The Special Delivery: Complete Collection

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The Special Delivery: Complete Collection Page 2

by Lillian Cordell

  “Hi,” she whispered sweetly as he shifted slightly beneath her.

  “Hi,” he replied breathlessly.

  Running a hand down his chest she watched him closely, laughing when he tensed up. “Why are you so tense? Does someone need a massage?” she teased as she placed her hands on his bare shoulders.

  “That box was awfully heavy,” he replied slowly as he slipped a hand round her back, pulling her closer. Meeting his lips she kissed him quickly.

  “So, have you got a package for me?” she whispered, nipping at his neck as one of her hands slid towards the top of his jeans.

  “I think I left my clipboard in the other room. I would need you to sign for it,” he joked as he traced circles on her thigh with his thumb.

  “I didn’t think I would need to sign for it,” Amy teased. “We would both know that you had delivered it.”

  Looking away from her Danny started laughing. Leaning back, Amy folded her arms across her chest.

  In silence she sat waiting for him to stop laughing. When he finally did stop, he looked up at her. Before he could say anything she started laughing herself.

  Letting him pull her closer she kissed him deeply, her hand finding the top of his jeans again. Tracing the waistband with the tip of her finger she felt him shiver. When he pulled her tighter she squeaked in surprise. It seemed like the nervousness was fading at last. He was starting to grow in to it. That wasn’t the only thing that was growing, she noted.

  Fumbling blindly with the button on his jeans she moaned when his lips disappeared from her own. Before she had the chance to open her eyes though they had reappeared on her neck, nipping gently at her skin. Burying her head in his shoulder she moaned, the fire inside her burning stronger by the second.

  Just as her lips found his shoulder the doorbell echoed through the house. It wasn’t until Danny pulled away that she took any notice of it.

  “Shouldn’t you get that?” he asked quietly.

  “I don’t want to move,” she whispered back.

  “Go!” he nudged her. “I’ll still be here.”

  Climbing off his lap she stood up. “You had better be!” she threatened as she walked away, well aware that he was watching every step she took. “Maybe I’ll find that clipboard you need while I’m there.”

  Pulling the lounge door shut behind her she straightened the towel as best she could. Hopefully whoever was at the door wouldn’t notice that her hair was now almost dry.

  Opening the door she found a man in his mid-sixties standing on the doorstep huddled up in a thick green coat, his grey beard tucked in to the front. The rain had almost stopped now.

  “Here for your parcel Frank?” she asked with a smile.

  “Sorry to have interrupted your shower Amy, I only just got in,” he apologised.

  “It’s no problem,” she smiled as she let him in. “It’s heavy apparently. Are you sure you’ll be alright getting it down the road?”

  “I’ll be fine thanks dear,” Frank said as he lifted the box carefully. Looking up at the sound of something scraping Amy saw the clipboard resting on top. Reaching up she quickly grabbed it off the top of the box before it could fall on the oblivious Frank.

  Helping guide Frank to the door with the box she paused to make sure he got down the steps alright. “Thanks for taking it in for me!” he called.

  “Anytime,” she replied, waiting a couple of extra seconds before she shut the door again. Chucking Danny’s clipboard on the stairs she ran back to the lounge, the towel slipping slightly as she went.

  “I should probably get going, it’s almost stopped raining now,” Danny said when she entered the room.

  “I thought you weren’t going anywhere,” Amy replied quietly as she stopped in her tracks when she saw that he had put his shirt back on.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this while I’m working,” he insisted. “Have you got my clipboard?”

  “Yeah, it’s on the stairs,” she replied slowly. Slowly an idea began forming in her head, a smile appearing on her lips. “You’ll have to get it first though.”

  Leaving him standing in the lounge, Amy darted out of the room. Just as he appeared in the doorway she grabbed the clipboard, running up the stairs. In seconds he was right behind her.

  Dodging to the side as he tried to grab the clipboard his hand caught the towel by accident. With a soft thud it slipped, landing in a heap on the stairs.

