thinking in this way, daddy; I’m certain there is my place, we should never have gotten out of there.

  – You’re being unfair with your dad, son. I always gave the best for you, I never let anything missing during your whole life.

  – Yeah dad, you did. We never had the love of a father and a husband, now I understand why mom got away and now it’s my time.

  The man looked at his son and after faced his glass of wine filling it again and then he stood up toward his son.

  The room was sophisticated; a background and cozy gray sofa, a shelf with some thick oaks and the other side a kind of bar, the rest was free and there were only a few armchairs that part of the furniture. The walls were a huge transparent glazing, giving a total vision to the outside of the house which was fully planned for it.

  Stopping besides Armando and looking at the pool that was meters below, he started talking breaking the ice.

  – Your mom didn’t get away because of my selfishness – said him offering his cup to the son. – We were thinking about the separation for a long time. The only reason; remember that was a reason not a choice; was about you’re finishing your studies.

  – Do you mean that everything was planned?

  – Yeah, we didn’t sleep together anymore, only went to the meetings where you were. It wasn’t because of money we separated – said him filling another cup. – I always wanted to come this city, but your mom was stuck in that place, when you started to work in the company, we know you was walking on their one and because of it, we were ready to separated.

  – Why now? – asked Armando. – Why do I just know this now?

  – Because I don’t want you get way to stay with your mom and listen to another version. Your mom and I didn’t love each other anymore, just fit our separation. And if you’re decided to come back this town, the go in peace.

  – Are you sure about your words, daddy?

  – You’re my only son and you’re a man, I’m not happy to lose you, but I can’t hold you here.

  – I’m not going to abandon you daddy, whenever is possible I will come to visit you, and we’ll get in touch.

  – I’ll wait Armando, I want you be happy as I am, but don’t do anything wrong, you’re a beautiful boy and you have much money, please, take care.

  – I will daddy, I will.

  They looked each other for a while and then they embraced and let the feelings being comprehensive by them.


  When he sat on the armchair 318; Armando looked at the airplane’s window and got surprised by one tear drop in his eyes when he was looking at the city of Panama getting back. His mind just; remembered his lasts fourteen years in that city, it was there he got a man, where he got marriage and had the chance to conquer his own money. And now he is looking for happiness.

  After a long time, Armando was surprised by the communication about the time left to the aircraft land in the speaker, and he didn’t know the next step, it had been fourteen years that he didn’t go to his hometown and it had been about three years he have had notices about his mom, it would be a big surprise and she would love to see him and this time to stay. His memories was clear, but was about many years ago, long before something to be like now.

  Things that was fool, now taking his mind with memories that was kept in his mind that only worried with his job and his wife, who didn’t give him a son during the marriage.

  He knew that his ex-wife being with him during a long time. Armando stopped to think the reason to marry Glória so soon, al last she was only a very competent secretary; yeah maybe it was the mistake.

  Five years and some months ago, he only thought of enjoy his big potential at the company that now belonged to his father and Glória, then he realized that it was provided somehow. Glória before to become his wife, was his dad’s loyal secretary, a great entrepreneur who introduced her to Armando to be his secretary and his partner.

  Acting on impulse and feeling lonely, because of his mom got way, he accepted the proposal indicated at his father of marriage with her. He said that, Armando needed someone to take care of him.

  During the first two years, Armando felt in love with Glória, but soon he saw his partner being selfishness because of the money.

  His thoughts were how it would be if he had a son, what he would say if he didn’t take a long time to separate and how it would be these lasts five years if he didn’t get married.

  Soon your vision was surprised by the Montana‘s sunset and he knew it would take a little time to be in Three Forks, his hometown. His feelings were interrupted by memories about his adolescence in Three Forks, there were a long time he didn’t have any notice about his friend James.


  The rent car seemed different than his own, but Armando driving on the limit, his anxiety was bigger than the hurry and even making sure come in his destination, something made him wanted come his house in Ceda St.

  When he got out of the Three Forks Airport, it wasn’t so difficult to find the car Armando was rent, it was a typical Montana’s car.
A Mitsbishi Out Lander 3.0, one of the simple and utilized car in Montana. Even though he read in some newspapers that robberies in Three Forks increasing, he still though that was the best place to pass a long time and why not, the lasts days of his life.

  Armando was near the Cedar Street when looked on impulse at the opening stores and noticed that the city was changing, there weren’t that groceries with that colorful candies which he and his friend liked a lot, the ice cream parlors in the end of the street now were big snack bars and the little ones disappeared.

  Armando turned on the car’s radio and the city’s news made his think that he passed way a long decade from that city, but the accent of the region made his feel at home. When he passed by the hiking trail street, Armando noticed that a few things had changed there, it was there the peak of the city and maybe the streets were empty because of it was cold. Armando passed by the court remembering of his friend James and their innocent plays and adventures. The imaginations ran loose, how James being has. He asked to himself with a smiley.

  He would like to be there when James’s mom died, but he was always busy in important meetings and never visited his friend or his mom, but now he would have time to correct some mistakes and as he knew his friend about fourteen years, he would forgive him.

  It’s sure that James hated Armando for a long time, in one of his last letter, he said how much he changed. James never said to his friend how it was being the studies neither which career he would follow after the graduation or about his plans.

  It was to take a risk if Armando came back to Three Forks to revive a real and loyal friendship, he never had another friend like James and when he arrived in front of the house where his life started, he felt regret.


  When he closed the door behind him, Armando felt the old and good house‘s smells and it was well preserved. The bedroom’s stairs was with the same carpet, but the old one had marks of his car’s week which was gained and exchanged with James.


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