  For what felt like hours they both stood completely frozen, staring at each other. Danny with his hastily buttoned shirt and Amy with her towel in a heap at her feet.

  Slowly she stepped out of the towel and up another step. Glancing at the clipboard she looked at him carefully. “So are you going to show me where I need to sign?” With a smile she took another step backwards. Leaving her towel on the stairs she headed for her bedroom. “I’ll just find a pen.”

  Leaving the door open behind her she put the clipboard down on the dresser beside her bag. Outside the room she heard him take the last few steps and cross the landing to her room.

  “You dropped your towel,” he noted as he appeared in the doorway.

  “Seems so,” she whispered as she glanced down at her naked body.

  “We shouldn’t do this,” he repeated as she took a step towards him.

  “Haven’t you ever done something you shouldn’t before?” she whispered in his ear as she started undoing his shirt buttons again.

  Without waiting for his answer she met his lips with hers, kissing him desperately. At first he seemed to hesitate until she slipped her hand under his shirt, tracing the outline of his abs with her finger.

  Gently she manoeuvred him towards her bed, giving him a playful push when his legs hit the side. Off balance, he fell backwards on to the unmade bed. The hand that had been under his shirt caught on the last few buttons, ripping them off. In silence they both watched as they bounced away. Glancing at each other they both burst out laughing.

  Slowly she climbed on to the bed, putting a knee either side of his legs as she pinned him down. “Do I get my delivery now?” she whispered.

  In a flash he grabbed her hips and flipped them over so that he was on top. Without a word he dropped his lips to her neck, nipping gently at her skin as he worked his way down to her shoulder. The fire inside her roared up again. With a moan she pulled him closer.

  When she tried to push his shirt off his shoulders he sat up. Pouting at the loss of his lips on her shoulder she lay back and watched as he pulled the shirt off quickly, dropping it on the floor behind him. Sitting up she reached forwards, undoing the button on his jeans that she had struggled with earlier.

  Before she could go any further he slipped his arms under her, lifting her off the bed momentarily before he lay her back down in the middle.

  As he opened his mouth to say something she pulled him down, cutting him off with a deep kiss. Whatever he had been about to say was lost as she pushed his jeans down awkwardly, his boxers half going with them.

  Slipping his arm out from behind her back he ran it up her side lightly as his lips moved back to her neck. Each touch, each kiss adding to the fire that was now raging inside her. Shifting slightly beneath him she felt him press against her thigh for a moment.

  “That package you delivered earlier might have competition,” she breathed as one of his hands cupped her breast. With a soft laugh he placed a searing kiss on her breast. Moaning, she arched her back in to him.

  Pushing his jeans lower with her foot she ran a hand down his abs teasingly. Just as she took him in her hand he jerked away from her. “Amy,” he breathed heavily. “We should-”

  Kissing him quickly she cut him off. “Danny! Shut up,” she hissed. Throwing all her wait to one side she managed to flip them over so that she was on top again. “Please?” she begged.

  “He must have been an idiot if he didn’t want you,” he said suddenly as his eyes dropped from hers. Flushing, she watched him stare at her.

  “You’re doing the s
ame thing,” she reminded him. Wriggling her hips teasingly as she watched his eyes close.

  “I do want you,” he replied shakily. “I just-”

  Leaning down she cut him off again with a kiss. “Good. Me to,” she muttered as she took one of his hands in hers, guiding his hand down her flat stomach slowly. “Please?”

  Without a word he took his hand out of hers as he slid his hand lower. When she didn’t think she could take it any longer he slowly slipping a finger inside her. Moaning softly she pressed her lips against his desperately as she pushed down on his finger slightly.

  As he turned his attention to her neck again she reached down. Pulling his hand away she felt the wetness on his fingers. “Amy,” he whispered as she took him in her hand again, pulling him closer to her.

  Glancing up at him she saw him staring back at her, his blue eyes darkened with lust met her soft hazel ones. Lifting herself slightly she felt him slip inside of her. The fire that had been burning ever since she had got in the shower roared approvingly as he pulled her against his chest, his lips meeting hers hungrily. For all she knew, or cared for that matter, the world disappeared around them.

  Caught up in the heat on an otherwise chilly day she barely registered as Danny flipped her on to her back. Gently he placed a trail of searing kisses down her neck, each one driving her closer to the release she had been aching for.

  “Danny,” she breathed as she arched her back, her hands raking through his hair. In an instant his hand was at her back, pulling her closer than seemed possible. He responded to the sound of his name with a kiss on her collar bone which was enough to draw another moan from her.

  Pulling her closer to him he moved faster. The fire had burst into an inferno, taking over her body. With a cry she threw her head back, her fingers digging in to his back as waves of pleasure crashed over her like the hot water had in the shower. Closing her eyes she thought she saw stars in the darkness. Through the buzz of her high she felt Danny’s movements fade slowly as he collapsed on top of her.

  Breathing heavily she opened her eyes. Gently she slid a hand up Danny’s sweaty back, running her fingers through her hair. Slowly he lifted himself, rolling over beside her.

  “I still need you to sign that form,” Danny teased, breaking the silence.

  Elbowing him in the side, Amy laughed. “Shut up,” she muttered as she shuffled over, resting her head on his shoulder.

  Sorry We Missed You

  ‘I don’t see what you’re worrying about,’ Amy insisted as she finally found the bottle of red wine she had been searching for at the back of the cupboard.

  ‘You wouldn’t understand, you don’t have kids,’ her sister, Rachel, retorted as she sat on one of the kitchen stools, an empty wine glass in front of her.

  Ignoring Rachel’s jibe, Amy pulled a corkscrew out of one of the draws, focussing her attention on the bottle rather than her sister. Growing up they had been incredibly close but since Rachel had got married and started a family they had drifted apart. They both had commitments in their lives and since their father had died the weekly tradition of a family meal that had been going on for years had stopped.

  ‘You know what kids are like though,’ Amy said as she pulled the cork out of the bottle with a pop. ‘As long as you tell them Santa brought them something they won’t complain.’

  ‘But what if I get the wrong things?’ Rachel asked as she took the bottle of wine from Amy to pour herself a drink. This conversation had been going round in circles for the best part of an hour now.

  For a moment Amy considered her sister over the rim of her own glass, watching as she ran her hand through her blonde hair. Pulling out one of the stools, she sat down opposite her. ‘They’re your kids, if you don’t know what to get them then how the hell am I going to know?’

  ‘Some help you are,’ Rachel sighed.

  ‘Look, you’ll figure it out. I don’t think I’ve seen them since last Christmas, I don’t know what they’re into these days,’ Amy said firmly as she refilled her half full glass.

  Since her breakup with Tom she didn’t feel much like talking about family related issues. She couldn’t blame Rachel though, she still didn’t know what had happened.

  ‘That’s a good point actually,’ Rachel said suddenly. ‘The Halloween fair is soon. We were going to take the kids along again this year. You should come with us, you can bring Tom as well.’

  So much for not having to talk about her breakup, Amy thought as she took a generous sip from her glass while she considered what to say. ‘About that…’ Amy began, breaking off when she heard the letter box snap shut. ‘One second.’

  Jumping off her stool like it was on fire, Amy darted out of the room before Rachel could say anything. Any second she spent out of the kitchen was another second she didn’t have to tell Rachel about the breakup. She already knew how she would react.

  First she would sit there in disbelief before asking for every little detail. Then she would say what a shame it was, give her a hug and tell her that she was too good for him anyway. She had heard it all before when she had broken up with her only other boyfriend when she was seventeen.

  Taking more time than necessary, Amy turned on the light in the hallway. On the doormat sat the thing that had helped postpone the conversation she had been dreading having with her sister for the last couple of weeks. It was a small rectangular piece of red card about half the size of a piece of paper. Frowning, she stooped to pick it up, examining it.

  Scrawled in a loopy yellow typeset across the card were the words “Sorry We Missed You”. It was a card that was posted when there was no one home to take a delivery. Except she was home and she couldn’t think of anything she might have ordered recently.

  Flipping the card over she examined the form that had been neatly filled out in black ink. The address on the card matched up to the one of the house although it was the name section that drew her curiosity. Unlike every other time she had received one of the cards the box didn’t contain “Miss A Evans”. Instead, it had simply been filled in with “Amy”.

  Curious, she looked further down the form. Apparently she had missed one item. Frowning, she thought back to her conversation with Rachel. She was sure that the doorbell hadn’t rung at any point. In fact, she was sure that the doorbell hadn’t rung all day except when Rachel had arrived earlier.

  At the bottom of the card in the tiny space for extra notes the person had written down a phone number, cramming in the instructions to call it to arrange a better time for delivery.

  ‘Amy? What is it?’ Rachel called, her voice drifting through from the kitchen.

  ‘Nothing,’ she replied as she wandered back to the kitchen still racking her brains for anything she might have ordered.

  ‘What’s that?’ Rachel asked as soon as she saw the red card in Amy’s hand. Throwing it on to the work surface she watched it slide across to Rachel.

  ‘Just a missed delivery,’ Amy said nonchalantly as she took her seat again.

  ‘I didn’t hear the doorbell go,’ Rachel said, echoing Amy’s thought from the hallway. ‘They left a number to call,’ she added.

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Are you going to call it?’

  ‘I’ll do it on Monday,’ Amy replied.

  ‘You could still do it today, don’t they deliver up until six? Besides, they might not have gone too far,’ Rachel said insistently.

  ‘I’ll do it on Monday,’ Amy repeated. ‘They finish at half five anyway,’ she said as she thought about what Danny had said the week before when he had delivered the parcel for Frank.

  ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘It says on the card,’ Amy pointed out.

  Glancing down at the card in her hand Rachel nodded. ‘So it does.’

  It was definitely better that Rachel didn’t know about Danny, she decided, regardless of whether she told her about the breakup or not.

  When she had woken up the week before he had been gone. He hadn’t ev
en left a note with his number, she thought bitterly. Had she really been that bad, she had thought at first. Over the next couple of days her thoughts had changed. Perhaps he did this all the time.

  ‘Anyway, the Halloween fair,’ Rachel said, seizing on the earlier topic. ‘You and Tom have to come along. It’s been so long since we’ve all done anything together.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Amy said half-heartedly as she tried to put off the conversation a little longer. Her bitter thoughts about Danny that had erupted to the surface suddenly were still on her mind.

  ‘Come on, Tom loved it last year,’ Rachel said enthusiastically as she tried to coax Amy out of her thoughts.

  ‘I don’t think it would be a good idea to invite Tom, especially seeing as we’re not together anymore,’ Amy snapped, putting down her glass a little more forcefully than she had meant to as she stood up.

  ‘What?’ Rachel said in disbelief. ‘What happened?’

  ‘We broke up,’ Amy said bluntly as she turned away from her sister. She really didn’t want to think about it any more than she already did.

  ‘I got that bit sis, what happened?’ Rachel said softly when Amy became more interested in pushing around some breadcrumbs on the breadboard.

  ‘I guess he found someone else,’ she mumbled, doing everything she could not to let the tears that were building up fall.

  ‘But you two had been together like two years though.’

  ‘It hadn’t been going well for about a year though,’ Amy admitted as she thought back to the first time that Tom had pushed her away.

  ‘You two always seemed so happy though.’

  ‘We were. At one point anyway.’

  ‘He didn’t hurt you did he?’ Rachel asked over the sound of the legs of her stool scraping on the floor.

  ‘No,’ Amy said quickly. ‘He wouldn’t touch me at all, that was the problem. He started pushing me away. I guess I just wasn’t what he wanted. I wish I had seen it sooner.’

  ‘Come here,’ Rachel said. Looking up, Amy saw her move round the work surface before she pulled her into a tight hug. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’


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